80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: STFC_Gazza on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 13:39:24

Title: Jade Goody
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 13:39:24
We all know she is going to die in the next few months. Fair play to her though for trying to make as much money as she can for her kids etc though before she goes. I hated big brother but having a mum who has had cancer I know it will be very hard for her. My mum cancer was not terminal but god knows how you prepare to die.

PS Did anyone have her in the celebrity death pool?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 13:40:53
i feel sorry for her, and for her children even more.a few had her in their list i think

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 13:48:06
I know people dont like her but i would not wish that on my worst enemy. Good luck to her

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 13:53:30
I don't like her personality and am not a fan of these characters whose only claim to fame is the fact they were on big brother, but it's a very sad story and I feel sorry for her and her family.

Aren't the kids 4 and 5? That's pretty tragic. You'd at least hope to live long enough to raise your children and watch them grow up.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: DMR on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 18:33:12
It's tragic that she's got 2 little kids and that must be so hard knowing you've not got long.

Karma and all that I guess, she's possibly one of the most horrible women ever but no-one deserves that.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: THE FLASH on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 18:39:13
Why o why is she paraded on the front pages of the fucking Sunday Tabloids...?

Money or not.....thats got to be wrong.

A tragic story indeed.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Rich Pullen on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 19:02:36
I'd bow out with a bit more dignity I must say... She's addicted to fame simple as that.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: pumbaa on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:01:17
For the record, let me state that I do not like Jade Goody. Never have from the moment she came to the public's attention in Big Brother. The again, I dislike pretty much everybody who has claimed Z list celebrity from Big Brother et al.

Having said all that, I do feel compassion for her situation. I know from indirect experience the suffering that terminal cancer patients go through; my aunty is currently undergoing chemotherapy for some form of cancer and its hitting her hard. Like it would anybody I guess.

What grates me about Jade Goody's situation is the way the media are jumping all over this, perpetuated by that scumbag Max Clifford. I don't blame her for doing what ever she can to provide for her two young children that will soon lose their mother at the ages of 4 and 5 years old - the toll on them will be immense and they have to deal with that for the rest of their lives. However, what about the hundreds and thousands of other people suffering with cancer who are unable (or unworthy) of the same media attention of Ms Goody? How are they able to provide for their loved ones lives once the inevitable happens? I'll leave you all to think about that one.....

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:23:53
I'm guessing she doesn't have life assurance. A must for anyone with dependents really.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Dozno9 on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:27:38
For the record, let me state that I do not like Jade Goody. Never have from the moment she came to the public's attention in Big Brother. The again, I dislike pretty much everybody who has claimed Z list celebrity from Big Brother et al.

Having said all that, I do feel compassion for her situation. I know from indirect experience the suffering that terminal cancer patients go through; my aunty is currently undergoing chemotherapy for some form of cancer and its hitting her hard. Like it would anybody I guess.

What grates me about Jade Goody's situation is the way the media are jumping all over this, perpetuated by that scumbag Max Clifford. I don't blame her for doing what ever she can to provide for her two young children that will soon lose their mother at the ages of 4 and 5 years old - the toll on them will be immense and they have to deal with that for the rest of their lives. However, what about the hundreds and thousands of other people suffering with cancer who are unable (or unworthy) of the same media attention of Ms Goody? How are they able to provide for their loved ones lives once the inevitable happens? I'll leave you all to think about that one.....

They can't, well not to the same degree, but Jade Goody is famous. No less worthy of the coverage but she is exploiting her fame for fortune when she is gone and good luck to her.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: herthab on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:28:18
People die all the time. Because she's 'famous' I'm supposed to give a shit?

I feel as sad for her as I do for anyone else I don't know who dies.

Which means I don't give a fuck.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:41:05
Your not supposed to think anything hertha, although I guess people can apply someone elses situation to their own and realise how fortunate they are and how sad it is for the other person.

Usually I'm the same as you, but I guess the reason I can express some compasion is because my family was in a similar situation 3 years ago.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: THE FLASH on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:41:30
People die all the time. Because she's 'famous' I'm supposed to give a shit?

I feel as sad for her as I do for anyone else I don't know who dies.

Which means I don't give a fuck.

I do have sympathy for this opinion.

I upset alot of people at my work when i came bouncing into work after Lady Di snuffed it and refused to put money in some fund they got going..... ???

I said i was sorry that anybody had died that young in such a way....but...i didnt know her and neither did they!  So why the whip round??

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: herthab on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:45:28
Your not supposed to think anything hertha, although I guess people can apply someone elses situation to their own and realise how fortunate they are and how sad it is for the other person.

Usually I'm the same as you, but I guess the reason I can express some compasion is because my family was in a similar situation 3 years ago.

How many people die of cancer every week? That's life Si and although it's obviously traumatic and harrowing for those close to them, the rest of us don't give it a second thought.

It's sad for her family and friends, but me? Meh

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:48:28
That's the point I was making though hertha, it's not sad for you and that's fair enough. I wasn't making any moral judgement, more trying to explain why other people express an opposite view to yours.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: herthab on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:50:31
That's the point I was making though hertha, it's not sad for you and that's fair enough. I wasn't making any moral judgement, more trying to explain why other people express an opposite view to yours.

Call me Steve.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:52:33
How many people die of cancer every week? That's life Si and although it's obviously traumatic and harrowing for those close to them, the rest of us don't give it a second thought.

It's sad for her family and friends, but me? Meh
I agree. My family have been decimated with cancer in the last 3 years but it means nothing to people who didn't know them, nor should it.
At a basic humanitarian level,  I'm sorry for her loved ones but other than ntat its a shrug of the soldiers and turn over to the next page of the newspaper.
As an aside for someone who is supposed to be as thick as shit, she's leaving a nice nest egg for her 2 kids - well done for that.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 20:56:51
And comment on an internet football forum ;)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: herthab on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 21:00:09
I know it shouldn't, but it fucking annoys me when some celebrity dies and people say how sorry they are.

Are they really? Are they fuck. It means absolutely nothing to them and nor should it.

Jade Goody, FFS.........

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: pumbaa on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 21:00:54
Next time I get a cold that looks like I might have to take a couple of days off work, I'm calling old Maxy and see if I can make the front page of The Sun/NOTW etc.

As you rightly say, not bad for a thick-as-pigshit dental nurse from Bermondsey.

I hear she's thinking about allowing her death to be filmed for a reality tv show.......


Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Luci on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 21:02:05
I know it shouldn't, but it fucking annoys me when some celebrity dies and people say how sorry they are.

Are they really? Are they fuck. It means absolutely nothing to them and nor should it.

Jade Goody, FFS.........

I'll be mourning when Jeff Stelling passes.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 21:04:11
And comment on an internet football forum ;)
OK then. Shrug the shoulders, turn the page and then comment on an internet football forum - I can now add, and reply on an internet football forum.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 21:13:37
I know it shouldn't, but it fucking annoys me when some celebrity dies and people say how sorry they are.

Are they really? Are they fuck. It means absolutely nothing to them and nor should it.

Jade Goody, FFS.........

She ain't dead yet.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Rich Pullen on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 21:33:43
A Tao of Jade Goody will become a bestseller while Channel Jade will emerge showing footage of her TV "career" which will be looped for eternity.

I for one cannot wait.

Cancer, booooo - but feeling sad for a Z celebrity because appearances in Hello! magazine won't save her? Not likely.

She's "earned" loads of money, I'd rather be with my family than talking to Clifford and/or journalists.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Dozno9 on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 21:51:13
People die all the time. Because she's 'famous' I'm supposed to give a shit?

I feel as sad for her as I do for anyone else I don't know who dies.

Which means I don't give a fuck.

No, the fact she is famous means she is able to exploit her position more than others, and so would I. This time next year she will be dead and that is that. I don't give a monkeys about her, I feel for her kids but that's all.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Dozno9 on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 21:52:52
A Tao of Jade Goody will become a bestseller while Channel Jade will emerge showing footage of her TV "career" which will be looped for eternity.

I for one cannot wait.

Cancer, booooo - but feeling sad for a Z celebrity because appearances in Hello! magazine won't save her? Not likely.

She's "earned" loads of money, I'd rather be with my family than talking to Clifford and/or journalists.

She is trying to do both, as much as Clifford may be a leach he is earning her kids a good future.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Gazza's Fat Mate on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 21:55:21
get ready for a mass of histria and a public out pouring of tears when she finally dies. she will porbably end up the saint of fat, thick, loud mouth cunts.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Rich Pullen on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 22:04:11
She is trying to do both, as much as Clifford may be a leach he is earning her kids a good future.

She has money though - DVDs, Books, Perfume, TV appearances... She's got the money - a trust fund will ensure the kids will get alot when they turn 18.

Why do we need a blow-by-blow account of this womans death? We don't.

The fact that she hasn't ruled out having her final moments filmed sums her up. How does that benefit the kids?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Dozno9 on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 22:40:25
I agree we don't and it doesn't benefit the kids. In don't agree or disagree with what she does, I don't care.

It's no ones business what she does with her last months and if you don't want to care, don't.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 22:57:37
Fuck me ! There are some fucking thick as pig shit sanctamonious cunts on here! Life is precious, it doesn't matter whose life it is.

I hope you knob heads don't find yourself in the position of knowing how much longer you have left. Just imagine counting down the days looking at your child or the one you love and wondering how they are going to cope. Think about the hurt of a child who is going to go through their formative years without one of its parents before posting such purile bollocks. Maybe even think of the person who will have to start their life again without the partner that they love. Its not a fucking joke or an opportunity to look big!

So what would you do with your last few weeks? I would do everything I possibly could to provide for my family - Just as Jade Goody is.

Some of you slag her off for being a money grabbing, attention seeker. Yet it is many of you who have enabled her to get a living through watching the absolute shite that she's been in and through buying the newspapers that have sensationalised her 'exploits'!

Why do I give a fuck about some of your juvenile sentiments? Its because I'm a little sensitive at the moment having seen a dear friend of 25 years laid to rest on friday. He had an inoperable brain tumour and knew for over a year that he wouldn't see Spring 09. In the time he had left he made provision for his wife and young daughter. He put all of his affairs in order and minimised the amount of stress on his family while maximising the amount of help he could give them from beyond the grave. He was a true hero in my book!

Death is fucking awful. There are no winners. How anyone could wish someone going through something so traumatic that much ill astounds me. I wish I could see my friend again just once. If he'd made a video or a TV series, i for one would watch it again and again and again. I suspect Ms Goody's family will do the same for her too! The public who thrive on tabloid journalism will at least have indirectly helped a family to grieve and help them never forget her.  

I feel very sorry for her and her family. I understand what they are going through as I've been there done that and am still wearing the T shirt. I don't want anyone else to go through this (although there is little that anyone can do to stop it) because it hurts so much more than I could ever possibly describe.


Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 23:23:42
Must admit a few people have suprised me on here. Saying she should or should not do this that or the other. How would you react if you were told you had months to live? Me, i would do everything in my power to make sure my family were looked after. Saying that if it was all bout cash as most are saying why has she not sued the nhs. Tbf i imagine none of you have been told you are dying

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 23:34:20
anyone with terminal cancer deserves matters nothing what they have done,or not previously.people including the victim will have their lives turned upside down because of it.goody's kids lives will never be the same once she's money will ever come close to what they will lose.i am not slating anyone here, but think what it would mean to you to lose your nearest and dearest, as jade goody is that person to at leat 2 children.remember 1 in 3 of us will be effected by it one day or another.....

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 15, 2009, 23:43:40
I can see both sides of the coin. Just think it's a bit harsh to actually express that 'you don't give a shit' etc. Some things are best left to yourself.

I think I'd feel sorry for her even if I didn't feel the connection to my own previous situation with my Father. I'm not on about shedding a tear or personally mourning her passing (when it does happen) but it is a sad story and yes, one that happens to many, many people each year. It's why people give to charities etc, because they try to channel their compasion into something that may make a difference.

Thinking back to threads about Sir Bobby Robson, can't think of anyone who was disrespectful on the man, and rightly so. It's a shame that a reality tv 'star' could spark such outrage. Jade Goody is still a human being.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: axs on Monday, February 16, 2009, 00:27:35
anyone with terminal cancer deserves matters nothing what they have done,or not previously.people including the victim will have their lives turned upside down because of it.goody's kids lives will never be the same once she's money will ever come close to what they will lose.i am not slating anyone here, but think what it would mean to you to lose your nearest and dearest, as jade goody is that person to at leat 2 children.remember 1 in 3 of us will be effected by it one day or another.....

1 in 3 of us will suffer from it, I doubt anyone could go their whole life without being affected by it. We will all lose someone we are close to because of cancer.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: herthab on Monday, February 16, 2009, 03:41:14
1 in 3 of us will suffer from it, I doubt anyone could go their whole life without being affected by it. We will all lose someone we are close to because of cancer.

Yes and when it happens it's horrible. The point I was making had nothing to do with what I think about Goody's career, or what type of person she is, it was about how people seem to think the death of someone famous is somehow sadder than that of anyone else.

Is it sad? Of course it is, but it won't affect me at all, just like the 1000's of other unfortunate people I don't know who will die of cancer won't affect me either.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: mexico red on Monday, February 16, 2009, 07:25:14
true story, on a tuesday i was told i had 7 days to live, i asked them if i could come back next monday, dont think i realised the gravity of the situation :)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Monday, February 16, 2009, 10:32:59
shes getting married this week now isnt she? I hope that ming shes marrying isnt just in it for the money

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Danjackson10 on Monday, February 16, 2009, 10:43:25
I know it shouldn't, but it fucking annoys me when some celebrity dies and people say how sorry they are.

Are they really? Are they fuck. It means absolutely nothing to them and nor should it.

Jade Goody, FFS.........

i was sad when paul hunter died!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: swindon_chick on Monday, February 16, 2009, 10:45:07
I feel for her Sons more than anything they are soo young.

Yeah JFW she is getting married. Mr Harrods man gave her the weding dress as his present to them!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: yeo on Monday, February 16, 2009, 10:46:35
Im no fan of hers but dont see any harm in her living her last weeks through the media and her making a few quid for her kids.People are very sniffy about the whole thing because its her,if she were a nice middle class reporter writing the storey of her demise in the Times she'd probably win awards for doing it.Fact is some people are intersted in her life and if 1 or 2 people take a test because of what they have seen and her kids get some money then there is no negative side to doing it all on telly.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Monday, February 16, 2009, 10:49:41
I feel for her Sons more than anything they are soo young.

Yeah JFW she is getting married. Mr Harrods man gave her the weding dress as his present to them!

REALLY OMG!! I would love to go in the wedding bit in Harrods but its by appointment only

last time I went to Harrods Mr Al Fayed walked through - I think that means we are bessies and he might give me a wedding dress?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Sussex on Monday, February 16, 2009, 11:39:57
REALLY OMG!! I would love to go in the wedding bit in Harrods but its by appointment only

last time I went to Harrods Mr Al Fayed walked through - I think that means we are bessies and he might give me a wedding dress?

And you'll wear that when?  ;)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: swindon_chick on Monday, February 16, 2009, 11:40:31
REALLY OMG!! I would love to go in the wedding bit in Harrods but its by appointment only

last time I went to Harrods Mr Al Fayed walked through - I think that means we are bessies and he might give me a wedding dress?

Yep it was on GMTV. I think if you went and asked he might? It's worth a try!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Monday, February 16, 2009, 11:43:54
And you'll wear that when?  ;)

when I get married day... maybe!

Or MAYBE I could just sell it on Ebay for loads of money or something!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Colin Todd on Monday, February 16, 2009, 13:05:27
Is she dead yet?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: ron dodgers on Monday, February 16, 2009, 13:10:52
Im no fan of hers but dont see any harm in her living her last weeks through the media and her making a few quid for her kids.People are very sniffy about the whole thing because its her,if she were a nice middle class reporter writing the storey of her demise in the Times she'd probably win awards for doing it.Fact is some people are intersted in her life and if 1 or 2 people take a test because of what they have seen and her kids get some money then there is no negative side to doing it all on telly.

like that Nigella Lawson's first husband I suppose

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: nevillew on Monday, February 16, 2009, 16:03:32
true story, on a tuesday i was told i had 7 days to live, i asked them if i could come back next monday, dont think i realised the gravity of the situation :)

Did they apologise for the three days delay in getting the results to you Mex ?.   Mex ?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Dazzza on Monday, February 16, 2009, 16:35:23
If you sandwich an interview detailing your demise in the NOTW between “Lord’s £175,000 Night with Call Girl” and “Barrymore Bums Burrell” then I think you’re going to have to have to accept the reading demographic are not going to be the most sympathetic of folks.

I say fair play to her for looking after the little fellas.  Just as long as it’s not milked out anymore than it has been and we end up with wedding snaps and all sorts of her on her last legs.  That’s a tad grim even for the ghouls amongst us.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: adje on Monday, February 16, 2009, 16:43:45
Yes and when it happens it's horrible. The point I was making had nothing to do with what I think about Goody's career, or what type of person she is, it was about how people seem to think the death of someone famous is somehow sadder than that of anyone else.

Is it sad? Of course it is, but it won't affect me at all, just like the 1000's of other unfortunate people I don't know who will die of cancer won't affect me either.

Here here hertha

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Sussex on Monday, February 16, 2009, 16:55:27
Serious question Mex, are you having a laugh/taking the piss? I spent 3 days in hospital last week and if my medication doesn't work to mend my heart, I've 24-36 months left (at best)..

Fucking wonderful.  :)

(apart from friends and family I don't expect anyone to give a shit)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: mexico red on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:03:09
fuck paul, fingers crossed, no i wasnt taking the piss.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Bogus Dave on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:06:47
Fuck. Hope it works out well sussex

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: LucienSanchez on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:09:41
Fingers crossed for the pair of you...

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: mexico red on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:14:50
im ok, dont worry about me, that was 4 years ago.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Arriba on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:17:46
shit.i hope it all works out for you sussex.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Batch on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:21:04
Can only repeat what everyone is saying Sussex. Good luck.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFCBird on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:23:21
Don't give him symapthy, he's been warned it would come to this and has done fuck all about it.  Head - sand = years.  I'm angry because now I have to face the prospects of having to cope here alone and be made homeless because there is no way I can afford our mortgage on my own.  I have begged him for years to sort himself out and now he's going to just fuck off and leave me to pick up the pieces.  To make matters worse he tells me "It was good whilst it lasted"

Sorry if any of this sounds harsh but I have a lot of anger inside me about this.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Arriba on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:26:03
i dont think there is much anyone can say birdy.i dont know either of you apart from on here, but you are in my thoughts and i hope it can work out for you both.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Sussex on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:28:09
And this has been the the kick up the arse I needed. What time's dinner going to be ready?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: mexico red on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:28:22
your not on your own, im down the road and according to spacey im a better lay than him.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFCBird on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:33:51
your not on your own, im down the road and according to spacey im a better lay than him.

Arrrr I love you mexy poo :-)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFCBird on Monday, February 16, 2009, 17:34:39
And this has been the the kick up the arse I needed. What time's dinner going to be ready?

I'm still at work - you cook it!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, February 16, 2009, 18:02:13
Arrrr I love you mexy poo :-)
He was talking to Paul

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 13:10:12
I see she has sold the rights to her wedding for a million! *trys to put image of Max Clifford rubbing hands together in Glee out of my mind*

This is a serious question - and I dont mean it in a nasty way but do you think she will wear a wig ot get married bald? - I mean the girlies will probably see what I mean but - every girl wants to like nice on her wedding day - but if she wore a wig everyone would know it was a wig but without one she might feel less weddingy - if you know what I mean????

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Miss Angry on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 13:12:43
Id wear a wig... you can get ace wigs these days... you could be whoever you wanted to be! I think she should wear a wig to make her feel more special.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 13:15:39
Yeah thats what I would do If I was her

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: yeo on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 13:17:02
Id draw hair on with a Permanant Marker Pen.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 13:17:20
what colour?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 13:17:35
I'd go one of those big stripy gold Ancient Egyptian head dress things.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: yeo on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 13:19:35
what colour?

Black,but with Blue Eye Brows.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: swindon_chick on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 14:27:39
I'd wear a wig but I know what you mean everyone is going to know that it is a wig if she does. When is her wedding?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: tans on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 14:28:34
its going to be on the tv aint it?

sure i heard that on the radio this morning

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 14:43:07
Sunday I think - living TV are filming it and its going to be in OK magazine

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: tans on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 14:51:56
at least its not on mainstream tv then

i was having visions of it being on itv

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: LucienSanchez on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 15:02:07
I see she has sold the rights to her wedding for a million! *trys to put image of Max Clifford rubbing hands together in Glee out of my mind*

This is a serious question - and I dont mean it in a nasty way but do you think she will wear a wig ot get married bald? - I mean the girlies will probably see what I mean but - every girl wants to like nice on her wedding day - but if she wore a wig everyone would know it was a wig but without one she might feel less weddingy - if you know what I mean????

To be fair, she'd struggle with this wish, cancer or not...

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 15:28:41
harsh, Alex, harsh (but fair)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Fred Elliot on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 16:30:52
I'd go one of those big stripy gold Ancient Egyptian head dress things.

Like this Ben ?

[url width=640 height=480][/url]

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 16:33:15
haha ace.
yeah just like that.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: nevillew on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 16:36:46
That'll be Saturday's hat then Fred ?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Fred Elliot on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 16:59:53
Jen wont let it out of her sight otherwise it would have already graced the Don Rogers Stand Nev

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 17:16:08
booo I really want you to wear that - then help me find milk again! people will think we are slow readers!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 18:59:06
booo I really want you to wear that - then help me find milk again! people will think we are slow readers!

People already think you're a slow reader ;)  :P

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 22:15:10
Jade will not wear a wig to her wedding. Her, bald and in a wedding dress will sell more copies of Heat.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: nevillew on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 07:51:46
Jade will not wear a wig to her wedding. Her, bald and in a wedding dress will sell more copies of Heat.

On the other hand, she's missing a possible payoff from "Syrup Weekly"

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 10:49:02
Jade will not wear a wig to her wedding. Her, bald and in a wedding dress will sell more copies of Heat.

Not Heat my dear OK magazine!!  ::)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: SwindonTartanArmy on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 11:15:53
Is she dead yet?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 11:16:29
ummm no - sorry

but girls aloud are playing at her wedding

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: SwindonTartanArmy on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 11:18:16
oh for fuck sake, all this charity she is now getting takes the piss. Its some bint off of big brother, not famine in Africa!!!!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 11:21:06
Charity? what you on about?

Is there a place where we can donate money to her now?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: SwindonTartanArmy on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 11:49:59
Charity? what you on about?

Is there a place where we can donate money to her now?
wouldnt fucking suprise me, but I am sure I heard it mentioned that Elton john was letting her use one of his mansions for the wedding, and Al Fayed had given her a wedding dress free of charge.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: THE FLASH on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 12:29:25
wouldnt fucking suprise me, but I am sure I heard it mentioned that Elton john was letting her use one of his mansions for the wedding, and Al Fayed had given her a wedding dress free of charge.

Nowt wrong with people giving her stuff...shes happy they feel happy....but a charity thing.?..Fuck Off..

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: spacey on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 12:38:44
wouldnt fucking suprise me, but I am sure I heard it mentioned that Elton john was letting her use one of his mansions for the wedding, and Al Fayed had given her a wedding dress free of charge.

Yeah, the outrage you must feel! I heard that Ted Hankey is giving her free darts lessons! It makes my bloody blood boil! I'm no fan of Goody's work, but fair play to her I say. The fact that people get so angry about someone who is terminally ill cashing in to ensure her kids are sorted financially is wanky.  

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: janaage on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 12:56:10
Yeah, the outrage you must feel! I heard that Ted Hankey is giving her free darts lessons! It makes my bloody blood boil!

ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!   Spacey you never cease to amaze me!!!!!

And I agree with your not so funny second half of your post.

Jeez people chill out, no one is forcing you to concentrate your attention on her final weeks/months of life.  If they are forcing you to keep in touch with the latest JG goings on then you'd possibly have grounds for complaint, but even then I'd hope you wouldn't get that upset about it.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 13:04:16
I wonder how long it will take the press to turn on her if she manages not to die for longer than expected.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 15:04:28
I wonder how long it will take the press to turn on her if she manages not to die for longer than expected.

Is it bad I laughed at that?

but Im suprised to be honest no-one has accussed her of faking it or something? I would like to make it clear I do not think she is

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: LucienSanchez on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 15:47:50
I've not been able to buy a copy of the Sun all week because of her... i suppose that could be seen in a positive light.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: DMR on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 15:49:20
Is it bad I laughed at that?

but Im suprised to be honest no-one has accussed her of faking it or something? I would like to make it clear I do not think she is

I don't think you can "fake" cancer, JFW.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 15:50:59
I dont think she is!!! but with the way some people dislike her they might of accused her of shaving her head and pretending or something?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: ron dodgers on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 16:37:59
Big Bro' Bird in Crazy Cancer Con

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 17:55:38
I don't think you can "fake" cancer, JFW.

I suppose technically you could..... then when someone found evidence that you didn't have it you could say its gone into remission?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Arnold.J.Rimmer on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 18:07:08
there was that lady off that home make-over programme who pretended she had cancer. All her friends were fund raising for her

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 21:01:12
Yeah, terminal cancer has a habit of going into remission.

Someone invited me into a facebook group 'I wish Jade Goody would hurry up and die' or something similar. The dumb thing is, the creator's nan has cancer. I called him a cunt and left the group. I can't believe some people - they don't get this wound up about other 'celebrity' weddings. Celebrities get hand outs all the time anyway.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: pumbaa on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 21:31:19
I just found out that my former next door neighbour has just died of cancer. Aged 33, 3 young children.....

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: mexico red on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 23:07:21
I think my ex has just died of cancer, though im not sure, shes 29. The reason i dont know is she lives in mexico and apart from her i have no contact with any of her friends or family.

its fucking awful, i saw her in october and she said she was going to see the doctor because she had a cough she couldnt shift. Life is a total cunt sometimes.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, February 19, 2009, 23:43:10
I think my ex has just died of cancer, though im not sure, shes 29. The reason i dont know is she lives in mexico and apart from her i have no contact with any of her friends or family.

its fucking awful, i saw her in october and she said she was going to see the doctor because she had a cough she couldnt shift. Life is a total cunt sometimes.

That's what happened with my dad Mex. 29 is far too young though.

A mate of mine knew a bloke who was around that age who just dropped dead with a heart attack one day. No history of heart disease, wasn't overweight and hadn't taken/drunk anything. Think he was around the same age too. It's a bit baffling how things happen sometimes.

Any closer to getting a new kidney?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, February 20, 2009, 07:31:06
I haven't read much of this thread but my mate's friend died from cancer last week and was in his early to mid twenties.

The sooner they can find a cure for this horrible disease the better!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: mexico red on Friday, February 20, 2009, 07:37:09

Any closer to getting a new kidney?

yes actually, should be up on the list by end of march. have done all the pre transplant tests and all looking rosie. fingers crossed time.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Danjackson10 on Friday, February 20, 2009, 07:40:58
I haven't read much of this thread but my mate's friend died from cancer last week and was in his early to mid twenties.

The sooner they can find a cure for this horrible disease the better!

Unfortunately i dont think they will find a cure, just better prevention methods! It is sad and particularly worse when someone is so young

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, February 20, 2009, 08:47:01
yes actually, should be up on the list by end of march. have done all the pre transplant tests and all looking rosie. fingers crossed time.

Nice one mate. Hopefully Sussex can get some better news too.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: SwindonTartanArmy on Friday, February 20, 2009, 09:25:22
I can't believe some people - they don't get this wound up about other 'celebrity' weddings.

I do. All celebrities annoy the fuck out of me. Not as much as the mong publics adoration of the celebrities. Fuck sake!

What pisses me off about all of these hand outs and shit, is the fact that no-one ever bats an eye lid to someone who isnt famous. If some normal lassie with cancer went into Harrods looking for a wedding dress, I bet Al Fayed wouldnt doante her a fucking dress.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, February 20, 2009, 18:06:21
I do. All celebrities annoy the fuck out of me. Not as much as the mong publics adoration of the celebrities. Fuck sake!

What pisses me off about all of these hand outs and shit, is the fact that no-one ever bats an eye lid to someone who isnt famous. If some normal lassie with cancer went into Harrods looking for a wedding dress, I bet Al Fayed wouldnt doante her a fucking dress.

Yes but then if someone I knew had cancer, who wanted a favour, I would do all I could to make it happen. If it was Al Fayed then I probably wouldn't. However, he or Goody aren't exactly making an appeal to the general public are they?

I detest a lot of the celebrity culture too, in fact I don't like Jad Goody. But I haven't seen many threads moaning about celebrity stuff and frankly everyone but JFW has bigger fish to fry compared to worrying about which z list celebrity did what this week.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Friday, February 20, 2009, 23:48:29
Jade Goody is doing an excellent job at providing for her kids. She's playing the game to maximise the money on the rest of her life and as a parent fair play to her.
I hope thuogh, that at the end she is treated with the dignity a life should have.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: tans on Saturday, February 21, 2009, 10:59:18
I was quite annoyed to find out her boyfriends curfew is allowed to be missed on the wedding night, Id put shit loads on that being if it were me i wouldnt be allowed.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Samdy Gray on Saturday, February 21, 2009, 11:16:42
Someone just bought me a Jade Goody calendar, but it only goes up to March.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:07:30
Someone just bought me a Jade Goody calendar, but it only goes up to March.

heard it already :D

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: nochee on Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:12:53
Jade Goody is going to be in thsi years Swindon panto.

Oh no she isnt!!!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Barry Scott on Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:35:47
The sooner they can find a cure for this horrible disease the better!

[cynic alert]
There won't ever be a cure for any major illness. There's no money in a cure. There's only money in prevention and suppression. Hence, no attempts by drug companies are made into cures. It's not in their interests; why kill the golden goose?
[/cynic alert]

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: sergeant_wilson on Sunday, February 22, 2009, 15:24:39
This whole Jade business reminds me a little of when Saddam Hussein got executed. On the one hand you feel sad because a human being is going to die but then on the other hand you feel happy because they will not be able to terrorise other people.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Arriba on Sunday, February 22, 2009, 15:34:41
This whole Jade business reminds me a little of when Saddam Hussein got executed. On the one hand you feel sad because a human being is going to die but then on the other hand you feel happy because they will not be able to terrorise other people.
how on earth are the two in any way comparable?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: reeves4england on Sunday, February 22, 2009, 15:54:08
[cynic alert]
There won't ever be a cure for any major illness. There's no money in a cure. There's only money in prevention and suppression. Hence, no attempts by drug companies are made into cures. It's not in their interests; why kill the golden goose?
[/cynic alert]
Very true. You have to remember who is involved in research related to cancer and what their intentions are. The large drugs companies are in it for money and nothing else.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Batch on Sunday, February 22, 2009, 15:56:12
And the oil companies are sitting on an engine design that runs on fresh air too.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 22, 2009, 16:07:16
[cynic alert]
There won't ever be a cure for any major illness. There's no money in a cure. There's only money in prevention and suppression. Hence, no attempts by drug companies are made into cures. It's not in their interests; why kill the golden goose?
[/cynic alert]

That's an incredibly flawed conspiracy theory. I'd expect a cure for cancer would take a similar time period as that to administer the drugs currently available. Furthermore, when the drugs stop working the hospital will no longer use them and switch the patient onto radiotherapy.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, February 22, 2009, 16:17:50
Tans 9/10 would have had their bail conditions lifted in these circumstances. Not just because he is with Jade Goody

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: nochee on Sunday, February 22, 2009, 16:29:12
And the oil companies are sitting on an engine design that runs on fresh air too.

You would of thought that with all their money they would buy chairs, wouldnt you?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: sergeant_wilson on Sunday, February 22, 2009, 16:36:20
And the oil companies are sitting on an engine design that runs on fresh air too.

This is true see here great site

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: yeo on Monday, February 23, 2009, 15:45:29
Its just occured to me that with Jades pogram being on Living TV and their liking for Paranormal programs Jades program need not finish when she dies,I wonder if Max Clifford has thought of this angle.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Monday, February 23, 2009, 16:05:02
Im sure hes on the phone to Yvette as we speak!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, February 23, 2009, 18:15:16
Apparently the amount of women getting smear tests done has risen by 20-25%. At least some good has come from the publicity.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 10:05:40
Apparently hours from death now. slipping in and out of conciousness.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 10:08:49
Sad news

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: THE FLASH on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 19:14:25
I just hope after the funeral that they leave them all alone.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: swindonbob on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 20:02:37
Apparently hours from death now. slipping in and out of conciousness.
Where did you hear this?? I havn't heard anything about the racist for a few days

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: pride_of_wilts on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 21:35:52
It says about it here

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Talk Talk on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 21:45:14
Who is this 'Jade Goody'? I've never heard of her.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 21:46:11
Who is this 'Jade Goody'? I've never heard of her.

Google? Wikipedia?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: axs on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 21:46:34
Who is this 'Jade Goody'? I've never heard of her.

Really? You must work hard at avoiding the media.

She is a former reality TV contestant who is now terminally ill. Mr Clifford is presiding over her last few days.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Talk Talk on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 21:50:10
Really? You must work hard at avoiding the media.

She is a former reality TV contestant who is now terminally ill. Mr Clifford is presiding over her last few days.

I do completely avoid the media. I don't watch telly, I don't read newspapers and I avoid the BBC/Pravda website like the plague.

All of my information comes from Internet blogs. I think she has been mentioned, but as I have no connection with her, why should I be interested? She didn't ring me up giving her sympathies when my dad died of cancer.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: axs on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 21:52:30
You don't have to have sympathy for her. I do, despite not liking her as a person, each to his own.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Barry Scott on Sunday, March 15, 2009, 22:06:21
My little Sis has just had a severely abnormal smear, where they've found pre-cancerous cells. She's had a biopsy and will no doubt have the cells removed shortly. I doubt it will result in a hysterectomy, but that's the worst case and i've no doubt that all will be well.

Jade's plight didn't make my sister take a smear, she was due one anyway, but i do blame the media, or perhaps mine and family's lack of knowledge, for the fear and pain this filled me with until i started doing some Googling.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Lumps on Monday, March 16, 2009, 10:44:34
I do completely avoid the media. I don't watch telly, I don't read newspapers and I avoid the BBC/Pravda website like the plague.

All of my information comes from Internet blogs.

Fuck me your grasp on reality must be pretty fucking shaky?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, March 16, 2009, 10:50:39
Hope your sister is ok barry. Fingers crossed

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Monday, March 16, 2009, 10:58:00
My little Sis has just had a severely abnormal smear, where they've found pre-cancerous cells. She's had a biopsy and will no doubt have the cells removed shortly. I doubt it will result in a hysterectomy, but that's the worst case and i've no doubt that all will be well.

Jade's plight didn't make my sister take a smear, she was due one anyway, but i do blame the media, or perhaps mine and family's lack of knowledge, for the fear and pain this filled me with until i started doing some Googling.

Hope all goes fine with your sister mate.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Monday, March 16, 2009, 10:59:43
Smears are a bit ming and I had a particually bad experience last time but I would defo never miss one or put one off again.

Im sure your sister will be OK xxx 

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Talk Talk on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:18:18
Fuck me your grasp on reality must be pretty fucking shaky?
Not at all.

News from independent Internet sources is a damn more real than the propaganda you get from the main stream media/BBC.

I read a good analogy for the statist society that likened the media to the Matrix.

Take the red pill...wake up...

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Lumps on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:33:23
Not at all.

News from independent Internet sources is a damn more real than the propaganda you get from the main stream media/BBC.

I read a good analogy for the statist society that likened the media to the Matrix.

Take the red pill...wake up...

Why the hell would you think the Bloggers are any more "independent" than traditional media sources?

Anyone can set up a Blog. I could, Ironside could, Abu Hansa, fucking anyone. Do you think these are likely to be reasonable and balanced and obey the rules of good objective journalism? Do you think that the average blogger responsibly checks his sources, and ensures their authenticity before he posts a rumour or a link to a scare story or conspiracy theory?

How the hell do you think the whole MMR 'causes autism scare blew into the whirlwind of fact free bullshit that it did?

I don't advocate taking the mainstream media at face value, I read the fucking Telegraph FFS, and I can remember watching the TV coverage of any number of demonstrations I've been on and not recognising any aspect of the days events.

But to advocate getting your entire viewpoint on the world from an undescriminating absorbtion of the outputs of individuals posting rumour and opinion on the internet is really unwise.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Talk Talk on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:38:22
Do you think these are likely to be reasonable and balanced and obey the rules of good objective journalism? Do you think that the average blogger responsibly checks his sources, and ensures their authenticity before he posts a rumour or a link to a scare story or conspiracy theory?

Point me in the direction of 'good objective journalism' in the MSM. The Telegraph certainly isn't, perhaps with the exception of the excellent Christopher Booker.

There are indeed a huge range of blogs out there. I mainly read the ones that provide intelligent balanced analysis of news stories that the media have distorted. It's a huge reservoir of thought and reasoned debate.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Lumps on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:43:23
Point me in the direction of 'good objective journalism' in the MSM. The Telegraph certainly isn't, perhaps with the exception of the excellent Christopher Booker.

There are indeed a huge range of blogs out there. I mainly read the ones that provide intelligent balanced analysis of news stories that the media have distorted. It's a huge reservoir of thought and reasoned debate.

But the point is that I KNOW it isn't. It's part of the reason why I read it. With the Torygraph there's rarely any doubt as to perspective of editorial policy, and it's easy to filter the political bias from the news.

You seem to think that your little internet friends have no political axe to grind, when clearly they do, because we all have a political perspective, indeed and ideology, it's just some of us are up front about it.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Talk Talk on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:47:47
You seem to think that your little internet friends have no political axe to grind, when clearly they do, because we all have a political perspective, indeed and ideology, it's just some of us are up front about it.

My 'little Internet friends'? Oh dear.

You read what you want, that's your preference. I completely support free choice. I'm up front about not bothering with the MSM because it is laborious to have to analyse the propaganda myself. I would rather let others do it for me.


Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:48:19
i prefer to get all of my news from

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: suttonred on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:50:57
I get all my news off here, once a month i get the topical news from Viz.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Ardiles on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:53:43
I'm with Lumps on this.  Each and every one of those bloggers will have their own bias, which they may or may not confess.  At least when you pick up a copy of the Daily Mail or the Guardian, you know what you're getting.

The balance in 'intelligent balanced analysis' is very difficult to define...and can be misappropriated, as the link below demonstrates rather well.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:54:35 is where its at!!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Lumps on Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:55:25
You read what you want, that's your preference. I completely support free choice. I'm up front about not bothering with the MSM because it is laborious to have to analyse the propaganda myself. I would rather let others do it for me.

That perfectly illustrates my point. Can you not see that being concerned with media bias is perfectly understandable, but just changing to another media source and not critically reading that because that source is "doing it for you" is just swapping one biased perspective and analysis for another set. Perhaps a set that more closely reflects your view of the world, but that just makes if all the more dangerous because it means you never have to question your own prejudices.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Talk Talk on Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:00:53
That perfectly illustrates my point. Can you not see that being concerned with media bias is perfectly understandable, but just changing to another media source and not critically reading that because that source is "doing it for you" is just swapping one biased perspective and analysis for another set. Perhaps a set that more closely reflects your view of the world, but that just makes if all the more dangerous because it means you never have to question your own prejudices.

Yes, I can see what you are saying and the blogs that I read definitely do reflect my view of the world. But that's a view that sits apart from authoritarian statist nonsense and the left/right spectrum of traditional politics and by its very nature is inherently objective.

I think that the truth and a realistic philosophy is the antidote to prejudice, bias, dogmatism and ideology.

As I said, pax.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:03:22
Yes, I can see what you are saying and the blogs that I read definitely do reflect my view of the world. But that's a view that sits apart from authoritarian statist nonsense and the left/right spectrum of traditional politics and by its very nature is inherently objective.

I think that the truth and a realistic philosophy is the antidote to prejudice, bias, dogmatism and ideology.

As I said, pax.

So you actively avoid anything that might challenge your world view?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Talk Talk on Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:06:10
So you actively avoid anything that might challenge your world view?

Are you challenging my world view, young Flammable?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Lumps on Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:07:53
Are you challenging my world view, young Flammable?

Ben likes to challenge world views.

He's very challenging

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:14:13
I'm certainly a bit challenged.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:36:23
So now a thread on a dying woman turns into a my opinion is more valid as i read the right paper thread

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:41:25

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:56:07
So now a thread on a dying woman turns into a my opinion is more valid as i read the right paper thread

I started reading all of those posts and then skipped over them, because it seems to be getting like a souped up version of Grumpy Old Men.

I've come up with a conspiracy theory that we're all unknowingly acting out the novel '1984', but my conspiracy theory falls down because I can't decide who plays the central character. Probably someone like GFM would be a laugh.

As for Jade, I suppose it's good she can gather her family to say her final goodbyes.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Barry Scott on Monday, March 16, 2009, 18:20:47
Hope your sister is ok barry. Fingers crossed
Hope all goes fine with your sister mate.

My sister will be fine, thanks for your good wishes. :)

Smears are a bit ming and I had a particually bad experience last time but I would defo never miss one or put one off again.

Im sure your sister will be OK xxx 

Yeah, she had some difficulty/pain walking after the biopsy, and i can't imagine any part of it being nice, but then i don't have a front arse, so i'm only guessing. And thanks, i'm sure she'll be fine as well. :)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, March 16, 2009, 19:05:44

I've come up with a conspiracy theory that we're all unknowingly acting out the novel '1984', but my conspiracy theory falls down because I can't decide who plays the central character. Probably someone like GFM would be a laugh.

I have two conspiracy theories:

1. Jade is fine. This is all part of the most shameful publicity stunt ever conceived. She will make a full recovery or disappear like Elvis Pressley and Biggie Smalls did.

2. Nothing - nobody and no thing - is real. I'm in a superadvanced virtual reality simulator.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, March 16, 2009, 19:08:23
2. Nothing - nobody and no-one - is real. I'm in a superadvanced virtual reality simulator.

I'd have quite happily agreed with you....until I met fB.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, March 16, 2009, 19:10:11 isn't the simulator though!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, March 16, 2009, 19:13:03 isn't the simulator though!

So fB could be a hologram or something....

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, March 16, 2009, 19:24:54
I suppose I might be.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Lumps on Monday, March 16, 2009, 21:07:17
I suppose I might be.

You'd have noticed surely?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: axs on Monday, March 16, 2009, 21:24:07
The big H on his head should give it away.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 08:11:58
RIP Died this morning in her sleep

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 08:14:10
On mothers day. Cuntish. rip

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 08:25:53
It is harsh RIP.

However i suspect that for the next week i will not buy a newspaper.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 08:37:43
I was sort of hoping (well not really, wishing people dead isn't very nice) that someone more important would die at the same time. Horribly pissing off Max Clifford and letting Goody die with a bit of quiet dignity. Oh well. RIP Jade Goody, Bryce Morrison and Walt Poddubny.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 08:43:02
natasha richardson

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 08:44:53
natasha richardson

Yeah. but nobody really knew who the fuck she was. And that was a week ago now.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 08:48:44
I was sort of hoping (well not really, wishing people dead isn't very nice) that someone more important would die at the same time. Horribly pissing off Max Clifford and letting Goody die with a bit of quiet dignity. Oh well. RIP Jade Goody, Bryce Morrison and Walt Poddubny.

I see the point sort of....  guess as much as it pissed me off to see her mug everywhere and keep reading about it (I'm as bad for starting this thread), She did highlight a lot of things about cancer and lowering the minimum age kinda thing so... For the most part though she was thick as shit and a bully on TV but seems to have been devoted to her kids and again highlighted a lot of things about cancer so...

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 08:54:14
Well said gazza. My mum and nan had cervical cancer and now my 22 yr old sister wants to know why she cant have a test

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 09:00:42
I see the point sort of....  guess as much as it pissed me off to see her mug everywhere and keep reading about it (I'm as bad for starting this thread), She did highlight a lot of things about cancer and lowering the minimum age kinda thing so... For the most part though she was thick as shit and a bully on TV but seems to have been devoted to her kids and again highlighted a lot of things about cancer so...
A post that isnt 80% nor 25% football !

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: STFC_Gazza on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 09:11:46
Well said gazza. My mum and nan had cervical cancer and now my 22 yr old sister wants to know why she cant have a test

I think she can now though, the age was lowered from 25 to 20... or am I just thinking that she backed a campaign to get the minimum age lowered?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Luci on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 09:14:21
When I was in Australia the doctors over there couldnt believe our age for those tests was 25, their age is either 18 or 21, I can't remember which.

I don't think its been changed officially Gaz but its on the cards....

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 09:54:36
When I was in Australia the doctors over there couldnt believe our age for those tests was 25, their age is either 18 or 21, I can't remember which.

I don't think its been changed officially Gaz but its on the cards....

you have some weird conversations luci...

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 09:55:09
actually did you talk to Karl about that before he sang about STFC with you?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 09:55:41
It's 20 in the rest of the UK isn't it? Just England that it's 25.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Luci on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 10:00:07
you have some weird conversations luci...

Not really!  I was actually discussing Aussie contraceptive pills!!!!!!!! hehe

(ok too much information)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 10:00:41
just withdraw? dur

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 10:02:09
actually did you talk to Karl Kennedy about that before he sang about STFC with you?


Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: sergeant_wilson on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 11:40:27
How did she get cunt cancer anyway? Probably coz she shagged around with dirty skanky blokes.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 11:46:37
Stupid twat

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: janaage on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 11:50:39
No need for that kind of post at all. (not you drs btw).

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Melksham Red on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 11:57:17
I'm not easily offended but that Mr Wilson is fucking horrible.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 12:05:43
I think they should rename Mother's Day to Jade Goody day.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 13:12:18
Telegraph obituary actually good read, if a bit telegraphy in bits.

Quote from: telemegraph
Although she was frequently vilified, Jade Goody's final days as a victim of cancer saw her transformed into a serious figure whose frankness about her illness was deemed by some to be beneficial to the wider community. Her decision to live out those days in public earned her large sums of money from the media, but she insisted that her motive for this was to assure the future of the two young sons she left behind.

The first time she was mentioned in the press, in May 2002, Jade Goody was described as a "pretty dental nurse, 20, from London". But 24 hours later, as she began her gobby, ignorant trajectory in the Big Brother house, The People went on the attack under the headline: "Why we must lob the gob". Before long it was open season. The Sun called her a hippo, then a baboon, before launching its campaign to "vote out the pig". The Sunday Mirror rejected porcine comparisons on the ground that it was "insulting – to pigs".
Inside the "BB" house, Jade Goody found herself in bed with her male housemate, PJ, who ran away, shrieking. Her drunken striptease in a drinking game rigged by the male contestants ("Me kebab is showing!") forced even Channel 4 to blank the screen. "Here she is: fat-rolled, Michelin girl Jade in all her preposterous lack of glory," thundered the Daily Mirror the next day. "Naked as the day Dr Frankenstein made her." Jade's then boyfriend chipped in: "She's a sex-crazed, lying, two-timing drunken tart, and I hope I never see her again."

Jade Goody's main function, as she put it herself, was to be an "escape goat". She was the modern equivalent of Barnum and Bailey's "bearded lady" – a pressure valve for the vindictive rage of the mob and their tribunes in the Red Tops. Polls suggested that she was more unpopular even than Saddam Hussein (a boxer, said Jade). Such was the public venom it was feared that things might get dangerously out of hand. Some people actually travelled across England to the BB house, where they waved placards and greeted her emergence, spilling out of a pink dress several sizes too small, with chants of "burn the pig". Channel 4 was even reported to be considering smuggling her out of the country for her own safety.

But, no sooner had she hit rock bottom then she bounced back up again. The tabloid campaign had developed into such an orgy of hate that it inspired a retaliation in her defence. Viewers, it seemed, warmed to her malapropisms, guilelessness and obvious vulnerability.

Told by their readers that they had gone too far, journalists began backpedalling furiously. The Mirror congratulated itself on "a brilliantly conceived clandestine campaign to drum up the sympathy vote for the divine Ms Jade Goody". Not to be outdone, the Sun sought to rehabilitate the "princess of Bermondsey". Both papers started the bidding for her "story" at £100,000 – a figure that quickly escalated.

Finding they had struck gold, promoters and advertisers came flocking to her door. For the next four years it was impossible to turn on the television without seeing Jade Goody on some reality show or other. She even had her own scent, Shh!, ("Not actually a smell of me, like. It's not my BO or my feet cheese or nothing") which became a best-seller. There were also Jade Goody fitness DVDs. Along the way, she acquired, cheated on and discarded several boyfriends, gave birth to two sons (the romances, break-ups, pregnancies and births all sold to magazines on an exclusive basis), changed from blonde to brunette and shed three stone.

By 2007, when she made her second visit to the Big Brother house on Celebrity Big Brother (alongside her surgically-enhanced mother Jackie), Jade Goody had become, by her own account, "the most 25th inferlential person in the world" and a bona fide celebrity. She was said to be worth £2-4 million, was the proud owner of three "footballers' wives" style homes, a £60,000 turbo-charged Range Rover and was the "author" of a best-selling autobiography.

It did not take long for the Goody magic to work the second time around, either. "I'm out of here. I'm not ----ing waiting on some moron and her family," said Donny Tourette, a Sid Vicious-wannabe. Next to pack his bags was Ken Russell, who could not continue to live "in a society riddled with evil and hatred" (believed to be a reference to Jackiey rather than Jade).

But what should have been a triumphant return to the scene of past glories soon began to turn to disaster, when Jade Goody became embroiled in a row over an Oxo cube with the Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty. Days of tension, during which Jade called her nemesis "Shilpa Poppadom", ended in a foul-mouthed tirade from Jade in which insults such as "Shilpa ----awallah" and "go back to the slums" were bandied about. Booted out of the house, Jade Goody was branded a racist bully. In India she was burned in effigy. The television regulator Ofcom received more than 40,000 complaints from outraged members of the public.

Retribution was swift. Her scent was withdrawn from the stores; the paperback version of her autobiography was scrapped; the television offers dried up and she was dropped by her management company. "Jade, We Hate You – The Nation Turns On Thick Racist Bully!" ran one headline.

Although Jade Goody's value to Big Brother was her famously tactless "motormouth", a career nosedive was not part of the script. The show's producers, Endemol, had recorded a new chat show pilot with her as host and stood to lose money – as did many others. There followed a well-orchestrated campaign of rehabilitation, featuring a public plea for forgiveness and a stage-managed "kiss-and-make-up" session with Shilpa Shetty, followed by a "goodwill visit" to India, where she visited a children's charity, apologised (again) and made a donation.

Jade's rehabilitation was crowned by an invitation by the makers of Bigg Boss, India's equivalent of Big Brother, to take part in their show. She did so in August 2008 and, in the first episode, was seen learning to dance to Bollywood songs. But she was forced to leave abruptly after being told she had cervical cancer.

To most people, the prospect of eight weeks' confinement in the exhibitionistic surroundings of the Big Brother house would be the closest thing to hell. Jade Goody seemed to regard it as a vision of paradise. When she went in through the sliding door, she explained, "It was like no one could get me or hurt me in there... I was safe." Her life story reveals why.

Jade Koresha Lorraine Goody was born in Bermondsey on June 5 1981. Her father, of mixed race parentage, was a heroin addict and small-time pimp turned career criminal who spent most of his life behind bars, eventually dying of an overdose in the lavatory of the Kentucky Fried Chicken in Bournemouth. Her paternal grandmother, who once ran a brothel, had a crack habit. Her mother, Jackiey, the daughter of a market trader, was described in her daughter's autobiography as a petty thief and "clipper" – a woman who pretends to be a prostitute but runs off with the money instead. Jackiey threw Jade's father out of the house when Jade was 18 months old, after discovering that he had hidden guns under her cot. To add to the confusion, Jackiey herself later came out as a lesbian.

Jade rolled her first joint for her mother when she was four and she took her first puff aged five, an event celebrated by her mother in a family photograph. At about the same time Jackiey was seriously injured in a motorcycle crash and lost the use of her left arm, as a result of which Jade spent much of her childhood in the role of carer. Not that Jackiey appeared grateful. She once beat her daughter so badly she ended up in care.

Jade's schooling, not surprisingly, was chaotic. She was expelled from one school after her mother hit another mother, and from a second when her mother hit a teacher. "Most of my mates at school would arrive home to see their mum hanging out the washing or putting the dinner on," Jade recalled. "I'd come round the corner hoping not to see another police car outside the house."

It was not long before Jade began dishing out the bullying herself, once biting off a chunk of another girl's earlobe ("It wasn't a huge part of her earlobe or anything, just the tip").

As her performance on Big Brother made clear, her years of formal education had left Jade Goody with little knowledge. She thought that a ferret was a bird and abscess a green French drink; that Pistachio painted the Mona Lisa; that Sherlock Holmes invented the flush lavatory; that East Anglia ("East Angular" in Jade-speak) was abroad; and that Rio de Janeiro was "a bloke, innit?"

She eventually attended Bacon's College in Rotherhithe – one of Britain's first City Technology colleges. Following her first appearance on Big Brother, the college felt constrained to emphasise that its exam results had improved since Jade left. She then attended a training course at the Bosco Centre, an institution set up to "serve some of the most disadvantaged and disengaged young people in the community". Again association with Jade caused embarrassment as the centre pointed out that some of its alumni had gone on to university.

After leaving school, Jade eventually found employment as a dental nurse. When she applied for a place in the Big Brother house, however, she was up to her ears in debt, had recently been evicted from a flat in Rotherhithe over £3,000 of unpaid rent and was facing jail over an unpaid council tax bill.

Later, as well as her earnings from celebrity appearances, exclusive interviews, product marketing and the like, Jade Goody opened a beauty salon in Hertfordshire. She chose the name Ugly's, thinking it would appeal to the woman who thinks: "'I'm feeling ugly because I've got no make-up on, no nails and hairy legs,' then they come into our salon and we make them beautiful." The venture rapidly went bust.

Given Jade Goody's status as a media creation, it was perhaps inevitable that when stories began to circulate of a "cancer scare", some assumed it was just another tasteless publicity stunt. That did not prove to be the case. After her initial diagnosis last year, it quickly became clear that her cancer was at an advanced stage. Radical surgery failed to stem its progress and early last month she was told it was terminal.

There was time for one more twist however, as, on February 22, in a blaze of publicity which was said to have earned her close to £1 million, Jade Goody married a 21-year-old carpet fitter, Jack Tweed. In order that the couple could spend their wedding night together, he was allowed to ignore the 7pm curfew which was a condition of his early release from an 18-month prison sentence imposed for assaulting a 16-year-old boy with a golf club.

Her husband survives her with her two sons.

I hope Shane Meadows gets to make the film of her life.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: tans on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 13:13:33
How did she get cunt cancer anyway? Probably coz she shagged around with dirty skanky blokes.


Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: santasdead on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 13:33:02
How did she get cunt cancer anyway? Probably coz she shagged around with dirty skanky blokes.

If memory serves me right,wasn't segeant_wilson the bloke who asked for people to stop swearing and banned (in his head)the use of bad language on the forum?

Its a bit wrong for me to say this but im with a few others,its sad that shes died,but at least there will be other news to talk about,but the fact is cancer was always there,it just took a celebrity with a huge ego to shove it in peoples faces. If the subject does go completely out of the media, then the media is stupid..just because jade's dead doesn't mean that cancer is gone. however much i don't want to hear about or read about cancer, it still deserves to be in the news so people know its around!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Lumps on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 14:17:01
To be fair, hateful git that he might be, Mr Wilson isn't completely inaccurate as the vast majority of cases of cervical cancer are the result of a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which is sexually transmitted.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: warksred on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 16:12:58
How did she get cunt cancer anyway? Probably coz she shagged around with dirty skanky blokes.
To be fair, hateful git that he might be, Mr Wilson isn't completely inaccurate as the vast majority of cases of cervical cancer are the result of a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which is sexually transmitted.

The inaccuracies are the reference to multiple partners and the lower social class.
Like chlamydia, HPV affects all sections of society regardless of whether male/females have had one or multiple sexual partners.
unfortunately the damage caused by these infections are often not diagnosed for many years, hence the current HPV vaccination and chlamydia screening campaigns .

If a strain of HPV caused  cancer of the penis or chlamydia caused male sterility would the use of condoms increase ?

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 16:24:21
If a woman was that concerned she'd insist you wrapped up.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Ben Wah Balls on Sunday, March 22, 2009, 17:28:34
The inaccuracies are the reference to multiple partners and the lower social class.
Like chlamydia, HPV affects all sections of society regardless of whether male/females have had one or multiple sexual partners.
unfortunately the damage caused by these infections are often not diagnosed for many years, hence the current HPV vaccination and chlamydia screening campaigns .

If a strain of HPV caused  cancer of the penis or chlamydia caused male sterility would the use of condoms increase ?
Women with more sexual partners have a greatly increased risk though but stop taking everything so seriously. RIP Jade.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Colin Todd on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 12:16:29

Couldnt have put it better myself Parky

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 14:12:48

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: DMR on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 14:16:46
Parkinson's a has been. Sounds like a right bitter washed up old twat. I hope he dies of fucking cancer and see he likes it, the insensitive cock. And I hated Goody!

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Colin Todd on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 14:58:30
whats insensitive about that?  its factually accurate.

He's scathing about the hypocracy of the media, not jade herself.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 15:12:33
Fred sent me a Jade Goody joke the other day. It's very very wrong, but I laughed.

Dear Jackie,

I'm so sorry to hear about Jade.

I can't stop thinking about her little boys.

All my love,

Gary Glitter

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 15:26:14
I see Praky's point to an extent, but she employed Max Clifford to maximise her coverage and subsequently her earnings potential. She purposely brought the media circus upon herself. 

And if I was in her position and dying I'd do the same if it meant my family would be well cared for.

"Her death is as sad as the death of any young person but it's not the passing of a martyr or a saint or, God help us, Princess Di,

I couldn't work out if that was sarcasm mocking the over-hyped coverage of the death of "saint" Di, or whether he's actually saying he thinks Di was important.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 15:28:29
Let's not pretend she was saving her children from poverty, she was worth a fair few mil already.

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: ghanimah on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 15:33:25
I thought Newswipe last week had a pretty good take on the whole Goody phenomenon (starts 18:40 in and compares Goody to Quantum Physics  :eek:)

Title: Re: Jade Goody
Post by: THE FLASH on Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 09:01:42
He was accurate...however he did mention that she wasnt Lady Di.

I didnt get too worked up when she went either.

Whats Parkys point?

I didnt know Jade Goody or Lady Di.....i am sorry for anyone passing but.....