Sir red ken
« Reply #5640 on: Sunday, March 31, 2019, 14:59:24 » |
Looks like I'd fail the English Language test  Who woodn't.see what I did there
Posts: 7084
He headed a football.
« Reply #5641 on: Sunday, March 31, 2019, 16:42:30 » |
Why should Scotland have to abide by the rules of a country who took control through force?
Not my area of expertise, but I thought Scotland joined in a union with England pretty much voluntarily... the ill fated Panama expedition being a reason. Besides, by that point England had already been ruled by a Scottish king. The Welsh would have more of a case re a forced takeover... although they got their king earlier. Last English king? Godwineson?
donkey tells the truth
I headed the ball. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee-aaaaaaaawwwwwww
Not a Batch
Posts: 57298
« Reply #5642 on: Sunday, March 31, 2019, 17:03:58 » |
the Welsh voted leave
Posts: 7084
He headed a football.
« Reply #5643 on: Sunday, March 31, 2019, 17:34:00 » |
the Welsh voted leave
Indeed. My point was more about a forced takeover. Edward I and that.
donkey tells the truth
I headed the ball. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee-aaaaaaaawwwwwww
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia
Posts: 34913
« Reply #5644 on: Sunday, March 31, 2019, 19:23:58 » |
Not my area of expertise, but I thought Scotland joined in a union with England pretty much voluntarily... the ill fated Panama expedition being a reason. Besides, by that point England had already been ruled by a Scottish king.
The Welsh would have more of a case re a forced takeover... although they got their king earlier. Last English king? Godwineson?
Even Harold II was related to Cnut a Viking. The norvern part of Britannia, now known as Scotland, used to be made up of Northumbria, which stretched up to the Firth of Clyde, the Strathclyde Welsh, who occupied Dumfries and Galloway sort of area, Dalriada, which was the further north, west coast lands and islands, and then the far north Pictland. Dalriada was a shared kingdom with norvern iron. Collectively these Gaelic speakers were called Scotti. However if you look into pre history.... my thing.... you can't help but notice the similarities running through the original neolithic cultures of Britain and Ireland. That neolithic culture seems to have ground to a mysterious halt, the reasons for which are currently puzzling archaeologists and been replaced by the Beaker culture. That beaker culture wasn't a trend, like everyone wearing Levi jeans didn't mean we'd been invaded by Americans, the DNA reseach has shown that Beaker people came from Eastern Europe. By the Bronze Age, the British Isles had been pretty throroughly taken over by a unified culture of stone circle and round barrow construction the stone circle being more or less unique to our islands.
Bob's Orange
Has brain escape barriers
Posts: 29537
« Reply #5645 on: Sunday, March 31, 2019, 20:08:18 » |
My main concern with this Brexit malarkey is what is actually happening in this country whilst all these billions of pounds are being spent on us leaving the EU.
Knife crime is spiralling out of control in London, child poverty is at an all time high, it’s just doom doom and more gloom.
Hopefully the extra 350 million quid a week after Brexit will help turn this nightmare around. Society is a bleak place at the moment.
we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise, the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
Matchworn Shirts
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Posts: 7314
« Reply #5646 on: Sunday, March 31, 2019, 20:08:48 » |
the Welsh voted leave
Which is somewhat baffling when you see the 'regeneration' that has taken place - particularly in South Wales - with EU money.
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #5647 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 08:52:32 » |
Read this morning that Chris "Failing" Grayling has threatened to quit if Brexit doesn't go his way (surprise, surprise the idiot who's become a benchmark for inept Cabinet ministers is a Brexiteer). Obviously assumed it was an April Fool at first, but no, apparently, he thinks this is a threat
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #5648 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 08:53:37 » |
That’s despicable. The Euro has caused serious detriment to the southern countries-such as Spain, Italy, and Greece. Their economies are on their knees with youth unemployment standing at nearly 50%- all because they don’t have their own currency which they could devalue to kick start their economies.
Yet even when Greece was in the depths of its self created mess, as they should never have joined the Euro support for remaining in the EU was 70% plus, likewise even now in both Spain and Italy they want to stay in so what is the problem.... See also the much made argument that another referendum would cause civil unrest and destroy democracy, yet the two countries who in the last few years that have done such a thing (Denmark and Ireland) are two of the happiest in Europe.... I suspect its just us, our arrogance and inflated self importance.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #5649 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 08:56:04 » |
GM was born in British Guiana (now Guyana) 45 years ago when she was 10 years old. Why you think we should be interested that she was born outside the UK is interesting.
Especially when they all love to knock one out over the US born Johnson.
Mister Lorenzo
Dirk Diggler
Posts: 238
« Reply #5650 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 08:57:26 » |
I think this sums it up!
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #5651 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 09:02:26 » |
I actually feel rather sorry for the many moderate Brexiteers who voted leave for a plethora of reasons, the whole thing is getting very hijacked.... Firstly we have the rather unpleasant sight of a fascist addressing the Brexit march in London, the cenotaph in the background being a particularly nice touch....  Whilst we have now had leading Breixtters.... Suella Braverman pushing the far-right anti-Semitic conspiracy theory of 'Cultural Marxism' used by Anders Breivik. and Tory MPs calling themselves”Grand Wizards”, a KKK Reference. And now JRM supporting his position by quoting German Neo-Nazis, the AfD. The same AfD which was funded by Putin and boosted by Bannon. top of all this, 3 years on from the referendum and what have we learnt. -Turkey isn't joining the EU -It wasn't the easiest deal in history -There was no £350 million for NHS -Food won't be cheaper -Manufacturing isn't safe -UK didn't hold all the cards Its getting rather messy.
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #5652 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 09:10:37 » |
Firstly we have the rather unpleasant sight of a fascist addressing the Brexit march in London, the cenotaph in the background being a particularly nice touch....
tbf Tommy the Toytown Nazi addressed one of the Brexit marches, the UKIP one, as UKIP under Batten seem to have gone completely over to the far-right. He also showed them an hour-long film about himself, nothing like being self-obssessed. The slightly larger one was Farage's lot, who managed to avoid having any actual overt fascists addressing the crowd and also apparently managed to talk about Brexit rather than themselves (except for Farage who can't help himself)
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #5653 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 11:47:30 » |
BTW its 1st April so hasn't the new EU tax regs come into force (the rules that entirely coincidentally were coming in immediately after we left after invoking A50 in such a rush?), we are still in come on investigators get some quick easy wins against JRM, Banks etc!
« Reply #5654 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 12:53:25 » |
So May is whipping against indicative votes. LITERALLY trying to stop people from finding a solution.