25% => Other Football Stuff => Topic started by: Robinz on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 04:38:16

Title: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 04:38:16
If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will with happen to Manchester City
Answers on a postcard addressed to the FA !!!

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: DV on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 05:42:14
Transfer ban for a window or two.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 08:12:50
Transfer ban for a window or two.

Suspended for 18 months. obviously

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 08:22:45
Firstly, different governing body - this is a Premier League investigation, not an FA one.

Secondly, Man City can afford every lawyer on earth.

This is serious stuff though, if they can prove anything then there'll be a very large booking being thrown I suspect.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Exiled Bob on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 08:48:37
Firstly, different governing body - this is a Premier League investigation, not an FA one.

Secondly, Man City can afford every lawyer on earth.

This is serious stuff though, if they can prove anything then there'll be a very large booking being thrown I suspect.
Swindon's was a Football League investigation, not an FA one. Luckily for us the FA intervened and, at least, put us back in Division 2 rather than Division 3, where the Football League wanted to put us.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 09:01:04
Who ever it was Bob they didn't show Town  any favours

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Swindon Please Win on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 09:09:01
Interesting discussion while we're still under an FA investigation for dodgy finances. Has there been any update on our investigation for a while?

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 09:10:30
Firstly, different governing body - this is a Premier League investigation, not an FA one.

Secondly, Man City can afford every lawyer on earth.

This is serious stuff though, if they can prove anything then there'll be a very large booking being thrown I suspect.

I suspect that it will also depend on what the other PL clubs have been up to, seen a lot of crowing from supporters of other clubs but the cynic in mean suspects that if City are doing something a lot of the other big clubs will be doing same or similar, and what are the PL going to do, can't see them clobbering all of the big 6 with demotions and bans.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 09:16:34
Interesting discussion while we're still under an FA investigation for dodgy finances. Has there been any update on our investigation for a while?

According to the last Advisory Board minutes -

"It was noted that the Club is trying to close out the FA Charges whilst Power and Standing are looking to defer until the Standing v Power case is heard which will be sometime in
2023. It looks likely that the delay in the Standing v Power case will defer the outcome on the FA charges

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: THE FLASH on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 09:28:20
Slap on the wrist!

Bmuff were the ones that got away with it....busted the wage cap when Eddie Howe the 'miracle maker' took the fairy tale up.
Massive fine that was cut back a bit on appeal.
Should of got 21 point deduction on return to FL.
Got away with it.

Not well known...of course if Leeds had done it at the time........

This all about politics...the Gov want an independent body to review and the PL want to police their own gaff.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 09:37:12
This all about politics...the Gov want an independent body to review and the PL want to police their own gaff.

I doubt taking 4 years to come to this conclusion has helped the PLs cause much!

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 10:37:36
This all about politics...the Gov want an independent body to review and the PL want to police their own gaff.

Oh come off it, I hope that you are not suggesting that it was not entirely coincidental that the PL announced this the same week that the White Paper regarding potential regulation was due out. How dare you.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Boy About Town on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 10:59:25
Gutted Arsenal won’t win the league through being a better team if a points deduction is applied this season.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 11:03:19
Gutted Arsenal won’t win the league through being a better team if a points deduction is applied this season.

If you honestly think this is going to be resolved by the end of the season good luck to you, I would be flabbergasted if this matter comes to a head within the next 2-3 seasons, considering how long its taken them to get this far and even then you have the independent investigation to be held and concluded, the inevitable appeal, then the appeal to CAS etc etc! Then you get into possible taking away of ntitles or heavy use of the *

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Boy About Town on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 11:05:43
I hope it isn’t this season and I hope they really discipline Citeh. Rangers style punishment would be my hope coupled with a two season transfer ban.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: RedRag on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 11:34:13
If you honestly think this is going to be resolved by the end of the season good luck to you, I would be flabbergasted if this matter comes to a head within the next 2-3 seasons, considering how long its taken them to get this far and even then you have the independent investigation to be held and concluded, the inevitable appeal, then the appeal to CAS etc etc! Then you get into possible taking away of ntitles or heavy use of the *
It's an embarrassment when a so-called governing body is faced with taking on wealthier, more powerful opponents that it cannot match in Court.

Football, name it.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 11:36:19
If you honestly think this is going to be resolved by the end of the season good luck to you, I would be flabbergasted if this matter comes to a head within the next 2-3 seasons, considering how long its taken them to get this far and even then you have the independent investigation to be held and concluded, the inevitable appeal, then the appeal to CAS etc etc! Then you get into possible taking away of ntitles or heavy use of the *

I thought this, but the Premier League rules specifically say there is no right of appeal to CAS. Which suggests it could move faster than expected.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 15:21:17
A slap on the wrist and suspended for a couple of years. Kick them out and replace with Bury😀

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 16:36:30
I thought this, but the Premier League rules specifically say there is no right of appeal to CAS. Which suggests it could move faster than expected.

There is your first 6-12 months, appealing that the PL rule is unlawful.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Posh Red on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 17:12:48
I see several PL teams have called for Citeh to be relegated if found guilty, I wonder if that includes Spurs & Bournemouth?

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 17:15:54
Apparently, the PL rules prevent them from relegating a club - they can only expel them. And the EFL are not obliged to accept them.

Big repercussions throughout the pyramid.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: tans on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 18:45:08
Fuck all will happen. They will get a fine and thats it

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 18:48:10
Agreed, find it hilarious that some people are actually thinking that they will have some league titles stripped from them as well

The PL would never ever do that or anything other than a fine, short transfer ban, etc

Title: Re: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 18:48:52
Apparently, the PL rules prevent them from relegating a club - they can only expel them. And the EFL are not obliged to accept them.

Big repercussions throughout the pyramid.
Quite clever from the PL, meaning only option is a fine which the clubs can afford. As I said earlier I cannot imagine for 1 minute that City are the only one doing it, but they ain't going to shoot the golden goose by expelling any big wealthy club.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 18:56:23
The PL aren’t going to damage their own brand by punishing them so severely it could result in the likes of Pep, Haaland, Foden going aboard

This will mostly be forgotten in a few weeks and the PL can go back to marketing the names above

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Pookemon on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 19:36:16
A fine.   

Can't see any other outcome

Title: Re: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 19:40:06
Quite clever from the PL, meaning only option is a fine which the clubs can afford. As I said earlier I cannot imagine for 1 minute that City are the only one doing it, but they ain't going to shoot the golden goose by expelling any big wealthy club.
Not so. They could impose a large points deduction which would not be enough to relegate them but sufficient to render a season meaningless and unable to qualify for European competition. Chuck in a transfer ban for a few windows and that’d do it.

Title: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 20:17:35
If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will with happen to Manchester City
Answers on a postcard addressed to the FA !!!

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. What an utterly Pointless thread !!

Title: Re: Re: If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will..
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 20:49:00
If Swindon were demoted for Financial issues what the f#ck will with happen to Manchester City
Answers on a postcard addressed to the FA !!!
It's a different world from 1990. Our demotion happened bang in the middle of Italia 90 and was headlines for a few days but then the World Cup distracted everyone.

No social media, no fans phone ins or 24 hours sports coverage. We were limited to marches, petitions or bombarding the FL with letters asking for Wembley ticket money back.

IIRC we stopped our legal challenge as delaying the fixtures being published meant no football pools (remember them folks) and we could we liable for the lost revenue.

The next season 90/91 we played away Newcastle on Boxing Day so clearly had Sunderland's fixtures!