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Author Topic: club statement on official website  (Read 18952 times)

« Reply #30 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:19:23 »

Mr Power took the opportunity provided to invest in one of Willie Carson's horses, he also is part of a syndicate that owns a horse also co-owned by the Diamandis family.

This is my favourite bit.

Can anyone confirm whether Bill got shares for his investment in the nag though? Could turn nasty this!
Not a Batch

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« Reply #31 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:22:43 »

Quote from: "Chris K"
Why don't we compile some questions and email them to the club?

It says at the bottom if we want clarification to email in.

Indeed it does. I will do so if after I have heard what happens in tonights/Wednesdays meeting doesn't satisfy my questions. I am guessing that there will be a lot of 'internal matter not for public discussion' answers. And largely that is understandable.

Quote from: "Sussex Red"

This is my favourite bit.
Can anyone confirm whether Bill got shares for his investment in the nag though? Could turn nasty this!

It's the lower league equivelant to the Rock of Gibralta saga I tells ya.

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« Reply #32 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:31:33 »

Yeah, if anyone goes to the meeting tonight - then let us know the crack.
Panda Paws

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« Reply #33 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:45:07 »

Quote from: "juddie"
Yeah, if anyone goes to the meeting tonight - then let us know the crack.

Who is going to this meeting and how did the club pick them? I'm just interested to know if it's the usual bunch or Trust people or if they actually picked some different fans...

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« Reply #34 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:50:22 »

I'm going (probably after a few days of internet rambling) and I've asked Banbury to come along.  I think Mike Wilkes, the guy who used to be SC Chariman and current Executive Club member, is going and he is quite clued up on both sides from being in a position very close to the club (for now).  Trust and I think the Supporters Club, although I only know that because people invited told me.

I would have asked for everyone to come along, but I think they would have told me to fuck off, plus I don't know everyone myself.

In temr sof "the usual" I presume I'd up until last week be someone the club would have presumed to be Board friendly, and the SC are normally not political.

« Reply #35 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:06:01 »

My question would be its taken the club 5 years to actually admit that Diamandis has been a major power at STFC. Now they say that he is cutting back his involvement. But seeing as the club have denied in the past that Diamandis was ever invoved in the first place what sort of a concession is that? Who here actually thought that Sandy Gray has the talent to be a 'chief executive', shes just a pen pusher for Mark D.

Seeing as their obviously is a massive rift between Devlin and Dunwoody why would we possibly think there isnt a massive rift in the club? Devlin and Power are great friends. Of course there are two camps. And as has been said before the quote about Power buying into a Carson horse because they are now great buds seems to me very strange. Where is the mention of Diamandis/Carson going to visit the plane crash victims, we know Wise did. And seeing as Carson is a total no mark anyway, who cares if he did invest in a horse.

I think there will now be some serious backtracking on the Devlin/Ince issue. Seeing as its the one thing that even your most ardent 'I wont believe it until its set in stone' Town fan will agree on. No mention in that statement.
Reg Smeeton
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« Reply #36 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:15:26 »

For the fair chunk of the 5 years Diamandis was banned from directorship of companies by the DTI.....hence the reason he couldn't be on the Board.....even though all and sundry knew he was calling the shots.

 Once the regime was in place the the fluid nature of the Board's place persons and lack of  transparency to other shareholders and fans....has meant there's no need to change the situation.

 This probably wouldn't matter too much, if the club was run competently, but it clearly isn't.

« Reply #37 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:18:13 »

And also, seeing as the current board have not been able to raise any funds other than their own towards the running of STFC iin the past 5 years (apart from Power, who came entirely because of Devlin) Id find it extremely unikely that they have pulled one out of the hat this morning!

Just a 'fan pacifier' which will come to nothing at all.

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« Reply #38 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:19:53 »


Why has Diamandis’ involvement been hidden so far?

I'm going back a while now but Mark Devlin gave an interview which may have been in the WDP and spoke about Mike Diamandis and his role at the club.

It was certainly before the statement issued on the Adver forum but the life of me all I can find is an archived news link from a 3rd party site that has to be paid for.  Aptly the story was under the headline “Out of the Shadows”.


« Reply #39 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:34:37 »

Ok I get your point. But what about the 4 years before that? I dont really care anyway. I just want him to have some accountability. Seems to me that HE has made some massive decisions at this club and then got Gray, Devlin and mostly Bob Holt to announce them. I think HE should be accountable.

« Reply #40 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 18:51:16 »

Quote from: "Spencer_White"
Where is the mention of Diamandis/Carson going to visit the plane crash victims, we know Wise did.

This was bugging me too Spencer..

Media coverage shortly after the crash:
“I went to see Mark, his son Stan, Bill and Mike in hospital on Sunday and it was great to see them."
Dennis Wise (6th August, the day after the crash)

“I left them on Tuesday morning and they’re looking a lot better, which is nice. I’ll be seeing them again today (Wednesday).
Dennis Wise (4 days after the crash)

 “Gus (Poyet) came to see me yesterday and the players have been fantastic towards my son Stan."
Mark Devlin (13th August)

Speaking from his hospital bed, he said: “The results have been a great tonic so keep them coming.
Local rag (14th August)

From todays statement from the Board:
"Since the accident there has been no direct contact between the two parties, due to the severity of Mr Power's injuries and his state of health."

So, Dennis and Gus both visited the injured parties within a few of days  of the crash, and the Adver spoke to Mark for a quote over the phone. But. Nobody on the Board had made direct contact 6-7 weeks later?

If any of my employees had escaped death after falling out of the sky in what was the equivalent of a baked bean can with an engine, I'd have had the courtesy to pay them a visit in hospital or at least phone them!

Maybe they just sent a very nice Get Well Soon card?!

« Reply #41 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:09:21 »

I've not really said my piece over the last week, as frankly the whole business is thoroughly murky and confusing. Basically, I don't really have a clue whats going on, and this statement is simply cliched spin that answers nothing, merely towes the party line. But I'll  have my say now, I'm very disappointed.What a crock of shite, I cannot believe some of that, I take it from other comments that there's a distinctly threatening tone, pulling the financial plug because people are questionning the boards motives.

Well, Board, if you endeavoured to stop keeping the fans in the dark then perhaps we might be more trusting. As you don't, coupled with the fact that your combined business record since you've been in charge is like a whose who of Severley Lacking in Financial Acumen, what do you expect. Yes, forgetting a VAT bill for hundreds of thousands of punds is a remarkable oversight. As is an overspend nearing a million pounds.

Take me to court if you want, there's no libel or rumour in my post, just opinion. And that's that you're a fucking shambles who are going to run this club into the ground, and we deserve better. I'm terrified by what would happen if Wise and Poyet walk. I don't know whether there'd be a way back.
Bushey Boy

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« Reply #42 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:20:58 »

Dave I admit I was wrong (this is the only time in life I will admit it) not every one of your posts is a pile of shit, in fact that one is spot on

Has also heard this

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Joseph McLaughlin

« Reply #43 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:26:34 »

good of you to put your 'serious' head on for once dave!!
Frigby Daser

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« Reply #44 on: Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:26:41 »

It also means that via this forum, we've had more contact with Mark D than the club appear to have had - and I say that with a fingr pointed towards the club (if your reading Mark!) - I still haven't got a bad word to say about Mark D, and I for one would like to see him calling the shots, not Diamandis who is completely unaccountable.
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