80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: 4D on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 14:13:59

Title: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 14:13:59
What does the year ahead hold for you?
Any new years resolutions?

I will be looking for a new job, a second car and a sense of humour :)

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: kerry red on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 14:38:08
I shall be returning to Swindon next week after 10 years in Ireland - hope I'm not in for too much of a shock.

Looking forward to getting back into the footie habit and actually be at the game instead of being on here waiting for snippets.

Be good to catch up again with old friends

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Ginginho on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 14:44:32
Start a new job 1st Feb, am currently looking to replace my car, planning on moving house and maybe even starting a family (I've put it off for long enough!).

So, should be a reasonably busy year.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: pumbaa on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 14:49:10
I don't make resolutions. Its almost a cliche that'll go for a ball of chalk by mid January. So instead, I set (mostly) achievable objectives that are somewhat more measurable. So, in no particular order.....

1. Resign from current job and start new job by end February
2. (related to 1) Sell house and move closer to new job location by end July (as need to get son started in primary school for September)
3. Reduce chlolesterol level to <5.0 without using medication (i.e. by changing diet, lifestyle and exercise)
4. Sell (currently unused) car and purchase new mountain bike by end Jan (anybody want a 02 plate Astra?). Then commit to use it a minimum of 3 days per week.
5. Significantly reduce (ideally eliminate) my credit card debts by the end of the year.
6. Raise £1000 for Charity.

Lets see how I get on......

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Leggett on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 14:50:39
my second sprog is due on the 1st of April, and at some point in the year I'm off up to Stoke for a week to learn how to drive a 7.5 tonne truck. fun times!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 14:54:30
I've been thinking for a while about possibly moving back to the UK. With the missus in London then 2013 could be time to come home. We'll see.

My only resolution is to get better at darts this year!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: china red on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 15:08:50
Moved back to the uk last year and
 had enough of it already. back to china in a couple of months time

Title: Re: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: sonicyouth on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 15:11:28
Keeping with the theme of returns, I might be joining that club.

Otherwise, somehow scrape enough money together to get a flat in Oslo whilst preparing for a test in Norwegian...

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Samdy Gray on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 15:11:33
As the last 18 months have been dedicated to exams, this year will hopefully bear fruit from all the hard work.

As usual I will attempt to have no booze until February. I think I fell short by a few days last year.

I want to carry on with the weightloss/fitness regime and lose another stone which should see me back to where I should be, or at least 'normal' in BMI terms.

To top it off we want to have the house on the market by the end of the year, but that's kind of dependent on my first point.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Bewster on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 15:17:10
No resolutions but similar to Pumbaa have some goals to achieve

1. Have op to remove kidney stone (8th Jan) and do everything to prevent repitition (not that easy with a "baggy" left kidney - 4 litres of water a day will do it apparently)
2. Reduce stress and improve patience - especially with the kids - start meditation course on 14th Jan
3. Start triathlon training earlier and try not to increase food intake therefore reducing weight and thus improving health
4. Balance life better - look at the possibilites of new job. Not unhappy just a little bored.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 15:21:23
Going to be an interesting year for me.

Get my brand new car in about 4 weeks.

In 3 weeks I have my berium meal, then thats followed in 4 days after with a camera down my throat to check my stomach and lungs then a week after I have a tube in the nose to the stomach to check the acid production which appears to be leaking into my lungs at night.

Then if this is true I will be having half my stomach removed hence making less acid but the by product being that I will have what is in essence a gastic bypass so I will lose even more weight, probably over a stone a month for the next 6 months.

Interesting if a little scarey times ahead for the next few months at least.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Chubbs on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 15:24:38
1. Geting married in April
2. Try to get back into shape, or atleast to where i was a year ago. Since changing jobs i've put on a few pounds.
3. Potentially move house.
4. Look after my money better

Think thats it.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 16:14:01
If all goes to plan, this year I will:

- Run a Marathon
- Travel across America
- Travel through europe
- Get a new, better paid job
- Move out of my parents house

Big year

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: LucienSanchez on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 16:46:36
Get a job
Stop being way too fat

That's about it

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 17:55:27
I'm finally looking to move out of home this year (hopefully buying if I can get a mortgage). I'll be 26 in July so it's really long overdue now. I've had to stay at home and save for years for a deposit though as I don't want to go into dead money renting.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Samdy Gray on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 18:17:03
Well you know where to come if you want some advice, Rich :)

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 18:28:31
Well you know where to come if you want some advice, Rich :)

Cheers Sam. I'll bear that in mind.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 19:41:07
Every year I say I'll lose weight and not use so much bad language - every year I get fatter and fouler. The only resolution I keep is to be more grumpy. My kids say I always succeed in this one.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 19:46:25
I'll try and do none of the stuff you lot are doing, sounds boring.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Honkytonk on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 20:08:26
2. Reduce stress and improve patience - especially with the kids - start meditation course on 14th Jan

Whilst I don't have kids and I'm sure don't have as stressful a life as some do on here, I can wholly recommend meditation for reducing stress. I hate pseudoscience like homeopathy etc. with a passion, but Meditation actually works- working my way up to a black belt in karate, I've used the meditation techniques I was taught by a random 3rd Dan instructor over the course of 3 days WAY more than the actual karate I've learnt over 7-8 years.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: wiggy on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 21:33:28
Lose another half a stone in weight so that I can say I am 12 stone something for the first time in about 15 years.

Generally get a grip on our finances - i.e. hunt for better mortgage and insurance deals etc.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: jutty274 on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 21:33:51
I hope to do the following this year:-
1) Get my divorce sorted   :bye:  ex wife
2) Get a pay rise or a new job
3) Start saving a decent amount of money
4) Drink less on match days.  :(     :pint:
5) Make an effort to lose weight ( i have lost 2 stone in a year through stress of my marriage break up ) but i'm still fat.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Bewster on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 21:58:24
Whilst I don't have kids and I'm sure don't have as stressful a life as some do on here, I can wholly recommend meditation for reducing stress. I hate pseudoscience like homeopathy etc. with a passion, but Meditation actually works- working my way up to a black belt in karate, I've used the meditation techniques I was taught by a random 3rd Dan instructor over the course of 3 days WAY more than the actual karate I've learnt over 7-8 years.

I've meditated on and off for years but the issue as with most things is time. I thought if I sign up and pay for a course then I am more likely to do it as opposed to waiting until I'm stressed and its too late.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: leefer on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 22:13:43
Me and my wife want to see more of the world and in these tough economic times the good old Uk will probably much we want to see...Lake District,Norfolk Coast to name just two.

Also i will endeavour to stop work dictating my life so much...which might make me a tad more less grumpy.

Also i aim to get at least one more hours sleep a night....i get by on about four or five at present but an extra hour per night equates to seven extra a week which equates to an extra long nights sleep :D

Good luck and best wishes to you all.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 22:31:45
I'm supposed to be getting married on the 25th May but its not booked yet!!
Also after a horrendous year work wide I start a new job as a teaching assistant in a school I love next week and am also staying on 10 hours a week at Asda cause I secretly quite like it

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: yeo on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 22:34:46
I'm going to mumble more and eat some toast.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: red sheldon on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 01:03:08
 I want to finish the book that I have been writing shortly, and aim to publish it on Amazon and other places, so I am getting quite excited / nervous about how it will go, but I have thought about doing it for a long time then one day I thought fuck it and just started writing the bloody thing and its currently up to 43,000 words with another 3-4000 still to be written.  So most of my goals are around trying to promote and market the thing....   

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: TheMajorSTFC on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 01:14:01
Lose weight, get fit and get a new job!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: red sheldon on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 01:30:06
I'm supposed to be getting married on the 25th May but its not booked yet!!

I know that like most blokes, my thoughts on getting married consist of must remember to buy new tie and must turn up to the service, but even I think that you are cutting it fine!!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 07:07:36
With another sprog on the way and with the misses finding a new job, I have some enforced changes coming. More sociable working hours, drinking less which will also mean excercising to help me sleep at a reasonable time. Stuff I really should be doing anyway so I'm quite pleased it will become compulsory.

2012 was a considerable improvement upon recent years but still didn't live up to its potential. If I can be healthier, fitter and more alert I'm hoping to take advantage of more of what 2013 has to offer

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 07:46:09
The only thing close to a resolution I want to make this year is to take life more seriously and achieve more.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Jimmy Glass is an Alien on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 08:11:25
3. Reduce chlolesterol level to <5.0 without using medication (i.e. by changing diet, lifestyle and exercise)
4. Sell (currently unused) car and purchase new mountain bike by end Jan (anybody want a 02 plate Astra?). Then commit to use it a minimum of 3 days per week.
6. Raise £1000 for Charity.

Could you combine the 3 by riding your bike for charity.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: pumbaa on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 09:52:52
Could you combine the 3 by riding your bike for charity.

They are very much separate objectives, but equally inter-related.

The challenge is that I doubt I'll be able to raise that amount of money by doing a bike ride alone, particularly given my current state of (un)fitness and lack of suitable bike.....

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: yeo on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 11:09:15
I want to finish the book that I have been writing shortly, and aim to publish it on Amazon and other places, so I am getting quite excited / nervous about how it will go, but I have thought about doing it for a long time then one day I thought fuck it and just started writing the bloody thing and its currently up to 43,000 words with another 3-4000 still to be written.  So most of my goals are around trying to promote and market the thing....   

whats it about?

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: nevillew on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 11:47:49
whats it about?

Mumbling toast eaters?

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: jutty274 on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 14:10:45

Also after a horrendous year work wide I start a new job as a teaching assistant in a school I love next week and am also staying on 10 hours a week at Asda cause I secretly quite like it
It's for the 10% off really isn't it 

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Peter Gibbons on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 14:34:15
whats it about?

Your question reminded me of this:

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 14:43:39
get laid more, get paid more

maybe I should become a man-whore?

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: dporter on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 14:47:47
get laid more, get paid more

maybe I should become a man-whore?

Sounds like you've got your future all mapped out there! Winner winner!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: DMR on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 15:05:50
Sounds like you've got your future all mapped out there! Winner winner!

Be any less subtle about wanting a jump

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: dporter on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 15:26:50
Be any less subtle about wanting a jump

As charming as always DMR! You should get a job writing headlines for the Adver, total misinterpretation!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 17:24:37
It's for the 10% off really isn't it 
It's for the 10% off really isn't it 
It's for the 10% off really isn't it 

Yeah and that!!!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Ginginho on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 17:26:20
So is that 30% off?

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 17:33:54
So is that 30% off?

Think it's 10%, of the 10%, of the 10%.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 17:45:06
Think it's 10%, of the 10%, of the 10%.

8.1 %

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 17:58:23
I'm supposed to be getting married on the 25th May but its not booked yet!!
Also after a horrendous year work wide I start a new job as a teaching assistant in a school I love next week and am also staying on 10 hours a week at Asda cause I secretly quite like it

My wedding is 6 days after yours! Although like you still not actually booked as we're waiting for the reception venue to confirm. And what school are you working at? A Melksham one?

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 17:59:00
Think it's 10%, of the 10%, of the 10%.

of the 80% bollocks

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 20:10:32
My wedding is 6 days after yours! Although like you still not actually booked as we're waiting for the reception venue to confirm. And what school are you working at? A Melksham one?

Really?? How funny we were going to get married at Bath registry office and do everything seperatly but got to complex and alot of venues in bath were unhelpful so I have Wellington barn on hold now

My job is at Hilmarton primary just outside Calne?

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 20:50:37
Really?? How funny we were going to get married at Bath registry office and do everything seperatly but got to complex and alot of venues in bath were unhelpful so I have Wellington barn on hold now

My job is at Hilmarton primary just outside Calne?

Ahh thought it might be a Melksham one as I thought I remembered you mentioning somewhere you lived there now. Just checking it's not my old one/nephews current!

We're getting married in Melksham (St. Michaels Church down by the post office) and the reception (hopefully) at the Assembly Rooms. Melkshamtastic!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Notts red on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 20:54:52
Ahh thought it might be a Melksham one as I thought I remembered you mentioning somewhere you lived there now. Just checking it's not my old one/nephews current!

We're getting married in Melksham (St. Michaels Church down by the post office) and the reception (hopefully) at the Assembly Rooms. Melkshamtastic!
What time, I'll come along and wave a Swindon Scarf :)

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 20:56:55
get laid more, get paid more

maybe I should become a man-whore?

I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering, but weren't you married and your missus' boss was giving her flowers or something?!

Come on, I know I'm not the only one waiting to hear more of the story. :) (Assuming it's not a sensitive subject of course!)

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 21:28:54
I do live in Melksham now! By forest & Sandridge school?  That church by the post office is lovely - I'm glad someone else is as disorganised as me though!

I have dress, photographer & band sorted & ready to go but it kinda struck my on NYE that its 5 months away and reading trashy wedding magazines and all their to do lists doesn't help

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: jutty274 on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 21:46:48
I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering, but weren't you married and your missus' boss was giving her flowers or something?!

Come on, I know I'm not the only one waiting to hear more of the story. :) (Assuming it's not a sensitive subject of course!)
I brought up the same point in the new years eve thread.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: joteddyred on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 22:55:03
I brought up the same point in the new years eve thread.

To which I mentioned the same as Barry.

It's either a sensitive subject or Matchworn Shirts made the initial story up and now feels foolish  :hmmm:

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Thursday, January 3, 2013, 23:06:07
To which I mentioned the same as Barry.

It's either a sensitive subject or Matchworn Shirts made the initial story up and now feels foolish  :hmmm:

Does seem to be bullshit. Makes you wonder what makes people make this stuff up.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: THE FLASH on Friday, January 4, 2013, 00:01:05
Get some weight off....stone already but still a porky fuck.
Stuff Bmuff
Sell house
Go to football
Go to gigs
Avoid Jutty

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Friday, January 4, 2013, 00:35:15
Quit booze, 4 days in. No concessions on this. This will really be put to the test on matchdays
Quit smoking, failed after two days, but it has got to go.
Not let QWERTY Warriors get a rise out of me
Celebrate a second title winning campaign
Show greater appreciation for those who really count
Build up my physique by joining a gym
Avoid heeding the bile of intolerant, closed minded mentalists, and use my own noggin.
Listen to chunkymarks broadcasts on a daily basis-

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: 4D on Friday, January 4, 2013, 00:39:21
Get some weight off....stone already but still a porky fuck.
Stuff Bmuff
Sell house
Go to football
Go to gigs
Avoid Jutty

You staying in Calne Flashster?

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: THE FLASH on Friday, January 4, 2013, 02:17:45
Really?? How funny we were going to get married at Bath registry office and do everything seperatly but got to complex and alot of venues in bath were unhelpful so I have Wellington barn on hold now

My job is at Hilmarton primary just outside Calne?

Wellie barn! Sweet...Me and Jerry can make it!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: THE FLASH on Friday, January 4, 2013, 02:19:06
You staying in Calne Flashster?

Yes and all that.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Friday, January 4, 2013, 07:35:26
Wellie barn! Sweet...Me and Jerry can make it!

Oh god what have I done??!  :eek:

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: jutty274 on Friday, January 4, 2013, 13:15:16
Entertainment is sorted, just get Jerry drunk & keep pushing him on the dance floor, you will wet yourself laughing when he falls over ask Flash.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, January 4, 2013, 17:41:32
Really?? How funny we were going to get married at Bath registry office and do everything seperatly but got to complex and alot of venues in bath were unhelpful so I have Wellington barn on hold now

My job is at Hilmarton primary just outside Calne?
Wellie barn! Sweet...Me and Jerry can make it!

Wellington Barn is over priced for what it is and not very helpful.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, January 4, 2013, 17:48:32
My sister-in-law got married there last year and it was pretty decent to be fair. Was a nice sunny day mind, so we were able to make the most of the terrace and the surrounding scenery.

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: red sheldon on Friday, January 4, 2013, 19:22:02
whats it about?

Its a whodunnit starring a fake psychic (although there probably is no need to add the word fake really) it is partly set in Swindon, and like my A level accounts text book it features lots of footballers names although that was 1970's Man City footballers

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: leefer on Friday, January 4, 2013, 19:30:11
Good luck with that Red....give us a shout when its on the market.

I am hoping to get some short stories published sometime in the near future :toocool:

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: tans on Friday, January 4, 2013, 19:36:18
Leefers lorry tales

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: pumbaa on Monday, January 7, 2013, 19:46:25
I don't make resolutions. Its almost a cliche that'll go for a ball of chalk by mid January. So instead, I set (mostly) achievable objectives that are somewhat more measurable. So, in no particular order.....

1. Resign from current job and start new job by end February
2. (related to 1) Sell house and move closer to new job location by end July (as need to get son started in primary school for September)
3. Reduce chlolesterol level to <5.0 without using medication (i.e. by changing diet, lifestyle and exercise)
4. Sell (currently unused) car and purchase new mountain bike by end Jan (anybody want a 02 plate Astra?). Then commit to use it a minimum of 3 days per week.
5. Significantly reduce (ideally eliminate) my credit card debts by the end of the year.
6. Raise £1000 for Charity.

Lets see how I get on......

Bump. On target to achieve Number 1 ahead of schedule. Cracking!

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: 4D on Monday, January 7, 2013, 23:28:42
Officially made redundant today. So job hunting and a second car looms. Anyone looking for a finance manager?

Title: Re: 2013....the year ahead
Post by: Coca Fola on Monday, January 7, 2013, 23:29:49
Time management.