I am a conscientous human being. I didn't find it funny that Peaches Geldof died. Nor do I revel in her death or have contempt for her family members at what must be a massively difficult time for them.
Clear? Ok.
I just find it a little appalling that when someone related to a famous person, whose only (real) claim to fame was being related to that famous person, and therefore being someone who the media loves, a 'hollow' celebrity whose life is based around appearing in celebrity magazines, the media paw over it like jackals at a feast, and will doubtless continue to paw over it for as long as humanly possible, seeking out any kind of excuse to fill some air time with anything about the poor dead girl.
They don't care about who she was or what her family are going through. All they care about is using her shell of a media persona to sell stuff. And that's what they'll do, mark my words. Whether she asked for it or not. And that's what my comments were targeted at. Poorly, I'll admit, as I'd just come in from a 12hr shift at work, but that's where I was going with it.
As a related aside, if someone who has actually contributed to the betterment of life on this planet dies, they're doing well if the media reports it as front-page news, let alone actually takes a moment to remember them for their accomplishments.
Thanks Flashheart for defending me. You're a sweetheart. xxx