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Author Topic: Films films filmsy films.  (Read 1372686 times)

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« Reply #1785 on: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 18:39:00 »

Yeah Downfall is badass. The performance of the guy who plays Hitler is excellent.

It is quite a long time to concentrate and read subtitles tho. It's worth it but its one of those films you have to commit a big chunk of your evening to.

Have you seen Black Book? Also a good foreign language WW2 film but very different to Downfall. It's fictional spy thriller with lots of action by the bloke who made Starship Troopers (and Robocop)! Apparently it was like the highest grossing film ever in Holland or something. Its a lot better than I probably just made it sound.  Cheesy

Both Downfall and Black Book are in my collection, great films, seem to be not too popular with most females i know though!

« Reply #1786 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 21:01:11 »

I've just got back from Blockbuster with Spiderman 3.  Liked the first, hated the second.  Have I done the right thing?

« Reply #1787 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 21:02:46 »

watching Bronson at some point over the weekend, any good?

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« Reply #1788 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 21:04:58 »

I've just got back from Blockbuster with Spiderman 3.  Liked the first, hated the second.  Have I done the right thing?

Probably not. How many trilogys can you think of where if you thought the second wasnt half as good the third was a return to form? There must be an example but I can't ber bothered to rack my brains for it.

Go into not expecting much and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised?

Suppose a lot depends on how into Spiderman you are.

I haven't seen any of the Spiderman films so I am speculating on something I know fuck all about really.  Thumb

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« Reply #1789 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 21:06:42 »

watching Bronson at some point over the weekend, any good?

Having read his autobigraphy some years back with I thought was a really good read I was a bit disappointed with the film. Didn't think it was absolute crap tho.

My girlfriend who I watched it with was the opposite and went to see it doubting whether she'd like it but thought it was really good.

« Reply #1790 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 21:07:37 »

Probably not. How many trilogys can you think of where if you thought the second wasnt half as good the third was a return to form? There must be an example but I can't ber bothered to rack my brains for it.

Go into not expecting much and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised?

Suppose a lot depends on how into Spiderman you are.

I haven't seen any of the Spiderman films so I am speculating on something I know fuck all about really.  Thumb

Only trilogy, for me, where the third is better than the second is the Die Hard trilogy, but I seem to be always in the minority on this.

I'm not expecting much to be honest, there wasn't a lot available I'd not seen.  I think I might just watch too many films.
Mexicano Rojo

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« Reply #1791 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 21:22:17 »

i watched Prince caspian today (chronicles of narnia) proper god childrens adventure, but considering it was a kids film there was loads of warrior slaying and beheadings and stabbings and stuff. really en joyed it though. tomorrow i have the kite runner to watch.

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« Reply #1792 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 21:26:19 »

I'm watching spiderman 3 tomorrow, i've seen if before and it's the best of the 3, but tomorrow it gets watched on blu ray on my new 50" plasma if the sods turn up, i'm all excited! Cant wait to see the Sandman again, probably some of the best special effects i've ever seen.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #1793 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 21:47:01 »

I found Spiderman 3 to be a dull borefest. Even if that's true at least it'll be a 50" HD dull borefest for you. Couldn't get the Mrs to go above 42" here as 50" would be "too big".

She never complains when we go to the cinema that the screen is too big though. Bloody women logic.

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« Reply #1794 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 21:49:57 »

I've just set the cabinet thing up, and she said jeez is it as wide as that? So i said no of course not....waited til she's half way up the stairs and said wider! I will be grateful for the big screen when i'm watching from the garden tomorrow night!
Simon Pieman
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« Reply #1795 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 22:28:01 »

I found Spiderman 3 to be a dull borefest. Even if that's true at least it'll be a 50" HD dull borefest for you. Couldn't get the Mrs to go above 42" here as 50" would be "too big".

She never complains when we go to the cinema that the screen is too big though. Bloody women logic.

She's probably worried there will be more tv to dust  Woot

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« Reply #1796 on: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 23:14:50 »

I watched taking lives earlier, but gave up half way through and remedied it with Independence day which is still awesome.
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« Reply #1797 on: Friday, July 3, 2009, 06:51:39 »

She's probably worried there will be more tv to dust  Woot

Nah, I think she's allergic to dusting.

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« Reply #1798 on: Friday, July 3, 2009, 07:12:58 »

Watched Cass last night. I thought it was quite good... I am really looking forward to seeing Away Days tho (this has to be the third time I've mentioned it) and think it will probably be better.

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« Reply #1799 on: Friday, July 3, 2009, 10:24:39 »

Watched Insomnia last night...2002 film with Al Pacino..makes a good film into a very good one,set in Alaska..was a good watch and think it was one of Hilary Swanks first main films.
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