We went primer twice, then satin wood twice or in a few cases thrice. (On bare mdf skirts and archs, so no relevance to you at all!
And on a related note (the reason why I really posted), our trick for walls/ceilings, and we tell everyone this, many times (who's decorating or soon to): spend good money (none of the usual b and q shite) and buy professional grade equipment.
Buy an 18" frame (Purdy), adjustable poles (Purdy) and 3/4" nap sleeves/rollers in 18" (Arroworthy) for top coat and a 3/4" to 1" nap (Purdy Colossus in 12" x 1" was out favourite - 18" weighs a ton in 1" when loaded) for mist coating. Then get a 25L scuttle and liners to save cleaning and paint.
One of us did 4 walls (whole room) one cote in 20 minutes. We work out that for a whole room, inc ceiling, a mist coat (fresh plaster) and 2 coats: was about 2 hours. Both of us did a similarly sized room with b and q equipment over 2 days. If we'd discovered professional equipment at the start, we'd have saved huge amounts of time and mess.
Apologies for going off on one, but it needed saying.