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Author Topic: Mortgage Advice  (Read 13567 times)

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Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #60 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 14:55:11 »

LL is right.

Everyone loves the jeopardy in seeing if a 999 call ambulance will be a single or double digit hours wait.

The issue is of course funding and the wind down of services over the last decade or so. The workers work hard in the front line.
Wages are part of that. Pay people too little and they'll take the advice "to stop whining and get a better job".

In general I don't mind paying more to get more if I'm able to do so. But these are extraordinary times with energy, inflation and interest rates . Even the middle are getting squeezed.

No one likes to see people struggle, including me would believe? There’s an element of crying wolf and not understanding that you can’t have it all when you start out. Would be nice not to in an ideal world but it does not work like that, never has and never will.

The situation wouldn’t be anywhere near as bad as it is if Putin hadn’t decided to go out in a blaze of glory.
Shit Bacon

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« Reply #61 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 14:58:40 »

I don't really understand what you gain from just lashing out all the time on here. I hope you're not as unhappy in real life as you come across. There are interesting points to discuss in there, but you seem more interested in being aggressively oppositional for the sake of it.

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« Reply #62 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 17:06:24 »

I do listen and read interestingly enough. That’s why I’m sick to the back teeth. Seems that the country only employs public sector workers while everyone else can seemingly fuck off.

The whole point I was making is that nurses and doctors too in many places cannot afford to live in cities. Its the same for Fire staff and Police too. So you don't like the public sector, so you can manage without Police, Fire, NHS, teachers, Armed Forces, Public Health, Universities. We'd all be doing really well without them after the pandemic wouldn't we? Senile old cunt.

Posh Red
Posh by name, Posh by nature

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« Reply #63 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 17:10:56 »

I’ve got you down as a nasty cunt while you make your childish mind up.

So not a troll then, had a feeling that with the spiteful bile you like to spout that may be the case.

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« Reply #64 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 17:46:32 »

Surely this conversation is getting somewhat out of control.
Fact is that we all live in an under paid society. This is the case whether you are working in the public or private sector.
If you are working for Pounds(hours only) you will never get ahead financially.
Suggest every one becomes a LandlordMoney lender or better still a Pawn broker and then  you will become a really big f+cking asshole. Untill then enjoy the simple and good things in life and understand their are c+nts far higher up the feeding Chain pulling your strings
 Stay well COYMRs

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« Reply #65 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 18:28:13 »

In reply to LLs last part of your message.
Your comment re Putin and would not be as bad if he had not wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.
Do you really not consider he was not set up big time. Either by America or just fate
Bet he thought all his Christmases had come at once
USA running from Afghanistan
The West trying to recover from Covid
Boris was under fire with Brexit
Europe having possible separation issues
New leader in Germany
Macron was as Macron is
The then comedian in charge in the Ukraine
China offering unconditional support.
Russian financial position very strong.
The western world and especially Europe relying on my fossil fuels

What on earth could go wrong.
Roll on 9 months and what a balls up.


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« Reply #66 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 18:58:51 »

Surely this conversation is getting somewhat out of control.
Fact is that we all live in an under paid society. This is the case whether you are working in the public or private sector.
If you are working for Pounds(hours only) you will never get ahead financially.
Suggest every one becomes a LandlordMoney lender or better still a Pawn broker and then  you will become a really big f+cking asshole. Untill then enjoy the simple and good things in life and understand their are c+nts far higher up the feeding Chain pulling your strings
 Stay well COYMRs

indeed some venom gets spouted on this forum.

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« Reply #67 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 19:31:36 »

Average pay for public sector workers is 12% higher than the private sector, according to this......

That's because after the last 30 years of outsourcing anything you possibly can, all the low paid staff delivering public services now sit in the private sector.

Bin men, cleaners, catering staff, maintenance a lot of hospital porters since PFI, social car providers. It means the public sector payroll now  has a higher proportion of professionals than it used to.

Our wages haven't soared over the last few decades it's cutting out the lowest paid staff and shunting them into the private sector that's upped the average.

When you compare professional groups, private sector pay is generally higher. Lawyers working in local authorities don't earn what those in practice do, same for accountants, and of course doctors. And I got a 30% bump in salary when I spent a few years in the private sector as a consultant.

And before some public sector hating twat starts banging on about our supposedly gold plated final salary pensions I have news ...... Final salary went a decade ago. It's still a good pension scheme in comparison to most private sectors company pensions, but the idea that all public sector workers are quids in on retirement doesn't stick up.

I'm really only prepared to listen to moans about pensions from people who:
- Joined a pension scheme at 20ish like I did
- Have been paying in ever since at a decent rate (11.6% of gross salary as you ask)
- Have been a union member whist in work (public sector pensions didn't get handed to us they were fought for, we've got them because we're way more unionised than the private sector)that's

People like my partner's brother that spent 20 minutes chewing my ear that he didn't know if he could ever retire because he didn't have the luxury of tax payers funding his pension, and then admitted that throughout his years of employment and self employment he'd never put aside a penny for his retirement can fuck right off.

..never go back.
Or not 4D that is the question

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I can't bear it 🙄

« Reply #68 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 21:56:10 »

Are you a copper?

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« Reply #69 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 21:59:24 »

Are you a copper?

No I've worked in the NHS for most of the last 30 odd years.

..never go back.

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Posts: 8352

Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #70 on: Friday, November 4, 2022, 22:33:17 »

In reply to LLs last part of your message.
Your comment re Putin and would not be as bad if he had not wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.
Do you really not consider he was not set up big time. Either by America or just fate
Bet he thought all his Christmases had come at once
USA running from Afghanistan
The West trying to recover from Covid
Boris was under fire with Brexit
Europe having possible separation issues
New leader in Germany
Macron was as Macron is
The then comedian in charge in the Ukraine
China offering unconditional support.
Russian financial position very strong.
The western world and especially Europe relying on my fossil fuels

What on earth could go wrong.
Roll on 9 months and what a balls up.

No, I don’t believe for one moment Putin was set up. The Ukraine situation was planned years ago. It’s strategic positioning suited this despots objectives and world events have conspired to make him think all would be fine and dandy. Excepts it’s not. The west has supported the Ukraine indirectly and in a way that the very clever Russians cannot 100% pin anything on, oh they’ll use all their propaganda tools to do so but the net result is nil, zero, zilch, nada. The Russians default is to deny everything and throw counter accusations around to deflect anything legitimate incoming in their direction.

Despots and bullies have to be stood up against, something Putin hadn’t gambled on. It’s all smoke ans mirrors and falling around his ears. Bit of luck he’ll be dead soon. The trouble is who will replace him. The average Russian deserve much better.

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« Reply #71 on: Saturday, November 5, 2022, 00:18:25 »

 With experience I have sometimes be careful of what you wish for as with hoping Putin's death.
There might just be someone worse.
That said, in my previous message i purposely questioned was it the Americans or simply fate !!
The correct facts on what has happened here has not been seen yet and most likely never will.
Rest assured who ever wins (if anyone) will say they were right and it was worth every death and heartache that it caused.
Please let's move on and look forward to tomorrow morning at 2 am Auckland time hoping Swindon win


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Posts: 8352

Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #72 on: Saturday, November 5, 2022, 06:02:30 »

 With experience I have sometimes be careful of what you wish for as with hoping Putin's death.
There might just be someone worse.
That said, in my previous message i purposely questioned was it the Americans or simply fate !!
The correct facts on what has happened here has not been seen yet and most likely never will.
Rest assured who ever wins (if anyone) will say they were right and it was worth every death and heartache that it caused.
Please let's move on and look forward to tomorrow morning at 2 am Auckland time hoping Swindon win

Yes of course there might be someone worse. You’re overlooking the obvious outlook that he won’t live forever anyway. So whether he’s nobbled internally in the very near term or lives out another 10 years, someone else is going to fancy a crack at being top dog. We just have to hope that the new regime is more open to real democracy and putting the people first. I wouldn’t bank on it though.
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