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Author Topic: A Newcastle fan gets his anger out.  (Read 4774 times)

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« on: Monday, June 13, 2011, 18:41:42 »

From the true faith fanzine

A reader gets something off his chest   

don't write in ...
Fuck The Tories. Fuck every single one of the selfish, nasty bastards. Fuck The Lib Dems. Fuck The Coalition. Fuck David Cameron and his fucking Trust Fund. Fuck Eton Public School. Fuck George Osborne. Fuck Nick Clegg and his phoney “conscience”. Poor fucking lamb. Fuck Vince Cable, the fucking weasel. Fuck The Big Society con. Fuck Danny Alexander, the fucking mediocrity. Fuck The Square Mile. Fuck The Banks. Fuck Goldman Sachs. Fuck Ian Duncan Smith and his brain dead patter. Fuck Oxbridge cunts. Fuck no big tax on second homes. Fuck throwing poor people out of their homes. Fuck Westminster School. Fuck Thatcher and her idiot son and ugly bitch retarded daughter. Maggie? Why you keeping us waiting? We’ve got a fucking party planned bitch! Fuck Tebbit. Fuck Nigel Lawson and his unbearable fat arsed daughter that can’t stop fucking eating. Fuck Keith Josephs. Fuck the deficit and the fucking markets. Fuck the IMF. Fuck selling off the Post Office. Fuck flogging our family silver off to their fucking rich mates. Fuck the House of Lords. And the Commons too. Fuck The IRA. Fuck The UDA. Fuck The Taleban. Fuck Al Queda. Fuck Religion. Fuck Channel 5. Fuck Ian Wright. Fuck The Gate and every horrible fucking bar in it. Fuck The Daily Mail and every evil hate filled cunt that reads and writes for it. Fuck The CBI. Fuck The Institute of Directors. Fuck the TUC. Fuck Murdoch and his shit telly. Fuck the cuts. Fuck The FTSE. Fuck the war in Iraq. Fuck the Bank of England. Fuck the idiot George Bush. Fuck the US Republican Party. Fuck Cocaine. Fuck Stone Island. Fuck the memory of Ronald Reagan, the fucking half-wit. Fuck Tory Tony Blair for sucking US cock. Fuck empty-eyed pointless consumerism. Fuck New Labour and its lack of ambition. Fuck X Factor and other infantile entertainment. Fuck the Royal Assent. Fuck the civil list. Fuck Jimmy Tarbuck. Fuck Jim Davison. Fuck the cunts in ermine. Fuck the ridiculous brain dead logic of opposing a NE Assembly. Fuck the Olympics - two fucking weeks of archery and other shit sports no-one is interested in for £8bn for fuck’s sake. Fuck Public Schools as registered charities so they pay less tax. Fuck The South. Fuck Sports Direct. Fuck taking EMA off the bairns. Fuck the extra shit with University tuition fees. Fuck the shite about public sector pensions. Fuck Phillip Green reviewing how Government spends tax-payers money from his tax haven. Fuck Lord Ashcroft and his Non-Dom status. Fuck Dame Shirley Porter. Fuck The Sun. Fuck Geoffrey Archer the lying cunt. Fuck the racist cunts at the Daily Express. Fuck Neil and Christine Hamilton. Fuck Duck Island. Fuck the Countryside Alliance. Fuck The BNP. Fuck The English Defence League. Fuck Talksport. Fuck The Telegraph. Fuck Phil Collins. Fuck Coldplay. Fuck Wembley Stadium. Fuck Sunderland.
Angry Brigade, Wallsend.

Never knowingly overstated.

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« Reply #1 on: Monday, June 13, 2011, 19:32:49 »

And Fuck Fucking.
Coca Fola

« Reply #2 on: Monday, June 13, 2011, 19:35:30 »

How many fucks are in that passage?  Cheesy

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« Reply #3 on: Monday, June 13, 2011, 19:41:56 »

Fuck knows

Never knowingly overstated.

« Reply #4 on: Monday, June 13, 2011, 19:45:26 »

Fuck Phil Collins.

A wise man indeed.

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« Reply #5 on: Monday, June 13, 2011, 20:01:11 »

I like the way Ian Wright is singled out.

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« Reply #6 on: Monday, June 13, 2011, 20:11:42 »

and Coldplay.

Is your cat making too much noise all the time?

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« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 08:34:24 »

I find myself agreeing with most of that rant.
Shit Bacon

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« Reply #8 on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 08:36:16 »

He can't go slagging off Nigella Lawson, that's not on at all.

Excellent otherwise though!
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« Reply #9 on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 11:51:37 »

How many fucks are in that passage?  Cheesy

96 by my count.  Fuck I must be bored to count them!
Samdy Gray
Dirty sneaky traitor weasel

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« Reply #10 on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 21:18:34 »

Ain't life a bitch? A fucked up bitch. A fucked up sore with a fucked up stitch. A fucked up head is a fucked up shame. Swinging on my nuts is a fucked up game.

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« Reply #11 on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 21:37:09 »

Ain't life a bitch? A fucked up bitch. A fucked up sore with a fucked up stitch. A fucked up head is a fucked up shame. Swinging on my nuts is a fucked up game.
Jealousy fillin up my fucked up mind,
its all fucked up like a fucked up crime,
If I say fuck two more times,
Thats 46 fucks in this fucked up rhyme,

Is your cat making too much noise all the time?
Samdy Gray
Dirty sneaky traitor weasel

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« Reply #12 on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 21:48:23 »

And there was me thinking I was going to get flamed for posting Limp Bizkit lyrics. Good man b3nny.

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« Reply #13 on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 21:50:42 »

And there was me thinking I was going to get flamed for posting Limp Bizkit lyrics. Good man b3nny.
We'll go down in flames together I think.

Seeing them at Sonisphere next month!! I am fucking stoked.

Is your cat making too much noise all the time?
Samdy Gray
Dirty sneaky traitor weasel

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« Reply #14 on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 22:15:35 »

It's ok. The last person to flame me for listening to Limp Bizkit was Ben and he's gone.
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