just been looking through my cupboards and found a few old faves. i got fjortoft's & nijholts autograph in the 'town at the top' book for my 10th birthday - jan even drew me a picture of his great aeroplane celebration! i think my mum got it done at the clubshop somehow
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/legodcuervo/bday.jpgalso a signed programme from when we played man utd in the cup. got beckham's autograph even though he never played. jordi cryuff & gary neville's are on other pages too. roy keane ran away!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/legodcuervo/becks.jpgthe legendary gary elkins! not the best of stuff but got to be shown for novelty value
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/legodcuervo/elkins.jpgcouldn't find my old autograph book with all the early 90's players in
got some signed shirts & balls too but can't really scan them