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Author Topic: Whats the point?  (Read 1522 times)

« Reply #15 on: Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 14:06:37 »

Quote from: "red macca"
Quote from: "Homer"
Perhaps if we stopped tying to export or force our west views on other nations the world would be a better place. Why do we feel as a country that we should act as a moral arbitrator for the world? We in some respects are no better what with detation without trail, police who haev the power to hold football supporters without reason for up to 9 hours, fuck me our police can even close down a party based purley on the BPM of the music being played! We even reward stupid people who get pregant at a very young age by giving them benfits and a house yes yes we turely are so superior!
Rightly so in my opinion

If is a case of supporting a young person, who has made a genuine mistake and needs support then I am all fot it. After all we are in a position to do so.

The sad thing is that there are so many out there who wish to exploit the system, popping out as many kids as possible in order to get as many free handouts as they can and sitting on their fat lazy fucking arses for their whole lives whilst folk like us work and pay taxes.
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