25% => Players => Topic started by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:39:36

Title: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:39:36
Just said on bbc oxford we are taking him on trial.

No, just no

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:41:44
Just said on bbc oxford we are taking him on trial.

No, just no
I bloody well hope we arent taking him on trial, should never play football again.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:42:24
If tans is on a wind-up, so be it.

If not, it's going to make TEF interesting.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Summerof69 on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:43:46
Just said on bbc oxford we are taking him on trial.

No, just no

Why are BBC Pox talking about us?


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:44:25
Bbc oxford news said it

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:44:28
Need something to make TEF go into meltdown over the summer  :D

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:44:56
Tans is on the wind up me thinks.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:49:19
Just posting a video

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:53:47
is he any good?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:54:21
He doesn't have an Eastern European sounding name so I'm afraid it's a no from me.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 17:58:45
I saw him play quite a few times while living in Plymouth, McCormick was definitely Championship standard.

Uh-oh I'm entertaining a tans rumour. I'm with Fola, he's not Balkan.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:03:14
I heard this was on the cards a few weeks ago... he shares agents with someone who mentioned it. I assumed i was having my leg pulled. Maybe not.

I think I'd go all sanctimonious if we signed him, it wouldn't sit well with me (and many others).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:08:14
It might be a very good move if true.

Must be terrible living with that on your conscience.

I think many of us have made some really bad mistakes in our lives, but this one has resulted in 2 children being killed. Must have been awful for the family and awful for McCormick to live with.

When did he get out of jail?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:09:34
Its said on the bbc oxford news he has been training with us for a few months whilst on day release.

Now ive lost the fucking video on my phone, says there is nothing on the sd card

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:10:11
Now ive lost the fucking video on my phone, says there is nothing on the sd card

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:13:17
hang on, got it back

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:15:58
Shall we sign lee hughes as well? double whammy

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:16:41

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:18:55
Safe (or not)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:21:07
Appears genuine. Not sure if trolling.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:22:38
It is true.

Heard it with my own ears. Email the club?!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:23:37
If he's been training with us, why the need to give him a trial?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:24:56
No idea.

Anyone know when the 1830 bbc oxford news will be uploaded to iplayer or whatever? You can see ot on there

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:32:43
It might be a very good move if true.

Must be terrible living with that on your conscience.

I think many of us have made some really bad mistakes in our lives, but this one has resulted in 2 children being killed. Must have been awful for the family and awful for McCormick to live with.

When did he get out of jail?
I agree with this. Whilst frankly, I would rather some other club signed him, on the other hand, when someone does something wrong and goes to prison for it, are people saying that that person should never have the right to earn a living again?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:36:16
I've gotten really, really pissed and then driven a car before, I suspect others on the TEF have also. I learned my lesson the easy way.

The only thing making me any different to a drink driver that has killed somebody is that I got lucky, they didn't

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:38:18
I've gotten really, really pissed and then driven a car before, I suspect others on the TEF have also. I learned my lesson the easy way.

The only thing making me any different to a drink driver that has killed somebody is that I got lucky, they didn't

spot on

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:53:37
It's fuel to the fire for our rivals but who cares about them and if it's trolling, it's pretty good trolling.

The death of those two lads will be on his conscious for the rest of his life, what a horrible thought.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:56:56
You could argue this, passionately, either way (retribution vs rehabilitation).  On balance, I don't like it.  Regardless of any remorse he may now feel, could anyone honestly take their kids to a game and sing this guy's name from the stands?  Only an initial gut feeling, but doesn't feel right to me.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 18:58:52
I'm still trying to figure out how tans managed this one, I reckon he knows someone quite handy with editing software

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:01:14
It's no different to Lee Hughes and we know how passionately people dish abuse at him and Oldham/Notts County. Town would be no different (if this is true and we actually signed him).

This may be something of nothing.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:04:18
He shouldn't be denied the opportunity to make a living.

I just hope it isn't here.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: herthab on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:05:16
Did he, like Hughes, do a runner from the scene? Genuine question. If not, I don't think you can say it's the same.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:06:52
Did he, like Hughes, do a runner from the scene? Genuine question. If not, I don't think you can say it's the same.

I don't think he did no.

He's convicted for killing two kids, he and the club will get crucified on the terraces (and that's what I'm referring to).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:08:32
Confirmed by BBC wilts according to their twitter

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:16:36
You could argue this, passionately, either way (retribution vs rehabilitation).  On balance, I don't like it.  Regardless of any remorse he may now feel, could anyone honestly take their kids to a game and sing this guy's name from the stands?  Only an initial gut feeling, but doesn't feel right to me.

Exactly, cue awkward questions from the kids.....

Yes, everybody deserves another chance, no doubt about it, and as Flashheart says, most of us have done similar acts of dumbness, but, the big difference is his second chance is played out in the public eye, through various medias, and just adds to the attention the situation would bring, this aint fair on the parents, as there loss is irreplacable and unimaginable, no matter how much remorse he shows.

If he was working in Tesco, or on a building site then it would be a different matter altogether. Good luck to the guy, i worked with NACRO for a while and am a staunch believer in rehabilitation over punishment, but rehabilitation in cases such as this could do with a bit of sensitivity and common sense.

Why the fuck are Oxford breaking this news anyway?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:18:52
I can't find myself to hate somebody for making a mistake.....

But we don't need a goalie. There's no need to attract so much negative attention.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:20:15
I wonder what the reaction would be if we found out that Ritchie or Caddis had done something very naughty years ago?

p.s. I'm not saying they have but it would be an interesting debate.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: fittons_coaching_badge on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:40:34
He shouldn't be denied the opportunity to make a living.

I just hope it isn't here.

I'm with Nemo.  The adverse publicity and the ridicule that would follow from the terraces could only be detrimental to the group cause.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:45:08
We get enough stick because of PDC's politics.

I think it's probably additional hassle the club should try and avoid.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:45:15
Has Lee Hughes been detrimental to the Notts County cause?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:46:46
Just seems like alot of negative attention for someone who will likely end up a second fiddle keeper.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:48:51
Just seems like alot of negative attention for someone who will likely end up a second fiddle keeper.


Perhaps there's some agent wheeling and dealing behind the scenes that could involve another player or two, with McCormick as a bargaining chip.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:52:07
Has Lee Hughes been detrimental to the Notts County cause?

I don't know, has he? I'm not writing about Luke McCormick: the person nor the crime itself just the PR (I know that is what your asking).

Di Canio will no doubt deflect any attention.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:52:33
We don't need a keeper imo. We have 2 pro keepers and if neeed be can use the loan market

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:56:36
Luke McCormick made a mistake, one that I'm sure several people on here have made in the past including myself.

Several of us have been caught out, shaken up and made to realise what a stupid stupid mistake drink driving is (regardless of amounts consumed, whether it's first thing the morning after or not, etc.) Luckily for me I got caught out by crashing in to someone I knew the morning after, who was very cool about it from the start. Although what happened in the actual accident was 50/50, i took full responsibility for the crash and will make sure never to make the same mistake again. The excess to my insurance company and losing my no claims bonus were the only casualties, I consider myself very very lucky.

Others which include several people I know and I'm sure other TEF members were less lucky, maybe got caught by the police with a breath test and lost their licences, maybe even in the more serious cases crashed and caused injury.

Luke McCormick killed two kids by his mistake....but he is human and we all make mistakes. It could have easily been me or anyone else who has made that same mistake. These are people you know, friends and family who have no ounce of malice in their body.

He has had to deal with his actions, has served time and will have to live with it hanging over him for the rest of his life. Comparing him to Lee Hughes is harsh to say the least. McCormick was said to be in tears repeatedly apologising at the scene while Lee Hughes fled, fucked off and tried to get away with it. Lee Hughes is a nasty, poor excuse for a human who is currently being charged with sexual assault just to add to things.

I don't know exactly what the point of this post is, because I'm not saying the whole thing should just be completely forgotten and we move on...but just have a little perspective which some people fail to.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:56:50
We don't need a keeper imo. We have 2 pro keepers and if neeed be can use the loan market

Yep, as long as Lanzano is on the books it's a odd move.

...but it's only a trial.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:58:55
I think we are all jumping the gun here, he hasn't signed, he's joining on trial.
I would bet my house we do not sign him permanently, and he is only with us to get fit.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 19:59:27
I don't know, has he? I'm not writing about Luke McCormick: the person nor the crime itself just the PR (I know that is what your asking).

I'm don't think he has.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:04:50
I think Oldham took the brunt of the abuse of that occasion.

You know what people are like, a couple of months of mass hysteria followed by normality.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:05:31
Yes, everybody deserves another chance, no doubt about it, and as Flashheart says, most of us have done similar acts of dumbness, but, the big difference is his second chance is played out in the public eye, through various medias, and just adds to the attention the situation would bring, this aint fair on the parents, as there loss is irreplacable and unimaginable, no matter how much remorse he shows.

The added attention isn't all bad. For a start it has got people on here talking about how fucking stupid it is to drink and drive - I'm no angel either, did it once when very drunk, somehow managed get home without causing an accident and still can't believe what a twat I was. He is also in a position where he can stop others from making the same mistake, potentially saving lives in the process.

He did something stupid, has served his time and should now be allowed to get on with his life.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:17:42
No thanks, dont want him in our team I would really struggle to support him and I think oposing fans would give so much shit an d this could be something that would split the squad into those that accept him and those that dont and affect the harmony at the thanks not for me

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:22:39
Well if he's been training with the club already then the players will know him already and division shouldn't be an issue.

It's purely down to the debate between those cannot find a place in society for someone who committed a crime and those who feel that he's served his time.

The club would no doubt say that it's a footballing decision and people deserve a chance.

Some fans will say that they won't go to matches but numbers will oddly stay the same.

Also, it's just a trial.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: adje on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:23:46
We all remember Jimmy Davis with absolute fondness but this could so easily have happened to him that day.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:28:01
I don't want this child killing cunt anywhere near our club.

Fuck the namby pamby "ooh he made a mistake" bollocks. He can fuck off and rot in hell.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:32:23
Tell us what you really think batch!  ;D

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: adje on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:32:49
What are you saying Batch?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:33:45
I think thats the first time ive ever seen you use the word cunt before batch 8)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:34:06
This isn't the time for fence sitting Batch.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:34:58
the guy made a dreadful mistake. He'll have to live with it until he dies but it was an accident,not an act of intent

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:38:42
He drove while pissed and killed 2 kids. I don't really give a fuck what he has to live with. Its not like he got up next day still over the limit is it.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:39:12
So that's a maybe then Batch?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:46:16
I would  rather have David James...or Craig Farr

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:56:19
So that's a maybe then Batch?

Its probably best I say out this thread after this post, but I can't believe Wray even entertained the thought even if a deal doesn't come off.

If that meant PDC got the hump and left and we re-appointed Malpas  - I'd rather that than appoint McCormick.  I think that sums up how I feel on the subject.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 20:59:28
Anything actually official on this?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:00:33
Anything actually official on this?

Dont be silly.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:01:36
I don't mean to be antagonistic, after all a player that's just on trial isn't worth it

But have you never had a beer and got behind the wheel? Or know somebody else that has?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:02:33
Anything actually official on this?

BBC wilts is the closest thing I've seen so far

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:05:16
Anything actually official on this?

Ssshhh it's kicking off.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Peacocks-Lucky-Coat on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:11:50
I've gotten really, really pissed and then driven a car before, I suspect others on the TEF have also. I learned my lesson the easy way.

The only thing making me any different to a drink driver that has killed somebody is that I got lucky, they didn't

I got off easy too, once before, never again. Managed to pile my car into a lamp post, lesson learned.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Posh Red on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:12:48
But have you never had a beer and got behind the wheel? Or know somebody else that has?

Nope, never have & wouldn't get in a car with anyone I knew was driving drunk.

I know we haven't signed him yet but if he did sign I for one would never cheer his name

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:16:12
Nope, never have & wouldn't get in a car with anyone I knew was driving drunk.

I know we haven't signed him yet but if he did sign I for one would never cheer his name

But do you know somebody else that has never gotten behind the wheel while drunk, whether you were in the car or not?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:18:20
I owe you an apology.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:18:24
But have you never had a beer and got behind the wheel? Or know somebody else that has?

1 beer yes, no more. So no to both. Sounds holier than thou, not mean to but the truth is even when I have been pavement crawlingly drunk I've realised driving would be stupid.]

And I can't say I know anyone who has. Actually I lie - my alcoholic ex-stepdad. And we shopped him. But thats another story I don't wish to share.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:19:52
But even 1 beer nowadays is over the limit.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:20:13
But even 1 beer nowadays is over the limit.

No it isn't. Well maybe it is for a strong pint.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:22:10
It all depends what you drink.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Peacocks-Lucky-Coat on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:22:31
No it isn't.

Depends entirely on the person. One beer could make some people over the "legal limit", whilst other people with a stronger tolerance to alcohol could have 3 pints and still be fine.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Posh Red on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:25:03
But do you know somebody else that has never gotten behind the wheel while drunk, whether you were in the car or not?

There were a group of us that hung around together as lads, and as far as I know none of us ever did, however I don't suppose any of them would publicise the fact.

We took it in turns to drive & the nominated driver stayed away from drinking, Either that or we travelled in taxis.

That said, we have driven back from the pub with far too many people in a car.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:25:36
Yes it does, apologies, 5%+ must take you close.

McCormick was over twice the limit when he was breathalised.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:31:50
1 beer yes, no more. So no to both. Sounds holier than thou, not mean to but the truth is even when I have been pavement crawlingly drunk I've realised driving would be stupid.]

And I can't say I know anyone who has. Actually I lie - my alcoholic ex-stepdad. And we shopped him. But thats another story I don't wish to share.

I was so drunk that I hit a parked car and didn't even notice. I was pulled over by a couple of coppers who told me what I did, and still I didn't believe them, not until they got me back home and pointed out the red strip of paint along my silver motor that shouldn't have been there. I was very, very, very drunk and it was extremely irresponsible of me to even attempt to drive.

The parked that I hit could so easily have been a couple of kids, or perhaps even a bus stop full off kids waiting.

Am I evil?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:33:14
My uncle once gave me a lift home whilst drunk; scariest moment of my life. He was on his phone texting, occasionally looking up to correct the positioning of his car on the road and swerving all over the place.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:33:34
I was so drunk that I hit a parked car and didn't even notice. I was pulled over by a couple of coppers who told me what I did, and still I didn't believe them, not until they got me back home and pointed out the red strip of paint along my silver motor that shouldn't have been there. I was very, very, very drunk and it was extremely irresponsible of me to even attempt to drive.

The parked that I hit could so easily have been a couple of kids, or perhaps even a bus stop full off kids waiting.

Am I evil?
Nah you're not evil, you're just an idiot. Unless your intention was to get drunk and drive, then you are.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:35:04
Having read through the thread again my conclusion is this:

Does he deserve a second chance? Yes, of course.

Should that second chance be with us? No, we're not that desparate for a keeper and do not need all that accompanying baggage. Let AFC Telford or Alfreton Town (or whoever) sign him - he will get his second chance, it just does not need to be with us.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:36:29
How must Phil Smith be feeling now?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:37:09
Am I evil?

No. Stupid and lucky. And you seem to realise it now.

But you didn't kill any children. Had you have I'd feel the same about you. You could have, but you didn't.

Look I really am going out of this thread now. I can only see me pissing people off. That's not my intention. My views are clear.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Peacocks-Lucky-Coat on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:37:34
How must Phil Smith be feeling now?


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:39:28
No. Stupid and lucky.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:47:44
I was so drunk that I hit a parked car and didn't even notice. I was pulled over by a couple of coppers who told me what I did, and still I didn't believe them, not until they got me back home and pointed out the red strip of paint along my silver motor that shouldn't have been there. I was very, very, very drunk and it was extremely irresponsible of me to even attempt to drive.

The parked that I hit could so easily have been a couple of kids, or perhaps even a bus stop full off kids waiting.

Am I evil?

The difference between your story and Luke McCormack's is that no one died in yours.  I appreciate that he didn't set out to kill the children, but he did.  The problem with the 'we've all been there' type of argument is that, like it or not, it marginalises the most important factor in the episode - that two children died - in favour of promoting the point that there was no intention to harm anyone.  To me, this is not as important.

I do agree that convicted criminals deserve a chance to rebuild their lives.  But just as the family of the children have had to accept a huge change in their lives, I don't think that it's at all unreasonable for the perpetrator to accept some changes in his/hers after they have served their time.  In McCormack's case, my own take is that he has probably forfeited the right to work in the entertainment industry, of which football is a branch.  Plenty of other arenas in which he could forge a worthwhile living for himself.  As I said earlier, this doesn't feel right.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:49:57
There were a group of us that hung around together as lads, and as far as I know none of us ever did, however I don't suppose any of them would publicise the fact.

We took it in turns to drive & the nominated driver stayed away from drinking, Either that or we travelled in taxis.

That said, we have driven back from the pub with far too many people in a car.

Well, you now know at least one more person that has driven while drunk (myself). Along with others on the TEF that have admitted to doing so in this thread.

(Just for the record, I will never get behind the wheel whilst drunk again and do not condone it)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 21:57:12
Just want to state for the record, I'd prefer for McCormick not to sign for us. The lad (arguably) deserves a chance somewhere, bit I'd rather it not be on my back yard.

Regardless, we have Super Wes anyway so I don't see the point

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:00:35
I stabbed a man in the heart.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:03:39
I stabbed a man in the heart.
You were drunk, it's fine. We all make mistakes.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:05:30
I stabbed a man in the heart.

With your stare?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: deltaincline on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:09:36
Having read through the thread again my conclusion is this:

Does he deserve a second chance? Yes, of course.

Should that second chance be with us? No, we're not that desparate for a keeper and do not need all that accompanying baggage. Let AFC Telford or Alfreton Town (or whoever) sign him - he will get his second chance, it just does not need to be with us.

I can't rationalise what he did because of the dire consequences.

Yes, he's served the time. He's been punished for the 'crime' in law only.

2 kids died though. The law doesn't cover scenarios like that, never has and never will because it's just words on bits of paper stuffed into in a statute book somewhere.

The parents and family will suffer the lifetime of burden and misery that some pissed-up arsehole inflicted on them when he got behind the wheel of his car.

Thats the human side of what happened and my heart goes out to those poor fuckers who were robbed of watching those kids grow up.

McCormick shouldn't even be thinking of returning to professional football. Just as a mark of fucking respect to the kids who died and those left behind, he should be doing something out of the public eye like charity work and keeping his head down for the rest of his life.

Some 'crimes' are beyond forgiveness (whatever the fuck that jumped up, bible-bashing bollocks word actually means) and the perpetrator in cases like this one should never be heard of again.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Trashbat? on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:11:59
I stabbed a man in the heart.

With a trident?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: joteddyred on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:12:37
The difference between your story and Luke McCormack's is that no one died in yours.  I appreciate that he didn't set out to kill the children, but he did.  The problem with the 'we've all been there' type of argument is that, like it or not, it marginalises the most important factor in the episode - that two children died - in favour of promoting the point that there was no intention to harm anyone.  To me, this is not as important.

I do agree that convicted criminals deserve a chance to rebuild their lives.  But just as the family of the children have had to accept a huge change in their lives, I don't think that it's at all unreasonable for the perpetrator to accept some changes in his/hers after they have served their time.  In McCormack's case, my own take is that he has probably forfeited the right to work in the entertainment industry, of which football is a branch.  Plenty of other arenas in which he could forge a worthwhile living for himself.  As I said earlier, this doesn't feel right.


There were photos of him recently in the paper on day release for his son's birthday accompanied by an interview with the parents of the boys that died and how they felt about it.

Not only have they had to face life without their two boys, the father is paralysed and needs round the clock care.  How the fuck do you move on from something like that, especially when the person who caused it can now seemingly pick up where he left off?  Oh and he's got a son to enjoy now, something he took from them twice over.

If he had any remore he'd be keeping a low profile and certainly not trying to find a new club the minute he's released.  If this happens it'll be splashed across the papers and they'll be constant abuse directed at the club.  I can't believe they'd be stupid enough to even consider it.  I'm disgusted tbh.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leftside on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:22:48
I don't want this child killing cunt anywhere near our club.

Fuck the namby pamby "ooh he made a mistake" bollocks. He can fuck off and rot in hell.

I can understand these sentiments, but the reality is he can't rot in hell ... yet, if you believe that kind of thing.

Yes, he did act like a cunt and society has punished him through the law of the land. Of course it can't be measured against the death of two children, but the past can't be changed.

It isn't 'namby pamby ... bollocks' - criminals need to be dealt with and he has (the degree of punishment is usually the contentious issue). He fucked-up big time, he knows it, we know it, the club knows it. Society, including all prospective employers, has to deal with ex-cons. The easy option is to try to sweep them under a convenient carpet. The harder option is to face the reality and do something purposeful.

It sure as hell made me feel uncomfortable when I heard the news on TV this evening. I'd rather it not be STFC, but it is, and we have to deal with it this time round, just like others have in the past and will have to in the future. Football is his trade so why try and foist him on someone else's?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Gnasher on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:23:37

There were photos of him recently in the paper on day release for his son's birthday accompanied by an interview with the parents of the boys that died and how they felt about it.

Not only have they had to face life without their two boys, the father is paralysed and needs round the clock care.  How the fuck do you move on from something like that, especially when the person who caused it can now seemingly pick up where he left off?  Oh and he's got a son to enjoy now, something he took from them twice over.

If he had any remore he'd be keeping a low profile and certainly not trying to find a new club the minute he's released.  If this happens it'll be splashed across the papers and they'll be constant abuse directed at the club.  I can't believe they'd be stupid enough to even consider it.  I'm disgusted tbh.

This x 2

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:25:39

There were photos of him recently in the paper on day release for his son's birthday accompanied by an interview with the parents of the boys that died and how they felt about it.

Not only have they had to face life without their two boys, the father is paralysed and needs round the clock care.  How the fuck do you move on from something like that, especially when the person who caused it can now seemingly pick up where he left off?  Oh and he's got a son to enjoy now, something he took from them twice over.

If he had any remore he'd be keeping a low profile and certainly not trying to find a new club the minute he's released.  If this happens it'll be splashed across the papers and they'll be constant abuse directed at the club.  I can't believe they'd be stupid enough to even consider it.  I'm disgusted tbh.

This too. I saw the same thing in the papers. It would be disappointing if we were to entertain the idea of signing him

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: reeves4england on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:35:39
My view is he did something beyond stupid which nobody can put right, he was punished for it according to the laws of the land, and he is being released back into society. He has to start rebuilding his life, as anybody else would do, and I don't mind if he does it at Swindon.

Yes, it will attract attention, but we've not suffered from all the negative opinions about Paolo so far. And yes, he's in a public job, but it's not like his face is going to be all over the national news every week - in fact, outside of Swindon you'd be highly unlikely to ever see his picture/name.

I respect people who are much more opposed than me, but personally don't have anything against giving him the chance to start again.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:36:21
Looking forward to seeing how these opinions will fizzle into acceptance should the mass murderer sign.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:41:18
Wifey put this a good way:

- If McCormick was your son, would you want him to have a second chance or whould you want him vilified wherever he went for the rest of his life?

- If it were your sons that died, would you want him to have a second chance or whould you want him vilified wherever he went for the rest of his life?

Would you be so compassionate in both answers?  It would take a bigger man than me to do so.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: König on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:46:38
It's such an odd thing for our board to even consider. Seeing as they've got most issues spot on so far it's odd that they'd accept all the negative press that would come with his signing, especially when realistically he's going to be second choice behind Wes. It would be more understandable if he was a world beater, but for a back up keeper it seems strange.

Even more odd is the fact that the board is clearly quite keen to advertise our club as a family club, you'd think that the last thing they'd want to do is sign a player who has destroyed a family.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: deltaincline on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:56:06
My view is he did something beyond stupid which nobody can put right, he was punished for it according to the laws of the land, and he is being released back into society. He has to start rebuilding his life, as anybody else would do, and I don't mind if he does it at Swindon.

Yes, it will attract attention, but we've not suffered from all the negative opinions about Paolo so far. And yes, he's in a public job, but it's not like his face is going to be all over the national news every week - in fact, outside of Swindon you'd be highly unlikely to ever see his picture/name.

I respect people who are much more opposed than me, but personally don't have anything against giving him the chance to start again.

Your bleeding heart bullshit knows no bounds, R4E;-)

Putting aside the morality arguments, signing this dickhead will be mortifyingly terrible PR for a football club that is now properly run, with credible investors in the boardroom and a legend manager guiding us on the field.

I honestly can not see PDC running with it.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 22:58:35

I honestly can not see PDC running with it.

According to reports McCormick has been in training with the club already.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: deltaincline on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 23:02:00
According to reports McCormick has been in training with the club already.

Yeah I read that too, Flash.

I'm not having it though. PDC is a family bloke by his own admission. Can't see him welcoming someone with blood on his hands into the revitalised STFC fold.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 23:21:05
Wifey put this a good way:

- If McCormick was your son, would you want him to have a second chance or whould you want him vilified wherever he went for the rest of his life?

- If it were your sons that died, would you want him to have a second chance or whould you want him vilified wherever he went for the rest of his life?

Would you be so compassionate in both answers?  It would take a bigger man than me to do so.
Spot on.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: The Frog on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 04:47:33
i was told by a youth team player he has been training, that was about 2 weeks ago thought nothing of it

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 05:31:59
Yeah I read that too, Flash.

I'm not having it though. PDC is a family bloke by his own admission. Can't see him welcoming someone with blood on his hands into the revitalised STFC fold.

But he has invited him training...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: @MacPhlea on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 05:37:52
I know several people who staunchly vilify people who drink and drive and yet then proceed to smoke pot and drive.

The fact is he made a series of choices, bad choices, that led to him killing two children and badly disabling their father.

I will put my hands up and say that I have driven whilst drunk.  I had no intention of doing so at the beginning of the evening or during the course of the evening but woke up in the morning to go to work and collect my car from where I had parked it and discovered it was missing -  I reported it stolen only to be told 2 hours later it was parked outside my neighbours house blocking their driveway...  I do not remember driving it home and could have easily have wiped out half of Chippenham and neither intended to drive or remember doing so.  To give this more perspective I was a Police officer at the time and had never drunk driven before and have the same views of anti DD myself BUT remember this...

Alcohol effects people in different ways and different types of drink work differently on the same body. From my experience of alcohol (both from personal experience and dealing with it in a professional stance) I have seen perfectly good people do things they would never have dreamed of doing at the start of the evening and make decisions no sober person would have dreamed of as a result of drink and in most cases bad decisions come off the back of drinking something that they don't normally drink.

Two times over the limit isn't normally an amount that would render you paraletic drinking your normal tipple BUT switch to something you are not used to and that same amount of alcohol consumption will have a different effect and, more importantly, may result in you a making decisions that you would not normally make.

I guess the whole debate comes down to a question of who he killed rather than the choices he made... had he killed two dogs and been done for drink driving this debate wouldn't have been so vociferous... Did we debate Michael Pook's DD conviction so deeply?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 05:45:04
Yes, he did act like a cunt and society has punished him through the law of the land.

I think the key issue here is my thinking in this case the law is an ass. It is what it is, but for me its not enough. That's not my call, but I will never support the bloke being at my club.

I don't think society has punished him either. The law has, but I bet a majority of people would say 3 1/2 years behind bars isn't enough.

Football is his trade so why try and foist him on someone else's?

In the eyes of the law he is free to do what he wants. But not at Swindon thank-you.

So disappointed with Wray and Watkins if this happens.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 05:49:16

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 06:27:55
I owe you an apology.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 07:52:13
That video is horrendous, he's obviously gutted. It's worlds apart from what that cunt Hughes did, I actually feel a llittle bit sorry for McCormick.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 07:59:10
Funny how we react in different ways.  I watched the clip as well and, if anything, it reinforced my view that I don't want him at the club.  He drank enough to send himself more than twice over the limit, and then knowingly took his Range Rover out for an erratic 97 mph spin on a motorway.  While you wouldn't condone them either, this is in a different league from stories elsewhere on this thread...even before considering the tragic consequence that two children died and the permanent disability inflicted on their father.

For me, the fact that he was 'gutted' is irrelevant.  The damage was already done.  Too late.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:05:19

Quote from: Sam Morshead
"Jeremy Wray confirms to me Luke McCormick will join club on trial in June & he's been part of training since Jan on day release"

"We thought long and hard about it... it was something offered to me... I did not go out looking for sensationalist headlines"

It's just a trial at this stage, nothing else.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:07:06
I think he must know what a twat he's been, and it will haunt him forever. He has served his sentence in law, and I am sure he will personally feel punished for the rest of his life. It does seem like his professional life will recommence untarnished (apart from the dogs abuse he's get every game), and I'd have thought coaching and community work might have been a better avenue morally.

I guess he'd be cheap, and if he's still decent would be good value for money in a pure footballing sense. I just don't want my club to have him.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: RWB Robin on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:10:18
Wifey put this a good way:

- If McCormick was your son, would you want him to have a second chance or whould you want him vilified wherever he went for the rest of his life?

- If it were your sons that died, would you want him to have a second chance or whould you want him vilified wherever he went for the rest of his life?

Would you be so compassionate in both answers?  It would take a bigger man than me to do so.

At risk of adding to the 'bleeding hart bullshit' (in itself a bullshit phrase):

The crime is getting behind the wheel of a car when he was unfit to drive.  Anyone and everyone who has done that is potentially as guilty as McCormick, as several people have pointed out.  Add to that anyone who has driven a car which is unfit to drive, anyone who has exceeded the speed limit in a 30mph zone, or anyone else who has driven without due care or consideration.  What happened with McCormick is total tragedy and disaster, firstly for the children who died and their dad who was injured, secondly for their family who will never ever get over it and thirdly for McCormick (and his family) who will also never get over it.

But he did not make that totally wrong decision to drive with the intention of hurting anybody, any more than I did when I drove at 34mph in a 30mph zone.  I could so easily have gone round a corner and hit someone, and I would have been entirely responsible.  There is absolutely no justification in law for the principle 'It doesn't matter so long as I don't get found out'. That is just hypocrisy.

Further to that I - and I suspect everyone else who is writing on here - have absolutely no idea what has happened in McCormick's life since going to prison.  We know nothing about the terms of his release.  We know nothing about whether he has had contact with the family he damaged so appallingly.  We know nothing about the basis on which he is currently with the club.  He is a footballer by profession.  There is nothing so far as i know that prevents a person who has served a prison sentence (for anything) from restarting the career for which they are trained, unless their crime has a direct bearing on the profession - as , for instance, in financial crimes or sex crimes.

It is a reasonable question to ask whether someone who is an 'entertainer', and therefore thrives on public profile, should really come back into the public eye.  That is a very difficult question, and if we start down that road, where do we stop?  I trust the leadership of the club to ask those questions very carefully, and to make the best possible decision for everyone concerned.

There is nothing more detestable in our society generally than the animal instinct to make scapegoats, whether in the out-and-out tabloid rubbish that some have written, or in the patronising 'There but for the grace of God go I' attitude of some others.  We ARE in it, unless there are any saints on here - and I have yet to encounter any.  

If the club decide that Luke McCormick has the right attitude to pick up a career (and where else in the lower leagues would a player find a more disciplined approach), then I would not want to stand in his or their way.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Leggett on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:11:05
Same as Ardiles, whether he's gutted or not makes no difference. People are saying he was unlucky, he wasn't unlucky, he made a cuntish, selfish and fucking dangerous decision and it bit him, hard. People are saying plenty of others do it. That makes zero difference, he's in a privileged position to earn a very nice living from playing a game, I don't think he deserves another crack at it. After all, he chose to drink and drive, nobody forced him. As a father I could not bring myself to cheer for him as a Swindon player.

Hughes is a different kind of cunt, he fled. The two can't be compared, other than neither should earn a living from playing football.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:22:53
(I'm talking about his career and little else)

McCormick, long term, will be fine wherever he ends up. He's a 28 year old goalkeeper from the lower leagues. I dare say that people like Paolo Di Canio would consider the redemption of McCormick a challenge.

Wherever McCormick continues his career, the abuse will be really bad for a while and will eventually reduce itself to a few people every game. This is based on what has happened to Lee Hughes, Jordan Robertson and Adam Chapman (they all killed, they all returned).

McCormick's occupation is football, whether he should or shouldn't be allowed to return into the game is up for debate but it makes sense that he personally wants to go back into what was his profession before he went inside.



Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:35:01
But he did not make that totally wrong decision to drive with the intention of hurting anybody, any more than I did when I drove at 34mph in a 30mph zone.  I could so easily have gone round a corner and hit someone, and I would have been entirely responsible.  There is absolutely no justification in law for the principle 'It doesn't matter so long as I don't get found out'. That is just hypocrisy.

Just homing in on this paragraph (which, I appreciate, is just part of the point you were making), I find this way of thinking too simplistic.  Life is not black & white; there are many shades of grey to equate driving at 34 mph in a 30 mph limit (which everyone will have done) with McCormick's crime of driving at 97 mph on a motorway with a 70 mph limit, whilst intoxicated (which very few of us, hopefully, will have), makes no sense to me at all.  You would be as well arguing that stepping on an ant and killing it is no different to torturing a kitten to death.  Scale does matter, and it's the scale of McCormick's stupidity, together with the tragic consequences, that sets this apart for me.

Take your point about the tendency to make scapegoats and how unattractive that I hope I am not contributing to that.  Certainly not my intention.  I just feel that McCormick crossed so far over the line that night that I'd rather he was not associated with the club I love.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:42:12
Please dont tell me what he did was a mistake, he chose to drive, knowing that he was still pissed, he ignored pleas from friends, telling him not to drive. He is a cunt for what he did and i dont want him anywhere near this club. Big deal, he did 5 years, its 5 years that those little boys that he killed will never have the chance to see.    

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:46:55
It's odd that both macphlea and I have admitted to driving while way over the limit, yet there's not a smidgen of moral outrage to be seen.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:48:05
And that makes it OK to do it?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BenTheRed on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:48:08
I may have a simplistic view.

There is a second part of justice called rehabilitation (and integration back into society). If he's done the punishment then he should be able to move on to the rehabilitation. This is a fundamental part of the justice system. Unless the person is still a danger to society, then he/she shouldn't be discriminated against when trying to get a job.

What doesn't sit right with me is that he's only served four years in jail for this crime. This for me is where the real issue lies.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:49:16
I don't want him here.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:49:55
And that makes it OK to do it?

There's a point, and you missed it.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:52:22
Ok, if it makes you feel any better, your a cunt for drink driving

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: @MacPhlea on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:54:08
It's odd that both macphlea and I have admitted to driving while way over the limit, yet there's not a smidgen of moral outrage to be seen.

Or when half these cunts sat in the stands for Jimmy Davis memorial game who was lucky to hit a lorry and die rather than hit a car with a family in it...

Or when Michael Pook was convicted of drink driving and continued playing for the club...

For me it isn't just about whether someone seriously fucks up.  It's about how they conduct themselves when they seriously fuck up and how they go about trying to repair the damage they have done... Lee hughes is a spineless cunt who doesn't deserve a second chance.  McCormick is a stupid cunt who needs to prove to everyone he is worthy of a second chance

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:55:55
And there, in this thread, you have it neatly encapsulated: a split fanbase.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: @MacPhlea on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:56:08
Ok, if it makes you feel any better, your a cunt for drink driving

But i was so drunk I can't remember driving...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 08:57:32
My point is, anyone and i include myself in this , is a cunt if they drink drive. And i totally agree with what you are saying MacPhlea, its how they conduct themselves afterwards.  

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Frigby Daser on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:05:24
He drove while pissed and killed 2 kids. I don't really give a fuck what he has to live with. Its not like he got up next day still over the limit is it.

Without wishing to defend the guy, that is exactly what happened in this situation. He went to a wedding, he drank too much, he went to bed, he got up, still over the limit and drove. He hit the family's car in the 90s.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:08:12
A split fanbase is only an issue to the club if attendances and other selling points start to drop purely because of this.

If he does sign permanently, I don't think they we'll see drops in the mentioned areas.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BenTheRed on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:17:45
its now a trending topic on twatter, going to be negative for the club...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:18:37
its now a trending topic on twatter, going to be negative for the club...


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BenTheRed on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:20:55

Perception from the outside would be that we employ killers or sympathise with them ???

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:22:23
Perception from the outside would be that we employ killers or sympathise with them ???

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:23:30
I dont want him to play for our club, he wants to 'get his life back on track' do it somewhere else. It's not even like we need a keeper massively so why risk the negative headlines that will head our way?

I'm sure he didn't mean to kill those two young lads but the fact he is that he did and for me that is that, I just think of the family of those lads and what they would feel if they saw him playing for us. Not for me.

Oh and people who drink and drive are cunts.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:25:42
I skimmed the comments on Twitter and it's mostly questioning the duration of the sentence (and a lot of spam). Not many saying how evil Swindon Town are (apart from one Millwall fan).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: RWB Robin on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:29:30
Just homing in on this paragraph (which, I appreciate, is just part of the point you were making), I find this way of thinking too simplistic.  Life is not black & white; there are many shades of grey to equate driving at 34 mph in a 30 mph limit (which everyone will have done) with McCormick's crime of driving at 97 mph on a motorway with a 70 mph limit, whilst intoxicated (which very few of us, hopefully, will have), makes no sense to me at all.  You would be as well arguing that stepping on an ant and killing it is no different to torturing a kitten to death.  Scale does matter, and it's the scale of McCormick's stupidity, together with the tragic consequences, that sets this apart for me.

Thanks for this, Ardiles.  I don't really dissent from your point; but my point is that we are all making decisions - especially where driving is concerned - that could lead to loss of life or serious injury.  That is the point at issue for me.  the law is quite clear - there are different levels of dangerous driving, and his was definitely the most serious.  I have driven at 97mph on the motorway, but not been drunk.  Had I been stopped I would have automatically have been done for dangerous driving (even if the motorway was empty), but had an accident happened (and it easily could have done for any number of reasons)and life lost it would have been upgraded..  I drive around the country a great deal, and see some absolutely crazy driving by people who are not. presumably, over the limit - they think they are good drivers presumably - but they make conscious decisions to drive in a way which causes danger and fear to other road users.  i wish they got caught more often, because the process might moderate their decision-making - but not destroy their whole lives subsequently.

Please dont tell me what he did was a mistake, he chose to drive, knowing that he was still pissed, he ignored pleas from friends, telling him not to drive.

I certainly would not call what McCormick did a mistake.  He should face the force of the law, as he did, and he has to live with what happened.  It was criminal.  But all crime is serious error - some more conscious than others, and people deserve the chance to make amends and start again.  If it happened again, or if he showed attitude that was inappropriate, then he should take the consequences.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:37:37
Without wishing to defend the guy, that is exactly what happened in this situation. He went to a wedding, he drank too much, he went to bed, he got up, still over the limit and drove. He hit the family's car in the 90s.

No it isn't, he was drinking until 2am then got 2 hours sleep and drove. There was no way that he couldn't still be pissed. When he was breathalysed he was still over twice the legal limit.

Very different from stopping at 11pm and getting in the car 12 hours later when it would be reasonable to assume the alcohol had gone.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:40:19
Christ alive, the very thought of signing him is despicable. And I've got a DD conviction.

Offences aren't the same. Yes, I'm a twat, cunt etc for what I did and I couldn't care less what others think, at the end of the day I'm the one who had to lump the punishment.

My point is, that the offence isn't the same - I drove when I was pissed. So did McCormick. But I didn't kill 2 children and paralyse another. He shouldn't play for Swindon.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: @MacPhlea on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:41:00
No it isn't, he was drinking until 2am then got 2 hours sleep and drove. There was no way that he couldn't still be pissed. When he was breathalysed he was still over twice the legal limit.

Very different from stopping at 11pm and getting in the car 12 hours later when it would be reasonable to assume the alcohol had gone.

And there in lies the magic word 'assumption' - it offers no defence even if you think it is reasonable...  You could still be twice over the limit after 12 hours sleep

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:41:32
If Dave thinks it's wrong, it might just be!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: @MacPhlea on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:44:10
Christ alive, the very thought of signing him is despicable. And I've got a DD conviction.

Offences aren't the same. Yes, I'm a twat, cunt etc for what I did and I couldn't care less what others think, at the end of the day I'm the one who had to lump the punishment.

My point is, that the offence isn't the same - I drove when I was pissed. So did McCormick. But I didn't kill 2 children and paralyse another. He shouldn't play for Swindon.

But you could have done... so what you are saying is that we can forgive people for drink driving as long as they don't kill a couple of kids?

Had he killed a couple of kids without drinking or driving then I would agree

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:48:25
This thread gets a mention

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:49:17
Had he killed a couple of kids without drinking or driving then I would agree

I find this bizarre. How can drink driving be an excuse to turn him into a victim, but if he was not drink driving be worse?

I might get pissed and go and stab a few people later. Hey its OK because I was pissed, everyone makes mistakes, we've all been pissed.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:49:30
Hypothetical bollocks.

I didn't so it's irrelevant.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:50:12
This thread gets a mention

Er, where?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:51:17
I've always had a lot of respect for Swindon, but for them to come out and chase a child killer as a new signing, it's just not on.  I really hope a campaign is launched to stop this.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:52:58
I've always had a lot of respect for Swindon, but for them to come out and chase a child killer as a new signing, it's just not on.  I really hope a campaign is launched to stop this.

Ooh, sensationalism. My favourite.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:54:06
I don't think anyone is justifying what he did.

To be honest he's done what he's done. There's no turning back the clock. Watching that youtube clip, you could see he was devestated. He has to live with that for the rest of his life. I do feel sorry for the parents, and would hate to be in their position. But what should the bloke do, hide away? If he was to serve you in a restaurant would you refuse? What if he got a job in your favourite restaurant, would you refuse to go?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:54:15
You should see twitter Barry.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:54:25
Hypothetical bollocks.

I didn't so it's irrelevant.

What you did was as bad. You were just lucky nobody was killed.
I too used to drink drive when i was younger and am fortunate I was never caught or hurt anyone.
I sympathise with the player but think he should steer away from football and stfc due to the split it will cause.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Swindon Please Win on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:55:58
Er, where?

Listen to the interview around 3 minutes 45 seconds.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 09:57:18
What you did was as bad. You were just lucky nobody was killed.

I agree - but my point is, I shouldn't be demonised in the same way LM is, I didn't kill or hurt anyone. Luckily or not, that's the bottom line.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: kerry red on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:00:29
Well, he must have some bollocks to want to return to football where he will be crucified everytime he appears on a pitch.

It will take major league thick skin for all that abuse not to affect him.

Trying to be rational about this without letting emotion get in the way - but on reflection I wouldn't really want him representing my team

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:03:35
You should see twitter Barry.

You won't catch me on there! Along with my longterm complete and total media blackout I avoid Twitter and steer clear of anything that smells like it might descend into sensationalist mongism. :)

And yes, I'm being sanctimonious. 8)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:09:49
McCormack is considered scum yet look at the reaction to Jimmy Davis after he passed away.  They both drove over the limit it’s just the consequences were different, Davis could have crashed in a family car, LM could have gone off the road and not hurt anyone, they didn’t but they both took the same risk.

One we generally don’t want near our club and other is thought of in almost “Hero” terms, this makes me a little uncomfortable at the element of a double standard being applied (myself included) 

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: @MacPhlea on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:10:28
I find this bizarre. How can drink driving be an excuse to turn him into a victim, but if he was not drink driving be worse?

I might get pissed and go and stab a few people later. Hey its OK because I was pissed, everyone makes mistakes, we've all been pissed.

My point is that he is being demonised because he was unfortunate to hit a car instead of a lorry (and before you say he isn't there are loads of us who admit to drink driving and even players who have been convicted without the reaction) so my point is that if we demonised the drink driving and applied to EVERYONE then fewer people would drink drive and these tragedies wouldn't happen.  

By focusing on the death of the children it's deflecting from the real problem;  drink driving

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:11:17
What you did was as bad. You were just lucky nobody was killed.
I too used to drink drive when i was younger and am fortunate I was never caught or hurt anyone.
I sympathise with the player but think he should steer away from football and stfc due to the split it will cause.

Simple as that really

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:18:23
I'd have thought coaching and community work might have been a better avenue morally.

I guess he'd be cheap, and if he's still decent would be good value for money in a pure footballing sense. I just don't want my club to have him.
Both of these points are extremely well put.

Wray trying to defend it on the radio on the grounds it might spark some debate about drink driving and stop someone else from drink driving is despicable spin.

But I'm astonished people are surprised by this - this ship sailed last summer when the club very clearly decided that they would make decisions purely on the basis of success on the pitch. Which is reasonable for them to do. Wrong in my opinion but once you decide it's easier to make these decisions without letting "outside" considerations such as morality etc cloud your judgement, there's a certain logic to it.

And no, I'm absolutely NOT making any moral equivalence between Di Canio and McCormick, there clearly is none, but the decision makes sense on the same value-free "we'll judge it solely in footballing terms" basis. I'm quite sure no-one will read that last sentence and I'll get slaughtered anyway.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Gnasher on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:23:21
I just find it embarrassing that we'd even consider employing this guy. I detest Lee Hughes for the same reason and can't stand the thought of him playing in our league. My kids are 10 and 8, the same age as the boys McCormick killed. If he did this to my kids I'd seriously murder him if I saw him out in public.

Get a job in a charity shop, join greenpeace, but don't go back into football. The thought of our young fans chanting his name makes me feel sick.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:25:07
Both of these points are extremely well put.

Wray trying to defend it on the radio on the grounds it might spark some debate about drink driving and stop someone else from drink driving is despicable spin.

But I'm astonished people are surprised by this - this ship sailed last summer when the club very clearly decided that they would make decisions purely on the basis of success on the pitch. Which is reasonable for them to do. Wrong in my opinion but once you decide it's easier to make these decisions without letting "outside" considerations such as morality etc cloud your judgement, there's a certain logic to it.

And no, I'm absolutely NOT making any moral equivalence between Di Canio and McCormick, there clearly is none, but the decision makes sense on the same value-free "we'll judge it solely in footballing terms" basis. I'm quite sure no-one will read that last sentence and I'll get slaughtered anyway.

If everyone we signed had to have your seal of approval we'd never sign anyone  :toocool:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:26:08
There is never going to be a common ground found with things like this.  People views will be judged on things that they have encountered in life and everyone's views will be right depending on their own personal circumstance and view on life and the world we live in really.

Pointless trying to justify it either way really.  What will be, will be, and everyone will just need to get on with it whether you like it or not, much like PDC coming in.

I am sure we meet more people in our lives that have killed somebody than we think, and don't even realise it.  The only reason this is different is because it is a relatively high profile profession and everyone has read it in the news.

Just an excuse for anyone that doesn't like Swindon to say that we have employed a "murderer", lots of clubs have similar situations, although maybe not so high profile.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:26:33
 Paul D, I dont think that you should get slaughtered for the last sentence, it makes perfect sense to me and i completely see where you are coming from, i think sometimes that we all get clouded by the football reason rather than the moral issue .

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:27:51
There is never going to be a common ground found with things like this.  People views will be judged on things that they have encountered in life and everyone's views will be right depending on their own personal circumstance and view on life and the world we live in really.

Pointless trying to justify it either way really.  What will be, will be, and everyone will just need to get on with it whether you like it or not, much like PDC coming in.

I am sure we meet more people in our lives that have killed somebody than we think, and don't even realise it.  The only reason this is different is because it is a relatively high profile profession and everyone has read it in the news.

Just an excuse for anyone that doesn't like Swindon to say that we have employed a "murderer", lots of clubs have similar situations, although maybe not so high profile.


I'm pining for the return of lazy pre-season days with no news... and I hate lazy pre-season days with no news.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Benzel on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:28:34
I've always had a lot of respect for Swindon, but for them to come out and chase a child killer as a new signing, it's just not on.  I really hope a campaign is launched to stop this.

Chase? Child killer?

Run along.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:32:06
The justice system sentenced him to what they believe was a fair sentence (whether we agree or not is irrelevant) and he's now done his time.  Why shouldn't he seek to return to his profession? 

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:33:10
whether we agree or not is irrelevant

Its highly relevant. just because the law says he can work doesn't mean society has to accept it

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: herthab on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:33:14
A lot of sanctimonious bollocks on this thread. For those of you asking how people would feel if it was there kids, spin it and ask what your feelings would be if it was your child who committed the offence?

The only ones who are worse are those saying he deserves a second chance, but not here. What a bunch of fucking NIMBY's.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dozno9 on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:33:55
I have slated other players in the past for the same offence and just because he may wear a Swindon jersey doesn't mean I will change my mind about him.

There are thousands of jobs and hundreds of keepers out there so why he has to come here to do this job lord only knows.

He spent over 3 years in prison, plenty of time to gain a qualification in something else.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dozno9 on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:36:50
A lot of sanctimonious bollocks on this thread. For those of you asking how people would feel if it was there kids, spin it and ask what your feelings would be if it was your child who committed the offence?

I'd kick his arse and dis-own him.

Can I say what I like now without being sanctimonious and a NIMBY?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:37:15
So people are suggesting the club are sacrificing moral judgement in favour of the club's performance?

That would be assuming that they feel themselves that making such a decision would be wrong. Perhaps they genuinely feel, as do many others, that to give the player a trial would be the morally correct (or at least not morally wrong) thing to do.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dozno9 on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:39:17
He's was a good keeper and will be cheap as chips, bottom line.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:40:15
Its highly relevant. just because the law says he can work doesn't mean society has to accept it

So he's not allowed to try and rebuild his own life?  And does that equally apply to all crimes committed or just those that you find hard to stomach?  

I appreciate that the parents of the children can't rebuild and that is heartbreaking but he must be given a chance.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: herthab on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:41:26
I'd kick his arse and dis-own him.

Can I say what I like now without being sanctimonious and a NIMBY?
Knock yourself out.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:47:28
So he's not allowed to try and rebuild his own life?  And does that equally apply to all crimes committed or just those that you find hard to stomach? 

I appreciate that the parents of the children can't rebuild and that is heartbreaking but he must be given a chance.

Don't think anyone is saying that.  More questioning whether football which, at this level, entails getting a crowd of thousands to back you, is the best arena in which to get back on your feet.

So people are suggesting the club are sacrificing moral judgement in favour of the club's performance?

That would be assuming that they feel themselves that making such a decision would be wrong. Perhaps they genuinely feel, as do many others, that to give the player a trial would be the morally correct (or at least not morally wrong) thing to do.

Again, I don't think anyone thinks that getting a good player on the cheap is the club's motive.  I respect Jeremy Wray more than that.  I honestly believe that he does believe the player deserves another chance.  But that doesn't mean I have to feel comfortable with that.

As an aside, the TEF should be proud of this thread.  Excellent debate.  Demonstrates what a cracking forum this is.  But I'm going to take a break from this (the thread) now.  Think it's pretty much all been said.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 11:04:26
So he's not allowed to try and rebuild his own life? 

I don't give a fuck what he does and what he doesn't do, as long as it isn't here. How the fuck can I stand a clap the cunt if he plays for us when I have the views I do. I can't.

I beginning to see how Paul D felt this time last year.

All so easily avoided by the club.

Oh and Herthab, fuck you ;)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 11:24:26
There is never going to be a common ground found with things like this.  People views will be judged on things that they have encountered in life and everyone's views will be right depending on their own personal circumstance and view on life and the world we live in really.

Pointless trying to justify it either way really.  What will be, will be, and everyone will just need to get on with it whether you like it or not, much like PDC coming in.

I am sure we meet more people in our lives that have killed somebody than we think, and don't even realise it.  The only reason this is different is because it is a relatively high profile profession and everyone has read it in the news.

Just an excuse for anyone that doesn't like Swindon to say that we have employed a "murderer", lots of clubs have similar situations, although maybe not so high profile.

Agree with this. Pretty much sums up my views on it all.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: NZrobin on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 11:40:52
Bloody hell.....surely this could only happen to Swindon !!!

There could be debate after debate here.

As an employer, STFC will get a person who will try so hard to get his life back as a professional football player and into some form of normality. For that reason he would be a fantastic prospect. 

On the other hand he will cause many difficulties for the club and supporters alike over the obvious moral issues...!!!

Taking that many people on here have driven whilst over the limit ?????  I know I have and yes, I have been lucky..

For that reason I would be in favour of STFC signing this guy and making sure he becomes a pinnacle in society against driving whilst under the influence.   :headhurts:


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 12:01:21
Don't think anyone is saying that.  More questioning whether football which, at this level, entails getting a crowd of thousands to back you, is the best arena in which to get back on your feet.

But that's down to him right?  He's going to needs balls the size of the moon to withstand the torrent of abuse he'll face at every game (home and away) and concentrate for 90+ minutes but, if he can prove to the club that he can, then it's a non-issue.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 12:55:27
Wes Foderingham got 29 clean sheets this season.

We don't need this guy.

We have P. Smith who I think was a decent reserve keeper but let him go.

I don't understand why the club have decided to take this route.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 13:02:43
If we want to talk about ability then Luke McCormick was/is a better goalkeeper than Phil Smith.

I don't like this idea that 'poor Phil Smith has been axed for a convict' when we all know that Smith's days were numbered regardless.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: random_five on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 13:11:35
If we want to talk about ability then Luke McCormick was/is a better goalkeeper than Phil Smith.

I don't like this idea that 'poor Phil Smith has been axed for a convict' when we all know that Smith's days were numbered regardless.

Agreed, good post..

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pericarp on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 13:31:30
I agree that he should be given a second chance. Absolutely so.
I also agree that it's ridiculous to say "He should be given a second chance, but not here".

But. I think he should be given a second chance, but not here.

Fair enough he was a good goalkeeper, but we already have a good goalkeeper in Wes. Realistically, McCormick is going to be our second 'keeper, and is it really worth the bad publicity in signing him? From what I've heard, or inferred, he could get first team football elsewhere. Enough people hate us as it is, being the 'big spenders' and because of the Paolo factor etc etc. I just don't think this will help at all.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 13:35:15
Purely based on footballing matters, we have Mattia Lanzano and Leigh Bedwell as cover for Wes Foderingham. Therefore, giving Luke McCormick or any senior goalkeeper a trial at this moment is excessive.

That said, it's obvious that we are trying to get rid of Lanzano so Town will be in the market for a new goalkeeper later in the Summer.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 14:39:43
surely fascism killed more than 2 kids and you were alright with that?

sits back with some popcorn..............

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 14:42:57
surely fascism killed more than 2 kids and you were alright with that?
sits back with some popcorn.............. least use the icon.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 14:45:14
oooh thanks didnt see that :popcorn:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 14:52:36
Just because the law says he can work doesn't mean society has to accept it

That doesn't make sense. The law is set by society. If society doesn't like (or accept) the law it can change it.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: random_five on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 14:56:17
surely fascism killed more than 2 kids and you were alright with that?

sits back with some popcorn..............

So is McCormick a fascist as well then? That explains a few things..

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 14:58:50
I know 99% of footballers are thick as pig spit, but there is no excuse in law for getting into your car pissed up and driving wherever.

He got pissed - his choice. He got into a car - his choice. He killed kids. He should have done LIFE, with a minimum of say 15 years - meaning his career is totally over.

He gets to start again, like that cretin Lee Hughes, yet the kids he killed can't, and neither can their family.

Jeremy Wray, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:00:11
Ooh, sensationalism. My favourite.

It's not sensationalism.  That's what he did.  I suppose having a Fascist in charge of your football club might mean that your outlook is a little different, but a child killer is a child killer.

What next for Jeremy Wray?  Gary Glitter to entertain the kids at Christmas?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:01:54
I just find it embarrassing that we'd even consider employing this guy. I detest Lee Hughes for the same reason and can't stand the thought of him playing in our league. My kids are 10 and 8, the same age as the boys McCormick killed. If he did this to my kids I'd seriously murder him if I saw him out in public.

Get a job in a charity shop, join greenpeace, but don't go back into football. The thought of our young fans chanting his name makes me feel sick.

And what about the away fans next season?  How will it look for a great club like Swindon (I have family in the area, don't live there, but have a lot of time for the club and the area) to have to put up with chants like child murderer, scum etc every fortnight?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: herthab on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:02:47
It's not sensationalism.  That's what he did.  I suppose having a Fascist in charge of your football club might mean that your outlook is a little different, but a child killer is a child killer.

What next for Jeremy Wray?  Gary Glitter to entertain the kids at Christmas?

Fucking hell.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:04:10
I don't give a fuck what he does and what he doesn't do, as long as it isn't here. How the fuck can I stand a clap the cunt if he plays for us when I have the views I do. I can't.

I beginning to see how Paul D felt this time last year.

All so easily avoided by the club.

Oh and Herthab, fuck you ;)

Agreed.  If Football had any morals whatsoever the FA should tear up his registration and the PFA simply say to it's members do not play in the same team as him.  People like McCormick make football look even sicker than it is.  Don't forget even Graham Rix after his child sex revelations came back into football.  The whole industry has no shame.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:04:50
Fucking hell.

Whilst Jonathan King spins some discs.  How about it Mr Wray?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:05:33
Where's that popcorn gone?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: herthab on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:06:07
This thread is hysterical.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:06:10
Who do you support Timelord?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:06:33
The only difference between football and any other job is that there are spectators who are effectively stakeholders. Other than that, football is subject to the same legislation and employment laws as any other profession.

You can't pick and choose which jobs convicted criminals are allowed to do simply because they are deemed to be more fun than others. That would be illegal.

McCormick was utterly wrong. We all know that. But he can only serve the sentence given to him, whether that is appropriate or not in your eyes. Beyond that, his life is his to do as he wishes. I doubt very much he'll ever forget - or be allowed to forget- what happened. But equally, I bet that amongst the people shouting "murderer" at the next game he plays, will be the odd convicted drink driver, who thinks he has the right to judge when in fact it was only by the grace of God that he wasn't in the same position.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:06:52
Who do you support Timelord?

Actively?  Gainsborough Trinity in the BSNorth.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:06:58
I fucking love pre-season

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:08:07
The only difference between football and any other job is that there are spectators who are effectively stakeholders. Other than that, football is subject to the same legislation and employment laws as any other profession.

You can't pick and choose which jobs convicted criminals are allowed to do simply because they are deemed to be more fun than others. That would be illegal.

You can - it's called being CRB checked.  Footballers in their contracts are usually expected to get out into the community - schools, businesses, youth groups.  How wrong would it be for McCormick to go into a Primary School to give the kids a football lesson?  Wrong on so many levels.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: random_five on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:08:17
Who do you support Timelord?

Didactic FC

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:09:20
You can - it's called being CRB checked.  Footballers in their contracts are usually expected to get out into the community - schools, businesses, youth groups.  How wrong would it be for McCormick to go into a Primary School to give the kids a football lesson?  Wrong on so many levels.

yes but he didnt put a finger up their bum, it was a range rover.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:10:29
The only difference between football and any other job is that there are spectators who are effectively stakeholders. Other than that, football is subject to the same legislation and employment laws as any other profession.

You can't pick and choose which jobs convicted criminals are allowed to do simply because they are deemed to be more fun than others. That would be illegal.

McCormick was utterly wrong. We all know that. But he can only serve the sentence given to him, whether that is appropriate or not in your eyes. Beyond that, his life is his to do as he wishes. I doubt very much he'll ever forget - or be allowed to forget- what happened. But equally, I bet that amongst the people shouting "murderer" at the next game he plays, will be the odd convicted drink driver, who thinks he has the right to judge when in fact it was only by the grace of God that he wasn't in the same position.

Agreed, but those people in the crowd who are drunk drivers etc aren't necessarily representing your club, your community, your town,  to the rest of the country, are they?

If McCormick signs a deal and is your 'no 1' next year, thats the point.  A convicted child killer, and stress I do not use the word murderer, representing your town and your club?  Not on, is it?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:11:17

yes but he didnt put a finger up their bum, it was a range rover.

And that makes it OK how?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BenTheRed on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:12:09
You can - it's called being CRB checked.  Footballers in their contracts are usually expected to get out into the community - schools, businesses, youth groups.  How wrong would it be for McCormick to go into a Primary School to give the kids a football lesson?  Wrong on so many levels.

He would proably be cleared in a crb check - not a danger to kids or vunerable people...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: herthab on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:13:19
You can - it's called being CRB checked.  Footballers in their contracts are usually expected to get out into the community - schools, businesses, youth groups.  How wrong would it be for McCormick to go into a Primary School to give the kids a football lesson?  Wrong on so many levels.

Sounds a good idea to me, he could go into secondary schools and warn them of the effects of alcohol too.

The bloke was stupid, reckless and and got punished, but demonizing? 

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:19:08
It's not sensationalism. 

Sensationalism is what your post was. Nowhere does it say we're chasing him, which is a word you chose to use. Now please be a good troll.

Oh, do you know Dorset Red?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:21:18
Sensationalism is what your post was. Nowhere does it say we're chasing him, which is a word you chose to use. Now please be a good troll.

Oh, do you know Dorset Red?

No it's probably not chasing now that you have got him.  Sad that a great club like Swindon has to have people like that on it's books.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:21:59
Right.  :yeahright:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:31:36
Actively?  Gainsborough Trinity in the BSNorth.

Fair play.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:40:07
Fair play.

You should have seen his/her reaction when GT signed Craig 'convicted for assault' Nelthorpe last summer. Yikes.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Jacko_189 on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:45:16
First thing to say is that he hasn't actually signed. But it is difficult to know what to think about Luke McCormick. He made some terrible decisions that night back in 2008 that cost two young children their lives. What he did that night can at best be described as incredibly reckless and that will live with him forever. I can't begin to imagine what the victim's family have gone through. They have lost 2 children and their father is now disabled. McCormick is free to earn a living and can now look forward to being a father himself. You can understand why people feel immense anger about the situation.

But rightly or wrongly he has been handed his punishment and has served it. It is now the job of society to rehabilitate him as long as he shows genuine remorse for what he has done and is receptive to that opportunity. Whilst there is nothing he can do to "fix" what has happened I still believe it would be better if now goes out and tries to give something back to society through what he does best which is football. If he plays professionally and works hard in the community through coaching, promoting alcohol awareness and road safety then maybe, just maybe he can help prevent further tragedies like this occuring. And then at least something good will be able to come out of this whole absolutely terrible and heartbreaking episode.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:45:47
You should have seen his/her reaction when GT signed Craig 'convicted for assault' Nelthorpe last summer. Yikes.


Or Levi Reid, who in 2005 was found guilty of affray. (whatever that is)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Langers on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:46:10
It is never dull at Swindon Town, is it?

I just don't think I could bring myself to clap and cheer him if he was playing for us, surely there are other options out there.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:47:03
Or Levi Reid, who in 2005 was found guilty of affray. (whatever that is)

What a club.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:47:17
You should have seen his/her reaction when GT signed Craig 'convicted for assault' Nelthorpe last summer. Yikes.


Well he ain't here anymore...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:47:50
What a club.

Still at least we don't have a Fascist in charge.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:48:06
Timelord rocks, can we keep him?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:48:38
Still at least we don't have a Fascist in charge.



Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:50:07
yes but he didnt put a finger up their bum, it was a range rover.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: reeves4england on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:50:23
Your bleeding heart bullshit knows no bounds, R4E;-)

I almost wrote a serious response to this. I think I'll just leave it at 'Don't be so childish'.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:52:39
I almost wrote a serious response to this. I think I'll just leave it at 'Don't be so childish'.

True though.  At at time when Swindon should be celebrating, the club has been put into very negative press, for reasons that are above me to be honest.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:55:21
Why are you so concerned timelord?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DV on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:56:05
Dont want him at the club.

Regardless of the time he's done, the remorse he's shown, the fact he deserved a second chance or his goal keeping ability. I dont want him at the club.

Its bad publicity for the Football Club and its publicity we dont need and shouldnt really want.

In the eyes of other fans and the nationals - both of whom like to exaggerate a story and what not - we've gone from family club of the year to a club that employees murderers.

Oh and just because plenty of you (and other people) were also stupid enough to drink drive without killing anyone - that in no way makes it right! and its certainly not something everyone does.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 15:56:14
True though.  At at time when Swindon should be celebrating, the club has been put into very negative press, for reasons that are above me to be honest.

I'm still celebrating

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:00:29
True though.  At at time when Swindon should be celebrating, the club has been put into very negative press, for reasons that are above me to be honest.

Blame Jonathan Tehoue for that. French Cart horse.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:02:17
 I know this isn't a done deal, but could someone do a poll, to gauge strength of feeling. In other words how many would do a PaulD Mex etc and knock it on the head.

Personally I like Langers point, how could you cheer this fella...if it was Lee Hughes that would do for me, so I guess thois would be the same  :(

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:04:45
I'd like to think people could/would still attend matches. I've been going for over 20 years and have actively disliked various members of our squad in that time. No one has to buy a McCormick jersey, or sing his name... this sort of thing wouldn't force people to cease attending games I wouldn't have thought.

Then again, I did think the same about the Di Canio/fascism thing, and was wrong.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:07:13
Then again, I did think the same about the Di Canio/fascism thing, and was wrong.

I thought the same, only to find out there are many delicate sould who follow Town.  Bless 'em.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:10:07
I am 100% against even giving this guy a trail, but it wouldn't stop me going to a game.

Not sure how I'd react to him playing though, hopefully just sit in silence and seethe on the inside.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:11:29

yes but he didnt put a finger up their bum, it was a range rover.

Sensitive subject and all that, but this cracked me up!  First time I have laughed out loud reading the TEF for a while, well done Mex!

For all of that can't see that Timelord is a pox fisherman, shame on you.

Oh, and murderer?  Behave!  Fuck me we are not talking about OJ!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: reeves4england on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:15:48
I think Mex and herthab have summed up my feelings on this one pretty well.

A genuine question to those who think he should be sent packing... What job is it acceptable for him to do? Does every single employer in the country have the right to say he shouldn't work for them? Is it right that a person be denied a living once their prison sentence is over?

I sort of understand the argument about not wanting to chant his name etc, but I'd argue that Eric Sabin was much more detrimental to the STFC cause than McCormick ever would be. Negative press? So what. People said that this time last year, and it doesn't seem to have done any harm.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:23:20
A genuine question to those who think he should be sent packing... What job is it acceptable for him to do?

One that doesn't involve me feeling conflicted (or dirty) when I cheer a decent save by our keeper.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:23:27
I think Mex and herthab have summed up my feelings on this one pretty well.

A genuine question to those who think he should be sent packing... What job is it acceptable for him to do? Does every single employer in the country have the right to say he shouldn't work for them? Is it right that a person be denied a living once their prison sentence is over?

I sort of understand the argument about not wanting to chant his name etc, but I'd argue that Eric Sabin was much more detrimental to the STFC cause than McCormick ever would be. Negative press? So what. People said that this time last year, and it doesn't seem to have done any harm.

Denied a living? Not at all.
Denised resuming a career where he is idolised, predominantly by lads like the ones he took the lives of, yes, it's wholly inappropriate.

Next question...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: reeves4england on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:25:02
One that doesn't involve me feeling conflicted when I cheer a decent save.

What about if he makes you a decent coffee? Or builds you a beautiful conservatory?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:26:14
Why are you so concerned timelord?

Because I've got a hell of a lot of time for the Robins mate.  Saw them in the Premier 93/94 at home to Villa and when they played at Macclesfield last season. 

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:26:20
A thought for discussion: Lee Hughes' crime was far worse (leaving the scene etc) and he has been vilified... how many people who detest him and think he should never play, conversely think that McCormick should be allowed to return to the game? Or is it simply a case of forgiving and rehabilitating everyone regardless?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: TheMajorSTFC on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:27:06
What would happen if (and I say IF) he signs, we draw the Y*llow cunts in the FA Cup (lets face it he'll only be no.2 IF he does sign and would only probably play cups) and he say I don't know saves a penaltyin the 93rd minute from Cuntstable to send us through...what would the reaction be?  :hmmm: cheer or boo the guy?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:29:05
What about if he makes you a decent coffee? Or builds you a beautiful conservatory?

I don't tend to identify with baristas or conservatory builders as strongly as I do with those who wear the shirt.  You're a Town fan as well.  Surely you should understand that?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:29:08
I think Mex and herthab have summed up my feelings on this one pretty well.

A genuine question to those who think he should be sent packing... What job is it acceptable for him to do? Does every single employer in the country have the right to say he shouldn't work for them? Is it right that a person be denied a living once their prison sentence is over?

There is football in the community....also there are safety groups, who talk to teenagers about the perils of drink driving, by involving the victims.

This is honourable work fit for a genuinely reforming is naive in the extreme to think after a prison sentence, you'll walk back into a privileged position....think about the fella banged up for racist abuse of Muamba, fired straight out of his uni. Would you expect to walk straight back into your career? 

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: reeves4england on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:40:05
There is football in the community....also there are safety groups, who talk to teenagers about the perils of drink driving, by involving the victims.

This is honourable work fit for a genuinely reforming is naive in the extreme to think after a prison sentence, you'll walk back into a privileged position....think about the fella banged up for racist abuse of Muamba, fired straight out of his uni. Would you expect to walk straight back into your career? 

Surely the question is not what I would expect but what I would support? I know very little of the case, but I'd have him back as an employer if it was a genuine moment of idiocy and there was no likelihood of it happening again. Unless it was going to jeopardise my business (and I don't think signing McCormick would).

As for calling it a privileged position, yes it's a job that lots of people want and that pays well, but there are plenty of other jobs like that out there that take only half the amount of work and commitment many footballers put in.

I don't tend to identify with baristas or conservatory builders as strongly as I do with those who wear the shirt.  You're a Town fan as well.  Surely you should understand that?

I do understand that. Completely. But should my feelings, rather than the law (which I, as a member of a democratic country have a voice in) have an influence on somebody else's rights regarding where they can find employment?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:40:54
Sensitive subject and all that, but this cracked me up!  First time I have laughed out loud reading the TEF for a while, well done Mex!

I agree 100%. One of those rare occasions where a more dramatic member might have actually spat coffee over one of those seemingly water resistant laptop's that constantly get a soaking. :D

I absolutely slashed myself and it went all over my Sony Walkman Sport.

What would happen if (and I say IF) he signs, we draw the Y*llow cunts in the FA Cup (lets face it he'll only be no.2 IF he does sign and would only probably play cups) and he say I don't know saves a penaltyin the 93rd minute from Cuntstable to send us through...what would the reaction be?  :hmmm: cheer or boo the guy?

What if it's Adam Chapman who takes it?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:45:04
To be fair it has bored me.None of you have the right or wrong answer you just think by writing a longer reply than the person you disagree with that you are right.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Cibocchi_Is_God on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:49:22
To be fair it has bored me.None of you have the right or wrong answer you just think by writing a longer reply than the person you disagree with that you are right.

True that, this argument is just going to go round & round in circles.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:49:50
Undecided really. Should he or shouldn't he, both arguments have their merit. Although I'm probably erring on the side of "He shouldn't"

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: reeves4england on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:55:19
Undecided really. Should he or shouldn't he, both arguments have their merit. Although I'm probably erring on the side of "He shouldn't"

He shouldn't, or we shouldn't? If he were to sign, who'd be in the wrong - player or club?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:05:32
He shouldn't, or we shouldn't? If he were to sign, who'd be in the wrong - player or club?

I do understand that. Completely. But should my feelings, rather than the law (which I, as a member of a democratic country have a voice in) have an influence on somebody else's rights regarding where they can find employment?

You're coming at it from the 'rights of the player'/employment law standpoint, where as I (and a number of others) are looking at this more selfishly from the standpoint of our own feelings, attempting - and failing - to get comfortable with having someone who has committed a terrible act associated with the club that we love.

You're never going to reconcile those two standpoints.  I don't doubt the rights of Luke McCormick, in law, to become an employee of STFC - and, frankly, I don't care about that.  I'm simply expressing a personal preference.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:14:30
Quote from: reeves4england link=topic=48201.msg1082697#msg1082697 date=1337792
He shouldn't, or we shouldn't? If he were to sign, who'd be in the wrong - player or club?

We shouldn't be signing him and he shouldn't be expecting to start over where he left off so easily. So bit of both really.
In hindsight I wish I'd just kept my trap shut

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Huwwy on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:15:29
I'm not comfortable with the notion that you pay for the rest of your life because of one catastrophic decision but this is clearly a hugely divisive issue which I don't think we need right now. Will be interesting to see how the "In PDC we trust" brigade react when he gives us his views. :hmmm:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: TheMajorSTFC on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:29:46
Pluses: Good, quality keeper proven in the championship/wouldn't cost a thing/would be a good back up and push Wes for the starting slot.

Negatives: Convicted of manslaughter, bad publicity, divided fans, (would it) affect his game if he played...along with the rest.

Whoever made the call for inviting him for a trial sure has 1 big set of balls!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:32:31
He was never convicted of manslaughter.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dozno9 on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:36:27
What's his favourite cheese?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:38:11
This one is starting to replay now, time to knock it on the head.

What will be will be..  nobody is right or wrong in this case, every opinion is right for that person.

We should just leave it at that me thinks.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dirty Harry on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:41:15
Can't say I'm happy about this one bit as I'm a father and just to think what he has done to that poor family is unbearable plus if he does get a contract with us next season we will have to listen to the opposition fans throw all kinds of abuse at him and our club for signing him. I take my boy to the game with me and i dont want him to have to listen to it. The whole thing is just bad publicity and will draw a dark cloud over our club which is a shame when we have just had a fantastic season.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: TheMajorSTFC on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:44:34
He was never convicted of manslaughter.

Death by dangerous driving*

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Jackstfc on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:58:53
He was jailed for 7 years and 4 months so for me his conviction is NOT spent yet. He is still on payback.
So he should not be even considered for a career with us before Summer 2016.

This is the first negative story we have been involved in for a while now and I would rather he didn't come to our club at all to be honest but he is a human being and he should be offered the chance to be a community servant until his conviction is fully spent. Perhaps he can help in the local community, then get a contract once 7 and a half years after conviction and he has , in the eyes of the law anyway, fully repaid his dues to society.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:07:32
This horse has already bolted the stable. He has trained with the club and been given a trial so there is a willingness to take him on. Regardless of wherther he signs or not the club have decided it is OK to do so.
From his point of view ( whilst he may like to stay out of the limelight ( its what he does and its what he can get paid well for. He's a decent keeper and he needs someone to take him on to rehabilitate him until he moves on.
I'd like to hear from McCormick. If he's going to hand over x% of his wages to charity and work tirelessly giving anti DD messages then maybe it might work. I'd also like to hear from the familty affected - if they gave it the green light then maybe people who are anti should stand down.
I'm against this at the moment but I want to hear from the people directly involved.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Nijholts Nuts on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:16:54
Anyone hear JW's TEF drop in the BBC interview that on the website? Apparently there is a 'mature debate on' (or words to that effect).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Langers on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:18:06
Anyone hear JW's TEF drop in the BBC interview that on the website? Apparently there is a 'mature debate on' (or words to that effect).

If your reading JW, I love you.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:22:07
Anyone hear JW's TEF drop in the BBC interview that on the website? Apparently there is a 'mature debate on' (or words to that effect).

I posted the link on a previous page

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Nijholts Nuts on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:23:27
I posted the link on a previous page

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: THE FLASH on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:25:13
Not comfortable with this at all.

I can't say much else.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:28:03
Just to throw this out there again, but would there be such outrage if he was just under the legal limit? Just because that's what people are focusing on most so it would interest me.

And what I'm about to say will not make this right but this could have happened to any of you. I'd be highly surprised if any more than a handful of people could hand on heart said they had never done the following:

*Driven or attempted to drive under excess alcohol
*Driven at dangerous speeds
*Driven having had minimal sleep or driven whilst tired

How would you feel about never being able to work again? What if you were able to get the same type of work but at a much lesser level and with a lot less pay than what you had before?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BenTheRed on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:28:23
 if they go through with signing him, get a shit load of backlash and bad publicity - for what? a back up keeper  ??? doesn't seem worth it

what happened to that david james rumour?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: suttonred on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:29:13
This horse has already bolted the stable. He has trained with the club and been given a trial so there is a willingness to take him on. Regardless of wherther he signs or not the club have decided it is OK to do so.
From his point of view ( whilst he may like to stay out of the limelight ( its what he does and its what he can get paid well for. He's a decent keeper and he needs someone to take him on to rehabilitate him until he moves on.
I'd like to hear from McCormick. If he's going to hand over x% of his wages to charity and work tirelessly giving anti DD messages then maybe it might work. I'd also like to hear from the familty affected - if they gave it the green light then maybe people who are anti should stand down.
I'm against this at the moment but I want to hear from the people directly involved.

I've been unsure about this being a parent, but also understand the rehablilitory(sp) side, this post probably sums up best how i feel, and would ease worries for me if the things suggested here came to pass.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: STFC4LIFE on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 18:49:58
If anyone is interested, there is a good debate about this on the Plymouth forum.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: alanmayes on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:03:03
This horse has already bolted the stable. He has trained with the club and been given a trial so there is a willingness to take him on. Regardless of wherther he signs or not the club have decided it is OK to do so.
From his point of view ( whilst he may like to stay out of the limelight ( its what he does and its what he can get paid well for. He's a decent keeper and he needs someone to take him on to rehabilitate him until he moves on.
I'd like to hear from McCormick. If he's going to hand over x% of his wages to charity and work tirelessly giving anti DD messages then maybe it might work. I'd also like to hear from the familty affected - if they gave it the green light then maybe people who are anti should stand down.
I'm against this at the moment but I want to hear from the people directly involved.

When it  was revealed  last year that McCormick had been granted a day release from prison,
Mr and Mrs Peak were very upset to hear this news.

I'd suggest that Mr Wray on behalf of the club, writes to them to explain the proposal of the
offer of a trial to McCormick.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:04:49
Thisis is going into meltdown

"Ill cancel my season ticket if he signs"

Jesus christ.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:09:33
Dont torture yourself

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:11:50
Thisis is going into meltdown

"Ill cancel my season ticket if he signs"

Jesus christ.

People in feeling strongly about something shocker.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:13:24
Its an entertaining read, especially when half of them demonstrate they don't know what murder is

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:19:32
Its an entertaining read, especially when half of them demonstrate they don't know what murder is

I don't read that shit site but the comments on here aint much better i'm sure. So many fucking saints,or hypocrites.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:24:08
Half of the thick cunts cant even spell his name right, getting mixed up with mccormack which is naughty

@Batch, im guessing these are the same people who said they wouldnt go if paolo was the manager, yet now they would be first in the queue to perform fellatio on him

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:25:37
I don't read that shit site but the comments on here aint much better i'm sure. So many fucking saints,or hypocrites.

It's quite strange how nobody has contended with my post on the previous page.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Boy About Town on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:29:08
The mum of the two boys has commented on fb's unofficial 'Swindon Town FC's' clip of McCormick in the station when he was nicked.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:29:39
The fact people are saying he was totally shitfaced as well...
You don't need to be shitfaced to be twice over the limit.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:36:28
It's quite strange how nobody has contended with my post on the previous page.

they can't, or those that can are few and far between. You could have added phoning and texting too as that has caused deaths and jail sentences also.
Nobody has mentioned that he's in an open prison. The reason will be that he's done his time with no issue. Think it says alot about him personally

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Trashbat? on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:39:25
The mum of the two boys has commented on fb's unofficial 'Swindon Town FC's' clip of McCormick in the station when he was nicked.

What was said?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:48:36
@Batch, im guessing these are the same people who said they wouldnt go if paolo was the manager, yet now they would be first in the queue to perform fellatio on him

I don't know who has said it. I agree I doubt many would go through with the threat.

Its a shame we have 19 pages on this topic. A shame the club even considered it.

Even of you take it down to purely football reasons we just need a #2 to cover Wes, which he isn't. Shit decision by the club all round. The end.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:50:32
How would you feel about never being able to work again? What if you were able to get the same type of work but at a much lesser level and with a lot less pay than what you had before?

Like I was getting what I deserved.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 19:58:19
Now cousins and grandparents are posting on that page

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:01:57
Now cousins and grandparents are posting on that page

Presumably it's not positive?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:03:18
Now cousins and grandparents are posting on that page

Any chance of a link to the group, or even the name of the group?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:05:50
Swindon Town FC Fans i think

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:06:08
Swindon Town FC is the name of the page.

It says swindon town fans on the avatar pic.

There are comments on the custody video

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:06:22
Presumably it's not positive?

Understandably no. Swindon are just as bad as him according to the grandfather

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:06:24
letting a murder into your club is vile!!! my cousins deserve better than that!! arron wanted to be a footballer but he cant persue his dream can he!!!!! seriously why wud you want a drunken kid murder in your club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! disgraceful and a kick in the face for our family!!!
Like ·  ·

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:07:32
I bet they regret naming their group 'Swindon Town FC'.

Their reaction is to be expected.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:08:59
Wray was spot on when he said the sentence length could have been 20 years and it wouldn't be enough for the family.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:09:21
And there we have what is wrong with that group,Why have they shown that video? Constantly dividing the fan base then justifying it by saying they are only doing what the club should be doing

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:09:50
The family members are posting on the official page as well.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:10:08
A couple here :

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: corner on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:10:17
We haven't taken him on, i don't think we will eaither now.....

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:11:19
Agreed DRS. Their attempt to sit on the fence (it's clear they're anti) has turned in to shit stirring.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:14:24
And there we have what is wrong with that group,Why have they shown that video? Constantly dividing the fan base then justifying it by saying they are only doing what the club should be doing

That same group is also partly responsible for the Connell bubbake party IMO

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: yeo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:14:42
All this bullshit makes me want to give him a chance more.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:18:04
All this bullshit makes me want to give him a chance more.


I was undecided to start with, but the more I read of some of the awful comments made by some the more I think he deserves a chance. We all do make mistakes, some we get away with, and some lead to the worst outcomes imaginable.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:18:37
When it  was revealed  last year that McCormick had been granted a day release from prison,
Mr and Mrs Peak were very upset to hear this news.

I'd suggest that Mr Wray on behalf of the club, writes to them to explain the proposal of the
offer of a trial to McCormick.
That's an extremely good suggestion. However, I suspect the answer as to how the parents would feel is in some of the quotes in that article you quote and the cousins' and grandparents' anger on the Facebook page. And I think Wray knows that, despite his sanctimonious lipservice to the family in the media today. Which is why he won't write to the family, because if he genuinely were to ask the family he won't get the answer the club wants. I'd love the club to prove me wrong, prove it's not just lipservice and take the family's views into account as alanmayes, chalkies and sutton have suggested. I think we'll all be disappointed.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:29:33
I'm sorry to say this but I don't think the views of the family should be taken into consideration here. As they, quite obviously, are 100% completely overwhelmed by emotion. I don't mean it in a nasty way, but just as a family member of a victim can't get involved in deciding a jail term for a rapist/murdered/drink driver. Emotion has to be taken out of the equation entirely.

If a sportsman were to kill a member of my family I'd never want to see that individual succeed in anything they do ever again, but that's not to say I wouldn't expect them to live their life when they had served the time the law of the land decide is a suitable punishment.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:33:00
That's a fair point janaage but it's not true to say
family member of a victim can't get involved in deciding a jail term
their views are now often taken into consideration in deciding jail terms via Victim Impact Statements.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:35:32
I want to say something along the lines of what jaanage is saying, just not quite sure how to word it.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:38:54
That's a fair point janaage but it's not true to say their views are now often taken into consideration in deciding jail terms via Victim Impact Statements.

Okay I may have not fully explained myself, what I meant, in a round about kind of way is, there's a reason why judges decide on court cases, and people emotionally tied to the case don't. Emotions a bloody hard thing to control and decisions, actions and words are sometimes hugely effected by emotion.

My post isn't meant to be anything but a rough statement of my take on things, it's not meant as a technically accurate post, as Flashheart says it's tough to get your words right in such a sensitive situation.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:41:04
I've gotten really, really pissed and then driven a car before, I suspect others on the TEF have also. I learned my lesson the easy way.

The only thing making me any different to a drink driver that has killed somebody is that I got lucky, they didn't

So?....his actions resulted in deaths and you cannot compare with yours.....if you swish a knife at someone and nick his arm you will get a prison sentence....if you swish a knife and it cuts there throat and they bleed to death you will get a much longer prison sentence....that is law and fact not luck.

We all deserve a second chance in life i have been given a few....not sure i would have got them for drink driving and killing people though.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:44:40
So?....his actions resulted in deaths and you cannot compare with yours.....if you swish a knife at someone and nick his arm you will get a prison sentence....if you swish a knife and it cuts there throat and they bleed to death you will get a much longer prison sentence....that is law and fact not luck.

We all deserve a second chance in life i have been given a few....not sure i would have got them for drink driving and killing people though.

That's not the point

The point is that we all do stupid things, even good/caring/intelligent people do stupid things.

It was fortunate that I didn't kill somebody. Does that make me a better person? Or does McCormicks lack of good fortune make him a worse person than I?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:48:53
That's not the point

The point is that we all do stupid things, even good/caring/intelligent people do stupid things.

I was fortunate not to kill somebody. Does that make me a better person? Or does McCormicks lack of fortune make him a worse person than I?

In the eyes of the law...and most definatly in the eyes of the family of the deceased.....and in the eyes of most footy fans(if he plays for us) it makes him a worse person than you Flashheart.....since time has begun peoples actions have been judged by what actually happened......not like in your case what actually DIDNT happen.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:51:15
So a lack of good fortune makes somebody a worse person?

Ain't having it

And ' in the eyes of the deceased' is a moot point. If there was good fortune, there would be no deceased. How many people walk about thinking 'He's better than him because he nearly killed my kids but luckily he didn't'?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:53:33
So a lack of good fortune makes somebody a worse person?

Ain't having it

Fair enough :D

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:54:45
Like I said earlier, there is no right answer here, it depends on what a person has encountered in the course of their life.  Every opinion is right to a certain extent.

Sooner or later we are going to have to get on with it.  What will be will be.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 20:56:33
Like I said earlier, there is no right answer here, it depends on what a person has encountered in the course of their life.  Every opinion is right to a certain extent.

Sooner or later we are going to have to get on with it.  What will be will be.

...and I still agree. Have you made this shorter for DRS' pleasure?

Berniman's Point: Redux


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 21:02:44
Yeah, couldn't be bothered to find it and cut and paste!  :D

1st time on here I have been agreed with twice by the same person, about the same thing on the same thread. 

I am breaking all sorts of records today!  ;D

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 21:05:01
I'm off, and hoping that this thread doesn't go on too much longer for the next couple of days having the same conversation, I want to be talking about stuff like Steve Lomas, Cheese and Manatees.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 21:08:06
Yeah, couldn't be bothered to find it and cut and paste!  :D

1st time on here I have been agreed with twice by the same person, about the same thing on the same thread. 

I am breaking all sorts of records today!  ;D

I disagree with you, about something

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: [email protected] on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 21:21:30
I can't be arsed to look through all the previous posts, but here is a question and reaction I overheard earlier...

If he had spent years training and practicing to be an accountant before the accident, would it be right to expect him not to be an accountant again upon his release?  In this particular case the culprit is a footballer by profession, and upon his release he is understandably looking for a job that he knows and is trained in.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 21:25:57
Sorry if it has been posted but some balanced argument on here.Suprised me actually.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 21:32:34
I also think the 'murderer' chants are ridiculous, but that's a different story. McCormick will most likely receive those chants as well. Hughes just gives the perception that he's a complete scumbag who doesn't care and dances around like a moron, whereas McCormick appeared/appears apologetic for what he did, it seems like he has a shred of common sense to realise that he's in the public eye because of his job. Whereas Hughes - who very well may be apologetic and sorry for what he did - gives the impression that he doesn't give a toss at all.

Very much how I see it also

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 21:33:36
I disagree with you, about something

You disagree with everyone about something!

Come back to me when you have thought of something!  ;D

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: china red on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 23:43:38
I am still undecided on this one.  If McCormick wants to join the club so that he can earn a good salary and just play his football then I don't want the club to touch him with a barge pole.  If he's coming out and plans on working his arse off in his free time giving talks to various groups about the dangers of drink driving and then saves some lives (although we'd never know) then he should be given a chance.

I want a statement from the player.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: RedRag on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 00:15:00
1)  he's served his time and can get on with his life as he chooses (if anyone thinks the sentence is too short, then don't whinge but campaign to change the law)
2)  I don't know if he is a decent bloke or not.  LM has committed a crime with tragic, fatal consequences and I would think prison followed by terrace taunts and throughout a guilty conscience will be quite sufficient without his having to become a full time anti drink driving campaigner
3)  Other clubs and businesses employ ex-cons, notably the Pox, who have employed the lag-midfielder, Adam Baldwin, who drove dangerously and killed a pensioner.  If McCormick manages a degree of dignity as an STFC player (unlike twat Hughes) then it is not STFCs job to impose extra punishment on a pro footballer
4)  I was happy with Smith as a no.2 but let's wait and see on quality. Happy to back PDC and Wray on their squad building and Smith was never key

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: RedRag on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 00:22:40
Correction:  I referred to Adam Baldwin of the Pox - it should be Adam Chapman.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 06:53:39
Have to say I feel a bit uneasy about this; is it a wise move for a family orientated club; it's dividing opinions abd will have an impact on the clubs name.

Whilst I would concede that he will need to rebuild his life after his release; should it be in such a high profile sport, where if he is sucessful (and he was highly rated previously) his name will appear in papers etc.

One interesting comment I noticed from the Sun report was this

Amanda, 34, whose husband Phil suffered a broken back and neck in the crash, said: “It never seems to stop. The minute we think we are getting back on track, we are told something like this. It’s like being hit in the stomach.

“One of McCormick’s main points in his plea was that he will never play football again — that was obviously completely wrong.

(Link Below)

If this is correct (and I say IF) why has he accepted a trial and why have we offered him one.

One thing is it's only a trial, the club may decide not to offer him a contact

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Benzel on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 07:02:52
Still at least we don't have a Fascist in charge.

You should give it a go, that shit wins you leagues.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Jimmy Glass is an Alien on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 07:17:18
Have to say I feel a bit uneasy about this; is it a wise move for a family orientated club; it's dividing opinions abd will have an impact on the clubs name.

Whilst I would concede that he will need to rebuild his life after his release; should it be in such a high profile sport, where if he is sucessful (and he was highly rated previously) his name will appear in papers etc.

One interesting comment I noticed from the Sun report was this

Amanda, 34, whose husband Phil suffered a broken back and neck in the crash, said: “It never seems to stop. The minute we think we are getting back on track, we are told something like this. It’s like being hit in the stomach.

“One of McCormick’s main points in his plea was that he will never play football again — that was obviously completely wrong.(Link Below)

If this is correct (and I say IF) why has he accepted a trial and why have we offered him one.

One thing is it's only a trial, the club may decide not to offer him a contact

Is this a statement that he will never play football again or an assumption based on his conviction?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 07:32:39
Is this a statement that he will never play football again or an assumption based on his conviction?

Don't know

According to the report it says it was "one of the main points in his plea"

This was from the mother of the victims

You can only make up your own mind

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 07:48:41
The moral issues of what he actually did have been done to death and are not the kind of issues which people are liklely to change their views on.

Moving on from that, I would like to know what the Club actually stand to gain by signing him?

The down sides are obvious: Massive negative reaction from Town fans in particular and the public in general. If/when he signs, the media will be over it like flies around shit thanks to the 'PDC factor'...and so on.

The up side is...errrr....we get a back up goal keeper. If it was a potential 40 goal a season striker you could understand it more (whether or not you actually agreed with it)

I have been accused of hypocracy by saying that he should be given a chance to play again but not at Swindon. This is bollocks. Just because I think he should get a chance to play again, it does not automatically follow that Swindon should sign him.

If, for argument's sake, a Conference team did not have a keeper signed up for next season, in McCormick they would be getting a player in a position of need who they would not have been able to get under normal circumstances. So you would have a much more pronounced up side with nowhere near as much negative publicity as Swindon would get. This type of move would make much more sense for player and club.

The Club is in danger of getting itself into a really messy situation over a player they have no connection with or obligation to and who isn't going to make any noticeable difference to the squad.

I don't get it.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BenTheRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 07:56:28
If i was advising the lad, i'd tell him to make a low key return in the bluesquare/north/south - in a kind of creeping back into football way, and work his way up within a few years. Less stick from fans to begin with and by within a few years  he's with a high profile club, the dust would have settled a bit (regarding his return to football).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 07:56:57
But what is wrong with having strength in depth? He may push Wes that little bit more, and keep him on his toes. That can't be a bad thing surely?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 08:00:10
But what is wrong with having strength in depth? He may push Wes that little bit more, and keep him on his toes. That can't be a bad thing surely?
Because there are a hundred other keepers they could sign who do not have McCormick's baggage.

Personally, if I was in McCormick's position I would be after my agent to get me a move to Thailand or some other obscure place and get the hell away from the UK altogether.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 08:03:46
Best suggestion I've seen/heard so far was a mate of mine who said well, OK, if he wants to resume his career, he's done his time and all that and that's how he earns his living, but it's too high-profile, too soon to go straight back into the pro game in the UK because it's right in the family's face. So why doesn't he go abroad, decent second-tier side in Spain maybe or in the US? He could still play a decent standard, rebuild his career plus do something outside the game to demonstrate some commitment to rehabilitation/payback. Then come back over here if he still wants to in 3-4 years, demonstrably a changed person. That would also allow something much closer to the 7 years of the sentence to have passed, would perhaps have given the family some extra space. Out of sight, out of mind and all that

That struck me as a very sensible and sensitive solution to what's clearly a difficult conundrum FWIW.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 08:16:54
So?....his actions resulted in deaths and you cannot compare with yours.....if you swish a knife at someone and nick his arm you will get a prison sentence....if you swish a knife and it cuts there throat and they bleed to death you will get a much longer prison sentence....that is law and fact not luck.

We all deserve a second chance in life i have been given a few....not sure i would have got them for drink driving and killing people though.

Fuck me sideways I agree with Leefer

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 08:19:44
But what is wrong with having strength in depth? He may push Wes that little bit more, and keep him on his toes. That can't be a bad thing surely?

I don't buy this - the guy has been banged up for ages, you'd have to assume with no training or match practice for that length of time, you will never be as good as you once were. Especially with the physical and mental stress he must be under 24/7.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Gnasher on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 08:35:07
Best suggestion I've seen/heard so far was a mate of mine who said well, OK, if he wants to resume his career, he's done his time and all that and that's how he earns his living, but it's too high-profile, too soon to go straight back into the pro game in the UK because it's right in the family's face. So why doesn't he go abroad, decent second-tier side in Spain maybe or in the US? He could still play a decent standard, rebuild his career plus do something outside the game to demonstrate some commitment to rehabilitation/payback. Then come back over here if he still wants to in 3-4 years, demonstrably a changed person. That would also allow something much closer to the 7 years of the sentence to have passed, would perhaps have given the family some extra space. Out of sight, out of mind and all that

That struck me as a very sensible and sensitive solution to what's clearly a difficult conundrum FWIW.

I agree with this. We've now heard from the family and they're not happy. Please don't rub it in their face and sign this guy JW. It's a fact he's due for early release, so let him go somewhere as far away from the family as possible (Tazmanian league perhaps?!).  Enough damage has been caused already.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 08:38:33
Good to see our colonial blood is going strong.

Off to Norfolk Island he goes.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 09:10:10
Have a look on yellows forum, apparently PDC is looking for the limeliht

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 09:14:02
Have a look on yellows forum, apparently PDC is looking for the limeliht
In contrast with most lower league managers, surely he already has it?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 09:23:24
I had a look on there yesterday, out of curiosity.  The reaction, to be fair, is very muted.  Perhaps understandably, given that they have a very similar situation with Adam Chapman.  Glass houses, stones etc.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 09:47:50
I agree with this. We've now heard from the family and they're not happy. Please don't rub it in their face and sign this guy JW. It's a fact he's due for early release, so let him go somewhere as far away from the family as possible (Tazmanian league perhaps?!).  Enough damage has been caused already.

Some people have been saying he should be doing charity work rather than playing football, except they weren't happy with him working in a charity shop either. No matter what he does I doubt they will ever be happy about it.

So why doesn't he go abroad, decent second-tier side in Spain maybe or in the US? He could still play a decent standard, rebuild his career plus do something outside the game to demonstrate some commitment to rehabilitation/payback. Then come back over here if he still wants to in 3-4 years, demonstrably a changed person.

That struck me as a very sensible and sensitive solution to what's clearly a difficult conundrum FWIW.

I believe he is being released on license which has conditions attached to it, including having to get permission to travel outside the UK and to maintain contact with their probation officer. So working abroad is unlikely to be an option.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: sonicyouth on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 10:28:13
I still don't understand why we need another goalkeeper. Regardless of everything else, I'd rather we strengthened other positions.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Benzel on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 10:29:44
I dunno, I still think we need a keeper, perhaps not this fella though.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Trashbat? on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 10:34:46
The trial works both ways, you never know he might decide against a return to professional football.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 10:45:35
I still don't understand why we need another goalkeeper. Regardless of everything else, I'd rather we strengthened other positions.
It's not fucking rocket science is it, we have just let our no.2 leave as well as Mark Scott leaving us with a kid in the first year of a pro deal and a mad, useless Italian who will be gone by the end of the summer as he is clearly not part of Di Canios plans.

Good lord.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 10:52:43
I have been accused of hypocracy by saying that he should be given a chance to play again but not at Swindon. This is bollocks. Just because I think he should get a chance to play again, it does not automatically follow that Swindon should sign him.

Your argument that "it doesn't automatically follow that Swindon should sign him" is MASSIVELY flawed because no one is saying Swindon should sign every ex-convict, are they? 

You great big hypocrite, you.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BenTheRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:05:16
The more i read the comments on the facebook page the more empathy I have with LM.

I just dont understand why it has to be Swindon that wants to open the particualar can of worms, much rather some other club

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: sonicyouth on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:07:38
It's not fucking rocket science is it, we have just let our no.2 leave as well as Mark Scott leaving us with a kid in the first year of a pro deal and a mad, useless Italian who will be gone by the end of the summer as he is clearly not part of Di Canios plans.

Good lord.

How many games did Foderingham miss last year? How many times did we have a goalkeeper on the bench? In my opinion Foderingham is good enough, reliable enough and fit enough that we can risk having a young pro on the bench or bring someone in on loan in an emergency.

I'd rather see the wages for a number 2 goalkeeper (who won't even get on the bench) spent elsewhere.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BenTheRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:08:52

How many games did Foderingham miss last year? How many times did we have a goalkeeper on the bench? In my opinion Foderingham is good enough, reliable enough and fit enough that we can risk having a young pro on the bench or bring someone in on loan in an emergency.

I'd rather see the wages for a number 2 goalkeeper (who won't even get on the bench) spent elsewhere.
And if needed we can loan a goalkeeper at short notice

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Trashbat? on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:12:01
Next season we are back to 7 subs, so a Sub GK would be on the bench most games next year I would imagine.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:14:33
Oh, are we? Good news, i didn't see any sense in the drop down to 5.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: sonicyouth on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:15:39
Next season we are back to 7 subs, so a Sub GK would be on the bench most games next year I would imagine.
Didn't realise that. In that case, I retract my point about wasting wages on a keeper who won't even get on the bench!

I still maintain that McCormick (or James or anyone else for that matter) isn't as important as strengthening up front and left-back.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:25:56

How many games did Foderingham miss last year? How many times did we have a goalkeeper on the bench? In my opinion Foderingham is good enough, reliable enough and fit enough that we can risk having a young pro on the bench or bring someone in on loan in an emergency.

I'd rather see the wages for a number 2 goalkeeper (who won't even get on the bench) spent elsewhere.
The aim for next season seems to be a top 6 finish and a top 6 squad has good, reliable back up in every area. A dependable goalkeeper for back up and to push Foderingham is needed.

Other areas should take priority, a left back, central midfielder and forward should be first on the list but we would be stupid to go into the season with a kid as back up. Luckily it seems that the club think so too.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:54:04
Wray has said he won't be offered a contract, seems a bit pointless to take so much stick in the media if we aren't even going to consider signing the bloke.

Just been interviewing the Swindon Chairman Jeremy Wray who says the club won't be offering a contract to jailed goalkeeper Luke McCormick

Wray says Swindon just offering him help with rehabilitation but questions whether any club will want to employ him because of likely abuse

Skynews reporter on twitter.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: walrus on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:58:42
He's done his time as prescribed by the legal justice system.  Rightly or wrongly, he's been freed at a relatively young age and is able to go back to football.  If he doesn't return to football, he'll struggle finding employment with a prison sentence on his record and presumably few other skills.  I don't have a problem with him returning to football.  It was a tragic accident, and something which will burden his conscience for the rest of his life, but it was just that, an accident. 

Lots of people have gotten into a car when they shouldn't have and have gotten away with it.  McCormick was unlucky, but did play a huge part in his own downfall.

I, like others, would query the necessity of this signing given he's unlikely to make a major impact on the First Team.  I sincerely doubt he'll sign after the furore caused.

This debate has been done before, and Lee Hughes is back playing football.  So should McCormick.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 11:59:02
In fairness, regardless as to whether the club were thinking about it. They never, ever stated (to my knowledge) that this was in view of a permanent deal.

Of course, that was the assumption though and Wray could have stated this yesterday.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:02:31
In fairness, regardless as to whether the club were thinking about it. They never, ever stated (to my knowledge) that this was in view of a permanent deal.

Of course, that was the assumption though and Wray could have stated this yesterday.
Surely a trial is always in view to a permanent deal?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:03:33
Wray has said he won't be offered a contract, seems a bit pointless to take so much stick in the media if we aren't even going to consider signing the bloke.

Skynews reporter on twitter.

I don't believe they would've released the statements they have if this were true.  Unless of course the backlash has scared them off.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:10:12
@ Walrus, so was it an accident that he got behind the wheel of his car knowing that he was pissed? Was it an accident that he ignored his friends who begged him not to drive? No is the answer, so it wasnt an accident, it was a major fucking wrong choice by him and him alone, and how was he unlucky? he was pissed!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:13:29
I for one am delighted that he hasn't signed as I think we just don't need the hassle.

This thread has been interesting reading though, really shocked how many people on here have never broken the law and led entirely blameless lives... there is hope for the world yet.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:16:31
Surely a trial is always in view to a permanent deal?


Either way, NIMBY's can relax, Batch can breath once more and we can all go back to the way it was with our beloved 'bad boy' manager.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:24:31
I did wonder to begin with why we'd need to trial a player that's been training with us already.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Gethimout on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:27:05
@ Walrus, so was it an accident that he got behind the wheel of his car knowing that he was pissed? Was it an accident that he ignored his friends who begged him not to drive? No is the answer, so it wasnt an accident, it was a major fucking wrong choice by him and him alone, and how was he unlucky? he was pissed!

Foggy, you're talking shit! It was an accident. He didn't purposely go out to try and kill them did he?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:28:06
See, we are a nice family club after all (Re The Sun), especially when we realised the outrage/backlash it caused

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:28:35
No, but he purposely drove that car

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:32:47
I skulled some pillock on the golf course last week, I purposely propelled the ball forward with my 3 wood, does that mean it wasn't an accident?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Benzel on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:37:19
No, but he purposely drove that car

A decision he took when his decision making skills were seriously impaired.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:37:53
Foggy, you're talking shit! It was an accident. He didn't purposely go out to try and kill them did he?

Thank you for your input, nicely debated. Probaby not but i wish that people would stop trying to make out that he didnt know what he was doing or the consequences of his actions.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:38:56
I skulled some pillock on the golf course last week, I purposely propelled the ball forward with my 3 wood, does that mean it wasn't an accident?

Knowing you dave probably not :-)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Gethimout on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:43:59
Thank you for your input, nicely debated. Probaby not but i wish that people would stop trying to make out that he didnt know what he was doing or the consequences of his actions.

It's a tough subject and everyone will have different opinions. He knew what he was doing, granted! But, he also didn't go out to kill anyone!

I've read through the topic and a few people have driven whilst under the influence - me included! It doesn't make it right but we're all lucky to get away with it. Sadly, McCormick, wasn't and he's paid the ultimate price for it.

The condequences for his actions will live with him forever.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:47:39
This is very true, and i hope that he is genuinely remorseful for what he did. I guess it is easy to pass judgement on him in the heat of the moment but i would like to hear his side of the story

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: sheepshagger on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:54:28
I skulled some pillock on the golf course last week, I purposely propelled the ball forward with my 3 wood, does that mean it wasn't an accident?

Nope, just means you hit a shit shot :) !!

Unless of course he was stood in front of the pin.........

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: nevillew on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 12:55:54
I skulled some pillock on the golf course last week, I purposely propelled the ball forward with my 3 wood, does that mean it wasn't an accident?

Depends - were you aiming for him ?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:00:54
I skulled some pillock on the golf course last week, I purposely propelled the ball forward with my 3 wood, does that mean it wasn't an accident?

More of a fluke, perhaps?

Of course it was an accident, unless you intended to hit him

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:13:20
Well this puts a bit of a different complexion on it for me (in terms of what the club are doing). But the fact we aren't going to sign him was clear as mud yesterday.

However I don't and will never think he should be out so soon. My opinion of the man is unchanged.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:20:43
Depends - were you aiming for him ?

In this instance no but I must stress I have the ability to do so if I desire.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:29:27
So the victims family are angry about it,well there's a surprise. I don't blame them for hating the bloke and all the rest that goes with it, but you are hardly going to get a balanced view from them.

He has been punished as the law and justice system sees fit in this country. I would steer him away from the public eye to be honest but that is his choice. Hypocritical fans screaming abuse at him wont be anything like the hell he will be living through every day.

Think the club rate him and see him as a good enough keeper to push Fods for the no1 jersey.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: timelord on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:38:19
So the victims family are angry about it,well there's a surprise. I don't blame them for hating the bloke and all the rest that goes with it, but you are hardly going to get a balanced view from them.

FFS McCormick destroyed that family because he was a selfish footballer who thought he walked on water and would get away with anything.

McCormick is SCUM, end of.

Just think what Swindon is turning into - a Fascist manager and a child killing goalkeeper.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:41:09
FFS McCormick destroyed that family because he was a selfish footballer who thought he walked on water and would get away with anything.

McCormick is SCUM, end of.

Just think what Swindon is turning into - a Fascist manager and a child killing goalkeeper.

you know him then and all the details about him and the incident?
Talking utter shit fella.
Di canio has been here a year too. Get used to it or do one

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Trashbat? on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:41:25
Fuck off back to your Tardis

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:41:38
You're changing your tune.

We were a 'great club' 24 hours ago.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:43:22
FFS McCormick destroyed that family because he was a selfish footballer who thought he walked on water and would get away with anything.

McCormick is SCUM, end of.

Just think what Swindon is turning into - a Fascist manager and a child killing goalkeeper.

Just because you say 'end of' it does not make it fact.  It means you reached the 'end of' your argument and you are not going to change your opinion.  If that's the case there is no point in you making further comment.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Foggy on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:45:27
FFS McCormick destroyed that family because he was a selfish footballer who thought he walked on water and would get away with anything.

McCormick is SCUM, end of.

Just think what Swindon is turning into - a Fascist manager and a child killing goalkeeper.

I think what he does for a living is irrelevant, it wouldnt matter if he was a footballer or a bricklayer, he still drove his car when over the limit and killed 2 people. And do fuck off about what Swindon is turning into, you werent bothered about us 2 days ago so go fuck yourself and your sister

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:52:50
Just think what Swindon is turning into - a Fascist manager and a child killing goalkeeper.

Yesterday you were entertaining.  Today, you're becoming an irritant.

You've said your piece please, run along.  Plenty of other sets of fans out there who, doubtless, will be desperate for one of your lectures.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: london_red on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 13:58:05
FFS McCormick destroyed that family because he was a selfish footballer who thought he walked on water and would get away with anything.

McCormick is SCUM, end of.

Just think what Swindon is turning into - a Fascist manager and a child killing goalkeeper.

Have a word. Debate this admittedly contentious issue based on your personal feelings and morals, fine - like 99% of posters have done over the last 26 pages - but why extrapolate it based on baseless speculation for the sake of making the same sensationalist point yet again.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:01:55
FFS McCormick destroyed that family because he was a selfish footballer who thought he walked on water and would get away with anything.

McCormick is SCUM, end of.

Just think what Swindon is turning into - a Fascist manager and a child killing goalkeeper.

Yeay!  He's back again today.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:02:43
It's as though the news he won't be signed has put an abrupt end to some peoples' (or at least one person's) opportunity to express moral outrage, that's just not on.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: CB1349 on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:04:06
If we take this bloke on I'll not spend a single penny or go to a single game until the person responsible for signing him leaves the club. Absolutely disgusting to be linked with this guy. Lets see if Lee Hughes fancy a transfer while were at it. I wonder what position Anders Breivik plays?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:06:03
Who does this guy support?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:06:30
If we take this bloke on I'll not spend a single penny or go to a single game until the person responsible for signing him leaves the club. Absolutely disgusting to be linked with this guy. Lets see if Lee Hughes fancy a transfer while were at it. I wonder what position Anders Breivik plays?

He's a right winger.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:07:32
If we take this bloke on I'll not spend a single penny or go to a single game until the person responsible for signing him leaves the club. Absolutely disgusting to be linked with this guy. Lets see if Lee Hughes fancy a transfer while were at it. I wonder what position Anders Breivik plays?











RE: Anders Breivik: Di Canio wants to focus on UK based footballers.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Trashbat? on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:10:20
If we take this bloke on I'll not spend a single penny

Is that some kind of constipation strike?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jimmy_onions on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:10:34
On the subject of drink driving, some interesting comments in here about people having done it...

I am a little older now and am a lot more responsible, however, did it a couple of times when a little younger, and certainly not proud...I think my worse was 3 pints, not a lot, but bad enough....or it may be the case that my worst offence was driving in the morning after a heavy night, but that's harder to quanitfy...

Two questions...
1) anyone worse than 3 pints?
2) What was Mrcorminck on, anyone know, in pints please, not units or mg/m3 or whatever the fook...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:10:56
He does have a good strike rate, however.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ralphy on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:21:38
McCormick was twice the drink drive limit the next morning so I'm guessing the night before he was shit faced.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:42:01
On the subject of drink driving, some interesting comments in here about people having done it...

I am a little older now and am a lot more responsible, however, did it a couple of times when a little younger, and certainly not proud...I think my worse was 3 pints, not a lot, but bad enough....or it may be the case that my worst offence was driving in the morning after a heavy night, but that's harder to quanitfy...

Two questions...
1) anyone worse than 3 pints?
2) What was Mrcorminck on, anyone know, in pints please, not units or mg/m3 or whatever the fook...

Considerably more... suprisingly only blew 70 but alot of what I had drank I had lost over the day,

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:44:55
McCormick was twice the drink drive limit the next morning so I'm guessing the night before he was shit faced.

Reports on the trial said he was seen drinking until 2am, the crash happened at 05:45am. So yes I imagine he was shit faced.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 14:48:20
Considerably more... suprisingly only blew 70 but alot of what I had drank I had lost over the day,

McCormick would've blown that as well. How did you feel, in terms of cuntedness? (I'm just curious, I'm not trying to rationalise what McCormick's done.)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:00:15
Pretty boozy frankly

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: gingernuggets on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:03:16
Wray coming up on Talksport soon.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:06:28
Legal limit is thought to be 4 units = just under 2 pints of piss weak lager. So therefore McCormick had about 4 pints of Fosters in his system when he blew. However, you process about a unit per hour, so therefore he would have lost a bit before he got taken to the station and gave a reading. Also some people can drink more and be under the limit and others less, you can’t really quantify it in pints or glasses of wine.

If you’ve driven the morning after a heavy session, say at 9am when you stopped drinking at 2am, you’re going to be miles over the limit.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:07:48
This Adrian Durham fellow is 'interesting'.

Good luck Mr. Wray...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:08:48
This Adrian Durham fellow is 'interesting'.

Good luck Mr. Wray...
Whats being said?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: gingernuggets on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:12:45
He's not on yet. Could be a while by the sound of it.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BenTheRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:14:49
He's not on yet. Could be a while by the sound of it.

I've never listened to talk sport before, thought i'd switch on to listen to what JW has to say. These two talking now are idiots, did they just suggest joey barton get a job in a bank ???

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:14:51
Whats being said?

I'm new to this TalkSport malarkey.

They talk like hysterical internet posters.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:38:47
TalkSport poll is currently,

-Who would win out of a fight? Peter Schmeichel or Roy Keane?-


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: fittons_coaching_badge on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:41:11
Has JW been on yet?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Spud on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:42:32
Has JW been on yet?


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:42:47
Has JW been on yet?


The way that Durham is calling for the sacking and career end of Joey Barton, you can only guess that Wray will be torn a new one.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Spud on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:45:18

The way that Durham is calling for the sacking and career end of Joey Barton, you can only guess that Wray will be torn a new one.


That's just Durham doing his usual 'Troll' act. To be fair, he's usually alright when Chairman etc speak to them.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:46:58
That's just Durham doing his usual 'Troll' act. To be fair, he's usually alright when Chairman etc speak to them.

Fair enough, I'm aware the controversies of Durham but not listened to him before this afternoon.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:52:39
TalkSport poll is currently,

-Who would win out of a fight? Peter Schmeichel or Roy Keane?-


Keane, no question :)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: THE FLASH on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 16:12:27
28 pages and counting....

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 16:14:41
Keane, no question :)

Depends on the rules - Peter Schmeichel is a big guy.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: gingernuggets on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 16:20:44
Here he is

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 16:25:00
Durham has indeed toned it down.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Abrahammer on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 16:29:40
Jeezer is nailing this

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 16:34:57
Sounds like McCormick will be nothing more than a figure behind-the-scenes. If this was emphasised when the news was leaked then I don't think it would have caused as much of a response.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 16:47:07
If this was emphasised when the news was leaked then I don't think it would have caused as much of a response.

How familiar are you with the internet and football forums during pre-season? ;)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 16:51:33
How familiar are you with the internet and football forums during pre-season? ;)

Well enough Barry and yes there was also going to be a bit of a debate.

That said, I think there's a big difference between an offender joining club with a view of playing in front of thousands of fans to that of an offender training with the club with a view to using his football ability to work in the community.

Wray did a good job, certainly no 'sanctimonious lip service'. Durham focused on the notion that he was going to become a professional footballer despite Wray focusing on community (along with Spurs fan who called in).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 16:56:32
Fan on the phone saying he's returning his season ticket because of this. Missing the point of what Wray was saying throughout his whole interview.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Spud on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 17:00:59
Fan on the phone saying he's returning his season ticket because of this. Missing the point of what Wray was saying throughout his whole interview.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 17:34:02
Fan on the phone saying he's returning his season ticket because of this. Missing the point of what Wray was saying throughout his whole interview.

Some people really are morons. We haven't even signed him, it's only a trial and besides we have now said we won't be offering him a contract although I suspect that's just been said to play down the uproar a bit.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 17:40:28
The club have released an official and free video of Jezza basically saying that he (McCormick) is not here to be signed up.

They have posted it on Facebook and the the majority of respondents on that very Facebook post are expressing their disgust at us signing him.

By Jove, one wonders about humanity at times.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:03:46
The club have released an official and free video of Jezza basically saying that he (McCormick) is not here to be signed up.

They have posted it on Facebook and the the majority of respondents on that very Facebook post are expressing their disgust at us signing him.

By Jove, one wonders about humanity at times.

I can't stand the FB page. So many morons comment on there.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:36:10
He's now been likened to Abu Qatada. (It means no worries)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:38:14
Fan on the phone saying he's returning his season ticket because of this. Missing the point of what Wray was saying throughout his whole interview.

I thought Dorset Red had chilled a bit with old age  ::)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:39:21
He's now been likened to Abu Qatada. (It means no worries)

Jeremy Wray?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:42:33
Jeremy Wray?


Although Jezza is equally as disgusting and Evil.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:49:42
Its all getting a bit ridiculous on the facebook pages, people cant read or listen to the fact that we ARE NOT signing LM and are continously slating the club for signing him. Also seen some blaming the club on his short prison sentence?  :crash:

Fuck me there are some right fucking idiotic pricks around.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:52:09
Amen to that

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:53:03
I thought Dorset Red had chilled a bit with old age  ::)

People are perfectly entitled to air their views but when they ignore everything that was mentioned before just makes me angry... and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

[url width=400 height=301][/url]

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:53:52
Also seen some blaming the club on his short prison sentence?  :crash:


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:57:33
Yep :facepalm:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:57:57
One bloke said if you accidentally misfired a gun and it hit someone that would be murder.

Jesus wept.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: reeves4england on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:58:35
I also hear JW had a hand in 9/11

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:06:02

Although Jezza is equally as disgusting and Evil.

Look at this beauty, he goes to the University of Baghdad by all accounts.

Soldat Soldattin Just seen the ITN News, with the murdering scumbag that killed those two young children, and the smug vermin that represents the club. Love to see what would happen if the children that died were his kids, would he still feel the same I wonder?  :no:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:12:41
Well if he wants to start again then start in afghanistan but then again he wouldn't be accepted there

There's all sorts of stuff going on behind that one

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:14:51
Facebook has become a pedestal for mongs. Never before have so many unintelligent idiots been able to get their attention seeking point in front of so many people.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:17:54
Facebook has become a pedestal for mongs. Never before have so many unintelligent idiots been able to get their attention seeking point in front of so many people.

Yes, the Jeremy Kyle generation really is in full swing on there, never had a fb account myself  :toocool:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:21:09
With age I am learning to embrace the mong factor of the internet rather than shun it, it's a fantastic source of amusement that should be taken full advantage of.

I feel like Gervais playing with Pilkington, only I have many more Pilkingtons.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:31:09
When you put it like that you have a very good point. Twitter has a fascinating breed of windowlickers that can provide hours of fun, although some from here seem to come across well and offer some good debate  :clap:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:31:58
It's ripping the club apart now

Rosso, love the avatar: "She used to give me roses"

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:33:43

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:35:12
It's ripping the club apart now

Rosso, love the avatar: "She used to give me roses"

I wish she would again..... Wonder what happened to Lizzie B?

I thought it had a touch of Planet of The Apes about it

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:40:12

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Trashbat? on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:40:46
Sky News current headline "Swindon Town defend drink drive goalkeeper"

Regardless of anything it's turned into a little bit of a PR own goal for us unfortunately

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 19:42:52
I blame those no-goods at BBC Oxford.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:07:58
Yes, the Jeremy Kyle generation really is in full swing on there, never had a fb account myself  :toocool:

I did unfortunately. I deleted it irrevocably though, so now I'm allowed to cast scorn from my ivory tower.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:28:52
I see Mike Parry (whoever that is) is tweeting bollocks on the subject now. He states our owners are horrible people for wanting to sign LM. Nice to know he knows his stuff.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:33:32
Regardless of anything it's turned into a little bit of a PR own goal for us unfortunately

They knew it would.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:35:58
They knew it would.


Although I don't think this was their ulterior motive

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: TheMajorSTFC on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:41:42
Just seen the JW video on STFC player, thought he came across very well and something very ballsy to he states it could all have been pushed under the fair play for JW coming out and providing an explanation!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:42:58
I see Mike Parry (whoever that is) is tweeting bollocks on the subject now. He states our owners are horrible people for wanting to sign LM. Nice to know he knows his stuff.

Aint his nickname Porky? Fat Cunt :I'm a complete mofleakin Deak

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: reeves4england on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:49:25
I've never heard of Mike Parry before, but whoever he is he appears to be an absolute cretin. Hardly surprised to see he worked for TalkSport with comments like this...

If Swindon Town give 1 second's consideration to employing Child-Killer goal-keeper Luke McCormick, they must close themselves down in shame

Disgusting person Luke McCormick is responsible for killing two little boys. And Swindon want to bring back into football. Revolting.

The people who run Swindon Town are such a disgusting bunch of people. Two little boys died. And Swindon want to employ the killer. Spew up

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:55:40
Mike Parry is a grade A cunt. If i could be bothered to remember my twitter account I'd let him know so  :)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:57:23
Its such a shame a summer of what should be celebration has turned to this. Hopefully it'll blow over when word gets out we aren't employing him.

One thing though, why was/is he going on pre-season tour. Or was that radio report not true.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:58:46
Mike Parry is a fucking nob, him going on about child killers. Bit rich seeing as he is a scouser

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 20:58:49
Am I right in remembering that both Pook and Nicholas were done for drink driving while at the club? Apologies to both of them if I misremember, but there but for the grace of god go they.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: janaage on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 21:05:05
Leslie Grantham, the bloke who played Dirty Den in Eastenders killed a taxi driver prior to him getting into acting. Mike Parry must have been livid.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Posh Red on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 21:05:07
Whilst the reactions of some people are completely OTT, the problem is that mud sticks.

It's why we should have steered well clear of this from the outset.

I hope it doesn't, but the negative publicity could easily put off companies looking at sponsoring the club.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Coca Fola on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 21:10:05
With age I am learning to embrace the mong factor of the internet rather than shun it, it's a fantastic source of amusement that should be taken full advantage of.

I feel like Gervais playing with Pilkington, only I have many more Pilkingtons.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 21:10:17
I hope it doesn't, but the negative publicity could easily put off companies looking at sponsoring the club.
I dont think it will tbh, people thought that would happen with Paolo being put in charge and we have some pretty decent sponsors

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 21:24:07
Whilst the reactions of some people are completely OTT, the problem is that mud sticks.

It's why we should have steered well clear of this from the outset.

I hope it doesn't, but the negative publicity could easily put off companies looking at sponsoring the club.

I don't think we are a big enough club for this to have a truly detrimental impact on us. You read the headlines and yes it does look bad with the way they are wording them but like all stories, they fade away.

For me, long term, I can't see people going "hey look Swindon Town are playing, you remember when they allowed a guy, I forget his name, whose drink driving killed two youngsters train with them over a summer just after he was released from prison. Scumbags."

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 21:29:46
Notts County have survived despite employing Lee Hughes, we'll do the same when it eventually blows over.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Trashbat? on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 21:45:08
Notts County have survived despite employing Lee Hughes, we'll do the same when it eventually blows over.

Or even Oldham who took him on while he was still in prison!

Once the England team start getting up to no good this will all be forgotten!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 22:14:01
Why the fuck have they even thought about giving him a trial...........there are lots of decent keepers out there who dont have the baggage.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 22:16:55
Tried to stay out of this tbh until all sides of the story had come out.

I think most agree that although he deserves a chance etc but i cant help wish in a way that this was happening elsewhere.

The one thing that does get me more than anything though is that i can't help but feel the club really should of gone about this a different way,i think for all the good our board has done it was a pretty poor effort to not at least contact the victims families first ad at least let them know what we are doing rather than find out through misleading headlines.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 22:25:52
The one thing that does get me more than anything though is that i can't help but feel the club really should of gone about this a different way,i think for all the good our board has done it was a pretty poor effort to not at least contact the victims families first ad at least let them know what we are doing rather than find out through misleading headlines.

I don't get why this should be the club's responsibility. Isn't there some kind of victim support system which should be keeping the families up to date on what is happening? Either there isn't or they haven't been doing their job properly as everything seems to come as a surprise and shock to them. Which is also surprising as he isn't being treated any differently than other prisoners being released early.

It doesn't help having certain sections of the media spinning it for dramatic effect, I'm sure it helps their sales but it isn't helping the families involved.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: reeves4england on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 22:28:46
I agree with jonny. I don't think STFC have done anything harmful to the family - it's the media who have misrepresented "facts" and created hysteria.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 22:31:08
I just think moraly that the family club of the year who happen to sponsor the very charity that was needed on that tragic day would of had the decency to let them know or at least not wait for this to be leaked out the way it has been.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 22:37:10
The Family Excellence Award is an accolade based on the matchday experience judged by a 'mystery shopper'. It's given to multiple clubs but we were just the best out of the bunch in L2. It has little to do with anything else (I think) and it certainly wouldn't jeopardise any future assessment if the club signed Luke McCormick (which we're not).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 22:59:45
I've listened to Wray's interview, yesterday I stated I thought he just wanted the player regardless of the shitstorm. Today after hearing his second interview and clarification I think he is sincere in what he says regarding rehabilitation. So I guess I owe an albeit indirect apology there (I'm sure he's following this thread). Still don't agree with his opinion mind.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Friday, May 25, 2012, 07:00:14
Whats mike parrys twitter?

Want to have some fun.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Only Me on Friday, May 25, 2012, 07:06:15
Whats mike parrys twitter?

Want to have some fun.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 07:48:23
Parry was late to the show wasn't he?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: london_red on Friday, May 25, 2012, 07:49:47
Whats mike parrys twitter?

Want to have some fun.

How long will it take before he blocks you then? I give it until lunch.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Friday, May 25, 2012, 07:57:42
Wont be able to get on there until this afternoon, in a meeting all morning

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:12:34
Whats mike parrys twitter?

Want to have some fun.
He'll love that. He's a shock jock and people like you are all just grist to his mill. If you really want to upset him, ignore him

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:14:07
He'll love that. He's a shock jock and people like you are all just grist to his mill. If you really want to upset him, ignore him

He's basically a fat noel edmonds isn't he?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:20:03
Jezza reads the TE Forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :clap:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:21:26
Now he is threatning to quit

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:25:21
Who?  Jeremy Wray, Like McCormick, Mike Parry or Noel Edmonds?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:25:32
Now he is threatning to quit

Whilst I strongly do not share his views, the last thing I'd want is for him to quit.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:26:22
Whilst I strongly do not share his views, the last thing I'd want is for him to quit.

100% Agree, i think he is getting pissed off with it all

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: RWB Robin on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:38:36
I've listened to Wray's interview, yesterday I stated I thought he just wanted the player regardless of the shitstorm. Today after hearing his second interview and clarification I think he is sincere in what he says regarding rehabilitation. So I guess I owe an albeit indirect apology there (I'm sure he's following this thread). Still don't agree with his opinion mind.

Fair play, Batch.  You have taken a steady line since the news broke, and, whilst I disagree with you, that is the nature of a controversial issue.  Very few people on these pages are ready actually to listen to what's going on and publicly change their view.

The real problem is that we have all been dealing with second/third and fourth hand information and gossip, especially from tabloid style media people who will always do everything they can to make trouble, especially for people who have been convicted of serious crime (except when its their media practices, of course, then its everybody else's fault.)  We just get the headlines to go on.

The fact is there are processes involved in releasing someone from prison, and it does include informing victims.  It really is not the business of anyone other than the authorities to get involved formally in that process, quite simply because it is so controversial.  As shown, the family of the two boys, absolutely understandably, resent McCormick's release...full stop.  Nothing will change that.  They opposed him getting a job in a charity shop, so they were bound also to object to him training with a football club.

The club were approached.  It was not their idea.  All prisoners on day release are found opportunities to see how they adapt to life 'outside'.  The club, with a strong sense of community and social responsibility (a feature of STFC  which I strongly support and admire) felt they should respond positively, but clearly consulted within the club as they should have done.  the controversial part, really, and about which it seems they had considerable discussion, has been to imply that he might get a contract at the end of the process.  That is clearly still not decided.  If the view is that he should, after everything else is taken into account, I personally would support that decision; but I fully understand and accept that others see it differently, and judge the club's reputation differently.  Sometimes (not always) having the courage of one's convictions (pun not intended), against public opinion actually stands to gain street-cred, even if that is in the longer-term.

As for the lad's family, I just hope that those with responsibility for victim support are working hard with them, privately, to help them and support them through this horrible time, because it is they who have the responsibility to do so - its not good enough just to leave it all to blood-letting in the media, and for STFC - who only responded to an official request - to take all the sh1t.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:48:46
They actually read half of my email out, glad i didnt have a rant now.

Is there a Jeremy Wray appreciation thread running?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:56:39
Is there a Jeremy Wray appreciation thread running?
There should be one

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Trashbat? on Friday, May 25, 2012, 08:59:42
What is being said? unfortunately at work with no access to a radio

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:01:31
What is being said? unfortunately at work with no access to a radio

Jeremy Wray "On a point of principle, if i dont have the majority support on this i will back down from the club completly and step aside on a point of principle"

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:02:54
Lose Wray, lose Di Canio.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:06:28
Exactly, a ready-made excuse for a PDC exit

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: london_red on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:11:04
Jeremy Wray "On a point of principle, if i dont have the majority support on this i will back down from the club completly and step aside on a point of principle"

You have to respect his principles, but I would hope he doesn't make a rash decision. The club looks to be making real strides forward under his stewardship and were he to continue for a while he could help to build something really special.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:18:12
I don't think this should be a resignation issue.  Just makes me all the more frustrated that we got involved with this in the first place.  How the fuck have we allowed Luke McCormick to become our problem?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:20:34
Lose Wray, lose Di Canio.

But people shouldn't be held to that kind of ransom because their set of values are different from the clubs. Though I need to make it crystal clear this was not what Wray is trying to do (he was absolutely not saying back me or I walk)

PS Mr Wray, you made the call now deal with it and move on, not run away. OK I don't agree with you on this issue, but this club needs you.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:23:03
Cannot believe this thread is 34 pages long!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:27:51
But people shouldn't be held to that kind of ransom because their set of values are different from the clubs. Though I need to make it crystal clear this was not what Wray is trying to do (he was absolutely not saying back me or I walk)

PS Mr Wray, you made the call now deal with it and move on, not run away. OK I don't agree with you on this issue, but this club needs you.

He did say if he doesnt have the majority support on this he would step down

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:31:30
He did say if he doesnt have the majority support on this he would step down

Yes he did, but I think that is very different from saying "back me or sack me", i.e. he isn't asking people to change their mind, more stating he would go if it is deemed a bad call (and that includes the opinions of sponsors and the footballing world not just us fans).

Mr Wray said he had no time for people going off on one threatening to rip their season ticket up. Would his quitting be anything but the same thing from the other end?  I guess it depends if he though his resignation would benefit STFC, which I don't think it would.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:37:51
But people shouldn't be held to that kind of ransom because their set of values are different from the clubs. Though I need to make it crystal clear this was not what Wray is trying to do (he was absolutely not saying back me or I walk)

PS Mr Wray, you made the call now deal with it and move on, not run away. OK I don't agree with you on this issue, but this club needs you.

I don't think Wray is looking to leave, he's far too ambitious and level-headed to end his tenure now.

But Wray is a major factor behind Di Canio's Swindon Town career and if this issue rumbles on he might just go. I'm still of the opinion that this will blow over in time though.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:45:47
I don't think Wray is looking to leave, he's far too ambitious and level-headed to end his tenure now.

But Wray is a major factor behind Di Canio's Swindon Town career and if this issue rumbles on he might just go. I'm still of the opinion that this will blow over in time though.

No one should allow this issue to rumble on.  It's a side show, and one that we had every oppportunity not to get involved in.  We are, potentially, 12 months in to a growth period for the club that could secure a brighter future.  The ground is ripe for redevelopment.  We have a young, ambitious manager.  Throw all that away for the sake of a row about an ex-Plymouth keeper who has never turned out for us?  I just cannot fathom how JW would allow this to jeopardise everything else he has had a hand in achieving...and everything he could achieve in the years ahead.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:47:19
Cannot believe this thread is 34 pages long!

I can. It's big news at the moment, so why woudn't the most popular forum of the club concerned not be discussing it?

Wray has to stay. His calmness under pressure and his decision making has been spot on this last year. A fantastic chairman in my opinion.
I think he is more important to us than any other individual at the club,Any player and Di canio included.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:48:07
Yes he did, but I think that is very different from saying "back me or sack me", i.e. he isn't asking people to change their mind, more stating he would go if it is deemed a bad call (and that includes the opinions of sponsors and the footballing world not just us fans).

Mr Wray said he had no time for people going off on one threatening to rip their season ticket up. Would his quitting be anything but the same thing from the other end?  I guess it depends if he though his resignation would benefit STFC, which I don't think it would.

Fair point Batch, FWIW i agree with you whole heartedly on this

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 09:51:24
No one should allow this issue to rumble on.  It's a side show, and one that we had every oppportunity not to get involved in.  We are, potentially, 12 months in to a growth period for the club that could secure a brighter future.  The ground is ripe for redevelopment.  We have a young, ambitious manager.  Throw all that away for the sake of a row about an ex-Plymouth keeper who has never turned out for us?  I just cannot fathom how JW would allow this to jeopardise everything else he has had a hand in achieving...and everything he could achieve in the years ahead.

I agree fully. I'm just addressing the worst case scenario and by that I'm referring to Swindon Town and nothing else.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tin town on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:11:27

 Opinions are like assholes everybody haz one.   :eek:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pericarp on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:37:38
Opinions are like assholes everybody haz one.   :eek:

Let's not generalise..

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pericarp on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:40:30
I think the condition is called Imperforate Anus.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:43:15
Opinions are like assholes everybody haz one.   :eek:

Haz?!! What the fuck is that?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:44:47
It's gangsta, recognise.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:45:39
We are on Jeremy Vine at Noon by all accounts

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:53:16
Great. I get the impression that Jeremy Vine loves to stir up a bit of shit, so I'm sure he'll have some fun with this.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:54:39
Great. I get the impression that Jeremy Vine loves to stir up a bit of shit, so I'm sure he'll have some fun with this.

He plays it pretty fair to be honest.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:56:27
I know he does like to get a balanced view and so invites debate from both sides, but he's equally good at poking both sides with a big shitty stick.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:56:32
He has to play devil's advocate, to an extent, to get a debate going.  But, as arriba says, he does tend to be fair.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:58:04
I'm gonna tweet him. anyone know his thingy?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:00:20

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:03:23

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:07:10
Who asked us to take on McCormick anyway?

Was it the FA? I have a hunch it was, as something was mentioned about LM speaking with the FA about coaching. If the FA did approach us about this, I think they should do the right thing and stick their head above the parapet also.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:08:42
Who asked us to take on McCormick anyway?

Was it the FA? I have a hunch it was, as something was mentioned about LM speaking with the FA about coaching. If the FA did approach us about this, I think they should do the right thing and stick their head above the parapet also.

They will still fine us

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:08:58
Didn't his agent approach the club based purely on geographical grounds?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:09:15
No one should allow this issue to rumble on.  It's a side show, and one that we had every oppportunity not to get involved in.  We are, potentially, 12 months in to a growth period for the club that could secure a brighter future.  The ground is ripe for redevelopment.  We have a young, ambitious manager.  Throw all that away for the sake of a row about an ex-Plymouth keeper who has never turned out for us?  I just cannot fathom how JW would allow this to jeopardise everything else he has had a hand in achieving...and everything he could achieve in the years ahead.

I think Wray was pretty clear about why we got involved in this. We're a community club and they take this seriously, which means playing an active role in the community. They were approached to help rehabilitate an ex-offender and as a community club they felt that getting involved was the right thing to do.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:09:27
Here we go......

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:20:53
How's the interview going?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:24:38
not great for us as a club and even worse for the player imo

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:28:42
How's the interview going?

The guy (Derek Ballantyne?) who was first at the scene put a very emotive point across, poor chap started crying, cant imagine what that must have been like really. Only a short pre recorded snippet from JW then a woman from some reform group.

Its fair too say that millions of people hearing the chap cry wont have won us any new fans.

Still going on now, some lady from swindon on the phone now, arsehole Parry to follow apparently

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:30:43
Minor shareholder on now venting his anger towards the board

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:30:44
I'm listening.

It's frustrating to listen people dwelling on the idea of 'signing' this man.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:34:07
Ex swindon lad Gilbert o sullivan on now. Coincidence?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:35:55
This whole topic is interesting to see and hear people's views on this subject.

What was the chap who got done for rape? When he gets released will there be as much controversy? No he didn't kill anyone but he knew what he was doing.

It's a difficult decision to make, and who-ever makes that decision to sign him/give him a job will have big balls to do it.

Let me put this to you. He is well known player. If he trains as say a tradesman and he turns up at your door would you turn him away as you knew what he did?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tin town on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:36:24
Let's not generalise..

  I like it

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:36:54
This is so depressing.  We said earlier in the week that this would be divisive, and so it is proving.  Well intentioned, but also completely avoidable.  Feels as if we've been mugged.

Having seen what is happening, I hope the penny has now dropped with McCormick and that he leaves promptly - before any further damage is done.  If he does, this could blow over in a few weeks.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:37:27
Ex swindon lad Gilbert o sullivan on now. Coincidence?

Who is he? Came across as a right cock.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:38:20
I imagine McCormick's participation at Swindon will end like it did when it began, very quietly.

Remarkable to think that this wasn't 'discovered' for five months.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:39:06

Feels as if we've been mugged.

I can't help but feel as though another party (the FA perhaps?) have lumbered this on us and are hiding from the flack themselves.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:41:21
If it was any company beyond Swindon Town and those who represent Luke McCormick then I would suggest that it would probably be the PFA.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:44:33
If it was any company beyond Swindon Town and those who represent Luke McCormick then I would suggest that it would be the PFA.

I was under the impression Lukes agent asked around a few clubs, with the PFA saying they will support him when he is released?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:47:51
I was under the impression Lukes agent asked around a few clubs, with the PFA saying they will support him when he is released?

So was I. I was just entertaining Flashheart's opinion because it's a valid point.

I personally doubt The F.A. had much input but I would not be surprised if the union were being kept up to date.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:52:39
Very valid point indeed.

With it being a Friday a statement from somewhere could be possible

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pauld on Friday, May 25, 2012, 11:59:37
Who asked us to take on McCormick anyway?

Was it the FA? I have a hunch it was, as something was mentioned about LM speaking with the FA about coaching. If the FA did approach us about this, I think they should do the right thing and stick their head above the parapet also.
No, JW explained this on Radio Swindon this morning (it'll be on iPlayer later apparently, well worth a listen). He's in a prison nearby (think it's Leyhill Open prison in Gloucs but can't remember where I read that) so we are one of the closest pro clubs so it was the Probation Service who approached us as part of the standard preparation for release stuff. I'd imagine they also approached other nearby clubs (Nam, Villa, maybe?) as well but got told to do one by them. But I'm just speculating on that. But it wasn't the FA anyway.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: london_red on Friday, May 25, 2012, 12:24:38
He's in a prison nearby so we are one of the closest pro clubs so it was the Probation Service who approached us as part of the standard preparation for release stuff.

Surely that changes the complexion of the argument a bit, haven't heard that emphasised in any of the other media coverage. If the club has just responded to the request of a local government organisation - while I appreciate and respect that given the nature of the crime involved it doesn't sit well with some people - it's hardly an egregious error of judgment that should cause such a vicious backlash against the board?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Friday, May 25, 2012, 12:49:22
This is so depressing.  We said earlier in the week that this would be divisive, and so it is proving.  Well intentioned, but also completely avoidable.  Feels as if we've been mugged.

Having seen what is happening, I hope the penny has now dropped with McCormick and that he leaves promptly - before any further damage is done.  If he does, this could blow over in a few weeks.

I don't think this will have any effect on the club beyond publicity - which I don't think is negative from a sponsorship stand point (brand awareness is all they really care about and all publicity creates eyeballs, which, when all is said and done, is what matters to sponsors).

I would also be shocked if something like this stops people going. It's all hot air and merely stoked by the polarised opinions around them.

Sure it's a bit shit from a fans perspective as we've all got a different opinion and all know we're right, but like everything in the world of the media circus it's forgotten about in a nano second and once the media forget, the people forget.

I will eat my bollocks if this has any detrimental effect on the club. (Providing he doesn't sign, which although this has been confirmed, some people still seem to think there's a contract waiting for when he's released.)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Friday, May 25, 2012, 12:49:50
I'd read that it was his agent that contacted the club. However, even if they didn't contact the club the prison and probation services would have been heavily involved - they would have to approve the placement, the same as they would where he lives and he'll have to keep in regular contact with them. He would have had to get special permission to go abroad on the tour as well.

Think a lot of people see him being released as the end of his sentence when it isn't, he'll just be serving the remainder of it (with restrictions in place) in the community. You might not agree with it but that is how it works.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leftside on Friday, May 25, 2012, 13:14:35
I think all of this highlights the difficulties society has with the criminal justice system and vice versa.

Criminals don't 'rot in hell', they get released from prison and return to life outside of prison. Unfortunately, it seems, clearly, that many people find it hard to deal with the whole of the criminal justice process.

An offender gets tried, convicted, sentenced, serves time, gets released (if appropriate) and returns to everyday society. We (society in general) don't seem to be able to deal with this scenario.

Can society ever get to the level of maturity (for want of a better word) where sentences for crimes are understood and accepted, and considered justifyable punishment, and then progress to the next stage whereby the criminal who has served his/her punishment is accepted back into society with the knowledge that the past cannot be changed nor forgotten, but with the intentions that the future can be influenced as possitively and productively as possible?

I don't think STFC is doing the wrong thing with regard to McCormick. However, I would question the length of his custodial sentence as being a suitable punishment for the appalling crime he commited.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: @MacPhlea on Friday, May 25, 2012, 13:21:00
I guess some people will only be satisfied when Sharia law is introduced into the UK and the likes of McCormick are unable to resume footballing duties as a result of his left hand being chopped off...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Gnasher on Friday, May 25, 2012, 13:35:50
Perhaps he can become a politician. They're a bunch of crooks.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: joteddyred on Friday, May 25, 2012, 13:42:24
I just can't believe the turn this has now taken.   A completely avoidable situation has now turned into a possible reason for Jeremy Wray to quit, which would be a disaster for the club.

 If there was genuinely never going to be any chance of Mccormick signing why was the word 'trial' used? This to me infers seeing how somebody performs over a period of time with a view to signing them permanently if they do well?  If it was made clear from the start this wasn't an option, maybe the backlash wouldn't have been so severe?

I think Wray is a superb chairman, but he surely must have realised even taling him on trial, wouldn't go down well in some quarters, so why take the risk?

It's also interesting that Plymouth washed their hands of him as soon as he was charged and there's clearly no interest from them in helping his rehabilitation?  

Why couldn't we just have a quiet summer basking in the glory of promotion as champions and looking forward to next season?  

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 25, 2012, 13:54:24
Agree with that, JTR.  As I alluded to earlier, the Chairman needs a way out of this now.  It's not fair.  He seems to be shell-shocked; completely surprised at the reaction to a gesture that he made with the best of intentions.

The only person who could provide a way out is McCormick himself.  If JW retracts the offer of training/a trial with STFC, he looks as if he has been forced in to a U-turn.  If McCormick pulls out himself, no-one loses face.  The player must realise that there is no future for him here, or at any other club at this level.  He needs to do the right thing, leave us as we were and then keep his head down for a while.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Friday, May 25, 2012, 13:56:01
Having read and listened to a lot, this whole debate has made me want us to sign him now if i'm honest.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 25, 2012, 14:37:20
Having read and listened to a lot, this whole debate has made me want us to sign him now if i'm honest.

As an anti anti gesture? Or because you have changed/ made up your mind?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: joteddyred on Friday, May 25, 2012, 14:43:21
Having read and listened to a lot, this whole debate has made me want us to sign him now if i'm honest.

Even if it resulted in Jeremy Wray standing down - surely not?

I'm with Ardiles, hopefully Mccormick himself or his agent will put an end to this.  Considering Mccormick now has a child of his own, I'm sure he wouldn't want his family to be targeted with abuse etc.  If this continues to play out in the public eye that is more than likely what will happen (and I don't mean Swindon fans will be the instigators).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Friday, May 25, 2012, 14:55:00
As an anti anti gesture? Or because you have changed/ made up your mind?

No, I think I have genuinely changed my mind... maybe it's sun stroke! Wray should tell all the lynch mob to kindly take their custom elsewhere, I think this was a genuine humanitarian gesture, and I've started to feel for McCormick as there it's nothing he can do but try and rebuild his own life - no crime in that.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Friday, May 25, 2012, 15:18:14
Tweet of the day


@mikeparry8    weight watchers.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 25, 2012, 15:59:17
No, I think I have genuinely changed my mind... maybe it's sun stroke! Wray should tell all the lynch mob to kindly take their custom elsewhere, I think this was a genuine humanitarian gesture, and I've started to feel for McCormick as there it's nothing he can do but try and rebuild his own life - no crime in that.

Fair enough.

I don't think Wray should, will or has ever told people who don't agree with him to take their custom elsewhere though. Disagreeing with a point of view doesn't make anyone wrong.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LucienSanchez on Friday, May 25, 2012, 16:06:15
I know, i was referring to the hysterical minority who would boycott and generally cause a scene, not the reasonable fellows.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dazzza on Friday, May 25, 2012, 16:13:09
Putting aide the emotive nature of the subject and both very credible arguments for and against giving McCormick a chance to train with the club.  Surely common sense would dictate this was always going to be every tabloid paper and radio station’s wet dream?

If Wray felt that strongly about rehabilitation and offering him a chance to train on probation then we should have released a clear statement of the club’s intent rather than keeping it quiet and waiting for the inevitable bollocks that has been in the press the past couple of days.

From a personal perspective I was against giving McCormack any chance to succeed in a role which thousands aspire to.   Playing football is a privilege and while it’s a mistake many of us have made two young lads lost their life.  I don’t begrudge the man a career and the right to earn a living just not in such a privileged role.  

After a lot of the utter rubbish I have read and heard I am now all for signing him up and making him club mascot.  

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Gnasher on Friday, May 25, 2012, 16:19:00

From a personal perspective I was against giving McCormack any chance to succeed in a role which thousands aspire to.   Playing football is a privilege and while it’s a mistake many of us have made two young lads lost their life.  I don’t begrudge the man a career and the right to earn a living just not in such a privileged role.  

Another victim of the hate mob will be Alan McCormack. Oiy, aren't you that child killer who plays for Swindon?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Friday, May 25, 2012, 16:33:09
Porky blocked me.

All i did was tweet 'weight watchers' to him

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: london_red on Friday, May 25, 2012, 16:40:50
Porky blocked me.

All i did was tweet 'weight watchers' to him

Haha told you it wouldn't take long

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Friday, May 25, 2012, 16:48:00
Porky blocked me.

All i did was tweet 'weight watchers' to him

Just asked him if he's listened to Jeremy's interviews in reply to his spew up one

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, May 25, 2012, 16:52:32
That bloke is a shock jock and a cretin. Do not feed the troll.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Friday, May 25, 2012, 17:03:25
That bloke is a shock jock and a cretin. Do not feed the troll.

I was being gentle to start with, he probably won't reply anyway

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: fittons_coaching_badge on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:06:35
Being discussed on 5live now ....

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Swindon Please Win on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:18:42
Jeremy Wray is on now.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: fittons_coaching_badge on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:19:04
Jezzer on now ...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: JanAageisGod on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:19:34
Is it really necessary for it to be discussed on Radio 2 and Radio 5 on the same day, and on Radio 5 more than once? Nolan on 5 Live now is unlikely to be good, a relentlessly Mail-ist tone in choice of themes and level of discussion in my personal opinion.

Am not listening right now.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:30:15
Is it really necessary for us to be still going on about this at all?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Swindon Please Win on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:36:34
When we people understand were are not signing him? Seriously Jezza has mentioned it a good 4 or 5 times now but they keep coming onto that point. Some of the questions have been ridiculous.

Even people from Swindon are getting this wrong aswell...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:46:47
When we people understand were are not signing him? Seriously Jezza has mentioned it a good 4 or 5 times now but they keep coming onto that point. Some of the questions have been ridiculous.

Even people from Swindon are getting this wrong aswell...

They are getting angry about a hypothetical situation

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:48:14
Apparently it's fucking easy to become an electrician, especially if you're a convict.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Swindon Please Win on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:49:21
This women isn't the brightest...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:50:05
I'd tell Michelle to stop being a thick cunt, shut up, and listen.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:53:10
Shredded their season tickets........

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:57:24
This is going to get to a point where if he does not come here wray will walk.This is slowly destroying all the last years good work,good intentions meant or not

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:57:45
So what radio station is this on then?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Swindon Please Win on Friday, May 25, 2012, 21:58:20

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 25, 2012, 22:00:19
It needs beating into Michelle that he isn't signing

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, May 25, 2012, 22:01:14
She raised a good point if he had signed. He hasn't and won't be cheered on by her children though.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: RedRag on Friday, May 25, 2012, 22:02:40
I guess some people will only be satisfied when Sharia law is introduced into the UK and the likes of McCormick are unable to resume footballing duties as a result of his left hand being chopped off...
Even then, I wouldn't bet against McCormick being better than the majority of our keepers between Digby and Fods

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 25, 2012, 22:04:49
This is going to get to a point where if he does not come here wray will walk.This is slowly destroying all the last years good work,good intentions meant or not

I think it's more a case of them pulling their hair out in frustration really, at least that's what I'd be doing. Doesn't necessarily have to be a long term thing.

I thing Jezza should take heart that the outrage in this case is represented by Michelle, who is blatantly not that bright.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Friday, May 25, 2012, 22:16:38
Michelle, I can't believe we're still on about this, give us a break will ya

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Swindon Please Win on Friday, May 25, 2012, 22:18:01
Some people are only looking into this one way, this guy will come back into the job he loves and will become idolised. He won't, he definetly won't. Jezza is simply offering a mean to try and right a wrong. The guy from the Guardian made a great Example, Tony Adams served time after a drink driving incident and came out and set up a support group, yes he didn't kill someone but he could of, what he did was as stupid as McCormick's incident but was lucky no one died. This man is idolised as an Arsenal legend. Chapman at Oxford got next to no media attention and is heavily involved with Oxford but gets no mentioned in this argument. It's simply Swindon offering a guy a chance to give back to a community from horrific mistake. If no one is allowed a second chance in life then thats ridiculous.

This story has dragged on far too long, and has got way too much attention.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Gnasher on Friday, May 25, 2012, 22:46:42
Apparently it's fucking easy to become an electrician, especially if you're a convict.

That's because they've been charged.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 25, 2012, 22:57:24
The boiler example


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: RedRag on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 00:11:55
Some people are only looking into this one way, this guy will come back into the job he loves and will become idolised. He won't, he definetly won't. Jezza is simply offering a mean to try and right a wrong. The guy from the Guardian made a great Example, Tony Adams served time after a drink driving incident and came out and set up a support group, yes he didn't kill someone but he could of, what he did was as stupid as McCormick's incident but was lucky no one died. This man is idolised as an Arsenal legend. Chapman at Oxford got next to no media attention and is heavily involved with Oxford but gets no mentioned in this argument. It's simply Swindon offering a guy a chance to give back to a community from horrific mistake. If no one is allowed a second chance in life then thats ridiculous.

This story has dragged on far too long, and has got way too much attention.

I very much agree

Look at Lee Hughes too, drink, cocaine, killed, did a runner and out after three years...after an initial debate he routinely gets reported for scoring a late winner here and there and his role as a footballer is NEVER now questioned by the sanctimonious Beeb.

The reality is that this is today's moral outrage fone in fodder - it will blow over.

If the Beeb is going to campaign to change the law so that victims' families (if all agreed) can control where someone works after they come out then all well and good.  That's a bit boring and unlikely too though. 

Otherwise the sensationalist mingers shouldn't wind up the victim's families even more only to dump them and move on to the next story to get the phone lines buzzing.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: joteddyred on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 08:13:53
This is going to get to a point where if he does not come here wray will walk.This is slowly destroying all the last years good work,good intentions meant or not

Totally agree with this.  If I'm honest, I'm not sure this is going to blow over as we hoped.  It's drawn too much media attention and far too many people have poked their nose in with their views.

Even if Mccormick was to pull out himself and end the issue, Wray could still quit over it.  What happens if he does quit, will Mccormick still come here?  I would guess not rendering the whole situation even more pointless.

'm becoming very concerned.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 08:27:20
This is going to get to a point where if he does not come here wray will walk.This is slowly destroying all the last years good work,good intentions meant or not

Sad but true.

Not sure what he expcted though.

There are 8000 town fans, and an issue like this is bound to harvest the full set of opinions.

I fully believe these opinions would be replicated anywhere in the country. So my opinion is if Wray is disappointed we don't all share his views then I think he has not only missread Swindon fans, but society in general.

Fwiw I can stomach the situation as proposed with reservations. I don't want to expand on that for obvious. Reasons

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 08:56:18
Jeremy Wray has been brilliant for this club....many fans share his views many dont.

I feel there are many Goalkeepers on the scraphead as good as him if not better.... ironically one has just left us who could have been an ideal number two for another year or so.

This keeper is a steady keeper with a decent pedigree but in my opinion there are keepers out there as good as or better that the club could have gone after.

Anyhow i thought it was Paolo who signs the players he wants so Jeremy Wrays personal feelings should have no bearing on this matter really.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 08:59:46
Anyhow i thought it was Paolo who signs the players he wants so Jeremy Wrays personal feelings should have no bearing on this matter really.

This is why I can contently believe that this arrangement was more about rehabilitation than being a member of the playing staff. Wray would certainly have the final say in that respect.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 09:03:44
It's the fucking pointlessness of the whole saga that gets me.  This should never have become our problem in the first place.  Makes you want to pull your hair out.

As I've said before - the best way out now would be for McCormick himself to voluntarily withdraw from the club.  He must be able to see that this is going nowhere.  Then the issue simply goes away...and Jeremy Wray can get on with the task of taking the club forward.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 09:54:05
If everyone shared that view McCormick and others would never be integrated back into society. We'd have more re-offenders with less being contributed to society.

I committed a drink driving offence nearly 5 years ago. It was stupid of me and I was punished. Although I didn't crash my car or cause harm to anyone I potentially could have done. Some people said I should have been banned from driving for life. Let me tell you that the ban I got was punishment enough and I also attended a driving & alcohol awareness course which was worth my attendance, though I really can't believe the DSA doesn't include a whole section of driving theory on alcohol. They do for speed and have even started adding in some basic safety checks into the practical test. Why not alcohol/perils of drink driving?

Due to being able to get on with my life and career, the tax, national insurance and student loan contributions made each month due to my earnings are 2.5 times that of 5 years ago. If I had not been lucky enough to live in our society this wouldn't be the case.

If you never looked to rehabilitate anyone and let the public decide the length of sentences then you'd probably still be locked up for pinching a packet of sweets from the shop when you were 8 years old. It's human nature to let emotions rule and somewhere one person will be more upset by an offence than another. These people often scream loudest.

I will say however, that I feel McCormick's sentence was lenient and I'm in no way stating that the things above are as bad as McCormick's offence. But that part is over with which is what Wray is trying to explain and that's not the club's issue.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leftside on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:08:55
It's the fucking pointlessness of the whole saga that gets me.  This should never have become our problem in the first place.  Makes you want to pull your hair out.

As I've said before - the best way out now would be for McCormick himself to voluntarily withdraw from the club.  He must be able to see that this is going nowhere.  Then the issue simply goes away...and Jeremy Wray can get on with the task of taking the club forward.

But it is not pointless. Potentially damaging and problematic - yes, because of the extreme emotions involved and the inability of people to comprehend the whole picture. We can't all shy away from problematic situations when they arise.

At least STFC / Wray has the balls to confront a very difficult situation, and one which just goes to show how society cannot seem to cope with the question of the rehabilitation of convicted criminals back into society.

Wishing that tough situations simply go away isn't how life is. McCormick and other offenders still exist post-custody and society has to deal with them in a realistic way. Hopefully in a way that is beneficial to as many people as possible.

Wray should stay true to his beliefs, not quit, and if crowds fall to 4,000 next season, so be it. What he shouldn't do is pander to the ill-informed, those who don't want to listen to his reasons, and those who shout the loudest.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:09:07
I never said he should not be rehabilitated.  But there are many, many better places for that rehabilitation to take place than a (relatively) high profile football club that is very much under the media we all know.

McCormick was a footballer prior to the incident in which he killed the two boys.  But just as the family have had to accept changes to their lives, I think it is entirely reasonable for McCormick to expect to make some changes to his.  He should not automatically expect to resume his football career immediately on his release...and we, as a club, have no obligation to provide a means for him to do so.  Just my view.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arnold.J.Rimmer on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:10:53
It's the fucking pointlessness of the whole saga that gets me.  This should never have become our problem in the first place.  Makes you want to pull your hair out.

As I've said before - the best way out now would be for McCormick himself to voluntarily withdraw from the club.  He must be able to see that this is going nowhere.  Then the issue simply goes away...and Jeremy Wray can get on with the task of taking the club forward.

Or for Di canio to say he doesn't think he's good enough for our squad

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:14:11
Wray should stay true to his beliefs, not quit, and if crowds fall to 4,000 next season, so be it. What he shouldn't do is pander to the ill-informed, those who don't want to listen to his reasons, and those who shout the loudest.

If he did so, he would not be acting in the best interests of the club, which is his job.  We're a football club, not an arm of the social services.  And as for 'pandering to the ill-informed', rather arrogant, wouldn't you say, to cast those who disagree with your personal view - many, for very well thought out reasons - as 'ill informed'?  There is no right and wrong here - just a lot of differing opinions.  That's why we now have a divided fanbase.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:23:56
Ardiles there are many, many ill-informed people out there.

Jezza said repeatedly last night that we are not signing the guy, but the callers completely ignored the real issue and continued with their rage against us signing him.

If they want to disagree with the issue about us aiding in his rehabilitation then so be it, but how the fuck should he be expected to listen to people that are unwilling or unable to consider the real issue?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Rustle on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:28:16
I never said he should not be rehabilitated.  But there are many, many better places for that rehabilitation to take place than a (relatively) high profile football club that is very much under the media we all know.

McCormick was a footballer prior to the incident in which he killed the two boys.  But just as the family have had to accept changes to their lives, I think it is entirely reasonable for McCormick to expect to make some changes to his.  He should not automatically expect to resume his football career immediately on his release...and we, as a club, have no obligation to provide a means for him to do so.  Just my view.

I been watching this thread with interest as it kind of effects me because my wife lost her mother to a drunk driver,I 100% agree with the post above about him being at a high profile club but I do believe that the bloke needs to get back into society and work again but not at something he loves doing which is playing.I also agree that his jail term was way to short as he was a grown adult and knew about drinking and driving and what harm it can do.

People will have different opinions on this but would soon change their mind had it happened to one of their family.You can always forgive but never forget.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leftside on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:37:00
If he did so, he would not be acting in the best interests of the club, which is his job.  We're a football club, not an arm of the social services.  And as for 'pandering to the ill-informed', rather arrogant, wouldn't you say, to cast those who disagree with your personal view - many, for very well thought out reasons - as 'ill informed'?  There is no right and wrong here - just a lot of differing opinions.  That's why we now have a divided fanbase.

I believe he is acting in the best interests of the club by reaffirming its position as part of the community in which it is based, and taking on community responsibilities. LM is a footballer, his union and his profession are taking responsibility in dealing with him as an individual and, hopefully, helping society in general. I think it is the best place for him, rather than dumping him elsewhere.

I did not intend to appear arrogant, and I apologise if this is how it read. Some of the media responses to this and individual members of the public's responses to the situation have been ill informed. For example, STFC is not signing LM.

I do think there are rights and wrongs here, especially when factual errors have been made. However, I whole-heartedely agree with you that there are a lot of differing opinions, and rightly so - society is never going to agree on matters such as sentence tarifs, rehabilitation etc.

Fanbases will always be divided about something, be it the value of a certain player, whether a fascist should be appointed as manager, etc etc. I think it is good that a topic such as this can be discussed to this extent and with a huge level of honesty and openness.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: adje on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:37:54
If anyone else is considering shredding their season ticket-Ill give you a tenner for it.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:38:55
Hope  you dont mind me asking.What is your wifes view

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: joteddyred on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:41:28
I'm with Ardiles completely.  The whole situation around rehabilitation would make sense if he was our player before this happened.  He wasn't and as I mentioned earlier in the thread, Plymouth didn't even wait for the court case before cutting all ties.  Why should we risk  alienating an element of our support in order to assist with something that is bugger all to do with us? It's not worth the upset and hassle it's caused and the longer term consequences for the club could be disastrous.  I'm more concerned about that than Luke Mccormick being rehabilitated and if that bothers anyone I'm sorry.

Another point which may have been mentioned and I've missed, was that he also had no insurance, which actually makes the final outcome of drink driving on top even worse imo.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: wokinghamred on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:43:06
Or for Di canio to say he doesn't think he's good enough for our squad

If we are rehabilitating the guy, whether he is good enough for the squad is irrelevant.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Rustle on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:46:49
Hope  you dont mind me asking.What is your wifes view

She thinks he should be able to work at the club but more behind the scenes so it's out of the public limelight.Her story was not the same as the drunk driver was a hit and run which makes thing's different.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:53:56
Another point which may have been mentioned and I've missed, was that he also had no insurance, which actually makes the final outcome of drink driving on top even worse imo.

Maybe it hasn't been mentioned because it isn't true?

A charge of driving without insurance has been withdrawn, the court heard. Prosecutor Robert Price said it appeared to be an "administrative error" that McCormick's insurance details were not on a national database, and that the defendant had produced an insurance document which was accepted as genuine.

Read more:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:00:19
Wray should stay true to his beliefs, not quit, and if crowds fall to 4,000 next season, so be it. What he shouldn't do is pander to the ill-informed, those who don't want to listen to his reasons, and those who shout the loudest.

Does not agreeing make me ill informed? I've heard his argument and although I changed my stance on what the motivations were for bringing in McCormick, I still hold my belief that it is the wrong thing to do (though I'd never not attend games on the issue, even had we signed him).
One thing that has nagged at me, the media reported McCormick was off on pre-season tour with the squad. Was that report false?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Swindon Please Win on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:03:06

One thing that has nagged at me, the media reported McCormick was off on pre-season tour with the squad. Was that report false?

They must have assumed that he was going on trial, saw we were going to Italy on a tour and must of added 1 and 1 together.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:05:35
Oh, come on

He's not saying people that people disagreeing with the rehabilitation issue are ill informed. He's saying that people still raging against us signing him, for example, are ill informed. They are ill informed because that is simply not the case.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leftside on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:06:41
I'm with Ardiles completely.  The whole situation around rehabilitation would make sense if he was our player before thifl qs happened.  He wasn't and as I mentioned earlier in the thread, Plymouth didn't even wait for the court case before cutting all ties.  Why should we risk  alienating an element of our support in order to assist with something that is bugger all to do with.  It's not worth the upset and hassle it's caused and the longer term consequences for the club could be disastrous.  I'm more concerned about that than Luke Mccormick being rehabilitated and if that bothers anyone I'm sorry.

Another point which may have been mentioned and I've missed, was that he also had no insurance, which actually makes the final outcome of drink driving on top even worse imo.

Yes, perhaps Plymouth would have been a better place for him, but I don't know whether this was investigated/offered/declined. I also have no idea about the locational considerations for this kind of day release scheme. I don't think STFC and Wray are doing anything wrong and I admire them for confronting it. Like all of us, I hope it does not lead to a disastrous outcome for the club. If it does, I won't be laying any blame on Wray.

Your views, and Ardiles' views aren't bothersome to me, so no need to apologise as far as I'm concerned.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leftside on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:12:38
Does not agreeing make me ill informed? I've heard his argument and although I changed my stance on what the motivations were for bringing in McCormick, I still hold my belief that it is the wrong thing to do (though I'd never not attend games on the issue, even had we signed him).
One thing that has nagged at me, the media reported McCormick was off on pre-season tour with the squad. Was that report false?

No not at all. As Flash has said, there have been ill-informed, ie factually incorrect, statements made despite what Wray has said.

You are perfectly entitled to maintain your view that what STFC has done regarding McCormick is a wrong decision. I've nothing against that.

Not sure about the tour thing.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:17:24
If we are rehabilitating the guy, whether he is good enough for the squad is irrelevant.

How do you work that out?.....there are lots of prisoners ready for Rehab who need rehab.....are they invited as well?

As far as i am aware no pub footy footballers serving time have been of course it is relevant.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:18:06
No not at all. As Flash has said, there have been ill-informed, ie factually incorrect, statements made despite what Wray has said.

Sorry, read it the wrong way.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: wokinghamred on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:19:23
How do you work that out?.....there are lots of prisoners ready for Rehab who need rehab.....are they invited as well?

As far as i am aware no pub footy footballers serving time have been of course it is relevant.

Ad how many of those has Swindon been asked to assist ? I'm sure you have the facts to hand.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:19:30
Leefer. How many amateur/pub footy footballers have football as their trade?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:22:45
If everyone shared that view McCormick and others would never be integrated back into society. We'd have more re-offenders with less being contributed to society.

I committed a drink driving offence nearly 5 years ago. It was stupid of me and I was punished. Although I didn't crash my car or cause harm to anyone I potentially could have done. Some people said I should have been banned from driving for life. Let me tell you that the ban I got was punishment enough and I also attended a driving & alcohol awareness course which was worth my attendance, though I really can't believe the DSA doesn't include a whole section of driving theory on alcohol. They do for speed and have even started adding in some basic safety checks into the practical test. Why not alcohol/perils of drink driving?

Due to being able to get on with my life and career, the tax, national insurance and student loan contributions made each month due to my earnings are 2.5 times that of 5 years ago. If I had not been lucky enough to live in our society this wouldn't be the case.

If you never looked to rehabilitate anyone and let the public decide the length of sentences then you'd probably still be locked up for pinching a packet of sweets from the shop when you were 8 years old. It's human nature to let emotions rule and somewhere one person will be more upset by an offence than another. These people often scream loudest.

I will say however, that I feel McCormick's sentence was lenient and I'm in no way stating that the things above are as bad as McCormick's offence. But that part is over with which is what Wray is trying to explain and that's not the club's issue.

I'm with you completely on this subject and can relate to your own experience. You've made great points in this and other threads on this subject and they have not been picked up on. People should be taking notice if they are not.
 I would be locked up with the key thrown away myself. People can reform(which is what it is about)

As the case has been in the court and the sensationalist attitudes to it are there for all to see you make a good point about the difficulty in getting work.
Employers will look at his record and dismiss him immediately for a potential job.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:29:28
Leefer. How many amateur/pub footy footballers have football as their trade?
Point taken.....but if you believe the club are doing this just for rehab reasons then they are taking a dodgy line in my view.
As  have stated in my opinion some crimes mean you pay the ultimate price with regards your future employment.
Maybe time inside could have been spent training for a future career.....he hasn't got one in pro football i dont think.....some people will see that as sad....some will see that as a price paid for doing something as devasting as he did.

I think we can all agree on the fact it is a very hard subject for an easy answer.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: wokinghamred on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:33:17
Point taken.....but if you believe the club are doing this just for rehab reasons then they are taking a dodgy line in my view.
As  have stated in my opinion some crimes mean you pay the ultimate price with regards your future employment.
Maybe time inside could have been spent training for a future career.....he hasn't got one in pro football i dont think.....some people will see that as sad....some will see that as a price paid for doing something as devasting as he did.

I think we can all agree on the fact it is a very hard subject for an easy answer.

I agree with your last point.

I really don't see why you would have to change career because you have been to prison.
Does that apply to all careers, or just football?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:47:21
I agree with your last point.

I really don't see why you would have to change career because you have been to prison.
Does that apply to all careers, or just football?

Personally if had been done for drink driving killing two and maiming one i wouldn't want to stay in a trade where thousands each week were pointing at me and screaming abuse.
Not good for me....not good for my team mates.....not good for the club.
Many prisoners come back to there former careers....but the difference is they are representing themselfs and a company wher as this guy is representing a whole community....and that community pays his wages in tickets so they have a right to not want him(like me) or want him(like you) is a real toughy.

As i keep saying just my view.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: wokinghamred on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 11:55:36
And he has chosen not to change of career, which has to be his choice.

FWIW I suspect he will very shortly drift into non league or head abroad to try and stay in the game.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LittleRed on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 12:26:03
What was wrong with Cheltenham, Bristol, Oxford, why Swindon. We should be all talking about how back to back promotions was going to pan out. Makes me detest this guy even more if that was possible. Whether he signs or not I don't give a damn. If it was a fitness thing just find a gym somewhere. If McComick wants to do something good then he should leave.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: janaage on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 12:36:14
If everyone shared that view McCormick and others would never be integrated back into society. We'd have more re-offenders with less being contributed to society.

I committed a drink driving offence nearly 5 years ago. It was stupid of me and I was punished. Although I didn't crash my car or cause harm to anyone I potentially could have done. Some people said I should have been banned from driving for life. Let me tell you that the ban I got was punishment enough and I also attended a driving & alcohol awareness course which was worth my attendance, though I really can't believe the DSA doesn't include a whole section of driving theory on alcohol. They do for speed and have even started adding in some basic safety checks into the practical test. Why not alcohol/perils of drink driving?

Due to being able to get on with my life and career, the tax, national insurance and student loan contributions made each month due to my earnings are 2.5 times that of 5 years ago. If I had not been lucky enough to live in our society this wouldn't be the case.

If you never looked to rehabilitate anyone and let the public decide the length of sentences then you'd probably still be locked up for pinching a packet of sweets from the shop when you were 8 years old. It's human nature to let emotions rule and somewhere one person will be more upset by an offence than another. These people often scream loudest.

I will say however, that I feel McCormick's sentence was lenient and I'm in no way stating that the things above are as bad as McCormick's offence. But that part is over with which is what Wray is trying to explain and that's not the club's issue.

Si, I don't always agree with every post you write, but that one there is a cracker. Well written with an excellent point. Fair play to you.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Abrahammer on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 12:39:36
What was wrong with Cheltenham, Bristol, Oxford, why Swindon.

The NIMBY arguement is very tiresome now

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LittleRed on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 12:43:18
I'm trying to understand why he chose us. But for the record no I absolutely don't want this scumbag at our club or my back yard!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 12:56:21
Personally if had been done for drink driving killing two and maiming one i wouldn't want to stay in a trade where thousands each week were pointing at me and screaming abuse.
Not good for me....not good for my team mates.....not good for the club.
Many prisoners come back to there former careers....but the difference is they are representing themselfs and a company wher as this guy is representing a whole community....and that community pays his wages in tickets so they have a right to not want him(like me) or want him(like you) is a real toughy.

As i keep saying just my view.

That's exactly how I see it as well.  To Si & others highlighting the importance of rehabilitation...I don't think anyone is arguing against this.  But we are strongly of the view that a football club like ours is not the place for this to happen.  It's a more nuanced point.

McCormick needs to keep his head down, apply himself to something productive and work his way back towards a useful life from there.  Trying to do this with the cameras trained on him for 10 months a year is not going to help with this.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:09:49

McCormick needs to keep his head down, apply himself to something productive and work his way back towards a useful life from there. 

How do we know that isn't his intention?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:10:35
Trying to do this with the cameras trained on him for 10 months a year is not going to help with this.

Why would this happen?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:14:50
McCormick needs to keep his head down, apply himself to something productive and work his way back towards a useful life from there.  Trying to do this with the cameras trained on him for 10 months a year is not going to help with this.

Keep his head down how?

When he was on day release a year ago he worked in a charity shop. The Sun sent someone to take photo's and video him, then contacted the family for their comments for an article.

Whatever he does isn't as relevant as you think, the family said pretty much the same about him working in a charity shop as they have about him training with Swindon Town. If the media think there is a story they'll have a camera there no matter what he is doing.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:19:19
Why would this happen?

The events of the last few days tell you everything you need to know about how his being at STFC has (and will) attract media attention.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:20:38
The events of the last few days tell you everything you need to know about how his being at STFC has (and will) attract media attention.

Do you think the cameras are going to be at the training ground for 10 months?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:21:19
If I'm honest, I'm not sure this is going to blow over as we hoped.

Think it already is. Google is listing only 6 news articles in the past 24 hours, compared to 1700 in the last 7 days.

Though it will blow up again when he is released, then tail off after a week.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:21:51
How do we know that isn't his intention?

You're right. We don't know.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:23:41
Do you think the cameras are going to be at the training ground for 10 months?

No, I don't.  I was speaking figuratively about media attention.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:26:14
Looks like it's calmed down on the STFC page on FB

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:31:07
Such was the initial outrage at this that it trended on twitter (UK only) for all of about 20 minutes.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:35:16
Such was the initial outrage at this that it trended on twitter (UK only) for all of about 20 minutes.

Not a clue what you're on about. Still not got the hang of it really

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:49:56
Not a clue what you're on about. Still not got the hang of it really

That the there isn't as much outrage as some are making out to be. Even on the FB page it was mostly the same people repeating Themistocles .

There'll be a peak of interest again when he is released, but people will soon get bored of it and find something else to be morally outraged by. (Probably John Terry again, because he really is a cunt  :D)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 13:51:24

I don't know what Themistocles has to do with it either, for some reason my com changed it. That was supposed to say 'themselves'

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LittleRed on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 14:39:35
I'm wondering if this news has been leaked on purpose not realising the reaction it would cause. I know Wray said he will not be receiving a contract but in wondering if that was what his initial intentions and why we have let smith go. I wonder if this guy was going to be his replacement. If this had not blown up the other question of what is happening with DiCanio. Firstly DiCanio dodges the question of will he be signing a new contract with "I'm here aren't I" then goes on to say if the the original plan is the same then we will see. McCleverly and Holmes have left, with Holmes now being released by southhampton so no fee but no news. McCleverly has not been linked for a while. Then DiCanio is reported to be speaking with Wray to confirm the original plan but no news although I would doubt that they public say we will be giving DiCanio loads of cash. DiCanio is reportedly not going on holiday as supposedly working tirelessly on ort tactics and targets for next year, only for later it to be reported that he has flown off to italy. And now Wray has taken a chance, that looks like back firing, in obtaining a cheap number two goaly due to the baggage that comes with him. Is this whole saga an exit strategy for mr Wray as the plan has changed. Should have been no problem with DiCanio extension as a clause could have quite easily hav been written into it. Have seen other sides making signings and surprised we have not made at least one as surely the sooner the better. Or is it because players ate still on holidays and I'm a cynical sod. Go easy fellas!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 14:44:11
Some good conspiracy theories there LittleRed

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 14:44:35
Phil Smith was released because he was deemed surplus.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LittleRed on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 14:47:57
I felt so bad writing it all but just questions i had no answers to. Im not goin to comment any further in this
McCormick saga as I've made my feelings known. I'm hoping for some better more exciting threads.  Here's to back to back promotions I hope.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 14:50:37
I felt so bad writing it all but just questions i had no answers to. Im not goin to comment any further in this
McCormick saga as I've made my feelings known. I'm hoping for some better more exciting threads.  Here's to back to back promotions I hope.

Try and chill out a little, none of us have the answers but no doubt things will become clearer as the summer progresses

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 15:02:43
Fooking hell

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 15:10:54
Fooking hell


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Berniman on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 15:11:59
Blimey, take breath fella.  This season hasn't finished yet, until tomorrow.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LittleRed on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 15:15:22
Chillaxing watching league one playoff final. Feels better!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 20:04:38
I'm wondering if this news has been leaked on purpose not realising the reaction it would cause. I know Wray said he will not be receiving a contract but in wondering if that was what his initial intentions and why we have let smith go. I wonder if this guy was going to be his replacement. If this had not blown up the other question of what is happening with DiCanio. Firstly DiCanio dodges the question of will he be signing a new contract with "I'm here aren't I" then goes on to say if the the original plan is the same then we will see. McCleverly and Holmes have left, with Holmes now being released by southhampton so no fee but no news. McCleverly has not been linked for a while. Then DiCanio is reported to be speaking with Wray to confirm the original plan but no news although I would doubt that they public say we will be giving DiCanio loads of cash. DiCanio is reportedly not going on holiday as supposedly working tirelessly on ort tactics and targets for next year, only for later it to be reported that he has flown off to italy. And now Wray has taken a chance, that looks like back firing, in obtaining a cheap number two goaly due to the baggage that comes with him. Is this whole saga an exit strategy for mr Wray as the plan has changed. Should have been no problem with DiCanio extension as a clause could have quite easily hav been written into it. Have seen other sides making signings and surprised we have not made at least one as surely the sooner the better. Or is it because players ate still on holidays and I'm a cynical sod. Go easy fellas!

Ive just wasted precious seconds of my life reading this drivel. What a load of bollocks

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LittleRed on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 20:16:41
Ive just wasted precious seconds of my life reading this drivel. What a load of bollocks

Move on these things happen.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leftside on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 20:23:54
Sorry, read it the wrong way.

No worries.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Shaw Rosso on Saturday, May 26, 2012, 22:16:27
I'm wondering if this news has been leaked on purpose not realising the reaction it would cause. I know Wray said he will not be receiving a contract but in wondering if that was what his initial intentions and why we have let smith go. I wonder if this guy was going to be his replacement. If this had not blown up the other question of what is happening with DiCanio. Firstly DiCanio dodges the question of will he be signing a new contract with "I'm here aren't I" then goes on to say if the the original plan is the same then we will see. McCleverly and Holmes have left, with Holmes now being released by southhampton so no fee but no news. McCleverly has not been linked for a while. Then DiCanio is reported to be speaking with Wray to confirm the original plan but no news although I would doubt that they public say we will be giving DiCanio loads of cash. DiCanio is reportedly not going on holiday as supposedly working tirelessly on ort tactics and targets for next year, only for later it to be reported that he has flown off to italy. And now Wray has taken a chance, that looks like back firing, in obtaining a cheap number two goaly due to the baggage that comes with him. Is this whole saga an exit strategy for mr Wray as the plan has changed. Should have been no problem with DiCanio extension as a clause could have quite easily hav been written into it. Have seen other sides making signings and surprised we have not made at least one as surely the sooner the better. Or is it because players ate still on holidays and I'm a cynical sod. Go easy fellas!

The players are still on holiday and you are a cynical sod

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: suttonred on Sunday, May 27, 2012, 00:07:25
Ive just wasted precious seconds of my life reading this drivel. What a load of bollocks

I've just wasted 0.1 seconds reading this bollocks reply. anyway you just missed the biggest rendition of wise men say that  faringdon/smithfields has ever heard!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Sunday, May 27, 2012, 01:20:31
I've just wasted 0.1 seconds reading this bollocks reply. anyway you just missed the biggest rendition of wise men say that  faringdon/smithfields has ever heard!

soapy tit wank youre larging it up at bobs birthday i take it

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 28, 2012, 10:44:47
That the there isn't as much outrage as some are making out to be. Even on the FB page it was mostly the same people repeating Themistocles .

I don't know what Themistocles has to do with it either, for some reason my com changed it. That was supposed to say 'themselves'
That's a real shame. For one glorious moment, I had images of scads of disgruntled facebook users all updating their statuses to "I never learned how to tune a harp, or play upon a lute; but I know how to raise a small and inconsiderable city to glory and greatness" or "I have with me two gods, Persuasion and Compulsion" or urging their facebook friends on to renewed efforts to defeat the Persian hordes at Salamis. It would have been quite Barton-esque.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Monday, May 28, 2012, 10:51:00
(As predicted) The attention of this news story seems to be fading pretty rapidly.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: stfcinbmth on Monday, May 28, 2012, 16:14:38
(As predicted) The attention of this news story seems to be fading pretty rapidly.

Thank god for that

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pauld on Monday, May 28, 2012, 17:50:21
(As predicted) The attention of this news story seems to be fading pretty rapidly.
For now. It'll all kick off again when he gets released, the low-end tabs will be falling over themselves to be the first to get a picture of him in training with the club. And if the club are daft enough to take him on the pre-season tour of Italy (or the "all expenses paid luxury five star jolly to the beautiful sun-drenched Italian countryside" as it will be reported), the news editors on the Mail and the Sun would spontaneously vacate themselves in sheer delight at the prospect of being the first to rub further salt in the parents' wounds ("Just wondered what your reaction was to these pictures of your sons' killer whooping it up abroad, Mrs Peak?")

If the club do intend to proceed with this idea, they'll need to be a lot more careful about how they handle the first couple of months if they want to avoid presenting the tabloids with another set of own goals.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Monday, May 28, 2012, 18:05:24
They were handling it just fine (5 months) before those dastardly souls at BBC Oxford broke the news to the world.

I don't think Luke McCormick will be greeted at the gates by Jeremy Wray nor do I think he'll go to Italy (would he even be allowed to? I'm not a legal man or a criminal, I wouldn't know).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: jonny72 on Monday, May 28, 2012, 18:33:07
I don't think Luke McCormick will be greeted at the gates by Jeremy Wray nor do I think he'll go to Italy (would he even be allowed to? I'm not a legal man or a criminal, I wouldn't know).

He'd have to get permission from his parole officer (or whatever they're called) to leave the country. I'd be surprised if they let him, or if they even asked - would be far more sensible for him to spend his first few months on the outside keeping his head down, maybe helping with some of the summer soccer schools.

As has been said, it will be all over the news again when he is released and going on a jolly to Italy would be plain stupid.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 28, 2012, 20:31:27
Why would he go to Italy? We are not signing him.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Monday, May 28, 2012, 20:35:33
Why would he go to Italy? We are not signing him.

(I note your tongue and cheek) I was responding to the media storm regarding the pending alleged holiday for McCormick.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: phelpsieboy on Thursday, June 7, 2012, 07:52:50
Is now free from prison

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: thedarkprince on Thursday, June 7, 2012, 08:05:27
Is now free from prison

Sign him up.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: otanswell on Thursday, June 7, 2012, 08:50:54
Chop chop sign him up just for the moral outrage again

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Thursday, June 7, 2012, 08:54:05
I bet the Paps were outside ready for him.

I hope he wasnt wearing any form of red, that'll stir up all sorts of shit ;)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, June 7, 2012, 08:55:22
I bet the Paps were outside ready for him.

I hope he wasnt wearing any form of red, that'll stir up all sorts of shit ;)

Child killer and supporter of Cardiff's rebrand. What a cunt.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Thursday, June 7, 2012, 08:56:01
Child killer and supporter of Cardiff's rebrand. What a cunt.
thats double child killer to you

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: D-I-CANIO on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 03:15:32
This could kick off again soon

Pictured in Swindon yesterday and was at the ground with an adviser.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Spud on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 05:37:22
"The player was seen downing the pint in North Devon on Tuesday"

Not like The S*n to blow something out of proportion.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Freddies Ferret on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 05:46:52
Wow he has had a pint of cider.... Well fuck me sideways

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 06:30:25
Fucking hell. Frontpage news that is.

Im waiting for the scoop that he had a slash in a pub toilet

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 06:55:37
I don't think he was toasting his release. More like he went for a beer with his mate.

So what.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Peacocks-Lucky-Coat on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:10:05
This article reeks of desperation.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:16:09
Pear cider?

Fucking woosss, he should be drinking a man's drink.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: guy66 on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:31:19
Whatever he does he will be judged, I've gone from feeling pissed off about him joining to starting to have sympathy for him in the way the Scum are out to get him.

Whatever he does will be be scrutinised in the press...just wait until he gets his licence back, he will be followed by the press mercilessly.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:35:36
"Onlookers said he poured two bottles of sweet alcoholic pear cider into a glass filled with ice. "

utterly shocking

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:40:47
"Onlookers said he poured two bottles of sweet alcoholic pear cider into a glass filled with ice. "

utterly shocking

He demonstrated a wristing technique whilst doing this

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:47:48

"Onlookers said he poured two bottles of sweet alcoholic pear cider into a glass filled with ice. "


They make is sound as though he was surrounded by crowds baying for his blood, I bet no fucker even recognised him.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:49:11
The continual use of the victims mother for quotes is pretty disgusting. Can't she see she is being used?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:55:13
"Onlookers said he poured two bottles of sweet alcoholic pear cider into a glass filled with ice. "


They make is sound as though he was surrounded by crowds baying for his blood, I bet no fucker even recognised him.

I suspect the "onlookers" were people who went up to the photographer and said, who are you photographing mate? Then, in his best monosyllabic Sun lingo said, someone who callously murdered 2 kids, in cold blood and with much fervour, while drunkenly wielding a Range Rover.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Benzel on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:57:12
Has he taken a shit yet? Slack reporting from The Sun.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ginginho on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:58:51
Has he taken a shit yet? Slack reporting from The Sun.

He has, but after 3 1/2 years in prison it just fell out like a stone.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 09:00:22
I suspect the "onlookers" were people who went up to the photographer and said, who are you photographing mate? Then, in his best monosyllabic Sun lingo said, someone who callously murdered 2 kids, in cold blood and with much fervour, while drunkenly wielding a Range Rover.

While laughing hysterically

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: nevillew on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 09:06:09
I bet no fucker even recognised him.

Well we can assume that somebody did.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 09:09:32
Err, yeah Nev.

The cameraman that has probably been camped outside his house and following him everywhere since his release.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 09:27:16
Whatever he does he will be judged, I've gone from feeling pissed off about him joining to starting to have sympathy for him in the way the Scum are out to get him.

Whatever he does will be be scrutinised in the press...just wait until he gets his licence back, he will be followed by the press mercilessly.

Think he's already got it back.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: guy66 on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 09:28:09
The continual use of the victims mother for quotes is pretty disgusting. Can't she see she is being used?

Spot on observation....let's face it, News International will happily stoop to any level to
A) Make others look like they have no morales, the Scum is the country's moral crusader  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:
B) Sell papers
C) Try to divert attention from the Leveson Enquiry

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 09:32:02

A) Make others look like they have no morales,

Think he's out of our league

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pericarp on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 10:08:36
At least the people commenting on that site have some sense.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DMR on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 10:14:42
"If it was me and I had killed two little boys drink-driving, I know for certain I would never drink again"

Silly woman

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pericarp on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 10:34:05
"If it was me and I had killed two little boys drink-driving, I know for certain I would never drink again"

Silly woman

Yeah, I think she meant "If it were me.."

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Processed Beats on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 09:58:09


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Swindon Please Win on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 10:05:17
The Sun are a fucking joke.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 10:10:23
I just wish they'd stop hounding the victims for quotes.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ginginho on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 10:11:36
I don't know what I find more annoying.

The Sun's countless adjectives for McCormick, or the mother's quotes:

Having a wedding so soon is like having a release party. It really rubs it in our faces. I want to see some remorse from him.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 10:24:16
I just wish they'd stop hounding the victims for quotes.

It's fueling the fire isn't it? The family has no chance of moving on with the constant reminder. I imagine 90% of the readers couldn't give a fuck by now, which I know sounds harsh but is a probable reality.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Benzel on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 10:30:27
If they kept coming to me to ask me how I felt, I would've told them to fuck off with the constant reminders of what happened.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 10:37:40
Wonder if we'll get any honeymoon pics.....


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 10:56:55
You only have to look at the majority of people who buy this rag to understand why they run stories like this, it appeals to the lowest form of society.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:04:40
You only have to look at the majority of people who buy this rag to understand why they run stories like this, it appeals to the lowest form of society.

The majority of people who buy it are hard working people who to be frank want a bit of light entertainement away from the complex world of say The Guardian or Telegraph.

Just because you are poor or not highly educated dosn't mean that you believe all you read in papers like this.
Fact is The Sun will say things that to be fair many of all the community are thinking.....but it is said in a working class language rather than the tra la la of papers held in a higher esteem by some.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Tails on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:06:43
It wouldn't surprise me if she never actually said anything.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:07:51

Fact is The Sun will say things that to be fair many of all the community are thinking.....

More the other way around leefer. Papers like the Sun often tell a large percentage of the population what to think.

Hence the saying...... I think, therefore I am not a Daily Mail/Sun reader.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:14:41
I read the sun and i am a fucking genius

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:17:52
Think I've said it before here, but fuck it.

The day it all fell in to place for me was just after Diana died. There were two old biddies on the bus and one said to the other "Oh, we can't have a monarchy now. Not now Diana's dead". They were basically just reciting whatever was said in the papers that day.

From that day on I could see clearly that a large section of the populous are mindless sheep being guided by whichever red-tops they happen to read. Fortunately for me it happened at quite a young age, for many more the epiphany never happens.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:24:58
More the other way around leefer. Papers like the Sun often tell a large percentage of the population what to think.

Hence the saying...... I think, therefore I am not a Daily Mail/Sun reader.

No....many touchy subjects are confronted by the Sun.......they make monumental fuck ups at times that is true.....they print shite at times true again.........but that is true of ALL papers.

Anyone who thinks they are a more informed person because they do not read the Sun is deluded.......if you honestly believe that a newspaper tells a big proportion of the population how to think then you are wrong.

Truth is most people who buy the Sun are pretty capable of thinking and believing what they want....not what they read.

As i said most who buy it are decent hard working people who are a lot more savvy than the average Toff will give them credit for.......after all it wasn't Sun readers who brought the country crashing down,i would say that was Financial Times readers and the such reading and believing the utter tripe being drip fed to the broader sheets.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Sippo on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:27:57
I 'read' the sun newspaper in the week and some of the stories they publish are just tedious. The McMormick one is one of them. Just leave it.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:31:32

if you honestly believe that a newspaper tells a big proportion of the population how to think then you are wrong.

That's EXACTLY what they do leefer. EXACTLY

Not all Sun readers are mindless of course, some can decide for themselves how to process what they are being told. But for many, however, the world is according to whichever spin is put on stories to sell the most newspapers at the time.

Why do you think we have the Leveson inquiry? It's because something needs to be done about an unethical press that has a scary amount of power over the population. The major parties try to win friends from the press because they know just how manipulative the press can be. Who gets to run the country is greatly affected by whatever the papers have to say because a huge proportion of the world's populace seem unabl;e to act without being told what to do.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: ghanimah on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:34:07
More the other way around leefer. Papers like the Sun often tell a large percentage of the population what to think.

Hence the saying...... I think, therefore I am not a Daily Mail/Sun reader.

As opposed to other newspapers which don't print tripe nor pander to their readers' prejudices? If you do actually think then you're able to sort out the wheat from the chaff in all newspapers.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:35:25
As opposed to other newspapers which don't print tripe nor pander to their readers' prejudices? If you do actually think then you're able to sort out the wheat from the chaff in all newspapers.

I don't read any newspapers, they are all at it.

Why are people being so defensive of such scummy operations?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Exiled Bob on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 11:39:37
As opposed to other newspapers which don't print tripe nor pander to their readers' prejudices? If you do actually think then you're able to sort out the wheat from the chaff in all newspapers.
I think the point is that people who read The Sun, etc.., aren't able to think for themselves.....(generally speaking - there are, obviously, some exceptions).

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: ghanimah on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 12:33:05
I don't read any newspapers, they are all at it.

Why are people being so defensive of such scummy operations?

Not really, just an observation that some papers seem to get more stick than others despite, as you say, 'they're all at it'. Journalistic standards have plummeted in the last 20 years right across the board.

Personally I do think you over estimate the Sun's influence. Take general elections - it likes to take credit for them particularly '92, but in truth its readers (A/B/C1) had already clocked Kinnock, Major and Brown for the losers that they were, long before the Sun changed positions. Rather than influencing thinking it was following the herd. And 42 years of page 3 hasn't really changed blokes' views on women's tits...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 13:05:23
Not really, just an observation that some papers seem to get more stick than others despite, as you say, 'they're all at it'.

I think the more sensationalist ones just draw more attention to themselves. Overestimating or not, their influence is still considerable and scary at times.......

Which of these two titles is a correct statement?:

A) Mohammed is now the most popular name for baby boys ahead of Jack and Harry


B) Only one in one hundred of all the boys born in the UK are given the name Mohammed.

I think (hope) most of us on the TEF know the answer, but the interweb was raging with anti-muslim (they're taking over) sentiment that day.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: wokinghamred on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 13:18:18
"after all it wasn't Sun readers who brought the country crashing down, i would say that was Financial Times readers"

So it was the Financial Times readers that caused the country's problems. God, you talk some bollocks, Leefer.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 14:08:23
I think the more sensationalist ones just draw more attention to themselves. Overestimating or not, their influence is still considerable and scary at times.......

Which of these two titles is a correct statement?:

A) Mohammed is now the most popular name for baby boys ahead of Jack and Harry


B) Only one in one hundred of all the boys born in the UK are given the name Mohammed.


C) Oliver becomes most popular boy's name in England and Wales

I think (hope) most of us on the TEF know the answer, but the interweb was raging with anti-muslim (they're taking over) sentiment that day.


I missed this before.

Was curious about what the Guardians viewpoint was and found option C

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 14:10:17



Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 14:12:42
It wouldn't surprise me if she never actually said anything.

I actually thought it was a re-used quote. I haven't the inclination to have a look though.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: ghanimah on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 14:31:18
I think the more sensationalist ones just draw more attention to themselves. Overestimating or not, their influence is still considerable and scary at times.......

Which of these two titles is a correct statement?:

A) Mohammed is now the most popular name for baby boys ahead of Jack and Harry


B) Only one in one hundred of all the boys born in the UK are given the name Mohammed.

I think (hope) most of us on the TEF know the answer, but the interweb was raging with anti-muslim (they're taking over) sentiment that day.

All papers are sensationalist, just on different subjects. For example hardly a day goes past without the Independent warning on its front page of some kind of global environmental apocalypse - with sensational uncritical regurgitation of environmental group press releases - such as this notorious effort:

Which was complete bollocks:

But it doesn't come in for the same flak though...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: pauld on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 14:37:06
Anyone who thinks they are a more informed person because they do not read the Sun is deluded.......if you honestly believe that a newspaper tells a big proportion of the population how to think then you are wrong.

Truth is most people who buy the Sun are pretty capable of thinking and believing what they want....not what they read.
Absolutely right. However, if people are not told the full facts of a given story (or told a pack of lies or just not told about a story at all), then they won't be in a position to make up their own mind about it no matter how intelligent they are. It is this behaviour that is more prevalent in the tabloid press and why their influence is so insidious.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: joteddyred on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 14:37:46
Truth is most people who buy the Sun are pretty capable of thinking and believing what they want....not what they read.

As i said most who buy it are decent hard working people who are a lot more savvy than the average Toff will give them credit for.......after all it wasn't Sun readers who brought the country crashing down,i would say that was Financial Times readers and the such reading and believing the utter tripe being drip fed to the broader sheets.

I read the sun and would like to think I fall into Leefer's description above. I'm more than capable of making my own mind up based on facts and the way they print something isn't going to suddenly change my mind.  Sometimes they do kick the life out of a specific story, but they're certainly not alone.

My dad reads the Daily Express and at least once a week there's an article about the Diana conspiracy or the latest possible suspect in the Madeline McCann disappearance.  It's all utter crap.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 15:38:45
Absolutely right. However, if people are not told the full facts of a given story (or told a pack of lies or just not told about a story at all), then they won't be in a position to make up their own mind about it no matter how intelligent they are. It is this behaviour that is more prevalent in the tabloid press and why their influence is so insidious.

And not so long the Daily Mail were caught red handed making stuff up.

I don't know what's worse: The Daily Mail for lying, or it's readers for continuing to by the thing.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: RedRag on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 16:20:13
Wow he has had a pint of cider.... Well fuck me sideways
I'd rather have a Bounty

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Samdy Gray on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 16:28:27
I'd warrant that 90% of Sun readers open at page 3, glance through the sports section and then chuck it on the dashboard of their truck/van.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 16:33:28
I'd warrant that 90% of Sun readers open at page 3, glance through the sports section and then chuck it on the dashboard of their truck/van.

Don't forget Dear Deirdre.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Saxondale on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 16:41:13
Could you just reassure me as Ive been out of the loop a bit, we havent actually signed him have we?

Ive just had a facebook message from a pools fan saying Ill be giving that keeper you've signed from hmp abuse on the first day.

I have sent him a condecending message saying I expected more from him than reading the fucking sun and listening to talk radio.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 16:43:59
Could you just reassure me as Ive been out of the loop a bit, we havent actually signed him have we?

No, we haven't signed him.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Saxondale on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 16:54:23

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: carbonwhite on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 16:59:10
Dont read newspapers dont even watch the news anymore. Sick and tired of the shit thats thrown out constantly. 95% of news is bad news

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 18:27:13
I think the players are back in for pre season training tomorrow.

Im off down the training ground to play 'Count the Pap'

EDIT - just seen on the other thread its apparently Wednesday

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: ronnie21 on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 08:48:37
No, we haven't signed him.
And according to Chris Wise on RS we have stopped any interest in him.  Did offer him to train with the youth team but he has declined and moved on!!  Off to pursue other footy interests apparently, although there was a tie up with the youth team and working on commnunity projects apparently.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 08:50:07
Good we can finally draw a close to this now.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dozno9 on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 08:53:08
Wonder if he can play right-back?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LittleRed on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 09:47:04
Has obviously twigged that this goose ain't going to be laying his golden egg. I'm sure the scum down the road will be sniffing around. They have a record with crims

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 09:51:22
Good we can finally draw a close to this now.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LittleRed on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 12:11:16
I agree and am totally satisfied with the outcome.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: DRS on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 12:32:17
I agree and am totally satisfied with the outcome.
Brilliant,you agreed with a smiley

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: LittleRed on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 12:43:04
Brilliant,you agreed with a smiley
The world would be a boring place if everyone thought same. As happy as maybe I should be I don't know who
Smiley is?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 12:52:47
The world would be a boring place if everyone thought same. As happy as maybe I should be I don't know who
Smiley is?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: tans on Friday, August 24, 2012, 06:14:08

Load of bollocks that is

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: ronnie21 on Friday, August 24, 2012, 07:29:42

Load of bollocks that is
The Sun is always a load of bollocks - wonder where Cameron stands on the Harry pic this morning, after all they backed him all the way to No 10!!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Friday, August 24, 2012, 07:39:03
He's gone. Good. Now lets move on.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Friday, August 24, 2012, 10:38:36
The sun are an absolute joke, how anyone reads that shit is beyond me.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Friday, August 24, 2012, 10:51:18
The tits.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, August 24, 2012, 10:52:14
Yesterday a source at Swindon said: “The club didn’t feel it was right to give someone with his background a contract as it might harm its reputation.
......Caddis anyone?

I cannot believe the utter shit that The Sun writes at times, scum of the earth.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 20:58:39
Is it true, has he signed for the Oxford scum. Or has tans been at it again?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Langers on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 20:59:52
Is it true, has he signed for the Oxford scum. Or has tans been at it again?

Looks true.

I seem to remember they gave us quite a bit of stick for this. Hahaha.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:00:16
Is it true, has he signed for the Oxford scum. Or has tans been at it again?

Just had a quick look at their forum, seems to have legs

If true I'm officially boycotting the club. My ST will be sold for a tenner a game with the money going to a local charity.

Southend is my last game.

Unbelievable. I thought we had morals as a club.

Read more:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: donkey on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:02:33
Just had a quick look at their forum, seems to have legs

If true I'm officially boycotting the club. My ST will be sold for a tenner a game with the money going to a local charity.

Southend is my last game.

Unbelievable. I thought we had morals as a club.

Read more:

That Gary Baldi has good taste in beer.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:05:38
Ha ha.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: lambourn red on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:06:11
Signing for the pox according to Truro

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:08:22
What a perfect signing for the TEF NIMBYS as well

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: hobnob on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:09:15
Fits right in with crook Maxwell and kiddie fiddler ex-manager, they deserve each other.

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:12:34
Oh dear lordie it looks to be true

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: ghanimah on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:13:07
Fits right in with crook Maxwell and kiddie fiddler ex-manager, they deserve each other.

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Much as it sticks in the throat to say so, Poxford were reasonably magnanimous over the issue when it came to us and Mr McCormick...

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Stegenfreud on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:14:20
 :clap: :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: lambourn red on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:16:00

I guess with all our issues this has been overlooked . Apologise if someone has posted it earler

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:19:41
I'm not going to take the piss, I don't want clubs to go to the wall. I just want Oxford to be shit. This is just another of example of how football is fucked up really, this in the grand scheme of things is a small loss.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: TheMajorSTFC on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:21:07
Well, well, well O*ford... :smugfu:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: donkey on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:22:03
I'm not going to take the piss, I don't want clubs to go to the wall. I just want Oxford to be shit. This is just another of example of how football is fucked up really, this in the grand scheme of things is a small loss.

With surely one notable, franchise, exception?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:22:48
I'm not going to take the piss, I don't want clubs to go to the wall. I just want Oxford to be shit. This is just another of example of how football is fucked up really, this in the grand scheme of things is a small loss.

Agreed although must admit to being a tad miffed at Bournemouth at the moment.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:23:37
With surely one notable, franchise, exception?

Of course! I said football clubs. They are not a legitimate football club.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: leefer on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:24:05
Bit greedy there chairman.....i reckon there crowds have been half decent on the whole.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:24:28
Agreed although must admit to being a tad miffed at Bournemouth at the moment.

Doesn't strike me much different to what we did last year in order to win the league. It caught up with us, it'll catch up with them.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:25:31
I still stand by my opinion he McCormick should be given another chance.

But I find it hilarious it will be at the Pox after the shite they gave us about it. Loving it. And their losses as well, after Wilder came out with his shite about them being well run  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

I don;t want to see any club go under but  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: BruceChatwin on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:25:41
This whole 24 hours is like some totally surreal dream.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: donkey on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:26:06
Of course! I said football clubs. They are not a legitimate football club.

A good point, well made, sir.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: sonicyouth on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:26:50
will be interesting to see if the Sun trot out the same tired shit.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:30:14
18th January 2013
Chris Wilder believes Oxford United supporters should be glad the club have not taken risks with their budget after rivals Swindon Town revealed financial problems. Robins’ owner Andrew Black has put the club up for sale to try to avoid the prospect of administration with debts reportedly reaching £13m.

“Swindon signed a lot of players on a lot of big money and took that gamble.

“The supporters are the only ones that hurt, because players, managers and other people at the club will go and the supporters will be the ones who pick up the pieces unfortunately.

“The people in charge here and myself have always known that wouldn’t be a pathway we would go down.”

31st January 2013

A DECREASE in attendances at the Kassam Stadium this season has contributed to expected losses for the year at Oxford United of about £450,000.

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:34:16
Doesn't strike me much different to what we did last year in order to win the league. It caught up with us, it'll catch up with them.

I never said it was reasonable!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 21:35:11
I never said it was reasonable!

Oh fair point then. I hope the cheating fuckers go bust. ;)

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 22:19:43
Haha this is brilliant. After all the shit they gave us when he was here last summer.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 22:29:41
Always in  our shadow Poxford. Bare faced cheek of it after murmerings of Luke joining us :clap: Going to look at their forum apropos this appointment then scrub myself clean with a scouring brush.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Stevecourty on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 22:31:20
I can't wait to sing some abuse! A scumbag for the scumbags

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 22:37:36
Here's link to the thread on their vomit inducing forum

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Stevecourty on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 22:41:29
I don't think I can stomach following that link. I spent the day working in brizzle and had to endure a rovers flag flying in the garden next door I'm already close! Poxford will kill it

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 22:46:40
In total fairness, we've all done stupid things, who here hasn't drunk and drived, really, honestly? At least he didn't drive away from the scene when immediate emergency assistance may have saved lives, unlike that scumbag Lee Hughes.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: suttonred on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 22:46:51
Well done on the laughing. Havent we learned anything in the last 36 hours?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: joteddyred on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 22:53:28
Well done on the laughing. Havent we learned anything in the last 36 hours?

I was just thinking the same.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Bumpkin on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 22:54:41
Will he be rooming with Adam Chapman?  Bunk beds,

Pass the soap.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Thursday, January 31, 2013, 23:03:59
Oxford Utd, AKA Murderers and Paedo's 'R' us. 

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: THE FLASH on Friday, February 1, 2013, 00:02:34
I read a bit.

I love the post where a Pox fan says he would rather have a rush keeper.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Not that Nice If I'm Honest on Friday, February 1, 2013, 00:05:14
In total fairness, we've all done stupid things, who here hasn't drunk and drived, really, honestly? At least he didn't drive away from the scene when immediate emergency assistance may have saved lives, unlike that scumbag Lee Hughes.

I assume you don't drive then ?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Friday, February 1, 2013, 00:13:58
Yeh, I do.

I'm unsure what you mean by that. Ambiguity shrouded in lack of disclosure.

I will go on the record to say that in my early twenties I drank and drove many times, not out of negligence, but just feeling I was capable to drive a vehicle. I never exceeded the limit, infact I was dutily careful when doing so.

The question stands, who here has not consciously driven whilst under the influence? I dare say very few?

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Batch on Friday, February 1, 2013, 00:28:30
Lets not go round these houses again. He's Oxfords problem now.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, February 1, 2013, 09:01:40
Haha this is brilliant. After all the shit they gave us when he was here last summer.


Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, February 1, 2013, 09:10:29
Haha this is brilliant. After all the shit they gave us when he was here last summer.
This has made my fucking day after a few shit days in the life of STFC, bring it on.

This is almost the ultimate in irony!

[url width=320 height=180][/url]

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Red Frog on Friday, February 1, 2013, 09:12:25
Good luck to Luke McCormick.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Honkytonk on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:00:57

Released earlier this week from the scum.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: kerry red on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:02:32
Spect he's used to getting released

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:03:10
More shockingly they have let the Dubes go....

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:05:58

Released earlier this week from the scum.

Remember when the only problems Swindon Town appeared to have was whether or not they should offer an ex-con some kind of contract with the club?

What a bizarre year.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Honkytonk on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:08:05
Remember when the only problems Swindon Town appeared to have was whether or not to the club should offer an ex-con some kind of contract with the club?

What a bizarre year.

You can say that again.

Remember when the only problems Swindon Town appeared to have was whether or not to the club should offer an ex-con some kind of contract with the club?

What a bizarre year.

That'll probably do.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: kerry red on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:09:23
Best news of all from there is it looks like they are keeping good old Chris Wilder.

They were all baying for his blood a few weeks ago and now he aint going they are all backtracking.

And some think we're screwed!!

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: sonicyouth on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:09:36
I can't believe this was only a year ago.

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Ardiles on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:22:05
Best news of all from there is it looks like they are keeping good old Chris Wilder.

They were all baying for his blood a few weeks ago and now he aint going they are all backtracking.

And some think we're screwed!!

I like him.

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Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: ronnie21 on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:30:17

Released earlier this week from the scum.
Peter Leven too, we used his name to wind them up a few times - thought he was another talisman for them!!!  Perhaps he was earning too much, they are 35 million in the red aren't they??

Title: Re: luke mccormick
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 3, 2013, 12:32:12
Peter Leven too, we used his name to wind them up a few times - thought he was another talisman for them!!!  Perhaps he was earning too much, they are 35 million in the red aren't they??

He turned in to a bit of a sick-note (along with Duberry) did he not?

...oh and Leven is on £50,000 a week.