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Author Topic: Swindon Town v Sheffield United Official Matchday Thread  (Read 65636 times)

« Reply #210 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 11:35:49 »

I haven't been for about a year, finally had enough of that fucking glad all over song. Will return when they realise goal music is not welcome at football.

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« Reply #211 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 11:37:22 »

I haven't been for about a year, finally had enough of that fucking glad all over song. Will return when they realise goal music is not welcome at football.
Surely this is a wind up?

It's All Good..............
kerry red

« Reply #212 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 11:37:58 »

That's a piss poor excuse for not going.

Get yer arse in gear!
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« Reply #213 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 11:38:50 »

I haven't been for about a year, finally had enough of that fucking glad all over song. Will return when they realise goal music is not welcome at football.


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« Reply #214 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 11:56:18 »

 Smug Fuck Off Im going to put it out there. I don't mind it and sure as hell bet the away fans absolutely hate hearing it.

kerry red

« Reply #215 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 12:07:47 »

I fully understand the picking and choosing of games - hell, I did that last season - but if you are going to do that I would have thought yesterday's game was one of the 'must see' ones.

There seems to be 3 'sorts' of fans

Those that go

Those that want to go but because of circumstances cannot attend - distance, work, cash (lack of) etc

Those who could go but choose not to for whatever reason

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« Reply #216 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 12:21:39 »

Steve White's page/column in the match day programme...brilliant read.  I think this may have been mentioned before, but love the way he talks about 'us', 'we' and 'our'.

Agreed, although half of it appeared to be about Chelsea. Couldn't give a flying f...
Swindon Please Win

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« Reply #217 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 12:26:12 »

Wayne Foderingham had a good game according to the player highlights.
Wielder of the BANHAMMER

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« Reply #218 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 13:09:37 »

"Your login attempts have been exceeded, please contact us for more information. - See more at:"

Have they finally got wise?

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« Reply #219 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 13:18:29 »

Their forum is in meltdown atm, always nice to read things like that after a win!

Someone should mention to them that their away kit was the Adidas template of our last season's home shirt...and that Carlos Tevez is a great player !!

Going back to yesterday's game, my MoM was Louis T. His run's were causing meyhem down the middle, but he needs to improve his goal celeb. Hopefully he'll score more goals to practice that !!

If Obika put his two efforts on target in the forst half, the game should've been sorted at half time, but we are Swindon, and we don't like doing things easy.


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« Reply #220 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 14:23:02 »

Hi all, grab a coffee…it’s a long one!

I hop on this forum now and again just to get a fans perspective on things at the club,

I’m Shaun , the 2nd match day announcer at the club and have been for almost 10 seasons. I just wanted to give some input into a few things that have come up on the forum and hopefully answer any questions and hopefully have some positive stuff to take back to the club for match days.

Please take note that I am in no way employed by STFC so any views etc.: is not that of an official nature from the club.

Firstly, lets head back to the start of the season with two issues, which came up on another thread.

Scoreboard…Yes, we were without the scoreboard at the start of the season as I understand it took some time to have a custom part made and shipped in time.

The fault was found back end of last season and this was quickly put in motion. I understand that the club had to wait for an overseas supplier to sort this and that was where the hold up was.
The club (despite other more pressing issues during the summer) did all they could and although we missed a few games without it – the club did get it sorted. One job fixed.

PA system. Its no big secret that the stadium PA system has not been great for years and although many owners have tried fixing things, there was never a long term plan. Towards the end of last season, the “newer system” installed when the DR was built in the 90’s gradually began to deteriorate.

I began discussions with the club who had (through previous management) had quotes to replace various speakers around the stadium. Without going into too much detail the current design / layout of how the system works is complex. Its not a case of a couple of cables connected to some amps and speakers.

Through my work, I contacted EV audio,  that met with the club and I during the summer and we looked at bringing EV on board to provide all the new amps and speakers and some clever boxes and bits to get the DR up and running again.

We also looked at other long-term options as well.

The important thing was to have a manufacturer on board who had some excellent quality equipment, would dedicate their time and effort into the project and also, more importantly, would supply all the kit at cost thus saving the club a great deal of money.  Needless to say the wheels were in motion.  I gave up many many hours to help with the project, which included the install of the new kit.

A local paper then detailed a very interesting front page with all sorts of speculation and rumours regarding the PA, however the refurb process had already started so for me personally, it was a non-story.

(For those that are remotely interested, the replacement speakers in the DR were to be made in Germany and had to adhere to both BS / FL and IP standards. This would take a few days.)

In summary, the project was done within the time scale and deadline given. The DR has a new front of house PA system, with a long term plan and view to gradually update additional speakers in the concourse areas and TE / Arkells.  

The other positive was that there was no major cost to the club meaning the money saved can be used in other areas – you get my drift…!

Steve Anderson and the chairman worked really hard on the project. One thing I have learnt from these guys is that when they say they will do something, they really do. Personally, I have not had that many dealing with Steve or Lee, but they are 100% genuine, passionate people, and men of their words. Scoreboard, sorted, PA in DR, sorted…. etc.:

I have had some feedback that it’s a tad loud and we are making some tweaks on the system to ensure an excellent overall volume.

Moving onto match days…

Pre match music.

I know this will open a can of worms as music is very selective to opinion!

The music pre 3pm is a mixture of popular music that you would be hearing on the radio, targeted at 17-34.

A few oldie tracks are thrown in as well and this is the same formula for many clubs up and down the country. It’s not to everyone’s liking and not the easiest thing to programe when we have such a diverse age range at the club.  

On the whole, the feedback is usually positive, although some younger fans want drum and bass, some older fans want more 70’s and 80’s music.
We will never please every single fan and like I say, it’s the same formula at other clubs.
Where this isn’t the case, fans are in the stadium way before 2.30pm and sing – and the PA being at a very low level.

Nothing is set in stone, so I invite any constructive comments  / requests and thoughts about the music and take this to the club. ☺

Walk out music.

That old chestnut.! I understand and if memory serves right - that many years ago, Fanfare for the common man (ELP) was used for the player’s entrance.
At some point, this was then replaced by somebody at the club to UB40. Feedback during last season was a 50/50 split, that some fans wanted ELP and 50% wanted UB40.
From that feedback, we do both to try and keep everyone happy. I read the comments regarding introducing the old railway hooter and then playing ELP, which sounds great – if everyone wants that. I have original recording of the railway hooter and will gladly dig it out and use it on match days.

Let me know your thoughts and I can sort this.

3) Goal music – personally (yes, that’s my own personal opinion) it doesn’t work for me;
This was introduced a few years back as it worked at other clubs. Previous management told me that the club had some sort of connection in the 60’s with Glad all over – hence that being used.

I also remember that a few years ago, certain players had specific music for when they scored. No reason why this can’t happen so I again invite your feedback and ill take this to the club.

Some of you will be aware that on match days, there are two of us. I deal with housekeeping on pitch side, whilst Stuart (who is a long-term passionate town fan) sits at the back of the Arkells and deals with the sound desk and team news. Stuart has a 150 mile round trip and is a town fan through and through, ……Yes, he gets over excited sometimes, but that’s his passion showing through  - I have given him a nudge now and again to relax more on the mic and now the PA works in the DR that’s been taken on board.!

I’ve been called a lot of things on this forum, so sorry if I have offended or upset anyone. My comment yesterday at halftime when I said “some awesome skill in the first half” was an off the cuff comment but that’s what I thought. Yesterday was great to watch and technically impressive from the lads.

The Robin. – Love it or hate him? Whilst I have no control, I will again take comments on board and sit down with the club. Yes, not always a “grown ups” favorite but the kids love him and he usually raises a smile or two. Again, behind the scenes, the robin works hard, outside of match days in schools, hospitals etc.: in his own time. Another true town fan.

I hope that clears a few things up.

I cant change low crowds or get thousands in their seats at 2pm but if there are a few tweaks I can deliver to make the match day experience better then let me know and I will take it to the powers that be.  

I’m a fan too and want what’s best for the club and its fans.  Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am always available either in person or phone  / email or post here –

All the best   - come on you reds!
kerry red

« Reply #221 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 14:31:44 »

Nice one!

Cleared up the "club has no money" thing.

Personally, I dont give a rats arse one way or another what music is played when - it's just something to have a dig at.
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« Reply #222 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 14:44:37 »

Thanks Shauns, good post.

3) Goal music – personally (yes, that’s my own personal opinion) it doesn’t work for me;

Honestly think you are buggered whatever you do now. Personally hate music at goals, then I hate the fact its Palace song. But I guarantee if you were to stop playing it there would be as many people moaning it had gone.

I deal with housekeeping on pitch side

I'll bring my ironing next game.

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« Reply #223 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 14:45:58 »

I know what ya mean! Dammed if you do and all that!

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« Reply #224 on: Sunday, September 21, 2014, 14:49:34 »

I think the railway works hooter would bring a (probably) unique identity to Swindon's matchday experience.

Some just wouldn't 'get it' though.
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