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Author Topic: Swindon Town v Torquay United Official Matchday Thread  (Read 42619 times)
Bob's Orange
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« Reply #15 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 08:14:33 »

Think we'll dominate the match but our lack of fire power will be in evidence.

1-0 win. Mason.

we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise,
the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.

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Stirlingshire Reds

« Reply #16 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 08:23:31 »

Shaw Rosso needs to up his game. AustrianAndyGull just dicked him in the battle of the thread starters:

That's more of a rant, to be fair.  Probably what the opening post would look like if Fred was going to attempt it.

« Reply #17 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 08:26:23 »

Just booked my ticket for tonight online, with the new ticketing system this morning.
Easy enough, no extra charges, only came to £10 in the DRS

Happy with that
Sits in front of JFW

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Miserable cnut (AKA Happy Clapper)

« Reply #18 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 08:30:41 »

Think we'll dominate the match but our lack of fire power will be in evidence.

1-0 win. Mason.

I'd agree with this.

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ― Marcus Aurelius

When somebody shouts STOP! I never know if it's in the name of love, if it's HAMMER TIME, or if I should collaborate and listen...
Sir Pissalot

« Reply #19 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 08:32:19 »

2-0 Luongo, Mason

Torquay's a dump? really???

Some think so:

(From the Knowhere Guide)

The Worst Things in Torquay, Devon:

Agatha Christie childhood house, Ashfield, demolished in the 60s.
Druggies/drunks/crackheads/smackheads hanging round castle circus.
The miserable gits from Yorkshire and other places "oop north who come to Torquay and go on about how crap it is and go on about how wonderful it is in Yorkshire and "oop north." All the unemployed tattooed Scots and their ugly fat tattooed girlfriends/wives.
The willows in all it crapness.
Some of the people in Torquay can be small minded and racist. Disliking ALL tourists is ridiculous - they are good for the economy and Torquay would be nothing without them! As for some multiculturalism...there isn't much here.
My memories of Torquay..squalid decaying hotels, once used by tourists, now the hospice for heroin addicts and alcoholics strung out on benefits. Highly dangerous pubs filled with drunken mothers screaming at the various fathers of their children and teenagers high on drugs baying for a fight (Torre Abbey). I saw headbutting, bloody broken noses, police throwing someone down some stairs (Lansdowne Inn), and I was threatened for no reason wherever I went. The chance of being beaten up is probably 50% on a friday or saturday rising to 90% if you're there for a while. Virtually everyone is a dealer or knows a dealer within a minutes walk. If you like people watching, go there to see how not to live your life. If you don't like where you live, go there for a few days and you'll miss your home badly. If you live there already and you are sober enough to read this, go while you still have your own teeth.
The awful surrounding Countryside. My Mother-in-Law. My Missis. My Boss. My Screaming kids!, The Willows, The local CID, Traffic Wardens on bonus for their Argos Points
Within 10 minutes of arriving in the harbour area, we saw a group of drunken yobs throw one of their friends into a wheelie bin; they seemed highly amused when it overturned and his head was cut open. Regular sections of the pavement were decorated with the partially digested contents of various revellers stomach. We witnessed 2 girls almost get killed by a chav driving his pride and joy clapped out piece of sh*t with a loud exhaust at high speed through the harbour area as they attempted to cross the road. If you have managed to avoid being glared at, attacked or vomitted on during the early part of the evening, why not try the piece de resistance and go to Valbonne nightclub. We went there on the basis of reviews from this and other sites and surprisingly comments from locals - perhaps it was just a bad night but I can honestly say that it was the worst club I have ever been to. I thought at first I had walked into a weight watchers class at the start of a new course; or a gurning contest, such was the attractiveness of the clientele. The atmosphere was hostile, with groups of very drunk males and females clearly looking for trouble. Needless to say we did not hang around. The journey to the taxi rank from the club involves walking past large groups of frustrated males standing outside eating chips, throwing up, asking you for a fag, asking you what you're looking at etc.. Nearby Paignton - For a moment I thought I had taken a wrong turn and gone to Rhyll; this place is truly awful - tacky souvenir shops and "amusement" arcades line the entire route from the seafront to the town and vest wearing Northerners can be seen buying rock to take home as a souvenir of their trip to the English "riviera". What a joke. If you have already booked a trip to Torquay and want to take an excursion go to Dartmouth instead.
People who slag of Torquay Community College that don't know the first thing about it or have never been there and are probably from Grammar, Westlands or Cuthbert. People who moan about those on DSS when most cases are genuine and those that moan are normally either into dodgy dealings themselves or have everything paid for by mummy and daddy
the dogs! mess every where, its a bloody night mare!
No clubs which do rock music, just the usual Chav scum rap, hip hop, garage and r n b rubbish again an establisment thats all for the chav scum.
Crossways shopping mall in Paignton. An obscene mass of decaying concrete in its bizzare tangle or brutalist 1960s concrete. Very ugly indeed!
If i havent complained enough then right now i would have to say the growning violence and criminal element the careless governing bodies and the amount of doggy kakka on the streets.
The lousy third world wages. The oafs who infest the centre of Torquay at the weekend. The silly girls who walk around dressed in summer clothes when the temperature is below freezing. The horrible smell of burnt fat and stodgy pastry coming from so many of the restaurants. If it smells as bad as that, what on earth does it taste like? Cafes that advertise "panini" but don't know that that is a plural word, as in one panino, two panini. The hills.
drunks, druggies and knobheads - torquay seems to attract them all!
Don't go out after sunset...The amount of homeless people. All the chavs. NO decent shoe shops! OLD PEOPLE!
lack of jobs even being able to get a job!evry job minimum wage,no future narrow minded devon people who have only ever been out of telegraph hill once!prejudiced locals!
The Bloody council
the police
The one down side was on my first night out, a group of lads walked past me and my wife, and told us to f off back to Africa.I thought strange, because Im from Birmingham. Then about 5mins later a car drove past, shouted out more of the same, and then threw a bottle at us. I thought to myself, Welcome to Torquay
chavs and townies
Virtually everyone on the road, from grockles (tourists), to the abundance of pensioners driving in hats. Leave at least three seconds gap between vehicles, expect no signals (why brake? that`s what the gearbox is for). Expect to be cut up and to drive at 15 mph behind retired brummies behind the wheel of mercedes. Follow the diversion routes to and from Paignton, especially in the summer or lose the will to live in traffic jams. Typical local headline "Pensioner reverses into primary school, 15 dead. `I didn`t realise that it was in gear` states Sidney Oldbloke (79)." Skates, boards and bikes keep to the pavement but beware of the eponimous electric disabled chariots - these people are blind as well as arrogant.
the arrogance and igorance of the general public, and the slowness of people's cretinous ways! thats true.
Townies and Chavs who gain great plessure in assaulting anyone not like themselves. Often they grow up into binge drinking lager louts who beat you unconciouss for a laugh on a weekend evening. There are also lots of chlidrens homes who invite savages from all over the country to come to Torbay and intimidate and beat up the residents whilst corrupting our own youths to indulge in violent savage behavior. Public Transport very expensive and some drivers are quite rude to users.
Er hello? Torquay? Not enough room.
Locals that moan about the place. Price of Property now. Local working families are unable to purchase because of influx from elsewhere pushin prices thru the roof! The main road in and out of here is a nightmare. This is 2004 aint it? No decent local work unless you are lucky or Hotel and Catering. We all have to commute to Exeter or Plymouth. The One-Way system that takes you miles out of your way to go 200 yards. Stuck in traffic burning up precious fossil fuels and contaminating the atmosphere. No hand car wash company Greedy Councillors
there are some excellent local bands but enough suitable venues, for instance why do some pubs insist on shutting their doors when the bands perform so we the audience and the band have "sweat it out"! Get rid of the homeless scum who think it is their right to be aggressive to innocent passers by as well as amongst themselves.
tourists, seagulls, foreign students, druggies, townies, general seaside nastiness, lack of character, lack of live music,
Lee69's pants.
torquay smells of urine after 6 pm weekends , especially the step's by shiptons in fleet street, it's not an ornamental fountain !!!!! guy's and girl's leek everywhere and anywhere no police there, car's in fleet street more traffic than the m25 , speeding on sea front no cam's no police, busy week end and no police on monday , tuesday, wednesday (sorry should i say low police presence ?) drunk's , druggie's , dope smoking freely on the street call police on a fri, sat , sun nite they to busy , more domestic's on the street on sunday nite than any other nite, pub's and club's doing 2-4-1's and happy hour's , god you seen the cleintele ? in crazy horse by the time they leave, over zealous entreupreneurs ? who get above them selve's
DEADLY after 7.00pm during Autumn weekdays - no after-work drink culture.
�1 shops and discount stores
I lived in Paignton and Torquay for 3.5 years (2 Years Paignton & 18 months Torquay). It was the most miserable experience of my life and I believe sent me into a mild state of depression. The range of shops is appalling - I used to come to W-ton to get decent stuff and then take it back to Devon. The people are rude, unwelcoming, unfriendly, seem to think they're superior to everyone else and so far up their own a***s they're stuck. The area is stuck in a "chilled-out rut" which was no good for me, the relaxing pace of life nearly killed me. Everyone lives a geriatric pace of life and the technology is non-existant. Never lived anywhere so primative in my life. Not even Channel 5 - five years after it was launched. The only good thing is the weather. And then there's Gemini FM - a station worth axing to save the taxpayer's money and eardrums. Wouldn't visit again out of choice if I was offered �1,000,000. Nice weather, hellhole of a place !!!
Fat Northern Sun-burnt losers walking around like it is actually good here!!
The general seedy air of Torre. This is basically a continuation of the High St. but has the atmosphere of a Dickensian garret district being largely full of takeaways, charity shops and various brain damaged individuals staggering into the street, abusing each other and brawling with their husbands/wives/partners etc. This is a real shame as the actual buildings are good, the area has potential, there are some nice parks in the vicinity which are quite pleasant after the police have released the dogs and flushed out the prostitutes and dealers. With a bit more self-respect the area could be great. Castle Circus is also atrocious. It is the civic centre of Torquay, including the Town Hall etc, yet also acts as the meeting place for every scrofulous drunk, soapdodger, chancer, junkie and scrote that has retired to South Devon from the big cities. Periodic crackdowns by the local police often dispers these characters in to back alleys but, like pleuresy, they return.
tourists pigeons/seagulls
Tourists, and especially those who choose to come in the winter, and those who seem to have the disallusioned view that TQ is such a nice place to migrate to. Clubs, lack of money, bastards who live off social security, lib dem Mp, washouts, homeless population, spoon muggers, people who insist on having 20 sky dishes outside their houses, 1 star hotels. Shopping is Shit.
Torquay has been blessed for many years with an anachronistic Tory council but since the late nineties the ageing electorate are no longer voting for their natural Lords & Masters out of "deference". Change is now creeping in at last.
Too many rough people have moved to the area
The weather (not as good as you think) and the fact that Torquay is almost devoid of culture
All the goddamn tourists winter
There is so little to do becoming a nun seems like a good idea.
The Small town attitude of some of the residents. Some of the native Devonians here (I am one), get very angry about northerners who moved down here during the 70's/80's. I am not one who holds that opinion, I think it makes the area more interesting. The way some of the locals treat foreign students, who are for the most part well-behaved, respectful and polite.
no chess club!
Trendy Assholes all over the place.
jason mildons clumsiness
Like anywhere can be rowdy in the summer. Police cars chase boy racers round the harbour, drunks pissing in the sea, louts, tarts, foreigners (lots) It turns into a ghost town in the winter If it rains it's really grim (But if it's bright it easily makes up for it) A favourite tourist destination for the blue-rinse brigade It's not near any major cities. (Exeter & Plymouth aren't really big enough)

Quality rant!   Smiley
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #20 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 08:36:35 »

I'd hazard a guess the same the thread starter...

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« Reply #21 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 08:36:53 »

Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #22 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 08:40:14 »


Possibly, although seeing as it appears to be 9 years old, I'm sure it's got much worse since..

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Say what now?

« Reply #23 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 08:43:09 »

They seem confident of a win on that forum, let's hope their over confidence is held by their players too. Despite the 1-0 at posh it was clear we have some very talented players, so I'm looking forward to seeing them on home turf.

Torquay have an awful away following, 280 average last year in the league so they'll be lucky to bring half of that tonight. If Benyon is their main goal threat I'm not too concerned (he'll score now won't he!). I think we'll win 3-1 in front of 4,247 (127).


simon FERRY cross the avon... do do.

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The Mighty Hankerton

« Reply #24 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 09:15:12 »

I take it Sir Pissalot is not over keen on Torquay at all!!  He never mentioned Brixham mind!  When my kids were growing up Paignton was our holiday destination (well Goodrington actually)and we still enjoy going back there for a weekend or two.  Was actually down there two weeks ago, and what he has to say about Crossways Centre in Paignton is entirely true, we never ventured into Torquay but the whole of Paignton is going backwards at an alarming rate! 

We will win 3-1.
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #25 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 09:28:43 »

I take it Sir Pissalot is not over keen on Torquay at all!!  He never mentioned Brixham mind!  When my kids were growing up Paignton was our holiday destination (well Goodrington actually)and we still enjoy going back there for a weekend or two.  Was actually down there two weeks ago, and what he has to say about Crossways Centre in Paignton is entirely true, we never ventured into Torquay but the whole of Paignton is going backwards at an alarming rate! 

We will win 3-1.

Goodrington Sands...a name from my childhood, remember as a kid going there for Trip week. Stuff of Swindon legend...apparently the last special train put on for Trip from the Works was 1976.
Bob's Orange
Has brain escape barriers

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« Reply #26 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 09:29:30 »

My aunt used to live in Chudleigh Knighton. Lovely part of the world from memory.

we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise,
the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
Sir Pissalot

« Reply #27 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 09:36:25 »

I take it Sir Pissalot is not over keen on Torquay at all!!  He never mentioned Brixham mind!  When my kids were growing up Paignton was our holiday destination (well Goodrington actually)and we still enjoy going back there for a weekend or two.  Was actually down there two weeks ago, and what he has to say about Crossways Centre in Paignton is entirely true, we never ventured into Torquay but the whole of Paignton is going backwards at an alarming rate! 

We will win 3-1.

It wasn't my 'rant'.

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The Mighty Hankerton

« Reply #28 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 10:07:51 »

Goodrington Sands...a name from my childhood, remember as a kid going there for Trip week. Stuff of Swindon legend...apparently the last special train put on for Trip from the Works was 1976.
Nearly 40 years ago - has it got there yet Reg?
Notts red

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« Reply #29 on: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 10:40:28 »

Think if we score first we'll win comfortably. I'll go for 3-0 with around 6,500 and 250 visitors. Still got to pick up our match & STs so hoping the queues aren't to bad before KO.
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