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Author Topic: If you're having a bad day...  (Read 13873 times)

« Reply #135 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 07:52:07 »

My advice of all my 34 years long .. tho it must be remembered Im single myself at the mo .. tho quite frankly I prefer it that way...

Is forget her .. for now

if she wants u she will let you know .. u can be sure of that

There are absolutely loads of women at uni .. you aint a bad looking bloke Walrus so im sure there are plenty up for it ... live a little ... and enjoy whats on offer ...

I personally loved being single at uni

So chin up ... and get me and Dave to Uddersfield!!  Beers

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« Reply #136 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 07:58:24 »

Keep your head up Walrus, ive never met you but you sound as if you really care about this girl, give each other a week to sort your heads out ,dont contact her,then ask her whats she wants,if she says that she doesnt know,then walk away.It hurts like fuck for weeks and you feel that you will never meet any one better than her again, believe me ive been there,i didnt eat for two weeks,lost 2 stone in weight and drank far too much alchohol .Then i met the most wonderful,beautifull girl in the world and we have just got engaged. Hang on in there mucker,things will get better.

Sad to say, i must be on my way

« Reply #137 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 08:11:16 »

Makes my Saturday night seem a little less rubbish/embarassing now!

Chin up, fella!
Ralphy's Wet Dream

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« Reply #138 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 09:10:25 »

walrus, kick her in the cunt, she ain't worth it.  It is these situations that can fuck you up for a long time so you are better off without her.

« Reply #139 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 09:18:54 »

Confirmation of what women are like from Birdy there!!  

Hey I still havent met u .. u ARE avoiding me arent u! Cool

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« Reply #140 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 09:26:52 »

Okay maybe I'm not giving a fair enough account.  She is a great girl, and I know her well enough to know she isn't deliberating being a bitch, and her botched attempts to protect me have probably made things worse.  It started on the Thursday when I saw on MSN her being a touch off, so I asked if anything was up.  She said no, but on further inquiry, said she wanted to talk this weekend.  The suspense was killing me, so I rang her at 9.45pm that night and demanded to know, when she told me about Tim.  I was devastated, but within 30 minutes I was willing to forgive her.  A relatively minor event in a long-distance relationship, and something I had secretly thought was inevitable.

I drove up there in floods of tears, Savage Garden blaring out the radio, 110mph all the way, overtaking sometimes in the hard-shoulder, just really not giving a fuck.  Something had cut me deep overnight, as I hadn't slept, eaten or thought about anything else.

On arrival we worked through the problem, but something seemed wrong.  She remained distant.  I had to really drag the next bit out of her, but it transpired she might want to be single, which was gutting to hear, especially after resolving the problems and telling people all was fine.  We reached an agreement to go through the weekend as normal and talk on Monday, as she said she needed time, and I can't exactly hop on a bus and see her every day!

We went to the local student bar that night with her flatmates (minus Tim who convieniently went home for the weekend) and I was fine.  The drink in fact helped, but a phonecall from a uni mate who I've known a matter of weeks yielded an outburst of emotion, and I just broke down on the phone to him.

I composed myself, but that night we stayed up and chatted till about 4.30am, sleeping in each other's arms.  It seems a constant contradiction.  Saturday at the football I was a bit shaky, and when we scored I merely smiled, which is not like me at all.  It was almost a relief, I needed Swindon to get a decent result.  Then on the way home from the match I snapped.  I tonked the car home, and was really off with her, being pretty sarcy, before a comment alluding to the amount of time it had taken to bed her sent her running for the toilet.

Later we watched R.Williams Live on C4, all loved up like nothing happened.  We slept together again, and Sunday was a decent enough day.  I took her food shopping in the car, we chatted, we fooled around, and we agreed I'd see her after the break and sort something out, although she didn't seem too hopeful we'd continue.  The drive home was hell.  I really don't want another one, but we'll see.  The only blot on Sunday was a text she received about 5 o'clock.  She didn't want to read it, but I forced her to, and I saw something to the effect of: "I really need a massage".  She instantly deleted it, without reading it herself, and didn't even bother trying to reply.  She was trying to protect me, but I'm still worried as to what exactly.  She'd said it was awkward between them, but it didn't fucking look like it!

Sorry, there's a lot there, but probably helps you understand more, or not....   :?

« Reply #141 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 09:32:46 »

Its shit when people mess you around .. dont take it personal . she likes u thats for sure .. but its hard being a couple when you are at different universities ... maybe keep it simple and relaxed ... and meet her occasionally .. stay friends .... and trust me mate you WILL find another bird no probs ... and I dare say she will be better! Wink
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« Reply #142 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 09:36:13 »

Fucking hell mate, you're in a bad situation.  Just for the record, I have no advice.  

But hope it works out ok.

« Reply #143 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 09:58:22 »

She wants to have the best of both worlds. Don't let her.

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« Reply #144 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 10:01:15 »

Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
She wants to have the best of both worlds. Don't let her.

Are you suggesting I kill Tim?  Won't I get in trouble?

I'm just going to avoid her for the break, hope that she realises she misses me.  If not, there's fuck all I can do.  We'll probably stay pretty close friends anyway as we've always got on really well outside the bedroom too...

« Reply #145 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 10:06:25 »

Yeah go on. Kill him.

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« Reply #146 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 10:12:10 »

yeh walrus...KILL! KILL! KILL! if you do, i take no responsibility whatsoever. Blame DMR. My opinion though walrus, being the young and having no experience at all person, i would just leave her. she must be quite fit if you are still considering staying with her!

« Reply #147 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 10:13:06 »

s'pose you could do...
Ralphy's Wet Dream

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« Reply #148 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 10:13:29 »

Quote from: "fatbury"
Confirmation of what women are like from Birdy there!!  

Hey I still havent met u .. u ARE avoiding me arent u! Cool

Actually that comment comes from the experience I have had with men.  There are only so many times you can be treated like shit before you snap and start becoming bitter.

no not avoiding you was coming to merlin but got to Faringdon and realised I had forgotten my season ticket, had to go back.  Missed first 10 mins of game.  My own fault for being a spoonhead  :x

« Reply #149 on: Monday, October 24, 2005, 10:17:40 »

Awww poor birdy .. youve had it bad I take it then!

Trouble is when you treat a girl nicely it seems to be they wish you was a bad boy!!

Treating my ex girlfriends well never did me any good and they generally now have boyfriends who treat them like shit .. never could work that one out!

Then girls tell you they wish they were treated better!! I think its mainly driven by knob and tits size at the end of the day

If youve a big knob girls dont care if they are treated like shit
If youve got big tits boys dont care if they are treated like shit!

 Soapy Tit Wank
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