seeing someone trying to avoid a fight with some aggressive twat,then giving up and laying the fucker out
Haha, that's properly funny.
We were in an Old Town pub years ago, early in the evening and we had a proper hard-as-nails mate with us. A mate that at the time was on a charge of GBH with intent and had a fair bit of previous. We were having a peaceful drink and said friend accidently knocked someone's pint over, our mate apologised and offered to buy him a new one. The bloke just gave him abuse and told him to fuck off.
My friend rose above it and walked off to use the toilet, he came back down and the bloke was staring him down and saying shit about him in quite a loud manner. My friend went over and said, "look mate, let it go, i'll buy you a a pint if you're that pissed off." The bloke then stands up and says, "when i've finished this pint i'm taking you outside and kicking fuck out of you." And prodded him a few times.
My friend said, "Why not now?" The bloke then pushes my mate and threw some insult, to which my mate nutted him and then caught him sweet in the face. He then got the fuck out the pub like he was on fire. The bloke was still down (not out, just groggy as hell and a bit confused) when the ambulance and police turned up. That made me laugh, lots. The bloke was such a prick and went out of his way to get a pasting.