Hello again, Mooneyraker.
I actually stated that Brewitt is dragged towards the player because Lolos would have been through otherwise.
For all previous conversations I'll raise my hand and say that I was quite harsh on him (a previous message said it was mostly a bit) but I think this this post is more about your love for Brewitt as our CB than my disdain for him.
None of this will matter once Ryan Edwards or whoever signs this week
Hello again!
I just found it funny that he was the only 'offender' named in relation to that chance when, as broken down, there are many more egregious errors earlier in the phase but the fact they are committed by Dokes/McEachran etc mean they go unmentioned. It was a collective horror show yet Brewitt gets the spotlight.
I think he's a good solid squad player who has really stepped up this year. I don't think he is prime Greer.
I'm more interested in the psychology of why certain players become scapegoats and some move beyond reproach. With Brewitt it seems almost tribal, verging on the culture wars as someone alluded to on here before! Like your manager Germanic, in a roll neck and wearing expensive trainers? If so, Brewitt is a 'limited' semi-neanderthal. More of a traditionalist? Then he's a blood and guts defender of the old school.
I'm genuinely curious to see how anyone does in that role. We are playing 1-5-4 most of the time. I think Van Dijk gets caught out in our system!