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Author Topic: I'M FUCKING ANGRY  (Read 5479 times)

« Reply #30 on: Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 19:37:05 »

Quote from: "flammableBen"
Think we should all have barcodes tatooed onto the back of are arms. Maybe computer chips injected into our skulls aswell.

Of course we should,  i also suggest hats with helmets in so we can be watched 24/7.
Do you like popsicles?

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« Reply #31 on: Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 20:06:44 »

i thought this thread said I'M FUCKING HUNGRY, expected it to be another thread about your cooking! Tongue

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« Reply #32 on: Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 20:31:07 »

Quote from: "Leggett"
i thought this thread said I'M FUCKING HUNGRY, expected it to be another thread about your cooking! Tongue

stupid german

This is the water.
And this is the well.
Drink full and descend.
The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #33 on: Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 20:43:31 »

Quote from: "Reg Smeeton"
We'll all have to carry ID cards soon enough.....pisses me off that the Tories object to this, i fyou've nothing to hide what's the problem?

F**king 'ell Reg, when did you start mainlining the Daily Mail, then? The problems are (in no particular order):

1) ID cards will be wholly ineffective in tackling the problems the spin doctors tell us they're designed to tackle
2) I'm a citizen not a subject - there's been quite enough erosion of our civil liberties over the past five years thanks
3) The people who've really got something to worry about are those who fall through the cracks because some stupid f**king civil servant screws up their records - the more infallible a system is reckoned to be (and the govt despite endless IT cock-ups to prove otherwise have this touching faith in the infallibility of their "gold standard" national ID database), the more difficult it is to convince them they've screwed up. What are you going to do when some YTS trainee mixes up your records with Abu Qatadas and you can't get a bank account, a passport or leave your house without getting nicked. And when you try to put the mistake right, some faceless idiot sits there on the end of the helpline giving it "Computer says no"
4) "What have you got to hide?" C'mon, that's the lamest one going - why don't you ask the 65% of coppers who refused to give samples to the national DNA database on a voluntary basis? They might not have anything to hide, but they know better than most how systems like this are always abused and rarely effective.

Just off the top of my head like... there's dozens more.

I'm surprised to see you giving way to this kind of lazy thinking ("What have you got to hide?", "If the Tories are agin it, I'm for it"), not like you at all.


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« Reply #34 on: Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 22:11:27 »

My main objection to carrying an I.D card is the cost. Couldn't give a monkeys about carrying one, but i'm not paying one that's a fact.

However, wouldn't mind seeing a whole DNA database set up, rather than just for people who get arrested.

« Reply #35 on: Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 22:26:41 »

Quote from: "dogs"
My main objection to carrying an I.D card is the cost. Couldn't give a monkeys about carrying one, but i'm not paying one that's a fact.

However, wouldn't mind seeing a whole DNA database set up, rather than just for people who get arrested.

Fuck that, the bastards whould blatently secretly clone me into some sort of semi-robotic cyborg. Cunts... actualyl that would be well cool. I'd have a robotic twin. I think he's called Herbitude.

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« Reply #36 on: Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 22:34:15 »

Biometric passports are already here and they're only a short hop, skip and a jump from having a retina scan as well as interviews for first time applicants and others in certain scenarios.

Shortly when you get a passport you're going to have to get an ID card anyway.

I've seen the system Paul and the only way it'll fuck up is if you fuck-up your application and even then it's likely it'll be picked up on.  In effect all that will be on there is what's on your passport nothing more nothing less.  

I don't buy into the whole terrorist prevention malarky but in terms of ID it's light-years ahead and so much safer than the systems and documents we have now.  With very little time and info it's ridiculously easy to assume someone's identity and not get caught.  

Plus we'll be able to hop over borders without any hassle like a lot of Western Europeans do already.  

I’m with Reg if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.  If a copper or bank official asks you to handover your documents most people do it without asking.  At least with a chipped ID card it’s a hell of a lot safer than a document anyone could rip off in under 24hrs.  

Not infallible but a damn sight safer and would take a serious amount of time, money and effort to rip off instead of a couple of stamps and a day or two of waiting.


« Reply #37 on: Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 22:52:18 »

I don't see why people have a problem with ID cards. If you've nothing to hide, no problem, and if it saves some of (or a lot of..) the tax we pay by weeding out the frauds, what is there to disagree with?

It's a no brainer, surely?! Unless you're a traveller, murderer, illegal killer immigrant, and all that crap etc..

From the huge savings the government would make in the long run, it will mean the government will have more money for the things we vote them into power for. Health, Education, Pensions (bit of a long shot that one I admit!)

To be honest, it worrys me that some of the young'uns on here don't see the reasons why ID cards would help the state of this country.

I had a rant  Cool
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #38 on: Thursday, May 4, 2006, 00:19:53 »

Quote from: "dazzza"
I've seen the system Paul and the only way it'll fuck up is if you fuck-up your application and even then it's likely it'll be picked up on.

No-one's seen the system yet, they're redesigning it almost daily. Bear in mind this system will be run by the Home Office, the same monkeys that can't manage to review released prisoners for deportation properly.
In effect all that will be on there is what's on your passport nothing more nothing less.

They're already looking at putting health and NI details on the national ID database - for your own convenience, nothing to fear.

I’m with Reg if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.  If a copper or bank official asks you to handover your documents most people do it without asking.

So why then did 65% of coppers (who know more than most about how such systems, can be, will be and are abused) refuse to voluntarily register for the DNA database? Nothing to fear? Most coppers thought otherwise. I've got something to fear - I don't trust the government, not this one, not the last one, not the next one.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #39 on: Thursday, May 4, 2006, 00:23:55 »

Quote from: "Sussex Red"

From the huge savings the government would make in the long run, it will mean the government will have more money for the things we vote them into power for.

The govt have never yet delivered an IT project on time, on budget or working. NHS, Pensions, IND, Passport Office - all massively late, billions over budget and delivered not working. The idea that they'll save money is laughable - we'll be paying them for removing our freedoms for years to come

To be honest, it worrys me that some of the young'uns on here don't see the reasons why ID cards would help the state of this country.
Wel, I'm 35 so assuming you're not completely doddery, I'd say that hardly classifies me as a young'un. Tbh it worries me that some of those old enough to know better don't see when they're being conned by an authoritarian govt.

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« Reply #40 on: Thursday, May 4, 2006, 00:26:02 »

Quote from: "Reg Smeeton"
Quote from: "oxford_fan"
ID cards are silly, it'll cost millions with little benefits (does anyone know what they're actually supposed to do?). you can forge anything; passports, driving licenses, id cards

 The typical response of the Tory will save millions in benefit fraud, plus make it much easier to identify and round up and deport illegal immigrants.

 Of course, you Tories, see illegals as just a source of cheap labour for your cleaners etc.
i'm no fucking tory thank you very much, i wouldn't even consider voting for them.
Simon Pieman
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« Reply #41 on: Thursday, May 4, 2006, 00:27:11 »

The DVLA fucked up loads of license re-issues not too long ago. I wouldn't trust a system initially, it always has flaws.

There's not one system without its bugs, but then it's a case of is it more or less than human error, so potentially, from an administrative sense it could a good thing.

What I'm not happy about is why should I have to pay for the priviliege of sharing my information for something I believe will reap little benefit. There's no political accountability in that I'm afraid.
STFC Village

« Reply #42 on: Thursday, May 4, 2006, 00:31:31 »

Paul's right, the man is trying to keep us down! We need to fight the man, not embrace his ways!!! What would Lebowski say?!

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« Reply #43 on: Thursday, May 4, 2006, 00:49:54 »

what does an ID card do that a driving license or passport can't?

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« Reply #44 on: Thursday, May 4, 2006, 01:33:52 »

Leftie Davis isnt allowed to agree with Goverments in any shape or form.

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