25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: Shrivvy Road on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 08:13:27

Title: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 08:13:27
I often see on here after the event people having many questions. The club have their next advisory board meeting on Tuesday so if you have any suggestions or questions you think may be worth asking maybe pop them here and the trust/supporters club can pick them up

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 08:46:01
good plan.

I see that Rob Angus confirmed that power by is still a director of the FC, and the process to remove him is underway.

my Q - is that because he refused to resign, or ??

I don't think it matters too much, just interested.

thinking about it, is that even an advisory board q. probably not

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: FreddySTFC! on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 08:58:57
I've messaged the Supporters Club regarding whether we have a sell on for Twine & if so how the deal is structured.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 10:57:11
I've messaged the Supporters Club regarding whether we have a sell on for Twine & if so how the deal is structured.
I know the answer to that if it helps. The 2 clubs are still trying to arrange compensation but as of last week they had not so there is a chance it will go to a tribunal. A sell on fee can be set by them

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 11:58:29
I know the answer to that if it helps. The 2 clubs are still trying to arrange compensation but as of last week they had not so there is a chance it will go to a tribunal. A sell on fee can be set by them
That’s a bit of a farce really, surely that should be wrapped up before he joins and plays for them. What happens if MK can’t afford the fee?!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 12:01:14
Would a tribunal take into account his great form since joining Franchise or base it just on his time with us?

I think we all presumed Cunt Face pocketed all he could before he got the hell out of Dodge.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 12:01:36
That’s a bit of a farce really, surely that should be wrapped up before he joins and plays for them. What happens if MK can’t afford the fee?!
I have heard that the fee we demanded perviously (under Power) would have been MKDs record transfer fee anyway plus add ons.  (£250k+).

There is a chance they cannot afford the fee as they are no longer "financially flush" as they used to be.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: theakston2k on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 12:08:29
I have heard that the fee we demanded perviously (under Power) would have been MKDs record transfer fee anyway plus add ons.  (£250k+).

There is a chance they cannot afford the fee as they are no longer "financially flush" as they used to be.
Exactly, will be a farce if we just become a football creditor as they signed a player they couldn’t afford. Any embargo imposed on them isn’t exactly much help to us.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 12:12:00
Didn't we get stitched up for about £200k for Troy Archibald-Henville following tribunal.
Anywhere near that for Twine would be excellent.
Plus a sell on would be guaranteed future money in the bank for the club.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 12:13:10
I have heard that the fee we demanded perviously (under Power) would have been MKDs record transfer fee anyway plus add ons.  (£250k+).

There is a chance they cannot afford the fee as they are no longer "financially flush" as they used to be.

That being the case and a tribunal set the financials then is it fair to suggest that they can also set the payment terms?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, October 2, 2021, 12:16:16
Didn't we get stitched up for about £200k for Troy Archibald-Henville following tribunal.
Anywhere near that for Twine would be excellent.
Plus a sell on would be guaranteed future money in the bank for the club.
Unless Power has some sort of deal that still means he gets any money.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Power to people on Friday, October 8, 2021, 12:41:17
You would guess if a club signs a player out of contract at u23 then they know the risks of a tribunal and will have to cough up whatever fee is set at whatever terms as per any normal transfer.

Hopefully the fee is sizable as he was a first team player, and had come through the ranks, not just been here a year or 2.

I believe there is a maximum fee that can be set anyway, but add on's etc may enhance it.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Friday, October 8, 2021, 13:54:18
Unless Power has some sort of deal that still means he gets any money.
Nah the club have connfirmed Lee Power doesn't benefit anymore from the club whatsoever

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, October 8, 2021, 13:56:00
You would guess if a club signs a player out of contract at u23 then they know the risks of a tribunal and will have to cough up whatever fee is set at whatever terms as per any normal transfer.

Hopefully the fee is sizable as he was a first team player, and had come through the ranks, not just been here a year or 2.

I believe there is a maximum fee that can be set anyway, but add on's etc may enhance it.

The fact that we 'developed' him as well makes me confident there should be a handy enough sell on. Given the goals he scores and his ability to strike a ball now, you would imagine he will be working his way up the leagues which may involve a large fee, as number 10s often do.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: fuzzy on Friday, October 8, 2021, 14:41:45
If they can't afford him, can we take him back?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, October 8, 2021, 14:46:20
If they can't afford him, can we take him back?
Do we want him? Don't think he would fit would he? Instead of Gilbert perhaps? Think we may have moved on though.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, October 8, 2021, 14:49:53
Didn't we get stitched up for about £200k for Troy Archibald-Henville following tribunal.

I suspect that was to do with his ability to spot a fine booty?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Monday, October 18, 2021, 17:09:19
Here’s the info from the latest Advisory Board meeting. Some very interesting facts and figures. Twine money is all for the Club. Debt is being paid down rapidly. These are the debts left . We wanted transparency - well, here it is in spades. Brilliant.

Debts left due for 21/22 Season
Sept ‘21
HMRC £750k
EFL Hardship £175k
EFL Covid Variation Loan £40k
Bounce Back Loan £50k
SBC £238k
Puma £30k
Contractual disputes £580K
Contractual disputes - Football £105k
Total £1.9m,1,Ep-ONvBUr3UC24CdwM3cj53gYjKcoLVjQ5y1Pj9nDizL_fVp9dkJ_NqH6Zx2T_veRmcSgCLVvQquxyo67TSk0u3pzMuUnTUwqbfB0PGer_ofUk76QLYbYbmsvS75&typo=1

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: tans on Monday, October 18, 2021, 17:44:36
Curran got a pay off!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Nemo on Monday, October 18, 2021, 18:45:55
That really is a fantastic level of transparency, fair play. Great that every Tom, Dick and Taylor connected to the previous regime seems to be after a payoff, really shows the love for the club Mr. Power talked about on a regular basis.

Final season ticket numbers at 4,414 is a little disappointing, but if we end up getting near 9k all season then perhaps it's actually better for the finances to have missed 6k!

Hopefully Curran's pay off was nominal at best.

Attempts are underway to try and find a company who would be willing to do a football style documentary with the Club.

Oh fuck. All or Nothing: Swindon Town

SM also asked about bundles of matches and plans for that which RA confirmed there were plans for 6, 9 and 12 game bundles to go on sale in early November

This seems good.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: ronnie21 on Monday, October 18, 2021, 19:03:48
Curran got a pay off!
He should be charged for the oxygen he used up

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, October 18, 2021, 19:09:16
He should be charged for the oxygen he used up
Should be charged with impersonating a football player.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: digby on Monday, October 18, 2021, 21:38:42
I left it too late for this time but I've asked the Supporters Club to forward a question for the next meeting, asking what the club thinks about safe standing and whether they would consider implementing it ?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, October 18, 2021, 21:44:20
I left it too late for this time but I've asked the Supporters Club to forward a question for the next meeting, asking what the club thinks about safe standing and whether they would consider implementing it ?

I think it would be up for discussion with any potential ground redevelopment but until we get to that stage it wouldnt be worth it. The only suitable stand would be the townend and the majority stand already anyway so nothing to be gained.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Summerof69 on Monday, October 18, 2021, 22:14:35
I left it too late for this time but I've asked the Supporters Club to forward a question for the next meeting, asking what the club thinks about safe standing and whether they would consider implementing it ?

I've heard it is being looked into but it would be in the TE, but with the TE likely to be developed in the near future, is it worth it currently, and how easy could the safe standing be taken down and relocated

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Summerof69 on Monday, October 18, 2021, 22:16:01
Curran got a pay off!

Unfortunately football contracts are pretty watertight, as we know by having to pay off fat boy Ruddock nearly 20 years ago

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: JanAirplaneMan on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 08:29:33
I left it too late for this time but I've asked the Supporters Club to forward a question for the next meeting, asking what the club thinks about safe standing and whether they would consider implementing it ?
Hi it is being looked at yes with a number of potential options in various stands. The Trust are working with the clubs stadium manager on viability and will report back to the advisory board .

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 15:35:12
Hi it is being looked at yes with a number of potential options in various stands. The Trust are working with the clubs stadium manager on viability and will report back to the advisory board .

Is it viable in any stand other than Stratton Bank? I know its been said the fairly flat nature of The Town End means they can't have it. Possibly the Stratton Bank end of The DRS might work.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 16:28:09
Interesting point on the engagement with overseas supporters clubs & sharing iFollow stats.
The numbers might be skewed by some of you lot watching from "abroad". :)
Has anyone managed to end up in North Korea yet?
A Pyongyang Reds association would be pretty cool and earn the club some much needed publicity.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 17:00:54
Interesting point on the engagement with overseas supporters clubs & sharing iFollow stats.
The numbers might be skewed by some of you lot watching from "abroad". :)
Has anyone managed to end up in North Korea yet?
A Pyongyang Reds association would be pretty cool and earn the club some much needed publicity.

"Overseas Supporters Clubs" is a very grand name for one man and a flag. I'm looking at you Norwegian Reds, STFC Brasil... I haven't even been able to get my kids to watch the games with me.

I'd be happy to arrange the French Reds AGM, if anyone would turn up, but I'm buggered if I'm going to buy a banner.

*French Reds has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Kinky Tom on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 17:13:06
I'm in the Savoie, our flag is already red and white but does look very Danish.


Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 17:23:03
I'm in the Savoie, our flag is already red and white but does look very Danish.


Well if you can make it to Paris you can be treasurer, and that nice Exiled Bob chap can take the minutes. But that Ironside wanker on the Côte d'Azur can fuck right off.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Kinky Tom on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 17:28:11
 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 17:58:46
Interesting point on the engagement with overseas supporters clubs & sharing iFollow stats.
The numbers might be skewed by some of you lot watching from "abroad". :)
Has anyone managed to end up in North Korea yet?
A Pyongyang Reds association would be pretty cool and earn the club some much needed publicity.

I'm sure if they look a tiny bit deeper into my account they'll notice that I'm registered for Nationwide staff tickets yet I watch games from Sweden or Norway most weeks :D

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 18:14:22
I'm sure if they look a tiny bit deeper into my account they'll notice that I'm registered for Nationwide staff tickets yet I watch games from Sweden or Norway most weeks :D

It’s great that transparency is going both ways these days. I hope the club will recognise your honesty.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: DV on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 18:17:03
I'm sure if they look a tiny bit deeper into my account they'll notice that I'm registered for Nationwide staff tickets yet I watch games from Sweden or Norway most weeks :D


Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 16:24:37
Angus was on BBC Wilts pre match with an update on a few things - main point of note is we are looking at early next year for the ground purchase.

Re-development wise, looking at a roof on the bank and Don Rogers executive boxes to begin with (so I assume a slight capacity reduction).

I look forward to the inevitable ‘I’m losing the seat I’ve had since the stand opened’ rants   ;)

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 16:26:50
I’d imagine a roofed Bank would be similar to Pompey’s away end. Wonder if the idea is to accommodate Town fans there while we redevelop the TE.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 16:31:23
I’d love to see the bank flattened myself, I think it has had its day roof or no roof - but after decades of no investment whatsoever in the CG I shouldn’t moan.

Yeah I’d imagine it would be similar to Pompey’s, Aud.

Dependant on what level we are playing at in the coming years I can’t see it becoming the main away section due to the Arkells bringing in more revenue with the higher ticket price being a main stand. So it will remain an overflow stand with the occasional home use - at least with a roof it’s more kid friendly.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 17:00:27
I have never really seen the point in putting a roof on the bank. It is the most neglected and dilapidated part of the ground and needs re-development in my view.

If they do put a roof on, I would also like to see rail seats as well for safe standing

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: NotHarryAgombar on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 17:16:29
What about the iconic Rolex Clock ?- I wouldn’t want a roof to obscure that.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 17:23:53
In theory I like the idea of putting a roof on the bank and giving it a spruce up in the plumbing area as well as a revamp of the entry/exits.

We can get the away fans out of the Arkells stand opening it up for more home fans if needed then without any in stand segregation needed.

A roof and revamp would be a much cheaper alternative than flattening the whole thing, even if its not a long term upgrade but get a few more years out of it.

I would relocate the clock into one of the corners, maybe even attached to one of the floodlight pylons to go on with, that way it could only be in danger of being hit by balls if Luke Norris is playing :)

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Pookemon on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 17:46:39
I look forward to the inevitable ‘I’m losing the seat I’ve had since the stand opened’ rants   ;)

I'm almost certainly in that group.  It will need to be handled delicately, as there aren't many seats over the halfway line, so moving someone to an inferior view away from friends will be a hard sell.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 18:01:03
But if you put a roof on the Bank, how are we supposed to throw rocks and dog shit from outside into the Oxford fans?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Power to people on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 09:42:48
It would be interesting to know what is going on with the training ground, is that dead and buried as it is linked to Power and his horses and he owns the land or is there anything the club is looking into.

If it is dead and buried it will be interesting to know the thoughts on a training ground as wasn't the current training facilities listed as inadequate and causes big problems in the winter months ?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 09:51:41
Maybe this their plan for a first rate Academy is ahead of a training ground.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 12, 2021, 08:29:19
Here’s November’s meeting

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 08:57:02
Here’s November’s meeting

Thanks Aud - something to look at today during dull meetings! :)

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Honkytonk on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:01:32
Questions raised with regard to inviting opposition mascots to games to interact with Rockin Robin and also for music to be played in the concourses to promote an atmosphere.
Rockin Robin also requested a changing area with shower.

The concept of Rockin' Robin, the entity, rather than the current incumbent of the position, requesting a shower and changing room, got me in the middle of this otherwise professional and serious bit of paperwork.  :clap:

Adds to my pet theory it's a sentient suit that slowly warps the mind of its wearer until their soul becomes one with it and only a lifeless husk is left, like a spent AA battery, to be replaced so the cycle may begin anew.

Praise be the fledged one.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:05:31
RR Used to be a fella called Paul Wiltshire. Not sure if he’s the current incumbent..

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Honkytonk on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:13:39
I had to explain to my co-workers why I was laughing so hard, which led to frantic googling for pictures of Funky Fledgling as I couldn't remember what he looked like other than 'smaller' and 'more radical'

I did find this old washbag article with David Squires, that if you're one of the 2 Swindon fans who haven't seen it is worth a read, as it includes him being called a cunt by a relatively famous Liverpudlian.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:16:43
Surely Rockin' Robin requires an aviary, not a shower?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:22:42
Surely Rockin' Robin requires an aviary, not a shower?

Mentioned towards the end of the minutes :)

• Rockin’ Robin has requested a changing area (possibly the old “Ball boy” room. With a shower (Or bird bath).

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Private Fraser on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:22:53

[Edit - "SNAP!]  :)

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:29:37
Some questions I have that some on here may know about.

* What is the CCJ that Swindon Borough Council don't seem to be playing ball with the club about? Would this have any impact on any potential purchase of the County Ground?

* Who are Centreplate and DPDS that we seem to have disputes with?

* A noted that the Club is starting to look at those requesting refunds (c180) and how the Club deals with that without disrespecting the far majority of supporters who have waived refunds and
credits and bought again. RA will set out the options and this will be discussed with the Trust and OSC before a plan of action is agreed. Discussions were also made as to how to recognise the
thousands of season ticket holders and sponsors who have waived refunds and bought again.

I can personally see the last point potentially causing 'rift' between the supporters who have requested a refund v the fans that have waived it. Personally I think the club need to resolve this issue as early as possible and refund the 180 fans. The longer it goes on, the worse it will be.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:33:14
Centreplate are the catering company that Jed sold the rights for 10 years - I imagine the dispute relates to counting the period of the CG closure due to Covid towards the contract length. They ran the legends lounge as well as matchday catering.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:34:53
Good to see only £195k left to pay back to the EFL.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:35:35
Centreplate are the catering company that Jed sold the rights for 10 years - I imagine the dispute relates to counting the period of the CG closure due to Covid towards the contract length. They ran the legends lounge as well as matchday catering.

Ah ok thanks. Yes I remember that 10 year contract now!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:36:20
Interesting reading, the debt dispute with DPDS is a new one and must be fairly long-standing.

RR can bugger off, why does he need a shower we could just have a whip round and get him a can of wash in a can. This made me laugh later on 'Rockin’ Robin has requested a changing area (possibly the old “Ball boy” room. With a shower (Or bird bath).'

Should we have a whip round for the '‘The Stratton Bank Community Stand sponsored by in association with TrustSTFC’ state of it we could probably secure for what we pay to sponsor a player previously?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:38:11
Interesting reading, the debt dispute with DPDS is a new one and must be fairly long-standing.

RR can bugger off, why does he need a shower we could just have a whip round and get him a can of wash in a can. This made me laugh later on 'Rockin’ Robin has requested a changing area (possibly the old “Ball boy” room. With a shower (Or bird bath).'

Should we have a whip round for the '‘The Stratton Bank Community Stand sponsored by in association with TrustSTFC’ state of it we could probably secure for what we pay to sponsor a player previously?

The Townend Stratton Bank would be a little bit funny just for confusion potential...

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:39:00
Good to see only £195k left to pay back to the EFL.

That's come down from 750k or so hasn't it?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:40:07
Is there any gain if it seems paid off sooner rather than later

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:40:29
That's come down from 750k or so hasn't it?

I believe so, helpful with regards to contract negotiations and January signings I imagine.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:40:41
Interesting reading, the debt dispute with DPDS is a new one and must be fairly long-standing.

RR can bugger off, why does he need a shower we could just have a whip round and get him a can of wash in a can. This made me laugh later on 'Rockin’ Robin has requested a changing area (possibly the old “Ball boy” room. With a shower (Or bird bath).'

Should we have a whip round for the '‘The Stratton Bank Community Stand sponsored by in association with TrustSTFC’ state of it we could probably secure for what we pay to sponsor a player previously?

I assume DPDS are this crowd..........

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:41:07
Is there any gain if it seems paid off sooner rather than later

We’d be able to offer more wages and longer contracts in the January window.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:41:57
Some questions I have that some on here may know about.

* What is the CCJ that Swindon Borough Council don't seem to be playing ball with the club about? Would this have any impact on any potential purchase of the County Ground?

* Who are Centreplate and DPDS that we seem to have disputes with?

From recollection the County Court Judgement secured by SBC relates to non payment of rent in the latter Power years

DPDS were the planning consultancy who were initially leading on the training ground/stables/houses at Highworth, they seemed to be kicked off the job halfway through (Albeit to be fair they may likely have walked if they were not getting paid) with the contact being taken in house at the CG and I assume they were not paid off as per contract requirements.

One query Debts estimated at c£4m is now estimated at £2.5m does that mean £!.5m has ben paid off or that Power was bullshitting about how much was owed by that amount?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:42:16
That's come down from 750k or so hasn't it?
Papa John and the FA Cup should put a decent sized dent in that, too. Presume the income from these wasn’t budgeted for.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:42:27
Cheers, that's what I was thinking so something for Clem to ponder

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:42:51
I believe so, helpful with regards to contract negotiations and January signings I imagine.

Yeah absolutely. Makes perfect sense to get it paid off as quickly as possible. I imagine the club must have been ruing the Crawley call off as the income/profit from that game with a potential 9k+ crowd would have been useful in that goal.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:46:36
Was their crowd problems at the Port Vale and Bradford games? I see the advertising hoardings, seat breaking and bottle throwing etc at Stevenage cost 3k in damages.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 09:54:32
From recollection the County Court Judgement secured by SBC relates to non payment of rent in the latter Power years

DPDS were the planning consultancy who were initially leading on the training ground/stables/houses at Highworth, they seemed to be kicked off the job halfway through (Albeit to be fair they may likely have walked if they were not getting paid) with the contact being taken in house at the CG and I assume they were not paid off as per contract requirements.

One query Debts estimated at c£4m is now estimated at £2.5m does that mean £!.5m has ben paid off or that Power was bullshitting about how much was owed by that amount?

So reading between the lines it sounds like the club are trying to sort out some kind of repayment agreement with SBC for the backdated unpaid year of rent we are due to them, but they don't seem to be very amiable towards what we are suggesting?

Ah, so DPDS were involved in the training ground plans. Right so they need to be paid as well, champion! :( I'm sure there will be more that come out of the woodwork over the coming months.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:00:30
So reading between the lines it sounds like the club are trying to sort out some kind of repayment agreement with SBC for the backdated unpaid year of rent we are due to them, but they don't seem to be very amiable towards what we are suggesting?

I think the repayment agreement is already agreed and is being paid off as per that plan, the sticker seems to be the SBC are not prepared to say that the CCJ has been satisfied and can thus be discharged until the debt is actually cleared. Its a little outside my area of expertise but I am not sure whether the can actually do this legally anway, albeit the clubs lawyer thinks they can and he will now way way better than me, equally I think fans would be a little rich moaning about it as if same were reported in the Advertiser about a single mum with 5 kids people would be up in arms about it (probably on the winds me up thread on here :D).

Ah, so DPDS were involved in the training ground plans. Right so they need to be paid as well, champion! :( I'm sure there will be more that come out of the woodwork over the coming months.

Indeed, I suspect the issue here is that they were working on training/stables/housing combined and as it stands, a) only the training was ever for the benefit of STFC Ltd with the others Powers personal benefit and b) what if any interest in the land has ben transferred with STFC Ltd (none no doubt) and c) which company name was on the contract?

Fingers crossed there will be limited seeping from the woodwork, as the takeover has been pretty widely reported one would hope creditors know there is a new show in town. I know that if I had an outstanding debt with STFC/Seebeck/Swinton reds a re-presented invoice would have been on Clems desk the week he took over!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:07:03
Cheers Horlock - that makes sense. So basically the CCJ will not be satisfied until the last backdated debt is paid. I see that from both sides to be honest, but hopefully they can come to an agreement where it's satisfied after a % of the backdated debt is paid or something.

The DPDS thing could get messy as you say. Will be keeping an eye on that going forward.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:23:09
Cheers Horlock - that makes sense. So basically the CCJ will not be satisfied until the last backdated debt is paid. I see that from both sides to be honest, but hopefully they can come to an agreement where it's satisfied after a % of the backdated debt is paid or something.

The DPDS thing could get messy as you say. Will be keeping an eye on that going forward.

Its all a balancing act for the club, they have the EFL loan which is affecting the football side and the CCJ which is affecting creditworthiness and thus both the football and business side and a decision has to be made as to which it is most preferential to clear first which I am sure our new overlords have in hand.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:28:25
Good to see only £195k left to pay back to the EFL.

Don't think that includes the £1M monitored grant though, but its good to see repayment plans being serviced.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:33:38
Good to see only £195k left to pay back to the EFL.
I wonder if a large percentage of that will be paid back when MKD finally pay us for Scott Twine?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Red Frog on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:35:34
Can Jan or someone table this question for the next Advisory Board?

"Seeing Derby's recent additional points deduction for the actions of their previous owner, do we expect to be similarly hit once court proceedings are completed and all the skeletons are out of the cupboard? Are we planning for this contingency?"

It is galling that our promotion prospects this year or next might well be damaged by the festering mess that Power left behind him.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:41:22
Can Jan or someone table this question for the next Advisory Board?

"Seeing Derby's recent additional points deduction for the actions of their previous owner, do we expect to be similarly hit once court proceedings are completed and all the skeletons are out of the cupboard? Are we planning for this contingency?"

It is galling that our promotion prospects this year or next might well be damaged by the festering mess that Power left behind him.
I guess the difference is that we didn't go into admin and had a new buyer in place who has then taken steps to put the club back on an even keel including paying back money to the EFL (by the seems of it).

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: 4D on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:43:50
I wonder if a large percentage of that will be paid back when MKD finally pay us for Scott Twine?

I'm not having that  >:(


Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:44:13
Was their crowd problems at the Port Vale and Bradford games? I see the advertising hoardings, seat breaking and bottle throwing etc at Stevenage cost 3k in damages.
I wondered the same, the only ‘incident’ I can recall was the video of a few kids hilariously chasing a Bradford supporters coach much to the amusement of those on board.

Also, for £3000 they are some expensive seat replacements at Stevenage!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:46:00
What sort of age were the kids as 16,17 etc may be seen as threatening to the people on board.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:47:13
What sort of age were the kids as 16,17 etc may be seen as threatening to the people on board.
They looked no older than the ages you stated - I expect they discovered Green Street during lockdown.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: 4D on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:48:20
Bradford fans who missed the coach?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:49:40
They looked no older than the ages you stated - I expect they discovered Green Street during lockdown.

Still not a good representation of our club!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: 4D on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:54:06
I remember seeing a Brentford coach getting chased by 1 fan before the match (final game at home a few years ago). I was getting some grub off the van by the club shop. The coach stopped, about 25 Brentford got out. Police stopped em, back on the coach and off they went  :D . All in the time it took me to put sauce and mustard on my Hot Dog.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 10:58:03
They looked no older than the ages you stated - I expect they discovered Green Street during lockdown.

I think it's a probably a mixture of youthful exuberance and alcohol/powder etc along with the frustrations that would have set in during lockdown, as well as the excitement of getting back into football with Swindon under new ownership and some of the best away performances in a long time.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:01:33
Truly terrifying

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Private Fraser on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:04:00
What, these little rascals?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:10:12
Embarrassing  :cry:

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:15:20
I think it's a probably a mixture of youthful exuberance and alcohol/powder etc along with the frustrations that would have set in during lockdown, as well as the excitement of getting back into football with Swindon under new ownership and some of the best away performances in a long time.

I think it's a probably just being a prick!

What, these little rascals?

Ah bollocks I hoped the twat was going to run into a lamp post!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:16:02
Hard nuts.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: 4D on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:17:08
Hard nuts.

I was thinking more 'dough'
They look more like they're about 12 or 13.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: 4D on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:24:36
I'm also surprised Bradford had coaches there considering how many fans they brought down.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:25:43
I think it's a probably just being a prick!

You are, of course correct, however I think back to when I was that age and some of the frankly ridiculous things I did. (although I was quite boring, I wouldn't even get involved in 'chappy door run' as I felt sorry for the people that had to answer their doors!)

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:26:54
I wonder if a large percentage of that will be paid back when MKD finally pay us for Scott Twine?
Did we- or Power - ever get the sell on from Derby for Jayden whatshisname, seeing the financial mess they’re in

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:42:44
You are, of course correct, however I think back to when I was that age and some of the frankly ridiculous things I did. (although I was quite boring, I wouldn't even get involved in 'chappy door run' as I felt sorry for the people that had to answer their doors!)

Oh I did some right knobby things (still do very occasionally!). Wannabe nawty boys just get on my tits, its the whole posturing when you are safely behind a line of coppers or chasing a bus knowing that it ain't gonna stop, if it were us woke liberals doing it there would be screams of virtue signalling!

As for knockadoor run (as it was called in Oxfordshire as we were posh like that!) not done it for years, the modern equivalent round here seems to be Amazon as on the rare times they knock and not just dump it on the doorstep and piss off, they have normally fucked off round the back to put it in the shed before you ever get to the door!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:44:09
Did we- or Power - ever get the sell on from Derby for Jayden whatshisname, seeing the financial mess they’re in
Yeah Power suggested at the time that the sell on wasn't as high as was reported, he suggested only about £150k, whereas Derby and Sheff utd suggested it was about £1.5m and various others report it was in excess of £3m.

There does need to be some transparancy with that as thats a huge amount to a club like ours, if thats gone into Powers pockets then he needs to be held accountable for that loss to the club.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:50:42
It’s in Derby’s interest to have it as high as possible. I know clubs regularly decide to to disclose transfer fees but surely they must be validated independently and appear on balance sheets. Otherwise it’s a green light for fraud, laundering . . .oh, hang on

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: 4D on Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:50:46
Oh I did some right knobby things (still do very occasionally!). Wannabe nawty boys just get on my tits, its the whole posturing when you are safely behind a line of coppers or chasing a bus knowing that it ain't gonna stop, if it were us woke liberals doing it there would be screams of virtue signalling!

Reminds me of this scene  :)

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 12, 2021, 12:05:34
There does need to be some transparancy with that as thats a huge amount to a club like ours, if thats gone into Powers pockets then he needs to be held accountable for that loss to the club.

Not disagreeing, but at the time Power was 'the Club', no doubt it was recorded as repayment on the loan account or something?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 12, 2021, 12:10:23
Not disagreeing, but at the time Power was 'the Club', no doubt it was recorded as repayment on the loan account or something?
I am sure you are right, he will have some form of creative accounting to make it appear to not have been pocketed I am sure.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, November 12, 2021, 14:00:34
Good to see only £195k left to pay back to the EFL.

Be gone for January 😉

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Power to people on Friday, November 12, 2021, 15:48:56
Nothing has been said about the training ground, has the club given up on this and decided there is nothing they can do and Power owns it all or are they looking at legal to see if they can own the training ground ?

I seem to remember the purchase was in stfc name at the start, and transferred to Power Geneva Co afterwards.

Is the court case now scheduled for Jan / Feb or is a date still unknown ?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Posh Red on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 11:49:35
I thought the training ground was going to be owned by Power, and rented back to the club at minimal rent. If that’s the case shouldn’t power be paying the costs?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 12:52:23
I doubt any sort of contract has been signed. Can’t see the club wanting any connection with Power whatsoever - let alone paying him anything.

The club would have been shafted over this if Power was still owner.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Pookemon on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 19:47:51
The reason why nothing was said about it is because there is no training ground to discuss.

It never got planning - it wasn't developed - it doesn't exist.

The club use Beaversbrook.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 21:48:31
The training ground will raise its head in the up and coming Court case.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, November 18, 2021, 17:05:02
More a club announcement than an advisory board one, but I see we've signed up Thatcher's Cider as a partner and it'll be available from the various bars. Lovely stuff.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Quagmire on Thursday, November 18, 2021, 17:57:55
I look forward to a pint of haze at half time on Tuesday  :pint:

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:04:28
Thatchers is avaialble in every pub down here, Haze is ok but Rose is nicer as a 10 pint session cider.

I prefer the vintage though. My banmd did a corp gig for Thatchers, a 10 peice band with 4 staff all who like a drink that were told they can drink what they want and could take home whatever they could carry!


Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:06:10
Wow you can still drink 10 pints :pint:

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:09:16
I don’t think I ever managed 10 pints in a session. Have to go top shelf after 6/7

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:10:11
Me neither😀

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:35:46
Wow you can still drink 10 pints :pint:
When its weak as 4% yes no problem at all, I don't get pissed any more either and have never suffered with hangovers.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:37:01
It’s not the beer’s strength. It’s the sheer volume.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:39:26
It’s not the beer’s strength. It’s the sheer volume.
I have a huge bladder, but then again I am a big lad :D but after the 6th pint I have to pee every half a pint then onwards!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:40:28
When its weak as 4% yes no problem at all, I don't get pissed any more either and have never suffered with hangovers.

Hangovers are my worst thing even in my young days so I now make sure I only have a few pints

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:46:01
Hangovers are my worst thing even in my young days so I now make sure I only have a few pints
I have only suffered with proper hangovers 4 times in my entire life, I get a mild headache and dryness at worst now, last one was probably 20+ years ago.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:47:53
One thing I have learned. Never, ever use a men’s urinal wearing flip flops.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:50:51
One thing I have learned. Never wear flip flops.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, November 20, 2021, 07:59:21
One thing I have learned. Never, ever use a men’s urinal wearing flip flops.

Or bare feet. Actually with just socks on trumps all others options.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 15:39:50
December minutes up on the official site

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: JoeMezz on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 15:43:56
December minutes up on the official site

I still haven't got used to the transparency.. it is so refreshing

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 15:52:11
Some points of interest (to me anyway)

* In respect of disputes with McGeal, Gilmartin and Jewell EP noted that in respect of McGreal mediation was due in the upcoming weeks and the Club will look for a sensible
settlement but noting the suspicious nature of the generous settlement provided by the previous regime. ZA noted that McGreal was now employed by Ipswich and whether
this happened outside of his notice period, given the time elapsed we think that it has but this will be checked. Action RA to check McGreal’s notice period.

Clearly this was a ruse by the previous owners to get a decent payoff to McGreal, and presumably some of that will make it's way into LP's grubby little mitts.

* EP noted that the Club had received charges from the FA with regard to the funding of the Club under the previous ownership. The Club is being defended by Pinsent Masons
and are defending via mitigation given the charges happened under the previous ownership and Clem had no knowledge of the alleged funding arrangements. The Club is
hoping that any punishment is minimal but it is hard to predict the outcome. The Club’s defence will be submitted before Christmas, no date yet for the hearing but expect
sometime in the New Year.

Don't recall hearing about this unless i'm mistaken? Anyone wise to this?

* EP noted that compensation claimed for the Scott Twine move to MK is subject to Tribunal later in December. The Club is being represented by Brabners LLP and the Club has
submitted a strong position to the Tribunal but this is strongly disputed by MK. The Club will put is best case forward supported by Brabners (another strong legal team with
good sports experience) and hopes for a favourable and fair outcome.

So our valuations are miles apart - qu'elle surprise.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 15:56:06
Very refreshing.

This was also interesting

EP then provided a legal update noting that the Club had received a winding up petition from Able (AC Sports Wiltshire LLP) in respect of a disputed loan of £100k. The loan actually came to the Club via a firm called Consulting Logistics (Keith Cousins is a director and is someone who has been a director on previous businesses that have been liquidated to which the previous owner was also a party). This relationship has not been explained nor has the fact that this has previously been referred to as a ‘non-refundable deposit’. Due to the suspicious nature behind this loan the Club will continue to fight this action in the Courts. The action taken may impact the ability for the Club to make payments but plans are in place to ensure contingency arrangements are available.

as was

Action – RA and SM to work together on a plan for dealing with refunds – ongoing with aim to resolve by January 2022. Refund options paper drafted and shared. Latest view is that CM and RA will call each of the c140 to try and resolve by January 2022

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 15:59:50
Club's legal counsel are earning their corn, aren't they?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: tans on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:00:19
Keith Cousins of Rushden and Diamonds fame

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:03:45
Keith Cousins of Rushden and Diamonds fame

Whatever happened to Rubbish and Dustbins FC? Wasn't LP involved with them at some stage historically?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: tans on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:07:02

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:25:39
Keith Cousins of Rushden and Diamonds fame

And Cre8 publishing, he is a long standing Power acquaintance

Reading the minutes it would be nice if we were not spending what appears to be a sodding fortune on legals permanently

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 16:30:08
And Cre8 publishing, he is a long standing Power acquaintance

Reading the minutes it would be nice if we were not spending what appears to be a sodding fortune on legals permanently

Agreed. The positive news is that it won't be forever (famous last words) but unfortunately needs must. This time next year the club will be millionaires!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 17:12:30
Eddie Parladorio - wasn't he a director of the company that acquired BHS, before it totally collapsed?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 17:36:11
The was an Eddie Parladorio involved in the, yes. same one? presume so

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 17:59:38


Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 22:13:43
And Cre8 publishing, he is a long standing Power acquaintance

Reading the minutes it would be nice if we were not spending what appears to be a sodding fortune on legals permanently

Sounds like it, however, where actions are successful isn’t it usual to claim ones legal expenses against to other party?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Power to people on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:18:04
Sounding like the club are still trying to convince the 140 fans not to claim a refund, little disappointing as they was asked previously to reconsider and those have decided they still want their money back, so isn't it fair to repay them.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:19:40
Sounding like the club are still trying to convince the 140 fans not to claim a refund, little disappointing as they was asked previously to reconsider and those have decided they still want their money back, so isn't it fair to repay them.

I suspect Clem and Rob will be told to politely 'Foxtrot Oscar' when called - especially after the Man City ticket decisions.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 16:40:44
I have no issue with the club capitalising on the Man City game to get some extra Revenue.  The one thing they should then do as the top priority is refund everyone awaiting said refunds of season tickets.  That would have ensured a more positive response I think.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: tans on Monday, January 17, 2022, 16:32:53
Latest minutes on the website

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Monday, January 17, 2022, 16:36:03
Looking to bridge the gap in valuations for the CG purchase and renovating the Bank utilising the Eady estate money. Think it would be a fitting tribute to him.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Monday, January 17, 2022, 18:20:43
Have to say the plan in place for the ground purchase all sounds well thought out and positive. Now if those pesky councilers will just come down in their valuation, we could get something going.

Title: Re: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Monday, January 17, 2022, 19:49:42
Have to say the plan in place for the ground purchase all sounds well thought out and positive. Now if those pesky councilers will just come down in their valuation, we could get something going.
The agreed price in 2020 was £2.2M so SBC asking for £2.5M and the club dropping to £1.9M surely needs to come back £300K each way.

Title: Re: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, January 17, 2022, 21:03:00
The agreed price in 2020 was £2.2M so SBC asking for £2.5M and the club dropping to £1.9M surely needs to come back £300K each way.

It Will. Especially when the club say they they are going to look for another site for the club… Because they should now know that Clem and Aberdeen mean business.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 01:10:21
Are there any rent arrears?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 05:00:44
We’ve paid back £70k. Still owe £168k.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 08:56:52
We’ve paid back £70k. Still owe £168k.

It's really good that the club are so open with these things - and it's well presented in the minutes so fans can see what's being paid, what is left etc.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 09:06:24
Are there any rent arrears?

Just a bit. A man from the council comes round once a month with the clubs rent card. Sits in the secretary’s office and counts out the notes and bags of coinage agrees with the club the amount, marks the clubs and his rent card accordingly, stamps them both and loads the money in an Orange council van and drives off. To where I have no idea.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 09:21:23
It's really good that the club are so open with these things - and it's well presented in the minutes so fans can see what's being paid, what is left etc.
Also in the meeting it was said the purchase of the CG would be owned by a JV company. The club would still pay rent which would be used for refurbishment and maintenance.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 09:31:28
It Will. Especially when the club say they they are going to look for another site for the club… Because they should now know that Clem and Aberdeen mean business.

Yeah 'cos that's gone well in the past, if there was a suitable site for a ground within the Borough it would have been identified in one of our many abortive attempts to flounce away from the CG previously.

Also in the meeting it was said the purchase of the CG would be owned by a JV company. The club would still pay rent which would be used for refurbishment and maintenance.

Indeed albeit it slightly concerned me at first as on searching CH the original JV company is still in existence, only has a name one word different from the new and still has Power and Anderson as Directors. Thankfully a re-search found the new one with Angus and Mytton as the sole Directors, for now at least.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 09:45:55
Also in the meeting it was said the purchase of the CG would be owned by a JV company. The club would still pay rent which would be used for refurbishment and maintenance.

Indeed. As with the Stratton Bank/Nigel Eady thing, plenty of positives to come out of these meetings.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 10:35:46
One thing caught my eye, I see with Twine we got cash up front and then some extra's based on appearances etc. Do we lose the extra if by them punting him on for a big profit sharpish he never makes many appearances, if so seems a bit shit for us!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 12:47:27
Also in the meeting it was said the purchase of the CG would be owned by a JV company. The club would still pay rent which would be used for refurbishment and maintenance.

Really liked this aspect of it. JV board to consist of 3 people from the club and 3 fans including a Trust STFC representative and an Eady Trust representative if this is what the funds are used for.

All good work.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 13:09:52
One thing caught my eye, I see with Twine we got cash up front and then some extra's based on appearances etc. Do we lose the extra if by them punting him on for a big profit sharpish he never makes many appearances, if so seems a bit shit for us!

Appearance fees won't be worth a great deal I wouldn't think. 20% of future sale would be significantly more fruitful, but ideally I suppose he would go on to make more appearances and then they sell him next winter or something.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 16:23:49
When do we expect the sound system to be working properly. It was worse than usual in the DRS at the Gas game.

Following on from that, can the club look into miccing up the managers for the Oldham game. Keen to hear the coaching insights from Shezza live (a la Pompey away last season)

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 16:46:49
^Rob Angus confirmed recently (may have been post match on Saturday) that they’ve done all they can with improving the tannoy system until pre season as any further work would need structures to be set up which would damage the pitch.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 16:48:47
^Ta. Not ideal, but it is what it is

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 17:22:28
Twitter post asking for suggestions for the music to be played when Sheridactyl comes out.

First suggestion was Jurassic Park theme.

Here’s mine. Cracking toe tapper

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 17:27:23
Anything by Dinosaur Jr

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 17:30:38
share the link please Aud

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 17:35:45
Now you’re asking. I’m a bit Sheridan when it comes to this

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 17:38:20
don't worry. who posted it? @??????

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 17:38:31

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 18:24:42
I did also note with amusement a post on that much maligned and sneered at FB of someone suggesting dinosaur outfits.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 18:31:58
inflatable dinosaurs too...

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 16:17:35
Latest. Impressive pay down of debt. Now standing at £1.8m. Only Jewell left regarding contractual disputes.

Title: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 17:36:46
sounds like season tickets are going up again then

I guess it's inevitable with the debts.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 18:02:51
sounds like season tickets are going up again then

I guess it's inevitable with the debts.

Debts and the cost of literally everything going up in price unfortunately.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 15:30:42
Latest. Impressive pay down of debt. Now standing at £1.8m. Only Jewell left regarding contractual disputes.

Fingers crossed a Twine sell on fee on the summer could wipe most of this out, if not all.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Posh Red on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 21:08:06
sounds like season tickets are going up again then

I guess it's inevitable with the debts.

Debts and the cost of literally everything going up in price unfortunately.

The problem is the cost of everything else is going up, so people have less money for non necessities.
Will be interesting to see what happens to the number sold if we stay in L2.

PS. It said that the cost of a ST for this season was reduced, but we paid exactly the same so don’t know how that worked.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 21:48:22
I think we paid more (1 adult 2 u18).. they removed family tickets

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Private Fraser on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 22:13:17

PS. It said that the cost of a ST for this season was reduced, but we paid exactly the same so don’t know how that worked.

I had a spare ten minutes. Here are the prices for 20/21 and 21/22:

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Posh Red on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 22:28:03

I had a spare ten minutes. Here are the prices for 20/21 and 21/22:

I was sure we had paid the same, obviously not.

If the renewal goes back up to the same as the season before that would seem reasonable.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 22:57:42
Quote from: Private Fraser
PS. It said that the cost of a ST for this season was reduced, but we paid exactly the same so don’t know how that worked.
I had a spare ten minutes. Here are the prices for 20/21 and 21/22: ( (

yup 470 20/21 up to 490 21/22 (1 adult, 2 u18)

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Power to people on Thursday, March 17, 2022, 19:54:22
I expect it will go back to the £350 figure for renewals, I would be shocked if it went above that as I think at this level and maybe L1 is probably about right, but you would hope also there isn't a huge gap for new ST holders to try and encourage more to sign up as we have been getting good crowds and at the right price some of them maybe able to afford it.

The finance option will need to be right as well, with the cost of living rocketing at the moment there maybe those that would have got one previous outright but with cost rising don't have as much spare cash so finance option will be key with a low interest rate to encourage sign ups.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Hyabb17 on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:03:55
Latest update - club looking to increase match day prices....

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:04:58
I see external debt has gone from 4.5m to 1.7m

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: MangoRed on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:16:17
Says 2.5k renewals in mins yet this was tweeted two weeks ago

So either it’s a typo or some rotten counting.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Hyabb17 on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:17:41
Says 2.5k renewals in mins yet this was tweeted two weeks ago

So either it’s a typo or some rotten counting.

I imagine that as the minutes are fixed that was the figure at that time. Can't amend the agreed document.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: MangoRed on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:19:37
I imagine that as the minutes are fixed that was the figure at that time. Can't amend the agreed document.

My bad, stupidly took as if they were done today.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Hyabb17 on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:20:39
My bad, stupidly took as if they were done today.

I think the meeting's are normally early in the month.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: reeves4england on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:21:07
Latest update - club looking to increase match day prices....
Seem to be justifying it by saying it brings us into line with other clubs in the division. Don't think we're miles off other clubs but of the ones I looked at we are a little cheaper than some...

Bradford: £20 or £25 on the day
Exeter: £25 or £26 on the day
Northampton: £22 or £24 on the day
Tranmere: £22 or £25 on the day
Bristol Rovers: £26

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:41:32
Its imperative we keep concessions tickets low, in my opinion. And we should not be charging more than £20 for a Town End ticket. The view is dog shit.

£25 on the sides is more than fair though.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: JanAirplaneMan on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:42:42
I think the meeting's are normally early in the month.
Meetings are first Tuesday of the month and the papers for it are created a few days before.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: reeves4england on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:43:58
Its imperative we keep concessions tickets low, in my opinion. And we should not be charging more than £20 for a Town End ticket. The view is dog shit.

£25 on the sides is more than fair though.

The TE view is one consideration, and the atmosphere created is linked to it. If prices are too high people will pay the £2 extra for a reasonable view and the noise levels from the TE will fall. Unless of course we're selling out on a regular basis.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:46:29
Plans to increase programme to a fiver. Seems fair in this climate. What even was the previous price?

I don't know where we go to suggest these things but if the club hasn't already got it, then it may be worth looking at a subscription you pay up front for, for a discount? Like a magazine subscription, come programme season ticket to maybe get for the previous price or £4 each game or something.

Would assist with up front cash flow and be helpful for the few collectors that like to get one every game. Could then just pick it up from the club shop every game.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Hyabb17 on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:51:30
400% rise on U11's in the side stands. Excessive IMO. 

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: The Million Pound Man on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:52:31
Its imperative we keep concessions tickets low, in my opinion. And we should not be charging more than £20 for a Town End ticket. The view is dog shit.

£25 on the sides is more than fair though.

agree with all of this. a couple of quid increase for working adults is expected and can be stomached... hitting kids/students isnt going to be a good idea i dont think; they just wont attend if priced out & longer term could be missing out on full paying adults if they fall out of the habit of going, seems short sighted to me.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Hyabb17 on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:53:11
Meetings are first Tuesday of the month and the papers for it are created a few days before.

That's what I thought. How will the trust communicate with the fans about the potential increases? Like I said below, 400% on an U11's ticket is way over the top.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:02:04
*to answer an earlier question

We hope to get all of our c4.5k existing season ticket holders to renew by the end of May and will drive for new season ticket holders as we strive for 6k season ticket holders

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:12:41
Some points:

The STFC average ticket price is very low at c£8 which might be that some adults are
accessing the ground using concession tickets, this is something that will be closely monitored next season and anyone abusing concession tickets will not be allowed entry.

£8, that is way lower than I expected.

The ticketing review suggests that the Club should look at increasing Town End tickets to £23, Over 65 to £20, Students to £20, U18 to £10 and U11 to £5

I guess U18 and U11 are OK, I think U18 is only £2 increase? Q. Is U18 the age at the start of the season like season tickets or on day of purchase?! Though if it was £1 last season that is quite a hike

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:18:44
Latest update - club looking to increase match day prices....

This bit seemed remarkable:

"The STFC average ticket price is very low at c£8 which might be that some adults are
accessing the ground using concession tickets, this is something that will be closely monitored next season and anyone abusing concession tickets will not be allowed entry"

That seems stupendously low - is everyone buying kids tickets? conscious that concessions and the Nationwide tickets bring the average down, but both of those cost more than £8 right?

Sorry, Batch posted his whilst I was reading - if this stat is true then the problem seems to be abuse of the system rather than the actual prices on paper being too low.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:19:36
My bad, stupidly took as if they were done today.

Just over 3,500 today

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:20:04
Some points:

£8, that is way lower than I expected.

I guess U18 and U11 are OK, I think U18 is only £2 increase? Q. Is U18 the age at the start of the season like season tickets or on day of purchase?! Though if it was £1 last season that is quite a hike
It must be age on day of purchase…surely!?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:23:41
It must be age on day of purchase…surely!?

Yeah,  goint to cry at haveing to fork £20 when the lad can make it next season. Still, he's only likely to go 4 or 5 times so cheaper than the season ticket - especially following the second prive increase in 2 years. Which I am in no way bitter about.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Hyabb17 on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:25:59
This bit seemed remarkable:

"The STFC average ticket price is very low at c£8 which might be that some adults are
accessing the ground using concession tickets, this is something that will be closely monitored next season and anyone abusing concession tickets will not be allowed entry"

That seems stupendously low - is everyone buying kids tickets? conscious that concessions and the Nationwide tickets bring the average down, but both of those cost more than £8 right?

Sorry, Batch posted his whilst I was reading - if this stat is true then the problem seems to be abuse of the system rather than the actual prices on paper being too low.

The Nationwide tickets is an interesting one. Lots of my mates work there & are able to buy 2 x £10 for the DRS stand. That's bound to bring the cost down.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:27:40
How much are TE season tickets for a new ST holder. Adult.


Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:28:49
How much are TE season tickets for a new ST holder. Adult.


Google it ya lazy git


Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Super Hans on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:38:27
I see external debt has gone from 4.5m to 1.7m
That seems impressive. Debt free in 12 months then?  :sherlock:

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: reeves4england on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:39:52
That seems impressive. Debt free in 12 months then?  :sherlock:
Would be great if some of the contested debt could be struck off the sheet through this summer's legal wranglings, but that's probably a bit optimistic.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 15:52:56
That seems impressive. Debt free in 12 months then?  :sherlock:

Especially if Twine generates a chunk of it.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 16:00:44
it's termed 'external debt'.

is there other debt?

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Posh Red on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 16:08:52
it's termed 'external debt'.

is there other debt?

I’m guessing debt to Clem would be internal

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Frigby Daser on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 16:09:52
Wasn’t a lot of our previous “debt” director loans from LP to the club (loans plus interest).

Is any of the money contributed by Morfuni and/or Austin (assuming he has contributed) subject to formal loan agreements or interest of any form?

Tbh, I would expect that it is, if we are unable to get credit for any standard sources. But as it hasn’t been mentioned, I’m curious. It would also mean that the “lowering” of debt actually means that it is simply being transferred as a liability payable to LP to CM/ZA.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 16:12:15
That's what I was getting at.

it's not a problem just yet! Unless it's also repayable sooner rather than later

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 16:17:21
Wasn’t a lot of our previous “debt” director loans from LP to the club (loans plus interest).

Is any of the money contributed by Morfuni and/or Austin (assuming he has contributed) subject to formal loan agreements or interest of any form?

Tbh, I would expect that it is, if we are unable to get credit for any standard sources. But as it hasn’t been mentioned, I’m curious. It would also mean that the “lowering” of debt actually means that it is simply being transferred as a liability payable to LP to CM/ZA.
Believe Clem has mentioned it is interest free from him

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: NotHarryAgombar on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 17:53:29
In calculating average prices don’t forget season tickets average per match is quite low - eg next season’s Over 65 in the Arkells is £290 - so about £12.60 a game.
The under 11 was £10 in the season just gone - 43p a game.
Bring in the other concessions (and presumably)  the free tickets for schools at certain games, the “bring a friend free” offer to ST holders against Oldham and these will push the average price downwards - although I am also surprised it’s only £8.

Hopefully it’s not a throwback to those days when they used to announce the crowd and it was clearly several thousand  more
Than that !

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: RedRag on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 18:04:08
The Nationwide tickets is an interesting one. Lots of my mates work there & are able to buy 2 x £10 for the DRS stand. That's bound to bring the cost down.

Directly or indirectly, I would hope/presume STFC gets a financial quid pro quo from Nationwide for any employee ticketing perks?  Rob Angus would be well informed in that regard.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: bathford on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 18:06:01
Corporate Lounge tickets have gone up. 21/22 I paid £40 per game. Going up to £69!!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Frigby Daser on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 18:28:40
Wasn’t a lot of our previous “debt” director loans from LP to the club (loans plus interest).

Is any of the money contributed by Morfuni and/or Austin (assuming he has contributed) subject to formal loan agreements or interest of any form?

Tbh, I would expect that it is, if we are unable to get credit for any standard sources. But as it hasn’t been mentioned, I’m curious. It would also mean that the “lowering” of debt actually means that it is simply being transferred as a liability payable to LP to CM/ZA.

Good news!

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Hyabb17 on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 19:41:16
Directly or indirectly, I would hope/presume STFC gets a financial quid pro quo from Nationwide for any employee ticketing perks?  Rob Angus would be well informed in that regard.

I believe that Nationwide do put some money in. What that is I’ve no idea.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 19:47:48
Cheap  for all or even a portion of free tickets for sponsors employees is par for the course. It's a perk of putting up the cash to sponsor.

Title: Re: Next Advisory Board
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 20:27:31
Corporate Lounge tickets have gone up. 21/22 I paid £40 per game. Going up to £69!!
Was always suprised how cheap that was tbh