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Author Topic: Illegal Immigrants Poem  (Read 5761 times)
dell boy

« on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 09:23:19 »

Illegal Immigrants Poem

TEF Travel

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« Reply #1 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 09:33:55 »


It's All Good..............

« Reply #2 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 13:02:05 »

Yey, racist stereotypes are funny. Oh wait.

« Reply #3 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 17:45:06 »

Are you genuinely as pig fucking ignorant as this post makes you look Dell or are you being "ironic"?

Either way, keep it to yourself next time eh. Or send it to the letters page in the Sun or the Mail where such things might be more appreciated.
You spin me right round baby right round

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« Reply #4 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 17:50:11 »

I agrew ith Lumps there i have to say, and im a cunt.
dell boy

« Reply #5 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 18:11:08 »

Quote from: "Lumps"
Are you genuinely as pig fucking ignorant as this post makes you look Dell or are you being "ironic"?

Either way, keep it to yourself next time eh. Or send it to the letters page in the Sun or the Mail where such things might be more appreciated.

Isn't life so serious.

It was actually emailed to me by a Pakistani mate and he certainly isn't offended by it.

Oh well, I'll edit and delete the topic soon, just want you to see that response first.

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« Reply #6 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 20:14:49 »

I must admit to being slightly disappointed that you've removed what I'm sure was a delightful poem. I feel that I've been robbed of the opportunity to call you a clueless moron with the IQ of some gravel.......aaahh well, I feel confident there will be opportunities in the future.

Just so long as your Pakistani mate found it funny, after all despite having never met him, he truly is the voice of everyone.
dell boy

« Reply #7 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 20:25:36 »

Quote from: "spacey"
I must admit to being slightly disappointed that you've removed what I'm sure was a delightful poem. I feel that I've been robbed of the opportunity to call you a clueless moron with the IQ of some gravel.......aaahh well, I feel confident there will be opportunities in the future.

Just so long as your Pakistani mate found it funny, after all despite having never met him, he truly is the voice of everyone.

Clueless I feel is a bit harsh, calling me a moron well if that makes your day Spacey, enjoy. Look how annoyed it has made me ooooooooooh. :roll:
Most Pakistanis have a very good sense of humour when you get to know them, and I am lucky to have many of them as friends, they will take the piss out of me and vice-versa; so many self-righteous people on here who slag off saying that it is offensive and racist, probably the same guys who would think immediately of moving house if one moved in next door to them.

« Reply #8 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 21:26:20 »

Put the poem back up Dell.

I thought it was ironic and funny myself.

Oh and accurate.

As for the rest of you...FUCK OFF and stop being so fucking liberal. Some of us have a different opinion. Like being indigenous.


« Reply #9 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 21:51:10 »

And to make a point (no apologies for the pun):

Increased immigration boosts knife crime and drink-driving, police chief says

Background: Immigration to the UK

Fred Attewill
Wednesday September 19, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

A chief constable today said an increase in immigration had left police struggling to deal with certain offences, including knife crime and drink-driving.

Julie Spence, of Cambridgeshire police, said immigrant communities, often from the new EU states, had "different standards" from the UK.

She issued an outspoken plea for more government funding to cope with the problems, posed by a sharp rise in immigration over recent years.

Between 2003 and 2004 the number of foreign nationals arrested in the county for drink-driving soared from 57 to 966, although it has since fallen by two-thirds.

Article continues
Mrs Spence also argued officers could take three times as long dealing with an immigrant offender, partly due to language difficulties.

She was backed by the chairman of the Cambridgeshire Police Federation, who added many officers' time was also taken up educating new arrivals about British culture and laws.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Mrs Spence she attacked the government for starving the force of funds to deal with the immigration influx. "The profile of the county has changed dramatically and this simply isn't taken into account when government allocates funding," she said.

"We are now dealing with people from many different countries, speaking more than 90 different languages."

Mrs Spence said the new communities needed to adjust to British standards of behaviour.

"When they arrive they think they can do the same thing as in the country they have come from," she said.

"There were a lot of people who ... because they used to carry knives for protection, they think they can carry knives here.

"We have worked with the communities because they don't necessarily come to commit crime but they need to be told what you can and can't do.

"We can identify a significant rise in drink-drive, which was down to people thinking that what they did where they came from, they could do here."

She said immigrants' attitudes to drink-driving were probably what they were in the UK 20 years ago.

"While the economic benefits of growth are clear, we need to maintain the basic public services infrastructure which means increasing the number of officers we have."

Research from the East of England Development Agency showed that between 50,000 and 80,000 of the region's 2.8 million "economically active" people were migrant workers, and they contributed about £360m a year to the regional economy.

Many worked in the food-processing and agricultural sectors.

Mrs Spence also said "feuds" between rival foreign gangs could involve investigating officers travelling to other countries to interview witnesses.

"We recently had a murder and it was a Lithuanian on Lithuanian and it could easily have happened in Lithuania," she said.

"But it didn't, it happened in Wisbech, so one of my staff spent a lot of their time in Lithuania trying to get underneath what was actually happening with the crime and criminality, which brings costs that you wouldn't have had before, which means something else has to give."

Speaking later on Sky News, Mrs Spence said her force had been "short changed" by £15m over the past five years.

Last year alone Cambridgeshire police spent £1m on translation - leading to "difficult choices" on where to find the money.

"I think there's a London-centric, a metropolitan-centric view which says all the big issues happen in big cities, but we're not a sleepy rural county, if we ever were."

She said government statistics underestimated the growth in the county's population and the police force was being denied a "fair slice of the cake".

David Smith, the chairman of Cambridgeshire Police Federation, said officers were becoming so stretched they were spending less time on the beat preventing crime.

"Half of migrant workers in the east of England come to Cambridgeshire. That is obviously putting great pressure on resources," he said.

The shadow home secretary, David Davis, accused the government of a "shambolic approach to immigration".

"The government estimated that 13,000 people would come from accession countries. At least 700,000 have now arrived," he said.

"Labour's open door approach to immigration failed to consider, let alone cater for, the impact of this influx on housing and public services. Senior officers are now providing damning evidence of the strain Labour's shambolic approach has placed on the police and their ability to fight crime."

The Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, Nick Clegg, said: "The way ministers fund local public services, including the police, makes it incredibly difficult for communities to cope with the rapid changes in population that can be caused by immigration.

"It takes years for the extra money to come through from the government for areas with high immigration, so it is no wonder the police can find themselves struggling."

The Home Office minister, Liam Byrne, said in a statement: "It's vital that we take the social impact of immigration into account when we make migration decisions.

"It's because we want to hear voices like Julie Spence's that I set up the Migration Impacts Forum, so public services can help shape our tough points system which is introduced in around 150 days' time."

A Home Office spokesman said spending on police services nationally had risen by nearly £5b from £6.2b to £11b since 1997.

A spokesman for Gordon Brown said: "The chief constable has given her views but I think it's important that we keep this in context.

"If you look at what's happening to total crime in Cambridgeshire, it's been on a clear downward trend.",,2172376,00.html

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« Reply #10 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 22:31:35 »

if its about illegal immigrants.then surely only illegal immigrants could or should take offence?
and the fact that they are illegal immigrants gives them no right to be here to get offended anyway :?
sonic youth

« Reply #11 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 23:16:33 »

Quote from: "dell boy"
I cross ocean, poor and broke.
Take bus, see employment folk.
Nice man treat me good in there.
Say I need to see welfare.

Welfare say, "You come no more, we send cash right to your door."
Welfare cheques - they make you wealthy!
NHS - it keep you healthy!
By and by, I got plenty money.
Thanks to you, you British dummy!

Write to friends in motherland.
Tell them "come as fast as can."
They come in turbans and Ford trucks.
I buy big house with welfare bucks!

They come here, we live together.
More welfare cheques, it gets lots better!
Fourteen families, all moving in,
neighbour's patience wearing thin.

Finally, white guy moves away.
then I buy his house & say,
"Find more aliens for house to rent."
And in the yard I put up tent.
Everything is very very good,
and soon we own the neighbourhood.

We have hobby, it's called breeding.
Welfare pay for baby feeding.
Kids need dentist? Wife need pills?
We get free! We got no bills!

Britain crazy! They pay all year,
To keep welfare running here.
We think UK darn good place.
Too darn good for the white man race!
If they no like us, they can scram. Got lots of room in Pakistan!

about as funny as love thy neighbour. have i strayed into the sixties again?
dell boy

« Reply #12 on: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 23:30:21 »

Sonic why have you reposted?
Some on here took offence from the above, so I deleted my post ... and you are meant to be monitoring this site, well done.

« Reply #13 on: Sunday, September 23, 2007, 00:32:54 »

Quote from: "dell boy"
Sonic why have you reposted?
Some on here took offence from the above, so I deleted my post ... and you are meant to be monitoring this site, well done.

I don't think people were so much offended than just thought it was a bit shit and ignorant.

If people started deleting every post just because someone else thought it was shit we'd have a bit of an empty forum wouldn't we.

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« Reply #14 on: Sunday, September 23, 2007, 07:56:11 »

well dell boy did get quite some stick for it which was no nessaccery really.
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