Posts: 1186
« Reply #1725 on: Thursday, November 25, 2010, 09:53:25 » |
I've got Arcade Fire next week, anyone else going to that at the o2?
Ha Ha my missus has just won two tickets for next Wednesday. Nice 
His Infernal Majesty
Posts: 6757
« Reply #1726 on: Thursday, November 25, 2010, 17:37:11 » |
Blink 182 (birmingham) for the third time next year. 
ee the trick is only pick on those that can't do you no harm Like the drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
I annoyed Yeovilred 28/01/06
Posts: 1186
« Reply #1727 on: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 15:17:37 » |
Watched Interpol at Brixton last night. Slashed my wrists and thoroughly enjoyed myself !
Bogus Dave
Ate my own dick
Posts: 16440
« Reply #1728 on: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 15:26:41 » |
johnny flynn on thursday. yip yip yippeeee
Also have isle of wight tickets for next year. Line up last year was pretty very decent, seems a bit of let down so far for 2011. The script, plan b and the lead singer from toploader on the main stage on the sunday. Wooooo
Things get better but they never get good
The girl least likely to.
Posts: 4653
« Reply #1729 on: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 15:53:36 » |
Watched Interpol at Brixton last night. Slashed my wrists and thoroughly enjoyed myself !
I was there last night  Thought they were superb.We were up in the circle which was a bit pants but was all i could get.Only got to stand up during the encore,during which i discovered how hard it is to dance to Evil  Didn't get home till gone 1.30,which at least meant we got to listen to the cricket.
I was a small, fat child in a welfare house There was only one thing I ever dreamed about And fate has just Handed it to me - whoopee
Posts: 1186
« Reply #1730 on: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 16:02:17 » |
I was there last night  Thought they were superb.We were up in the circle which was a bit pants but was all i could get.Only got to stand up during the encore,during which i discovered how hard it is to dance to Evil  Didn't get home till gone 1.30,which at least meant we got to listen to the cricket. Yep I agree they were superb. We were stood, which was nice (in front of mixing desk) but had to go in the middle of the encore so not to miss the last train (great timing as we did it with a minute to spare). Went with my bruv and his son in law who is from Oz so we had an entertaining trip back too ! 
« Reply #1731 on: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 16:05:33 » |
kings of leon, week friday NIA, saw them at V 
Posts: 6764
« Reply #1732 on: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 16:19:40 » |
Saw Gentleman's Dub Club at Camden Barfly over the weekend. They're like a modern Specials and were amazing. 9 piece dub/reggae band.
Brilliant venue too, nice and small.
Posts: 9578
Quick as a Flash!
« Reply #1733 on: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 09:58:59 » |
Madness at the BIC tonight.
Showed plenty of Madness by going last night!
Clems Army!
Mexicano Rojo
Posts: 11942
Demasiado no es demasiado
« Reply #1734 on: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 10:16:41 » |
gruff rhys is touring in feb, closest to you lot is bristol.
i have madness next week, supported by paul heaton.
Bedford Red
Posts: 4578
Smithers Jones
« Reply #1735 on: Thursday, December 9, 2010, 19:23:56 » |
johnny flynn on thursday. yip yip yippeeee
Also have isle of wight tickets for next year. Line up last year was pretty very decent, seems a bit of let down so far for 2011. The script, plan b and the lead singer from toploader on the main stage on the sunday. Wooooo
I'm going to this, it's the lead singer from Starsailor though i believe, not Toploader (i bloody hope it's not), and Jeff Beck is on as well on Sunday.
Bogus Dave
Ate my own dick
Posts: 16440
« Reply #1736 on: Friday, December 10, 2010, 00:09:17 » |
Yeah, apparently so. Still, not that enthsed tbh, line-up so far isn;t half as good as this years
In other news i've jus got back from seeing johnny flynn in bristol. Venue was a bit odd, seeing as it was surrounded by adult shops and 'massage parlours', but the music was brilliant. I'm sure i've said it before, but johnny flynn is the greatest wordsmith musician in the country. The fact the great unwashed of the country would rather fawnicate over two bit chavs covering two bit pop songs makes me sick. This country is culturally redundant, what do we do when we run out of songs to cover. Simon cowell has ruined everything. cunty chops
Things get better but they never get good
Bob's Orange
Has brain escape barriers
Posts: 29537
« Reply #1737 on: Friday, December 10, 2010, 08:37:09 » |
Yeah, apparently so. Still, not that enthsed tbh, line-up so far isn;t half as good as this years
In other news i've jus got back from seeing johnny flynn in bristol. Venue was a bit odd, seeing as it was surrounded by adult shops and 'massage parlours', but the music was brilliant. I'm sure i've said it before, but johnny flynn is the greatest wordsmith musician in the country. The fact the great unwashed of the country would rather fawnicate over two bit chavs covering two bit pop songs makes me sick. This country is culturally redundant, what do we do when we run out of songs to cover. Simon cowell has ruined everything. cunty chops
That's quite funny as this morning I was thinking that exact thing regarding Simon Cowell and today's music. Think back to the greats of the 60s, 70s,80s and 90s. You could easily list 100 (probably more like 1000) bands/artists that have actually made music great. You remember where you were when you heard certain songs etc Then take 2000 onwards and the X Factor revulsion. Absolute mindless pap that will long go into the annals of the musical dustbin. Its a sad state of affairs that a lot of people I know are having X Factor parties to watch the final of this ridiculous programme.
we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise, the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
Posts: 22352
« Reply #1738 on: Friday, December 10, 2010, 08:41:37 » |
I saw Billy Bragg last night at The Assembly in Leamington Spa. Great gig at a great venue and got to meet him afterwards, brilliant night
Peter Venkman
Is totally unexceptional
Posts: 63419
Perfection is not attainable
« Reply #1739 on: Friday, December 10, 2010, 09:13:19 » |
I saw Billy Bragg last night at The Assembly in Leamington Spa. Great gig at a great venue and got to meet him afterwards, brilliant night
He lives literally just down the road from me just on the Chard side of Bridport, about 5 miles away, he has a bit of a reputation locally as being a bit miserable and morose! On an asside, if any of you are in Bristol tonight and want a good night out with good music, come along to Gareth Chilcotts club The Tunnels, under Bristhole Temple Meads railway station. out fast, less than 30 tickets left tonight.
Past glories motivate us when times are bleak.