Loooooooooooooooooooved that, a proper mindbender at times but well worth sticking with.
Yep, my only gripe is that I wish I'd watched it when it actually was initially airing.
There's really something special about savouring a decent series too. I'm guilty of binge watching stuff but by design we can so easily now, because whole series are released straight away. Yet, I feel somewhat we've often lost the ''art'' of absorbing and viewing something over a longer time period. These things very much were almost about the social or societal element, as they were the series. When series were on once a week. You'd maybe discuss a latest episode with a work colleague or religiously watch the latest episode with a family member - maybe even discuss what you think might happen etc. But a lot of that is lost now, as everyone is watching at whatever pace they want - the content is already there, so you can't really even go on reddit and discuss a show as you'll likely encounter spoilers {even from unintentional comments}.
I guess that's what I mean about collectively losing the ''art'' to view with savouring it. Like good wine or whiskey, some shows just need to be ''sipped'' to be enjoyed best. This why I forced myself to watch ''Dark'' relatively slowly. Just kept it to a couple of episodes per night. I mean, it's really not something that can be binged in a few nights anyway. Well it could be, but I think that person would miss so much. I'm considering watching it all again, just to see what I ''missed'' first time around; especially now knowing the conclusion.
My only bad word I can have for ''Dark'' is that S3 had the one typical time travel movie trope that it had resisted from all series long. But it's a very minor gripe. No real plot armour either, other than for Jonas and Martha - but that is fine. Brings into question though the literal existence and need for some of the characters though. Exhibit A} Clausen. I don't think his character was really needed at all.
All in all though it's a 4.5/5 or 9/10 from me