Was away at the weekend, so wasn't going to watch. In the end, I managed to carve out some time to watch the second half. Didn't look much different to previous weeks, it was just that Newport looked poor and gave us room up front and in midfield to get round them.
Interesting you should say that. I only saw the second half too (in the ground).
Obviously its only my opinion/maybe being there for the first time this season skewed things.
The things I thought were better than what I've seen v ifollow
- playing it on the ground.
- passing quickly and incisively
- using width well then crossing in, much quicker in doing this.
- front two had good movement and caused the oppo defense no end of issue
- surprisingly combative in winning the ball back
It tailed off once the subs started of course. And the game was won so wasn't expecting them to go all guns blazing.