12 year old daughters friend in Town this morning. Someone throws a rock at her and calls her a black cunt
Well done to all involved who have raised these cunts with your racist nonsense
I'm so sorry that she had to experience this and that she is ok. It's high time that it was acceptable for people to be able to call people out as racists, without unlawful retribution when such actions are/have happened. Instead, what happens is those people can't and so it continues a bubbling over of closeted racism that is highly prevalent in the UK.
In the mainstream media, why aren't the main channels calling these ''rioters'' out as racists and terrorists? Because this is exactly what they are.
FYI, to media companies and anyone else who needs to know;
characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
"People attacking members of the public on Saturday 3rd August are racist cunts."
a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
"Tommy Robinson is a racist cunt."
noun: terrorist; plural noun: terrorists
a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
"hundreds of terrorists entered the city centre on Saturday 3rd August."
adjective: terrorist
unlawfully using violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
"the EDL is a terrorist organization which is supposedly defunct, yet possibly operating under different names."
NB: I'll add that the people below are at the bare minimum, social agitators along with being both racism and terrorism enablers. Some of them wear cravats, some of them don't; they are all wolves in sheep's clothing to a degree - pretending to offer a solution, when really all they are invested in is staying relevant and promoting themselves further as some form of political martyr. They've probably all wanked over Enoch Powell at a ''unity meeting'' or an ''election training'' event. They are all racist cunts:
Stephen Yaxley-Lennon
Paul Golding
Nigel Farage
Nick Griffin
and countless others...

Here's a few articles that counter, give reasoning behind why these ''protest events'' are different to others in several years and support my thoughts on the approach by mainstream media. The first is the AFSC and American but highlights definitive reasoning; they are a peaceful organisation. The second is The Guardian, and the third is the Jacobin, a self proclaiming American Left bias magazine. I found this article particularly sane and offering some balance - that is, if you care about humanity outside of your own skin.
https://afsc.org/news/why-we-should-rethink-calling-white-supremacist-violence-terrorismhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/aug/06/first-edition-far-right-riots-policehttps://jacobin.com/2024/08/britain-riots-muslims-far-rightWith a previous background in C-T and TSG, I particularly agreed with this part of the Jacobin article, right before the writer talks about the role of journalism;
'The government should urgently implement anti-terrorism laws to address this ongoing threat. These laws must also tackle digital organizing and the spread of hate through social media platforms, including Twitter/X, where many far-right groups have found fertile ground to organize and prepare for their marches.
Even Elon Musk, whose ties to fascist elements are now undeniable, has posted unhinged tweets that directly legitimize and incite far-right terrorism. This is blatantly undermining the current measures being planned to quell the riots in the UK. The ongoing situation on the platform reveals that some individuals are fantasizing about civil war–like conditions — and are determined to empower thugs to roam the streets and terrorize minorities.'