I was at Glasto when news of Jacko's death started circulating, very closely followed by the jokes. It seemed that only a few the youngest in the crowds were really upset, all the rest were making up the jokes. Should imagine Amy Winehouse would garner a similar reaction.
Although it's more newsworthy thgan the phone hacking scandle, cos someone has actually died, the Chinese train crash & norway is much more newsworthy as the victims were inocent. The two "Stars" caused their own death
I know the comparison you are trying to make Phil,but
Addiction caused her death
No sound of mind human causes there own death,when addiction takes over a person only the strongest will pull through especially when it is drugs.
George Best loved life,he caused his own death?...i would argue addiction caused his death.
Untill you have been addicted it is very easy to say that the person who died CHOSE to die.
Sadly in my view it just shows the bad side of the Western culture in that she was exposed to drugs at a very early age and the people who supplied and made the money are out there today peddling there misery to many.
Untill we crack(no pun intended) down on people selling hard drugs in this country(minimum of ten years for persons selling heroin,etc) i am afraid there will be plenty more sad cases like Amy Winehouse.