Question: Which Party Will You Be Voting For?
Conservative - 54 (30.5%)
Labour - 63 (35.6%)
Liberal Democrat - 29 (16.4%)
UKIP - 6 (3.4%)
Green - 5 (2.8%)
SNP - 0 (0%)
Plaid Cymru - 0 (0%)
Other - 2 (1.1%)
Not Voting - 9 (5.1%)
Spoiled Ballot - 9 (5.1%)
Total Voters: 153

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Author Topic: General Election - Who's Getting Your Vote?  (Read 209012 times)

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« Reply #360 on: Friday, May 12, 2017, 22:38:27 »

Quite right. Hence why she won't do debates and doesn't allow members​ of the public near her.
Unless it's scripted she fucks up time and time again(calling terrorists tourists, not knowing where she was etc) Diane Abbott mixing up 300,000 with 300million was more newsworthy.

Apart from fox hunting( which says everything about her and her party, selfservatives) and "strong and stable" what do they actually have?
I'm staggered anyone could tick the box next to a conservative candidate. I really can't work it out?
Someone tweeted me the other day that Labour will do less for the working class than the Tories. I just don't understand how?

All of this but mainly the staggered bit.  It makes no logical sense for the vast majority of people.

And all hail Reg, for squeezing some sort of rationale out of these miserable creatures and sharing it with us...you're a better man than I, as all I can ever elicit is a shrinking, squirming embarrassment out of these shy, silent cowards.

And here, on this thread - nearly neck and neck in the TEF polling - but where are you Tories?  All hiding?  All afraid to debate?  All just a little bit uncomfortable?

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« Reply #361 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 02:28:08 »

Unfortunately, statistically speaking, half the population is below average intelligence.

Aside from that, odd as it may seem, the majority do actually reject a lot of what the modern left fancy.
Do you like popsicles?

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« Reply #362 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 07:46:09 »

I get a lot of shit from folks at work for my leanings towards Labour, one guy in particular was quite vocal, especially about Corbyn's 'terrorist sympathiser' tag. Speaking to him yesterday, he admitted that Corbyn actually speaks a lot of sense, and he's gonna vote for Labour.


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« Reply #363 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 07:54:14 »

This election is purely about Brexit for the majority of the population, and that's easy to understand why. This video sums how a lot of people feel about Corbyn, and how the EU are behaving and why the conservatives will win by a landslide...

TEF Travel

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« Reply #364 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 08:05:24 »

This election is purely about Brexit for the majority of the population, and that's easy to understand why. This video sums how a lot of people feel about Corbyn, and how the EU are behaving and why the conservatives will win by a landslide...

Yawn. Instead of watching shit YouTube videos, why don't people look at Labour policies and compare them to what the tories have done and are planning to do?

Labour are far from perfect, but the tories are infinitely worse and the majority are happy to bend over and take it up the arse from them.

It's All Good..............

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« Reply #365 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 11:06:38 »

This election is purely about Brexit for the majority of the population, and that's easy to understand why. This video sums how a lot of people feel about Corbyn, and how the EU are behaving and why the conservatives will win by a landslide...

There's so much ignorance and bullshit in that video on the EU that it's hard to know where to start.
« Last Edit: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 11:19:58 by ghanimah » Logged

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« Reply #366 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 11:09:12 »

Tories voters have always just kept quiet and voted.

The polls have always underestimated the "silent Tory" voter factor, never more so than the last election.  If it happens again and pollsters still haven't accounted for this then the margin of victory could be wider than anyone could imagine
Peter Venkman
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« Reply #367 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 11:13:30 »

Labour are far from perfect, but the tories are infinitely worse and the majority are happy to bend over and take it up the arse from them.
Thats exactly how I feel about it. So much shit being stirred up in the press about Corbyn but ignore the press and TV and read it yourself, its not about lining their own pockets and those of their rich supporters as the Conservaties always do.

Well, we know where we're goin'
But we don't know where we've been
And we know what we're knowin'
But we can't say what we've seen
And we're not little children
And we know what we want
And the future is certain
Give us time to work it out
Not that Nice If I'm Honest

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« Reply #368 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 19:06:05 »

I was brought up to vote Labour and did for many years

But the labour party unfortunately, no longer represents the working class.

The labour party is full of middle-class people who prefer to tell the working class what they should want, rather than listen to them. When people are working hard to survive, they want a party that understands them, and looks after them.
Not a party that thinks Global Issues are more important than the people they claim to lookafter.

People will scoff at this, but in my opinion, the working class will be better off under a Conservative government at the moment, than a Labour government that puts all the trendy causes ahead of working man/woman
Reg Smeeton
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« Reply #369 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 19:45:32 »

People will scoff at this, but in my opinion, the working class will be better off under a Conservative government at the moment, than a Labour government that puts all the trendy causes ahead of working man/woman
Yes, the working classes with young school age kids are going to do really well out of May's grammar school putsch... there may even be a handful who get a leg up in life.  The 11+ was/is a very strange exam...I know I passed it Smiley
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #370 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 19:52:09 »

People will scoff at this, but in my opinion, the working class will be better off under a Conservative government at the moment, than a Labour government that puts all the trendy causes ahead of working man/woman
Say what you like, but you can't call Teresa bringing back foxhunting a trendy cause. Not sure how it will help the working man/woman though. Although I can see how the NHS does. And state education. And a decent public transport system. And affordable utilities.But if you think you can do without all those, you go vote for the hunting classes, I'm sure they'll be grateful to you for it.
The Grim Reaper

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« Reply #371 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 20:30:48 »

Let's be clear here. TM hasn't said she will bring back fox hunting, she did she was in favour of it and would let MP's decide by vote in Parliament.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #372 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 20:45:19 »

Let's be clear here. TM hasn't said she will bring back fox hunting, she did she was in favour of it and would let MP's decide by vote in Parliament.
I know. I was making a slightly flippant point in response to NTNIIH suggestion that the Tories are best placed to help the working man/woman whereas Labour would pursue "trendy causes"
Pax Romana

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« Reply #373 on: Sunday, May 14, 2017, 09:32:34 »

And here, on this thread - nearly neck and neck in the TEF polling - but where are you Tories?  All hiding?  All afraid to debate?  All just a little bit uncomfortable?
I vote Labour whenever they offer a competent administration.  I voted for Callaghan, Blair and Brown.  I voted against Foot, Kinnoch and Milliband.  I thought long and hard about Milliband.  I didn't think for a nanosecond about Corbyn.

1. People constantly maintain that everyone supports Corbyn's policies and are amazed that they won't vote for him.  I think that a lot of swing voters disagree with significant portions of his policies, most notably wholesale re-nationalisation, but that's not the point.  Ask people if they support unlimited free education, unlimited free healthcare, unlimited benefits for the poor, the old, the sick, the disabled, larger pensions, shorter working hours and they'll  agree with all of it individually.  Bundle it up as a plan for running the country and they’ll query how you pay for it.  Not by hitting the rich who are infamously adept at avoiding tax, and anyway there aren't enough of them.

2. The left constantly fails to grasp that general election votes are simply counted, not evaluated and weighted.  An uncertain, unconvinced vote counts the same as an utterly committed one.  I can't prove it but I bet that most of Le Pen's 35% vote was enthusiastic and fervent whilst most of Macron's was simply an "anyone but Le Pen".  So what, he's still the next president.  This left wing delusion that it's somehow progress if you give half as many people five times as many reasons to vote Labour is infantile.

3. Posters on here keep blaming the expected election outcome on the right wing press and the stupid, gullible, idiot voters.  Again, I don't altogether agree but let's assume you are 100% right.  Is this an unforeseen recent development or was it just the same when Corbyn was enthusiastically elected and re-elected?  Was there any basis for anticipating that the press would get less right wing or the voters less stupid in time for the next general election?  Every day is fucking groundhog day for the left as they wake up each morning constantly re-amazed that the world is as it is rather than as they believe that it should be.

4. Another recurring theme on here is that Teresa May is a cunt.  So what?  How is this relevant?  People vote based on who they trust.  All Tory leaders are pretty much the same.  The history of the last 40 years shows that they are generally trusted for their competence and distrusted for their intentions.  Offer a competent Labour administration as an alternative and voters will enthusiastically support them.  Offer a ragbag assortment of clowns and they won’t.

5. Someone asked earlier why people keep saying that “Labour will do less for the working classes than the Tories.  I just don’t understand how?”.   Because they think that Corbyn will wreck the economy and when that happens who suffers, the rich or the poor?  Rightly or wrongly (rightly as it happens) that’s what people believe and that’s how they will vote.  Labour will “do less” because they’ll be sitting on the sidelines passing worthy conference motions and playing with themselves.

So no, I’m not “hiding”, I’m not “afraid” and I’m not “a little bit ashamed”.  I’m angry and frustrated that self-absorbed wankers with their self-satisfied “principles” have left the country with the choice between an absurd socialist dreamer and five more years of Tory government.  They are the real cunts, not Teresa May who is just the latest Tory leader to get the future of this country handed to her on a plate. 
TEF Travel

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« Reply #374 on: Sunday, May 14, 2017, 09:52:49 »

I vote Labour whenever they offer a competent administration.  I voted for Callaghan, Blair and Brown.  I voted against Foot, Kinnoch and Milliband.  I thought long and hard about Milliband.  I didn't think for a nanosecond about Corbyn.

1. People constantly maintain that everyone supports Corbyn's policies and are amazed that they won't vote for him.  I think that a lot of swing voters disagree with significant portions of his policies, most notably wholesale re-nationalisation, but that's not the point.  Ask people if they support unlimited free education, unlimited free healthcare, unlimited benefits for the poor, the old, the sick, the disabled, larger pensions, shorter working hours and they'll  agree with all of it individually.  Bundle it up as a plan for running the country and they’ll query how you pay for it.  Not by hitting the rich who are infamously adept at avoiding tax, and anyway there aren't enough of them.

2. The left constantly fails to grasp that general election votes are simply counted, not evaluated and weighted.  An uncertain, unconvinced vote counts the same as an utterly committed one.  I can't prove it but I bet that most of Le Pen's 35% vote was enthusiastic and fervent whilst most of Macron's was simply an "anyone but Le Pen".  So what, he's still the next president.  This left wing delusion that it's somehow progress if you give half as many people five times as many reasons to vote Labour is infantile.

3. Posters on here keep blaming the expected election outcome on the right wing press and the stupid, gullible, idiot voters.  Again, I don't altogether agree but let's assume you are 100% right.  Is this an unforeseen recent development or was it just the same when Corbyn was enthusiastically elected and re-elected?  Was there any basis for anticipating that the press would get less right wing or the voters less stupid in time for the next general election?  Every day is fucking groundhog day for the left as they wake up each morning constantly re-amazed that the world is as it is rather than as they believe that it should be.

4. Another recurring theme on here is that Teresa May is a cunt.  So what?  How is this relevant?  People vote based on who they trust.  All Tory leaders are pretty much the same.  The history of the last 40 years shows that they are generally trusted for their competence and distrusted for their intentions.  Offer a competent Labour administration as an alternative and voters will enthusiastically support them.  Offer a ragbag assortment of clowns and they won’t.

5. Someone asked earlier why people keep saying that “Labour will do less for the working classes than the Tories.  I just don’t understand how?”.   Because they think that Corbyn will wreck the economy and when that happens who suffers, the rich or the poor?  Rightly or wrongly (rightly as it happens) that’s what people believe and that’s how they will vote.  Labour will “do less” because they’ll be sitting on the sidelines passing worthy conference motions and playing with themselves.

So no, I’m not “hiding”, I’m not “afraid” and I’m not “a little bit ashamed”.  I’m angry and frustrated that self-absorbed wankers with their self-satisfied “principles” have left the country with the choice between an absurd socialist dreamer and five more years of Tory government.  They are the real cunts, not Teresa May who is just the latest Tory leader to get the future of this country handed to her on a plate.  

This is a really good post and most of what you wrote is bang on. I'll still be voting Labour though, for a couple of reasons.. My political leaning is slightly left of centre; definitely not Socialist, or Marxist, but voting Lib Dems in Swindon is as pointless as STFC after a derby game. I don't trust either of the other 2 main parties, but for very different reasons. I don't trust Labour because I'm worried that their policies, most of which I agree with, will be difficult to implement due to infighting and weak people in positions of power (Not Corbin, I'm thinking of Dianne Fucking Abbott). I don't trust the tories because they are dangerous. Seriously dangerous. Their policies are self serving, they don't care about 90% of the population, they are destroying public services and they have just as many fucking loons as Labour (Boris Fucking Johnson, Jeremy Fucking Hunt?). In my view, Labour is a lesser evil and that's why I'll be voting for them.

PS. I still maintain that Theresa May is a cunt.

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