25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:25:53

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:25:53
Mights as well stop clogging up the more generic one.

I reckon Hunt for a few games and then we shall see, Power is going to be desperate to keep us in this division this year to protect his investment of last season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:32:09
Tend to agree, Hunt has first dibs if he's staying. Bringing in an outsider with the window closed and the season in progress feels like it's not likely to work.

Of course, the court case stuff may mean we aren't likely to anyway.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:34:17
I’d suggest Hunt & keep at least a tiny bit of continuity

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Richie Wellen-Dowd on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:36:04
Hunt until January at least, preferably with someone more experienced alongside him. He dug us out of a rut against Hull, something Wellens couldn't do at Oldham, eventually getting them relegated from League One.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:37:03
I think it depends if Jewell leaves. I wouldn't want to risk Hunt in at the deep end with no experience behind him.

But I don't know, I didn't want Wellens FFS!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:37:37
Of course Graham Alexander’s managerial reckon is pretty decent tbf.

Actually probably better than Wellens

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:38:02
Hunt as caretaker for a while at least. Give it to him permanently if it goes OK.

Other than that - I'd usually prefer we go for a retiring player or up and coming manager type. Don't know this season, though. Maybe an old and steady if unspectacular hand to get us through the current virus shenanigans.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:38:48
Probably Hunt with an older head alongside him. What's Steve Coppell doing these days?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Oldwembley69 on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:41:42
Gareth Barry maybe interested :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:44:23
Probably Hunt with an older head alongside him. What's Steve Coppell doing these days?

I think this is the assumed logic, isn't it? Hunt with a former manager of his as assistant like Coppell or Brian McDermott.

I'll be surprised if it's anyone other than Noel Hunt.

There's lots of unemployed potential out there right now too from the probably 'unrealistic' to the slightly damaged goods like Paul Tisdale (is that harsh?)


If Hunt stays then he may want to continue his development under a new manager. Surely there's not much additional cost with recruiting an unemployed manager?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:52:24
Hope Hunt goes with Wellens. Appointing assistants to managers rarely ever works, especially if changing role at the same club.

Its the cheap option and the likely outcome if Hunt doesn't go with Wellens but its not something that fills me with confidence.

I would like Cowley

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 12:54:32
Oh goody, we haven't had one of these for a couple of years.  :)

David Flitcroft

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:02:57
If wellens does go I don't want to see Hunt as his replacement, albeit he is inexperienced but not sure it would be the right time for him to step up, and I would suspect Ritchie may want to take his back room team with him as they understand his philosophy.

This will be huge for us though, may no qualms about it, he has built something here and although we haven't had the best of starts there has been signs of improvement.

Whoever does come in needs to continue the Wellensball that is what this team are used to and the players we have work well in that style, the next appointment will be crucial to ensure we don't drop down the leagues as we have previously.

I'd like to know though if he does go what the difference is between now and a few weeks ago when he pledged loyalty when it was all being banded about.

If there is nothing from BBC RS or an official denial this afternoon I'd be inclined to think he's off, as you would think there would be some official or unofficial denial.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:10:23
Not in charge tonight according to Total Sport.

Hunt and Wright taking the game.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:23:07
Maybe a new appointment will be made with new owners.
Ohh how the plot thickens.
After all the club ownership challenges have not gone away.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JanAirplaneMan on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:23:21
The new management team will be Hunt and probably someone like Lee Peacock.. Wright will leave and so will Jewell as DOF

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:24:07
Well, I hope Power appoints someone who lives local-ish so they don’t run back home to mammy at the drop of a hat.

Is there a Next Swindon Manager market yet on Skybet?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:24:11
Quote from: tans
Not in charge tonight according to Total Sport.

Hunt and Wright taking the game.
that's that then

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:26:17
I, as others have stated, reckon it's Hunts until the end of the season.

That said, there are a ream of decent managers currently out of work. The 3 of interest for me are Tisdale, Lee Johnson and Paul Cook. It sounds like Nigel Clough is going to be the new manager at Mansfield, he would also have been a good candidate.

i'm fairly chilled about it all in reality.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:26:37

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:28:16

When was the last time Fucksticks had a successful managerial spell though?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:31:10
Wouldn’t want Tisdale. Cook will be waiting for a better opportunity. Johnson - meh.

Got to remember that with the salary cap there’s very little opportunity for wholesale changes in Jan even if we had the money.

With the type of players we’ve got we need a manager with a similar philosophy to Wellens - but, preferably, someone who knows how to fashion a defence.

Oh, and who doesn’t cost too much.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:32:03
RW attending Cambridge vs Salford tonight

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:33:42
Anyone else think the Covid stuff regarding Wellens was a smokescreen?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:43:16
Anyone else think the Covid stuff regarding Wellens was a smokescreen?


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:54:24
Noel Hunt with Power's mate Pat Fenlon as DOF might be an option short term?

Interesting to see what Tommy Wright and Paul Jewell do. Jewell is close to Power but may fancy a North West job with Wellens.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:56:21
I think Power should have another crack himself, purely for the meltdown that would follow

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RWB Robin on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:57:08
.....and with all those rich, self-important wallies already around Salford, Jewell's face might well not fit.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 13:57:38
Noel Hunt with Power's mate Pat Fenlon as DOF might be an option short term?

Interesting to see what Tommy Wright and Paul Jewell do. Jewell is close to Power but may fancy a North West job with Wellens.
I’m pretty sure Jewell doesn’t spend his time in SN1.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:00:00
Worth noting that Salford already have a DoF in Chris Casper, so another of the Class of 92's mates and probably one of Wellens childhood heroes.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:01:03
.....and with all those rich, self-important wallies already around Salford, Jewell's face might well not fit.

I can't imagine they will tolerate some of the shite he has come out with in the media down here, constantly pleading poverty isn't going to work any more.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:01:59
You can throw me all the quotes you want but I'm still certain that Jewell is, in reality, a Power man.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:03:34

‘Instead he was attracted by Derby County’s history, but the team were relegated to the Championship. Another spell at Ipswich was unsuccessful and Jewell seemed lost to football until his former Bradford team-mate and now Swindon chairman Lee Power offered him the manager’s job at the County Ground.

Jewell didn’t want the job, but recommended Wellens, with whom he had worked briefly at Oldham. Power agreed, but only if Jewell came to help as director of football. ’

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:17:31
Anybody know when they are due back in court again? Some time this month, isn't it?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: THE FLASH on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:31:10
Hunt to get first dibs IMO.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:35:16
Noel Hunt for me, lives locally unlike Wellens, came in as Powers man. Wright to leave with Wellens. Caddis named as assistant.

Cheap option as his wage is already accounted for, 1st step in management for Hunt.

A bit of continuity in the backroom staff.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:38:32
Noel Hunt for me, lives locally unlike Wellens, came in as Powers man. Wright to leave with Wellens. Caddis named as assistant.

Cheap option as his wage is already accounted for, 1st step in management for Hunt.

A bit of continuity in the backroom staff.

Caddis is an interesting pick.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:39:41
I am sure caddis will make a decent coach

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:40:26
Pipped me to it! Caddis player manager with Hunt as assistant

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: welshred on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:42:43
At least there are no Salford fans taking the piss. Seeing as there are no Salford fans.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:47:13
Doughty, he can buy the club as well. Owner player manager.... has that ever been done before?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 14:49:46
Noel Hunt for me, lives locally unlike Wellens, came in as Powers man. Wright to leave with Wellens. Caddis named as assistant.

Cheap option as his wage is already accounted for, 1st step in management for Hunt.

A bit of continuity in the backroom staff.
I’d go for Caddis. Does he need to have done his badges or is it just preferred?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: MichaelPook on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:22:24
Cowley Brothers all the way for me

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:24:20
Cowley Brothers all the way for me
No thanks, Flitcroft was enough long ball for a lifetime!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:28:58
Midget forwards no use to the Cowleys

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:29:18
Flynn if external.

Hunt if it has to be internal.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:30:44
Cowley Brothers all the way for me

We went down the hoofball option with Flitcroft. It was soul destroying.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bathford on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:35:42
Doughty would be an interesting next owner. Knows the club, liked by the fans. As an owner he can ‘own from afar’. Wouldn’t need to be there every day.

Then put in his own man, if he and Hunt got on even better.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:44:16
Doughty, he can buy the club as well. Owner player manager.... has that ever been done before?

Graham Turner did all three, but I think no more than two at a time, player/manager at Shrewsbury then later owner/manager at Hereford. I suppose in that way Power has done all three too...

Not sure I buy that a manager (Cowley or Flynn) who has played hoofball before would only ever play it in future. There seems to be a "thing" at the moment where a manager has one style and will mould the club to it, but plenty of managers out there should be able to play in different ways with different players.

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:46:46

Has there ever been a player manager owner in elite football before?!

continuity of style is key. we can't fit round pegs in hoofball holes

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:54:34
Don’t think Flynn is hoofing it this season. Playing some nice stuff apparently.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 15:55:38
Tisdale seems like the obvious choice to me.

Consistently good at Exeter. Got MK promoted and was sacked the season after.

Plays a decent brand of football, and is reasonably 'local'.

Out of a job so no compensation needed.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 16:01:50
Tisdale seems like the obvious choice to me.

Consistently good at Exeter. Got MK promoted and was sacked the season after.

Plays a decent brand of football, and is reasonably 'local'.

Out of a job so no compensation needed.

Forgot he was available, good choice, someone let Power know we are sorted.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 16:08:09
Tisdale seems like the obvious choice to me.

Consistently good at Exeter. Got MK promoted and was sacked the season after.

Plays a decent brand of football, and is reasonably 'local'.

Out of a job so no compensation needed.

For some reason I have always kind of assumed he would manage us one day.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 16:20:44
Another vote for Paul Tisdale, forgot all about him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 16:43:35

Interesting interview with Tisdale

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 16:43:47
Tisdale is a good shout. I’d imagine the prospect of being able to get outside for the next month instead of staying at home might be tempting too...!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 16:55:21
I'd be happy with Tisdale as well. At the least he'd be stabilizing, but also maybe able to do something a bit special.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 16:58:04
I'm not against Tisdale. Experienced man.  Worked on presumably limited funds before.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:04:07
Tisdale also lives just outside of Chippenham, so wouldn’t fuck off up north at the first opportunity.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:06:28
Interesting interview with Tisdale

Earlier in this thread I dismissed Tisdale out of hand. That is an impressive interview. Changed my mind.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:08:59
Anyone else think the Covid stuff regarding Wellens was a smokescreen?

Yes money talks.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:16:00
Forgot he was available, good choice, someone let Power know we are sorted.

Another vote for Paul Tisdale, forgot all about him.

Um, I did mention Tisdale on page 2 of this very short thread so I am a little bit hurt that you guys aren't;

1. Reading my messages
2. Blowing smoke up my arse for finding our next manager

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:19:55
Um, I did mention Tisdale on page 2 of this very short thread so I am a little bit hurt that you guys aren't;

1. Reading my messages
2. Blowing smoke up my arse for finding our next manager


Great choice mate.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:20:37

Great choice mate.

That's better! You are forgiven!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: china red on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:22:42
It will be Hunt

Power has obviously seen the offer from Salford and told Wellen's he should go

Very pissed off right now

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:24:25
It will be Hunt

Power has obviously seen the offer from Salford and told Wellen's he should go

Very pissed off right now

How can you possibly blame Power on this?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:28:26
Seeing as Barrow got £250,000 compo out of Bolton, I’d hope Power pushed for as close to £1m for Wellens. Salford can’t spend it on players so might as well rip them off for a manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:29:55
I would be very surprised if we got someone external in. Feels like hunt + 1 for me.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:35:01
Seeing as Barrow got £250,000 compo out of Bolton, I’d hope Power pushed for as close to £1m for Wellens. Salford can’t spend it on players so might as well rip them off for a manager.

Macanthony said that Peterboro have a 7 figure release clause for Darren fucking Ferguson

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:37:21
Salford just signed George Boyd too

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:42:18
There really are some ‘special’ specimens on social media, saying it it time for Power to sell up and for the fans to buy the club.
Jesus wept

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:43:30
Um, I did mention Tisdale on page 2 of this very short thread so I am a little bit hurt that you guys aren't;

1. Reading my messages
2. Blowing smoke up my arse for finding our next manager

Nobody likes a show off.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:47:29
Tisdale was high on many people's lists for years whenever we've been on the lookout for a new manager. Did wonders at Exeter on a tight budget.

I'd have him for his cravats alone.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:49:47
Salford just signed George Boyd too

I forgot about him as he used to be a class player a couple of years ago

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: brocklesby red on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 17:57:03
Paul Tisdale would be a good choice. I wouldn’t want the Cowleys because every time I see them,I’m reminded of that fucking air raid siren.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:02:54
What's Alan MacDonald upto nowadays.... or Roy Evans?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:03:56
What's Alan MacDonald upto nowadays.... or Roy Evans?

Roy Evans is 72😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Kinky Tom on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:05:26
So getting ready to run for president in 4 years?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:06:01
It will be Hunt

Power has obviously seen the offer from Salford and told Wellen's he should go

Very pissed off right now

Just can’t see in any way Hunt given this permanently.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:07:06
Just can’t see in any way Hunt given this permanently.

Powers his own man and no doubts will suprise again!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:07:53
Ian culverhouse

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:08:55
Nobody has mentioned Steve Coterill :no:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Exiled Bob on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:12:48
Nobody has mentioned Steve Coterill :no:
Let's hope it stays that way

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:14:59
Let's hope it stays that way

Joint second favourite along with Paul Cook and Paul Heckingbottom at 6/1 with Teasdale the early favourite at 5/1

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Ardiles on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:19:04
What's Alan MacDonald upto nowadays.... or Roy Evans?

What am I missing?  Feel like I'm getting whooshed...or that's in v poor taste!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:23:12
Quote from: Batch

Has there ever been a player manager owner in elite football before?!

I was joking Shaun, I was joking!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:32:33
What's Alan MacDonald upto nowadays.... or Roy Evans?

Alan Macdonald died a few years ago

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:32:57
Just can’t see in any way Hunt given this permanently.

I can, because we don’t have a pot to piss in

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:34:30
Where are all the ITK posters? Usually someone knows something.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:39:24
Where are all the ITK posters? Usually someone knows something.

The same ones who didn't believe the bookies during the week😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 18:45:11
Some bloke from the Mirror on twitter

Richie Wellens is going to be the new Salford City manager - told Swindon Town he wanted to make the move and he will finalise switch before Friday. Wellens is well known to the Class of 92 having come through the ranks at Manchester United as a player.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: That Nestor Lorenzo Heade on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 19:32:50
Paul Tisdale lives in Biddestone and would be well up for it.  Personally I'd offer it to Caddis - STFC has a good track record in blooding in new managers and he's spent most of his career in the lower leagues.  He'd be the budget option for sure but I think we could do a lot worse.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 19:37:47
Paul Tisdale lives in Biddestone and would be well up for it.  Personally I'd offer it to Caddis - STFC has a good track record in blooding in new managers and he's spent most of his career in the lower leagues.  He'd be the budget option for sure but I think we could do a lot worse.

Caddis is currently part of a defence that cannot figure out it's arse from it's elbow, so I'd prefer not to add to the thought process for him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: That Nestor Lorenzo Heade on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 19:40:05
Caddis is currently part of a defence that cannot figure out it's arse from it's elbow, so I'd prefer not to add to the thought process for him.

Agreed - in that case happy to go with Ardiles, Hoddle or Di Canio.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 20:04:45
At the moment, we must be an attractive prospect - it will be someone out of left field, probably a Phil Brown type appointment, powers track record of appointing managers isnt good.

It may hinge on if Jewell stays, ha may have a few contacts, Salford don't want a DoF, as I believe Chris Casper fills that post, and of course it may depend on if Wellens wants any of his back room team.

And will he comes looking for any of our players in January ?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Exiled Bob on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 20:11:23
Hopefully all of our defence and GK.....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 20:18:31
As a sweetener, perhaps Roy Keane has agreed to step in for the rest of the season

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 20:36:30
I reckon out of work managers would see the game tonight and see there's a lot to work with. Some talented players - just being let down by sloppy mistakes at the back.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 21:15:31
From the early runners and riders, Tisdale is the most sensible/realistic. I would imagine the new boss will be a complete curveball from somewhere though. Dino Maamria or someone.

Can't get my head round people wanting Caddis in charge.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 21:20:48
Where are all the ITK posters? Usually someone knows something.

I’m sure they all know.
They just can’t say anything, obviously 🙄

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 21:34:10
Tisdale with Luke Williams as coach😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 21:44:01

Can't get my head round people wanting Caddis in charge.

Im struggling to understand this also

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 22:49:25
It’s difficult isn’t it.

The fact that we aren’t that far into the season, added to our inconsistency & the fact it’s an entirely new team it’s hard to work out just how we stand.

If we were doing well I’d suggest consistency would by far and away the best option, therefore Hunt would be the right choice. He knows the club, team, training, tactics and owner.

If we were doing badly I’d suggest getting out all the back room staff and starting from scratch.

We are neither doing well or badly.

With regards to Hunt I guess it also depends who he would bring in alongside him - assuming Wellens takes all his men with him, which is usually the case when a manager move on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 22:59:43
for me, the 2nd in charge never has the same impact and rarely works. this season is almost already a write off in terms of promotion momentum and a top 10 finish.

we have to stay up though and can not get back to league 2 at any cost. can hunt guarantee that. not sure and i have nothing to base it on except that i think even with wellens it isnt looking brilliant.

new manager will at least spice up a boring looking season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 23:13:32
for me, the 2nd in charge never has the same impact and rarely works. this season is almost already a write off in terms of promotion momentum and a top 10 finish.

we have to stay up though and can not get back to league 2 at any cost. can hunt guarantee that. not sure and i have nothing to base it on except that i think even with wellens it isnt looking brilliant.

new manager will at least spice up a boring looking season.

I can’t imagine there have been many situations where the Assistant Manager has been bought in by the owner rather than by the manager himself.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 00:28:21
Well Gobbler's fucking Knob. This is like Groundhog Day isn't it?

I hope Robbie Wellens has got a convenient reason for leaving. The more telling presser will be the Salford one, where he will be spotted inserting around 23, foot long sausages into his gob with "Class of '92" charred onto them.

What a fucking hussy!

We're going in for the unsettled bloke at the other STFC - Sam Rickets.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 07:41:51
we have to stay up though and can not get back to league 2 at any cost.
Ordinarily I'd agree,  but not this season, not with COVID. Staying in business is the priority, everything else is secondary. So avoiding relegation is obviously hugely important, but not at any cost. Protecting the business is all important.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 08:08:55
It wouldn’t surprise me if Wright’s fairly recent conviction prevents Salford taking him. Would almost certainly be given press attention given their ownership.

Surely there will be no external appointment until the ownership case anyway...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 08:14:34
the talk of 'ownership case'

As I understand it, the one in a few weeks decides whether power owes Clem shares, £1M back or nothing at all.

When is the Stanford/Barry case? is there one?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bewster on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 08:47:42
Gutted that Wellens has gone after a fantastic season last year although a poor start to this.

I don't think now is the time for an unknown, we aren't an established L1 team so go for a proven track record to keep us in this league with the potential to push on.

Paul Cook springs to mind.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 08:59:36
We are going round in circles:

- Wellens hasn't officially gone, but it looks that way
- Difficult times, a season that might be curtailed, no money coming in, ownership issues.
- Unclear what back room staff will remain

Caretaker seems likely in the short term. Lets judge them on that period and see what happens.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 09:02:33
We are going round in circles:

This can be said in relation to many other threads.  Are you declaring the debate is now over?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: That Nestor Lorenzo Heade on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 09:10:15
the talk of 'ownership case'

As I understand it, the one in a few weeks decides whether power owes Clem shares, £1M back or nothing at all.

When is the Stanford/Barry case? is there one?

Don't think there is any doubt that Clem owns 15% of the club; the forthcoming court case will likely be a summary judgment to confirm this.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 09:19:44
This can be said in relation to many other threads.  Are you declaring the debate is now over?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 09:21:28
Don't think there is any doubt that Clem owns 15% of the club; the forthcoming court case will likely be a summary judgment to confirm this.

Summary judgment is a specific legal term. I don't recall that Axis applied for summary judgment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 09:23:16
Don't think there is any doubt that Clem owns 15% of the club; the forthcoming court case will likely be a summary judgment to confirm this.

If there is no doubt, why is it needed then? What's in it to go to court for Power?

(I genuinly don't understand)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: luckyluke699 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 09:45:58
If there is no doubt, why is it needed then? What's in it to go to court for Power?

(I genuinly don't understand)

At the risk of adding 2+2 and getting 5, getting judgement on the manner of the sale could also be a focus for Power.

Sounds like Power's liable for a big (40% CGT) tax bill if the unsigned contract "consideration" mentioned below isn't enforced as part of the sale.

"The sticking point here seems to be that Lee Power would face a substantial capital gains tax bill on the sale of the Swinton shares. He asked for the “consideration” in the share agreement to be revised from £1.1m to just £1.

Axis’ lawyers drafted a revised share agreement and another contract for a £1.1m loan between Axis and Swindon Town but these documents were never signed. To date no share certificate proving Axis’ part-ownership of Swinton has been received, it was said."

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 09:55:36
We are going round in circles:

- Wellens hasn't officially gone, but it looks that way
- Difficult times, a season that might be curtailed, no money coming in, ownership issues.
- Unclear what back room staff will remain

Caretaker seems likely in the short term. Lets judge them on that period and see what happens.

Wellens was at Salford’s game last night.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 09:57:50
Thanks luckyluke699

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: luckyluke699 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:00:00
Thanks luckyluke699

No problem.

Standing and Clem also had (and presumably may still have) injunctions, stopping Power selling the club. So that's another thing Power will want resolved as part of any outcome:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:05:39
Paul Cook's not going to happen. Been laughed out by Nixon. Something along the lines of how on earth could we afford him when we couldn't afford to try and keep RW.

Somebody mentioned John McGreal (might have been dphunt88). Not a bad shout.

Other names to throw in: Luke Garrard, Ben Strevens, Dino Maamria.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:09:20
No problem.

Standing and Clem also had (and presumably may still have) injunctions, stopping Power selling the club. So that's another thing Power will want resolved as part of any outcome:

The injunctions prevent certain steps being taken before the matter can be heard at trial.  They will be disposed of when the court makes their decision.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:10:50
Paul Cook's not going to happen. Been laughed out by Nixon. Something along the lines of how on earth could we afford him when we couldn't afford to try and keep RW.

Somebody mentioned John McGreal (might have been dphunt88). Not a bad shout.

Other names to throw in: Luke Garrard, Ben Strevens, Dino Maamria.
If any of those 3 even got an interview I’d laugh my nuts off. Talk about scraping the barrel.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:12:23
If any of those 3 even got an interview I’d laugh my nuts off. Talk about scraping the barrel.

I think you may be in for a shock. Two up-and-coming National League managers, I'd be happy with either Strevens or Garrard. Maamria would be bad at first glance, for sure.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: luckyluke699 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:16:10
I think you may be in for a shock. Two up-and-coming National League managers, I'd be happy with either Strevens or Garrard. Maamria would be bad at first glance, for sure.

Agree. No established manager would want to contend with:
• Clear team weaknesses
• No money for improvement
• Club ownership disputes etc

Short term contract on offer for a good up and coming manager to consolidate for this season, with a longer term offer a possibility if they do well. We just have to hope that a change steadies the ship.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:22:08
the talk of 'ownership case'

As I understand it, the one in a few weeks decides whether power owes Clem shares, £1M back or nothing at all.

When is the Stanford/Barry case? is there one?

This month I believe.
Perfect timing regarding new direction.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:42:54

Hunt for now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:43:58
What about Graham Alexander preciously of Salford.
His record doesn’t look that bad.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:44:58
What about Graham Alexander preciously of Salford.
His record doesn’t look that bad.

He has a very decent record on paper.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:50:31

Hunt for now.

Ah well he'll soon be forgotten and on the managerial scrap heap in a few years as he hasn't come out of this at all well, big questions have to be asked about his integrity.

Anyone on to the next then....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:51:20
He has a very decent record on paper.

Better than Wellens  ;), albeit I seem to recall it was his style that got him the chop at Salford.

I think you may be in for a shock. Two up-and-coming National League managers, I'd be happy with either Strevens or Garrard. Maamria would be bad at first glance, for sure.

Garrard is especially well respected and seen as one for the future, was strongly linked to the Barrow job and obviously does have the historical link to us.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:52:42
It's all gone back to being rather depressing again.  Wellens got me back to enjoying STFC again after a long period of Meh..  Fucking Swindon Town Groundhog day...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:53:28
Ah well he'll soon be forgotten and on the managerial scrap heap in a few years as he hasn't come out of this at all well, big questions have to be asked about his integrity.

Anyone on to the next then....

A fortnight is a long time in football. I rather got the impression over the last couple of weeks that he had disappeared up his own arse somewhat!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:59:59

A fortnight is a long time in football. I rather got the impression over the last couple of weeks that he had disappeared up his own arse somewhat!
I think it has been longer than that, he seems to have spent all season moaning trying to almost make out that his position was untenable. If he had been behaving in a similar manner with the players it's no wonder we are struggling, he's blatantly been engineering this exit for a long time.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:01:53
Some of his signings this pre season and the last Jan window have been poor - whether that’s because of financial constraints or not. Kovac, Stevens, Hope, Grant J, Palmer, Pitman - all not up to L1 standard.

I’m presuming Wellens wanted them and not foisted by above. I said earlier, he didn’t address the defensive side at all so he is culpable for the mess we’re in now. This run of, mainly, losses is very reminiscent of his time at Oldham where a good start degenerated into a string of losses.

Personally, I don’t think it’s as big a body blow as most think. We couldn’t go on playing as we were and he hadn’t recruited well enough to change it. Midfielder upon midfielder and no upgrading the defence.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:05:43
This run of, mainly, losses is very reminiscent of his time at Oldham where a good start degenerated into a string of losses.
That's quite staggering revisionism. He had an indifferent-to-mixed start here when he took over part way through the season, then an outstanding season last season in which we were promoted as PPG title champions. This season's been very mixed again, but overall it's a bit more than "good start degenerated into losses".

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:09:56
That's quite staggering revisionism. He had an indifferent-to-mixed start here when he took over part way through the season, then an outstanding season last season in which we were promoted as PPG title champions. This season's been very mixed again, but overall it's a bit more than "good start degenerated into losses".
I wouldn't disagree with the players bit, if money is thrown at him he will be very dangerous as he signs a lot of players and his signings are very hit and miss. Tyler Reid, Adam May, Muskwe, Palmer etc all just seemed like signings for the sake of signing someone.
For all the good football last season if Doyle didn't have a freak season we'd likely be talking about something completely different right now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:11:25
Personally, I think Wellens would likely have turned it around.

But, how much longer would he have if things continued as they have been this season? We're at the stage now when the league starts to take shape - and we're near the bottom!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:17:41
I wouldn't disagree with the players bit, if money is thrown at him he will be very dangerous as he signs a lot of players and his signings are very hit and miss. Tyler Reid, Adam May, Muskwe, Palmer etc all just seemed like signings for the sake of signing someone.
For all the good football last season if Doyle didn't have a freak season we'd likely be talking about something completely different right now.
Quite possibly and I know everyone is feeling a little sore right now but nonetheless Wellens' time here amounted to quite a bit more than "a good start degenerated into a string of losses"

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:26:07
Quite possibly and I know everyone is feeling a little sore right now but nonetheless Wellens' time here amounted to quite a bit more than "a good start degenerated into a string of losses"
For all his good his managerial career still only amounts to half a good season, let’s just say he’s jumped before he gets sacked and move on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:35:12
With the short term nature of playing contracts these days it’s hard to judge managers.

Was last seasons team great because of Wellens tactics and Management it was it because we had good players?  If the latter was that by luck or judgement?

There are plenty of example of managers capturing lightening in a bottle with a team put together and never being able to successfully rebuild that.

Even Cooper managed it.

This season we are a level up and with practically a new team. Who knows how it would I’ve gone for Wellens?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:39:36
With the short term nature of playing contracts these days it’s hard to judge managers.

Was last seasons team great because of Wellens tactics and Management it was it because we had good players?  If the latter was that by luck or judgement?

There are plenty of example of managers capturing lightening in a bottle with a team put together and never being able to successfully rebuild that.

Even Cooper managed it.

This season we are a level up and with practically a new team. Who knows how it would I’ve gone for Wellens?
I don't disagree. Could have gone either way, personally I think it's likely he'd have been able to stabilise us to lower mid table, but others may not think so. But he revived a club and a fanbase that was on it's knees in terms of morale when he came in and don't think it's unreasonable to acknowledge that.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:44:27
I don't disagree. Could have gone either way, personally I think it's likely he'd have been able to stabilise us to lower mid table, but others may not think so. But he revived a club and a fanbase that was on it's knees in terms of morale when he came in and don't think it's unreasonable to acknowledge that.

His time at Oldham does make me wonder.

He wouldnt be the first manager we had - who was excellent and keeping a good thing going but unable to halt a slide.

In fact to me his tenure was staring to feel a bit ‘Danny Wilsonish’

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:46:35
Wilson was a tad 'playing OK but losing' towards the end. Lots of needless errors, if my memory serves me right...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:51:01
With the short term nature of playing contracts these days it’s hard to judge managers.

Was last seasons team great because of Wellens tactics and Management it was it because we had good players?  If the latter was that by luck or judgement?

As much as anything the risking recruitment of players with shite inhjury records worked by luck last season, not looking such a good approach this season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:02:15
Quite possibly and I know everyone is feeling a little sore right now but nonetheless Wellens' time here amounted to quite a bit more than "a good start degenerated into a string of losses"
Without checking 100% Wellens won 2 of STFC’s last 12 competitive matches - losing 10. Seems like degeneration to me.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:04:32

Salford. Richie Wellens wants to take Tommy Wright with him from Swindon. Coach Wright also has a rival interest in him. That leaves Noel Hunt with a chance to stay on at Swindon. If they give him the nod.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:05:28
More compo. Lovely!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:11:54

Salford. Richie Wellens wants to take Tommy Wright with him from Swindon. Coach Wright also has a rival interest in him. That leaves Noel Hunt with a chance to stay on at Swindon. If they give him the nod.
As I said yesterday.

Noel Hunt for me, lives locally unlike Wellens, came in as Powers man. Wright to leave with Wellens.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:16:40

Salford. Richie Wellens wants to take Tommy Wright with him from Swindon. Coach Wright also has a rival interest in him. That leaves Noel Hunt with a chance to stay on at Swindon. If they give him the nod.
I added a little poetic ditty

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:30:00
Without checking 100% Wellens won 2 of STFC’s last 12 competitive matches - losing 10. Seems like degeneration to me.
It does to me too. I just think that as a summary of his reign "a good start degenerated into a string of losses" kind of misses out the bit in the middle where we won League 2.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:34:24
I added a little poetic ditty

Just read it. Very good

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:36:12
Has Barry done his badges?

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:39:06

Salford. Richie Wellens wants to take Tommy Wright with him from Swindon. Coach Wright also has a rival interest in him. .
oooh, love triangle

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:39:47
Has Barry done his badges?

No idea, wonder whether we might see Ireland back here in some way as wasn't Hunt the conduit for him training with us?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:41:23
Were Hunt and Wellens thrown together out of nowhere then? Does Wellens not want Hunt, or knows he wont go North/wants the Swindon job.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:45:06
Were Hunt and Wellens thrown together out of nowhere then?

More or less, Hunt was Power's man from Waterford and promised a role in the set up. Wellens agreed to give him a chance and seems like they got on well (from Wellens' Loathed Strangers pod during lockdown)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:45:21
Power appointed Hunt as he was at Waterford doing his badges

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:47:40
More or less, Hunt was Power's man from Waterford and promised a role in the set up. Wellens agreed to give him a chance and seems like they got on well (from Wellens' Loathed Strangers pod during lockdown)

I suspect Wellens has not been given much choice at Salford considering his assistant up there is an internal appointment. Plus its possibly the case that as Hunt lives reasonably local he doesn't want to traipse all the way up to Salford just as an assistant, especially if he is not part of the ex Man Utd clique.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:50:21
I think it is important to stay up this season, obviously not throwing money at it as there isn't any but if someone can sort out that defence, I don't think Hunt is the one, not sure who is, under Power we have done the vastly experienced manager and it failed miserably, we have done the No 2 stepping up and it failed, we have now done the young failed manager and it has worked, maybe if Jewell is sticking around we need to look at this route again with him in his mentoring role.

There must be ex pro's that have done their coaching badges and are waiting for that chance, but they need to have a contact book as Wellens did and managed to use the loan market at times to his advantage, and of course maybe had that bit of management elsewhere to have learnt from it or been involved in coaching teams.

I wouldn't like to see a Sol Campbell as he is to far up his own arse and wouldn't get respected, but maybe a Gary Caldwell, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbank worth a thought.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:55:22
I imagine most of the ex pros get a back room job at a Prem club, earnings more money than they would as our gaffer...and...those who don’t go down that route become pundits earning more money than they would as our gaffer.

For example, same as two years ago. I’d like to see Duncan Ferguson. Been behind the scenes at Everton for a few years. Got them fired up and got good results as caretaker. Clearly still has a passion for the game and would demand high standards and still big enough to be intimidating and no nonsense.

However, we couldn’t compete financially what he would get in any coaching role at Everton - even if he did want to move on to become a manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12:59:22
...a name I threw out there about 10 years ago. Ian Culverhouse

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:04:07
...a name I threw out there about 10 years ago. Ian Culverhouse

I posted that yesterday. He may be a mate of Power.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:04:18
...a name I threw out there about 10 years ago. Ian Culverhouse
I don't think any league club will ever employ him again after the sacking for cocaine abuse while at Villa.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:05:17
I don't think any league club will ever employ him again after the sacking for cocaine abuse while at Villa.

I thought it was allegations of bullying?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:10:18
I thought it was allegations of bullying?
Not if you read the Aston Villa forum. Google throw up a lot of things about their sacking.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:11:21
I thought it was allegations of bullying?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:11:28
I don't think any league club will ever employ him again after the sacking for cocaine abuse while at Villa.

I thought it was bullying

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:17:49
I am sure he will have learnt from any 'mistakes'.

Presumably, he would sort out any defensive frailties.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:18:19
I thought it was bullying
The Villa forum was full of cocaine abuse at the time, there s a lot on google about that too.

I don't get the "Ex Town player" call whenever a new manager comes up like Culverhouse, Calderwood and Garrard etc.

I would rather we went for an out of work manager who has a good CV like Tisdale or Cook, however unlikely that is.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:20:18
The Villa forum was full of cocaine abuse at the time, there s a lot on google about that too.

Not sure it being on a message board makes it remotely true.
That thread is speculation, at best.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:20:45
Richie Wellens shags goats, pass it on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:23:35
Richie Wellens bags coats, pass it on

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:26:54
How are Kings Lynn doing this season in the National League?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:28:37
How are Kings Lynn doing this season in the National League?


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:29:06
How are Kings Lynn doing this season in the National League?

But are they punching above their weight?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:29:21
How are Kings Lynn doing this season in the National League?

16th with 7 points after 7 games (2-1-4)

Not too shabby after back to back promotions all things considered.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:31:13
I suggested culverhouse due to the STFC and potential Power link. Presumably, he would also be keen to get back in the EFL and would fit the current budget.  

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:35:04
But are they punching above their weight?

Lot of punching goes on in Kings Lynn. If we are looking at ex Town players managing in the National League I would be much more inclined towards Garrard.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:37:30
Fatbury should get the job.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:40:21
Lot of punching goes on in Kings Lynn. If we are looking at ex Town players managing in the National League I would be much more inclined towards Garrard.

You may be right. Given what happened with Brown, the club should avoid one of the usual 'names' that get bandied about whenever any vacancy arises.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:42:12
As someone pointed out to me elsewhere, the club statement reads:

Noel Hunt will take charge of the side for the foreseeable future until a new manager is appointed at the club.

Leads me to beleive its his to lose.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:42:27
Key for me now is to hope that Power has the experience necessary to make the right choice. Based on Cooper/Williams/Flitcroft/Brown/Wellens he has seen a variety of options.

Evidence suggests

1. A coach becoming a manager doesn't always work (Williams). Will depend on the nature of the coach of course given Cooper was assistant to Hart.
2. Experienced old heads with lots of experience are no guarantee of success (Brown)
3. The fan base dont like shit football, couple with the fact its harder to get players on loan from big clubs then changing style to a kick and rush crap isn't the right move (Flitcroft)
4. Failure in a previous job is not always a problem (Wellens)
5. Personality, Honesty to the supporters and someone who wants to engage and do more than just coach players is important. Wellens was the only one who did anything about the apathy at the club at the time.

If you are worth your salt as Chairman you have a pretty good profile of what you are after without trying to get a Wellens clone.

Bonus points for

1. Had a connection with the club before, previous player etc, but preferably a good player or at a good time
2. Local so that it removes any unwanted possible future issues

And probably most important of all

Doesn't believe money is the be all and end all and will improve players and back themselves to beat the bigger budget teams.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:44:14
As someone pointed out to me elsewhere, the club statement reads:

Leads me to beleive its his to lose.

It’s fun to speculate but now the goat shagger is gone - its Noel Hunt‘s, definitely.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:50:19
As someone pointed out to me elsewhere, the club statement reads:

Leads me to beleive its his to lose.

Depends how you define foreseeable future, do you mean for normal people or for our present government where foreseeable future seems to be about 2 hours!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:50:33
Culverhouse and Garrard are both employed, albeit it with teams way lower than we are currently at and have no league experience as managers, both would command a release fee so that would be a huge no from Powers point of view I am 100% sure. He wont fork out a fee AND wages for a new boss under the current Covid financial restrictions.

If any other manager is approached I am certain he would be currently out of work and available for free and probably lower wage expectation. Tisdale does indeed fit that and Power is known to be a fan of his, we have previously tried in the past to get him and told to forget it, just before Power took control IIRC.

I think Tisdale would be viable, worked wonders at Exeter with a tiny budget, did ok at MKD before being sacked, lives locally which as to be an advantage for us.

Paul Cook would be excellent but is way out of our price bracket and will be looking for a job in the Championship I am certain.

The Cowleys would be fairly viable btu their style of play is fucking horrible to watch even if it gets results and them coming would mean a whole new side to be built much in the style of Flitcrofts tenure.

Cotterill is a name always linked with us, has a decent record up to his last club Birmingham, but seems to hate Swindon and Power if you listen to his interviews in the past, so thats a no from me.

But I have a feeling that Hunt will get the job until the end of the season and be allowed to bring in his own assistant and coach to replace Wright.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: thedarkprince on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 13:59:57
Tisdale for me. Just so we can be linked for the millionth time.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 14:00:12
We are all speculating and my wild guess is that Hunt won't be in hot seat for very long.  On the face of it Tisdale does fit the bill (as do many others) and it is not wholly outside the realms of possibility that he gets the gig.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 14:04:26
As someone pointed out to me elsewhere, the club statement reads:

Leads me to beleive its his to lose.
Well he said he thought we defended well last night apart from individual errors so there is a good chance he could lose it quickly based on that

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 14:08:56
Paul Cook would be excellent but is way out of our price bracket and will be looking for a job in the Championship I am certain.

The Cowleys would be fairly viable btu their style of play is fucking horrible to watch even if it gets results and them coming would mean a whole new side to be built much in the style of Flitcrofts tenure.

If Cook (most recently managing in L1) is out of our price range I don't see how Cowleys who were most recently managing in the Championship are viable.

Tisdale for me please.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 14:11:22
If Cook (most recently managing in L1) is out of our price range I don't see how Cowleys who were most recently managing in the Championship are viable.

Tisdale for me please.
Cook last managed in the Championship with Wigan.

Cook was sacked for financial reasons, the Cowleys because they are shit :) HTH.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 14:12:10
Well he said he thought we defended well last night apart from individual errors so there is a good chance he could lose it quickly based on that

A fair point!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Exiled Bob on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 15:06:52
Cotterill is a name always linked with us, has a decent record up to his last club Birmingham.....
He had a pretty good record at Cheltenham, Notts County and Brizzle. The last 2 he had pots of money to spend and a monkey would have done well. Apart from that he's been drivel. He also talks drivel and in every interview I've ever seen of him he has the sort of mad, twitching face that looks like he's on the verge of losing it. I wouldn't want him anywhere near our club.

Forest fans adore him.... ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 15:11:42
I wouldn't want him anywhere near our club.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 15:22:08
Michael Duff has done a good job on a limited budget

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 15:23:29
He had a pretty good record at Cheltenham, Notts County and Brizzle. The last 2 he had pots of money to spend and a monkey would have done well. Apart from that he's been drivel. He also talks drivel and in every interview I've ever seen of him he has the sort of mad, twitching face that looks like he's on the verge of losing it. I wouldn't want him anywhere near our club.

Forest fans adore him.... ;)

He also seems to have an attitude in his interviews

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 15:42:04
Tisdale seems to be the most realistic of those mentioned so far.

Not sure if he’d with work with Jewell as DoF, though. He likes to be his own man with all footballing matters.

Anyway, here’s the first market

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 15:52:33
Tisdale seems to be the most realistic of those mentioned so far.

Not sure if he’d with work with Jewell as DoF, though. He likes to be his own man with all footballing matters.
Thats not actually true, Steve Perryman was Director of football at Exeter for his entire reign as manager and was happy working under him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 15:57:45
I was taking that from the link earlier in this thread where he says he is a manager not a coach and likes to have control over all footballing matters - just presumed from that that he’d be the one responsible for signing and identifying players.

"I think the economics are going to be very difficult over the next six months. There is going to be a lot of damage coming. With these three jobs - head coach, head of recruitment and chief executive - it is not necessarily three times the work for someone to do all three. The whole thing is so intertwined and if you have a grasp of the business then you can do it."

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 15:58:59
Tisdale for me.

Culverhouse would be an interesting one. Great player and has done a good job at Kings Lynn having been assistant with Norwich and Villa.

However, in reality, assuming Jewell is staying then, it'll be Hunt with another of Jewell's contacts, which Wellens was.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 16:02:40
I was taking that from the link earlier in this thread where he says he is a manager not a coach and likes to have control over all footballing matters - just presumed from that that he’d be the one responsible for signing and identifying players.
Perryman was always the one in control at Exeter of new player scouting and signings.

So I would guess its a situation he is happy about working with if his 12 years at Exeter were anything to go by.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 16:04:48
That is a true "we have no idea, here are some out of work managers with the caretaker top" market.

Hunt 2/1 seems like another opportunity to make money for those who lumped on Wellens leaving. 10 games is about the rest of the month I think...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 16:50:49
Aidy Viveash anyone? Couple of promotions as assistant at Coventry. Might fancy it.

Sent from my XQ-AD51

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 16:59:29
Aidy Viveash anyone? Couple of promotions as assistant at Coventry. Might fancy it.

Sent from my XQ-AD51

Good shout

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 17:00:13
Good shout

He's still got family in Swindon

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 17:22:59
Couple of interesting names on Skybet

Clint Hill - assistant at Fleetwood
Andy Parkinson - youth team manager Tranmere (eek!)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 17:40:45
Couple of interesting names on Skybet

Clint Hill - assistant at Fleetwood
Andy Parkinson - youth team manager Tranmere (eek!)

I can beat them Luke Gerrard manager of Boreham Wood is 10/1 and has a win rate of 29% :no: :no: :no:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 17:44:56
I can beat them Luke Gerrard manager of Boreham Wood is 10/1 and has a win rate of 29% :no: :no: :no:

Where are you seeing that win %? Consecutive play-off campaigns in the NL on a small budget, and he could bring Kabongo Tshimanga with him in January. Swindon boy too - I'm very pro Garrard.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 17:48:13
Where are you seeing that win %? Consecutive play-off campaigns in the NL on a small budget, and he could bring Kabongo Tshimanga with him in January. Swindon boy too - I'm very pro Garrard.

Bet Victor maybe hard to see on attached photo.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 17:58:24
I can beat them Luke Gerrard manager of Boreham Wood is 10/1 and has a win rate of 29% :no: :no: :no:

Remember him throwing up before a game away at Sheffield Wednesday.
Evidently it was down to nerves.
With out defending he will be throwing up a lot more :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:00:53
For Wobbly Bob  :pint:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:03:38
Remember him throwing up before a game away at Sheffield Wednesday.
Evidently it was down to nerves.
With out defending he will be throwing up a lot more :)

its never straight forward at Swindon is it😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:07:02
For Wobbly Bob  :pint:

Now that could go viral :clap:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:16:13
Sources at the CG have said this fella is being considered

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:19:54
Sources at the CG have said this fella is being considered

I've never heard of him but I'm guessing Paul Jewell has

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:21:36
Sources at the CG have said this fella is being considered

Is this the bit where we have the discussion about win ratios being meaningless without context?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:30:44
Already said it. Sam Rickets. Unsettled at Shrews, only has about 6 months (June 2021) on his contract. We have just received compensation for a manager with around 2.5 years left on it (June 2023). Even in this environment if we aren't poaching a manager after that kind of pay out then we never will.

Rickets plays 3-5-2. Which we know can work in this division. Finished 15th with Shrews last season. Wouldn't even cost that much. You do have to speculate to accumulate sometimes.

Sam for me.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:32:59
Already said it. Sam Rickets. Unsettled at Shrews, only has about 6 months (June 2021) on his contract. We have just received compensation for a manager with around 2.5 years left on it (June 2023). Even in this environment if we aren't poaching a manager after that kind of pay out then we never will.

Rickets plays 3-5-2. Which we know can work in this division. Finished 15th with Shrews last season. Wouldn't even cost that much. You do have to speculate to accumulate sometimes.

Sam for me.

He could be a good shout and it got me thinking have we ever poached a manger in the past and had to pay compensation

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:33:30
Already said it. Sam Rickets. Unsettled at Shrews, only has about 6 months (June 2021) on his contract. We have just received compensation for a manager with around 2.5 years left on it (June 2023). Even in this environment if we aren't poaching a manager after that kind of pay out then we never will.

Rickets plays 3-5-2. Which we know can work in this division. Finished 15th with Shrews last season. Wouldn't even cost that much. You do have to speculate to accumulate sometimes.

Sam for me.

They want him out and it's their worst start to campaign for generations. I'll pass.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:34:01
Ex Town player, desperate for a job, easily affordable if you listen to the FB & Twitter Town fans, if you put £10 on him you will be guaranteed to lose £10.


The Barnsley coach sounds like someone "in the know" has heard something.

According to Wiki....
Murray is known as a manager with an eye for detail and getting the most from the resources available to him by working on 'marginal gains' to get the extra one percent advantage to improve his players and teams performances. At Mansfield Murray developed a passing game adopted from the Dutch total football model but tailored to football league players. Murray is known to be an advocate of sports science, sports analysis, strength and conditioning, and sports psychology within football in order to achieve maximum gains on the field. Murray has often spoken about the importance of building the right infrastructure for his teams including the importance of a strong academy system for young players to develop into the first team environment, his trust of developing young talent include such players as Peterborough United's 2016/17 player of the season Ryan Tafazolli who cites Murray as the biggest influence on his career as a young player and 'developing him from a boy to a man'.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:35:25
Paul Jewell must know him

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:37:35
Bet Victor maybe hard to see on attached photo.

Doesn't look right. Been in charge since October 2015 but only 79 games?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:37:50
Somewhat deluded options on one of the FB Swindon groups.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:38:20
Doesn't look right. Been in charge since October 2015 but only 79 games?

I was was wondering that too

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:39:22
Somewhat deluded options on one of the FB Swindon groups.


I wonder if any of them are on here😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:39:47
Somewhat deluded options on one of the FB Swindon groups.


Eddie howe soapy tit wank

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:40:42
He might get the best out of pitman :wink:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:42:59
I'll be totally happy with Noel Hunt given the present circumstances...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:44:37
I'll be totally happy with Noel Hunt given the present circumstances...

My only concern would be he's too nice similar to Matty Taylor

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:48:07
Somewhat deluded options on one of the FB Swindon groups.


No Pochettino?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:48:53

4. Failure in a previous job is not always a problem (Wellens)

1. Had a connection with the club before, previous player etc, but preferably a good player or at a good time

They want him out and it's their worst start to campaign for generations. I'll pass.

I'll refer you to Riddick's point No.4 which relates hugely to our outgoing manager.  RW did shite at Oldham under difficult circumstances. Came here, did well.

Rickets had done great at Wrexham, secured L1 safety for Shrews last season but you're writing him off this season before it has ended?! Seems rather knee jerk from yourself PP. Or is this just because it is a suggestion from your Panda fearing friend?  :hmmm:

Also as quoted from Riddick, fits the former player (on loan) and is in the Doughty mold of quite a decent bloke too. I'd back a Sam Rickets appointment, playing 3-5-2, with the squad we have to secure us a mid table position*.

*If the season indeed gets completed.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18:58:01
Already said it. Sam Rickets. Unsettled at Shrews, only has about 6 months (June 2021) on his contract. We have just received compensation for a manager with around 2.5 years left on it (June 2023). Even in this environment if we aren't poaching a manager after that kind of pay out then we never will.

Rickets plays 3-5-2. Which we know can work in this division. Finished 15th with Shrews last season. Wouldn't even cost that much. You do have to speculate to accumulate sometimes.

Sam for me.
Shrewsbury are in a really shit run with just 1 win all season, Ricketts has had a huge budget at his disposal this season comparied to Town and still failed. Shrews fans not happy with him and want him sacked.

He has struggled getting some very experienced players performing in Aaron Pierre, Scot Goldbourne, Oliver Norburn, Josh Vela, Leon Clarke, Charlie Daniels, David Edwards and Ebanks-Landell, all have played a fair few games at a higher level.

Hes a definate no from me.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 19:00:33
Be very surprised if we appointed a new manager requiring compensation.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 19:01:25
I'll refer you to Riddick's point No.4 which relates hugely to our outgoing manager.  RW did shite at Oldham under difficult circumstances. Came here, did well.

Rickets had done great at Wrexham, secured L1 safety for Shrews last season but you're writing him off this season before it has ended?! Seems rather knee jerk from yourself PP. Or is this just because it is a suggestion from your Panda fearing friend?  :hmmm:

Also as quoted from Riddick, fits the former player (on loan) and is in the Doughty mold of quite a decent bloke too. I'd back a Sam Rickets appointment, playing 3-5-2, with the squad we have to secure us a mid table position*.

*If the season indeed gets completed.

Everything PV said.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: cdakev on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 19:04:23
Everything PV said.

We wont

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 19:05:54
Steve Coterill now 6/1 behind Hunt 😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 19:28:57
Shrewsbury are in a really shit run with just 1 win all season, Ricketts has had a huge budget at his disposal this season comparied to Town and still failed. Shrews fans not happy with him and want him sacked.

Hes a definate no from me.

Which is why a change is sometimes good for all parties concerned. But you talk as if this season has already finished and I simply fail to see how anyone is writing a manager off only 9/10 games into a season?

Also Rickets, four of those results have been draws and has one less loss than Wellens. When things are unsettled we know very much that some players will stop performing for a club. If Leon Clarke is there, no doubt he's being a cunt, as usual. This is also a very exceptionally or will be remembered as, a strange season too.

I can see you saying it's a no but a '...definite no...' seems rather harsh. Could understand if I had suggested Keith Hill or Flitcroft  :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 19:29:59
Everything PV said.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 19:38:43

Again, I've no idea why my very middle-of-the-road views seem to fascinate you so much. Apologies that I don't agree that Sam Ricketts is a potentially good hire. Try not to take it too personally.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 19:48:35
Again, I've no idea why my very middle-of-the-road views seem to fascinate you so much. Apologies that I don't agree that Sam Ricketts is a potentially good hire. Try not to take it too personally.

There are a lot worse managers people have mentioned. I offered a counter to the hypocritical notion of "he did crap there so won't do well anywhere else" mentality, by stating the outgoing man's previous shitty record before he arrived.

Not personal pal. I'm not inspired by Adam Murray style appointment though. My reasons are totally irrational in that he has played for three clubs I don't hold in much regard (Derby, Mansfield, Oxford). Plus he's the bloody Barnsley assistant, just see it going all a bit Luke Warm. Would rather have Martin Allen, and that is very difficult to write and swallow.

Keep safe. Please don't eat any more of my friends.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 20:09:58
Another norverner who will piss off back up north if the price of digestives goes up down south.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 00:08:45
Tisdale or Powell for me

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 00:32:13
Where are you seeing that win %? Consecutive play-off campaigns in the NL on a small budget, and he could bring Kabongo Tshimanga with him in January. Swindon boy too - I'm very pro Garrard.

Not a Swindon boy.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 00:32:53
Remember him throwing up before a game away at Sheffield Wednesday.
Evidently it was down to nerves.
With out defending he will be throwing up a lot more :)

Not just Wednesday away. At least another 4-6 games too

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 06:56:52
I see the OSC are doing an exclusive interview with Wellens live on facebook this evening. That will end well

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 06:58:22

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:06:15
Official Supporters Club I'm guessing...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:08:00
Surely not our OSC - he’ll get dogs abuse. Hopefully.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:17:33
The questions being provided by fans are what would you expect on the day the manager has left for another club.

Vic knows what he's doing but they're putting themselves in a corner where they could be too gushing and produce a nice and fluffy goodbye and get a lot of stick *or* they ask the questions many want answered and they create a bad/worse atmosphere between fans and club which we do not need at the moment.

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:20:50
if Wellens answers any difficult questions or puts the boot in to Power he's an idiot.

You don't want that kind of reputation.

it's going to be a sterile 'gone as far as I can... Salford in my heart and they have great potential" pointless listen. IMO

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:23:49
Gonna be a cliche fest

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:25:12
What is your favourtie Swindon memory etc etc

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:25:47
I see the OSC are doing an exclusive interview with Wellens live on facebook this evening. That will end well
The Cheltenham fan has *demanded* he be included in the call to ask the questions "the fans" really want answered. That's Cheltenham fans I assume.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:31:42
if Wellens answers any difficult questions or puts the boot in to Power he's an idiot.

You don't want that kind of reputation.

it's going to be a sterile 'gone as far as I can... Salford in my heart and they have great potential" pointless listen. IMO

pointless listen. IMO

But will you? 😉

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:32:00

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:55:54
The Cheltenham fan has *demanded* he be included in the call to ask the questions "the fans" really want answered. That's Cheltenham fans I assume.

Is anyone really that fussed about Curran's contract? It might well be a favour to a mate etc. but if I was making a list of our problems I'm not sure our sixth choice CB would be very high on it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:58:53
Here’s a little view from Barnsley on Murray

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 08:01:35
If Curran was playing I'd be massively more worried

But he's Dave Marsh++

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 08:04:44
If Curran was playing I'd be massively more worried

But he's Dave Marsh++

I'd forgotten all about Dave Marsh. A more innocent time...

But yeah it's like him or the Samsung win a contract players (or more harshly, Blair Sturrock). Not good enough, but not costing us anything (we assume).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 08:07:45
Blair at least did some sort of job 'running the channels'

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:05:20
The Cheltenham fan has *demanded* he be included in the call to ask the questions "the fans" really want answered. That's Cheltenham fans I assume.

That fella really needs to get a life.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:15:20
if Wellens answers any difficult questions or puts the boot in to Power he's an idiot.

You don't want that kind of reputation.

it's going to be a sterile 'gone as far as I can... Salford in my heart and they have great potential" pointless listen. IMO

This entirely. Not sure what there is to gain from this. Either has a moan about the club and reveals things, but not sure anyone wants that. Or its bland family, locality blah blah.

Feels like a risky strategy to me.

Its a shame as here is a manager who won a league, playing good football that never got to celebrate with the fans.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:16:19
I'd forgotten all about Dave Marsh. A more innocent time...

But yeah it's like him or the Samsung win a contract players (or more harshly, Blair Sturrock). Not good enough, but not costing us anything (we assume).

The aspect fans are pushing RE: Curran isn't relating to his ability but the reasons behind why he's at the club and on a long deal. It is alleged that his dad is involved behind the scenes.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:20:30
That fella really needs to get a life.

Delusions of self importance

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:29:41
The Cheltenham fan has *demanded* he be included in the call to ask the questions "the fans" really want answered. That's Cheltenham fans I assume.

The last person you want on any call.
He is a complete prick and an embarrassment.

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:29:48
The aspect fans are pushing RE: Curran isn't relating to his ability but the reasons behind why he's at the club and on a long deal. It is alleged that his dad is involved behind the scenes.
hence the 'paid for' Dave Marsh/Samsung winner comparison.

if there are rumours of his dad's involvement being more substantial than paying TCs contact/investing then apologies, I've missed them.

could see Curran snr wanting a bit of the highworth development action.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:30:31
Reading the Waterford page on facebook, he has been seen there also apparently

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:31:12
Is this not the same as the Harry Agombar episode of a few years back?

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:31:46
Reading the Waterford page on facebook, he has been seen there also apparently
who Curran?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:32:39
Quote from: Bob's Orange
Is this not the same as the Harry Agombar episode of a few years back?

yes, though whether that got cash input into the club I don't know.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:32:49
who Curran?

His father, they also asked whether anyone had heard rumours about him being forced to be in the squad etc, and they think his dad is possibly a silent partner in waterford

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:33:06
ah I see.

just how loaded is he?!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:35:28
No idea

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:42:43
It still seems a bit weird to me.

I mean regardless of his link with us and / or Waterford I can’t imagine Curran Snr is making any major profits?

So, what is he getting out of his son being here? I mean his son is getting a decent wage but the rumour is Curran Snr is contributing that?

So, is he like giving the club 5k a month but 2k of that comes back to him via his son? How is that any different to him just giving the club 3k a month and his Son 2k?

What does he get out of it?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:44:39
Dunno, its all Agombar esque anyway

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:45:42
The Cheltenham fan has *demanded* he be included in the call to ask the questions "the fans" really want answered. That's Cheltenham fans I assume.
Also thinks that Eddie Howe is a realistic appointment that we should be going for as he played for us for a couple of weeks. The Cheltenham fan is beyond deluded!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:46:22
A piece of the Highworth redevelopment action?

presumably the house sales can fund the horsey side (being built for his use???) and pitches. maybe  enough change left over for a slap up meal at Mrs miggens pie shop

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:51:54
Maybe he's just minted enough to try and give his son's career prospects a bit of a lift? Whether or not it works is another matter.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:54:12
Hes not listed as a director or anything, but the guy who runs Platinum Security is

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:56:45
Also thinks that Eddie Howe is a realistic appointment that we should be going for as he played for us for a couple of weeks. The Cheltenham fan is beyond deluded!

Eddie Howe never played for us.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:58:47
Quote from: Flashheart
Maybe he's just minted enough to try and give his son's career prospects a bit of a lift? Whether or not it works is another matter.

sir, I demand subterfuge and misery.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 10:00:01
Eddie Howe never played for us.
Ok let me rephrase that at the club for a few weeks.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 10:02:09
I don't get how you can be so anti-ownership yet suggest Eddie Howe?

I'd ask him but he'd call me names and that would make me feel sad  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 10:04:16
if Wellens answers any difficult questions or puts the boot in to Power he's an idiot.

You don't want that kind of reputation.
If he does lay into Power he did exactly that when he left Oldham, laid into the owners/chairman saying he wasn't supported financially etc by them, seems to be a pattern there.....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 10:09:58
ah I see.

just how loaded is he?!

Have we even established who Currans old man is, some say its the racehorse trainer who trains at what is supposed to be becoming the training ground, others suggest he is something to do with a packaging company from Essex/Kent?

It still seems a bit weird to me.

I mean regardless of his link with us and / or Waterford I can’t imagine Curran Snr is making any major profits?

So, what is he getting out of his son being here? I mean his son is getting a decent wage but the rumour is Curran Snr is contributing that?

So, is he like giving the club 5k a month but 2k of that comes back to him via his son? How is that any different to him just giving the club 3k a month and his Son 2k?

What does he get out of it?

Gets to play bobby big bollocks and means his lad can pretend to be a professional footballer and probably get laid more, rather than having to admit he is kept by his father.

Was successful for Agombar who wiki suggests has now landed at the heights of Bowers & Pitsea F.C.  

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 10:29:13
Wellens has always gone out of his way to praise Power. He won't put the boot in, because there's not much to put the boot in about.

It'll be Wellens bingo. A cliche fest. Saw his title team dismantled and couldn't add the players he wanted because, you know, global pandemic and the existential risk to our club. A token line about ambition. Something about family. Doesn't want to tread water. Wants to be competitive etc etc etc.

No one comes out of this well, apart from the Power haters who might get a sniff of something they can twist and beat the club with.

Wellens will come across as either a petulant child, a mercenary or disingenuous. The club/Power will be presented as a good club but one that is massively struggling to survive and compete right now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 11:02:08
Wellens will come across as either a petulant child, a mercenary or disingenuous. The club/Power will be presented as a good club but one that is massively struggling to survive and compete right now.

Which is a pretty accurate summary of the situation on both counts I would suggest.

I suspect, like many people that the last 6 months has had quite the unexpected mental effect upon Wellens, he doesn't seem to have handled things that well and sadly come across as quite the twat in the last month or so.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 11:05:13
Wellens has always been a miserable northerner.

However, last season was brilliant and he single handedly put life back into the Club that had been drained out of it for years.

Cannot begrudge anyone taking a job with more money and closer to home in any walk of life. No point being sour about it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 11:27:56
Also thinks that Eddie Howe is a realistic appointment that we should be going for as he played for us for a couple of weeks. The Cheltenham fan is beyond deluded!
His argument being - “He joined Bournemouth when they were in League 2”

Conveniently ignoring the three promotions and several seasons in the Premier League since!

Some of our fans live in fantasy land. Even the likes of Cook, Cowley etc being mentioned - dream on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 11:31:48
Wellens has always been a miserable northerner.

However, last season was brilliant and he single handedly put life back into the Club that had been drained out of it for years.

Cannot begrudge anyone taking a job with more money and closer to home in any walk of life. No point being sour about it.
Well said.

There is a certain amount of ‘re-writing of history’ which has taken place over the past couple of days from some fans. He dragged up a club which was on its arse and gave us our best season for almost a decade.

It’s a shame the pandemic put paid to all our momentum but I wish the man well and will always look back on last season with fondness (although for me, it never reached the levels of under the mad Italian!)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 11:36:54
there's no doubt what he did for the club

but I will remain bitter for a bit

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 11:40:24
The more I think about it, the more I’d like to see Tisdale come in. He would offer us a bit of stability, he could have left Exeter numerous times but didn’t, he lives local, has shown he is able to work on limited budgets and he’s also cool as fuck.

Oh, and he’s also best mates with Andrew Lincoln, so that would please all the Walking Dead fans.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 11:48:52
The more I think about it, the more I’d like to see Tisdale come in. He would offer us a bit of stability, he could have left Exeter numerous times but didn’t, he lives local, has shown he is able to work on limited budgets and he’s also cool as fuck.

Oh, and he’s also best mates with Andrew Lincoln, so that would please all the Walking Dead fans.

And the range of STFC-branded highland tweedwear would be a nice change from the usual chavvy gear.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 11:57:40
Oh, and he’s also best mates with Andrew Lincoln, so that would please all the Walking Dead fans.

In addition, his uncle is Randyll Tarly from Game of Thrones, thus keeping another group of fans happy!!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:02:41
He dragged up a club which was on its arse and gave us our best season for almost a decade, before promptly fucking off at the first opportunity to a club in a lower division after wittering on about how important loyalty is.

Corrected for you.  ;)

there's no doubt what he did for the club

but I will remain bitter for a bit

Pretty much this.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:09:37
there's no doubt what he did for the club

but I will remain bitter for a bit
Yep, me too.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:10:10

There is a certain amount of ‘re-writing of history’ which has taken place over the past couple of days from some fans. He dragged up a club which was on its arse and gave us our best season for almost a decade.

Football supporters are often fickle and have issues with memory recall at times like this.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:17:47
I don't think that I have seen Gary Johnson mentioned on this thread as a possible candidate.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:21:04
there's no doubt what he did for the club

but I will remain bitter for a bit

This for me.
there's no doubt what he did for the club

but I will remain bitter for a bit

This for me.

The Woolery reference and the big club reference after the 13k Support v Exeter grinds on me.

Wellens has gone “backwards” in his career and joins a “small club” with barely 2,000 fans.
Now that doesn’t fit right and down to money.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:25:49
I don't think that I have seen Gary Johnson mentioned on this thread as a possible candidate.
No but he is in the betting, doing well at Torquay,

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:38:29
His argument being - “He joined Bournemouth when they were in League 2”

Conveniently ignoring the three promotions and several seasons in the Premier League since!

Some of our fans live in fantasy land. Even the likes of Cook, Cowley etc being mentioned - dream on.

The Cheltenham fan still maintains we should be the same size as Leicester City as we once beat them in a play-off final. We've never been a big club and I don't get where some of the delusions of grandeur come from, we are a middling league 1 club on every measure going.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:40:33
in employment = no chance in my opinion.

I mean, not like we are not going to go with hunt and hope for the best...

like listening to hunt to be honest. but we already had an uphill task, that is a big all on him

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:42:12
@theakston I think we did have the potential to be a championship club. but even that gap is massive now and would need a lansdown.

I do hope hope of playing in the championship. just might be a quickish visit.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:42:24
The Cheltenham fan still maintains we should be the same size as Leicester City as we once beat them in a play-off final. We've never been a big club and I don't get where some of the delusions of grandeur come from, we are a middling league 1 club on every measure going.

I think that most supporters understand where the club stands in the football pecking order.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:43:29
in employment = no chance in my opinion.

I mean, not like we are not going to go with hunt and hope for the best...

You thinking player coach role for Hope?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:48:57
Im sure he'll put it down to securing the future for his family.  It does feel a bit hypocritical given his declarations about loyalty.  

Personally don't think it's a good career move for him.  But then again I see this season as a surreal piece of nonsense which will probably not end.  Im treading water with football.  Doesn't seem like an ongoing drama to me, just one off performances which may amount to nothing in the end.

So Im not bothered really.  So much more important stuff going on at the moment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:54:04
if he gets Salford up by the end of next season, it will be a good move for him.

if not, then probably back on the scrapheap.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:58:23
Hartlepool 4/1 to win at Salford. With Wellens’ 100% losing ratio in cup games this has to be worth a flutter.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 13:03:02
if he gets Salford up by the end of next season, it will be a good move for him.

if not, then probably back on the scrapheap.

Agree if he gets them up it will be a good move and he will get given big money to get them settled in L1 and pushing on, no different to here, without Covid I'm sure he would have been backed financially a bit better to try and achieve his aims of pushing for a PO place.

I think Wellens was angered on the woolery deal that we failed to offer him the money he wanted to stay as he clearly wanted him to stay here, and then on deadline day not getting anyone in (who knows what happened there)

Be interesting to see what he says tonight, I hope that Vic can turn the screw a little bit, but not sure if he is that type of person to do it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 13:16:50
This for me.
This for me.

The Woolery reference and the big club reference after the 13k Support v Exeter grinds on me.

Wellens has gone “backwards” in his career and joins a “small club” with barely 2,000 fans.
Now that doesn’t fit right and down to money.

Money probably paid a part.
Being able to live at home probably did too. Even if the money was less he’d probably earn more taking out fuel costs.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 13:22:06
Agree if he gets them up it will be a good move and he will get given big money to get them settled in L1 and pushing on, no different to here, without Covid I'm sure he would have been backed financially a bit better to try and achieve his aims of pushing for a PO place.

I think Wellens was angered on the woolery deal that we failed to offer him the money he wanted to stay as he clearly wanted him to stay here, and then on deadline day not getting anyone in (who knows what happened there)

Be interesting to see what he says tonight, I hope that Vic can turn the screw a little bit, but not sure if he is that type of person to do it.
But he’ll be hamstrung by the salary cap the same as everyone else. Lim might have the odd million down the back of the sofa but he - or Wellens - won’t be able to spend it. It’ll show up his true managerial skills - or lack thereof - for sure.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 13:27:27
I don't expect loyalty from a manager. Managers are employees just like they are in any business.

If a prospective employer has better prospects, more money and is closer to home then you would make the move too.

People leave established firms for 'start-ups' all the time.

We have signed up to be loyal to the Club as fans (although most of us attend more when we are winning and less when we are shit), but I don't expect anyone to be loyal for the sake of it when it is their career.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 13:31:21
Fair enough. But they shouldn’t make statements extolling loyalty, then.

That’s what pisses people off.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: leftside on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 14:21:17
Hartlepool 4/1 to win at Salford. With Wellens’ 100% losing ratio in cup games this has to be worth a flutter.
The football Fates will decree that Wellens will now go on a monster cup run and a third round tie at Old Trafford. And Darlo will be one of the first teams shown on the cup highlights programme.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 14:25:40
...and he’s also cool as fuck.

Oh, and he’s also best mates with Andrew Lincoln, so that would please all the Walking Dead fans.

I'll take Tisdale just for the chance of Lincoln showing up at the County Ground  :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 14:26:24
No, we'll get Salford in the next round and they'll beat us.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 14:27:27
I think I've put Tisdale down as a suggestion for every management appointment for nearly as long at the TEF has existed

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 14:36:11
I'll take Tisdale just for the chance of Lincoln showing up at the County Ground  :D
Probably would rock up to be fair, I’ve seen Lincoln round Gloucestershire plenty of times, he was tenpin bowling in Stroud last year.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 14:48:03
Probably would rock up to be fair, I’ve seen Lincoln round Gloucestershire plenty of times, he was tenpin bowling in Stroud last year.

Would be great if he did. I randomly/bizarrely spent some time sailing with him. Top bloke.

Title: Re: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Benzel on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 15:01:27
Probably would rock up to be fair, I’ve seen Lincoln round Gloucestershire plenty of times, he was tenpin bowling in Stroud last year.
He goes to the cinema in Greenbridge a few times a year as well (I used to work there, not stalk him)

Sent from my CLT-L09

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 15:05:56
I have no idea who you are all talking about.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 15:11:42
I have no idea who you are all talking about.

Former lead actor in The Walking Dead. Was in Love Actually too but I thought he was great in Teachers.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 15:39:00
Former lead actor in The Walking Dead. Was in Love Actually too but I thought he was great in Teachers.

He'll always be Egg to me..... His father in law was in Jethro Tull....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 16:01:57
He'll always be Egg to me..... His father in law was in Jethro Tull....

Yeah he was cracking in This Life too. No pun.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 16:11:00
He'll always be Egg to me..... His father in law was in Jethro Tull....
I presume you mean Ian Anderson and not the 17th century inventor

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 16:12:07
I don't think that I have seen Gary Johnson mentioned on this thread as a possible candidate.
Why on earth would want him here ?, He'd be one of the last on my list.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 16:19:44
Why on earth would want him here ?, He'd be one of the last on my list.

Noted- it occurred to me that he would be worth consideration. He has achieved more than a number of the names that have been mentioned.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 17:37:37
Noted- it occurred to me that he would be worth consideration. He has achieved more than a number of the names that have been mentioned.

I don't think it would be good for his health

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 17:44:13
I’ve had a tenner on Paul Heckingbottom at 11/1. Wonder if the odds will drop.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 17:45:25
I’ve had a tenner on Paul Heckingbottom at 11/1. Wonder if the odds will drop.

I've put a tenner on Billie Piper😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 17:46:07
I see the OSC are doing an exclusive interview with Wellens live on facebook this evening. That will end well
Any links available ??.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 17:51:39
Any links available ??.

Can non members view this ?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Saxondale on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 17:59:53

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 18:06:15
now watching - thanks

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: cdakev on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 18:23:21
Adam Murry's odd's have dropped. He's already said he would like the job.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 18:26:35
Adam Murry's odd's have dropped. He's already said he would like the job.

Got a link to the quote?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 19:08:18
Adam Murry's odd's have dropped. He's already said he would like the job.
Not on Skybet they haven’t. Still 14/1. He said he would like A job as manager - not specifically Swindon.

Title: Re: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Benzel on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 19:08:59
Former lead actor in The Walking Dead. Was in Love Actually too but I thought he was great in Teachers.
Love Rick Grimes, Teachers was great and he was in Human Traffic

Sent from my CLT-L09

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 19:11:46
Adam Murry's odd's have dropped. He's already said he would like the job.

This would be a very underwhelming appointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 19:13:08
Has he given up the tennis?  ???

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 19:19:10
Adam who?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 19:20:18
Barnsley coach - ex Mansfield manager and Oxford player

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 19:38:39

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 19:39:03
George Burley, come one down!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: cdakev on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 20:23:00
This would be a very underwhelming appointment.

You all said that about Richie Wellens when i posted it

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 20:28:03
You all said that about Richie Wellens when i posted it

I didn't because I couldn't summon up the energy to fire up my laptop and post anything to express my feelings of nothingness.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 20:30:34
I didn't because I couldn't summon up the energy to fire up my laptop and post anything to express my feelings of nothingness.

Get an iPad JBZ so much easier!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 20:48:07
Well after listening to that makes you feel shite.
This club will end up killing me. Never missed a game under Wellens and what a decent Manager.
Only knows where all this will und up on the Swindon roller coaster.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 21:21:09
Well after listening to that makes you feel shite.
This club will end up killing me. Never missed a game under Wellens and what a decent Manager.
Only knows where all this will und up on the Swindon roller coaster.

He gets respect from me and hard to disagree with his comments

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 21:30:40
I didn't listen to the interview but comments about not wanting to have another relegation on his CV.

Was thinking about Andy King who kept us up twice in 2000/1 and 2002/3 inheriting Colin Todd's mess and then under a transfer embargo when Coppell said we couldn't be kept up.

Kingy took a huge amount of stick at the time especially in October 2002 with fans turning on the team. He didn't worry about his CV, rolled his sleeves up and ground out the results to take us out of trouble. Play offs the year after.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 21:33:56
I didn't listen to the interview but comments about not wanting to have another relegation on his CV.

Was thinking about Andy King who kept us up twice in 2000/1 and 2002/3 inheriting Colin Todd's mess and then under a transfer embargo when Coppell said we couldn't be kept up.

Kingy took a huge amount of stick at the time especially in October 2002 with fans turning on the team. He didn't worry about his CV, rolled his sleeves up and ground out the results to take us out of trouble. Play offs the year after.

Decent post and Kingy was a really good manager and was treated poorly by some fans

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 21:45:10
He gets respect from me and hard to disagree with his comments

Spot on Jimmy.
Put the Power knockers in their place. It’s unfortunately the way it is and until we get a new owner with investment and a different direction it won’t be much different.
Wellens is a winner and let’s hope we strike lucky again.
This up and coming court case could end up going a number of ways.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 21:50:22
I didn't listen to the interview but comments about not wanting to have another relegation on his CV.

Was thinking about Andy King who kept us up twice in 2000/1 and 2002/3 inheriting Colin Todd's mess and then under a transfer embargo when Coppell said we couldn't be kept up.

Kingy took a huge amount of stick at the time especially in October 2002 with fans turning on the team. He didn't worry about his CV, rolled his sleeves up and ground out the results to take us out of trouble. Play offs the year after.

Some cracking stories with Kingy.
Drinking with him in his office after the Hartlepool game that got us in the play offs and went over to his pub in Flitwick and got to know him really well. A lovely bloke and a typical old school Manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 22:11:15
I didn't listen to the interview but comments about not wanting to have another relegation on his CV.

Was thinking about Andy King who kept us up twice in 2000/1 and 2002/3 inheriting Colin Todd's mess and then under a transfer embargo when Coppell said we couldn't be kept up.

Kingy took a huge amount of stick at the time especially in October 2002 with fans turning on the team. He didn't worry about his CV, rolled his sleeves up and ground out the results to take us out of trouble. Play offs the year after.

King wasn’t good enough to get offered a job elsewhere. That’s the harsh reality.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 22:43:50
Maybe, but one of Kingy's attributes or failures was he called it as he saw it so maybe not one to say the right things to get other jobs.

Could spot a player though which is half the job and his old players like SSP, Mooney, Heywood loved his old school ways.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Thursday, November 5, 2020, 23:17:01
King was probably a generation too early, he'd make a cracking sporting director or director of football these days, leave the coaching and tactics to someone else.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: the-true-red on Friday, November 6, 2020, 11:36:09
Have we even established who Currans old man is, some say its the racehorse trainer who trains at what is supposed to be becoming the training ground, others suggest he is something to do with a packaging company from Essex/Kent?

Gets to play bobby big bollocks and means his lad can pretend to be a professional footballer and probably get laid more, rather than having to admit he is kept by his father.

Was successful for Agombar who wiki suggests has now landed at the heights of Bowers & Pitsea F.C.  

What is it with Currans old man? One minute he is a racehorse trainer and now a he has a packaging company, I honestly think no one has any idea. I know for a fact he is a 51 year old roofer who has a roofing company from Dagenham, done OK for himself but doesn't have football club type of money and hasn't won the lottery. Also, let's be honest, if Currans old man was pumping cash (which he hasn't) into the club wouldn't that be a good thing, shouldn't we be praising him if he was helping the club financially as the club would be in administration and its a fact LP has run out of money and the club will be going into administration in the next 3 or 4 week! I think there are bigger issues on the horizon! Curran is 20 and the constantly digging needs to be stopped, especially when Kovar & Baudry are making mistake and mistake! We have no manager and especially with everything going on at the club shouldn't  Swindon fans be sticking together instead of constant digging everything single thing that goes on at the club?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Friday, November 6, 2020, 11:42:41
Would you like to provide your source that says the club will be going into admin? Seeing as Power cant do that due a court ruling

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, November 6, 2020, 11:45:28
What is it with Currans old man? One minute he is a racehorse trainer and now a he has a packaging company, I honestly think no one has any idea. I know for a fact he is a 51 year old roofer who has a roofing company from Dagenham, done OK for himself but doesn't have football club type of money and hasn't won the lottery. Also, let's be honest, if Currans old man was pumping cash (which he hasn't) into the club wouldn't that be a good thing, shouldn't we be praising him if he was helping the club financially as the club would be in administration and its a fact LP has run out of money and the club will be going into administration in the next 3 or 4 week! I think there are bigger issues on the horizon! Curran is 20 and the constantly digging needs to be stopped, especially when Kovar & Baudry are making mistake and mistake! We have no manager and especially with everything going on at the club shouldn't  Swindon fans be sticking together instead of constant digging everything single thing that goes on at the club?

He is a race horse trainer?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 6, 2020, 11:47:34
What is it with Currans old man? One minute he is a racehorse trainer and now a he has a packaging company, I honestly think no one has any idea. I know for a fact he is a 51 year old roofer who has a roofing company from Dagenham, done OK for himself but doesn't have football club type of money and hasn't won the lottery. Also, let's be honest, if Currans old man was pumping cash (which he hasn't) into the club wouldn't that be a good thing, shouldn't we be praising him if he was helping the club financially as the club would be in administration and its a fact LP has run out of money and the club will be going into administration in the next 3 or 4 week! I think there are bigger issues on the horizon! Curran is 20 and the constantly digging needs to be stopped, especially when Kovar & Baudry are making mistake and mistake! We have no manager and especially with everything going on at the club shouldn't  Swindon fans be sticking together instead of constant digging everything single thing that goes on at the club?

Thanks for the clarification Taylor.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 6, 2020, 11:50:10
He is a race horse trainer?
But that’s not his dad.

He started off on Southend’s books so an Essex link is obvious.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 11:59:13
What is it with Currans old man? One minute he is a racehorse trainer and now a he has a packaging company, I honestly think no one has any idea. I know for a fact he is a 51 year old roofer who has a roofing company from Dagenham, done OK for himself but doesn't have football club type of money and hasn't won the lottery. Also, let's be honest, if Currans old man was pumping cash (which he hasn't) into the club wouldn't that be a good thing, shouldn't we be praising him if he was helping the club financially as the club would be in administration and its a fact LP has run out of money and the club will be going into administration in the next 3 or 4 week! I think there are bigger issues on the horizon! Curran is 20 and the constantly digging needs to be stopped, especially when Kovar & Baudry are making mistake and mistake! We have no manager and especially with everything going on at the club shouldn't  Swindon fans be sticking together instead of constant digging everything single thing that goes on at the club?
A one post wonder saying we will be in admin in the next 3 or 4 weeks.... come on then what's your 'sauce'?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 6, 2020, 11:59:15
But that’s not his dad.

He started off on Southend’s books so an Essex link is obvious.
I thought Currans dads name was John Curran and runs several businesses in Essex.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:04:56
I don't think it should be surprising that Admin is a real possibility at the moment for any club let alone Swindon - unless clubs start to see some sort of bail out, there are bound to be clubs like ours on the verge of Admin while there is no dosh coming in.

I have no doubt that we and many other clubs are flirting with the prospect at the moment - that's why people banding around wild managerial names are kidding themselves IMO.  Until a revenue stream or bail out is in place we are stuck with what we have.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: the-true-red on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:08:36
A one post wonder saying we will be in admin in the next 3 or 4 weeks.... come on then what's your 'sauce'?

The players wages were paid late, the football league bridged a loan to Swindon Town, 270k on the last day of the month. If the Football league or the FA don't step in with a bailout next month, the club will get worse and may become another Macclesfield. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen. LP has funded Richie Wellens with many signings but now without the fanbase, ticket sales and sponsorships, the club is in serious trouble. My sources comes from someone very senior in the football club.

Financial resources empty, no cash, no wages, no club.

Any die hard religious Swindon Fans please start praying now we don't go into adminstration.

God bless you all.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:09:47
Again, what is your source?

Someone very senior? Sounds like horse shit to me

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:14:01
absolutely Berni. Without financial help admin is the sideshow. surely the risk of going under is high.

with Curran, if he was playing in place of better players it would be a massive problem. He's only played in the pointless cup. Fans are always going to have views on players performance, right or wrong. In this case we should be buying him a pint as part of the team that exit the stupid waste of time.

with 'who is Curran sr anyway' - just say it if you know. If there's no transparency that's up to the owner.  But that leads to rumour and suspicion. That's the way it is.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:15:14
Wellens lied then. said all wages were paid in time in yesterday's interview

He also said he ok'd all players signatures and wasn't forced to sign anyone

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:15:25
The players wages were paid late, the football league bridged a loan to Swindon Town, 270k on the last day of the month. If the Football league or the FA don't step in with a bailout next month, the club will get worse and may become another Macclesfield. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen. LP has funded Richie Wellens with many signings but now without the fanbase, ticket sales and sponsorships, the club is in serious trouble. My sources comes from someone very senior in the football club.

Financial resources empty, no cash, no wages, no club.

Any die hard religious Swindon Fans please start praying now we don't go into adminstration.

God bless you all.
'Die hard religious Swindon fans'.......... Facebook a bit quiet today?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:16:40

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:18:07
Or an oxford fan

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:18:15
Must be someone of that ilk, putting a user name as the 'True' red points to someone trying too hard to make out they are ITK.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:20:18
Don’t remember the EFL loaning any other club that was struggling to pay wages.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Exiled Bob on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:21:24
Or an oxford fan
Or a Cheltenham fan. ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:23:20
Quote from: Exiled Bob
Or an oxford fan
Or a Cheltenham fan. ;)

nah, I don't think he'd be able to back Curran that way

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:23:43
Quote from: The Artist Formerly Known as Audrey
Don’t remember the EFL loaning any other club that was struggling to pay wages.

it's totally the PFA that setup in for that kind of thing

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:24:07
Anyway, how is that scenario any different to about 95% of other L1/2 clubs. It’s a given club’s are struggling with no income. How could it be otherwise?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:24:47
it's totally the PFA that setup in for that kind of thing
And they’ve done fuck all in this pandemic.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:26:56
2 new names on the new manager bookies’ list.

Pep Clotet and Gareth Barry

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Leggett on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:41:52
Ex Pox manager? No ta.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:44:35
2 new names on the new manager bookies’ list.

Pep Clotet and Gareth Barry
Pep...god no, Barry....highly unlikely with his relationship with Power, unless they have kissed and made up. Didn't Barry say he didnt want to go into coaching only a few weeks back?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:51:04
What he says about the late payment of wages is true btw, so if Wellens said different, then yes it is an untruth.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:53:25
League One club experiencing cashflow issues- is that surprising news?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:55:52
Not having money without an income would be one of the least surprising bits of news one could expect.

Is there still a bailout being organised? Or even spoken about? It all seems to have gone quiet on that front.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Friday, November 6, 2020, 12:57:33
As I said in my previous post.  Anyone who is surprised we are flirting with Admin and naming Eddie Howe or the Cowleys as our next manager are living in dreamworld IMO.

The climate is what the climate is. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:09:29
What he says about the late payment of wages is true btw, so if Wellens said different, then yes it is an untruth.

Is this common knowledge?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:13:43
I don't think it should be surprising that Admin is a real possibility at the moment for any club let alone Swindon - unless clubs start to see some sort of bail out, there are bound to be clubs like ours on the verge of Admin while there is no dosh coming in.

I have no doubt that we and many other clubs are flirting with the prospect at the moment - that's why people banding around wild managerial names are kidding themselves IMO.  Until a revenue stream or bail out is in place we are stuck with what we have.

Everything you’ve said is highly likely to be possible or even true.

Not sure a senior official within the club would start broadcasting it to random fans mind you...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:21:07

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:23:15

Is there still a bailout being organised?

Yeah, in our case it involves shunting the manager off to Salford and them paying for the privilege. In all seriousness not sure what they have paid but losing Wellens could actually save the club if the rumours emerging on this thread are true.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:23:52

He really is a prick isn’t he.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:24:01
Is this common knowledge?

No, I heard it from my own source at the club, I didn’t mention it on here because of exactly what happened with the new poster, people want to know source etc. And don’t believe you if you don’t name them - so what is the point?

Everything you’ve said is highly likely to be possible or even true

Not sure a senior official within the club would start broadcasting it to random fans mind you...

My source is not a senior official, but somebody close to the squad.

Look, the only reason I confirmed it was because somebody had already posted it and was being accused of not knowing what they were talking about because of their post count.  Hopefully I have done my time on here and people know me well enough to believe what I am saying, and I can confirm that most of what the poster has said is true or not far from the truth, from what I know.

Although it is difficult because of the amount of trolls around these days, we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss things because of somebody’s post count.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:24:41
Fucking Swindon? An hour from London. Wtf is he talking about. Twat

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:25:44

Andy King never struggled to attract players down here!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:26:52
Every interview he does directly contradicts his previous one, literally can't believe a word he says.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:27:13
He really is a prick isn’t he.

If we are talking about tweets from the Cheltenham fan, can somebody start posting them because if you have been blocked by said tweeter for calling him out on his bullshit previously, you can’t see them :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:27:38
Every interview he does directly contradicts his previous one, literally can't believe a word he says.

It's funny that he never mentioned that before

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:28:26
If we are talking about tweets from the Cheltenham fan, can somebody start posting them because if you have been blocked by said tweeter for calling him out on his bullshit previously, you can’t see them :D

I think we are talking about Wellens giving an interview to BBC Radio Manchester which basically contradicts everything he said yesterday.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:30:41
Ah, fair enough :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:30:50
If we are talking about tweets from the Cheltenham fan, can somebody start posting them because if you have been blocked by said tweeter for calling him out on his bullshit previously, you can’t see them :D

It’s not, it’s another Wellens interview  :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Private Fraser on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:35:45
There's this one now, too (unless it's already been posted elsewhere):

Apparently, the pre-match presser is at 2 o'clock but the Total Sport guy is self-isolating so they're not able to live tweet it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:39:58
Another version of events,then.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:41:54
Fucking Swindon? An hour from London. Wtf is he talking about. Twat
Did he really say it's difficult for us to attract players because of location?  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:44:50
Did he really say it's difficult for us to attract players because of location?  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Someone better tell all the distribution companies in Swindon the location isn't very good.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:44:57
Another version of events,then.

Scripted from Vic Morgan's interview

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:46:35
He won't be attracting players to Salford because of location😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:52:19
He won't be attracting players to Salford because of location😁

As much of Salford is actually closer to central Manchester than much of Manchester I would not be so sure. Done a heck of a lot of work there over the last 10 years and it has changed beyond recognition and much o it is now just an extension to Manchester City Centre.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:54:22
As much of Salford is actually closer to central Manchester than much of Manchester I would not be so sure. Done a heck of a lot of work there over the last 10 years and it has changed beyond recognition and much o it is now just an extension to Manchester City Centre.

I appreceite what you're saying but I'm guessing players will be attracted there because of the wages they can pay at that level plus the razzmatazz of the owners etc and I'm still not sure how you get a City inside a a City😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:56:02
So he tells STFC fans he’s leaving primarily for family reasons - the easy option of excuses

He tells the Salford fan ‘he’s not accepted the job to spend more time with his family. He’s had 5 months in lockdown with his family and he’s had enough’

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, November 6, 2020, 13:57:49
Did he really say it's difficult for us to attract players because of location?  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

"I heard they dropped an atomic bomb on Swindon! About 15 quid's worth of damage!"

Best wishes

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 14:02:56
"I heard they dropped an atomic bomb on Swindon! About 15 quid's worth of damage!"

Best wishes
You don’t need to live in Swindon itself, you can live in one of the very nice towns or villages within 10 miles or just commute. General location and convenience is one of Swindon’s main selling points.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, November 6, 2020, 14:04:48
You don’t need to live in Swindon itself, you can live in one of the very nice towns or villages within 10 miles or just commute. General location and convenience is one of Swindon’s main selling points.

Agreed, provided they avoid Calne although I seem to recall Bart Griemink lived there (I am sure there have been others).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 14:06:24
You don’t need to live in Swindon itself, you can live in one of the very nice towns or villages within 10 miles or just commute. General location and convenience is one of Swindon’s main selling points.

Wellens is talking aload of bollocks if he was unable to attract players it was because we were in league 2 and he wanted league one players or they wanted wages Power wouldn't finance and the likes of Bristol City & Plymouth do ok

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, November 6, 2020, 14:07:45
Wellens is talking aload of bollocks if he was unable to attract players it was because we were in league 2 and he wanted league one players or they wanted wages Power wouldn't finance and the likes of Bristol City & Plymouth do ok

Recruitment can be a problem for Plymouth I understand, given their location here on the SW peninsular.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 6, 2020, 14:10:39
I've so far tried to ignore posting about Wellens as bitter football supporters grind my gears, but his statement about not being able to attract players to Swindon due to its location is quite clearly ridiculous.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 14:13:04
I've so far tried to ignore posting about Wellens as bitter football supporters grind my gears, but his statement about not being able to attract players to Swindon due to its location is quite clearly ridiculous.

Ssme here Bob I thought his interview with Vic Morgan was fair enough now the excuses seem to coming out

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 6, 2020, 14:22:10
and I'm still not sure how you get a City inside a a City😁

You have a river in the way. The commercials CBD of Manchester City Centre is expanding northwards, that expansion is in Salford.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 14:54:41
You have a river in the way. The commercials CBD of Manchester City Centre is expanding northwards, that expansion is in Salford.

Salford keys! You have the river in the centre of Bristol but Bedminster is still in Bristol

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:07:48
Could be overly generous to him, but there is a difference between spending more time with your family and not having to commute the length of the country for your job.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jilted John on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:16:54
"I heard they dropped an atomic bomb on Swindon! About 15 quid's worth of damage!"

Best wishes
Says the man from Wellington!  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:17:20
Could be overly generous to him, but there is a difference between spending more time with your family and not having to commute the length of the country for your job.

And stuck in a Flat down here during the week

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:22:36
Christ! Are we still on this?

Wellens has gone - Combination of better offer for him personally (whether that be, closer to home, more money. more chance of success, more financial backing etc). See ya!

Hunt is in place for the forseeable future - Lets hope he does well!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:23:18
Says the man from Wellington!  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Hit a nerve there? Just repeating a well known quote.  Naturally, I don't endorse those sentiments...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:29:47
Ref Wellens i dont see a lot wrong in what he has said, but doing the interviews with the town people was unnecessary especially so soon.

Its quite galling that Covid was the reason for budget changes and therefore ultimately changes in ambition and has led to this change. We understand the need to protect the club, as does Wellens. He has been cold blooded about his career. He has often talked about his playing career and spending too long in the lower leagues, when he could have played more at the championship, as he did at leicester, or even in the prem. He clearly doesn't want to make that mistake again. He is correct that if he has a shit season with us, which there is a risk of, even if its not inevitable, reduces his stock somewhat. Another promotion at Salford and i doubt he stays there long either, someone bigger will come along and offer him a chance.

Can't blame a lad for a more secure income, with more time with his family and a better chance to strengthen his managerial reputation, especially at a time like this.

Not sure he has said anything contrary either. He is given the current salford staff a chance, if they don't work, then he would naturally be interested in ours, but at the moment isnt taking them. May not take Hunt at all if he wants the managers job.

Where this leaves us is worrying. Staying up is the aim, i agree with Wellens we are a couple of players short still. I still can't quite believe Palmer was allowed to leave particularly given bodies in midfield. We could of rested grant for these 2 cup games for example.

Real concerns have to be with the health of the club. I'm almost concerned more now that Hunt doesn't take the job if the behind the scenes are bad, then jumps with Wright. What sort of manager accepts what we have and the aims this season could be a worry.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:34:31
There are some decent managers out of work and I suspect some may see this as a route back into management and a stepping stone to a 'better' position at some point in the future (assuming they achieve a level of success).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:36:38
There are some decent managers out of work and I suspect some may see this as a route back into management and a stepping stone to a 'better' position at some point in the future (assuming they achieve a level of success).

Normally a manager has to impress a chairman at the moment Power has to impress a manager

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jilted John on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:38:11
Hit a nerve there? Just repeating a well known quote.  Naturally, I don't endorse those sentiments...
Yep, stereotypical Swindon bashing from someone who doesn't live in Swindon and never has.

Easy target though isn't it, bandwagon jumping.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:38:55
I've lived in Calne and Swindon. Both lovely places, some of you must be a bit stuck up  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:40:32
I've lived in Swindon all my life if it was a horrible place to live the hordes from the Home Counties & London wouldn't be buying up our new houses :no:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:43:34
Yep, stereotypical Swindon bashing from someone who doesn't live in Swindon and never has.

Easy target though isn't it, bandwagon jumping.

I was born there so I suppose technically you may say it is my home town.  

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:45:47
I was born there so I suppose technically you may say it is my home town.  

Where do you live now

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:47:20
Where do you live now

As Dexter Morgan mentioned, Wellington

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:48:50
Outlying towns and villages around Swindon are fantastic. I’ve lived in Highworth, Blunsdon and Wroughton. Not a bad word to say about any of them. It’s really only Swindon town centre that’s depressing - as are most town centres.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 15:50:44
Outlying towns and villages around Swindon are fantastic. I’ve lived in Highworth, Blunsdon and Wroughton. Not a bad word to say about any of them. It’s really only Swindon town centre that’s depressing - as are most town centres.

Agree with all of that 😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 6, 2020, 16:03:16
I was born there so I suppose technically you may say it is my home town.  

Its an interesting statement actually as I was also born in Swindon and never actually lived there either. But when someone asks me where I am from, I always answer Swindon. If the discussion goes further into where i've actually lived, it makes me sound like some kind of gypsy!!

My dad always answers Wantage as he's been there for most of his life, even though born and bred in Swindon.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 6, 2020, 16:20:17
Its an interesting statement actually as I was also born in Swindon and never actually lived there either. But when someone asks me where I am from, I always answer Swindon. If the discussion goes further into where i've actually lived, it makes me sound like some kind of gypsy!!

My dad always answers Wantage as he's been there for most of his life, even though born and bred in Swindon.
My Dad was born in the Forest of Dean and only moved to Swindon when he was 25 but when asked he always said he came from Swindon.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Friday, November 6, 2020, 16:51:33
Talk of the town has an interview with Lee Power if anyone is interested

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 16:52:43
Talk of the town has an interview with Lee Power if anyone is interested
Says we are up to the limit on salary cap so wonder who's lying this time...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 16:53:23
Talk of the town has an interview with Lee Power if anyone is interested

Definitely interested after eating my tea first😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JoeMezz on Friday, November 6, 2020, 16:54:49
Says we are up to the limit on salary cap so wonder who's lying this time...

Didn't Wellens say that Broadbent wasn't in the original squad because of his contribution to the salary cap. He was only added in after we didn't sign someone on deadline day, hence there was space in the salary cap to add him in.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 16:57:03
Didn't Wellens say that Broadbent wasn't in the original squad because of his contribution to the salary cap. He was only added in after we didn't sign someone on deadline day, hence there was space in the salary cap to add him in.
In other interviews he's said we were way below, he could never make his mind up...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:05:50
Interview as expected really bizarrely Salford emailed us about Wellens. Money running out, Bogle money kept us going for a few months, people interested in buying have dwindled away with all the uncertainty of COVID, court case etc.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:09:49
In other words, were fucked.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:12:01
In other words, were fucked.

Yep this!

Also interesting that Power claims we are at cap, though could have signed a forward? Is that a sign of how big our budget was last year? Yet they all claim it wasn't the biggest in the league.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:18:29
If ever there was a need to win some cups games for a bit of extra prize money ...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:26:01
That’s the first time I’ve ever heard him openly say he’s trying to sell the club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:27:37
Talk of the town has an interview with Lee Power if anyone is interested

Do you need to open an account to listen if so why😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:36:01
That’s the first time I’ve ever heard him openly say he’s trying to sell the club.
Well at least the vocal minority can prove there’s loads of people queuing up to buy us now!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:36:38
That’s the first time I’ve ever heard him openly say he’s trying to sell the club.

I suspect this will prompt a number of posts by That Nestor Lorenzo Heade(r) on how fan ownership will take the club to great heights.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:38:18
Is Clem still on the scene... and willing?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:41:37
the interview with Power was a fair one.

not sure what's true and what's half true tbh.

I mean I believe him being out of money, and starting at the the cliff edge.

but at salary cap, biggest budget ever, really?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:56:40
Power word vs. Wellens word isnt worth debating but the future stuff was, although not exactly surprising, worrying.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 17:57:53
Where do lower league clubs regarding furloughing players

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, November 6, 2020, 18:00:36
Quote from: Costanza
Power word vs. Wellens word isnt worth debating but the future stuff was, although not exactly surprising, worrying.

yup. very worrying.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, November 6, 2020, 18:20:50
Did he really say it's difficult for us to attract players because of location?  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Maybe he didn't like the Town centre location with limited car parking. I guess he is used to out of town indentikit grounds like Old Trafford.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Friday, November 6, 2020, 20:17:12
Is Clem still on the scene... and willing?

Yes he is. Spoke to him couple of days ago. 23rd November is his court hearing

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: china red on Friday, November 6, 2020, 20:19:38
Yes he is. Spoke to him couple of days ago. 23rd November is his court hearing

Willing to take over the club? Does he have the cash?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Friday, November 6, 2020, 20:27:17
Yes to both

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Friday, November 6, 2020, 20:27:58
Cross that bridge when we come to it as for now he just wants what he paid for which is fair

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 20:28:26
Yes to both

Would he spend/invest more than power into the club

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Friday, November 6, 2020, 20:29:29
I think that’s a given, majority of powers funds aren’t his according to them court documents haha

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 6, 2020, 20:30:50
I think that’s a given, majority of powers funds aren’t his according to them court documents haha

There could be a little light at the end of the tunnel then :nod:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Friday, November 6, 2020, 20:54:03
Let’s hope so because the future under mr power sounds pretty grim

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Friday, November 6, 2020, 21:49:41
Let’s hope so because the future under mr power sounds pretty grim
This is way the smaller case that could be settled out of court.
The other is the big one.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:22:05
Power mentions he's had lots of interest and that four names he previously offered the job to who turned it down have applied so wonder who they are? Coterill could be one.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:36:08
Howe, Wenger, Ferguson and Atkinson

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:37:46
Howe, Wenger, Ferguson and Atkinson

I think you're still asleep and dreaming😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:49:05
Sol Campbell now 5/2

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:50:31
Sol Campbell now 5/2

Hope not I would rather Coterill

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:51:34
Please not Cotterill

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:52:27
Please not Cotterill

Only because it would hack the slave traders off😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:52:42
Bobby Howe, Scott Wenger, Barry Ferguson and Rowan Atkinson. TBF I would give Rowan a go as manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:54:48
Sol Campbell now 5/2
14/1 on Skybet

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:55:40
Bobby Howe, Scott Wenger, Barry Ferguson and Rowan Atkinson. TBF I would give Rowan a go as manager.

I think you need the Friday joke thread

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 07:58:55
Or what about that Cheltenham supporter who was keen to grill Wellens during that recent facebook interview.  He seems to know his stuff.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 08:00:56
Or what about that Cheltenham supporter who was keen to grill Wellens during that recent facebook interview.  He seems to know his stuff.

If his name is Michael Duff yes get him asap😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 08:10:43
Please not Cotterill
The thought of Cotterill or Campbell makes me want to stick my head in the oven.
Tisdale never see what everyone sees in him.
Rather leave Hunt in charge than any of these.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 08:14:18
If the club is suffering from money woes (which must be the case) Hunt is the pragmatic option. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 08:20:39
The thought of Cotterill or Campbell makes me want to stick my head in the oven.
Tisdale never see what everyone sees in him.
Rather leave Hunt in charge than any of these.

I would rather Malpas or Hart over those two😃

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 09:50:44
Please not Cotterill
If the choice was between Campbell or Cotterill then Cotterill would win, the least worst option.

No way should either be our manager ever though.

I have a feeling that Power was talking about Tisdale, a man we have approached in the past while employed and now is not. Also possibly Nigel Adkins.

If the club is suffering from money woes (which must be the case) Hunt is the only option. 
Which I feel he is, and will be given the job until at least Christmas.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 09:52:27
Adkins is taking the Tranmere job i think

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 09:55:34
Adkins is taking the Tranmere job i think
I remember him in goal for them for several years, he obviously knows the club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 09:56:53
I suppose Adkins offers added value as he can also double up as the club physio as well.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 10:00:50
Adkins is taking the Tranmere job i think
It also comes to something when you look at the new manager odds for Tranmere and pretty much exactly the same managers are the list as for Swindon.

I must admit I like Keith Hill and though his CV is severely blotted by his term at Bolton but he did wonders at Rochdale with zero budget for so long.

Similar to Tisdale, poor win ratio but did well at teams with small budgets for a long time.

Also he likes his teams to play decent football.

But hes Northern based and we know how the last 2 of those did and scarpered back up North at the first opportunity.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 10:50:36
It also comes to something when you look at the new manager odds for Tranmere and pretty much exactly the same managers are the list as for Swindon.

I must admit I like Keith Hill and though his CV is severely blotted by his term at Bolton but he did wonders at Rochdale with zero budget for so long.

Similar to Tisdale, poor win ratio but did well at teams with small budgets for a long time.

Also he likes his teams to play decent football.

But hes Northern based and we know how the last 2 of those did and scarpered back up North at the first opportunity.

Phil brown liked it here😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 10:53:53

Phil brown liked it here😁
Yes but he hadn't managed solely sides in the North previously, unlike Wellens and Flipflop. He had at least ventured South of Yorkshire/Lancashire.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 10:55:31
Yes but he hadn't managed solely sides in the North previously, unlike Wellens and Flipflop. He had at least ventured South of Yorkshire/Lancashire.

I think that's because it was too cold up north and not good for his tan!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 10:57:04
If the choice was between Campbell or Cotterill then Cotterill would win, the least worst option.

No way should either be our manager ever though.

I have a feeling that Power was talking about Tisdale, a man we have approached in the past while employed and now is not. Also possibly Nigel Adkins.
Which I feel he is, and will be given the job until at least Christmas.

Or Power run out of money been forced out the club by his silent backers etc, etc, etc.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 10:57:11

Phil brown liked it here😁

And that went well...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 10:59:39
And that went well...

It's not much better now

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Hyabb17 on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 11:31:55
Sol Campbell now 5/2

That’s a click bait twitter page who posted that. On commission so they hope Swindon fans rush & put money in Campbell at 14/1...Now have retracted their original tweet.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 12:11:15
At least John Terry hasn't been mentioned

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 13:51:26
It won’t be and apologies if already mentioned on this thread but, given our historical success with giving recently retired players their step into managerial careers, what about Matt Taylor? Has been coaching with Spurs for a few years now and knows the club very well. Of course it’s probably too big a risk for club and Taylor but I thought it was an interesting name to consider.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 20:00:41
Culverhouse’s Kings Lynn knocked Port Vale out of the cup today..

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 20:02:26
Culverhouse’s Kings Lynn knocked Port Vale out of the cup today..

I can't help thinking Culverhouse might actually be in the running.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 20:07:07
I can't help thinking Culverhouse might actually be in the running.

Same situation as Wellens family are settled and it's miles from home and maybe waiting for a league club closer

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 20:08:19
I suspect that any other opportunities would have come a knocking by now

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 21:22:23
We need Neil Warnock here for a few weeks to organise and get the players dying for the cause like Middlesbrough are doing 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 21:26:01
We need Neil Warnock here for a few weeks to organise and get the players dying for the cause like Middlesbrough are doing 

Not sure they need to die for the cause. Just "putting in a shift" and beating what I understand is a part time football club would be a start.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 7, 2020, 22:27:51
Not sure they need to die for the cause. Just "putting in a shift" and beating what I understand is a part time football club would be a start.

Just watching the Middlesbrough highlights earlier and was impressed how they fought for every ball which comes down to fitness and organisation from a manager that won't accept less than 100% from every player which is what we need as well as concentration to iron out invisible mistakes. Not pretty I agree but at this moment in time we need results and a unity otherwise we're in trouble

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: welshred on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 00:16:15
I wonder if there’s any reason why we’re getting so many injuries? It’s not normal is it.

So is it:
a) We’ve taken a risk and signed a shit load of injury prone players
b) Something to do with the way we’re training
c) Not preparing for games properly?

I’ve no idea but I genuinely think we’ve got maybe 14 players capable of competing at this level but the majority of them are injured. That’s the first thing any new manager needs to figure out.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 07:59:19
Sol Campbell in to 6/1 2nd fav

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 08:10:22
Sol Campbell in to 6/1 2nd fav

Michael Carrick now in the odds at 20/1

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 08:26:43
Michael Carrick now in the odds at 20/1
Ooh! Like it. For no logical reason.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 08:40:48
Michael Carrick now in the odds at 20/1

Imagine leaving the comfort of Manchester United for Swindon Town?

I imagine they wouldnt close the door on him if he decided to give lower League football management a bash.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 10:12:50
Sol Campbell in to 6/1 2nd fav

Clearly would be a drastically unpopular appointment but at least you would hope he might have a crack at sorting out our frankly useless defence.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 10:15:11
Clearly would be a drastically unpopular appointment but at least you would hope he might have a crack at sorting out our frankly useless defence.

He's made for us as he only goes to clubs in financial difficulties then leaves after a few months

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 10:17:00
Why would Campbell be so unpopular??

Did a good job at Macclesfield, was on a hiding to nothing at Southend who appear the most baskety of basket cases

Feel for him to be honest, that he’s only linked with basket case clubs like us rather than more secure sides

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 10:20:21
Why would Campbell be so unpopular??

Did a good job at Macclesfield, was on a hiding to nothing at Southend who appear the most baskety of basket cases

Feel for him to be honest, that he’s only linked with basket case clubs like us rather than more secure sides

It seems all about opinions of which we all have our own. Good defender but dosen't really inspire me and seems to lack assertiveness but what do I know.

If he went to a more stable club with money and a decent number 2 he may well become a decent manager but coming here won't be any different from his previous clubs

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 10:22:33
Agreed, anyone judging his managerial career so far must be oblivious to the circumstances of the 2 job.

I’d rather we didn’t appoint him solely cos the chip on his shoulder makes him seem a bit of tit, not due to managerial past

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 10:42:14
Why would Campbell be so unpopular??

Did a good job at Macclesfield, was on a hiding to nothing at Southend who appear the most baskety of basket cases

Feel for him to be honest, that he’s only linked with basket case clubs like us rather than more secure sides

Agree with this.

He’s done ok in almost the worst of circumstances. We were all prepared to give Wellens a chance in spite of his awful record at Oldham due to ‘circumstances’

Wouldn’t be my first choice and I’d be a bit ‘meh, could go either way’ if he was appointed but I was the same with Wellens.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 10:50:07
Would be fine with Campbell but I can't see a new manager coming in unless there is a Prem/EFL bailout.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 11:03:43
I wonder if there’s any reason why we’re getting so many injuries? It’s not normal is it.

So is it:
a) We’ve taken a risk and signed a shit load of injury prone players
b) Something to do with the way we’re training
c) Not preparing for games properly?

I’ve no idea but I genuinely think we’ve got maybe 14 players capable of competing at this level but the majority of them are injured. That’s the first thing any new manager needs to figure out.

It's A mainly I think. Re-signing all of Baudry, Fryers and Conroy was a mistake. Impossible to have any continuity when you have a different CB pairing most weeks.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 11:09:59
The 50mill bailout money from the PL is still on the table and the door is open for individual clubs that are in the shit to have a word as far as I'm aware.

That would involve breaking ranks though, but it must be getting close to tipping point for a number of clubs.

Wouldn't have a problem with Sol Campbell.
Wasn't always the case but beginning to think that Tisdale might be a good shout now.

Maybe our resident Exeter fan could give some pros and cons on the dapper cravat wearing one.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 11:12:24
The 50mill bailout money from the PL is still on the table and the door is open for individual clubs that are in the shit to have a word as far as I'm aware.

That would involve breaking ranks though, but it must be getting close to tipping point for a number of clubs.

Wouldn't have a problem with Sol Campbell.
Wasn't always the case but beginning to think that Tisdale might be a good shout now.

Maybe our resident Exeter fan could give some pros and cons on the dapper cravat wearing one.

Is the resident  Exeter fan still around as I haven't seen him post since we got promoted

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 11:14:40
My reasoning behind Campbell being unpopular is that I think some of our fans believe that Paul Cook or someone of that ilk will come here. FWIW I’d be pretty content if he rocked up here.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 11:15:48
My reasoning behind Campbell being unpopular is that I think some of our fans believe that Paul Cook or someone of that ilk will come here. FWIW I’d be pretty content if he rocked up here.

I think those days are well gone unless we can get a super rich owner who will give him what's he wants

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 11:28:38
I think it's a combination of all factors.

Wellens thought he could squeeze another year of performances from the older pros like Baudry, Caddis and Grant. To differing degrees they have not hit the heights of last season. A year older and a higher division will expose this. Maybe it might just take them longer to get up to speed.

The off and pre-season were different to usual years with not knowing when the season would start, nor the usual friendlies and reading Wellens comments this week maybe his heart wasn't 100% in it. Remember the 'Charlton League Cup is another friendly' comment.

So possibly under-prepared players who are include some that are injury prone at the best of times and a Saturday Tuesday schedule most weeks is a recipie for injuries.

Last season that gamble paid off for long periods. This season the squad seems unbalanced with older pros 31+ or young loans but not enough of the players with 100+ league games at this level that Wellens often talked about regularly available. It can be turned around but maybe a new manager can bring some fresh ideas.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 11:30:46
As mentioned above, Campbell has a great deal of experience in nursing moribund clubs to some form of recovery. On that basis, he could be a good fit.  Whether he would take on the ‘project’ is another matter.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 13:18:58
William Hill still got Nigel Clough st 16/1 even though he's now at Mansfield! Interestingly Dan Crowley now 8/1

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 15:28:08
Why would Campbell be so unpopular??
Because he's always come across as a bit of an arrogant cock, even or perhaps especially prior to his recent spate of managerial stints. FWIW, I agree he's done a good job in impossible circumstances in those jobs, and he may well have learned some humility along the way but that's why he always produces a knee-jerk "God, not him" response

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 16:55:15
Has Campbell really done that well? I must have missed it. (Not joking. Just thought that he went to 2-3 clubs in a blaze of glory, moaned about funds, then jumped ship leaving the departing club in a similar position).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 17:13:28
Because he's always come across as a bit of an arrogant cock, even or perhaps especially prior to his recent spate of managerial stints. FWIW, I agree he's done a good job in impossible circumstances in those jobs, and he may well have learned some humility along the way but that's why he always produces a knee-jerk "God, not him" response

This for me.  He might do alright but I dislike him as a person due to his attitude, rightly or wrongly.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 17:16:06
This for me.  He might do alright but I dislike him as a person due to his attitude, rightly or wrongly.

Remember the time he went home st half time whilst playing for Arsenal

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 17:23:26
Has Campbell really done that well? I must have missed it. (Not joking. Just thought that he went to 2-3 clubs in a blaze of glory, moaned about funds, then jumped ship leaving the departing club in a similar position).
He left Macclesfield being owed £180k in wages so they were in breach of contract to him, he did well there TBH(relatively), he went to Southend with them 2nd from bottom and thats where they finished, he led Macc to 8 wins from 30 games and Southend to just 4 wins from 23 games.

He is also very outspoken politically and on racial matters too in the past which
antagonized some fans and does have a "holier than thou" attitude, stating that he should be given a managers job based purely upon his playing career and not for his coaching merits.

He is a self proclaimed "one of the greatest minds in football"

He is a walking ego trip, and its a no from me.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 17:31:29
He certainly rubbed the Spurs supporters up when signing for Arsenal. He might get on well with David Icke😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 17:32:28
He’s always come across as entitled and deluded since entering management. And he’s also intensely annoying, won’t be cheap (because Sol Campbell rates Sol Campbell) and doesn’t really have a track record of winning a lot of football matches.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 18:52:48
I am not a big fan of Campbell by any means but you won’t really have a winning record if you manage basket cases

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 19:41:30
Rather have Hope.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 19:46:48
He signed for the Mundo Finance scam as a player so is another that just chased the money. I don’t think as a manager he’d provide any kind of stability which along with some fresh ideas is a necessity.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 19:48:41
Not everyone's favourite but Dan Cowley would get us organised even if the football isn't that inspiring

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: welshred on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 21:19:59
Not everyone's favourite but Dan Cowley would get us organised even if the football isn't that inspiring

He wouldn’t have any choice other than play football with the players we currently have. No forward players capable of playing in a direct system.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 21:27:28
He wouldn’t have any choice other than play football with the players we currently have. No forward players capable of playing in a direct system.

He could be a good choice but doubt we could afford him

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, November 8, 2020, 21:39:22
Sam Ricketts looking likely to get sacked despite winning in the FA Cup. Have heard he has two games to turn it around in the league or he's gone.

I still think Town should buy him out of his nominal 6 months remaining at Shrews. Plays a 3-5-2 system. Even if the relationship has turned sour at Shrews, take this season (or 10 games) out of the scenario and he's done ok in his first 2yrs (a similar amount of time as Wellens but at a higher level). Probs only just below RW in win rate but that's relative to the division surely.

In any case, if Power was in for him and knows he will soon be sacked, then he'll wait for that to happen. No compo at all. Win-win.

He'd be much better than Campbell and play better football than Cowley. A fresh start with a set of players that can already play a similar system. Can't see why it wouldn't be an appointment to go for, especially above some of the names mentioned here.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: donkey on Monday, November 9, 2020, 06:47:07
Am I the only one who would be horrified by the Cowleys?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, November 9, 2020, 07:02:31
Everybody has their favourites and their ‘ffs, no’ candidates.

I don’t think we can be too precious about who we do get. Wellensball, without the right players, is proving to be a shambles. Maybe a more pragmatic approach is needed. Doesn’t have to be hoofball, but most people will agree that any successful team needs to be built on a competent defence.

No easy task with the players we’ve got. At least until Fryers and Conroy return (or not).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 07:09:43
Am I the only one who would be horrified by the Cowleys?


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, November 9, 2020, 07:31:32
If as we or certainly I suspect, that cash is as bountiful as hens teeth then I have a feeling that unless Hunt and the back room team leave he’ll be here until Christmas. If the shit is being flung in the general direction of Power who is stood in front of it then it makes sense to appoint a new manager and see what funds are available in the jan trans window. Court cases notwithstanding.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Monday, November 9, 2020, 07:53:42
Unless Salford/Wellens come in for Hunt. It’ll be Hunt.

Just a case of who he’s allowed to bring assuming Salford/Wellens take some of the back room staff

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 08:39:10
If as we or certainly I suspect, that cash is as bountiful as hens teeth then I have a feeling that unless Hunt and the back room team leave he’ll be here until Christmas. If the shit is being flung in the general direction of Power who is stood in front of it then it makes sense to appoint a new manager and see what funds are available in the jan trans window. Court cases notwithstanding.
Completely agree. I certainly think people don't need to worry too much about the prospects of us being able to afford to employ the Cowley brothers in the near future.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 08:47:51
If as we or certainly I suspect, that cash is as bountiful as hens teeth then I have a feeling that unless Hunt and the back room team leave he’ll be here until Christmas. If the shit is being flung in the general direction of Power who is stood in front of it then it makes sense to appoint a new manager and see what funds are available in the jan trans window. Court cases notwithstanding.

What you say makes a lot of sense from Powers point of view but not necessarily from a footballing aspect. If Wellens had stayed he would have been paying his salary (in his words the highest paid since he's been the owner) so you would have thought he could get someone in with experience without increasing his out goings. If he's uses Wellens Salary to keep the club afloat then you have to fear the worst with relegation on the cards as I don't see Hunt the person to take us forward and as with any court case/s they're bound to be complex and would probably carry into the new year

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Monday, November 9, 2020, 08:48:08
How about the other Tommy Wright, formerly of St. Johnstone

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Monday, November 9, 2020, 08:54:37
How about the other Tommy Wright, formerly of St. Johnstone

Funny you say that, Nixon tweeted this the other day when asked who he thought would be a fit for the job

Club a bit short of funds. Needs someone who can work with that. Clough would have done. The guy Tommy Wright ex St Johnstone would be an interesting choice. Did miracles with no money.

He also thinks Wright will go to Salford

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:29:20
Am I the only one who would be horrified by the Cowleys?
Nope, you are by no means alone. Horrific style of football like going back to the 1970s Div 4 again.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:33:21
If he's uses Wellens Salary to keep the club afloat then you have to fear the worst with relegation on the cards
Relegation is not "fearing the worst". This season, it's going out of business altogether. That is "fearing the worst"

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:34:24
Relegation is not "fearing the worst". This season, it's going out of business altogether. That is "fearing the worst"
Very true mate, lets weather the Covid storm and stay in buiness, many won't without a bailout, probably ourselves included.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:39:31
Relegation is not "fearing the worst". This season, it's going out of business altogether. That is "fearing the worst"

By relegation I meant dropping out of the league and folding which would be excelled with the current pandemic

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:39:45
Relegation is not "fearing the worst". This season, it's going out of business altogether. That is "fearing the worst"

I read his post meaning relagation would be the final nail in the financial coffin.

Doubt we make it that long without a bailout mind.

efit: never mind - he's clarified

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:40:56
I read his post meaning relagation would be the final nail in the financial coffin.

Doubt we make it that long without a bailout mind.

efit: never mind - he's clarified

Not enough detail first time around😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:42:54
What you say makes a lot of sense from Powers point of view but not necessarily from a footballing aspect. If Wellens had stayed he would have been paying his salary (in his words the highest paid since he's been the owner) so you would have thought he could get someone in with experience without increasing his out goings. If he's uses Wellens Salary to keep the club afloat then you have to fear the worst with relegation on the cards as I don't see Hunt the person to take us forward and as with any court case/s they're bound to be complex and would probably carry into the new year

What would you do?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:44:37
What would you do?

Try and stop a sinking ship by getting in the best manager possible on Wellens budget. What would you do?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:48:07
By relegation I meant dropping out of the league and folding which would be excelled with the current pandemic
OK, that's not relegation, that's liquidation. Or did you mean if we get relegated that might cause us to fold?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 09:48:38
OK, that's not relegation, that's liquidation. Or did you mean if we get relegated that might cause us to fold?

Yes the knock on effect

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:00:47
I suspect that many on this forum acknowledge that the current speculation around the next manager involves an element of 'fantasy football' - particularly given what we think we know about the club's finances.  However, if there is no speculation around this, I suspect that there won't be much activity on here over the next few days.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:00:59
Try and stop a sinking ship by getting in the best manager possible on Wellens budget. What would you do?

Hold fire.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:03:07
Hold fire.

For how long? Pending takeover court case or give Hunt a chance which could go terribly wrong

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:03:31
Given the furlough extension to the end of March, should a Club really be going bust?

Not sure if football contracts stipulate a number of hours, but let's say they are full-time contracts which might assume 40 hrs a week. The Club might be able to claim back 80% of the wages for all players & staff with the exception of the 8 hours training and 4 hours of games a week

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:04:57
Wellens leaving may have come at a good time *if* we have a change of owner soon. Time for a fresh change, although I can't see any appointment being made before then.

I'm beginning to agree with DV that Wellens may have got lucky last season. Or that L2 is his level. I had a look online this morning and found some interesting quotes about his time at Oldham. Like this one:

“We’ve made too many individual mistakes throughout the season and that’s why we’re in this position, and I think the injuries have caught up with us as well because we’ve got a lot of players out.

Sound familiar?

Nothing against Hunt but I think we need a new guy to change the ethos at the club. Players making mistakes is not necessarily a reflection of their ability, but often a sign that something else is wrong. Personally, I reckon it's psychological in that they're afraid to make mistakes, which only makes the problem worse.

I also happened to find this.

“If you are worried about making mistakes, that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to make any, it can make it worse and you make more mistakes.”
- Mathieu Baudry

There also seems to be too many occasions at the back when they are not aware of where their own teammates are - as though they've not been drilled well enough. There's been to many wayward passes to nobody and/or an apparent lack of knowing what to do with the ball.

Let's get in an old head who can steady the players and steady the ship. I've a hunch that even Kovar is not as bad as he appears to be - he's just being made to look worse by a disorganised defence. I suppose time will tell and all that.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:05:11
The players are doing their jobs exactly the same as if there was no Covid. No furlough available.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:05:49
I'm beginning to agree with DV that Wellens may have got lucky last season.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:06:43
That would be a lot of luck.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:07:10
As much as everyone hates Warnock & Pulis the first thing they do is get the defence sorted out

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:08:13

What a compelling counter-argument. It's blown me out of the water.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:08:35
As much as everyone hates Warnock & Pulis the first thing they do is get the defence sorted out

And would want a decent salary for taking on an appointment that would tarnish their CV

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:10:11
And would want a decent salary for taking on an appointment that would tarnish their CV

Not suggeting we could get Pulis but highlighting that's the type of manager we need at the moment who would focus on cutting out basic mistakes

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:15:11
What a compelling counter-argument. It's blown me out of the water.
Watch the games from last season and listen to Wellens' post-match interviews where he reads the game tactically better than managers in much higher divisions.

To write last season off as 'luck' is a defence mechanism. Last season was brilliant. Wellens was and will be an excellent manager imo.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:15:44
No matter what happens I am 100% certain no new manager will be appointed until after the court case on the 23rd November.

So it will be Hunt, if he goes to Salford and then it will be a "night watchman" like Alan Mac/LeePea until after then.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:17:31
If judgment isn't handed down for some time, there will be further delay.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:18:32
Given the furlough extension to the end of March, should a Club really be going bust?

Not sure if football contracts stipulate a number of hours, but let's say they are full-time contracts which might assume 40 hrs a week. The Club might be able to claim back 80% of the wages for all players & staff with the exception of the 8 hours training and 4 hours of games a week

The players need to be put on Furlough to get the 80% - Furlough means they can't work.  Do you see the flaw in your plan?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:19:49
That would be a lot of luck.

Not really. I’ve never claimed we were a lucky team or anything like that. Just Wellens got lucky with all the players he bought in falling into place perfectly.

He’s had to a do a complete rebuild and hasn’t produced anywhere near the same results. Obviously there are many reasons as to why this might be the case. Budget for example or it might be just be a poor patch or form by the players that Wellens would have turned around because he’s a great manager - the fact he is gone means we will never know what he might have got out of this current squad but the small sample size we have and it’s not great by any stretch of the imagination.

He wouldn’t be the first (or last) Town manager to get lucky and build a great side only to never be able to recreate it. Kingy did it. Wilson did it. Cooper did it. Wellens appeared to be heading that way...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:19:52
Watch the games from last season and listen to Wellens' post-match interviews where he reads the game tactically better than managers in much higher divisions.

To write last season off as 'luck' is a defence mechanism. Last season was brilliant. Wellens was and will be an excellent manager imo.

I did not say last season was not brilliant, did I?

We deserved to go up. We were the best team in the league, but that does not answer the point being made. Can you honestly not entertain the thought that maybe all the pieces just happened to fall in place for him? Is it really that far-fetched that the only other option is that I am 'delusional'

Can you not think of other examples? Like, say, Mark Cooper or Danny Wilson who were play-off finalists one season and relegation fodder the next? It's actually quite common. Why can the same not apply to Wellens?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:20:05
Is it acceptable to think that Wellens is broadly a good manager with potential to be an excellent one, and that the circumstances of this year restricted a lot of his best skills?

In the past, he's proved his tactical acumen, that he can work with players who are fairly injury-prone and get them on the field for most games, and that he can build a system to the strengths of individual players but with a few common threads e.g. an aggressive press.

Almost all of that is undermined by the compression of the schedule - playing two games a week every week gives so little time for anything other than recovery and getting back on the field. It also exacerbates his clear weakness in integrating fringe and youth players as you need those guys to do a job and Wellens has always been a 'core group' manager.

Whilst I think Wellens is great and think he'll be successful, I think we need quite a different skillset for the short term appointment here - someone a bit more motivational and a bit better at working with fringe/youth players and maybe with less tactical depth would seem a better fit for the current reality.

Partially I think the problem is that we still seem to see managers as binary good or bad rather than having specific skills & attributes just like players do.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:22:22
Yes the knock on effect
Fair enough. My concern is that we, and probably 50-60 other Football League clubs, won't get that far. If we can get to the end of the season in order to be in a relegation battle, that's a positive for me. Obviously I'd rather not be in one, but getting to the end of the season is far, far more important than what league position we are in at that point.

I'll grant you though that the COVID recession and so the risk of going tits-up because of it will extend well beyond this season, that any club's financial prosperity is hit by relegation and that there would be a bitter irony in just about clinging on through the finanical hardship caused by circumstances outside of football only to be finally pushed over the edge by footballing reasons, but I still think the very clear near-term danger is that Football League clubs have been running on virtually zero revenue for 8 months and will likely be doing so for the rest of this season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:26:08
Given the furlough extension to the end of March, should a Club really be going bust?

Not sure if football contracts stipulate a number of hours, but let's say they are full-time contracts which might assume 40 hrs a week. The Club might be able to claim back 80% of the wages for all players & staff with the exception of the 8 hours training and 4 hours of games a week
HMRC would have you over the coals for that. There has to be a reduction of your normal working week. If your normal working week is 40 hours, then you can furlough for the parts of it you don't work. But if your normal working week is  "8 hours training and 4 hours of games a week" (and tbf I think you're underestimating that) then we try to claim for 80% of whatever proportion 28 hours of 40 hours is, I think you'd be looking at a pretty swift prosecution for fraud.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:26:48
Fair enough. My concern is that we, and probably 50-60 other Football League clubs, won't get that far. If we can get to the end of the season in order to be in a relegation battle, that's a positive for me. Obviously I'd rather not be in one, but getting to the end of the season is far, far more important than what league position we are in at that point.

I'll grant you though that the COVID recession and so the risk of going tits-up because of it will extend well beyond this season, that any club's financial prosperity is hit by relegation and that there would be a bitter irony in just about clinging on through the finanical hardship caused by circumstances outside of football only to be finally pushed over the edge by footballing reasons, but I still think the very clear near-term danger is that Football League clubs have been running on virtually zero revenue for 8 months and will likely be doing so for the rest of this season.

Listening to Powers last interview he sounded a beaten man and was open about hownbas the finances were and mention more than once that he's trying to run the club on his own which has always been his choice when many were calling for outside investment. The best thing all round would be for him to sell up to a consortium with more money

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:27:18
I did not say last season was not brilliant, did I?

We deserved to go up. We were the best team in the league, but that does not answer the point being made. Can you honestly not entertain the thought that maybe all the pieces just happened to fall in place for him? Is it really that far-fetched that the only other option is that I am 'delusional'

Can you not think of other examples? Like, say, Mark Cooper or Danny Wilson who were play-off finalists one season and relegation fodder the next? It's actually quite common. Why can the same not apply to Wellens?

The key things for me are:

1) Wellens' tactical understanding of the game is sky high. I have never heard another Swindon manager read the game like him

2) The togetherness of the group - which may come down to the individuals, but the leadership creates the environment that makes it possible

3) How many goals did Doyle score under Gary Bowyer?

Of course, the pieces had to fall into place. However, Wellens was the biggest piece of the jigsaw.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:27:37
Listen to Powers last interview he sounded a beaten man and was open about hownbas the finances were and mention more than once that he's trying to run the club on his own which has always been his choice when many were calling for outside investment. The best thing all round would be for him to sell up to a consortium with more money
I'm quite sure he'd agree if you can find one.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:28:45
I'm quite sure he'd agree if you can find one.

Let's not forget he wanted full control so he won't get much sympathy and maybe he could get his mate Tim to "bale him out"😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:31:08
Is it acceptable to think that Wellens is broadly a good manager with potential to be an excellent one,

Of course. That may well be the case, and you won't catch me calling anybody 'delusional' or anything else for suggesting so.

It is also acceptable to think that things might have just fallen right for him last season. It's not as though it's not happened umpteen times in the past. And it's all very well managers sounding as though they know their onions - most do. But talking the talk does not necessarily mean one can put it into action.

Time will tell.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:38:36
The key things for me are:

1) Wellens' tactical understanding of the game is sky high. I have never heard another Swindon manager read the game like him

2) The togetherness of the group - which may come down to the individuals, but the leadership creates the environment that makes it possible

3) How many goals did Doyle score under Gary Bowyer?

Of course, the pieces had to fall into place. However, Wellens was the biggest piece of the jigsaw.

Also, the ability to implement a clear style of play - that was great to watch

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:40:21
The key things for me are:

1) Wellens' tactical understanding of the game is sky-high. I have never heard another Swindon manager read the game like him

Lot's of managers sound good. It doesn't mean they know how to transform that into results.

2) The togetherness of the group - which may come down to the individuals, but the leadership creates the environment that makes it possible

Like you said - that could come down to the players.

3) How many goals did Doyle score under Gary Bowyer?

Very few - but Bowyer was a pretty shit manager by all accounts so that doesn't mean a thing.

Of course, the pieces had to fall into place. However, Wellens was the biggest piece of the jigsaw.

And that same 'biggest piece' was struggling horribly this season, despite having the same wage cap as most other teams in the league.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:47:30
Because he's always come across as a bit of an arrogant cock, even or perhaps especially prior to his recent spate of managerial stints. FWIW, I agree he's done a good job in impossible circumstances in those jobs, and he may well have learned some humility along the way but that's why he always produces a knee-jerk "God, not him" response

Don't disagree about Campbell, but people were happy with Wellens who had one hell of an ego on him writing cheques that his track record and present performances struggled to cash. Likewise if the pod is to believed Wellens was a grade A arsehole with Broadbent when his missus was unwell, so perhaps a lack of humility could be referred to him as well.

Unless Salford/Wellens come in for Hunt. It’ll be Hunt.

Who knows, surprised they haven't already done so if they were going to TBH?

Watch the games from last season and listen to Wellens' post-match interviews where he reads the game tactically better than managers in much higher divisions.

This season has rather countered that argument where he rather showed himself as unable to turn things around despite his apparent tactical genius.

Not really. I’ve never claimed we were a lucky team or anything like that. Just Wellens got lucky with all the players he bought in falling into place perfectly.

I can see where you are coming from, as noted previously he got lucky insofar as his method of buying injury prone players worked in that they tended to not get injured, said luck has rather deserted this year as the players are getting injured. Likewise when were were doing well and he was top dog he was lucky that he could bin players when he fell out with them, rather harder to do in a higher division when you aren't doing very well.

Not saying for 1 minute that he isn't a half decent Div 4 manager, but nothing has emerged to suggest (at this stage) that he can work successfully above that level, the idea that he is some sort of lower league Guardiola seems little evidenced so far.

I really don't care who the new manager is as long as
a) they at least have the ability to put a coherent team together and make us look like we have a chance for a while,
b) they don't cost to much and
c) they don't disappear up their arse and think they are more important than the club.  

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:54:27
The key things for me are:

1) Wellens' tactical understanding of the game is sky high. I have never heard another Swindon manager read the game like him

2) The togetherness of the group - which may come down to the individuals, but the leadership creates the environment that makes it possible

3) How many goals did Doyle score under Gary Bowyer?

Of course, the pieces had to fall into place. However, Wellens was the biggest piece of the jigsaw.
I'm with DV on this, we've had many managers produce a 1 season team only to fail the following season and Wellens was on course to follow that trend.

He did a good job last season but lets not pretend that the form of Doyle was anything other than extraordinary and the primary factor in us finishing top. Flitcroft talked a good game but as soon as things started going wrong it just became apparent he talked in cliches so not sure 'understanding the game' in interviews counts for much.

I don't agree with the tactical side either, he really struggled when plan A didn't work. I remember plenty of times when we were losing matches people questioning why he waited until the 80th minute to make a sub.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:59:03
Let's not forget he wanted full control so he won't get much sympathy and maybe he could get his mate Tim to "bale him out"😁
I wasn't suggesting that he deserved sympathy, more that it's easy to say he should sell up to a consortium with more cash, the problem might be finding one (and finding one now, not some alleged bid from Americans in Feb or whenever)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 10:59:16
I would also add that Wellens worked out pretty quick that power never had the funds to give him better quality players to take us forward and decided to get out as soon as a good job was available

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:03:03
I would also add that Wellens worked out pretty quick that power never had the funds to give him better quality players to take us forward and decided to get out as soon as a good job was available
If he did "work out Power didn't have the funds to give him better quality players to take us forward", it took him over a season and a half, so he didn't work it out pretty quick. And in that time, he was demonstrably backed with funds to bring players in and by his own account he turned down 4 other job offers so he also didn't "get out as soon as a good job was available". Not a huge fan of Power either, but let's not rewrite history to suit a narrative.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:06:53
I wasn't suggesting that he deserved sympathy, more that it's easy to say he should sell up to a consortium with more cash, the problem might be finding one (and finding one now, not some alleged bid from Americans in Feb or whenever)

The amount of people who just think someone will come in and buy the club is mind boggling, it's even less attractive now than it usually is and on those occasions we just had the likes of Brady, Donegan, BEST, Jed etc interested.
There's no evidence if Power loses that Standing and Barry will want to run the club and same goes for Clem, who I still don't trust. A lot of people seem to think Power losing the court case will be great and begin a new era, but it could actually spell the end of the club....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:14:58
If he did "work out Power didn't have the funds to give him better quality players to take us forward", it took him over a season and a half, so he didn't work it out pretty quick. And in that time, he was demonstrably backed with funds to bring players in and by his own account he turned down 4 other job offers so he also didn't "get out as soon as a good job was available". Not a huge fan of Power either, but let's not rewrite history to suit a narrative.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:17:54
The only hope is that some wealthy benefactor with ties to Swindon comes in with some cash.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:18:56
Most other clubs in the league are operating under the same financial constraints as we are.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:21:49
The only hope is that some wealthy benefactor with ties to Swindon comes in with some cash.

I think 20+ years have proven that such an individual does not exist.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:23:12
Let’s not forget Wellens also said he’d sign for 10 years if Power doubled his salary - so he was quite happy being here as things were (salary aside).

It’s pretty obvious he foresaw us going down the shitter with the Covid constraints placed on recruitment and jumped at the first opportunity for a club who will see it out with no problems.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:24:22
I think 20+ years have proven that such an individual does not exist.

I can think of one who recently quit football as a player - it might be a while before he's ready to take the plunge, though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:26:03
I can think of one who recently quit football as a player - it might be a while before he's ready to take the plunge, though.

Dean Ashton?  ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:27:16
I think 20+ years have proven that such an individual does not exist.

Yes this has come up on other threads I seem to recall.  

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:30:57
Let’s not forget Wellens also said he’d sign for 10 years if Power doubled his salary - so he was quite happy being here as things were (salary aside).

It’s pretty obvious he foresaw us going down the shitter with the Covid constraints placed on recruitment and jumped at the first opportunity for a club who will see it out with no problems.

While there is some truth to that I'm sure, it was about this time last year we went to Salford and completely played them off the park. Both at the ground and I'm sure on here, there were plenty saying that they wouldn't be surprised if Wellens ended up at Salford next given the obvious - location, money, opportunity for a second promotion on his CV. If we were saying that last year, it may have still happened without covid

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:31:12
The only hope is that some wealthy benefactor with ties to Swindon comes in with some cash.

The clubs that do have such a person still find things to moan about, don't worry!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:31:24
I can think of one who recently quit football as a player - it might be a while before he's ready to take the plunge, though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:39:17
The clubs that do have such a person still find things to moan about, don't worry!

But that is likely to be confined to issues such as whether the pies contain animal parts ...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:53:26


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:05:42
For how long? Pending takeover court case or give Hunt a chance which could go terribly wrong

No fucking idea at the moment. Given the court case don’t you think anyone decent would hold back sending in their cv? I know I would.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:10:15
No fucking idea at the moment. Given the court case don’t you think anyone decent would hold back sending in their cv? I know I would.

I wouldn't waste my time either but Power was saying there's been loads contacting him including ones that have previously rejected him

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:11:34
If judgment isn't handed down for some time, there will be further delay.

Could could be settled out of court beforehand?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:14:43

The amount of people who just think someone will come in and buy the club is mind boggling, it's even less attractive now than it usually is and on those occasions we just had the likes of Brady, Donegan, BEST, Jed etc interested.
There's no evidence if Power loses that Standing and Barry will want to run the club and same goes for Clem, who I still don't trust. A lot of people seem to think Power losing the court case will be great and begin a new era, but it could actually spell the end of the club....

Exactly this and I struggle how so many don’t see it.
I guess it’s down to years of shit and we just want to believe it won’t be shit forever. Equally it true Swindon fashion what else could be beneath the surface that we are not aware of?
Cynical and a realist for sure. Anything above shit we may have to take.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:17:15
Let’s not forget Wellens also said he’d sign for 10 years if Power doubled his salary

I am coming to the conclusion that one should possibly not believe much that Wellens says.


Much as it would be nice, Doughty seems like a decent well rounded bloke, why on gods own earth would he want to buy a basket case of a football club?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:20:31
Much as it would be nice, Doughty seems like a decent well rounded bloke, why on gods own earth would he want to buy a basket case of a football club?
Especially given he has direct experience of the amount of shit his Dad took from fans for his appalling acts of *checks notes* continually pouring his cash into their football club?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 12:30:20
Could could be settled out of court beforehand?

You can settle at any time prior to judgment being handed down

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Monday, November 9, 2020, 13:10:07
Lot's of managers sound good. It doesn't mean they know how to transform that into results. 

Who would you say reads and articulates the game better than Wellens?

Who would you say is more capable of instilling a clear and watchable style of play than Wellens?

Who gets results better than Wellens?

Pretty small Venn diagram that.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 13:20:13
Who would you say reads and articulates the game better than Wellens?

Results this season suggest he is not reading the game at all well. Saying technical-sounding stuff is one thing. Actually making those words MEAN something is another (echo?).

Who would you say is more capable of instilling a clear and watchable style of play than Wellens?

Going by this season - lots of managers.

What has been his style of play so far this season: Decent going forwards but a nightmare at the back? That ain't good enough.

Who gets results better than Wellens?

Most other managers in L1, evidently!

Pretty small Venn diagram that.

Nope. I think I'd need a wall to pain this Venn Diagram.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Monday, November 9, 2020, 13:21:12
Who would you say reads and articulates the game better than Wellens?

Who would you say is more capable of instilling a clear and watchable style of play than Wellens?

Who gets results better than Wellens?

Pretty small Venn diagram that.

Paolo Di Canio & he won cup games too!!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 13:36:28
If he didn't leave, how much longer would he be given if things were continuing as they have been?

What if it comes to 5th December (another 3 games) and we're still languishing near the bottom? That's about the time owners need to start thinking about changes.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 9, 2020, 13:58:07
Exactly this and I struggle how so many don’t see it.
I guess it’s down to years of shit and we just want to believe it won’t be shit forever. Equally it true Swindon fashion what else could be beneath the surface that we are not aware of?
Cynical and a realist for sure. Anything above shit we may have to take.
Absolutely, I would like to say that its the fan over a certain age (50+) that see this but in actuality its fans of all ages that I speak to that seem to think there is a whole raft of potential owners just sitting there, that won't make a bid until the club is listed as "for sale".

That won't actually happen as such, Power would basically be saying make me an offer, if he did that and would invite lower offers for the club than its actual true value (which is not actually that much).

Thats basically what Andrew Black did, put us up for sale and had to make a large loss and include any payments via an indenture that if the club is sold again that he gets a percentage and Black pretty much lost all the money he put in to buy the club. I don't think for 1 minute than Power will do that, he can't afford to do that and openly saying the club is up for offers invites people like Jed onto the scene. Last week was the first time Power said in actual words that he is trying to sell up, despite us all knowing he will.

Power tried to make money and failed because TBH we aren't an attractive venture for any potential investor despite many Town fans thinking we are, we will have the same bunch of people wanting to buy the club as we have always had, owners with little disposable income, in it to make money from the club or owners who see us as an investment due to ground/building opportunities alone, as the Waels are at Rovers, not interested in investing on the playing side and only see any potential gains off the pitch.

There is no "fairy godfather" with loads of money waiting in the wings, there is no Town fan willing to waste his money on buying us, they arent actually out there.

Bournemouth got lucky, Salford got lucky due entirely to their geographical placement, FGR got comparitively lucky, but in the main there are no "rich" interested parties I am 100% certain they would have made themselves known as buying a club in admin, although cheap, will mean a year or more of limited playing/staff budget so a total rebauild probably in a division lower than the club currently stand in after points deductions etc as Wigan now find themselves in and Bolton.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:00:28
Power tried to make money and failed because TBH we aren't an attractive venture for any potential investor despite many Town fans thinking we are, we will have the same bunch of people wanting to buy the club as we have always had, owners with little disposable income, in it to make money from the club or owners who see us as an investment due to ground/building opportunities alone, as the Waels are at Rovers, not interested in investing on the playing side and only see any potential gains off the pitch.
TBH they're the better ones out there. It's the Steve Dales, the Laurence Bassinis and the Whatever The Fuck His Name Was At Wigans that I'm worried about.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:08:21
If he didn't leave, how much longer would he be given if things were continuing as they have been?

What if it comes to 5th December (another 3 games) and we're still languishing near the bottom? That's about the time owners need to start thinking about changes.

Wellens had so much credit in the bank there's no way he'd be under pressure in my eyes. 5th from bottom in May would have been a good job by RW.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:13:01
In Power's defence (Court cases not withstanding) if he has been trying to offload the club for 12 months it has gone to shit in true Swindon fashion.

In January top of the league, 13K at home for the Exeter game, deal agreed on the CG, training ground plans and rated manager signs a new deal. The club was as attractive as it has been in the last 20 years.

Instead he is left holding the baby through 8 months of no cash coming in burning through his own funds and the manager decides to bunk off back up north leaving an unbalanced squad.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:28:59
I think Wellens knew he'd be in for a struggle with us this season.  I do think he is quite a technical Manager, and the situation did not lend itself to that - we didn't have a proper pre-season and have far less time between games to work on tactical stuff.  He had 8 months to gradually get what he wanted in place for last season, it's obvious to me that the poor prep (not his fault) has undone him a little.  Add in the finances, the general malaise that playing behind closed doors brings (it is a punishment for teams for a reason, we now know why!) and you can fully understand him jumping ship.  It simply exposes him to be no better or worse than others in this horrid industry.

I doubt Tisdale will be the man, but I would have had him in the past, so why not now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:35:22
I think Wellens knew he'd be in for a struggle with us this season.  I do think he is quite a technical Manager, and the situation did not lend itself to that - we didn't have a proper pre-season and have far less time between games to work on tactical stuff.  He had 8 months to gradually get what he wanted in place for last season, it's obvious to me that the poor prep (not his fault) has undone him a little.  Add in the finances, the general malaise that playing behind closed doors brings (it is a punishment for teams for a reason, we now know why!) and you can fully understand him jumping ship.  It simply exposes him to be no better or worse than others in this horrid industry.

I doubt Tisdale will be the man, but I would have had him in the past, so why not now.

I think it was pretty clear for a couple of months that Wellens was just waiting for a chance.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:44:59
So, let me get this straight:

We need a manager who can inspire the team, give it confidence, reduce the amount of mistakes and tighten us up at the back. He (or she) needs to do this on a limited budget as we don't have any money There are lots of potential candidates, but, we aren't sure who would be realistic and we are not sure who the best one may be anyway. Hunt may or may not be the right person, but he may or may not be all we get for the forseeable future.

We also need court cases settled and someone to buy the club who isn't just focussed on off field money making schemes. We need investment in the club and the ability to buy us out of trouble. We don't think that this type of person exists, or would be interested in Swindon, and we are worried that we may attract the wrong type of investor.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 14:46:34
The "I turned dow 3/4 jobs so I'm loyal" is questionable as well. It depends on what was turned down (if anything).

I'd say no to an opportunity to shag Ann Widdecombe. That alone doesn't necessarily make me loyal to my wife - it could just mean I don't want to shag Ann Widdecombe.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 15:14:50
The "I turned dow 3/4 jobs so I'm loyal" is questionable as well. It depends on what was turned down (if anything).

I'd say no to an opportunity to shag Ann Widdecombe. That alone doesn't necessarily make me loyal to my wife - it could just mean I don't want to shag Ann Widdecombe.
Get you, all picky. Pfft.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Cheltred on Monday, November 9, 2020, 15:28:18
The "I turned dow 3/4 jobs so I'm loyal" is questionable as well. It depends on what was turned down (if anything).

I'd say no to an opportunity to shag Ann Widdecombe. That alone doesn't necessarily make me loyal to my wife - it could just mean I don't want to shag Ann Widdecombe.
Does anyone?😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: THE FLASH on Monday, November 9, 2020, 15:44:58
Does anyone?😀

Im going through a lean spell!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 16:28:38
Does anyone?😀

I'm not sure Ann Widdecombe does....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 16:35:14
I'm not sure Ann Widdecombe does....

I bet she's gagging for it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 16:52:25
Does anyone?😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:05:10
I must admit to skimming the past 10 pages or so, but it basically seems like now Wellens has been gone for a few days people are saying that last season was a fluke and he's been shit all along?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:07:47
I must admit to skimming the past 10 pages or so, but it basically seems like now Wellens has been gone for a few days people are saying that last season was a fluke and he's been shit all along?

Not quite.

More a case of people pointing out his potential limitations. He might go on to manage in the Prem for all we know.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:07:58
I must admit to skimming the past 10 pages or so, but it basically seems like now Wellens has been gone for a few days people are saying that last season was a fluke and he's been shit all along?
Some people

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:08:41
I must admit to skimming the past 10 pages or so, but it basically seems like now Wellens has been gone for a few days people are saying that last season was a fluke and he's been shit all along?

Largely correct. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:10:04
I must admit to skimming the past 10 pages or so, but it basically seems like now Wellens has been gone for a few days people are saying that last season was a fluke and he's been shit all along?


My take: Wellens was fantastic from the nearly the day he started to the end of the season. Who knows if he could have got the squad playing this, he hadn't.

Was never really tested in a "its going wrong" way.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:12:24
Thought as much.

Humans, and football fans in particular, are fickle beings.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:14:12
But...he dumped us.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Monday, November 9, 2020, 17:28:04
Not quite.

More a case of people pointing out his potential limitations. He might go on to manage in the Prem for all we know.

Wellens is an excellent Manager and will manage at a higher level.
Our loss is Salford’s gain. However we need to move on now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, November 9, 2020, 18:19:02
Thought as much.

Humans, and football fans in particular, are fickle beings.

As someone who only bothers to log in now and again, it's really quite spectacular .

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Valid Pint on Monday, November 9, 2020, 18:57:14
I think now would be a good time to make a pact. Please no more: "We are [insert manager's name here] red & white army".

Please let's stick to: "We are Swindon's red & white army", or similar.

Thank you.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:22:34
I wouldn't waste my time either but Power was saying there's been loads contacting him including ones that have previously rejected him

Well he would wouldn’t he.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:25:47
Well he would wouldn’t he.

I don't see how it would be in his favour to do so, especially if he'd rather stick with Hunt to save money.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:27:55
You can settle at any time prior to judgment being handed down

Yes, I am aware of that. It still, may happen.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:33:31
The "I turned dow 3/4 jobs so I'm loyal" is questionable as well. It depends on what was turned down (if anything).

I'd say no to an opportunity to shag Ann Widdecombe. That alone doesn't necessarily make me loyal to my wife - it could just mean I don't want to shag Ann Widdecombe.

I bet you do 😉

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Monday, November 9, 2020, 19:47:30
I bet you do 😉
Think you need to understand not everyone shares your enthusiasms LL

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Walthams on Monday, November 9, 2020, 20:08:57
Wellens is an excellent Manager and will manage at a higher level.
Our loss is Salford’s gain. However we need to move on now.
He was sacked at Oldham after relegation.
For me last season we had probably the best squad for 4 or 5 seasons.
Lost o many crucial players this season and he jumped ship.

Always enjoy your posts but must disagree this time.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Monday, November 9, 2020, 20:56:25
He was sacked at Oldham after relegation.
For me last season we had probably the best squad for 4 or 5 seasons.
Lost o many crucial players this season and he jumped ship.

Always enjoy your posts but must disagree this time.

He will be a success at Salford and take on a bigger club after this one.
Only time will tell but we have lost an exceptional young Manager. Highly regarded in the game.
Just unfortunate we couldn’t back him as we would have kicked on this season.
Covid has hit us hard as it has other clubs though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: kirky69 on Monday, November 9, 2020, 22:00:19
Maybe get a promising young manager in who plays the game in the style that we have been used to with Wellens, particularly given the make up of our squad. What about David Oldfield, manager of Oxford City who just dumped Northampton out of the FA Cup. Played progressive attractive football, really impressed with them. Made Northampton look what they are, a very direct poor league 1 outfit, but unlike STFC, they had the answers. Rather Oldfield, or someone like him, than a journeyman.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, November 9, 2020, 22:05:44
Maybe get a promising young manager in who plays the game in the style that we have been used to with Wellens, particularly given the make up of our squad. What about David Oldfield, manager of Oxford City who just dumped Northampton out of the FA Cup. Played progressive attractive football, really impressed with them. Made Northampton look what they are, a very direct poor league 1 outfit, but unlike STFC, they had the answers. Rather Oldfield, or someone like him, than a journeyman.

I'd usually agree, but not this season.

I'd usually go for somebody new in the hope of unearthing a gem. I think this season we just need somebody to get us over the line.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, November 9, 2020, 22:18:38
He will be a success at Salford and take on a bigger club after this one.
Only time will tell but we have lost an exceptional young Manager. Highly regarded in the game.
Just unfortunate we couldn’t back him as we would have kicked on this season.
Covid has hit us hard as it has other clubs though.

Hmmmm i will not bad mouth him. But we did back him

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Monday, November 9, 2020, 22:45:13
It's the "Swindon is 30 to 40 miles " comment I don't get.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Valid Pint on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 01:26:28
Oxford City who just dumped Northampton out of the FA Cup. Played progressive attractive football, really impressed with them.

Poxford Shitty really were a pile of shite in an earlier round when they just scraped through against Royal Wootton Bassett Town with a freak goal. Anyone who got off their ass to see some live football at that match would have seen. It was however Shitty's first competitive match in 6 months.

I hope this isn't a love-in with a plucky non-League side of ol' boys. They are also a bunch of cunts from Poxford.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 08:15:14
I must admit to skimming the past 10 pages or so, but it basically seems like now Wellens has been gone for a few days people are saying that last season was a fluke and he's been shit all along?

I don’t think anyone has said he was shit all along.

I think I got the ball rolling on this subject so will clarify my point of view.

I have not at any point said I think last season was a fluke.
What I have said it’s it’s a possibility that last season was a fluke.

I have entertained this possibility based on a few things. Firstly this seasons recruitment, whilst this season is still in its infancy most of our summer signings look pretty poor. I’d go as far as to say none of them are an improvement on last seasons teams. No one we have signed this year would get into last seasons team. Now this could all be related to budget but it’s also possible Wellens recruitment is so so (highly likely in fact as no manager gets all their signings right) And last season all our signings worked perfect and this season none of them have.

Results and performances have not been great and we’ve been making the same mistakes. Again, Wellens could quite easily coach this out of the players but it’s just as possible he would never be able to?

Even before Wellens left I mentioned that this season felt a bit Danny Wilsonish, based on the fact he put together a great team, that almost did the business but once he lost key players his replacements turned us from promotion candidates to worst team in the division.

Obviously it’s not the same under Wellens as we’ve gone up a division but the loss of key players and their replacements seems hauntingly familiar to me anyway.

Wellens might have turned it around easily and fired us up the league. He might have lost 10 in a row and been sacked. We will never know. Schrodingers manager!

tl:dr - it’s possible Wellens got lucky last season. The beginning of the season has not gone well. He’s gone and we will never know.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 08:23:01
You only have to look down the A420 to see how easily it is to turn to shit. Their decent loanees have gone - replaced by lower quality ones. Their defensive rock, Dickie, has gone replaced by a homegrown youngster.

Losing play off finals is regularly the death knell for the following season as the decent players who got you there are picked off and replacements aren’t as good.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:11:06
Can I just point out this is the new manager thread not the old one.

Any substantive rumours knocking about?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:12:10
Nope apart from Noel Hunt

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:28:00
I see Michael Flyn is now 12/1 unless I missed that before

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: CMT82 on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:31:16
Wonder if Culverhouse will gain traction, although the trip to Portsmouth for King's Lynn may not have helped. Not even sure if he'd be a popular addition. Tisdale seems favourite for many; locally based, experienced and works to a budget. Should be plenty of managers seeking jobs as Swindon is, despite the current issues, an attractive proposition. Other than that, Swindon do love a wildcard...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:32:55
I think most fans would be happy with Tisdale but can Power afford him even if he was interested

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:36:27
As it stands its a buyers market, albeit dependent on the buyer having money to spend.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:50:56
My take is that Wellens is the biggest loss of a manager since Hoddle left as far as potential and where he could have taken us (but this obviously depends on the level of investment).  This perfect storm (Covid, ownership issues, financial situation) has meant that Wellens has moved on I don't blame him for going given the scenario he had in front of him.  Take Covid out of that perfect storm and I believe he would have stayed for the longer term plan, but it is done now and we have to move on.

It took us nearly 30 years to find a manager that I believe had the potential to take the club to that next significant level where all other managers in between IMO didn't (I don't include Di Canio because his achievements were gained by unstustainable "Football Manager" type methods) and that is my big fear.  Is it going to take us another 30 years to come across the right type of manager that Swindon needs, do we have the financial backing to compete, will we have a club in 6 months time?

Wellens is a massive loss and more significant than most realise I believe but the circumstances have meant he is gone - nobodies fault, and I don't care about all of the loyalty talk or location talk, that is just the usual lines that are churned out when a manager changes club.

It is a shit situation to be in at a time when we have little pieces to play with.  Very Swindon and very depressing.  The blame game has alrady started with fingers being pointed at Power and I fear we are in for a bleak few seasons if we manage to survive.  The only bright spark (if you can call it that) is that we are not likely to be the only club in this situation.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:54:32
My take is that Wellens is the biggest loss of a manager since Hoddle left as far as potential and where he could have taken us (but this obviously depends on the level of investment).  This perfect storm (Covid, ownership issues, financial situation) has meant that Wellens has moved on I don't blame him for going given the scenario he had in front of him.  Take Covid out of that perfect storm and I believe he would have stayed for the longer term plan, but it is done now and we have to move on.

It took us nearly 30 years to find a manager that I believe had the potential to take the club to that next significant level where all other managers in between IMO didn't (I don't include Di Canio because his achievements were gained by unstustainable "Football Manager" type methods) and that is my big fear.  Is it going to take us another 30 years to come across the right type of manager that Swindon needs, do we have the financial backing to compete, will we have a club in 6 months time?

Wellens is a massive loss and more significant than most realise I believe but the circumstances have meant he is gone - nobodies fault, and I don't care about all of the loyalty talk or location talk, that is just the usual lines that are churned out when a manager changes club.

It is a shit situation to be in at a time when we have little pieces to play with.  Very Swindon and very depressing.  The blame game has alrady started with fingers being pointed at Power and I fear we are in for a bleak few seasons if we manage to survive.  The only bright spark (if you can call it that) is that we are not likely to be the only club in this situation.

Excellent post and not many would disagree with your comments. I guess there was a little optimism when Steve McMahon was in charge but that was short lived

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:55:03
I don't want a new manager just "learning the ropes" I want one with at least some league management experience, this is not the time for an untried non league young manager to come in.

We need someone with a good background of coaching and man management, who can get the best from limited resources and hugely under performing decent set of players who have shown how good they can be already this season, but also how awful they can be too.

Certainly not a jobbing manager with more clubs that Tiger Woods but a manager who has stuck to his guns and stayed at 2 or 3 clubs for several seasons each and with promotions under their belt.

For me it would be Tisdale or Keith Hill, Graham Alexander has a good record but plays a poor style of football hated by Salford couple of hundred fans.

Paul Cook and Cowley will be way out of our wage allowance, Adam Murray might be a possible but with limited managerial experience.

There is no way we can possibly afford to employ any manager currently employed so that rules out Culverhouse, Garrard and Flynn, none of them inspire me anyway TBH.

A weird one on the betting is Clint Hill, assistant at Fleetwood who has never had the top job before.

It is a shit situation to be in at a time when we have little pieces to play with.  Very Swindon and very depressing.  The blame game has alrady started with fingers being pointed at Power and I fear we are in for a bleak few seasons if we manage to survive.  The only bright spark (if you can call it that) is that we are not likely to be the only club in this situation.
Aren't you a bundle of fun this morning mate :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:04:31
I have a lot of time for what I think was the conclusion of the discussion from the LS chaps on Monday's pod: ordinarily we might want an exciting up and coming appointment in the mode of Wellens, but this season, in these circumstances, we just need someone to steady the ship and keep us up. If we get to next season, then we can maybe look at the options afresh.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:12:01
I have a lot of time for what I think was the conclusion of the discussion from the LS chaps on Monday's pod: ordinarily we might want an exciting up and coming appointment in the mode of Wellens, but this season, in these circumstances, we just need someone to steady the ship and keep us up. If we get to next season, then we can maybe look at the options afresh.

That's exactly how I feel.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:16:02
I have a lot of time for what I think was the conclusion of the discussion from the LS chaps on Monday's pod: ordinarily we might want an exciting up and coming appointment in the mode of Wellens, but this season, in these circumstances, we just need someone to steady the ship and keep us up. If we get to next season, then we can maybe look at the options afresh.

Being easily influenced, I went away from the pod thinking that we should get John McGreal, despite the fact that I don't think I would have thought of him if asked to name 100 candidates beforehand.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:16:08
I have a lot of time for what I think was the conclusion of the discussion from the LS chaps on Monday's pod: ordinarily we might want an exciting up and coming appointment in the mode of Wellens, but this season, in these circumstances, we just need someone to steady the ship and keep us up. If we get to next season, then we can maybe look at the options afresh.
Exactly mate.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:30:01

Aren't you a bundle of fun this morning mate :)

Just putting it out there to show that we are not all fickle football fans.  Anyway, I have a Forum picture to live up to :D  Bloody dour Mancs everywhere mate :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:45:01
The manager's going to be Hunt or someone Jewell knows and wants to work with, isn't it?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:54:27
I wonder what sort of wage Jewell is getting and does Power need him on the payroll if he gets a decent manager in

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 11:02:09
I wonder what sort of wage Jewell is getting and does Power need him on the payroll if he gets a decent manager in
I am sure I heard in an interview with Power previously that Jewell was not on our wage bill and was doing it as some sort of favour to Power, expenses only deal.

I am 99% certain thats what Power said, that was not long after Wellens joined us IIRC.

I remember the interveiw started with....."listen Shaun....." :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 11:16:06
Power originally wanted Jewell as manager but he wasn’t interested and recommended Wellens.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 11:33:45
I am sure I heard in an interview with Power previously that Jewell was not on our wage bill and was doing it as some sort of favour to Power, expenses only deal.

I am 99% certain thats what Power said, that was not long after Wellens joined us IIRC.

I remember the interveiw started with....."listen Shaun....." :)

Cheers Pete I don't remember that one even though I listen to most of the interviews over the years

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 11:34:32
Power originally wanted Jewell as manager but he wasn’t interested and recommended Wellens.

I may be wrong but vaguely remember health reasons being mentioned

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 11:46:51
I am sure I heard in an interview with Power previously that Jewell was not on our wage bill and was doing it as some sort of favour to Power, expenses only deal.

I am 99% certain thats what Power said, that was not long after Wellens joined us IIRC.

I remember the interveiw started with....."listen Shaun....." :)

It’s “Shawn” :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 11:52:55
It’s “Shawn” :)
So many spellings  :D


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 12:40:52
It does seem that Jewell will be the one recommending names, hopefully he has some decent names to choose from.

One name I heard banded about was Michael Carrick, I'm in 2 minds on this, I suspect with his experience of the game and having already started on the coaching ladder he might make a good manager, while he is inexperienced in management if he brought with him a couple of experienced coaches that know the lower leagues (lets face it Wright & Hunt will follow Wellens) it may work.

On the flip side I'm sure someone like Carrick would not drop to this sort of level anyway and would want to go into a club with no money but it's an example, and at this time would it be to much of a risk even if he was interested.

I don't want a jobbing lower league manager that see's it as another managers job, I'd much prefer someone (like Wellens) that has something to prove and wants to make a name for himself in the game and wants to go on to manage at a higher level, and the only way of doing that is to prove themselves.

I'm expecting someone like Owen Coyle though or steve cotterill who only manages at lower levels and seems to have an expiry of about 18 months.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: THE FLASH on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 12:45:06
It does seem that Jewell will be the one recommending names, hopefully he has some decent names to choose from.

One name I heard banded about was Michael Carrick, I'm in 2 minds on this, I suspect with his experience of the game and having already started on the coaching ladder he might make a good manager, while he is inexperienced in management if he brought with him a couple of experienced coaches that know the lower leagues (lets face it Wright & Hunt will follow Wellens) it may work.

On the flip side I'm sure someone like Carrick would not drop to this sort of level anyway and would want to go into a club with no money but it's an example, and at this time would it be to much of a risk even if he was interested.

I don't want a jobbing lower league manager that see's it as another managers job, I'd much prefer someone (like Wellens) that has something to prove and wants to make a name for himself in the game and wants to go on to manage at a higher level, and the only way of doing that is to prove themselves.

I'm expecting someone like Owen Coyle though or steve cotterill who only manages at lower levels and seems to have an expiry of about 18 months.

Agreed...but that might be the person to keep us up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 12:54:55
Names like Carrick are a pipe dream in the current climate

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 13:03:42
Names like Carrick are a pipe dream in the current climate

Unless they need to get on the management merry go round and do it for nothing

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 14:37:07
Unless they need to get on the management merry go round and do it for nothing
That's a very good point. In fact, it may be we might be more able to afford someone who's made loads of money already but needs a foothold vs someone who might seem he would be cheaper but needs to earn a living as a manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: CMT82 on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:05:36
Or a short-term appt until the club is sold/end of the season then new owners could appoint their own. Potentially more saleable.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:15:18
Or a short-term appt until the club is sold/end of the season then new owners could appoint their own. Potentially more saleable.

I've a hunch that a change in ownership will happen before the end of this year. In which case, you'd think Hunt would be kept on for now. That is unless the potential new owner already has a say.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:17:26
Unless Hunt/Wright have agreed to stay on until a new man is employed - then join Wellens.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:22:09
Can't see Hunt joining Wellens at Salford.

Wright is Wellens (or Jewell's) man so that's possible.

But Hunt is Power's man from the Waterford link.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:25:25
Or a short-term appt until the club is sold/end of the season then new owners could appoint their own. Potentially more saleable.
Which would also fit the LS model referred to earlier.

Can't see Hunt joining Wellens at Salford.

Wright is Wellens (or Jewell's) man so that's possible.

But Hunt is Power's man from the Waterford link.
That's how Hunt came to the club, doesn't mean he and Wellens haven't struck up a good working relationship since that might make Wellens want to work with Hunt again.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:26:47
This year more than ever is the perfect time for someone like Carrick to go out on his own at lower league. A bit like Frank Lampard syndrome when he had his hands tied last year.

Do shit in these circumstances there is a ready made excuse, do well and what a fucking manager you must be

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:34:34

Do shit in these circumstances there is a ready made excuse, do well and what a fucking manager you must be

Not sure that always works - see, for example, Sol Campbell .

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:37:29
This year more than ever is the perfect time for someone like Carrick to go out on his own at lower league. A bit like Frank Lampard syndrome when he had his hands tied last year.

Do shit in these circumstances there is a ready made excuse, do well and what a fucking manager you must be

Frank Lampard Syndrome? Really. That guy walked into his first managerial position with as much backing as probably half the Premier League clubs, at Derby. It's not like he didn't have assets to work with at Chelsea either, he dragged a few of them on loan to Derby beforehand (Mason Mount anyone).

Think you're using the wrong manager there personally SR

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:47:00
Not sure that always works - see, for example, Sol Campbell .

Apparently now one of the favourites for the Wendies job so perhaps hasn't harmed him so much after all

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:47:39
Apparently now one of the favourites for the Wendies job so perhaps hasn't harmed him so much after all
Really? wow!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:48:25
Really? wow!
Sorry should have said "under consideration" per Sky Sports

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 15:52:42
Along with Phil Neville, sky just picking anyone out of the water i reckon

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Cheltred on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 16:16:43
You had me worried for a  second - I thought you were saying Neville was a candidate for us! I can't imagine Wednesday fans being happy with either!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 16:27:54
Sheff Wed in for Lee Bowyer.
Swindon in for Sam Rickets.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 17:15:59
Frank Lampard Syndrome? Really. That guy walked into his first managerial position with as much backing as probably half the Premier League clubs, at Derby. It's not like he didn't have assets to work with at Chelsea either, he dragged a few of them on loan to Derby beforehand (Mason Mount anyone).

Think you're using the wrong manager there personally SR
My point is he had a free ride and it wasn't his squad and he had to use youngsters so no matter what happened at the end of the season he really couldnt lose. Lampard will be judged more on this seasons performance than he was last that is for sure

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 18:15:46
Yeah I get your point but I still feel the comparison was miles away. You could have, in some respects used Wellens as an example. As it wasn't his squad when he arrived, etc.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 18:39:00
just cant see an external recruitment. you cant run the club minth to month on fumes and sell that vision to someone ans pay them.

if I was power I would wait for the court case/wait for efl money and then depending on those outcomes review the management position.

we may have to take a hit on the pitch this season. the squad is what it is.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 18:41:53
John Mcgreal has appeared into the odds. Did ok at Colchester and could count himself unlucky to be sacked after losing in the play-offs to Exeter.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 18:43:54
Chap on Loathed Strangers was keen on him. Can't say I know much about him but a reasonable record at Colchester.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 19:32:13
Yeah I get your point but I still feel the comparison was miles away. You could have, in some respects used Wellens as an example. As it wasn't his squad when he arrived, etc.
Exactly the same situation tbf but i get your point

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 19:37:48
John Sheridan into 2nd fav

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 19:42:20
John Sheridan into 2nd fav
Hes currently employed by Wigan, thats a wierd one.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 19:42:56
Hes currently employed by Wigan, thats a wierd one.

Power had him at Waterford didn’t he?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 19:43:39
Power had him at Waterford didn’t he?
He did for a handful of games. We won't approach an empoyed manager though, thats madness.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 19:44:31
Sheridan may well have previous with Jewell, in a good way.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 19:46:00
He did for a handful of games. We won't approach an empoyed manager though, thats madness.

Due to Wigan being in admin, does that change anything with regards to compensation?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 19:47:17
Due to Wigan being in administration, does that change anything with regards to compensation?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 19:48:10
Being a former Oldham manager is seen as a sign of quality

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 20:09:11
Sheridan now favourite.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 20:16:27

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 20:21:24
Due to Wigan being in admin, does that change anything with regards to compensation?
I guess it depends on the contract he has signed with them?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 20:33:58
At least Power would save a bit on expenses, as based on what I’ve read online Wigan fans would happily pay for his taxi to Wiltshire!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 20:52:47
I would lump on Sheridan

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:04:46
Is Sheridan the solid if unspectacular option many of us agree we need?

I know nothing about him and I'm not going to judge him by what's going on at Wigan.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Hyabb17 on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:04:55
Sheridan now 6/4, was 3/1 an hour ago. Wasn’t even on the list this afternoon when I looked. Looks like I wasted £10 on Tisdale

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:08:55
Hes currently employed by Wigan, thats a wierd one.

On a month to month expenses only deal

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:09:37
Is Sheridan the solid if unspectacular option many of us agree we need?

I know nothing about him and I'm not going to judge him by what's going on at Wigan.

Took Plymouth and chesterfield up, kept fleetwood up, won 2 piss pot trophies

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:10:26
Took Plymouth and chesterfield up, kept fleetwood up, won 2 piss pot trophies

Not too shabby.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:12:18
Probably do to the end of the season; keep us up and reevaluate
I’d probably be happy with that

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:13:41
Assume the deal is done then. Good player and he strikes me as a 'solid' lower league manager

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:15:34
Wigan fans I know are quite happy to pay his taxi fare haha

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: welshred on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:26:24
He’s close with Tommy Wright as well. Worked together at Chesterfield.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:30:34

Swindon. Interest in John Sheridan very real. Worked for Lee Power before. Under contract at Wigan. But short term. Going to be an interesting few days.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:33:27

Swindon. Interest in John Sheridan very real. Worked for Lee Power before. Under contract at Wigan. But short term. Going to be an interesting few days.

Yeah, but anything on Palace?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:33:47
It’s very Paul Hart, isn’t it?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:38:33
It’s very Paul Hart, isn’t it?

Phil Brown esque, but can we expect anyone else in the current climate?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:40:31
Also seems to be a shit load of money coming for Sol Campbell.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:44:52
Michael Pook set to be appointed then

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:50:15
Yeah, but anything on Palace?

Bit in paper.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 21:53:32
God help us.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 22:03:14
Given the movement in the market, I'd guess we've interviewed today. Three big movers, all realistic.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 03:11:20
Also, presume when he was manager at Waterford he got to know Hunt. Lots of connections here.

Sheridan 4/9
Campbell 2/1
The rest - nowhere

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 06:13:21
Hunt was already here when Sheridan was at Waterford

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 06:20:43
Ah, OK.

It is strange, though, that both Campbell and Sheridan have both had their odds slashed at the same time.

Of the 2, I’d go for Sol.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: china red on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 06:58:52
Has John Sheridan ever achieved anything in League one other than getting team(s) relegated?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 07:13:15
Apart from a couple of clubs, his win ratio isn’t bad. He does, though, seem to have a habit of being a bit of a cunt.

Also this ‘On 28 May 2015 Plymouth announced that Sheridan had left the club by mutual consent after expressing a desire to return to the north of England for family reasons.[41]’

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 07:21:03
Has John Sheridan ever achieved anything in League one other than getting team(s) relegated?

Dunno, but he schooled PDC in the JPT final

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Pookemon on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 07:29:30
Michael Pook set to be appointed then

Bring it on  :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 08:57:23
Apart from a couple of clubs, his win ratio isn’t bad. He does, though, seem to have a habit of being a bit of a cunt.

Also this ‘On 28 May 2015 Plymouth announced that Sheridan had left the club by mutual consent after expressing a desire to return to the north of England for family reasons.[41]’

TBF compared to Plymouth Swindon is the north of England!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 09:54:19
Fucking. Uninspiring. That is all.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 09:58:41
A very classy player in his day and no doubts that would reflect in the way his teams play but for whatever reason he's become a journeyman in management so wouldn't expect him to stay long

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:10:56

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:13:25

That may explain why he hasn't really settled down anywhere!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:20:27
That may explain why he hasn't really settled down anywhere!
Not sure I'd want to judge a manager based on oppo forums, we know from our own online presence the quality of analysis can be, erm, variable.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:20:40
Tbf, though, Wigan fans must be well pissed off with how things have panned out with being in administration and seeing their squad decimated. Chuck in a defeat at home by a non league club and it’s a perfect storm.

Can’t say I particularly want him here - rumours he fought with his own players at a jolly at a racecourse - but if his only job is to keep us in L1 this season, I think he could do that.

Good news with a raft of injured players on the brink of a return.

Still prefer Sol of the 2.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:21:31
Not sure I'd want to judge a manager based on oppo forums, we know from our own online presence the quality of analysis can be, erm, variable.

Good point but I am intrigued why he's has so many clubs

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:23:32
Tbf, though, Wigan fans must be well pissed off with how things have panned out with being in administration and seeing their squad decimated. Chuck in a defeat at home by a non league club and it’s a perfect storm.

Can’t say I particularly want him here - rumours he fought with his own players at a jolly at a racecourse - but if his only job is to keep us in L1 this season, I think he could do that.

Good news with a raft of injured players on the brink of a return.

Still prefer Sol of the 2.
Campbell looks the riskier of the two by far for me. Doesn't mean he wouldn't be any good, but he looks riskier. Sheridan looks like a solid, possibly uninspiring, keep you up and review at the end of the season appointment. Mind, so did Paul Hart.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:28:17
Hart & Malpas what a boring time to watch STFC😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:29:45
Good point but I am intrigued why he's has so many clubs

Have a read on Wiki which seems to have a summary in each case. Seems to be a combination of itchy feet and being a bit of a prick in summary, not sure if I would want him here, especially after it appears that Hunt is introducing some of his own ideas which are possibly working.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:30:00
Assuming Town manage to get Sheridan...

It strikes me as nothing more than an 'end of the season' rolling contract kind of appointment. Proper jobs for the boys stuff (not rare in football recruitment) as Sheridan was Wellens' mentor and has worked many times with Tommy Wright.

This, to me, feels like a 'death rattle' appointment by a regime who are not looking to be here for the long-term and I know we already knew that Power is looking for an out but this kind of appointment really feels like the end.

Hopefully that'll mean any new buyer would be enticed by the fact that they'll be able to bring their own staff in (I appreciate that this is only a small percentage of why a consortium takes over a football club).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:31:33
Campbell looks the riskier of the two by far for me. Doesn't mean he wouldn't be any good, but he looks riskier. Sheridan looks like a solid, possibly uninspiring, keep you up and review at the end of the season appointment. Mind, so did Paul Hart.
Just don’t fancy another dour-faced, miserable twat as manager. Cooper, Flitcroft, even Wellens wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs.

Sol hasn’t had a chance at either Macclesfield or Sarfend . Anyway, I like chips!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:33:06
Assuming Town manage to get Sheridan...

It strikes me as nothing more than an 'end of the season' rolling contract kind of appointment. Proper jobs for the boys stuff (not rare in football recruitment) as Sheridan was Wellens' mentor and has worked many times with Tommy Wright.

This, to me, feels like a 'death rattle' appointment by a regime who are not looking to be here for the long-term and I know we already knew that Power is looking for an out but this kind of appointment really feels like the end.

Hopefully that'll mean any new buyer would be enticed by the fact that they'll be able to bring their own staff in (I appreciate that this is only a small percentage of why a consortium takes over a football club).

That is an excellent summary. Not thought of it in those terms.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:34:13
Assuming Town manage to get Sheridan...

It strikes me as nothing more than an 'end of the season' rolling contract kind of appointment. Proper jobs for the boys stuff (not rare in football recruitment) as Sheridan was Wellens' mentor and has worked many times with Tommy Wright.

This, to me, feels like a 'death rattle' appointment by a regime who are not looking to be here for the long-term and I know we already knew that Power is looking for an out but this kind of appointment really feels like the end.

Hopefully that'll mean any new buyer would be enticed by the fact that they'll be able to bring their own staff in (I appreciate that this is only a small percentage of why a consortium takes over a football club).

Well put together and you may have it spot on

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:36:56
Assuming Town manage to get Sheridan...

It strikes me as nothing more than an 'end of the season' rolling contract kind of appointment. Proper jobs for the boys stuff (not rare in football recruitment) as Sheridan was Wellens' mentor and has worked many times with Tommy Wright.

This, to me, feels like a 'death rattle' appointment by a regime who are not looking to be here for the long-term and I know we already knew that Power is looking for an out but this kind of appointment really feels like the end.

Hopefully that'll mean any new buyer would be enticed by the fact that they'll be able to bring their own staff in (I appreciate that this is only a small percentage of why a consortium takes over a football club).
I think your analysis is spot on Rich.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:38:08
Assuming Town manage to get Sheridan...

It strikes me as nothing more than an 'end of the season' rolling contract kind of appointment. Proper jobs for the boys stuff (not rare in football recruitment) as Sheridan was Wellens' mentor and has worked many times with Tommy Wright.

This, to me, feels like a 'death rattle' appointment by a regime who are not looking to be here for the long-term and I know we already knew that Power is looking for an out but this kind of appointment really feels like the end.

Hopefully that'll mean any new buyer would be enticed by the fact that they'll be able to bring their own staff in (I appreciate that this is only a small percentage of why a consortium takes over a football club).

Spot on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:40:16
Anyone know how we could prise him away from Wigan unless he has a get out clause?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:41:14
Anyone know how we could prise him away from Wigan unless he has a get out clause?
Apparantly hes on a month to month rolling contract currently.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:50:13
Just don’t fancy another dour-faced, miserable twat as manager. Cooper, Flitcroft, even Wellens wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs.

Sol hasn’t had a chance at either Macclesfield or Sarfend
Agree with what you say about Campbell, don't think he did have much of a chance, which makes him something of an unknown, hence riskier. As for Sheridan being dour faced, so what? He's being employed as a manager on a short-term basis to keep the team in L1, not a childrens' party entertainer. FWIW, personally I'd quite like Hunt to be given a bit longer and turn out to be a rising star (which may of course, not be very realistic)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 10:53:34
Apparantly hes on a month to month rolling contract currently.

I think it was Nixon (possibly not) that said that Sheridan is on a month to month expenses only contract with Wigan, so there would be no issue with compensation.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:03:28
Assuming Town manage to get Sheridan...

It strikes me as nothing more than an 'end of the season' rolling contract kind of appointment. Proper jobs for the boys stuff (not rare in football recruitment) as Sheridan was Wellens' mentor and has worked many times with Tommy Wright.

This, to me, feels like a 'death rattle' appointment by a regime who are not looking to be here for the long-term and I know we already knew that Power is looking for an out but this kind of appointment really feels like the end.

Hopefully that'll mean any new buyer would be enticed by the fact that they'll be able to bring their own staff in (I appreciate that this is only a small percentage of why a consortium takes over a football club).

Probably spot on, but, on this basis why not stick with Hunt?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:04:17
I think it was Nixon (possibly not) that said that Sheridan is on a month to month expenses only contract with Wigan, so there would be no issue with compensation.
I am guessing hes not on a win bonus because he wouldn't have got much with only 3 wins from 14 games so far this season! :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:04:50
When was the last time we took another teams manager?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:05:30
Probably spot on, but, on this basis why not stick with Hunt?
Maybe Hunt is going to follow Wellens once we’ve got sorted.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: michael on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:06:20
When was the last time we took another teams manager?

I was about to ask this. I think this will be the first time, ever!!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:09:54
I was about to ask this. I think this will be the first time, ever!!
Not ever, but in recent years it is.

When was the last time we took another teams manager?
We took Bob Smith from Port Vale back in 1978 cost us £10,500 back then.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:11:23
We took Bob Smith from Port Vale back in 1978 cost us £10,500 back then.

I was still swimming around in my dads bollocks back then.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:12:04
I was still swimming around in my dads bollocks back then.
TBH we had a great side back then, still my favourite time as a Town fan.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:12:28
I was about to ask this. I think this will be the first time, ever!!

Bobby Smith appointed May 1978 with the club having to pay a compensation fee of £10,500 to Port Vale.

Note JJ beat me to it as I had to pause to answer the blower!  :D :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:13:01
I am guessing hes not on a win bonus because he wouldn't have got much with only 3 wins from 14 games so far this season! :D

Yeah that's not so good, caveat of course that Wigan are a bombscare at the moment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:14:39
Probably spot on, but, on this basis why not stick with Hunt?


It could be that Hunt doesnt want it.

It could be that Power is still spooked by the tenure of Luke Williams.

It could be more about Paul Jewell's influence.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:15:12
Yeah that's not so good, caveat of course that Wigan are a bombscare at the moment.
Absolutely mate, he is very much in the Brown style if he is appointed, some good seasons some awful seasons as a manager. What most fans would call a "jobbing manager".

Who knows it may work it may not, thats football.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RedRag on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:38:57
Much as I prefer the idea of Sol to Sheridan, I think Sol deserves a break and I fear we are not it right now....which is with questionable recruits, emphatically negative results and a joke of a defence.  [favourite cheese: Gruyere]

Power, it seems, has been gambling with STFC but using other people's gambling money.  Although he was better connected than chancer Jed, Covid has seen the tide go out.  Without even half decent crowd numbers, STFC is for now exposed as a club with little potential for a manager with even modest ambition.

As has been pointed out, Sheridan was a classy player himself.  He importantly has bags of experience at this level.  Some of it good, albeit looking somewhat random recently.  He may be quite comfortable working with Hunt.  We desperately need someone to organise our defence and change the "friendly match" feel our side has been giving out.  

Although we may be forced to, we surely cannot accept relegation back to League 2.  So on a temp basis, a cautious yes to Sheridan.  I don't think Hunt can do it on his own.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:39:42
TBH we had a great side back then, still my favourite time as a Town fan.
So what you're saying PV is that it was all going great until Quagmire came along and fucked it all up for everyone? Fucking cheers Quaggy.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:41:50
What amazes me is the initial conversations you would think would be water tight between Power, Jewell & Sheriden being all close buddies etc but from nowhere he jumped to odds on favourite so begs the question within that circle who's talked to allow the bets to happen🤔

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:43:07
So what you're saying PV is that it was all going great until Quagmire came along and fucked it all up for everyone? Fucking cheers Quaggy.
Well since you put it that way... :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RedRag on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:44:13
We took Bob Smith from Port Vale back in 1978 cost us £10,500 back then.
We had a great side then?

Yes indeed but didn't it all end up with the R word?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:46:37
What amazes me is the initial conversations you would think would be water tight between Power, Jewell & Sheriden being all close buddies etc but from nowhere he jumped to odds on favourite so begs the question within that circle who's talked to allow the bets to happen🤔
There are people at the club that see individuals coming and going.

Hunt may have heard a whisper via Wright who has probably been informed etc.

People like Nixon are close to managers and agents, maybe Sheridans agent tipped him off to say hes been approached etc.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:49:01
So what you're saying PV is that it was all going great until Quagmire came along and fucked it all up for everyone? Fucking cheers Quaggy.

 :D I’ve never doubted it!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:49:40
We had a great side then?

Yes indeed but didn't it all end up with the R word?

And what a great couple of years with him in charge. Exciting football, fantastic cup matches/memories and a division 2 team to fear with a win rate of 47% before it all went pear shape and he left us with David Peach!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 11:50:40
We had a great side then?

Yes indeed but didn't it all end up with the R word?
It did end in relegation after we lost our influential spine of the team, Tucker, McHale, Kamara and Mayes. Along with Williams and Miller down the wings.

But the biggest loss was our assistant manager/coach Wilf tranter who left in 81 to take over at Banbury, he was a massive influence in the dressing room.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 12:37:42
According to Nixon the Spanish consortium buying Wigan are keen on Sheridan staying!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 12:39:12
TBH we had a great side back then, still my favourite time as a Town fan.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: CMT82 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 12:41:34
According to Nixon the Spanish consortium buying Wigan are keen on Sheridan staying!
Fingers crossed.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 13:01:46

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 13:05:43

Wigan’s Spanish owners in waiting are keen for Sheridan to stay but he could get more security as Swindon.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 13:11:52

Have to admit i did let out a big soapy tit wank when i read that bit

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 13:18:00
What a miserable looking c7nt

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 13:50:38
What a miserable looking c7nt
Audrey's preferred managerial candidate

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 13:54:29

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 13:57:41
Audrey's preferred managerial candidate

I would prefer Mr Tumble to Sheridan to be honest.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 14:00:00
This fella would be better - he comes with an assistant

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RedRag on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 14:13:24
It did end in relegation after we lost our influential spine of the team, Tucker, McHale, Kamara and Mayes. Along with Williams and Miller down the wings.

But the biggest loss was our assistant manager/coach Wilf tranter who left in 81 to take over at Banbury, he was a massive influence in the dressing room.
ahhhh....they were great days indeed (until Dave Peach, JQ).

Wilf Tranter was a massive influence in the players' tunnel too having been part of a decent ruck with Gillingham may not be right in our enlightened age but a part of me would love to see a return of that spirit

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 14:22:11
Am I right in remembering that prior to buying David Peach from Southampton we tried to sign Mick Channon for £250,000.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 14:57:51
This fella would be better - he comes with an assistant

Ha ha, I'm sold! :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:13:04
The option of Sheridan - complete 'character' - or Campbell - absolute lunatic - makes me think Noel Hunt, after a switch to 343 last night and a win, all of a sudden seems a good option. Which is quite remarkable considering the debacle on Saturday.

Maybe shortlisting these two headcases is Power's way of tricking the fanbase into being happy with the cheap option in Hunt... It's worked on me in any case

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:20:50
The odds have completely closed in on Sheridan today, so I am obviously overestimating Power's Machiavellian capabilities

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:35:35
Simon Stone from BBC Sport

John Sheridan set to take charge of his final @LaticsOfficial game tonight before joining @Official_STFC. On month-to-month contract at moment, so decision to move a pretty easy one.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:38:46
The option of Sheridan - complete 'character' - or Campbell - absolute lunatic - makes me think Noel Hunt, after a switch to 343 last night and a win, all of a sudden seems a good option. Which is quite remarkable considering the debacle on Saturday.

Maybe shortlisting these two headcases is Power's way of tricking the fanbase into being happy with the cheap option in Hunt... It's worked on me in any case

In normal times Power may have to try and convince people that an appointment isn't the cheap option. I think this time most would accept any appointment to get through the season.

Management success is such a lottery that I am going to make sure that i don't read to much into this one. We see it over and over again that what works with one club doesn't work at another. Throw in the fact that we have no money we could never appoint anyone with huge ambition with a 3 season project to climb.

The one thing I do want is someone new though in hope of a bounce and a new viewpoint to refocus the players.  The person coming in has to make this squad of players work with almost no chance of sculpturing a team to their choice.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:43:15
I am sure Sheridan, if appointed,  will be up to the job.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:43:21
BBC Wilts confirm Sheridan

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:50:43
I am sure Sheridan, if appointed,  will be up to the job.

Possibly so but my socks are staying firmly on!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:51:38

I wrote Wellens off, so will reserve judgement

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:54:54
I always thought  Sheridan was a shit manager. Now he’s ours, our shit manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 15:57:12

I wrote Wellens off, so will reserve judgement
Exactly, as did a lot of people (probably most in fact).

I had no real opinion of Wellens when we appointed him, nor do I of Sheridan. Let's see how he does...if he keeps us up it's mission accomplished.

I'm pretty sure that whoever Power could have actually, feasibly appointed (afforded) would have left the fans 'underwelmed'...

Edit: whatever happened to the word 'overwelmed'? You don't don't see it any more...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:01:00
BBC Wilts confirm Sheridan
And you can still get a bet on - albeit 1/20

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:02:30
Edit: whatever happened to the word 'overwelmed'? You don't don't see it any more...
It's been used fairly extensively recently in reports about the danger of hospitals being overwhelmed by COVID cases

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: leftside on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:03:41
Exactly, as did a lot of people (probably most in fact).

I had no real opinion of Wellens when we appointed him, nor do I of Sheridan. Let's see how he does...if he keeps us up it's mission accomplished.

I'm pretty sure that whoever Power could have actually, feasibly appointed (afforded) would have left the fans 'underwelmed'...

Edit: whatever happened to the word 'overwelmed'? You don't don't see it any more...

I’m not even whelmed by this one but good luck to the fella.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:05:15
It's been used fairly extensively recently in reports about the danger of hospitals being overwhelmed by COVID cases

Or match reports detailing how STFC's defence has been overwhelmed

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:05:42
Very Phil Brown-ish.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:06:15

I'm pretty sure that whoever Power could have actually, feasibly appointed (afforded) would have left the fans 'underwelmed'...

That must be right

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:07:42
He gets my backing, as does any new manager.

What kind of football does he play? I hope he's not a hoofer. Asides from it being shit, we don't have the players for hoofing anyway.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:09:56
I'll get the popcorn and head over to the social media meltdown and multiple posts of "where has the Wellens money gone?!"

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: MichaelPook on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:18:20
Shockingly bad appointment - I really fear for the future

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:18:48
Shockingly bad appointment - I really fear for the future

And what sort of person did you expect?

At least you’ll still have Arsenal ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:21:43
Cant say I'm overly impressed, must have been better out there willing to take the job on, I think I would have preferred Hunt to get the job

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:28:20
He gets my backing, as does any new manager.

What kind of football does he play? I hope he's not a hoofer. Asides from it being shit, we don't have the players for hoofing anyway.

Did a google and not seen much criticism of his style of play, more for his management style. Basically he has one way of trying to improve players - calling them shit and telling them to stop being so shit. And if they can’t handle that, to fk off.

Odds on him falling out with Anthony Grant before Christmas?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:29:10
Did a google and not seen much criticism of his style of play, more for his management style. Basically he has one way of trying to improve players - calling them shit and to stop being so shit.

Odds on him falling out with Anthony Grant before Christmas?

Odds on Anthony Grant decking him by christmas ?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:30:23
A bit overwhelmed with underwhelment.
Nevertheless, he has got one task this season.
Hope that he will be up to it and good luck to him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Oaksey Moonraker on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:30:49
To go with this season's theme will his first signing be Sheridan Smith?(

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:32:51
Cant say I'm overly impressed, must have been better out there willing to take the job on, I think I would have preferred Hunt to get the job

Who the fuck would be willing to take it on then?  Getting to the end of the season is going to be a challenge for most clubs, including ours.  They'll have jack shit to spend in January, that's for sure.

I'm surprised we actually appointed someone in the current environment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:37:43
If it's in addition to Noel Hunt and Tommy Wright then it could be ok in the short term.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:42:10
I remember Sheridan as a player but have little knowledge of his managerial career.  Seems a bit all over the shop - some notable successes and failures.  Didn't even remember him being the Manager at Chesterfield when they beat us at Wembley.

Seems he has worked with Wright before and Jewell.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tj2002 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:42:37
I've got a few mates who are Oldham fans, he's considered to be the messiah there.

"he's a good manager when scrapping for points to avoid relegation"

Sounds like just what is needed in the current predicament, in on a fire fighting basis and see where we are at the end of the season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:42:52
Can’t see this as anything more than getting an experienced head in to make sure we are a league 1 club next season, whilst Power deals with the court cases and tries to sell the club.
Hunt is probably to big a risk in Power eyes for his first job to be a potential relegation battle.

I’d be amazed if his contract is longer than this season, it’s not a long term appointment, it’s a stop gap.

It makes complete sense when looked at like that, we aren’t going to be challenging this season, we are in a battle to stay up and we are skint, Sheridan is coming in to steady the ship, nothing more, nothing less.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:43:40
This'll do for me. Mainly surprised Power moved so quickly. Hopefully provides a bit of stability and focus for the team. Anything that keeps our heads above water.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Cheltred on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:48:01
Am I right in remembering that prior to buying David Peach from Southampton we tried to sign Mick Channon for £250,000.
There were rumours to that effect - but of course we didn't!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:52:01
If its a cheap deal to the end of the season and we stay up then I'll take that.

If it's a "long term" option then I'm very underwhelmed. Hope it's until the end of the season and we then take a punt of someone new from lower leagues, give someone fresh a chance.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Valid Pint on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 16:58:05
We are Sheridan's red & white army!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:02:59
‘The Rivals’.

Bound to be a reference when we get to play the piss stains

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:12:52
Am I right in remembering that prior to buying David Peach from Southampton we tried to sign Mick Channon for £250,000.
Yep that is true, a fee of between £200k and £250k was agreed but he prefered to stay with the Saints. A huge fee at the time for a 3rd division club, the proceeds of the League Cup semi final money, would have been an awesome signing what with his last of his 46 England caps coming just over a year before, he went on to play for another 3 or 4 season at Norwich and Pompey.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:27:25

I wrote Wellens off, so will reserve judgement
Exactly this. As I have said many many times, some managers fit teams and some teams fit managers, could easily go either way.

At least he tries[i/] to play passing football at most clubs, but it depends on what he has available.

He has won L2 as a manager at Chesterfield and, of course, beat us in the EFL cup final a few years back.

He likes to play attacking football, and let the defenders defend and the attackers attack. That is a positive for the strikers and I hope I’ll enjoy playing under him.

I’ve not really got to know him properly yet but he has given me a lot of confidence, saying that when I’ve played against him before I did well. He just wants me to play my own game and be attack-minded.

Interestingly this will be Shez's 4th job in 2020 after Waterford, Wigan and Chesterfield.

Underwhelming to say the least but if hes in as night watchman until the new owner/court case/end of season and can get us the results we need to stabilize the ship then fine.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:30:18
Does anyone know what shape he favours? Unlike some of his other jobs, I would imagine the prospect of incoming players is virtually nil. Do our players fit his system, or will he be left with the 4-2-3-1?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:31:38
If his past employment record is anything to go by, he'll be off in about a fortnight for his 4th stint as manager with Oldham.

Good luck etc., anyway.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:33:33
Does anyone know what shape he favours? Unlike some of his other jobs, I would imagine the prospect of incoming players is virtually nil. Do our players fit his system, or will he be left with the 4-2-3-1?
At Chesterfield and Fleetwood he played old fashioned 4 4 2, not sure what hes been playing so far with Wigan though.


4 4 2 at Wigan too.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:34:38
Not forgetting that Sheridan was Carlisle’s Manager in Wellens first game where they thrashed us 0-4.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ronnie21 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:36:06
I was totally underwhelmed when Wellens was appointed, this appointment beats that, groans!!  Wellens was sucessful, perhaps Sheridan's will be as well.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:39:35
I was totally underwhelmed when Wellens was appointed, this appointment beats that, groans!!  Wellens was sucessful, perhaps Sheridan's will be as well.

And don't forget that people moaned when we appointed Hoddle, Ardiles and PdC and will moan if we appointed Alex Ferguson or Arsene Wenger.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: brocklesby red on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:40:31
Fairly sure Tommy Wright was Sheridan’s assistant at Chesterfield

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:43:34
Sheridan is the opposite of almost everything we have seen be successful at town. Everyone deserves a chance but its an uninspiring choice. I hope Hunt stats as assistant and he's groomed for some sort of future boss (given Wellens worked under Sheridan before).

There are so few managerial jobs, yet the same old journeymen get jobs. Its crazy. Better have someone thats failed multiple times than someone new?!? Just crazy.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:51:30
To use a Reg term, ‘a jobbing lower league gaffer’ - just what is needed IMO.

To be frank - some of our supporters live in a fantasy land and I’m delighted this has brought them back down to earth.

Let’s get to next summer with our existence and League 1 status intact and we can re-visit then.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:55:27
Fairly sure Tommy Wright was Sheridan’s assistant at Chesterfield
And at Carlisle.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Ardiles on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 17:59:35
To use a Reg term, ‘a jobbing lower league gaffer’ - just what is needed IMO.

To be frank - some of our supporters live in a fantasy land and I’m delighted this has brought them back down to earth.

Let’s get to next summer with our existence and League 1 status intact and we can re-visit then.

Some truth in that.  We are Swindon, after all.  Not Barcelona.

I think it's the culmination of a series of disappointments following promotion.  We'd all hoped we would carry a bit of momentum in to this season, and it hasn't happened like that.  Quite the opposite.

Don't know if the poster of this tweet (Juddy?) is on here, but he puts it very succinctly.

Nick Judd on Twitter (

'Imagine after the Exeter euphoria in Feb being told you’d have to avoid the CG for over a year, that Doyle would choose L2 over L1, that Doughts would walk, and that the gaffer would leave for a club with an av. crowd of 3k. And that we’d replace him with John Sheridan. Crackers.'

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: adje on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 18:09:16
Anything is better than Sol fucking Campbell.
I'm whelmed

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: adje on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 18:14:04
Dunno, but he schooled PDC in the JPT final
Nodding head

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 18:16:04
Anything is better than Sol fucking Campbell.
I'm whelmed
Now that would have been frightening.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 18:29:26
Now that would have been frightening.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: That Nestor Lorenzo Heade on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 18:31:18

To be frank - some of our supporters live in a fantasy land and I’m delighted this has brought them back down to earth.

Or to look at it another way, some of our supporters have got used to utter mediocrity - and their standards have dropped.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 18:43:36
wonder if there's room for Jewell and Sheridan

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 18:57:26
I'm whelmed


Very well-put. For the second time in two days.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 19:06:43
A jobbing lower league manager who’s been at (and failed at) mainly basket case clubs in recent years.

If he helps keep us up he’ll have more than done his job as this season is just about survival in every sense of the word. No idea how his teams play mind...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 19:08:49
Jewell, Sheridan and Tommy Wright. What a trio.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 19:13:12
Or to look at it another way, some of our supporters have got used to utter mediocrity - and their standards have dropped.

An interesting way to look at it

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Ticker45 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 19:24:18
Neither excited nor disappointed with John Sheridan being the new manager (which I assume is a certainty).

Have to say again, far too many times in recent years, that I will be reserving judgement.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 19:25:34
Odds on Anthony Grant decking him by christmas ?

PMSL, Made my day.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 19:51:56
Or match reports detailing how STFC's defence has been overwhelmed
Christ I don't read the match reports, it's bad enough watching the matches without reading about it as well

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Valid Pint on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 22:16:30
Shall we at least give the guy ten games and then produce a probationary report?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: NotHarryAgombar on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 22:18:54
Still no confirmation of Sheridan by the Club, either via Twitter or website. Presumably waiting for his latest month at Wigan to expire?

I am surprised at this - unless Hunt and /or Wright are off to Salford  to join RW - only because I thought the lack of cash available would force LP to stick with Hunt, who (if we include Hull and the Boycott Trophy) has a 66% win ratio.
I know some have said RW’s salary is available, but if LP is running out of cash it isn’t really.
At least Hunt knows the players - Sheridan is going to have to work with the group we have, and unless he can shift some in January there won’t be any new blood then.

The thing to remember is that as with all STFC managers is that it will end in disappointment eventually - he will either be sacked if we do badly, or poached by a bigger or wealthier club if he does well. At least with the second of those, as we had with RW last season, there are some  good times in between.
My only hope if it’s Sheridan is that we continue to try to pass the ball rather than reverting to the Flitcroft style hoof ball.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 23:05:06
His managerial record is actually better than I thought it would be. 37% win ratio over 675 games.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 23:25:54
It’s actually a sensible appointment from Power. Last time he put the assistant manager in charge we got relegated to L2. Sheridan simply has to keep us in L1, anything more is a bonus. Probably won’t be here to long anyway as fully expect Power to lose his court case and the new owners will want their own man in place.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 23:39:29
His managerial record is actually better than I thought it would be. 37% win ratio over 675 games.

That will leave us on 51 points then! Is that enough?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 01:02:37
That will leave us on 51 points then! Is that enough?

It would be touch and go.

52 was the magic number last time I checked (11 years ago I think it was)

Depends how you’ve done the maths. Have you included draws? He only wins 37% but doesn’t lose the remaining 63%

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 01:04:28
37 - 26 - 37

Give or take some rounding up / down

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 02:18:50
Haven't read back but if Sheridan is appointed then I feel this is the end game style appointment by the current board (Power), who are preparing/anticipating their exit.

Literally Sheridan is good buddies with the likes of Jewell and Wright, possibly is well aware of Hunt too.

He's an old head of course, been around a long time and I only really remember when he was manager of Chesterfield. Seemed to remember they thought he was alright (even though I'm certain they got relegated with them). Did one over us in the JPT Final, which appeared to be the only time that squad was overconfident and decided not to turn up (New Wembley and Town team in not turning up shocker).

It's very likely Sheridan (if appointed) will only be here short-term. Referring the above, this may come at a similar time to Power exiting. Any new owner (Clem?) would already likely have a manager in mind and that's possibly not going to be Sheridan.

In about a month the landscape at STFC could look very different again.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 04:00:08
Still no confirmation of Sheridan by the Club, either via Twitter or website. Presumably waiting for his latest month at Wigan to expire?
His month to month contract expires tomorrow

‘John Sheridan has told Wigan Athletic he intends to become the new manager of Swindon Town.

The 56-year old took charge of Wigan against Tranmere Rovers in the Papa John's Trophy last night but his month to month contract ends this week and Wigan remain in administration.

Swindon have approached Sheridan after Richie Wellens left for Salford City last week.’

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JoeMezz on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 09:20:45
It would be touch and go.

52 was the magic number last time I checked (11 years ago I think it was)

Depends how you’ve done the maths. Have you included draws? He only wins 37% but doesn’t lose the remaining 63%

Could imagine it being much lower this season, with many teams having cheap and poor quality squads. Also looming are the possibility of points deductions or even league expulsions for some teams. Could see around 45 being enough.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 09:39:19
Could imagine it being much lower this season, with many teams having cheap and poor quality squads. Also looming are the possibility of points deductions or even league expulsions for some teams. Could see around 45 being enough.

It’s often been lower than 51. Never (had) been above 52.

52 will see you safe. Doesn’t mean less wont either...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 09:54:45
Whether or not I support his appointment I will support him until he gives me reason to not support him.

Welcome to the club "Shez" (when you actually do sign).

Lets get through this shit and win some games along the way.

An Oldham fan I know say he plays a passing style in the main, always plays 442 (that could be a problem for us with fit players up front) and that he gets the defence playing as a unit to clear their lines quickly.

Apparently has a bit of an attitude problem and rubs players and fans up the wrong way and comes accross as arrogant.

A Chesterfield fan I know hates him and a couple of Plymouth fans I know say hes just a jobbing manager who will get some good and some rubbish results and failed to get them promoted with a large budget.

As for going 4 4 2 then he will have to assess the players at his disposal and change that accordingly as we don't currently have the players to carry that off, so probably stick 1 up top and add another central midfielder, or do as Hunt did on Tuesday and add an extra centre back to play 5 at the back.

I won't rule him out before hes even managed one game, Wellens lost his first game for Town at home to Sheridans Carlisle 4-0.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:01:51

I won't rule him out before hes even managed one game, Wellens lost his first game for Town at home to Sheridans Carlisle 4-0.

Do I remember Hope playing for Carlisle that day under Sheridan?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:02:34
It makes you wonder why he dosen't stay on at Wigan as we have our own issues and it's hardly a secure appointment for him

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:04:52
Do I remember Hope playing for Carlisle that day under Sheridan?
Yep and he set up a couple of the goals IIRC. He played him as a striker.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:10:44
His managerial record is actually better than I thought it would be. 37% win ratio over 675 games.

Oh come on DV, actually taking the time to look at his managerial career is not what Swindon fans do. You should be going onto Facebook and saying how shit he is as he isn't Paul Cook or Michael Carrick, followed by a tireade about how cheap and nasty 'Poundland Power' is.

FWIW, I think Sheridan's managerial history is not too shabby for a lower league manager. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:12:18
Whether or not I support his appointment I will support him until he gives me reason to not support him.

Welcome to the club "Shez" (when you actually do sign).

Lets get through this shit and win some games along the way.

An Oldham fan I know say he plays a passing style in the main, always plays 442 (that could be a problem for us with fit players up front) and that he gets the defence playing as a unit to clear their lines quickly.

Apparently has a bit of an attitude problem and rubs players and fans up the wrong way and comes accross as arrogant.

A Chesterfield fan I know hates him and a couple of Plymouth fans I know say hes just a jobbing manager who will get some good and some rubbish results and failed to get them promoted with a large budget.

As for going 4 4 2 then he will have to assess the players at his disposal and change that accordingly as we don't currently have the players to carry that off, so probably stick 1 up top and add another central midfielder, or do as Hunt did on Tuesday and add an extra centre back to play 5 at the back.

I won't rule him out before hes even managed one game, Wellens lost his first game for Town at home to Sheridans Carlisle 4-0.

Hope and Pitman up front will be the new Austin and Painter!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:15:44
Sheridan has a league title and a lower league cup win.  That should account for something.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:24:58
If he's going 442, Hope and Pitman and a recall for Scott Twine as backup could be incoming

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: michael on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:26:28
His month to month contract expires tomorrow
So technically we are not actually taking someone else's manager, as he will be unemployed. This changes everything.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:30:56
Does anyone know what shape he favours?

what as in is he a tits or arse man, no idea.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:34:03

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:38:31
If he's going 442, Hope and Pitman and a recall for Scott Twine as backup could be incoming
How long is Tyler Smith out? He would be great in a front 2

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:45:19
Yeah forgot about him

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Exiled Bob on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:52:18
Did one over us in the JPT Final, which appeared to be the only time that squad was overconfident and decided not to turn up (New Wembley and Town team in not turning up shocker)
Hmmm.....that one and the 2 other most important games of that season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Exiled Bob on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 10:58:15
Shall we at least give the guy ten games and then produce a probationary report?
He's already been judged and written off as a shit, cheap option, by our Twitter Twats.

Why, oh, why doesn't the Club listen to them....? ::)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 11:06:13
Plymouth friend just warned me to look out for hoofball. Would be a shame if we took a step back in that respect, but certainly this year our defenders need to get a bit smarter about fannying around on the edge of the area.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 11:08:11
Plymouth friend just warned me to look out for hoofball. Would be a shame if we took a step back in that respect, but certainly this year our defenders need to get a bit smarter about fannying around on the edge of the area.

I also understand that they could be direct at times.  I have a feeling that direct football and 'shithousery' will be necessary at some point during the season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 11:23:07
Back 3. Defend first. Get players back fit. Stay in existence. Stay in the League. Upgrade the manager in the summer when we have a budget again.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JoeMezz on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 11:33:10
Back 3. Defend first. Get players back fit. Stay in existence. Stay in the League. Upgrade the manager in the summer when we have a budget again.

Agreed. Fed up with seeing us concede shit goals. Has marks of a Luke Williams team in that we score some excellent goals, but concede awful goals. Tighten up the defence, pick up points and then make our way up the league.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JoeMezz on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 11:33:49
Could see us giving Noel Hunt some more hands-on experience as the season goes on, allowing Sheridan to see us through to the summer and then Hunt to take the gig (if he wants it)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: welshred on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 12:18:35
Plymouth friend just warned me to look out for hoofball. Would be a shame if we took a step back in that respect, but certainly this year our defenders need to get a bit smarter about fannying around on the edge of the area.

I honestly don't see how that can even be an option with the players we have. From what I've seen, Pitman is the only player who you could see being able to hold up the ball. Our strength going forward is all the ball playing midfielders we have. Lumping the ball over their heads would make no sense at all.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 12:21:48
Back 3. Defend first. Get players back fit. Stay in existence. Stay in the League. Upgrade the manager in the summer when we have a budget again.
This. Although not bothered whether he does it with back 3, 4 or whatever combination. No-one's there to watch it, watching on iFollow is shit anyway, the season's a write-off from a football point of view, all about protecting the business.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 12:29:59
I honestly don't see how that can even be an option with the players we have. From what I've seen, Pitman is the only player who you could see being able to hold up the ball. Our strength going forward is all the ball playing midfielders we have. Lumping the ball over their heads would make no sense at all.

Well not really. If you have a striker who can hold the ball up and has decent control you can in theory lump it up to him, for him to trap with his back to goal to play it back into the midfield.

There is (to me anyway) a difference between hoofball (aimless punts forward) and being direct.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:11:39
If he's going 442, Hope and Pitman and a recall for Scott Twine as backup could be incoming
Twine has no recall option in his contract with Newport until January. I have a feeling he will be recalled then though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:12:23
His general record is good enough I think - promoted Chesterfield, got close with Oldham and Plymouth in very different circumstances.  He has also been around when the situation has turned a bit messy for the club, so maybe he's a good 18 month Manager, which is more than enough for now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:16:45
Plymouth friend just warned me to look out for hoofball. Would be a shame if we took a step back in that respect, but certainly this year our defenders need to get a bit smarter about fannying around on the edge of the area.
Yes he did mix it up a lot at Plymouth but at Fleetwood was preaised for his attcking style of football.

Former Plymouth Argyle manager John Sheridan has been praised for his attacking philosophy as he looks to save Fleetwood Town from relegation.

The Cod Army sacked manager Uwe Rosler after a poor run of results saw them, slide from the fringes of the play-off zone to just outside the bottom four, despite significant investment at Highbury Stadium during the January transfer window.

Sheridan’s first game in charge ended in a 1-1 draw with fellow relegation strugglers Franchise, but Fleetwood striker Ash Taylor has already seen an improvement under the guidance of the former Argyle and Oldham boss.

He likes to play attacking football, and let the defenders defend and the attackers attack. That is a positive for the strikers and I hope I’ll enjoy playing under him.

I’ve not really got to know him properly yet but he has given me a lot of confidence, saying that when I’ve played against him before I did well. He just wants me to play my own game and be attack-minded.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:21:41
Yes he did mix it up a lot at Plymouth but at Fleetwood was preaised for his attcking style of football.

For a little more context.

He took them over in 20th and they finished in 14th, with Sheridan managing 13 games. He had a 46% win ratio there which as we all know is promotion form.

There's a lot of positives to be taken from his record, as well as plenty of negatives, granted.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:32:59
He's a lower league Warnock or Pulis - bit of a dinosuar, potentially a bit unsavoury but good in a crisis.

I do not want him here at the start of next season (assuming there is a next season) but will back him initially. Could be just what we need.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:34:31
if he does a decent job this season, why shouldn't he stay on?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:35:46
if he does a decent job this season, why shouldn't he stay on?

Because I'm scared of dinosaur managers, and would hope with a bit of budget and fans back in we can attract someone more than a firefighter.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:45:06
Sheridan has courted controversy at pretty much every club he has been manager at.
After he had steered the side to safety at the end of last season, Sheridan spoke of changing the team's direct approach to a more passing style of play. Although, Oldham just do not have the quality of players to deliver what he wanted.

Sunderland fans views on Sheridan.

And finally what Wigan fans are saying about him.

Sheridan is poor, but again who would want to come in given the situation?

Couldn’t do any worse than the arrogant bell end we have at the moment!

A harsh title I know but he must go asap no fookin around or he will take the Coyle-Joyce trophy for keeps as the worst ever Latics manager in our clubs history. His stand of ignorant attitude to the players at extra time half time was an utter disgrace. When all said and done, these players might not be 17-18 but to alot of them it was all new and when they needed expericance, a guidance a gee up a pep talk he decided to stand back like a spoilt child who’s had just had his xbox taken off him while the Chorley player were gathered in a huddle, how fookin embarrassing.

Sheridan is like a angry never happy middle aged man who moans at everything and everyone, never content never happy and never to praise when due.I remember his post match interview after I think it was against Doncaster we he didn’t have a good word to say not one ounce of praise.

I’ve really not wanted to criticise anyone after what’s gone on but we need to get rid of Sheridan. He’s not capable of bringing the Youngsters through and throwing them under the bus is unforgivable

Although his hands were tied in some aspects, he only tightened the knot by making the strange decision to split the midfield duo that had dominated possession in the first 40 minutes and basically surrender that area of the pitch.

In the future he want’s to try biting onto that dummy and stop it from falling out. Not for me he needs to go, nothing more than a bad attitude all round

I am not completely blaming Sheridan.Lets face it ,it was a thankless task.The administrators absolutely decimated the first team squad.My main concern is that the few experienced players we have left seem to have picked up mysterious injuries.They might be genuine ,however ,if there is something more sinister going on then we really do have a problem.

I’m not on about results m8 that’s not my point, I’m on about his negative childish dummy spitting behavior you just can’t do it at this level. At the end of the day it gets you no were and causes divisions within squads so is that why we’ve so many out ?. If he left it wouldn’t surprise me if they all did come back from injury, are the senior players in a mini revolt ?.

My big burning question is, which bellend nobhead chose him ??? did they look at his CV ? for fs. We need someone young, ambitious someone who can connect with both senior and especially the young kids

Call these young lads all you want they are right now our future like it or not and no dickhead like 5 minute Sheridan should be allowed to come in and treat them like he did.

Sheridan OUT !!! and OUT yesterday

I am no Sheridan fan ,he has made some big mistakes but my main concern is that the administration is dragging on and on and is sucking the life out of what’s left of our great club. We will continue to plummet as long as we are in this perilous position ,who ever the manager might be.

Just read he’s favorite for the Swindon job.
Let’s join hands and pray the interview goes well

Gosh 3-1 favourite Swindon must be more desperate than us.

Can we use the supporters club money to pay for his travel? One way ticket only of course.

Best news since this nightmare began. Cant believe another club actually want him. At least now we have a little bit of a chance of avoiding relegation. Thank you Swindon Town.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:48:56
I am sure I have seen almost identical gripes about STFC's managers over the years.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:50:28
Because I'm scared of dinosaur managers, and would hope with a bit of budget and fans back in we can attract someone more than a firefighter.

Dinosaur or pragmatist?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 13:58:02
Sheridan has courted controversy at pretty much every club he has been manager at.
Sunderland fans views on Sheridan. -job-yet-37705335.html

And finally what Wigan fans are saying about him.

The same Alan Hardy who got his nob out and posted it on social media. Banging on about Sheridan’s ‘foul mouthed tirade’ seems mild compared to todger-gate

This was impressive, though

Fourth official Matthew Donohue was told: “You’re a f***ing c***. A c***.”

‘He then shouted at referee Eddie Ilderton: “You’re a f***ing disgrace, you’re a f***ing useless ... you’ve not f***ing got anything right today, you should be f***ing ashamed, you’re f***ing shit, my kids aren’t going to get any f***ing Christmas presents because of f***ing you.”

After Donohue reported him to Ilderton, who sent him off, Sheridan said: "You really are a c***. I'm gonna knock you out you c***".'

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 14:08:17
Dinosaur or pragmatist?

They're different things. Don't mind a pragmatist. Michael Flynn at Newport is phenomenally pragmatic - build a team on a budget and play the style that gets the best from that squad and environment.

But all evidence suggests Sheridan is a short-term fix, which hinders long-term planning, recruitment etc - all of the things we should be doing when back on an even keel post-COVID.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 14:09:48
I am sure I have seen almost identical gripes about STFC's managers over the years.

And were any of them good managers?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 14:30:40
Taken from the long post by the Wigan fan quoted above...

Sheridan is like a angry never happy middle aged man who moans at everything and everyone, never content never happy and never to praise when due.

Does he post on here?  ;) :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 14:54:20
And were any of them good managers?

I will leave it with you to decide

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 14:59:36
They're different things. Don't mind a pragmatist. Michael Flynn at Newport is phenomenally pragmatic - build a team on a budget and play the style that gets the best from that squad and environment.

But all evidence suggests Sheridan is a short-term fix, which hinders long-term planning, recruitment etc - all of the things we should be doing when back on an even keel post-COVID.

I am not sure long term planning is possible whichever way you go.  If STFC were to go with a young fresh candidate instead, the likely outcomes are:-

1. A successful season or two - and they move one to a more attractive/financially rewarding post

2.  A half a season or so with lacklustre results- dismissal.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 15:00:44
And were any of them good managers?
That Wellens bloke did alright apparently :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 15:38:48
Taken from the long post by the Wigan fan quoted above...

Sheridan is like a angry never happy middle aged man who moans at everything and everyone, never content never happy and never to praise when due.

Does he post on here?  ;) :D

Has anyone ever seen John Sheridan and Reg Smeeton in the same room?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 15:44:56
Reg will be delighted to be accused of being middle-aged.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 15:48:17
Sounds more like the Cheltenham fan tbf

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, November 12, 2020, 15:52:08
Sounds more like the Cheltenham fan tbf

What Reg...... you bastard!

I hope Reg is OK.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Friday, November 13, 2020, 11:42:34
Sheridan confirmed until end of the season

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 13, 2020, 11:47:11
Sheridan confirmed until end of the season
Well I will get behind him and fingers crossed we get some good results under him. I will judge him by how he performs now not how he performed previously.

Nice to see a large proportion of our fanbase now totally writing us off having appointed him and saying we need to sack him already. I do fucking despair, at least see how he is before totally writing him off.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Friday, November 13, 2020, 11:55:18

He looks delighted!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 13, 2020, 11:56:58
Sheridan confirmed until end of the season

Needs to sort his scarf game out, above the head!


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 13, 2020, 11:59:17
Sheridan confirmed until end of the season

The ways its going that might not be too far off!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:04:45
He looks delighted!

Reminds me of a typical miserable bastard that lives near the local park and the ball gets kicked into his garden.
“Excuse me Mr Sheridan can we have our ball back please?”
“Fuck off you little bastards.”

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:07:07
He looks delighted!
Not sure its much different to the man he is replacing after taking over at Salford. (

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:21:46
Reminds me of a typical miserable bastard that lives near the local park and the ball gets kicked into his garden.
“Excuse me Mr Sheridan can we have our ball back please?”
“Fuck off you little bastards.”

Another gem.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Hunk on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:21:52
Needs to sort his scarf game out, above the head!


That is quite easily the worst new manager reveal photo I've ever seen

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:23:07
That is quite easily the worst new manager reveal photo I've ever seen

Probably similar to the captain of the titanic handing over the helm to a subordinate and hour before she slipped below the waves.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:32:14
Lets hope it turns out to be a good appointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:33:59
Good luck, John.

Just keep us safe. Anything else is a bonus.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bathford on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:39:29
Good luck, John.

Just keep us safe. Anything else is a bonus.

Exactly! That’s all we need this season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:42:19
Greater Manchester is the breeding ground for Town managers it would seem.
There must be some managerial talent south of Watford.

Mainly a watching brief for him tomorrow I would guess with not much time to have worked with the squad.

Good luck to him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:44:44
Did they get the scarf from one of the blokes that hangs around at the entrance as the club shop is not open (get your scarves 'ere, get your memorabilia from me) :>)

Didn't want him, but as he is here I'll back him until he gives me a reason not to (or until Anthony Grant sticks one on his chin)

Be interesting to see if Hunt & Wright stay or follow Wellens to Salford now

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RedRag on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:46:30
IN THE CIRCUMSTANCES I think we have done very well to secure a manager of Sheridan's experience.  Given the already widespread reservations, I think his "half-raised" club scarf shows balance.  Positive, but without pandering like a puppy to some of our more moany fans.  

Good luck from me too, John.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Hunk on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:46:55
Did they get the scarf from one of the blokes that hangs around at the entrance as the club shop is not open (get your scarves 'ere, get your memorabilia from me) :>)

Didn't want him, but as he is here I'll back him until he gives me a reason not to (or until Anthony Grant sticks one on his chin)

Be interesting to see if Hunt & Wright stay or follow Wellens to Salford now

I've missed something here, you aren't the first to suggest Grant might want to wallop him. What's happened between them?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tj2002 on Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:49:01
Glad Power acted quickly, big game tomorrow.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:21:47
Sheridan presser live on bbc wilts at 2pm

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Valid Pint on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:30:16
Welcome Mr Sheridan. Make this team your own.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:33:28
I've missed something here, you aren't the first to suggest Grant might want to wallop him. What's happened between them?
Just a bit of Nostradamus thinking. Sheridan has got previous with his players.

Wouldn’t recommend it with Grant, mind.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:39:09
Sheridan presser live on bbc wilts at 2pm

Leading into it with Move On Up is nicely optimistic.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: normy on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:42:10
I believe that Sheridan has inherited a very good squad of players, particularly if we get injury-free at some point.  It's up to him now to keep us playing good attractive football but with a sounder defence. I'm fairly optimistic, it would be difficult to go to far wrong.  (Famous last words.)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Exiled Bob on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:43:22
Can we swap fans with another team? Ours are shite.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: normy on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:43:38
I believe that Sheridan has inherited a very good squad of players, particularly if we get injury-free at some point.  It's up to him now to keep us playing good attractive football but with a sounder defence. I'm fairly optimistic, it would be difficult to go to far wrong.  (Famous last words.)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:43:51
I've missed something here, you aren't the first to suggest Grant might want to wallop him. What's happened between them?

Grant needs an arm round the shoulder and his tyres pumped up.

Sheridan's modus operandi appears to be calling players shit in the belief that it will fire them up.

Only logical to assume that might blow up at some stage.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:45:15
Any sign of cans of Red Bull on the presser table?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:50:30
Leading into it with Move On Up is nicely optimistic.

Followed by Do You Believe In Magic?

Bit desperate?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:51:16
Red Red Whine, now that's more appropriate...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:52:05
Red Red Whine, now that's more appropriate...


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RedRag on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:52:15
Leading into it with Move On Up is nicely optimistic.
Just tuned in.  "Sheridan on this program fairly soon".  On now!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:55:54
Here we go... Hodgetts with Sheridan.

- All happened fairly quickly
- Month to month basis at Wigan
- Jewell knew his circumstances
- Very pleased to "get the invite"
- Lot of similarities with Wigan, injuries affecting both squads
- Move to Swindon gives him more security, chance to get back to willing ways
- Knows Power from Waterford, but doesn't know him that well - more Jewell
- Expectations, injuries make it difficult but some very good players here. League is very evenly matched, we need to believe we can do well
- Worked with Grounds, Hope, Anthony Grant before and a few others. And Fryer, whose name he forgets.
- Knows Tommy Wright well, hopes the staff stay on but doesn't know yet if any of them want to go to Salford
- Sat/Tues relentless will make things different, knows injuries will happen with little recovery time but every manager will be saying the same thing
- Playing without fans (at Wigan) has been difficult. Not asked the players if it affects them (?!)
- Talks positively about coming to Swindon, fans etc. All usual stuff.
- Message to supporters: quicker we get back in the ground, better than others. He has vast experience, if he'd done well at every club he'd be in the Premier League but managing is tough. Wants to win games and get up the table.

And that's all.

Pretty off the shelf new manager interview there, no real insight or news.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Hunk on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:58:08
Grant needs an arm round the shoulder and his tyres pumped up.

Sheridan's modus operandi appears to be calling players shit in the belief that it will fire them up.

Only logical to assume that might blow up at some stage.

Gotcha, I was assuming they had previous

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Friday, November 13, 2020, 13:59:54
- Happened very quickly
- Know Richie really well, very good friend
- Paul Jewell knew my situation at Wigan, so I was available
- A lot of similarities with Wigan: suffering with injuries, lower than they should be
- Bit more security
- Did a couple of months for Lee in Waterford while I was out of work
- Don't really know Lee, Paul's the one that put in a word for me
- Injuries have made the season disjointed, but lots of good players here, got to believe they can do well
- Have previously worked with Grounds, Hope, with A Grant at Oldham when he was young, Joe Fryer, five or six in all
- Really good friends with Tommy Wright, know how each other well; worked with Mildenhall at Oldham
- Wait and see if Richie wants to take any staff to Salford
- (lots of cliches about masses of games coming up, big fanbase, good club, old mate Phil King from Sheff Wed days etc etc)

(Edit: shouldn't try to outNemo Nemo)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Friday, November 13, 2020, 14:00:41
That interview sounded like he literally hadn't spoken to the staff or met the players yet, not that much point doing it to be honest. Mostly just about why he left Wigan!

(Edit: shouldn't try to outNemo Nemo)

I missed the Phil King bit so you got the real scoop!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, November 13, 2020, 14:28:48
Any news on his cheese position?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, November 13, 2020, 14:36:02

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Trippy on Friday, November 13, 2020, 14:40:11
Shez is a manager who can galvanise a struggling team and lift them to safety.

I just don’t think he’s capable of progressing any further though. He had something decent going at Oldham 10-12 years ago but it all fell apart.

Yet when he returned to Oldham in January for two seasons in a row in 2016 and 2017 he took what was probably the worst squad in the league, who looked doomed for relegation, on both occasions, and led them to safety.

Contrast that to Wellens who had a squad 3 times as good as Shez had (Wellens had players like Eoin Doyle, Jack Byrne, Keen Bryan, Rob Hunt, Craig Davies) and Wellens ineptly sleep-walked Oldham into relegation. Whereas there’s no way Sheridan would have relegated that Oldham team.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, November 13, 2020, 14:43:30
Shez is a manager who can galvanise a struggling team and lift them to safety.

I just don’t think he’s capable of progressing any further though. He had something decent going at Oldham 10-12 years ago but it all fell apart.

Yet when he returned to Oldham in January for two seasons in a row in 2016 and 2017 he took what was probably the worst squad in the league, who looked doomed for relegation, on both occasions, and led them to safety.

Contrast that to Wellens who had a squad 3 times as good as Shez had (Wellens had players like Eoin Doyle, Jack Byrne, Keen Bryan, Rob Hunt, Craig Davies) and Wellens ineptly sleep-walked Oldham into relegation. Whereas there’s no way Sheridan would have relegated that Oldham team.

What's his style of play like?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, November 13, 2020, 14:47:12
Shez is a manager who can galvanise a struggling team and lift them to safety.

I just don’t think he’s capable of progressing any further though. He had something decent going at Oldham 10-12 years ago but it all fell apart.

Yet when he returned to Oldham in January for two seasons in a row in 2016 and 2017 he took what was probably the worst squad in the league, who looked doomed for relegation, on both occasions, and led them to safety.

Contrast that to Wellens who had a squad 3 times as good as Shez had (Wellens had players like Eoin Doyle, Jack Byrne, Keen Bryan, Rob Hunt, Craig Davies) and Wellens ineptly sleep-walked Oldham into relegation. Whereas there’s no way Sheridan would have relegated that Oldham team.

Thanks John :D

Looking forward to seeing how things might improve for us from here on, thanks for your input, as FH asks, what are we to expect style wise?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, November 13, 2020, 14:53:33

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Trippy on Friday, November 13, 2020, 15:01:18
What's his style of play like?

If he’s got the players to do it, he favours a ball on the floor, passing game, he’s not a hoof ball merchant, or at least he wasn’t at Oldham and Chesterfield initially. But this is dictated by the players at his disposal, there were games in both his latter spells at Oldham where he took points off teams at the of the table (Bolton, Sheff Utd) by setting up shop and playing not to lose, where trying to match those teams in playing on the ground would have resulted in losing, but even with those bottom of the league squads there were games where he had them playing some excellent football even if they lost.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Friday, November 13, 2020, 15:41:00
Power “He is someone that I have worked with before and that I know well.”

Sheridan: “I don’t really know Lee.”

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Friday, November 13, 2020, 16:01:57
I would like to hear from Paul Jewell at some point about his role at the club and the future, probably make an interesting interview

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: HorlocksLegs on Friday, November 13, 2020, 16:34:01
John Sheridan news conference

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Friday, November 13, 2020, 16:49:57
Thanks for that HorlocksLegs

Was hard to get excited listening to that. If it was an interview you wouldn't let him near the place. A Classic case of who you know.

He got marginally more human when the adver journo started asking him questions at least.

I think everyone is in agreement. Its stay up and stay in business. Hopefully we can have a few entertaining wins along the way.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, November 13, 2020, 17:30:19
I know it's hardly an inspiring appointment, but some people really seem to be trying to force the issue.

Who cares if he's a dour fucker? Half the best managers in the world have been. Let's judge him on what happens on the pitch, eh?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, November 13, 2020, 18:03:30
He's leaving Hunt in charge of tactics tomorrow apparently.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 13, 2020, 18:08:07
He's leaving Hunt in charge of tactics tomorrow apparently.
Similar set up to Tuesday will be good, just with Caddis at RB and Odimayo in for Curran but with Grant in for Haines.

Hopefully Fryer will get the nod in goal, we looked far more solid with him there.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, November 13, 2020, 18:10:25
Sometimes you just want your keeper to be a keeper innit.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 13, 2020, 18:17:03
Sometimes you just want your keeper to be a keeper innit.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, November 13, 2020, 18:20:03
Sheridan sounds like the kind of manager that a young keeper low on confidence should not be playing for.

I'm still not giving up on Kovar yet. He's not been helped by those in front of him but I do think he should at least be pulled out for a while.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: leftside on Friday, November 13, 2020, 18:29:19
Needs to sort his scarf game out, above the head!


He’s covering the RW initials on his borrowed top.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 13, 2020, 18:38:33
He’s covering the RW initials on his borrowed top.

It needs Bamboo to put some words on the scarf😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Friday, November 13, 2020, 18:49:21
It needs Bamboo to put some words on the scarf😁


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 13, 2020, 18:52:22
It needs Bamboo to put some words on the scarf😁
Boo was right it seems....


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 13, 2020, 19:00:42
Boo was right it seems....


Sam was here😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Friday, November 13, 2020, 19:03:30
John Sheridan news conference
Disgraceful that he’d attend his first press conference wearing a scruffy tracksuit - where is the pride?


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Friday, November 13, 2020, 19:08:47

Jimmy, Jimmy Alan lalalalala.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, November 13, 2020, 19:20:23
Sheridan comes across as an older, dourer Richie Wellens.

I'm ambivalent about the appointment. I hope he does a good job and I'll see where we sit after another 10 games.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 13, 2020, 19:21:08
Nice to see he's come here for the job security😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, November 13, 2020, 19:28:22
Nice to see he's come here for the job security😁

It doesn't say much for Wigan.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 13, 2020, 19:29:15
It doesn't say much for Wigan.

That's what I was thinking! I take it he knows about the pending court cases🤔

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, November 13, 2020, 20:15:19
Jimmy, Jimmy Alan lalalalala.

Not dissing the respected Duke, your honour but it was, Jim Aalllaaaannnn lalalalala 😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, November 13, 2020, 20:19:16
Not dissing the respected Duke, your honour but it was, Jim Aalllaaaannnn lalalalala 😁


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Friday, November 13, 2020, 21:04:01
Bolton 2 Salford 0

Doyle and Turnbull og.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Friday, November 13, 2020, 21:10:29
Not dissing the respected Duke, your honour but it was, Jim Aalllaaaannnn lalalalala 😁

Jimmy Allan helped me out of the net at Plough Lane Wimbledon when the wall collapsed.
The next time Duke went on the pitch was at Layer Road Colchester on a Friday night, different circumstances as nobody pushed me that night ;)
Happy Days.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 02:25:31
Boo was right it seems....


That will be the image when SR is OOC in the Summer  ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 08:19:42
Jimmy Allan helped me out of the net at Plough Lane Wimbledon when the wall collapsed.
The next time Duke went on the pitch was at Layer Road Colchester on a Friday night, different circumstances as nobody pushed me that night ;)
Happy Days.

I met him in the butchers I used to work in decades ago. He came in to collect his share of a private kill we did for a local farmer and got me free tickets to the pre season friendly v Ipswich the season after they won the cup winners cup. Lovely bloke I seem to recall and strong in his faith too. Wouldn’t play on a Sunday which has been mentioned before.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 70s townender on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 08:55:55
What a cheerful interview not sure if he wants to be at swindon or just wants the job security. I wish him well and hope I'm wrong about summing him up as a boring nobhead .

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 09:08:53
What a cheerful interview not sure if he wants to be at swindon or just wants the job security. I wish him well and hope I'm wrong about summing him up as a boring nobhead .
TBH Wellens never sounded happy about being at Swindon either but he never got berated by Town fans for it, everyone just said "it was his style" perhaps Shez is the same?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 09:22:59
TBH Wellens never sounded happy about being at Swindon either but he never got berated by Town fans for it, everyone just said "it was his style" perhaps Shez is the same?

I know it's wrong to judge but i read somewhere that he can be moody and a bit of a bully with younger players

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 09:29:49

I know it's wrong to judge but i read somewhere that he can be moody and a bit of a bully with younger players
I have heard similar rumours about Wellens, not so much with the younger players but he was always the bad guy and Hunt was the good guy in the dressing room.

Its just almost all the allegations made against him can easily be applied to Wellens too, almost every one.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 09:30:54
I have heard similar rumours about Wellens, not so much with the younger players but he was always the bad guy and Hunt was the good guy in the dressing room.

Its just almost all the allegations made against him can easily be applied to Wellens too, almost every one.

I had heard similar too especially this season

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Exiled Bob on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 09:31:16
I met him in the butchers I used to work in decades ago. He came in to collect his share of a private kill we did for a local farmer and got me free tickets to the pre season friendly v Ipswich the season after they won the cup winners cup. Lovely bloke I seem to recall and strong in his faith too. Wouldn’t play on a Sunday which has been mentioned before.
He did actually play on a Sunday towards the end of his Town career. Not sure how many times, but he started the game against Northampton at the end of the 83 season, went off injured early on and Jimmy Quinn (or it may have been Andy Rowland....) went in goal. We got tanked 5-1....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 09:42:02
He did actually play on a Sunday towards the end of his Town career. Not sure how many times, but he started the game against Northampton at the end of the 83 season, went off injured early on and Jimmy Quinn (or it may have been Andy Rowland....) went in goal. We got tanked 5-1....

Oh really, well didn’t know that. A game I was probably at too ☺️

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 09:56:47
He did actually play on a Sunday towards the end of his Town career. Not sure how many times, but he started the game against Northampton at the end of the 83 season, went off injured early on and Jimmy Quinn (or it may have been Andy Rowland....) went in goal. We got tanked 5-1....
Pretty sure it was Jimmy Quinn took over in goal that day.

That was the day that pre game the Grand National winner Corbiere was paraded round the pitch by Jenny Pitman, a Town fan.

Lots of trouble by the travelling 500 or so Cobblers fans, Steve Massey ran us ragged alongside ex Town favourite Dave Syrett RIP.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 10:49:40
That sounds vaguely familiar. Can remember being at a game where he was injured and Quinn went in goal. But can't remember much else - Good job really if we lost 5-1 !

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 10:58:10
Pretty sure it was Jimmy Quinn took over in goal that day.

That was the day that pre game the Grand National winner Corbiere was paraded round the pitch by Jenny Pitman, a Town fan.

Lots of trouble by the travelling 500 or so Cobblers fans, Steve Massey ran us ragged alongside ex Town favourite Dave Syrett RIP.

It was a Sunday game I recall.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 11:50:49
That sounds vaguely familiar. Can remember being at a game where he was injured and Quinn went in goal. But can't remember much else - Good job really if we lost 5-1 !
Quinny went in goal a few times for us when our keepers were injured, Andy Rowland and Jimmy Quinn were both adequate keepers, Quinn was a lot better in goal than that result suggests, he kept at least 1 clean sheet during his goalkeeper fill ins.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 11:51:46
It was a Sunday game I recall.

That was what brought the posts about mate, Jimmy Allan playing on a Sunday.

He did actually play on a Sunday towards the end of his Town career.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 12:00:12
I find it insane that you lot can remember games. Even legendary games like the 4-6 at st andrews.  I watched that back the other day and couldn't for the life of me remember the goals let alone who was playing.

Just say no kids.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 12:03:21
Quinny went in goal a few times for us when our keepers were injured, Andy Rowland and Jimmy Quinn were both adequate keepers, Quinn was a lot better in goal than that result suggests, he kept at least 1 clean sheet during his goalkeeper fill ins.

I can only remember the 1-0 away win when Charlie Henry scored 85/86 season and lots of trouble before the game

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 12:21:25
I find it insane that you lot can remember games. Even legendary games like the 4-6 at st andrews.  I watched that back the other day and couldn't for the life of me remember the goals let alone who was playing.

Just say no kids.
Its also an age thing, I couldn't remember shit until I turned about 50, now I can remember stuff from when I was 14 clearer than I can remember stuff from yesterday!

Saying that, a fair amount of the games from 2004 on I struggle with now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 12:22:40
I can only remember the 1-0 away win when Charlie Henry scored 85/86 season and lots of trouble before the game
There was shedloads of trouble that day, wasn't that the one where it rained a lot of the game and we were on the open bank?

Swindon accounted for about half the crowd that day.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 12:25:18
Its also an age thing, I couldn't remember shit until I turned about 50, now I can remember stuff from when I was 14 clearer than I can remember stuff from yesterday!

Saying that, a fair amount of the games from 2004 on I struggle with now.

I can remember watching George Berry and the Wolves squad training on the County ground extension in 1980 before the rearranged league cup semi final and the bakes of straw net to the pitch below the Arkells stand

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 12:45:14
There was shedloads of trouble that day, wasn't that the one where it rained a lot of the game and we were on the open bank?

Swindon accounted for about half the crowd that day.
Remember Macari saying it was worse than a Rangers-Celtic game! There were rumours of a Town fan getting stabbed in a chip shop before the game - actually there wasn’t- but after the game there was a milk van piled with empty bottles that got thrown at the Cobblers fans. Can’t remember if this game was before or after the infamous Kettering Cup game.

Wrexham away has to be the worst trouble I’ve seen.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 12:54:35
Remember Macari saying it was worse than a Rangers-Celtic game! There were rumours of a Town fan getting stabbed in a chip shop before the game - actually there wasn’t- but after the game there was a milk van piled with empty bottles that got thrown at the Cobblers fans. Can’t remember if this game was before or after the infamous Kettering Cup game.

Wrexham away has to be the worst trouble I’ve seen.
The Kettering game was 2 seasons before when my mate Sid Sellars got glassed in the face pre game by Cobblers fans, a game we went on to win 7-0 there.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 12:57:47
Remember Macari saying it was worse than a Rangers-Celtic game! There were rumours of a Town fan getting stabbed in a chip shop before the game - actually there wasn’t- but after the game there was a milk van piled with empty bottles that got thrown at the Cobblers fans. Can’t remember if this game was before or after the infamous Kettering Cup game.

Wrexham away has to be the worst trouble I’ve seen.

What I remember the year before Swindon fans wrecked their main pub near the ground opposite a big park and the following year which we won 1-0 a Swindon fan was stabbed but it was outside a newsagents and there was lots of trouble before and after the game and two Swindon double decker busses had a police escort all he way back to Oxford. Lots of Town fans on that open bank and bitterley cold until Henry scored!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 13:02:00
The Kettering game was 2 seasons before when my mate Sid Sellars got glassed in the face pre game by Cobblers fans, a game we went on to win 7-0 there.
Was he in that sports social club? I was in there and it got more than a bit lairy

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 13:03:52
Was he in that sports social club? I was in there and it got more than a bit lairy

I know Sid from drinking days at the Rodbourne Arms and he was glassed playing Pool before the game in the social club

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 13:17:37

I know Sid from drinking days at the Rodbourne Arms and he was glassed playing Pool before the game in the social club
I was stood next to Sid when he was glassed, it could easily have been me, he was (unusually) quiet for Sid and just playing pool, I worked with him at BREL at the time we were straight out of school and 17.

Yes it was in the Kettering social club pre game, about 1.30pm I think, Sid was the fan that got arrested in the late 90s early 2000s for coming onto the pitch and attacking the ref from the Intel stand and was banned from all games for about 10 years.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 13:21:33
I was stood next to Sid when he was glassed, it could easily have been me, he was (unusually) quiet for Sid and just playing pool, I worked with him at BREL at the time we were straight out of school and 17.

Yes it was in the Kettering social club pre game, about 1.30pm I think, Sid was the fan that got arrested in the late 90s early 2000s for coming onto the pitch and attacking the ref from the Intel stand and was banned from all games for about 10 years.

As you say a quiet decent lad and a Pompey fan like Duke! I also worked in the railway works just before it closed and it was great for cheap rail to watch Swindon and England games.
Sid later on when working as a Roofer and to my knowledge still does

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 13:23:10
As you say a quiet decent lad and a Pompey fan like Duke! I also worked in the railway works just before it closed and it was great for cheap rail to watch Swindon and England games.
Sid later on when working as a Roofer and to my knowledge still does
Yep big Pompey fan and still is, hes a mate on FB, not sure what he does as a job, we were both on the YTS at the BR training school in Dean Street at the time.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Valid Pint on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 13:42:34
The sooner this town disinfects itself of the stench of the railways the better.

It produced horrible people with incredibly insular attitudes.

Who threw the pool ball that smashed the window from the inside btw?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 17:44:33
Back to Sheridan (really not liking the Shez tag). He sounded more upbeat than Wellens in both his opening interview and his post match interview.

But something is nagging me. Even though he's contracted until the end of the season, I still don't think he will be here after the court case. Not to piss on anyonevs chips but he had no clue of the squad today, why the radio continuallt asked him when it was clear he wasn't really involved. Credit today should probably be going to Hunt and/or Wright.

If the court case is resolved in roughly two weeks, I think we'll see a lot of changes going into the January window. Power says he is struggling to find a buyer, I call bullshit. He's being stubborn as he has a buyer in Clem right away. We could all argue that he's waiting for the right hustler buyer. It's pretty clear Landing/Barry are now unwilling to fund the club, which is why he's stating we are skint "there is no manney Shawn, ya know".

Prédiction for a month today:
Power sells club reluctantly to Clem
Sheridan replaced by whoever Clem's board want in.


Mythological American consortium buy club
Sheridan replaced by Alexis Lalas

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 17:49:49
Or the court case is delayed or not concluded and goes into the New Year keeping Sheriden in charge and he did say in his interview that he has come here for security so Power must have told him more than we know

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 17:51:04
Or the court case is delayed or not concluded and goes into the New Year keeping Sheriden in charge afterall he said in his interview that he has come here for security so Power must have told him more than we know

Security is just him getting a 6 month contract. Instead of a, month to month one. So if he's binned by a new regime he will be compensated. I think that's how it works.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 17:52:51
Security is just him getting a 6 month contract. Instead of a, month to month one. So if he's binned by a new regime he will be compensated. I think that's how it works.

True but you've predicted that he will be gone within a month so no more secure than Wigan and if that is the case Power would have made him aware and can't see him paying up any six month contract if that did happen

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 18:08:41
Yep big Pompey fan and still is, hes a mate on FB, not sure what he does as a job, we were both on the YTS at the BR training school in Dean Street at the time.

Cracking lad was Sid. Started to get back to a few Swindon games a few seasons back.
The Cobblers and Kettering game remember it so well.
The Pool balls were also flying around in the car park. After the game at the Cobblers witnessed my first knife at a footy game before we left to go home. Back then some scary times without doubt.

Spent a lot of time at Pompey during the 70’s as Jimmy Quinn will tell you :)
Chris Kamara made me realise that blood is red and the 6:57 was never coming through Didcot.
It’s been a long long journey.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 18:12:00
Cracking lad was Sid. Started to get back to a few Swindon games a few seasons back.
The Cobblers and Kettering game remember it so well.
The Pool balls were also flying around in the car park. After the game at the Cobblers witnessed my first knife at a footy game before we left to go home. Back then some scary times without doubt.

Spent a lot of time at Pompey during the 70’s as Jimmy Quinn will tell you :)
Chris Kamara made me realise that blood is red and the 6:57 was never coming through Didcot.
It’s been a long long journey.
With a long way still to go....

Sid is a decent lad and they were a couple of the scariest moments as a Town fan I have experienced.

And yes turns out Jimmy went to school with my older sister.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 18:21:25
With a long way still to go....

Sid is a decent lad and they were a couple of the scariest moments as a Town fan I have experienced.

And yes turns out Jimmy went to school with my older sister.

We have actually met a few times.
I recall Bury away being one if my memory serves me well.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 18:23:25
We have actually met a few times.
I recall Bury away being one if my memory serves me well.
Yep I was there with Moomin from the L&P :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 18:32:49
True but you've predicted that he will be gone within a month so no more secure than Wigan and if that is the case Power would have made him aware and can't see him paying up any six month contract if that did happen

You've taken the "month" out of context. This time next month is with the caveat of if the court case is settled (in or out of court) come 28th November. Which I did state "IF"  ;D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 19:01:15
Just got to love the wit of some fans. Sunderland with Jurassic Parkinson

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 19:01:25
You've taken the "month" out of context. This time next month is with the caveat of if the court case is settled (in or out of court) come 28th November. Which I did state "IF"  ;D

I thought you were a man of precision Boo but I know what you mean😁😃

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 21:44:11
I thought you were a man of precision Boo but I know what you mean😁😃

I try  :wink:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 21:53:26
I try  :wink:

You're a clever man I love what you done to the scarf😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Friday, November 20, 2020, 13:31:03
Just occurred to me that having Sheridan on board adds to the impressive tally of international caps gained by former Town managers.

Off the top of my head, can't think of another English club that comes close?
One for the STFC trivia buffs.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 20, 2020, 13:44:27
Just occurred to me that having Sheridan on board adds to the impressive tally of international caps gained by former Town managers.

Off the top of my head, can't think of another English club that comes close?
One for the STFC trivia buffs.
Southend must be close.

Bobby Moore 108 caps.
Paul Sturrock 20 caps.
Chris Powell 5 caps.
Sol Campbell 73 caps.
Alvin Martin 15 caps.
Ronnie Whelan 53 caps.
Peter Taylor 4 caps.
Plus several from earlier last century.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Friday, November 20, 2020, 14:06:48
Depends on how many caps those earlier Southend managers had because it's quite a bit less than Swindon's.

15 of the 38 men to manage Swindon on a permanent basis have international caps.

Vizard (Wales, 22 caps)
Harris (Scotland, 1 cap)
Page (England, 7 caps)
Mackay (Scotland, 22 caps)
Macari (Scotland, 24 caps)
Ardiles (Argentina, 52 caps)
Hoddle (England, 53 caps)
McMahon (England, 17 caps)
Quinn (Northern Ireland, 46 caps)
Todd (England, 27 caps)
Wise (England, 21 caps)
Sturrock (Scotland, 20 caps)
Malpas (Scotland, 55 caps)
Wilson (Northern Ireland, 24 caps)
Sheridan (Republic of Ireland, 34 caps)

If you count caretaker managers then 43 more caps emerge (unless I've missed someone?)

Mike Walsh (Republic of Ireland, 4 caps)
Ady Williams (Wales, 13 caps),
Paul Bodin (Wales, 23 caps)
Noel Hunt (Republic of Ireland, 3 caps)

Either way, it's an impressive haul for a lower league side

It's also kind of funny that our manager during the one Premier League season plus the man who achieved our first second tier promotion (Head), the League Cup success (Williams) and Anglo-Italian fun (Ford) had a combined total of zero caps between them!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Friday, November 20, 2020, 14:11:00
That's some impressive nerdery there, Costanza

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Friday, November 20, 2020, 14:14:58
That's some impressive nerdery there, Costanza

It won't surprise you to know that this sort of stuff is my jam!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, November 20, 2020, 14:17:34
Depends on how many caps those earlier Southend managers had because it's quite a bit less than Swindon's.
Not that many it seems.

Frank Broome 7
David Jack 9
Gary Waddock 21 caretaker.

No idea about any other club but I just remembered Southend had a fair few off the top of my head then googled it.

We do seem to be able to attract ex internationals as manager but according to Wellens can't attract players due to our location!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Friday, November 20, 2020, 14:20:25
It won't surprise you to know that this sort of stuff is my jam!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Saturday, December 5, 2020, 23:58:39
When the new owners come in - Sam Allardyce.

Get your £5 on now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, December 6, 2020, 08:50:09
Depends on how many caps those earlier Southend managers had because it's quite a bit less than Swindon's.

15 of the 38 men to manage Swindon on a permanent basis have international caps.

Vizard (Wales, 22 caps)
Harris (Scotland, 1 cap)
Page (England, 7 caps)
Mackay (Scotland, 22 caps)
Macari (Scotland, 24 caps)
Ardiles (Argentina, 52 caps)
Hoddle (England, 53 caps)
McMahon (England, 17 caps)
Quinn (Northern Ireland, 46 caps)
Todd (England, 27 caps)
Wise (England, 21 caps)
Sturrock (Scotland, 20 caps)
Malpas (Scotland, 55 caps)
Wilson (Northern Ireland, 24 caps)
Sheridan (Republic of Ireland, 34 caps)

If you count caretaker managers then 43 more caps emerge (unless I've missed someone?)

Mike Walsh (Republic of Ireland, 4 caps)
Ady Williams (Wales, 13 caps),
Paul Bodin (Wales, 23 caps)
Noel Hunt (Republic of Ireland, 3 caps)

Either way, it's an impressive haul for a lower league side

It's also kind of funny that our manager during the one Premier League season plus the man who achieved our first second tier promotion (Head), the League Cup success (Williams) and Anglo-Italian fun (Ford) had a combined total of zero caps between them!

Purely off the top of my head but how do Newcastle do?
Even just Keegan, Dalglish, Gullit, Shearer & Souness must bring up a fairly good number

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Sunday, December 6, 2020, 09:08:16
I think that Chelsea will be ahead of us re managers & international caps. Yuck.
Lamps OBE will have pushed the numbers up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Sunday, December 6, 2020, 09:26:07
In my pathetically sad haste. I started compiling.

Chelsea are either first or second thus far purely on the modern era appointments.

A few are helped by people like Mark Hughes.

A few bigger teams had surprisingly low totals. I think West Ham were one.

I'm over half way and Swindon are Top 20-25 if I recall correctly.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: REDBUCK on Sunday, December 6, 2020, 09:58:54
In my pathetically sad haste. I started compiling.

Chelsea are either first or second thus far purely on the modern era appointments.

A few are helped by people like Mark Hughes.

A few bigger teams had surprisingly low totals. I think West Ham were one.

I'm over half way and Swindon are Top 20-25 if I recall correctly.

Have you got to Plymouth yet

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Sunday, December 6, 2020, 10:08:33
Have you got to Plymouth yet

They hit the mother load with Shilton. Fletcher was a biggy too.

Plenty of examples with clubs with 10+ capped managers but didnt win many and then other clubs only having 4 or 5 managers with caps but they earned loads which shoots them up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tj2002 on Thursday, December 10, 2020, 10:36:28
A mate of mine who is an Oldham fan just sent me this, 4 year anniversary of a Shez classic

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, December 10, 2020, 11:59:00
Sittonesque. Needless to say I fucking love it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 19:53:56
who do we want? even paul hart could give us more attacking impetus than sheridan

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 20:46:17
who do we want? even paul hart could give us more attacking impetus than sheridan

Someone who has not failed repeatedly before.
Someone with a plan.
Someone with some charisma and leadership to show the fans as well as the players.
Someone with a clear identity on the pitch.
Someone who improves players and not make them worse.
Someone who plays players in position.
Someone who doesn't talk crap in post match interviews.

Probably too much to ask for though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 20:46:46
Pulis is available!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Dr Pierre Chang on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 20:47:17
Give it Holloway till the end of the season

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 20:48:50
Give it to a young manager with passion and a plan. Not some has been.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 20:49:57
Should have appointed cotteril he's flying at Shrewsbury

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 20:53:16
I know it’s not the thing to say and not very sympathetic but after everything he’s been through in the last couple of weeks I hope Sheridan just says fuck it and walks. He’s clearly not the right fit regardless of circumstances.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 21:12:09
I know it’s not the thing to say and not very sympathetic but after everything he’s been through in the last couple of weeks I hope Sheridan just says fuck it and walks. He’s clearly not the right fit regardless of circumstances.

I totally agree. A lot didn't agree with me when I mentioned he wasn't right for us from the off. Yes I made some statements but I said it all with the meaning that he shouldn't be managing a football club right now. Too much responsibility and he has far too much going on off field. If he didn't before - he definitely does now.

I hope Andrew Hawes actually presses Tommy Wright quite hard.

I agree Theakston. It would be better if he (and Wright walk). Wright currently ripping into the squad now post-match. I was waiting for Sheridan to get "angry" at the players but I genuinely don't think he has the heart.

I'm waiting for Wright/Sheridan to say something they regret. Dressing room has been lost for a while. It will be even more now. The reason they aren't doing things right is because they don't want to fucking play under you.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 21:52:48
Without passing comment on any element of his personal life, they've got to go now. No obvious benefit to Sheridan being at our club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 22:51:20
I really don't know what is the best thing to do.

I think Wellens knew exactly what the situation was. The fact that we had a much worse side than last year in a tougher division was always going to be tough.

Sheridan and Wright seem to have changed things around to have the team defending more as a unit. But, the players they have available aren't best suited to that style of play. We are more of a Kevin Keegan's Newcastle from a few years ago. But, crucially, don't have the goal scorers. Tonight against MK, the team didn't do that. They played like individuals. They gave away a stupid goal after 3 mins and gave up.

The Sheridan appointment, seemed to be very much like the Paul Hart appointment - Something short term while the club was in turmoil. I'm surprised that Hunt wasn't given it for longer, although maybe Wright, who seems more influential that we may have thought, may have walked if Hunt had stayed - Who knows!

If there is going to be a take over and new management team, lets hope it happens soon, so that we have a transfer window and 1/2 a season to pull things round. If not, lets just hope we have a club left to follow next year - Who is the manager at that point is irrelevant.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 18:59:27
I do think someone like Holloway would work right now. I know he's as mad as a box of frogs but he does care and isn't an absolutely terrible manager.

He seems to have always wanted the job at Town, yet never got it. I await to see him as a pundit on Quest, get asked by Murray "so, what's next for you Ollie?" and two days later, Sheridan has walked and IH arrives at the County Ground handing out tins of fruit cocktail from his car window.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 19:07:14
I do think someone like Holloway would work right now. I know he's as mad as a box of frogs but he does care and isn't an absolutely terrible manager.

He seems to have always wanted the job at Town, yet never got it. I await to see him as a pundit on Quest, get asked by Murray "so, what's next for you Ollie?" and two days later, Sheridan has walked and IH arrives at the County Ground handing out tins of fruit cocktail from his car window.


He used to live in Wiltshire somewhere around Melksham I think and would be ideal if he still lives local

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bathford on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 20:55:41
He often shops in Bath, so he can’t be too far away.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 20:56:48
He often shops in Bath, so he can’t be too far away.

Cheers Bathred and he could be a good choice if Sheriden decides to call it a day

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 21:02:45
Ollie has not been relevant or successful for how long? A decade?

Don't want a dinosaur, Sheridan included.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 21:05:41
Ollie has not been relevant or successful for how long? A decade?

Don't want a dinosaur, Sheridan included.

I posted similar last week but we're not a prosperous club at the moment so the options may not be that great

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 22:14:03
I do think someone like Holloway would work right now. I know he's as mad as a box of frogs but he does care and isn't an absolutely terrible manager.
His record at Grimsby this season doesn't inspire - they are currently 22nd in League 2, 3 points above the drop zone and rock bottom of the form table over the last six. Makes Sheridan look "world beating", to coin a phrase

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 22:14:47
Ollie has not been relevant or successful for how long? A decade?

Don't want a dinosaur, Sheridan included.

I totally understand your concern. I would have my own too but in this climate Town may not have much's probably all moot as unless a change of owner comes in, El Shez and Wright will be here to the seasons end.

Just to enquire further though, although he does have "dinosaur" tendencies, my reckoning is that Holloway is a better manager than Sheridan (the bar is currently quite low) but I'm keen to gauge what you mean in terms of "success"?

We all know the obvious high end success he had in getting Blackpool into the Premier League (and Palace I think), so I can see how you might relate it back to a decade ago but is that success quite so relative to Town's plight currently? Personally I feel he would be fresher than Sheridan and bring in a decent amount of passion for the job to get the players interested again.

In all eventuality, please do refer to the first paragraph. Town (as it stands) are fooked.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 22:18:17
I totally understand your concern. I would have my own too but in this climate Town may not have much's probably all moot as unless a change of owner comes in, El Shez and Wright will be here to the seasons end.

Just to enquire further though, although he does have "dinosaur" tendencies, my reckoning is that Holloway is a better manager than Sheridan (the bar is currently quite low) but I'm keen to gauge what you mean in terms of "success"?

We all know the obvious high end success he had in getting Blackpool into the Premier League (and Palace I think), so I can see how you might relate it back to a decade ago but is that success quite so relative to Town's plight currently? Personally I feel he would be fresher than Sheridan and bring in a decent amount of passion for the job to get the players interested again.

In all eventuality, please do refer to the first paragraph. Town (as it stands) are fooked.

I agree for many reasons we're fooled and don't have the money to attract decent managers like we are used to

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 22:37:18
His record at Grimsby this season doesn't inspire - they are currently 22nd in League 2, 3 points above the drop zone and rock bottom of the form table over the last six. Makes Sheridan look "world beating", to coin a phrase

True Paul but I suppose maybe that project had turned sour long before it was in the place it is now? I genuinely don't know enough about Grimsby (I've heard the water is lovely) to make a well informed opinion though.

I know you're being tongue in cheek when mentioning Sheridan as looking "world beating", it makes me think of a certain PM when talking about test and trace  :D

I don't know, I think Holloway would still have one last burst of life in him to take the job to task. Whereas I don't think (for a many number of reasons) that Sheridan has any fight left in him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 22:44:05
I agree for many reasons we're fooled and don't have the money to attract decent managers like we are used to

In all honesty, I think we are stuck with Sheridan & Wright until;

(a) a takeover; thus change of controlling stake.
(b) contract expiry (end of season).
(c) they walk.

Power won't sack as he'll* have to pay, so (a) is pretty likely out of the question unless fan mutiny were grow, matched against worsening results but even then, would he put anyone new in place other than someone from within/player...(b) is clearly too long and we'll already know Town's fate but this seems the most likely to happen...(c) correlates with (a) in that Power likely won't sack them so from a personal finance PoV, why would they even walk other than honour...can't see that myself.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 22:51:25
In all honesty, I think we are stuck with Sheridan & Wright until;

(a) a takeover; thus change of controlling stake.
(b) contract expiry (end of season).
(c) they walk.

Power won't sack as he'll* have to pay, so (a) is pretty likely out of the question unless fan mutiny were grow, matched against worsening results but even then, would he put anyone new in place other than someone from within/player...(b) is clearly too long and we'll already know Town's fate but this seems the most likely to happen...(c) correlates with (a) in that Power likely won't sack them so from a personal finance PoV, why would they even walk other than honour...can't see that myself.

It's not looking good Boo and it's hard to see any way out of the mess we're in as Power isn't likely to buy any decent players in January and who would want to come here on loan who is any good and also league one quality

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 22:56:06
True Paul but I suppose maybe that project had turned sour long before it was in the place it is now? I genuinely don't know enough about Grimsby (I've heard the water is lovely) to make a well informed opinion though.

I know you're being tongue in cheek when mentioning Sheridan as looking "world beating", it makes me think of a certain PM when talking about test and trace  :D

I don't know, I think Holloway would still have one last burst of life in him to take the job to task. Whereas I don't think (for a many number of reasons) that Sheridan has any fight left in him.
Just seems bizarre that you're so set on getting rid of Sheridan that you want to replace him with someone who's most recent track record is actually worse.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 23:01:41
Just seems bizarre that you're so set on getting rid of Sheridan that you want to replace him with someone who's most recent track record is actually worse.

I can see why you might think that but if you read the last paragraph - I think this explains my reasoning.

Sheridan - No fight/Not up for it/Hasn't a clue.
Holloway - Nuttier than a Topic but probably has some fight left in him/would be up for it/not sure about the having a clue bit


Edit: Also don't think Town are spoilt for choice. Although I wouldn't mind giving Ricketts a fresh chance. Still don't think he is as shit as his last job suggests and has a chance to put things right. However, I reckon Holloway would be entertaining if nothing else.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 23:41:02
I can see why you might think that but if you read the last paragraph - I think this explains my reasoning.

Sheridan - No fight/Not up for it/Hasn't a clue.
Holloway - Nuttier than a Topic but probably has some fight left in him/would be up for it/not sure about the having a clue bit


Edit: Also don't think Town are spoilt for choice. Although I wouldn't mind giving Ricketts a fresh chance. Still don't think he is as shit as his last job suggests and has a chance to put things right. However, I reckon Holloway would be entertaining if nothing else.

Coterill has got Shrewsbury up to 16th in the league with the same players!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Formerly Drummer Boy on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 23:57:34
I really do not understand the logic in the discussion of replacing Sheridan at all for the rest of the season. In every game since he’s arrived, we’ve shown glimpses of what we can achieve if we play at our best. We’ve got a window kicking off in a few days where hopefully a few players that continuously let us down this season will be offski and Jewell will have been working his magic in the background to land the reinforcements we need. I agree with others and stand by my previous comments that we’re really not far off from being a decent team that can compete in the top half of this league.

It’s been a tough season so far, not a lot of joy and a lot of tired legs. Our previous manager bottled it from the fight and fuck off because his heart wasn’t in it. Now, if there are players that don’t have have the heart to wear the shirt, earn their wages or perform to the standard expected of them - quite frankly they can fuck off. In John Sheridan and Tommy Wright I trust to sort the team out, get them playing well and turn this ship around.

Regardless of who the manager is, who the owner of the club is, none of that has an impact on Baudry making one of his million diagonal passes actually reach a red shirt, nor does it have any impact on Grounds ball watching like a tree stump as an opposition striker breeze past him OR does it prevent Kovar from being beaten on his near post.

We have some of players to do this, we’re not a million miles away from turning this around but where we would normally have time in between games, but due to Covid, the games are coming at us faster than we can recover.

I have no doubt the players had the riot act read to them at half time against MK and the impact from the management team on the bench was that we made 3 subs at half time that made a massive difference. Unless someone can point it out to me, not once have I see anyone give Sheridan or Wright credit for that on here.

Stop the negativity, get behind the good players we have that will make a difference and let’s kick on. Reality check. This is Swindon Town and we’ve got a transfer window to sort this team out and get firing again. Don’t write off the Board or Management without giving them a chance to play their full hand. If we’re still fucked by mid-Feb, then whinge and complain all you like.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 00:14:14
Coterill has got Shrewsbury up to 16th in the league with the same players!

Indeed and he is arguably even nuttier than Holloway!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 00:27:28
I really do not understand the logic in the discussion of replacing Sheridan at all for the rest of the season. In every game since he’s arrived, we’ve shown glimpses of what we can achieve if we play at our best. We’ve got a window kicking off in a few days where hopefully a few players that continuously let us down this season will be offski and Jewell will have been working his magic in the background to land the reinforcements we need. I agree with others and stand by my previous comments that we’re really not far off from being a decent team that can compete in the top half of this league.

It’s been a tough season so far, not a lot of joy and a lot of tired legs. Our previous manager bottled it from the fight and fuck off because his heart wasn’t in it. Now, if there are players that don’t have have the heart to wear the shirt, earn their wages or perform to the standard expected of them - quite frankly they can fuck off. In John Sheridan and Tommy Wright I trust to sort the team out, get them playing well and turn this ship around.

Regardless of who the manager is, who the owner of the club is, none of that has an impact on Baudry making one of his million diagonal passes actually reach a red shirt, nor does it have any impact on Grounds ball watching like a tree stump as an opposition striker breeze past him OR does it prevent Kovar from being beaten on his near post.

We have some of players to do this, we’re not a million miles away from turning this around but where we would normally have time in between games, but due to Covid, the games are coming at us faster than we can recover.

I have no doubt the players had the riot act read to them at half time against MK and the impact from the management team on the bench was that we made 3 subs at half time that made a massive difference. Unless someone can point it out to me, not once have I see anyone give Sheridan or Wright credit for that on here.

Stop the negativity, get behind the good players we have that will make a difference and let’s kick on. Reality check. This is Swindon Town and we’ve got a transfer window to sort this team out and get firing again. Don’t write off the Board or Management without giving them a chance to play their full hand. If we’re still fucked by mid-Feb, then whinge and complain all you like.

I can explain the logic in replacing him. he is making the same mistakes EVERY single week with his lineups and is not learning from them and doesn't know how to create a team to attack which ends up being boring as fuck to watch.

3 subs at half time may have made a difference, (we were 3-1 down at home!) just like at the end of most matches when changes are made. It is showing he is reactive and not proactive in his selections.

at the start of the season we started getting some good performances- not as much results. now we are getting consistantly shocking performances and shocking results.

we had more rest than Franchise last match, we had extra time on the training pitch, we have players returning from injuries. we get smashed 4-1 by a team close to us the league table.

Sheridans record so far:

11 games- average goals scored 1.09, average goals conceded 2.09.


9 games- average goals scored 1.66, average goals conceded 1.77.

He is lining up with players in the wrong positions, in a defensive mindset and we concede more goals and score less as a result. I have seen enough shit from swindon sides in the past to know what a relegation side looks like.

Fryers- Conroy- Odemayo- Caddis (Hunt)
J Smith (Stevens)- Grant (Lyden) - M Smith- DJ (Hope)
J Smith- Pitman

This is not a team deprived of goals and a team that would win 2 in 11. This is not the horrific squad that our peformances and results reflect.

Instead we see the same failing cb partnerships and our best cb in midfield, no natural full backs starting, no strike partnerships and an imbalance all over the shop. for all of jonny smiths criticism he is our most creative player going forward- he clearly players better with a caddis and options of support. this gaffa played him at lwb recently!

As much as I detest Wellens for leaving, our results and performances would be nowhere near this standard. You can forgive results, you can't forgive the performances like that every week and i honestly think its all down to the selections, formations and instructions that are forcing them.

Likewise mistakes happen- we have had about 3 seasons worth of mistakes already this season. Sheridan can't be blamed for some of these errors- but its not like we have played well except for them.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 00:45:31
...stand by my previous comments that we’re really not far off from being a decent team that can compete in the top half of this league.

...if there are players that don’t have have the heart to wear the shirt, earn their wages or perform to the standard expected of them - quite frankly they can fuck off. In John Sheridan and Tommy Wright I trust to sort the team out, get them playing well and turn this ship around.

Regardless of who the manager is, who the owner of the club is, none of that has an impact on ...

made 3 subs at half time that made a massive difference. Unless someone can point it out to me, not once have I see anyone give Sheridan or Wright credit for that on here.

Stop the negativity, get behind the good players we have that will make a difference and let’s kick on. Reality check. This is Swindon Town and we’ve got a transfer window to sort this team out and get firing again. Don’t write off the Board or Management without giving them a chance to play their full hand. If we’re still fucked by mid-Feb, then whinge and complain all you like.

1. That's because this league is a lot weaker than we have seen in previous years (especially so when Town have been in it), which also shows how poor Town must also be.

2. Really? I think it also stems from that the manager doesn't also seem up to it. TW may well have got a bit of his nape up last night but he was only covering his own ass. It also shows how outdated their management style is. They keep banging on about people having to be vocal. You don't need to be giving everyone a bollocking every 5seconds, in fact for some players (and employees) that just won't work. They are out of touch and losing the dressing room as well as faith in the fans. Unless we want a squad of Chris Robertsons and other lower league mouthy twats then L2 will likely be the direction. Good management at any relative level seeks to understand and manage it's players/staff according to how they respond to certain treatment. It's called people engagement now days. These pair don;t have it.

3. Maybe it does have an impact though. Especially if things off the field are more distracting/concerning than off it - especially when lumping covid into the mix. uncertainty can befell the greatest of any man/woman/business/sportsperson. Relative point in case; confidence bashed Joe Hart. He was (I still believe is somewhere) an exceptionally talented keeper. Made a few blunders and his psyche has never really recovered. It's cost him his place as an England No.1 (and two and three) but there is no doubt the ability is still there somewhere. I think a similar thing has happened to some of the better Town players.

4. I think that is largely that the team then played in the positions that they are professionally assigned to play. Maybe we could say bravo to JS&TW for this but surely from a tactical point of view, you play your strongest side in their strongest positions from the outset. A half decent management team would recognise this during the 10 day period of training and strategy whilst planning for this game. Not halfway through the fucker when then game had already been lost? Possible why they aren't obtaining top end plaudits.

5. I'm not sure how old you are or your length of time following Town but I do admire your positivity. I'm considered too positive for the TEF at times...the thing is FDB, i hate to break it to you but in this coming transfer window (unless new ownership comes in) Town have no money to spend in it. There will be some shuffling of the pack and whatever is left of favours done via whatever limited contacts (Power has been good at burning nearly every bridge sourced. Even those that are the main funders have seemingly had enough after being hustled out of several million) but I seriously can't see anyone wanting to sign for us right now - in fact for different reasons we have had 3 staff under contract leave the club. Who's next? Or who next asks to have their contract ripped up? The big rumour is Grant.

On another note people talk about who we should send back from the loan spots but I'm more concerned about the loans Town want to keep and their parent clubs recalling them to loan to a better club (I'm talking M&J Smith in all honesty). I'm concerned because I don't think of those two loans, we would currently get or source better ones. Like I say, currently the clubs toxicity is at extreme alert level. Barge poles and all that.

To coin a well known phrase "There is no manney Shawnn!!"

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 02:37:30
There is absolutely nothing to suggest Sheridan will turn this around.  Ever game has been different, suggesting we are simply chucking shit at a wall and seeing if anything sticks.  Different formations, players being moved about and no obvious sign of a "way to play".  At their best, the squad can manage mid table.  They are not at their best, ravaged by injuries and mentally shot thanks to a host of reasons - Sheridan is showing nothing that will turn any of that around.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 07:52:34
I’d rather have Holloway than Sheridan based purely on the fact he’s more likely to motivate the players.
Don’t think his tactics or selections would be any better, nor the way we play with the ball. Nor could he spot us making school boy mistakes.
Might see a bit more effort though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Ardiles on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 08:58:26
5. I'm not sure how old you are or your length of time following Town but I do admire your positivity. I'm considered too positive for the TEF at times...the thing is FDB, i hate to break it to you but in this coming transfer window (unless new ownership comes in) Town have no money to spend in it. There will be some shuffling of the pack and whatever is left of favours done via whatever limited contacts (Power has been good at burning nearly every bridge sourced. Even those that are the main funders have seemingly had enough after being hustled out of several million) but I seriously can't see anyone wanting to sign for us right now - in fact for different reasons we have had 3 staff under contract leave the club. Who's next? Or who next asks to have their contract ripped up? The big rumour is Grant.

Please don't patronise posters who take the time to set out their thinking in detail.  The manager debate is not black/white, and none of these points deserve ridicule.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 09:32:30
Holloway hasn’t fallen off a cliff since his Blackpool stint has he?? Grimsby hasn’t ended well, but he got palace promoted to the premiership, and kept qpr and millwall bobbing along in the championship for a spell (until it admittedly went sour at both)

I’d take bobbing along in league one for the rest of the year

We also know for a fact that he once watched a game in the town end - how many other town managers, prospective or otherwise, can say that

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 09:41:32
I can’t see Sheridan walking or Power having the will to fire him considering the current financial circumstances. It appears we are limping along to relegation. Things might look very differently next season if we can get back to watching games in the ground and the take over goes through. But it’s a BIG IF

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 09:42:33
I don’t know how old Drummer Boy is but I remember him in the Town End during the Kingy days (unsurprisingly he was the one with the drum) and posting on the original thisisSTFC. I think he was early teens then...

So, he’s got to be around the 30 mark with a minimum of 17 years watching the Town home and away.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 09:43:07
Not that those musings have any relevance to anything related to our manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ronnie21 on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 10:10:06
Coterill has got Shrewsbury up to 16th in the league with the same players!
Somebody suggested him when Wellens walked and got shot down in flames - looks like it was a good appointment for the other STFC

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 10:13:19
Somebody suggested him when Wellens walked and got shot down in flames - looks like it was a good appointment for the other STFC

I agree Ronnie he would have been a good local appointment but too many won't forget his anger after we beat City at the County ground

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: REDBUCK on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 10:19:45
He's been a good choice at this level for years now, we've had more than a couple of opportunities.

I've always thought he'd be a good fit.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 10:27:25
Let’s get real. There isn’t going to be any new manager this season. Wellens left because he knew he wouldn’t be supported in recruitment. Sheridan rocked up as he was guaranteed a wage until the end of the season. At Wigan he was on a month to month contract and when their takeover was finalised he’d be out and Cook would be straight back - which is why he hasn’t taken any of the available jobs since he left Wigan.

No way are we going to carry on as we are.

We have 2 scenarios.

Either Power manages to find a buyer - by which time we’ll probably be dead and buried -

or he doesn’t find a buyer and we discover if 3 admins really does equate to expulsion

Either way, Power will be gone. Don’t know about the club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 10:32:03
Pretty much as Aud says.

Anyone who thinks Power will get rid of Shez or that he will walk is way wide of the mark, the club cannot afford another manager or to pay off the rest of his contract.

We are stuck with him until any possible future takeover is completed or Power gets new investment from alternative sources.

We are basically stuck with him until Clem/AN Other takes over and we can afford to bin him.

No manager willc ome in anyway knowing that if the takeover happens thent heyw ill mroe than likely end up on the scrap heap when its all completed.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Formerly Drummer Boy on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 11:07:53
Apologies in advance for the long post! Longest one in forum history?  :girlgiggle:

I can explain the logic in replacing him. he is making the same mistakes EVERY single week with his lineups and is not learning from them and doesn't know how to create a team to attack which ends up being boring as fuck to watch.

3 subs at half time may have made a difference, (we were 3-1 down at home!) just like at the end of most matches when changes are made. It is showing he is reactive and not proactive in his selections.

at the start of the season we started getting some good performances- not as much results. now we are getting consistantly shocking performances and shocking results.

we had more rest than Franchise last match, we had extra time on the training pitch, we have players returning from injuries. we get smashed 4-1 by a team close to us the league table.

Sheridans record so far:

11 games- average goals scored 1.09, average goals conceded 2.09.


9 games- average goals scored 1.66, average goals conceded 1.77.

He is lining up with players in the wrong positions, in a defensive mindset and we concede more goals and score less as a result. I have seen enough shit from swindon sides in the past to know what a relegation side looks like.

Fryers- Conroy- Odemayo- Caddis (Hunt)
J Smith (Stevens)- Grant (Lyden) - M Smith- DJ (Hope)
J Smith- Pitman

This is not a team deprived of goals and a team that would win 2 in 11. This is not the horrific squad that our peformances and results reflect.

Instead we see the same failing cb partnerships and our best cb in midfield, no natural full backs starting, no strike partnerships and an imbalance all over the shop. for all of jonny smiths criticism he is our most creative player going forward- he clearly players better with a caddis and options of support. this gaffa played him at lwb recently!

As much as I detest Wellens for leaving, our results and performances would be nowhere near this standard. You can forgive results, you can't forgive the performances like that every week and i honestly think its all down to the selections, formations and instructions that are forcing them.

Likewise mistakes happen- we have had about 3 seasons worth of mistakes already this season. Sheridan can't be blamed for some of these errors- but its not like we have played well except for them.

Come onnnn, we were on the end of some shocking performances before Sheridan rocked up. I agree with you about the concern of playing attacking wingers at wing-back positions, like Jack Payne playing left wing-back just looked odd against MK but who else do we actually have right now that can fill that gap when Donohue sat out a game and now left us?

However, I can see what he's trying to do, playing someone who is naturally left-sided that can run and attack. If Sheridan played Caddis on the left and got turned inside and out, ripped to shreds and we conceded, we'd be whinging about how stupid it is to be playing a right wing-back on the left side..

When he rocked up and looked at how we were playing in the formation that we were, we were shipping goals far too easily from individual mistakes. What does a new manager do to stop that? Change the formation and get a solid backline to make it harder to concede. MK is the first game this season where players just completely switched off and didn't do their jobs. If we had the ability and the players to sub more players off at half-time without overextending ourselves, I'm sure we would have!

Let's put a bit of human realism into this, if it works out where Tom Broadbent goes up top and scores our first goal at Kassam, he's a hero. If Tom Broadbent didn't score - he's the devil that was stupid enough to put a centre back upfront and had no effect...

The bloke is working with what he has, managing fitness/ injuries, personalities adjusting to change and doing what he thinks is best to get results on the pitch. He has a window to sort the team out and restore balance, give it a chance.

2. Really? I think it also stems from that the manager doesn't also seem up to it. TW may well have got a bit of his nape up last night but he was only covering his own ass. It also shows how outdated their management style is. They keep banging on about people having to be vocal. You don't need to be giving everyone a bollocking every 5seconds, in fact for some players (and employees) that just won't work. They are out of touch and losing the dressing room as well as faith in the fans. Unless we want a squad of Chris Robertsons and other lower league mouthy twats then L2 will likely be the direction. Good management at any relative level seeks to understand and manage it's players/staff according to how they respond to certain treatment. It's called people engagement now days. These pair don;t have it.

5. I'm not sure how old you are or your length of time following Town but I do admire your positivity. I'm considered too positive for the TEF at times...the thing is FDB, i hate to break it to you but in this coming transfer window (unless new ownership comes in) Town have no money to spend in it. There will be some shuffling of the pack and whatever is left of favours done via whatever limited contacts (Power has been good at burning nearly every bridge sourced. Even those that are the main funders have seemingly had enough after being hustled out of several million) but I seriously can't see anyone wanting to sign for us right now - in fact for different reasons we have had 3 staff under contract leave the club. Who's next? Or who next asks to have their contract ripped up? The big rumour is Grant.

On another note people talk about who we should send back from the loan spots but I'm more concerned about the loans Town want to keep and their parent clubs recalling them to loan to a better club (I'm talking M&J Smith in all honesty). I'm concerned because I don't think of those two loans, we would currently get or source better ones. Like I say, currently the clubs toxicity is at extreme alert level. Barge poles and all that.

I don't know how you can honestly say someone isn't up for it when the most we all get is 90minutes of football and 15 minutes of sound bites every week. Not exactly any grounds for forming a reliable conclusive analysis to how they manage people, their motivations and the decisions we make. Let's face facts here and learnt from many years of following Swindon Town, we are on the outside looking in. When a light is shone into a spectrum crystal, the light splits into many different angles and colours. Does that mean that what we are seeing is the true colours of what light is or are we merely seeing what colours are in the spectrum crystal?

However, I adamantly believe that what we are lacking is 2-3 players (plus replacements for a few others who are simply not performing) and confidence. The players have had a rough season where not a lot has gone right and when it all goes wrong, the players must feel it. They are human beings as you mentioned Joe Hart, but it takes hard work to get confidence and changing that takes time. If I was in Sheridan's shoes, I'd start off by focusing on conceding less. Once we have a reliable defence, we build the attack. No point attacking if we can't defend and a game of who can score more is uncontrollable and unsustainable as we have all discovered this season.

The off-field issues are a massive worry but if again, let's face reality - if you were Lee Power, you will believe you have your ass covered to deal with these legal issues. If so and we do have a buyer waiting in the wings, Power will need to keep funding it to maintain it's value. It's all well and good reading the gossip but what does anyone actually ever know to be the truth of what's actually going on? If Grant does go, he'll be a massive loss but on the other hand, he's a big earner that has rarely hit the levels of performance that he gave us last year...

Apologies for the long posts and I don't mean to come across as antagonist (apologies if I do) but I tend to operate on what we do know, more so than adding 2 and 2 together and hoping that it makes 4. If I was a player reading these forums, it would wind me up because the truth is, we know absolutely fuck all about what happens off the pitch. Over the years, I've accepted that I am merely a passenger on a rollercoaster that I will need to endure the dips and cherish the climbs. It's all part of the fun and if we were in the Premier League, I have no doubt all those that complain on here will still find something to complain about despite achieving what currently looks impossible... Sadly it's human nature to be cynical but it never helps anyone.

I don’t know how old Drummer Boy is but I remember him in the Town End during the Kingy days (unsurprisingly he was the one with the drum) and posting on the original thisisSTFC. I think he was early teens then...

So, he’s got to be around the 30 mark with a minimum of 17 years watching the Town home and away.

I was merely a young whippersnapper back then in comparison to today  :D You're a little undercooked but not far off at all.

One of my fondest memories with that drum was in the Nationwide, started in the top left corner singing the Great Escape theme tune, setting the beat with the drum and at one point looking down the Nationwide stand to see the entire Nationwide clapping along to the beat. Kept it going for what felt like the entire 2nd half. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

If it wasn't for losing a bet to my best mate who supported the club all his life, Big Dave, I would never have made it to my first game (the last time we played Reading back in 2002). It was a boring shit game but the atmosphere from the crowd and watching live sport got me hooked. Even though Big Dave sadly died way too young ( (, I've not stopped supporting the team and I know he's there watching Town week in, week out.

I feel closest to him at The County Ground but it's also my anchor to regularly remind me that worrying about shit I do not know all the facts about and/ or cannot control outcome is exhausting and pointless, rather than appreciating more of what we have and making a difference when possible. Now, give Bitcoin 10-12 years to reach it's true potential to the point I'm a Bitcoin Billionaire, watch out because I'll be buying the club from whichever dodgy owners we have and climbing the leagues until we win the Champions League...  :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 11:30:18

However, I can see what he's trying to do

When he rocked up and looked at how we were playing in the formation that we were, we were shipping goals far too easily from individual mistakes. What does a new manager do to stop that? Change the formation and get a solid backline to make it harder to concede. MK is the first game this season where players just completely switched off and didn't do their jobs. If we had the ability and the players to sub more players off at half-time without overextending ourselves, I'm sure we would have!

I have already shown that he is making us concede more and score less. you can focus on making us harder to concede but when that removes all attacking options that results in us conceding the ball more and putting the defence under even more pressure.

Donohue has fucked up the left back options but Zeki is more than capable. even hunt. there is no excuse for trying the same failed cb pairings when Conroy is fit.

you cant blame fitness when he has the options of 5 subs and in many many scenarios where the game is dead he doesnt use them. look at how we finished the crewe match they were dead on their feet.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 11:40:34
Apologies in advance for the long post! Longest one in forum history?  :girlgiggle:

So you don't read Bambi's posts either?  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 11:41:01
So you don't read Bambi's posts either?  :)
I thought similar :) no offence Boo!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Formerly Drummer Boy on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 11:48:17
I have already shown that he is making us concede more and score less. you can focus on making us harder to concede but when that removes all attacking options that results in us conceding the ball more and putting the defence under even more pressure.

Donohue has fucked up the left back options but Zeki is more than capable. even hunt. there is no excuse for trying the same failed cb pairings when Conroy is fit.

you cant blame fitness when he has the options of 5 subs and in many many scenarios where the game is dead he doesnt use them. look at how we finished the crewe match they were dead on their feet.

I completely agree with the thoughts of the end result problems but I have zero doubt there will be reasons and thoughts to why it happens, that we do not know and probs never will. One thing that really bugs me about the Radio Wiltshire post-match interviews, they constantly shy away from asking the direct questions that we all want the answers for. Of course, all media is the same and it's far too respectfully polite. However, from my experience when understanding the business or tactical decisions, there is always logic to the madness no matter how crazy it may look. It's very rarely walking in complete blindness to the obvious but to me, there is a very evident balance of risk in all the decisions and whilst I don't agree with some of the line ups and positions players are in, the basic foundation is that we just don't know all the facts or the context to understand the decisions being made.

The results so far are not looking great but as I said before, change takes time and we should be giving the club and the management time to implement the changes. We still have time and a handful of cards to play... I highly doubt anyone in the clubs wants to see us lose week in week out. From my viewpoint, all we can do is keep the faith that we're in for an interesting transfer window where hopefully we'll come out stronger!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 11:59:55
I completely agree with the thoughts of the end result problems but I have zero doubt there will be reasons and thoughts to why it happens, that we do not know and probs never will. One thing that really bugs me about the Radio Wiltshire post-match interviews, they constantly shy away from asking the direct questions that we all want the answers for. Of course, all media is the same and it's far too respectfully polite. However, from my experience when understanding the business or tactical decisions, there is always logic to the madness no matter how crazy it may look. It's very rarely walking in complete blindness to the obvious but to me, there is a very evident balance of risk in all the decisions and whilst I don't agree with some of the line ups and positions players are in, the basic foundation is that we just don't know all the facts or the context to understand the decisions being made.

The results so far are not looking great but as I said before, change takes time and we should be giving the club and the management time to implement the changes. We still have time and a handful of cards to play... I highly doubt anyone in the clubs wants to see us lose week in week out. From my viewpoint, all we can do is keep the faith that we're in for an interesting transfer window where hopefully we'll come out stronger!

I get what you're saying regarding managers making strange decisions as like you say we don't know what goes on behind the scenes with the thought process etc. Ref questions being asked by the BBC Wiltshire reporters I would imagine there's a PR person close by and maybe stipulates what can and can't be asked if times are sensitive

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 12:12:15
Apologies in advance for the long post! Longest one in forum history?  :girlgiggle:

Come onnnn, we were on the end of some shocking performances before Sheridan rocked up. I agree with you about the concern of playing attacking wingers at wing-back positions, like Jack Payne playing left wing-back just looked odd against MK but who else do we actually have right now that can fill that gap when Donohue sat out a game and now left us?

However, I can see what he's trying to do, playing someone who is naturally left-sided that can run and attack. If Sheridan played Caddis on the left and got turned inside and out, ripped to shreds and we conceded, we'd be whinging about how stupid it is to be playing a right wing-back on the left side..

When he rocked up and looked at how we were playing in the formation that we were, we were shipping goals far too easily from individual mistakes. What does a new manager do to stop that? Change the formation and get a solid backline to make it harder to concede. MK is the first game this season where players just completely switched off and didn't do their jobs. If we had the ability and the players to sub more players off at half-time without overextending ourselves, I'm sure we would have!

Let's put a bit of human realism into this, if it works out where Tom Broadbent goes up top and scores our first goal at Kassam, he's a hero. If Tom Broadbent didn't score - he's the devil that was stupid enough to put a centre back upfront and had no effect...

The bloke is working with what he has, managing fitness/ injuries, personalities adjusting to change and doing what he thinks is best to get results on the pitch. He has a window to sort the team out and restore balance, give it a chance.

I don't know how you can honestly say someone isn't up for it when the most we all get is 90minutes of football and 15 minutes of sound bites every week. Not exactly any grounds for forming a reliable conclusive analysis to how they manage people, their motivations and the decisions we make. Let's face facts here and learnt from many years of following Swindon Town, we are on the outside looking in. When a light is shone into a spectrum crystal, the light splits into many different angles and colours. Does that mean that what we are seeing is the true colours of what light is or are we merely seeing what colours are in the spectrum crystal?

However, I adamantly believe that what we are lacking is 2-3 players (plus replacements for a few others who are simply not performing) and confidence. The players have had a rough season where not a lot has gone right and when it all goes wrong, the players must feel it. They are human beings as you mentioned Joe Hart, but it takes hard work to get confidence and changing that takes time. If I was in Sheridan's shoes, I'd start off by focusing on conceding less. Once we have a reliable defence, we build the attack. No point attacking if we can't defend and a game of who can score more is uncontrollable and unsustainable as we have all discovered this season.

The off-field issues are a massive worry but if again, let's face reality - if you were Lee Power, you will believe you have your ass covered to deal with these legal issues. If so and we do have a buyer waiting in the wings, Power will need to keep funding it to maintain it's value. It's all well and good reading the gossip but what does anyone actually ever know to be the truth of what's actually going on? If Grant does go, he'll be a massive loss but on the other hand, he's a big earner that has rarely hit the levels of performance that he gave us last year...

Apologies for the long posts and I don't mean to come across as antagonist (apologies if I do) but I tend to operate on what we do know, more so than adding 2 and 2 together and hoping that it makes 4. If I was a player reading these forums, it would wind me up because the truth is, we know absolutely fuck all about what happens off the pitch. Over the years, I've accepted that I am merely a passenger on a rollercoaster that I will need to endure the dips and cherish the climbs. It's all part of the fun and if we were in the Premier League, I have no doubt all those that complain on here will still find something to complain about despite achieving what currently looks impossible... Sadly it's human nature to be cynical but it never helps anyone.

I was merely a young whippersnapper back then in comparison to today  :D You're a little undercooked but not far off at all.

One of my fondest memories with that drum was in the Nationwide, started in the top left corner singing the Great Escape theme tune, setting the beat with the drum and at one point looking down the Nationwide stand to see the entire Nationwide clapping along to the beat. Kept it going for what felt like the entire 2nd half. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

If it wasn't for losing a bet to my best mate who supported the club all his life, Big Dave, I would never have made it to my first game (the last time we played Reading back in 2002). It was a boring shit game but the atmosphere from the crowd and watching live sport got me hooked. Even though Big Dave sadly died way too young ( (, I've not stopped supporting the team and I know he's there watching Town week in, week out.

I feel closest to him at The County Ground but it's also my anchor to regularly remind me that worrying about shit I do not know all the facts about and/ or cannot control outcome is exhausting and pointless, rather than appreciating more of what we have and making a difference when possible. Now, give Bitcoin 10-12 years to reach it's true potential to the point I'm a Bitcoin Billionaire, watch out because I'll be buying the club from whichever dodgy owners we have and climbing the leagues until we win the Champions League...  :D

Played football against Big Dave a number of times over Abby Meads in the 6 a side league. Our teams always battling at the top. Some of them got quite heated (in the spirit of competitiveness, the aggression never left the pitch) including on one occasion (then) Town youth keeper Jon Stewart wanting to fight me with Ben Wells backing him up...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Formerly Drummer Boy on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 12:31:34
Played football against Big Dave a number of times over Abby Meads in the 6 a side league. Our teams always battling at the top. Some of them got quite heated (in the spirit of competitiveness, the aggression never left the pitch) including on one occasion (then) Town youth keeper Jon Stewart wanting to fight me with Ben Wells backing him up...

Made my day in realising what a small world it is. No idea of who you actually are DV but I must have seen you around in the years at the very least if you played at Abbey Meads, knew Big Dave and Ben Wells. It was a team that Dave and I set up playing in the Abbey Meads before I stepped away and he carried on. Big Dave and I were in the same Primary School class as Ben Wells too and dominated the Sports Day races on all distances. That kid could run like a racehorse and sad he never made the cut in football!

Fond memories now!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 12:33:01
or he doesn’t find a buyer and we discover if 3 admins really does equate to expulsion
It doesn't, that's a myth. Check the Football League regulations on insolvency events, each instance is treated as a discrete event in it's own right, there is no mention of any mythical "3 strikes and you're out" rule

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 12:39:27
Well, if that’s true it’s good news. Take the 12 point hit this season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 13:05:30
Interesting to read people blaming RW. He keeps us up with this squad and their current fitness situation (rather than the horror show he was dealing with). At least he'd motivate them, and us as a fan base.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 13:20:35
I completely agree with the thoughts of the end result problems but I have zero doubt there will be reasons and thoughts to why it happens, that we do not know and probs never will. One thing that really bugs me about the Radio Wiltshire post-match interviews, they constantly shy away from asking the direct questions that we all want the answers for. Of course, all media is the same and it's far too respectfully polite. However, from my experience when understanding the business or tactical decisions, there is always logic to the madness no matter how crazy it may look. It's very rarely walking in complete blindness to the obvious but to me, there is a very evident balance of risk in all the decisions and whilst I don't agree with some of the line ups and positions players are in, the basic foundation is that we just don't know all the facts or the context to understand the decisions being made.

The results so far are not looking great but as I said before, change takes time and we should be giving the club and the management time to implement the changes. We still have time and a handful of cards to play... I highly doubt anyone in the clubs wants to see us lose week in week out. From my viewpoint, all we can do is keep the faith that we're in for an interesting transfer window where hopefully we'll come out stronger!

you would think that there is logic to every decision and yes it would be good to hear why he keeps doing these things and not changing.

but that could be applied to every single managers job and no one would ever get criticism from fans if we all thought there might be behind the scenes reasons so give slack.

some managers dont fit and he has shown me no reason to see why he will eventually fit considering it's a short time contract and hes a dinosaur of the football world. this isnt a young manager starting out and if it was a might be more aligned to your thinking.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 13:21:57
Made my day in realising what a small world it is. No idea of who you actually are DV but I must have seen you around in the years at the very least if you played at Abbey Meads, knew Big Dave and Ben Wells. It was a team that Dave and I set up playing in the Abbey Meads before I stepped away and he carried on. Big Dave and I were in the same Primary School class as Ben Wells too and dominated the Sports Day races on all distances. That kid could run like a racehorse and sad he never made the cut in football!

Fond memories now!

The team when we played them was Dave, Ben, Nigel, Stephen and Sam for what I remember. Those names might mean something to you. They were definitely called ‘Witness the Fitness’ at one point but think that changed. We are talking 10-15 years ago now.

There was an away game in the 03/04 season and I’m racking my brains as to which one it was (I have Brentford in my head) - you were sat across the isle from me on the supports coach. You were with BJ (again someone I only know of in passing from football) and Steve Collins who still occasionally posts on here under a different name now.

So, I don’t think our paths have ever properly crossed but I’ve got a very good memory for names and faces. Which on occasion makes me sound extremely stalkerish

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 13:35:45
Interesting to read people blaming RW. He keeps us up with this squad and their current fitness situation (rather than the horror show he was dealing with). At least he'd motivate them, and us as a fan base.
It's a little from column A, a little from column B for me. Wellens has to share some of the blame as it is his squad. But clearly it's not the squad he actually wanted, and you have to wonder how different the picture would look with a proper first choice keeper (I suspect Kovar was always planned as backup/pushing first choice for a start), if he'd landed Yates and kept hold of Doughty. But he didn't and the team looked unbalanced and disjointed before he left. Equally, Sheridan hasn't exactly turned things round since he came in. Granted, he's been dealt a poor hand to play but he's not played it well.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 14:42:54
Been dealt a poor hand and then dropped the cards  ::)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 16:33:55
Please don't patronise posters who take the time to set out their thinking in detail.  The manager debate is not black/white, and none of these points deserve ridicule.

Ahh far from it Ardiles, I wasn't ridiculing or patronising him/her. I was genuinely interested as FDB seemed fairly positive compared to many that post on here (and elsewhere). I was really just trying to point out (from my own point of view) what  FDB might not be seeing with regards to their positive outlook. I did go on to say that I too am usually deemed too positive here at times. At no pint was I trying to patronise or ridicule though.

It appeared to me that FDB is a younger poster so the positivity would be more understanding (I refer back to my "An Ode to Those Who Have Seen it All Before" post), whereas if a lot older, most have seen more than enough over the years to know what might be coming. I was highlighting this but it was never meant to downplay FDB.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 16:47:04
So you don't read Bambi's posts either?  :)

I thought similar :) no offence Boo!

Haha, I spat my tea out  :D No offence taken. And to reiterate, I wasn't trying to come across as patronising or ridiculing of FDB. Seems like a good chap but it is clear that some of us have seen far too much too be overly positive about the current state of affairs. I very much used to be like that. I hope that their positivity last much longer than mine. Being on the TEF won't help  ;)

Also, forgot to say yesterday, keep bloody well save JJ. You genuinely are a top bloke. Happy New Year ya barstarddd :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: That Nestor Lorenzo Heade on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 17:06:53
He often shops in Bath, so he can’t be too far away.

He lives in Northend, just outside Bath.  Just down the road from me so would be very handy for lift shares etc.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 17:20:07
He lives in Northend, just outside Bath.  Just down the road from me so would be very handy for lift shares etc.

I'm sure he would oblige too  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Formerly Drummer Boy on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 17:20:29
The team when we played them was Dave, Ben, Nigel, Stephen and Sam for what I remember. Those names might mean something to you. They were definitely called ‘Witness the Fitness’ at one point but think that changed. We are talking 10-15 years ago now.

There was an away game in the 03/04 season and I’m racking my brains as to which one it was (I have Brentford in my head) - you were sat across the isle from me on the supports coach. You were with BJ (again someone I only know of in passing from football) and Steve Collins who still occasionally posts on here under a different name now.

So, I don’t think our paths have ever properly crossed but I’ve got a very good memory for names and faces. Which on occasion makes me sound extremely stalkerish

Yeah, I think that team was formed after I stopped playing in the teams. A very long time ago now!

If you're thinking about Brentford, that would have been 20th December 2003. The last game before Christmas where I was right behind the goal with a Santa hat that when you pressed the bobble, it flipped flopped back and forth... In the 2nd half there was a small group of us that verbally abused their goalkeeper to shreds and got into his head, he started making mistakes and we won the game 2-0. Christ, I miss those types of away games. Same groups of Swindon fans forming together like an army and making every voice heard. Long may it return sooner rather than later!

you would think that there is logic to every decision and yes it would be good to hear why he keeps doing these things and not changing.

but that could be applied to every single managers job and no one would ever get criticism from fans if we all thought there might be behind the scenes reasons so give slack.

some managers dont fit and he has shown me no reason to see why he will eventually fit considering it's a short time contract and hes a dinosaur of the football world. this isnt a young manager starting out and if it was a might be more aligned to your thinking.

Yeah, I understand your point and I think it's fair to say we can agree to disagree on that point. Whilst you might have made up your mind, the jury is still out for me.

Ahh far from it Ardiles, I wasn't ridiculing or patronising him/her. I was genuinely interested as FDB seemed fairly positive compared to many that post on here (and elsewhere). I was really just trying to point out (from my own point of view) what  FDB might not be seeing with regards to their positive outlook. I did go on to say that I too am usually deemed too positive here at times. At no pint was I trying to patronise or ridicule though.

It appeared to me that FDB is a younger poster so the positivity would be more understanding (I refer back to my "An Ode to Those Who Have Seen it All Before" post), whereas if a lot older, most have seen more than enough over the years to know what might be coming. I was highlighting this but it was never meant to downplay FDB.

It's nice to be considered young these days. Forever young at heart hahah.

I've witnessed years of the same showers of shit in all colours and flavours in nearly 20 years but I guess my perspective is more along the lines of taking a bit of a step back and see the bigger picture. If it wasn't for Power, we'd have been fucked in the ringhole even harder by Jed the crook and probs sold the Stratton Bank to Oxford for a tenner if he could.

We've had many dark days over many years and guess what, we're still here, we're still fighting for survival. We'll keep going through this sticky mud and some good days will return soon. Change and hard times isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it has to get worst before things get better. Maybe the difference over the years is that I've adjusted to let all the bullshit nonsense wash over me like water off a duck's back?

As long as there is a team to support each match day, can anyone really ask for much more than that at the moment?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 17:36:06
Think we'd all be happy with a team to still support. Btw, if you're under 40 you'll be considered a mere twinkle in Audrey/Normy/Reg's eye. Not that all of them are that old, just some come across as older than they are. I don't think Reg is quite as old as he plays piper to. Normy certainly is one of the genuine "old boys" I'm certain of. Audrey is Audrey. He loves me really  ;)

Now I'm coming across a bit like DV in that my assessment/understanding of people's ages I don't know irl, seems a little stalkerish.

Happy New Year. King Ollie to march us on to the POs with a back line of Curran, Darren Ward, Yinka Casal and Milan Misun  :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 17:45:30
He lives in Northend, just outside Bath.  Just down the road from me so would be very handy for lift shares etc.
He’s a joker, in a good way and the game could do with more like him. I once caught the train out of Temple Meads going north, probably 10 years ago. Holloway was sat (not in first class..) across the aisle from me. Thought about striking up conversation and decided against it, but I had to laugh when he stopped the trolley and asked for some crisps. When he was told how much they cost, he said “how much?!, no thanks then”.

I think he was managing Blackpool in the top flight at the time!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 17:54:04
He’s a joker, in a good way and the game could do with more like him. I once caught the train out of Temple Meads going north, probably 10 years ago. Holloway was sat (not in first class..) across the aisle from me. Thought about striking up conversation and decided against it, but I had to laugh when he stopped the trolley and asked for some crisps. When he was told how much they cost, he said “how much?!, no thanks then”.

I think he was managing Blackpool in the top flight at the time!

Good story Fraser and it goes to show how wealthy you are everyone has a budget😁

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 17:54:59
He lives in Northend, just outside Bath.  Just down the road from me so would be very handy for lift shares etc.

Does he still have a small holding as I know he was abit of farmer years ago!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 21:12:45
Yeah, I think that team was formed after I stopped playing in the teams. A very long time ago now!

If you're thinking about Brentford, that would have been 20th December 2003. The last game before Christmas where I was right behind the goal with a Santa hat that when you pressed the bobble, it flipped flopped back and forth... In the 2nd half there was a small group of us that verbally abused their goalkeeper to shreds and got into his head, he started making mistakes and we won the game 2-0. Christ, I miss those types of away games. Same groups of Swindon fans forming together like an army and making every voice heard. Long may it return sooner rather than later!

Yeah, I understand your point and I think it's fair to say we can agree to disagree on that point. Whilst you might have made up your mind, the jury is still out for me.

It's nice to be considered young these days. Forever young at heart hahah.

I've witnessed years of the same showers of shit in all colours and flavours in nearly 20 years but I guess my perspective is more along the lines of taking a bit of a step back and see the bigger picture. If it wasn't for Power, we'd have been fucked in the ringhole even harder by Jed the crook and probs sold the Stratton Bank to Oxford for a tenner if he could.

We've had many dark days over many years and guess what, we're still here, we're still fighting for survival. We'll keep going through this sticky mud and some good days will return soon. Change and hard times isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it has to get worst before things get better. Maybe the difference over the years is that I've adjusted to let all the bullshit nonsense wash over me like water off a duck's back?

As long as there is a team to support each match day, can anyone really ask for much more than that at the moment?

Yeah definitely Brentford.
We wore that disgusting black and mustard kit.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: adje on Thursday, December 31, 2020, 21:15:21
Yeah definitely Brentford.
We wore that disgusting black and mustard kit.
Howard and SSP I seem to remember

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Formerly Drummer Boy on Saturday, January 2, 2021, 10:16:44
Yeah definitely Brentford.
We wore that disgusting black and mustard kit.

Blimey, I can't even remember being on the coach, let alone who else was on there!!  :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Saturday, January 2, 2021, 13:09:17
Howard and SSP I seem to remember

Yeah, think we’re in white shorts too because Brentford play in black shorts.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 12:38:05
So assuming Shez gets the big elbow - who will we appoint next ?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 12:52:48
Where is Sheridan being sacked coming from? He has been allowed to sign 3 defenders and a GK. Doesn't that suggest he has the gig for a while yet?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 12:56:38
Absolute no way he is making those signings

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 12:58:31
Where is Sheridan being sacked coming from? He has been allowed to sign 3 defenders and a GK. Doesn't that suggest he has the gig for a while yet?
Think the world 'assuming' needs to be understood.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:01:59
I understand what assuming means. This has been posted a few times now. I just wondered where it was coming from. Fair enough if it's just speculation

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:07:32
I understand what assuming means. This has been posted a few times now. I just wondered where it was coming from. Fair enough if it's just speculation
Rumours that may or may not come from within the club (according to Twitter) that

-Power not happy with his commitment/results
-players can't stand him
- Hunt being at the game Saturday, some say scouting, some speculating a return to the job.

2+2 often = 5, but I think the fans are desperate for it to be 4!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:09:48
Dereliction of duty if he isn’t binned.

Problem with a replacement in January is that most decent applicants have been employed already. Who wants a very real possibility of a relegation on their CV?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:16:38
Rumours that may or may not come from within the club (according to Twitter) that

-Power not happy with his commitment/results
-players can't stand him
- Hunt being at the game Saturday, some say scouting, some speculating a return to the job.

2+2 often = 5, but I think the fans are desperate for it to be 4!
Thank you for the may or may not be true context

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: digby on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:23:20
I can't see any change being made until the ownership is settled. Then, I can see Sheridan out of the door whatever the outcome;

- If Power wins, he'll need to get in a manager capable of retaining our league 1 status, to be more 'sellable', or
- a new owner wouldn't want to keep a useless caretaker, as would want to build for the future, and get the fans back onside.

I was giving Sheridan the benefit of the doubt, until this latest Curran fiasco, and his subsequent 'defence' of it in the press conference !

Contentious I know, but I'd love to see Ian Holloway in charge of the Town, and have felt the same way for the last few manager merry-go-rounds. It would never happen if Power remains, as can you just imagine those two ego's going head to head !!  :suicide:

Although he sounds like a bumpkin, I think he's quite astute, and would get the best out of the players we've got here. Win or lose, his after match comments would be something to look forward to !  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Trashbat? on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:25:26
When actually is the court case and which one is it? I keep seeing it referenced, but I thought both had been settled, or was that just Clems?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:38:51
If I were Power I would be pleading with Paul Jewell to take the reigns until the end of the season as a favour to him, with the incentive of a brown envelope if he keeps them up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:48:22
If I were Power I would be pleading with Paul Jewell to take the reigns until the end of the season as a favour to him, with the incentive of a brown envelope if he keeps them up.

THIS. The answer really is on our doorstep.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:58:05
Hunt keeps us up The players are good enough

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 13:59:28
I can't see any change being made until the ownership is settled. Then, I can see Sheridan out of the door whatever the outcome;

- If Power wins, he'll need to get in a manager capable of retaining our league 1 status, to be more 'sellable', or
- a new owner wouldn't want to keep a useless caretaker, as would want to build for the future, and get the fans back onside.

I was giving Sheridan the benefit of the doubt, until this latest Curran fiasco, and his subsequent 'defence' of it in the press conference !

Contentious I know, but I'd love to see Ian Holloway in charge of the Town, and have felt the same way for the last few manager merry-go-rounds. It would never happen if Power remains, as can you just imagine those two ego's going head to head !!  :suicide:

Although he sounds like a bumpkin, I think he's quite astute, and would get the best out of the players we've got here. Win or lose, his after match comments would be something to look forward to !  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:
I honestly don’t think it’s about Power ‘winning’. He wants out - that seems obvious to me. Any court case - which is only a civil matter - is to sort out who gets or is entitled to what before any new owner steps in.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 14:08:53
If I were Power I would be pleading with Paul Jewell to take the reigns until the end of the season as a favour to him, with the incentive of a brown envelope if he keeps them up.
I would agree with this but Power has said in a couple of interviews that Jewell is just not interested in managing again, but I feel that could change if the players apparently refuse to give their all for Sheridan as seems could well be the case.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 14:40:12
if the players apparently refuse to give their all for Sheridan

I don't think they'd do that, even if they hate him.  More that you can't perform your best under poor conditions. Which might be what you meant anyway?

I can see dissent and arguments behind the scenes though. If that leads to a transfer request or two then maybe that'll force the hand.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:02:44
I honestly don’t think it’s about Power ‘winning’. He wants out - that seems obvious to me. Any court case - which is only a civil matter - is to sort out who gets or is entitled to what before any new owner steps in.

Thing is, if there is a new owner waiting to 'step in' its potentially in their interest to let the whole shaboodle go to shit and us get relegated as the club will be worth even less then.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:05:37
Unless any new owner is already financially ‘active’ within the club and want to protect their ‘investment’. Hence why Power was stopped from putting the club into admin - Clem, Standing, Barry would all lose whatever they’ve put in.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:06:54
Unless any new owner is already financially ‘active’ within the club and want to protect their ‘investment’. Hence why Power was stopped from putting the club into admin - Clem, Standing, Barry would all lose whatever they’ve put in.

I think its an injunction rather than anything else which is stopping Power putting the business into admin, he needs the OK of Barry/Standing and Clem to do such a thing.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:12:37
I think its an injunction rather than anything else which is stopping Power putting the business into admin, he needs the OK of Barry/Standing and Clem to do such a thing.

Any injunction in the Axis claim will have been discharged.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:12:52
Yeah. That’s why they put a stop to it - to protect what they’ve already put in (and, no doubt, what they hope to get out!)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:20:00
I would agree with this but Power has said in a couple of interviews that Jewell is just not interested in managing again, but I feel that could change if the players apparently refuse to give their all for Sheridan as seems could well be the case.

Jewell isn’t in the right place health wise to take on board the job.
Would be an upgrade though on JS.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:24:41
Jewell isn’t in the right place health wise to take on board the job.
Would be an upgrade though on JS.
Absolutely I think we can forget about that as an option if indeed Shez does depart.

Whoever comes in will have to be aware that he is only in temporarily too as when the takeover/ownership battle reaches its finale then I fully expect whoever it is to appoint his own man as manager, be it in the next few weeks/months/end of the season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:40:28
Contentious I know, but I'd love to see Ian Holloway in charge of the Town, and have felt the same way for the last few manager merry-go-rounds. It would never happen if Power remains, as can you just imagine those two ego's going head to head !!  :suicide:

Although he sounds like a bumpkin, I think he's quite astute, and would get the best out of the players we've got here. Win or lose, his after match comments would be something to look forward to !  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:
His most recent job was Grimsby where he
made a pledge of a six-figure investment in the club that never materialised;
promised he would stick with the club "for the fans" and then walked out a week or so later;
and left them one place above the drop zone into non-League.

Not sure a few funnies in post-match is worth it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:51:32
His most recent job was Grimsby where he
made a pledge of a six-figure investment in the club that never materialised;
promised he would stick with the club "for the fans" and then walked out a week or so later;
and left them one place above the drop zone into non-League.

Not sure a few funnies in post-match is worth it.

Bang on. Nice funny guy in the media which covers up all manner of sins, but absolutely nothing in management in the last 5 years to make me think this would be a good idea.

Also I don't like dinosaurs.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:55:19
Bang on. Nice funny guy in the media which covers up all manner of sins, but absolutely nothing in management in the last 5 years to make me think this would be a good idea.

Also I don't like dinosaurs.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 16:05:33
He got lucky with Blackpool and thats about it

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 16:14:13
His most recent job was Grimsby where he
made a pledge of a six-figure investment in the club that never materialised;
promised he would stick with the club "for the fans" and then walked out a week or so later;
and left them one place above the drop zone into non-League.

Not sure a few funnies in post-match is worth it.

So bar the first one a bit like Wellens then in many ways....  ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 16:55:29
I wonder as well if Sheridan is being stuck with at the moment until the transfer window shuts, don't want to be trying to get players in when the manager has just been give the heave ho, then when Jewell has got the players in that will give us a chance of staying up get rid of Sheridan and put someone else in place.

There has been rumours of Jewell taking training sessions sometimes also.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Trashbat? on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 17:04:57
There has been rumours of Jewell taking training sessions sometimes also.

I wonder if this was just to cover Sheridan, as I can imagine with the death of his parents he was back up north quite a bit

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 17:26:38
Jewell is clearing doing a lot of the prep behind the scenes and not just transfers. Tactical work too. Sheridan is just a "figurehead" a "front" call it what you like. I find it is why there are times when Town seem to start games well but there is no strategic or proper tactical changes within the matches. Town just peter out with no direction several times. Because Sheridan is not invested in the same way a manager normally would be.

I bet Tommy Wright does the post-match on Saturday. Also remember, this is an away match so the comms will be different sounding to normal. As will the P-MP. At least if Sheridan does take the P-MP he might feel a little less intimidated...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 17:34:45
If you replace ‘figure’ with ‘dick’ you’d be there!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 17:37:13
As will the P-MP.

The what?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bathford on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 17:44:18
The what?

Post match press

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 17:45:17
Post match press


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 17:45:36
Thought we’d banned wanky initialising

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 17:47:24
Thought we’d banned wanky initialising
We should with the only exception being players with extremly difficult spelling like DJ :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: THE FLASH on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 17:58:31
Havent read back...Got a message...Sheridan gone?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 18:02:13
Quote from: THE FLASH
Havent read back...Got a message...Sheridan gone?


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 18:06:07
BBC wilts understands
The Tweet came from BBCWiltssSport not BBCWiltsSport.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: china red on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 18:08:15
The Tweet came from BBCWiltssSport not BBCWiltsSport.

Yep, got far too excited about that one..........

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: digby on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 18:12:44
His most recent job was Grimsby where he
made a pledge of a six-figure investment in the club that never materialised;
promised he would stick with the club "for the fans" and then walked out a week or so later;
and left them one place above the drop zone into non-League.

Not sure a few funnies in post-match is worth it.

I don't pretend to know all the details behind it, but his leaving Grimsby was not all to do with what happened on the pitch.

He was unhappy with the way the club was being run. Grimsby insisted on a 'covid clause' in the players new contracts, which Holloway felt contributed to him failing to keep several of his main players (not too different from Welllens !).

It was when a convicted fraudster, Alex May was being courted as an investor, that Holloway felt the need to 'go public !  He was sick of the owners and potential investors “playing politics” and, despite saying “I’m not going anywhere”, there was also the rather ominous line “if speaking this openly brings about my demise then so be it”.

It was soon after that he left the club. I'm not saying that's the only reason he left, as results had been going downhill, but I feel  he became disheartened by it all.

He's a very passionate man, and I feel we could do with a bit of that now !

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 18:25:07
He's a very passionate man, and I feel we could do with a bit of that now !
Ah the old ‘passion’ argument, passion doesn’t trump ability. He’s a bit of dickhead in my opinion, his sitting in the Townend stunt to try and get the job here was all very pathetic.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 18:37:48
The what?

I did mention it in the same sentence prior to using the shorthand. Someone else got there but yes P-MP would be Post-Match Presser  

But please do try to keep on topic  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 18:38:12
I don't pretend to know all the details behind it, but his leaving Grimsby was not all to do with what happened on the pitch.

He was unhappy with the way the club was being run. Grimsby insisted on a 'covid clause' in the players new contracts, which Holloway felt contributed to him failing to keep several of his main players (not too different from Welllens !).

It was when a convicted fraudster, Alex May was being courted as an investor, that Holloway felt the need to 'go public !  He was sick of the owners and potential investors “playing politics” and, despite saying “I’m not going anywhere”, there was also the rather ominous line “if speaking this openly brings about my demise then so be it”.

It was soon after that he left the club. I'm not saying that's the only reason he left, as results had been going downhill, but I feel  he became disheartened by it all.
Yep, Grimsby's a basket case. Doesn't alter the fact he did a shit job. And we're not exactly the paragon of stability right now are we?

He's a very passionate man, and I feel we could do with a bit of that now !
Ah well then let's appoint Swiss Toni. Passionate != good.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 18:41:07
I already stated who we should go for and would be realistic considering the circumstances. And nope, it's not Andy Pandy.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 19:44:27
I already stated who we should go for and would be realistic considering the circumstances. And nope, it's not Andy Pandy.
Ah, well, that's that sorted out then. Mods close the thread.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 20:35:09
Ah, well, that's that sorted out then. Mods close the 573rd "New Manager" thread.

FIFY  ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 09:13:46
Jewell is clearing doing a lot of the prep behind the scenes and not just transfers. Tactical work too.

Clearly, based on what, unless you have been attending training sessions not sure how anyone can make such a far ranging statement? If Jewell is doing the coaching and tactics work I would suggest he is not the answer to our problems as we are still doing pretty shit on his watch.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 10:12:13
Absolute no way he is making those signings

The logical assumption from this is that Jewell is making them then.

If so can we then assume he’s been doing all the transfers all along and signed all that garbage in the summer? Yet also the good signings last season?

Such a massive contrast is quality of the last 18 months or so. It’s not even like it’s been inconsistent a few good here and the odd bad one there. It’s either been largely all good or all bad

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 10:48:33
I know its a rehash of the post match interview but...

Well thats us told, you have won me over Mr Sheridan, I now fully back you and Taylor Curran, you are doing a great job. You have won lots of fans over with these comments I am sure that we can all see it from your point of view now.

Make sure that when you do leave you dig your head out from the sandpit before you leave.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:02:05 many Town managers other than Sheridan have managed to give us a win over Oxford and a win on TV.

All he’s missing is a cup tie and he’s got the holy grail.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:05:43 many Town managers other than Sheridan have managed to give us a win over Oxford and a win on TV.

All he’s missing is a cup tie and he’s got the holy grail.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:09:00 many Town managers other than Sheridan have managed to give us a win over Oxford and a win on TV.

All he’s missing is a cup tie and he’s got the holy grail.
Actually we aren't as bad on TV as most of us think, our record is similar to most clubs outside of the Prem according to the stats on but we did go through a stage of losing a few in the 90's.

For Oxford, every Town manager pre 2000 had some form of success vs the old enemy.

But yes I will always remember winning vs Oxford, Rovers and Ipswich definately, but they were his only 3 wins in the 13 games he managed, which really isn't good enough.

The defeat home to MKD was up there with the worst performances I have seen in 45 years of watching us which instantly negates at least the winning on tv and Rovers games on it own.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:12:39
What’s that coming over the hill, Shezza?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:27:08
Actually we aren't as bad on TV as most of us think, our record is similar to most clubs outside of the Prem according to the stats on but we did go through a stage of losing a few in the 90's.

For Oxford, every Town manager pre 2000 had some form of success vs the old enemy.

But yes I will always remember winning vs Oxford, Rovers and Ipswich definately, but they were his only 3 wins in the 13 games he managed, which really isn't good enough.

The defeat home to MKD was up there with the worst performances I have seen in 45 years of watching us which instantly negates at least the winning on tv and Rovers games on it own.

Oh, no doubt our results under his tenure are just as awful as they were under Wellens but he’s done two things in 13 games a lot of Town managers probably haven’t done.

Was just trying to think to who else would have.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:37:17
Was just trying to think to who else would have.
The last manager to win on live TV, beat Oxford and Rovers was Steve MacMahon. Prior to that Glenn Hoddle and before him Lou Macari.

Probably the only time Sheridan is on any list of Swindon managers alongside such illustious company, 1 taking us the the Premier League and the other 2 winning us league titles!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:45:25
Now how many of those also won cup ties against Non League opposition...

McMahon did, didn’t he...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 11:57:39
Now how many of those also won cup ties against Non League opposition...

McMahon did, didn’t he...
Hoddle never faced non league opposition but did win several FA cup ties.

Macari beat Farnborough and Enfield.

MacMahon beat Woking.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 12:15:58
Hoddle never faced non league opposition but did win several FA cup ties.

Macari beat Farnborough and Enfield.

MacMahon beat Woking.

I remember beating Marlow in the cup, wasn't that McMahon as well?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 12:21:19
When I see this thread at the top of the home page I get excited thinking he’s gone, then I open it to find out that beating Marlow and fucking Enfield under Steve McMahon is being discussed.
How disappointing.  :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 12:29:34
I remember beating Marlow in the cup, wasn't that McMahon as well?
Yes you are correct, just about a month after he signed for us, in my head he became manager after then but nope it was before then, well remembered.

When I see this thread at the top of the home page I get excited thinking he’s gone, then I open it to find out that beating Marlow and fucking Enfield under Steve McMahon is being discussed.
How disappointing.  :D
TBH I think Sheridan leaving would get its own thread!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 23:04:23
Clearly, based on what, unless you have been attending training sessions not sure how anyone can make such a far ranging statement? If Jewell is doing the coaching and tactics work I would suggest he is not the answer to our problems as we are still doing pretty shit on his watch.

He has been taking training. It's in matches Town have problems because there is zero leadership on a matchday.

Anyway, can't be fucked with a relatively petty argument today/tonight...just backed you up on the old 'Rona Fred. Go and enjoy your fucking walk, whenever that might be.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 08:52:58
He has been taking training. It's in matches Town have problems because there is zero leadership on a matchday.

Anyway, can't be fucked with a relatively petty argument today/tonight...just backed you up on the old 'Rona Fred. Go and enjoy your fucking walk, whenever that might be.
He has not been taking training at all

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:07:11
Quote from: Shrivvy Road
He has not been taking training at all

he must have, that's how he knew Curran should play before Odimayo ;)
I know he's had personal tragedy and can be excused those periods, but that's terrible

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:07:56
He has not been taking training at all

Who takes training out of interest? Is it Wright? (and assume Mildy for the keepers)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:09:13
Who takes training out of interest? Is it Wright? (and assume Mildy for the keepers)

Watching us play I am not sure anyone does, its maybe just like Sunday league when they just play football for an hour.....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:09:38
Watching us play I am not sure anyone does, its maybe just like Sunday league when they just play football for an hour.....

Very true!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:12:42
Has he gone yet?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:15:01
Has he gone yet?

Has there been any legit suggestion that he is likely to go in the foreseeable?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:20:54
he must have, that's how he knew Curran should play before Odimayo ;)
I know he's had personal tragedy and can be excused those periods, but that's terrible

I think shrivvy road was implying that Jewell has not been taking training.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:21:10
Has there been any legit suggestion that he is likely to go in the foreseeable?

I was going to ask something similar. How I read it is that Sheridan is probably here as long as Power is. Many people have now stated (that doesn't make it true of course) that Power is off and so I suspect Shez will be here until the ownership 'debacle' is sorted. Hopefully we will have picked up enough points by then to keep us in with a fighting chance.

Although as is always the case with STFC, who fucking knows what is around the corner - usually shit street, followed by diarrhoea avenue.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:38:06
Who takes training out of interest? Is it Wright? (and assume Mildy for the keepers)
Wright, Mildenhall and sometimes Jewell has so I hear, Jewell not much but he definately has. Sheridan has obviously taken training but not to a level you would expect a full time manager to take it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:42:53
Huh, isn’t it fairly well established that different managers take different approaches to training? Alex Ferguson would leave most of it to his coaches wouldn’t he?

Tbf he was never in a relegation battle either

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:46:30
Has there been any legit suggestion that he is likely to go in the foreseeable?
You gotta have hope!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:49:28
Has there been any legit suggestion that he is likely to go in the foreseeable?
Nope, none at all just wishful thinking and hoping of a lot of Town fans.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:51:27
I think a few may be getting confused with taking training and being at training

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 09:56:33
I think a few may be getting confused with taking training and being at training

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 10:17:13
Re where has the chat come from, I think two things.

A) there's a bit of noise about him not really doing much and a few other rumours, no smoke without fire and B) We're really really shit, like historically shit. Thus, he'll be on the verge unless something changes.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 10:20:38
Re where has the chat come from, I think two things.

A) there's a bit of noise about him not really doing much and a few other rumours, no smoke without fire and B) We're really really shit, like historically shit. Thus, he'll be on the verge unless something changes.
He is getting close to Paul Hart levels of shittery, the only redeeming features being Ipswich, Rovers and the Pox wins.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 10:27:50
My sources tell me Damon Hill has been taking training assisted by Phil Tufnell.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JoeMezz on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 10:33:10
I think a few may be getting confused with taking training and being at training

I think him not turning up for multiple pre-match conferences would suggest he's both not taking training, nor is he there (obviously can appreciate him not during the passing of his parents)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 10:38:51
Huh, isn’t it fairly well established that different managers take different approaches to training? Alex Ferguson would leave most of it to his coaches wouldn’t he?

Tbf he was never in a relegation battle either

Ferguson was essentially Director of Football as well as Manager, looking at the long-term development of the club, coaches, the academy etc. Not sure Sheridan's got that in his remit

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 10:48:52
Has he gone yet?

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 11:01:25
I think a few may be getting confused with taking training and being at training

I take it back then. as long as he's there and getting what he wants out of it, that's ok

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 12:09:43
FWIW Sheridan is taking training today ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 12:56:38
FWIW Sheridan is taking training today ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 14:59:03
I like Sheridan

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 15:23:51
I like Sheridan

You see, that's what too much sun and sangria does to you. I, on the other hand, have a plentiful supply of snow and other spirit to retain all my marbles. :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, January 21, 2021, 18:01:36
He has not been taking training at all

I meant Jewell, not El Shezza.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Big Smith on Monday, February 8, 2021, 11:24:50
I would like them to give Matt Taylor a go, think he coaching the west ham youth at present.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Oldwembley69 on Monday, February 8, 2021, 12:16:57
Matt Taylor a good option, he's working with Tottenham youth at the moment. One other who has had some success at lower levels is Julian Dicks. Sure he would not take any crap

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, February 8, 2021, 12:18:37
Matt Taylor a good option, he's working with Tottenham youth at the moment. One other who has had some success at lower levels is Julian Dicks. Sure he would not take any crap
Perfect, all we have to do now is get rid of Sheridan.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JoeMezz on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 10:38:30
Saw Darren Ward say that he’s writing his CV up when quote tweeting the news Sheridan had resigned. Would take him, proper professional and was a bit slow with us but always felt like he gave his all and cared about the club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 11:00:15
Darren Ward strikes me as intelligent. Probably the type that would be respected by players as well. I wouldn't be averse to giving him a try.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 11:01:31
I’d be happy with someone like that, or someone like Matt Taylor.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 11:06:10
I think we are stuck with Wright until the end of the season, Lee Peacs could well learn the ropes a bit too from him.

When the takeover happens from whichever source it is I am sure that they will have a plan of action and bring in a manager who fits their bill.

I am certain that Clem will have identified his managerial target/s already and if the ABLE group are indeed real and actually interested in the football side of things rather than just the development side then they too will have a plan of action and a manager ready to go, as it were.

If either of these don't have a plan of action with recruitment already then they haven't thought the takeover through fully enough.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 11:23:37
All this just adds impetus to the need to get the ownership situation sorted ASAP. Whoever does take over is going to have pretty much rebuild the whole club, not just the 1st team, seems it's been pretty much hollowed out, and they're going to need to hit the ground running. 3 months isn't a whole lot of time to rebuild, if you want to look at it as a positive they will be starting with a clean slate. New manager will be able to rebuild the side pretty much how he wants*, or at least build it around Taylor Curran.

* in terms of not being hampered by existing contracted players, budgetary constraints aside

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 11:39:42
All this just adds impetus to the need to get the ownership situation sorted ASAP. Whoever does take over is going to have pretty much rebuild the whole club, not just the 1st team, seems it's been pretty much hollowed out, and they're going to need to hit the ground running. 3 months isn't a whole lot of time to rebuild, if you want to look at it as a positive they will be starting with a clean slate. New manager will be able to rebuild the side pretty much how he wants*, or at least build it around Taylor Curran.

* in terms of not being hampered by existing contracted players, budgetary constraints aside

Exactly this.

It's at this time of year that the backroom staff have pretty much an idea of who they want to offer contracts to, they probably have a list of players in key positions that they can go after in order to build their team and squad for next season. For us, we are so far behind in next season's planning it's untrue. And until we can get the ownership side sorted out we can't really move that forward at all.

 I would imagine that given the carnage behind the scenes, next to no players are going to want to stay given they have no idea who they are going to be working under, the style of football adopted, the 'project' on offer etc. It looks like the best case scenario is this is sorted in May and the owners can very quickly bed in with their plans, get the new management team in charge, (who hopefully have already done their due diligance on the playing side) get contracts signed for the out of contract players they want to keep as well as attempt to bring in the players that will fit their chosen playing style yadda yadda. We are going to be miles off it come the start of next season aren't we?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 12:07:06
Pains me to write this, but someone I know who has close links to Mark Cooper says that there is definitely something in yesterday's report linking him to return. Trying to find out more, but sounds like one of the prospective owners has sounded him out as their choice.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 12:20:22
I think we are stuck with Wright until the end of the season, Lee Peacs could well learn the ropes a bit too from him.

When the takeover happens from whichever source it is I am sure that they will have a plan of action and bring in a manager who fits their bill.

I am certain that Clem will have identified his managerial target/s already and if the ABLE group are indeed real and actually interested in the football side of things rather than just the development side then they too will have a plan of action and a manager ready to go, as it were.

If either of these don't have a plan of action with recruitment already then they haven't thought the takeover through fully enough.

Even if the ownership thing is done and dusted this month (not a cat in hells chance in my humble opinion) I fear that short of some sort of recruitment miracle in terms of manager and playing staff then a mid table write off is the best we can hope for next season, not allowing for any potential for points reductions.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 12:20:50
We’ve had worse managers than Mark Cooper. Personally, I’m not one for revisiting previous managers, but if he is appointed I could live with it.

I’d still rather go down what has proved to be our most successful route of young, inexperienced managers.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 12:24:51
Mark Cooper got us closer to the Championship than we have been long before or since. Played some good football along the way.

Still a bit of a dick, though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 12:28:28
There does seem some good options in non league that would be worth a punt. Long Throw Challinor, Matt Gray, Pete Wild or Luke Garrard are more enticing than the usual dross on the merry-go-round.

There will be some good options amongst the coaches and assistants higher up as well. Adam Murray applied last time and looks to have had a great education at Barnsley the past few seasons as assistant. One of those who focuses highly on marginal gains and is a bit more new school. Mansfield was probably too soon for him earlier on in his career.

Rather entertain the above routes than interviewing likes of Cooper et al

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 12:29:53
Urgh. Mark Cooper?

I'd prefer to have Andy King back

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 12:31:55
Get the ouiji board out!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 12:42:38
I'm guessing that Able will have taken some consultancy on board re new manager & recruitment.
Maybe from a former player or an agent or both.  :hmmm:

We've not gone down the managerial route of plucking somebody out of an obscure foreign league yet.
Maybe Venezuelan Stalin Rivas could be persuaded to cross the pond to lead the relentless march of the red army through the divisions.

Other than that, as a rookie option, our former nemesis Alex Revell has done a good job in making Stevenage competitive this season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 12:45:53
Someone that can string a coherent sentence together would be nice.  It stuns me just how thick many English Managers are (which is actually not a surprise given our player development model in this country).  When you hear people complain about foreign Managers holding all the top jobs, it becomes clear why when you hear Steve Bruce try and talk about the game.

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 13:00:37
Pains me to write this, but someone I know who has close links to Mark Cooper says that there is definitely something in yesterday's report linking him to return. Trying to find out more, but sounds like one of the prospective owners has sounded him out as their choice.
er, thanks for passing it on, I think.

don't particularly dislike him as such, but don't particularly want him back either. we go again

he did ok here, but had the likes of Luongo and Kassim (supurb for half a season)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 13:05:35
I would rather slide down the serrated edge of a rusty saw using my balls as brakes than Cooper returning, but thats just my painful opinion.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 13:09:56
I would rather slide down the serrated edge of a rusty saw using my balls as brakes than Cooper returning, but thats just my painful opinion.
Put you down as a maybe then PV?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 13:24:26
I would rather slide down the serrated edge of a rusty saw using my balls as brakes than Cooper returning, but thats just my painful opinion.

It’s rumoured that’s available for a price up in London 😉

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 13:34:40
I'd like someone that sees it as a project, if we can get decent ownership then someone that can see potential and is willing to stick around or see's that if they achieve lasting success then they enhance their reputation and have a chance of a big job.

A bit like what Wilder done with Sheff Utd stuck around and took them through the leagues eventually.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 13:59:36
Put you down as a maybe then PV?
Erring towards a no...
It’s rumoured that’s available for a price up in London 😉
And Manchester Road....I have heard ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 14:21:44
A return by Cooper would be a disappointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 14:25:05
I would rather slide down the serrated edge of a rusty saw using my balls as brakes than Cooper returning, but thats just my painful opinion.

I am with you there..  The only reason I would happily take Cooper is if the only other options were Sheridan, Hart or Malpas - other than that, if we are really going to try to have a fresh start, let's REALLY have a fresh start..  stop with this previous manager/players bullshit.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 15:33:03
Erring towards a no...And Manchester Road....I have heard ;)

Other places and establishments are available as is oft said on TV.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Ginginho on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 15:35:49
Agree about previous managers, however I would happily have Wellens back under new ownership/Clem.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 15:54:18
Would still look at someone like Challinor. Has been progressive and actually appears to take his time (we know it dissipates a bit as you go up the leagues) but has done well.

Great spell with Fylde and also now getting Hartlepool back into the EFL it would appear. Snap him up with a new regime for next season. I think he would have the tools and the "warchest" (not a term I like) to get Town back up at the first time of asking.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 18:09:50
Copper?! Reall?! I share JJ’s sentiments, if any prospective owner is really considering him I’d already be questioning their judgement. A bitter and odious individual, even when things were going ok here very few were able to bring themselves to sing his name!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 19:03:26
Nobody, lets just go by player committee and get some coaches in.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 23:08:01
Nobody, lets just go by player committee and get some coaches in.

I think the players would definitely get more motivation from a "Barnes" than they ever got from El Dino  ;D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 05:52:51
Gareth Barry

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Pookemon on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 11:36:10
Someone that can string a coherent sentence together would be nice.  It stuns me just how thick many English Managers are (which is actually not a surprise given our player development model in this country).  When you hear people complain about foreign Managers holding all the top jobs, it becomes clear why when you hear Steve Bruce try and talk about the game.

Them English managers - I'd like to know at which point in their training they unlearn the ability to say "those"

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 13:52:40
Agree about previous managers, however I would happily have Wellens back under new ownership/Clem.

I agree to some extent, Wellens would be the one I would make an exception for, but part of me agrees with moving on due to the way he left, where his family is located and the baggage that would be brought with him with a section of our fans.

If I could have Wellens managerial style and tactical strategy along with his capability of uniting a club /fanbase but it not being Wellens himself, then that would be the perfect scenario.  We need to talk to Dr Football Frankenstein to see what he can come up with :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 14:06:11
I agree to some extent, Wellens would be the one I would make an exception for, but part of me agrees with moving on due to the way he left, where his family is located and the baggage that would be brought with him with a section of our fans.

If I could have Wellens managerial style and tactical strategy along with his capability of uniting a club /fanbase but it not being Wellens himself, then that would be the perfect scenario.  We need to talk to Dr Football Frankenstein to see what he can come up with :D

as i keep saying with wellens, loved the guy- was fantastic for us both on and off the pitch UNTIL the end. lets say we get him back- if we do well we know he would jump ship as he wants to get to the top, if we stagnate or struggle we know he would jump ship as he's scared off tarnishing his CV.

The above scenario could work for any young manager however we openly know that he has form on the above and isn't afraid to say it on his way out. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 14:13:35
When you think about what a shit show this club is, is it any wonder Wellens took the first job he could?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 14:46:28
When you think about what a shit show this club is, is it any wonder Wellens took the first job he could?

I am not sure that really stacks up though, you would have to be some sort of numb nuts to keep banging on about loyalty if you were planning to leave due to the state of the club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 15:54:15
I agree to some extent, Wellens would be the one I would make an exception for, but part of me agrees with moving on due to the way he left, where his family is located and the baggage that would be brought with him with a section of our fans.

If I could have Wellens managerial style and tactical strategy along with his capability of uniting a club /fanbase but it not being Wellens himself, then that would be the perfect scenario.  We need to talk to Dr Football Frankenstein to see what he can come up with :D
At the time, yes, it did feel like a kick in the teeth. But events have shown he was right to leave. He knew which way the wind was blowing, knew about the ownership issue and that the shit was about to hit the fan big time. Power let him down just as he did everyone else. Give him a stable ownership and a half decent budget and he’ll get us up again.

Still don’t think he’d come back, though, so I’d go for the inexperienced young manager route.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 16:45:08
Would have Wellens back under new ownership at a heartbeat.
Unfortunately don’t think it will happen.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Hunk on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 17:03:16
I am not sure that really stacks up though, you would have to be some sort of numb nuts to keep banging on about loyalty if you were planning to leave due to the state of the club.

I can’t remember the precise words or the context, but perhaps he was referring to the loyalty others should show to him (ie the bigwigs), rather than his own to the club? Could maybe construe his words as merely clumsy rather than misleading in that light. Or I could be talking complete bollocks, either are possible

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JoeMezz on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 17:07:08
Would take anyone young and upcoming. Guess Wellens would fall into that category. Would love to see Peacock in around the coaching team, they played with enthusiasm yesterday... I’m sure he was vital towards that - especially with advice to Tyler Smith up top

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 17:13:30
Should always move forwards, never back. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Kinky Tom on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 17:16:04
David Moyes at West Ham proves otherwise...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RedRag on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 17:40:44
There was a point, November perhaps, where I held Sheridan, Power and Wellens jointly responsible for our incipient disastrous return to L1.

Shezza is still the past it, old man who seems to be having a breakdown.  I wish him no ill will.

All organisations can have staff whose continued presence is counterproductive and there was only one solution here.  I started to guess that Power would do nothing however and my guess was sadly confirmed by events.  Power, as we now know for certain, has shown contempt towards STFC and, it would seem everyone around him bar Shezza & Co.

I now understand Wellens.  His actions are now doubly understandable.  But he has burnt his bridges here and there can be no expectation that if he returned he could be relied upon.  Even with a new Chairman, imo.   He is the second unsuccessful STFC manager in less than 3 seasons to have left us who has gone on to be even less succesful where he thought the grass was greener.

No turning back for me.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 08:52:32
I think it depends who owns the club, if it is Clem I can see a young up and coming coach as you would hope will sell the vision of the club moving forward and his ambitions for the club in the future, and wanting to move together club, fans, players as one.

If it is Able then probably a journeyman manager as you assume  they don't know a lot about English football and will be looking for a quick fix and will probably keep Power as a 'football consultant' or put someone else in that role so will look at more experienced heads.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 08:56:49
If it's Clem then he may go full Australian and appoint Harry Kewell.

Sent from my XQ-AD51

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 09:09:02
Again, if it’s Clem I can see a ‘Luke Williams’ type, maybe already in an Academy - that is if he does what he said he wanted to do, bringing in young talent from Oz.

Never know, could be one for Lee Peacock!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 09:09:39
If it's Clem then he may go full Australian and appoint Harry Kewell.

Sent from my XQ-AD51
This has long been my concern, but according to those close to Clem this is not in his plans (currently).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 09:27:11
This has long been my concern, but according to those close to Clem this is not in his plans (currently).
Elaborating on that point PV, do you know what any of his plans are in that area? Or just that he won't necessarily be going down the Aus route early on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 09:36:35
Elaborating on that point PV, do you know what any of his plans are in that area? Or just that he won't necessarily be going down the Aus route early on.
I personally don't know, I have friends of his friends, I don't personally have contact with Clem, many on here do though and may be better suited to answer that question.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:06:07
David Moyes at West Ham proves otherwise...

And Lou Macari

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:11:48
Wellens made the right decision for him and his family, during a Pandemic, with more knowledge and visibilty than us of the further shit storm that was about to hit the club.  There isn't one person on here that wouldn't put their family over their job/club irrelevant of what he said or how what he said was perceived.

Anyway, bigger fish to fry at the moment - let's make sure we have a club to support and then worry about who will be at the healm then.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ronnie21 on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:18:18
Would have Wellens back under new ownership at a heartbeat.
Unfortunately don’t think it will happen.
heard he is going to Donny

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:21:49
And Lou Macari
Not sure a break of 5 days counts as a return :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:30:22
heard he is going to Donny
On paper sounds like a perfect job for Wellens, not too far from his home compared ro jobs in the South, an ex player, fairly well respected by their fans.

Their chairman has said they have interviewed a few managers with some recent success.

Logic suggests this to have a fairly high possibility.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:32:57
Not sure a break of 5 days counts as a return :)

It's moving back though in response to your point  ;) Never say never

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:48:25
Wellens made the right decision for him and his family, during a Pandemic, with more knowledge and visibilty than us of the further shit storm that was about to hit the club.  There isn't one person on here that wouldn't put their family over their job/club irrelevant of what he said or how what he said was perceived.

Anyway, bigger fish to fry at the moment - let's make sure we have a club to support and then worry about who will be at the healm then.

I agree with what you have said but will also add in the fact Wellens knew he’d built a poor squad that was going to struggle.

I wouldn’t want him back and my opinion on him is well known.
Doncaster seems like a logical choice for him / them. I’ll be genuinely interested to see how he gets on in job 4.

If we were going to get an ex manager back it would of course be Paolo Di Canio

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:15:05
I agree with what you have said but will also add in the fact Wellens knew he’d built a poor squad that was going to struggle.

If we were going to get an ex manager back it would of course be Paolo Di Canio

Tbf, his ability to build a squad was significantly hampered by the pandemic and the reluctance of the owner to spend any money - that's what I meant by Wellens having the visibility of the pending shit show that we didn't see.  He lost players that he wanted to re-sign, and was unable to attract the level of players that he wanted because of the above.  However, he couldn't just sit there and sulk, he had a short window to get players in in time for the start of the season and did the best with what he had avaialable I believe.  They weren't all shit, 2 of the Smith's looked decent signings - he screws up with the Gk, and was hampered financially in replacing Doyle and Yates, however every manager screws up with some signings.

As for Di Canio - loved his stye of football, but his managment style makes Sheridan look like he was a nursery school teacher.  He would also bankrupt the club with his expectations, and if they weren't met he just wouldn't rock up here - simple.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:22:26
Tbf, his ability to build a squad was significantly hampered by the pandemic and the reluctance of the owner to spend any money - that's what I meant by Wellens having the visibility of the pending shit show that we didn't see.  He lost players that he wanted to re-sign, and was unable to attract the level of players that he wanted because of the above.  However, he couldn't just sit there and sulk, he had a short window to get players in in time for the start of the season and did the best with what he had avaialable I believe.  They weren't all shit, 2 of the Smith's looked decent signings - he screws up with the Gk, and was hampered financially in replacing Doyle and Yates, however every manager screws up with some signings.

As for Di Canio - loved his stye of football, but his managment style makes Sheridan look like he was a nursery school teacher.  He would also bankrupt the club with his expectations, and if they weren't met he just wouldn't rock up here - simple.

No doubt it’s not as simple as ‘Wellens built a poor squad’ there are many intangibles as to why he built he built a poor squad but he did so.

Di Canio’s management style was to take no shit and get the very best out of the players who wanted it. He also won games - which is something a lot of our managers do well!!!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:24:29
As for Di Canio - loved his stye of football, but his managment style makes Sheridan look like he was a nursery school teacher.  He would also bankrupt the club with his expectations, and if they weren't met he just wouldn't rock up here - simple.
Definately this!

It was a great ride but he was like a bucking bronco at times throwing stuff off in every direction and he needs huge backing financially, something not many teams could cope with.

It was fun though at the time.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RedRag on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:36:36
No doubt it’s not as simple as ‘Wellens built a poor squad’ there are many intangibles as to why he built he built a poor squad but he did so..............
Kovar was unforgiveable.  I'd have rather played Curran in goal.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:42:16
Di Canio’s management style was to take no shit and get the very best out of the players who wanted it. He also won games - which is something a lot of our managers do well!!!

He also alienated pretty much an entire squad during his time here, similar to what Sheridan did.  I don't deny he was successful, but longterm that just isn't sustainable as his time here showed.  If being lucky was labelled at Wellens for his Championship winning season then Di Canio had a fair bit of luck also with the players he had at his disposal and was allowed to bring in constantly over his Championship season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:45:31
Kovar was unforgiveable.  I'd have rather played Curran in goal.

The season isn't over yet  ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Kinky Tom on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:48:45
Di Canio made many more mistakes in the transfer market than Wellens did but was lucky to have Black's deep pockets and Wray's desire to keep him happy.

People keep saying Wellens got lucky with Doyle & Yates scoring so many, Di Canio likewise got lucky with having to put McCormack in at emergency CB and stumbling on a foundation on which to build his/our success.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:51:47
Quote from: 4D
The season isn't over yet  ;)

I disagree ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 11:56:56
Well, I mean there are games left  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 13:09:09
Should always move forwards, never back. 

You talking about Pawns in chess again?  :hmmm:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 14:54:22
You talking about Pawns in chess again?  :hmmm:

Of all the men and women in the footballing world who might be willing/able to manage a soon to be div 4 club, why the slight obsession with those individuals who have previously managed STFC? 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 14:58:39
Be like dating an old girlfriend  :no:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 15:22:51
Of all the men and women in the footballing world who might be willing/able to manage a soon to be div 4 club, why the slight obsession with those individuals who have previously managed STFC? 

No harm in wanting someone that we like and know can be quite good. Obviously has a pleasing style of football and has an eye for a player.

I think Wellens will end up at Donny regardless (unless they've appointed a manager already and I missed it).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 17:25:27
No harm in wanting someone that we like and know can be quite good. Obviously has a pleasing style of football and has an eye for a player.

I think Wellens will end up at Donny regardless (unless they've appointed a manager already and I missed it).
I agree, and no they havent, they have an interim manager until the end of the season, Andy Butler.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 17:37:01
I agree, and no they havent, they have an interim manager until the end of the season, Andy Butler.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 18:18:29
If Power hasn't gone by the summer does that mean we're stuck with Wright😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 18:44:56
One swallow doesn't make a summer or two rights don't make a wrong, or something like that.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 19:11:41
If Power hasn't gone by the summer does that mean we're stuck with Wright😀

Hes out of contract

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, April 22, 2021, 19:15:46
Hes out of contract

I wonder what Power will do then maybe offer him another one

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Friday, April 23, 2021, 12:29:04
If Power hasn't gone by the summer does that mean we're stuck with Wright😀

He suggested in a recent interview he was going to see out his contract, I expect he will be gone.

Not sure when Mildenhall's contract is up though ?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, April 23, 2021, 13:04:27
He suggested in a recent interview he was going to see out his contract, I expect he will be gone.

Not sure when Mildenhall's contract is up though ?

Do backroom staff have these sort of fixed term contracts, I had always assumed it was just players and managers who were on those and staff were on rolling contracts like you and I?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: leftside on Friday, April 23, 2021, 16:05:03
In the spirit of the Pink Panther and Ozzy Osbourne, and the TEF 80%, I’m going to predict Ryan Lowe will be Town’s next manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Cheltred on Friday, April 23, 2021, 17:05:05
In the spirit of the Pink Panther and Ozzy Osbourne, and the TEF 80%, I’m going to predict Ryan Lowe will be Town’s next manager.
We could do a lot worse!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Friday, April 23, 2021, 17:08:56
Of all the men and women in the footballing world who might be willing/able to manage a soon to be div 4 club, why the slight obsession with those individuals who have previously managed STFC? 

To be fair, I don't think I have thought about Town double dipping. I've usually came up with relatively realistic suggestions (yes my friend Sam Ricketts probably is a realistic candidate), like Paul Challinor. In fact at this moment in time Challinor might be too good for the Town. As in, his aspirations might be higher than surviving L2 (Div 4) - I think he'd want yet another promotion on his belt, like he's been doing at pretty much every level albeit at N/L.

Although his next likely promotion is to come by successfully getting Hartlepool back in the EFL. They are playing some decent stuff under him too. If he isn't the sort of manager on Town's radar or even STFC on his radar (for his next management step) I'll be quite surprised.

I wouldn't want Cooper back or Wellens really but both for different reasons. Cooper would keep Town ticking in L2 but I don't think he would get them out. Even if he did, he would find himself in pretty much a similar position he originally started in and it would just stagnate. It needs fresh meat. Wellens - I think it's been touched on, the chalice in his own justified motivations for leaving are just a little too poisoned and many fans (can't speak for all) would just be waiting for the moment he says he's off. Basically he has a ready made get out excuse as it were.

When it comes to younger new managers, I suppose we can all theorise and say how they might do; even if never been in Town's postcode capacity before but until whatever board Town has, gives them a chance - so must we. Even if it appears at first to be Luke Warm 2.0

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Friday, April 23, 2021, 18:53:55
Can't see it being anyone other than Tommy Wright or a different internal appointment unless another name from Power/Jewell circle of trust emerges.

I am, in football terms, furious that they can't even give us a good spin on the managerial merry-go-round.

Back in the good ol' days we would have at least had rumours of consortiums with plans to bring in [BIG NAME] as manager.

A shame.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: fuzzy on Friday, April 23, 2021, 20:00:49
I thought I saw or heard somewhere that Wellens gave one of his reasons for having it on his toes away was the lack of ambition of the club.

Perhaps that was polite speak for Power is a cunt and the club is fucked so I'm leaving before we sink.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Friday, April 23, 2021, 20:28:17
Can't see it being anyone other than Tommy Wright or a different internal appointment unless another name from Power/Jewell circle of trust emerges.

I am, in football terms, furious that they can't even give us a good spin on the managerial merry-go-round.

Back in the good ol' days we would have at least had rumours of consortiums with plans to bring in [BIG NAME] as manager.

A shame.

Newell & Sheedy then

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Saturday, April 24, 2021, 06:31:19
Can't see it being anyone other than Tommy Wright or a different internal appointment unless another name from Power/Jewell circle of trust emerges.

I am, in football terms, furious that they can't even give us a good spin on the managerial merry-go-round.

Back in the good ol' days we would have at least had rumours of consortiums with plans to bring in [BIG NAME] as manager.

A shame.

Let’s hope in a few more weeks we can start the rebuild again.
Not much time and the silence as you can imagine right now is deafening. 3 games to play and not even a mention of season tickets for example.
It is a shame as you commented however I would expect a few are already lined up to be approached once we know the ownership issues are more transparent.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 15:25:16
Bit of a random one and probably almost certainly not what we would need in the circumstances, but what would people's thoughts on Kenny Jackett as next manager? I know things didn't quite work out at Pompey but you would think he's a more than capable manager to keep us afloat in Division 4 next season?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 15:30:04
Not for me. The club doesn’t need another ‘stale’, been around the block, manager. He smacks of Brown as an appointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 15:32:03
Jackett would be a fantastic appointment, but wishful thinking unless everything behind the scenes changes.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 15:39:02
Bit of a random one and probably almost certainly not what we would need in the circumstances, but what would people's thoughts on Kenny Jackett as next manager? I know things didn't quite work out at Pompey but you would think he's a more than capable manager to keep us afloat in Division 4 next season?

You would hope our ambition next season under new ownership (hopefully) will be to do more than survive, as long as everything is fine and the FL don't get involved and give us a points deduction then hopefully we can aim to get back into L1 at the first attempt.
We want a manager with ambition rather than just happy for survival or mid table.

Hopefully Jewell with leave as well with Wright & Power and have clear out from top to bottom.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 15:43:20
Not for me. The club doesn’t need another ‘stale’, been around the block, manager. He smacks of Brown as an appointment.

I had similar thoughts but figured that next season we are going to need an older head to steady the ship. Going straight into the route of an up and coming coach could be a disaster and someone like Jackett I think might be the perfect fit. Of course given the current plight of the club we are more likely to get Andy Capp but just thought I'd put his name forward anyway as it's pretty quiet around the place currently.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 16:33:24
On that theme, I notice Daniel Johnson at Leyton Orient will be a free at the end of the season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 16:42:12
I had similar thoughts but figured that next season we are going to need an older head to steady the ship. Going straight into the route of an up and coming coach could be a disaster and someone like Jackett I think might be the perfect fit. Of course given the current plight of the club we are more likely to get Andy Capp but just thought I'd put his name forward anyway as it's pretty quiet around the place currently.

I think Jackett could do a great job at L2 level but personally I would still like someone like Paul Challinor (although I can see the dangers you fear too).

In all fairness, I reckon the former latrine squire, M.T Lou Roll would do a better job than El Dino ever could.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:17:14
I suspect that Able are unlikely to bring in a 'well known' lower league manager.

Title: Re: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:18:08
I suspect that Able are unlikely to bring in a 'well known' lower league manager.
What type of manger do you think they'll bring in then, and why?

Title: Re: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:22:16
What type of manger do you think they'll bring in then, and why?

Cheap, unknown, maybe from the USL.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:23:29
I see.

Well, I guess based in everything we know about them you could be right

They're American. Probably

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:23:40
Ted Lasso

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:25:18
I see.

Well, I guess based in everything we know about them you could be right

They're American. Probably
We know fuck all about them do impossible to second guess what their intentions would be.

Still, some love putting forward the worst possible scenario.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:26:45
I see.

Well, I guess based in everything we know about them you could be right

They're American. Probably

Of course, they may surprise everyone and bring in Scolari. As we know nothing, I will err on the side of caution.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:28:46
Similarly, who knows who CM and any associated third parties might bring in. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:42:40
No point getting a manager because unless they pay the EFL loan back for the wages last month we are under a transfer embargo i believe

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 17:48:01
Bit of a random one and probably almost certainly not what we would need in the circumstances, but what would people's thoughts on Kenny Jackett as next manager? I know things didn't quite work out at Pompey but you would think he's a more than capable manager to keep us afloat in Division 4 next season?

Generally takes the teams he manages up or keeps them in the top 6/7. We could do worse

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 18:14:49
I would happily take Jackett although I still think I would prefer an untried and untested younger manager with plenty of top 2 division appearances and an ex international (although I doubt we would be appealing to them), in the mould of those that have worked so well for us in the past, such as Macari, McMahon, Ardiles, Hoddle, PdC (yes I know he never played at International level) and to a certain extent Wise who has managed for 2 season previously with 'Wall.

As long as we don't go for the jobbing, lower league, achieved nothing style manager like Sheridan, Curle, Brown, Flitcroft, Holloway, Cooper etc.

But lets make sure we still have a club to support first and foremost.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 21:01:41
Cheap, unknown, maybe from the USL.

The nearest USL team to their location are Hartford Athletic:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 21:59:14
The nearest USL team to their location are Hartford Athletic:

I see that Radhi Jaïdi was his predecessor and he has now gone on to manage in Belgium.  He would have fitted the ex PL and international footballer type of appointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 22:54:03
Alexis Lalas is hanging up his guitar and quitting The Gypsies to become new manager of recently turned franchise club, STFC Wizards. It was first thought he wouldn't be Able to agree to a 17yr contract (regardless of performance) but then Able stepped in.

It is believed he will manage the club purely from his home state of Michigan, so he can continue his Fox Sports commentary duties. All his work will be conducted via an open channelled "Teams" room, so expect to see plenty of penis postings during live streamed tactical team talks and other pressing daily football management matters.

Lee Power will retain a non-executive role that will see him move permanently to Michigan. It's not yet been confirmed what the former Lausanne resident will do but in documents leaked to Rob Hartley, it openly stated "LP: Chief Beard Massager to Mr Lalas - Salary £33.26 pa". It's also believed he will take 6 security guards, 2 sets of personal number plates and 18 sections of Heras fencing with him.

So there you have it, close the thread. Got to be better than Sam Ricketts hasn't it?


My gosh would you look at the hour?! Posting at such a time. I must ensure I'm home and tucked up before midnight, otherwise I might never go to the TEF ball  ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 06:48:32
Jackett, no thanks.

Probably one of the better of the managerial merry go round names but I still think it’s somewhere we should avoid.

We need someone with hunger - where if it doesn’t work here they haven’t got a promotion from 9 years ago to fall back on forever...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 06:50:42
Not sure about Jackett. Hasn't had to work on a small budget in a while.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 07:31:52
Unless we get a serious playing budget for next season anyone who is a ‘name’ or considered a rising star with some experience will avoid us like the plague. I doubt Sheradactyl would come back (please god no), let alone as suggested someone like Jacket.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 07:48:42
Somebody like Jackett would be ideal next season as we look to retain our status as an efl club. Would he come here - no chance; the club is a complete basket case on and off the pitch.

Whoever comes in will have a monumental job to do - irrespective of owner be that Power, Able or Axis.  Hopefully the latter 2 are working on plans for next season should they assume control. The former sure as hell won't be.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 08:31:49
Kenny Jackett was the first Panini sticker I ever had, even at that young age I thought it was hilarious his name was Jackett!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 08:48:32
In the 53 years I have supported STFC there have been 40 managers - that includes a few ‘couple of gamers’.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:14:40
In the 53 years I have supported STFC there have been 40 managers - that includes a few ‘couple of gamers’.

Are you sure, according to Wiki 40 managers would only take you back to Ken Beamish 1983-84. Including caretakers we have had 30+ since 2000!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:20:29
In the 53 years I have supported STFC there have been 40 managers - that includes a few ‘couple of gamers’.
My first game was in 1974 and we have had 29 full time managers and 14 caretakers in that time.

In the preceeding 73 years we had 10 managers.

Since the year 2000 we have had 19 full time managers and 11 caretakers. Under Power since April 2013 we have had 8 full time managers, thats 1 a year on average. Stability? Quality is often built on stability.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:24:03
I used this list. Adds up to 40. Whether the list is correct is another matter.

Manager   Start Date - End Date   Record
Tommy Wright   19 Apr 2021 - Present   Won: 2, Drawn: 0, Lost: 2
John Sheridan   13 Nov 2020 - 18 Apr 2021   Won: 8, Drawn: 4, Lost: 21
Noel Hunt   04 Nov 2020 - 13 Nov 2020   Won: 1, Drawn: 0, Lost: 2
Richie Wellens   13 Nov 2018 - 04 Nov 2020   Won: 35, Drawn: 17, Lost: 31
Phil Brown   12 Mar 2018 - 11 Nov 2018   Won: 10, Drawn: 11, Lost: 11
David Flitcroft   05 Jun 2017 - 01 Mar 2018   Won: 21, Drawn: 3, Lost: 18
Luke Williams   30 Dec 2015 - 05 May 2017   Won: 20, Drawn: 22, Lost: 33
Martin Ling   03 Nov 2015 - 29 Dec 2015   Won: 5, Drawn: 0, Lost: 4
Lee Power   18 Oct 2015 - 03 Nov 2015   Won: 0, Drawn: 1, Lost: 2
Mark Cooper   24 Jul 2013 - 17 Oct 2015   Won: 52, Drawn: 28, Lost: 45
Kevin MacDonald   01 Mar 2013 - 12 Jul 2013   Won: 4, Drawn: 5, Lost: 5
Fabrizio Piccareta   19 Feb 2013 - 01 Mar 2013   Won: 1, Drawn: 1, Lost: 1
Paolo Di Canio   20 May 2011 - 18 Feb 2013   Won: 54, Drawn: 18, Lost: 23
Paul Hart   03 Mar 2011 - 28 Apr 2011   Won: 1, Drawn: 4, Lost: 6
Danny Wilson   26 Dec 2008 - 02 Mar 2011   Won: 44, Drawn: 40, Lost: 37
David Byrne   14 Nov 2008 - 26 Dec 2008   Won: 1, Drawn: 4, Lost: 3
Maurice Malpas   15 Jan 2008 - 14 Nov 2008   Won: 13, Drawn: 11, Lost: 18
David Byrne   27 Nov 2007 - 15 Jan 2008   Won: 3, Drawn: 4, Lost: 3
Paul Sturrock   07 Nov 2006 - 27 Nov 2007   Won: 26, Drawn: 11, Lost: 15
Adrian Williams   24 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006   Won: 0, Drawn: 0, Lost: 2
Dennis Wise   22 May 2006 - 24 Oct 2006   Won: 9, Drawn: 5, Lost: 3
Iffy Onuora   26 Sep 2005 - 22 May 2006   Won: 10, Drawn: 15, Lost: 15
Andy King   20 Dec 2001 - 26 Sep 2005   Won: 71, Drawn: 48, Lost: 75
Roy Evans   03 Aug 2001 - 20 Dec 2001   Won: 10, Drawn: 6, Lost: 10
Andy King   01 Nov 2000 - 31 Jul 2001   Won: 12, Drawn: 11, Lost: 14
Colin Todd   04 May 2000 - 01 Nov 2000   Won: 5, Drawn: 6, Lost: 9
Jimmy Quinn   02 Oct 1998 - 02 May 2000   Won: 19, Drawn: 21, Lost: 45
Steve McMahon   28 Nov 1994 - 23 Sep 1998   Won: 74, Drawn: 48, Lost: 79
John Gorman   04 Jun 1993 - 21 Nov 1994   Won: 14, Drawn: 20, Lost: 34
Glenn Hoddle   04 Apr 1991 - 04 Jun 1993   Won: 49, Drawn: 32, Lost: 34
Ossie Ardiles   19 Jul 1989 - 31 Mar 1991   Won: 38, Drawn: 33, Lost: 31
Lou Macari   23 Jul 1984 - 03 Jul 1989   Won: 132, Drawn: 63, Lost: 75
Ken Beamish   01 Mar 1983 - 30 Jun 1984   Won: 24, Drawn: 17, Lost: 28
John Trollope   01 Nov 1980 - 01 Mar 1983   Won: 45, Drawn: 36, Lost: 44
Bobby Smith   17 May 1978 - 31 Oct 1980   Won: 62, Drawn: 26, Lost: 46
Danny Williams   06 Mar 1974 - 01 May 1978   Won: 87, Drawn: 61, Lost: 78
Les Allen   10 Nov 1972 - 28 Feb 1974   Won: 13, Drawn: 20, Lost: 31
Dave Mackay   31 May 1971 - 01 Nov 1972   Won: 18, Drawn: 18, Lost: 25
Fred Ford   01 Oct 1969 - 31 May 1971   Won: 35, Drawn: 23, Lost: 25
Danny Williams   01 Aug 1965 - 01 Jul 1969   Won: 104, Drawn: 58, Lost: 60

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:27:34
I used this list. Adds up to 40. Whether the list is correct is another matter.

Manager   Start Date - End Date   Record
Tommy Wright   19 Apr 2021 - Present   Won: 2, Drawn: 0, Lost: 2
John Sheridan   13 Nov 2020 - 18 Apr 2021   Won: 8, Drawn: 4, Lost: 21
Noel Hunt   04 Nov 2020 - 13 Nov 2020   Won: 1, Drawn: 0, Lost: 2
Richie Wellens   13 Nov 2018 - 04 Nov 2020   Won: 35, Drawn: 17, Lost: 31
Phil Brown   12 Mar 2018 - 11 Nov 2018   Won: 10, Drawn: 11, Lost: 11
David Flitcroft   05 Jun 2017 - 01 Mar 2018   Won: 21, Drawn: 3, Lost: 18
Luke Williams   30 Dec 2015 - 05 May 2017   Won: 20, Drawn: 22, Lost: 33
Martin Ling   03 Nov 2015 - 29 Dec 2015   Won: 5, Drawn: 0, Lost: 4
Lee Power   18 Oct 2015 - 03 Nov 2015   Won: 0, Drawn: 1, Lost: 2
Mark Cooper   24 Jul 2013 - 17 Oct 2015   Won: 52, Drawn: 28, Lost: 45
Kevin MacDonald   01 Mar 2013 - 12 Jul 2013   Won: 4, Drawn: 5, Lost: 5
Fabrizio Piccareta   19 Feb 2013 - 01 Mar 2013   Won: 1, Drawn: 1, Lost: 1
Paolo Di Canio   20 May 2011 - 18 Feb 2013   Won: 54, Drawn: 18, Lost: 23
Paul Hart   03 Mar 2011 - 28 Apr 2011   Won: 1, Drawn: 4, Lost: 6
Danny Wilson   26 Dec 2008 - 02 Mar 2011   Won: 44, Drawn: 40, Lost: 37
David Byrne   14 Nov 2008 - 26 Dec 2008   Won: 1, Drawn: 4, Lost: 3
Maurice Malpas   15 Jan 2008 - 14 Nov 2008   Won: 13, Drawn: 11, Lost: 18
David Byrne   27 Nov 2007 - 15 Jan 2008   Won: 3, Drawn: 4, Lost: 3
Paul Sturrock   07 Nov 2006 - 27 Nov 2007   Won: 26, Drawn: 11, Lost: 15
Adrian Williams   24 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006   Won: 0, Drawn: 0, Lost: 2
Dennis Wise   22 May 2006 - 24 Oct 2006   Won: 9, Drawn: 5, Lost: 3
Iffy Onuora   26 Sep 2005 - 22 May 2006   Won: 10, Drawn: 15, Lost: 15
Andy King   20 Dec 2001 - 26 Sep 2005   Won: 71, Drawn: 48, Lost: 75
Roy Evans   03 Aug 2001 - 20 Dec 2001   Won: 10, Drawn: 6, Lost: 10
Andy King   01 Nov 2000 - 31 Jul 2001   Won: 12, Drawn: 11, Lost: 14
Colin Todd   04 May 2000 - 01 Nov 2000   Won: 5, Drawn: 6, Lost: 9
Jimmy Quinn   02 Oct 1998 - 02 May 2000   Won: 19, Drawn: 21, Lost: 45
Steve McMahon   28 Nov 1994 - 23 Sep 1998   Won: 74, Drawn: 48, Lost: 79
John Gorman   04 Jun 1993 - 21 Nov 1994   Won: 14, Drawn: 20, Lost: 34
Glenn Hoddle   04 Apr 1991 - 04 Jun 1993   Won: 49, Drawn: 32, Lost: 34
Ossie Ardiles   19 Jul 1989 - 31 Mar 1991   Won: 38, Drawn: 33, Lost: 31
Lou Macari   23 Jul 1984 - 03 Jul 1989   Won: 132, Drawn: 63, Lost: 75
Ken Beamish   01 Mar 1983 - 30 Jun 1984   Won: 24, Drawn: 17, Lost: 28
John Trollope   01 Nov 1980 - 01 Mar 1983   Won: 45, Drawn: 36, Lost: 44
Bobby Smith   17 May 1978 - 31 Oct 1980   Won: 62, Drawn: 26, Lost: 46
Danny Williams   06 Mar 1974 - 01 May 1978   Won: 87, Drawn: 61, Lost: 78
Les Allen   10 Nov 1972 - 28 Feb 1974   Won: 13, Drawn: 20, Lost: 31
Dave Mackay   31 May 1971 - 01 Nov 1972   Won: 18, Drawn: 18, Lost: 25
Fred Ford   01 Oct 1969 - 31 May 1971   Won: 35, Drawn: 23, Lost: 25
Danny Williams   01 Aug 1965 - 01 Jul 1969   Won: 104, Drawn: 58, Lost: 60

Wiki has it at 47 (again no idea if its true), the turn over since 2000 is mind blowing!

•    Danny Williams 1965–1969
•    Fred Ford 1969–1971
•    Dave Mackay 1971–1972 (player-manager)
•    Les Allen 1972–1974
•    Danny Williams 1974–1978
•    Bobby Smith 1978–1980
•    John Trollope 1980–1983
•    Ken Beamish 1983–1984
•    Lou Macari 1984–1989 (player-manager)
•    Osvaldo Ardiles 1989–1991 (player-manager)
•    Tony Galvin 1991 (caretaker)
•    Glenn Hoddle 1991–1993 (player-manager)
•    John Gorman 1993–1994
•    Andy Rowland 1994 (caretaker)
•    Steve McMahon 1994–1998 (player-manager)
•    Mike Walsh 1998 (caretaker)
•    Jimmy Quinn 1998–2000 (player-manager)
•    Colin Todd 2000
•    Andy King 2000–2001
•    Roy Evans 2001
•    Andy King 2001–2005
•    Iffy Onuora 2005–2006
•    Dennis Wise 2006
•    David Tuttle 2006 (caretaker)
•    Ady Williams 2006 (caretaker)
•    Paul Sturrock 2006–2007
•    David Byrne 2007–2008 (caretaker)
•    Maurice Malpas 2008
•    David Byrne 2008 (caretaker)
•    Danny Wilson 2008–2011
•    Paul Hart 2011
•    Paul Bodin 2011 (caretaker)
•    Paolo Di Canio 2011–2013
•    Fabrizio Piccareta 2013 (caretaker)
•    Tommy Miller & Darren Ward 2013 (joint player-caretakers)
•    Kevin MacDonald 2013
•    Mark Cooper 2013–2015
•    Lee Power 2015 (caretaker)
•    Martin Ling 2015
•    Luke Williams 2015–2017
•    David Flitcroft 2017–2018
•    Matt Taylor 2018 (player-caretaker)
•    Phil Brown 2018
•    Richie Wellens 2018–2020
•    Noel Hunt 2020 (caretaker)
•    John Sheridan 2020–2021
•    Tommy Wright 2021 (caretaker)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:29:33
At a quick glance I can see your list has David Tuttle (?) and mine does not.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:30:04
Don't remember David Tuttle at all!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:31:39
Just Wiki’d him. Was youth team manager, caretaker manager for 24 hours! He can’t count if he never actually managed a single game! Still more successful than Sheridactyl, though!

Again, Tony Galvin is only down as being Ossie’s assistant before following him to Newcastle. No mention of even being caretaker.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:42:42
It is staggering the change at STFC. Is it any wonder we are stuck in the depths of Div 4 all the time? Stability off and on the pitch is going to be the key to try and move us forwards. We need the court case and ownership sorted and then surely to goodness we can put something a bit more concrete in the managers dugout?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:43:44
Should have put something concrete on Power’s feet, followed by a stroll by the Kennet and Avon.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 09:49:52
It is staggering the change at STFC. Is it any wonder we are stuck in the depths of Div 4 all the time? Stability off and on the pitch is going to be the key to try and move us forwards. We need the court case and ownership sorted and then surely to goodness we can put something a bit more concrete in the managers dugout?

Cannot be arsed to look, but I suspect you would see similar figures are turnover at the majority of Lg3 & 4 clubs.
Should have put something concrete on Power’s feet, followed by a stroll by the Kennet and Avon.

Wouldn't achieve much, its a common misconception how deep canals are, when I worked at BW the advice given was if you ever fall in a canal the best way to save yourself is just stand up as they tend to only be a few feet deep (unless its a lock obviously!) 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 10:37:20
Cannot be arsed to look, but I suspect you would see similar figures are turnover at the majority of Lg3 & 4 clubs.

same, but you are probably right.

The 3 clubs that immediately spring to mind that I would say are punching above their weight and have a bit of stability are Wycombe, Accrington and Crewe. In recent years they have tended to stick to their managers and have reaped the rewards. Of course this isn't always the case but under Wellens we were beginning to go in the right direction. Sadly the rug was pulled from that particular journey.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 10:49:21
I would also add Cheltenham to that list

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 11:08:37
Wouldn't achieve much, its a common misconception how deep canals are, when I worked at BW the advice given was if you ever fall in a canal the best way to save yourself is just stand up as they tend to only be a few feet deep (unless its a lock obviously!) 
Anyone else slightly concerned that horlock has apparently researched favoured gangland execution methods? *makes note to be much more polite to horlock in future*

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 11:30:04
Anyone else slightly concerned that horlock has apparently researched favoured gangland execution methods? *makes note to be much more polite to horlock in future*

Should we be concerned?

Or should we be grateful we have access to somebody with such knowledge?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 11:37:44
Horlock aka "Pliers" or Horlock the Hammer  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 11:43:55
I could also tell you a very good way of entirely disposing of a body....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 11:55:18
Got a pig?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Ginginho on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 12:04:10
I got a pygmy pig today. He's cool as fuck.

Horlock and Flashheart "Waste Management" Services


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 12:17:24
It is staggering the change at STFC. Is it any wonder we are stuck in the depths of Div 4 all the time? Stability off and on the pitch is going to be the key to try and move us forwards...

I think the trouble is probably post Macari, the club was generally on the rise and those that followed did a good job (Ozzie and Hoddle) and then McMahon were keeping Town in the now top two divisions. Even if they hit the peak/peaked too soon?!

I believe many of us know if Town hadn't been made an example of (amongst several others) in such a destructive way, who knows but Town would likely have gone on to have been one of the founding members of the Premier League but 1990 syndrome hit and Sunderland were the beneficiaries. Who really knows how that could have dictated the clubs long term future.

Following all that, Town obviously did get to the top flight but those PL wheels were already in motion and what was a difficult task then is only much more difficult today.

Town have had a lot of false dawns, even if say Danny Wilson got Town up I don't think there was enough to stay there. I think there were some good off-field stability with the Fitton set up and Black & Arbyb funding it all. A regime similar to that could easily bring stability again. I think they thought they struck gold with the appointment of PdC and it all seemed like Town could go all the way. If most of us are honest, we all got drawn into it and it was bloody exciting. Call it lust rather than true love because when we reflect, we all know it could never last. A double promotion was definitely and highly likely on the cards but the excitement (or lust) of getting to the Championship, appeared to cloud the sensible and steady vision that both Wray & Fitton had previously executed. Ultimately that overexcitement led to overspending at the hands of a somewhat scattergun manager (a good one but that's where the stability now began to falter). The on pitch erraticness now impacted the once stabilised off-field actions at board level and Wray for all his good parts had become a lovestruck teenager to PdC's demands. They should have wrote a musical about it. I still think they were the best board Town have had since though.

Incredibly since then, Mark Cooper has been the longest serving Town manager at 2yrs 3months (Wilson was 2ys 2months I believe) but it is seldom now that a manager lasts or stays beyond a 2yr mark, whether for poor performance or for being a bit too good. For Town, Andy King (Part II) has been the longest serving for a quite some time nearly racking up 4yrs and certainly crosses it if we include his shorter initial stint (Part I).

Possibly this 2yr "barrier" is the indignance of how football management (but football as whole too) is perceived now. Every single club wanting to be top dog but failing to realise that there can only be one top team in each division. Which is why we now see a lot of movement within football today, nearly everyone chasing where they think they should be (another step up) and there's nothing wrong with ambition of course but not everyone can be winners all the time. We as fans also do this to some degree too; it's natural for most to want their club to do well.

To come to a head, maybe it isn't really a strive for stability (in some parts) that hold Town and so many other clubs back, maybe it's more to do with the fast pace and ever changing landscape of football. Those down the chain are playing it like "10 bob millionaires" or "keeping up with the Joneses", in order to maintain that facade; forever playing catch up as that divide staggeringly widens year upon godforsaken year. Then the mask drops and it all comes unravelling to show itself for what it really is. Beneath that mask in so much as Erik the "Phantom" was so afraid to show, often in football and as Town seem yet to find out again, it looks very very ugly.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 12:50:48
Horlock and Flashheart "Waste Management" Services


Just give me a shout if you need a 'job' done ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 13:28:42
I could also tell you a very good way of entirely disposing of a body....
I am guessing it involves a shovel and some quicklime, or does it involve huge amounts of acid? Walter.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: CMT82 on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 15:24:30
I used this list. Adds up to 40. Whether the list is correct is another matter.

Manager   Start Date - End Date   Record
Tommy Wright   19 Apr 2021 - Present   Won: 2, Drawn: 0, Lost: 2
John Sheridan   13 Nov 2020 - 18 Apr 2021   Won: 8, Drawn: 4, Lost: 21
Noel Hunt   04 Nov 2020 - 13 Nov 2020   Won: 1, Drawn: 0, Lost: 2
Richie Wellens   13 Nov 2018 - 04 Nov 2020   Won: 35, Drawn: 17, Lost: 31
Phil Brown   12 Mar 2018 - 11 Nov 2018   Won: 10, Drawn: 11, Lost: 11
David Flitcroft   05 Jun 2017 - 01 Mar 2018   Won: 21, Drawn: 3, Lost: 18
Luke Williams   30 Dec 2015 - 05 May 2017   Won: 20, Drawn: 22, Lost: 33
Martin Ling   03 Nov 2015 - 29 Dec 2015   Won: 5, Drawn: 0, Lost: 4
Lee Power   18 Oct 2015 - 03 Nov 2015   Won: 0, Drawn: 1, Lost: 2
Mark Cooper   24 Jul 2013 - 17 Oct 2015   Won: 52, Drawn: 28, Lost: 45
Kevin MacDonald   01 Mar 2013 - 12 Jul 2013   Won: 4, Drawn: 5, Lost: 5
Fabrizio Piccareta   19 Feb 2013 - 01 Mar 2013   Won: 1, Drawn: 1, Lost: 1
Paolo Di Canio   20 May 2011 - 18 Feb 2013   Won: 54, Drawn: 18, Lost: 23
Paul Hart   03 Mar 2011 - 28 Apr 2011   Won: 1, Drawn: 4, Lost: 6
Danny Wilson   26 Dec 2008 - 02 Mar 2011   Won: 44, Drawn: 40, Lost: 37
David Byrne   14 Nov 2008 - 26 Dec 2008   Won: 1, Drawn: 4, Lost: 3
Maurice Malpas   15 Jan 2008 - 14 Nov 2008   Won: 13, Drawn: 11, Lost: 18
David Byrne   27 Nov 2007 - 15 Jan 2008   Won: 3, Drawn: 4, Lost: 3
Paul Sturrock   07 Nov 2006 - 27 Nov 2007   Won: 26, Drawn: 11, Lost: 15
Adrian Williams   24 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006   Won: 0, Drawn: 0, Lost: 2
Dennis Wise   22 May 2006 - 24 Oct 2006   Won: 9, Drawn: 5, Lost: 3
Iffy Onuora   26 Sep 2005 - 22 May 2006   Won: 10, Drawn: 15, Lost: 15
Andy King   20 Dec 2001 - 26 Sep 2005   Won: 71, Drawn: 48, Lost: 75
Roy Evans   03 Aug 2001 - 20 Dec 2001   Won: 10, Drawn: 6, Lost: 10
Andy King   01 Nov 2000 - 31 Jul 2001   Won: 12, Drawn: 11, Lost: 14
Colin Todd   04 May 2000 - 01 Nov 2000   Won: 5, Drawn: 6, Lost: 9
Jimmy Quinn   02 Oct 1998 - 02 May 2000   Won: 19, Drawn: 21, Lost: 45
Steve McMahon   28 Nov 1994 - 23 Sep 1998   Won: 74, Drawn: 48, Lost: 79
John Gorman   04 Jun 1993 - 21 Nov 1994   Won: 14, Drawn: 20, Lost: 34
Glenn Hoddle   04 Apr 1991 - 04 Jun 1993   Won: 49, Drawn: 32, Lost: 34
Ossie Ardiles   19 Jul 1989 - 31 Mar 1991   Won: 38, Drawn: 33, Lost: 31
Lou Macari   23 Jul 1984 - 03 Jul 1989   Won: 132, Drawn: 63, Lost: 75
Ken Beamish   01 Mar 1983 - 30 Jun 1984   Won: 24, Drawn: 17, Lost: 28
John Trollope   01 Nov 1980 - 01 Mar 1983   Won: 45, Drawn: 36, Lost: 44
Bobby Smith   17 May 1978 - 31 Oct 1980   Won: 62, Drawn: 26, Lost: 46
Danny Williams   06 Mar 1974 - 01 May 1978   Won: 87, Drawn: 61, Lost: 78
Les Allen   10 Nov 1972 - 28 Feb 1974   Won: 13, Drawn: 20, Lost: 31
Dave Mackay   31 May 1971 - 01 Nov 1972   Won: 18, Drawn: 18, Lost: 25
Fred Ford   01 Oct 1969 - 31 May 1971   Won: 35, Drawn: 23, Lost: 25
Danny Williams   01 Aug 1965 - 01 Jul 1969   Won: 104, Drawn: 58, Lost: 60

12 different managers during my 11 years working for the club certainly fits with the kind of consistency you'd expect from STFC!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 15:47:52
31 managers in my 32 years  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Moss on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 17:07:10
Can't believe we have had 10/11 managers since Di Canio -  that is mad. :(

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Super Hans on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 17:23:11
I started going in the Andy King era around 2003. 23 managers in 18 years.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, April 29, 2021, 18:17:18
It’s a lot of managers, but how many of those who were sacked would you have kept?? Not sure it’s that significant a sign of a failed approach to football, although admittedly a few of the resignations may have  been avoided were things better behind the scenes

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 01:15:13
A mate was at The County Ground Hotel today and managed to have a brief chat with Richie Wellens who was at the ground for the charity match. Apparently Wellens said that it was not 100% his choice to leave and Power was swayed by the compensation package. Also he’d happily return as manager under a new owner(s).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Processed Beats on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 09:58:19
Nixon just mentioned Steve Evans. God, no.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 10:00:19
Why would he come here when he's just hot Gillingham close to the play offs

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 10:02:35
Power and Evans are mates. Probably just doing the same stunt as in 2017, publicly targeting Evans as next manager so Evans can get a bargaining chip at his current employer for more funds.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 10:05:51
Wasn't there something about Evans and fraud at Boston?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 10:11:10
Evans is a complete and utter tosser

But a decent manager

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 10:19:32
From the Gills forum. May explain why.

‘The latest from Steve is a polite yet unmistakeable challenge to the chairman to make sure the necessary funds are available for a serious assault on the championship. We will see how much the chairman really wants it. If he doesn’t, Evans will go and we will have lost our opportunity.’

Bargaining chip.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 10:24:18
Interestingly - or not - Danny Wilson leads the betting, just ahead of Wellens, for the Donny job.

He hasn’t managed since being sacked by Chesterfield in 2017. Strange.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 14:21:38
Wasn't there something about Evans and fraud at Boston?
Yes he was convicted of tax fraud, conspiring with the chairman to defraud the taxman so they could pay the players more and cheat their way to promotion

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Saxondale on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 14:23:20
Would fit right in.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: That Nestor Lorenzo Heade on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 18:44:56
I never understand why names like Steve Evans get banded around for next Swindon manager, and it shows just how far our expectations and standards have slipped.

Our greatest successes have come with young managers, often those in their first or second job in management - Macari, Ardiles, Hoddle, McMahon, Wise, Di Canio etc.  Even Wellens.  It's in our DNA.  And equally we've consistently failed with old has-been managers, of which there are too many to list.

Sure, things are shit at the moment but the moment we settle for second, third or fourth best we are doomed to even more years of mediocrity.  When the ownership is sorted we should demand and expect a really good new manager, and not forget how we achieved success in the past.  

STFC is, and always will be, a great club - and our managers should reflect this.  25 years ago we would have been (rightly) annoyed that Steve Gerrard went to Rangers and not Swindon.  When the new ownership is sorted we need to get back to this, and not endlessly employ shit old managers because history tells you they will fail.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 18:47:04
Football has moved on.  STFC's place in the footballing world is not what it was in the early 1990s.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:19:25
*Applies TAWP vocal in the style of that "Matt Damon" line*


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:21:22
I see Joe Cole has just finished doing his badges...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:23:57
I see Joe Cole has just finished doing his badges...

Exactly the type I'd love to see us go for.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:25:46
We just need a new owner now with the same vision

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: FreddySTFC! on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:27:34
Darren Ward threw his hat into the ring on Twitter about a week back.

It may well have been tongue in cheek but he's actually somebody I'd be really happy with if it turned out to be a genuine application.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:30:11
James Milner player manager.  Satisfies those with a penchant for those formerly on STFC's books

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:30:56
Next season is going to be tough with the likes of Bradford, Exeter, Gas, Newport etc so whoever we get needs to hit the ground running

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:32:20
Darren Ward threw his hat into the ring on Twitter about a week back.

Another one I'd be happy with

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:32:45
James Milner player manager.  Satisfies those with a penchant for those formerly on STFC's books

Good shout and have Tim Flowers as his goal keeping coach!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:48:28
I reckon Yinka "Entourage" Casal could do a better job than the outgoing El Dino.

At least he'd his ready made bunch of heavies hanger onners.

Ticks all the boxes too. Not as good as SR though  :hmmm:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:48:39
Recently retired ex pro’s with no baggage is the route we’ve obtained the majority of our success from. On the flip side with the odd exception (Wilson and to an extent Sturrock) the experienced managers we’ve brought in have been pretty abject failures so I know where I’d be looking.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 19:50:05
I reckon Yinka "Entourage" Casal could do a better job than the outgoing El Dino.

At least he'd his ready made bunch of heavies hanger onners.

Ticks all the boxes too. Not as good as SR though  :hmmm:

Do you ever speak to your friend Mr Ricketts

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 20:10:42
Recently retired ex pro’s with no baggage is the route we’ve obtained the majority of our success from. On the flip side with the odd exception (Wilson and to an extent Sturrock) the experienced managers we’ve brought in have been pretty abject failures so I know where I’d be looking.

That's why my actual serious pick would be Dave Challinor. Alright he hasn't "recently retired" (about 10 years ago?) but he had to retire from playing earlier. I'd take a punt on him.

In terms of rising through the leagues, not in style of play but Challinor could have the "Cowley impact"; as in the Lincoln Bros.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 20:13:22
That's why my actual serious pick would be Dave Challinor. Alright he hasn't "recently retired" (about 10 years ago?) but he had to retire from playing earlier. I'd take a punt on him.

In terms of rising through the leagues, not in style of play but Challinor could have the "Cowley impact"; as in the Lincoln Bros.
Wasn't he one of the first guys to bring the 'long throw in ' into the game ?.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 21:01:02
Quote from: DV Canio
I see Joe Cole has just finished doing his badges...

The thickest guy in football. No ta.

Not saying you need to be a PhD to be a football manager mind

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 21:05:03
Quote from: JBZ
James Milner player manager.  Satisfies those with a penchant for those formerly on STFC's books

I know you probably aren't serious, but someone like that would be a brilliant gamble.

I do wonder if the days of big name players going to small clubs to cut their teeth are over though.

nice to have these dreams mind, need to get from this perfect shit storm to a setup that can allow a young manager the chance for success

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 21:07:05
The thickest guy in football. No ta.

Not saying you need to be a PhD to be a football manager mind

Maybe Joe Cole is thick...but...I’d suggest he knows a thing or two about football.
He was a top, top player at the top, top level and quite frankly his contribution to a dominant Chelsea team doesn’t get recognised near enough as it should

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 21:10:03
I know you probably aren't serious, but someone like that would be a brilliant gamble.

I do wonder if the days of big name players going to small clubs to cut their teeth are over though.

nice to have these dreams mind, need to get from this perfect shit storm to a setup that can allow a young manager the chance for success

It’s probably not over but there are a lot more lucrative options out there for players in their mid to late 30s who are winding down.

There are so many more youth teams/academies and coaching/management positions those brings. There is the option of playing a few more years in India, China, Qatar, US.

Not to mention the vast amount of media jobs.
All of which probably pay better than STFC Manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Stef Troll on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 21:37:11
Joe Cole will either fail and put Swindon in a worse position then before he joined.

Alternatively he would get us promoted and then leave for a more ambitious club. Our fans will then call him a bottler for leaving.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 21:39:59
I know you probably aren't serious, but someone like that would be a brilliant gamble.

I do wonder if the days of big name players going to small clubs to cut their teeth are over though.

nice to have these dreams mind, need to get from this perfect shit storm to a setup that can allow a young manager the chance for success

He’ll end up with a cushy number as coach of Liverpool under 14’s or something

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Monday, May 3, 2021, 05:27:34
He’ll end up with a cushy number as coach of Liverpool under 14’s or something

I think he’s done work with Chelsea’s academy at some level.
He’s mentioned his desire to manage the England Under 21s but has admitted he probably doesn’t have enough experience yet.

I’d have no qualms about him rocking up here tbh.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 16:13:28
Thought there may have been a ‘New Manager Market’ with the bookies by now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 16:33:47
Thought there may have been a ‘New Manager Market’ with the bookies by now.
Who you fancying then Audrey ??.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 16:46:08
Thought there may have been a ‘New Manager Market’ with the bookies by now.

Nobody even knows who will be making the appointment yet...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 16:48:21
Under normal circumstances and the club being ‘normal’, I’d fancy a Young first timer. Maybe one from non league - Ian Culverhouse at Kings Lynn.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 16:50:10
Nobody even knows who will be making the appointment yet...
Doesn’t usually stop the bookies compiling stuff least a ‘usual suspects’ list.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 17:02:10
There can't be any worms out there feeding them any snippets!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 17:22:48
There can't be any snippets to give.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 17:31:24
All someone has to do is tweet Alan Nixon with something like "Any manager news on Stalybridge Celtic Al?"

Which will then come with a raft of further random responses...

Any news of new Rotherham coach big al
"             " on Doyle at Bolton, rumour is he's off?
News of the Jambo's Alan?
Swindon manager, who's it gonna be Al?

And so on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 17:44:13
There's always a snippet or two but whether it's true is another matter!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 17:45:47
Under normal circumstances and the club being ‘normal’, I’d fancy a Young first timer. Maybe one from non league - Ian Culverhouse at Kings Lynn.
I know its horses for courses and he may have taken them as far as he can but they have just had 2 wins in 16 matches scoring just 16 times and conceding 38 is a worse record than Sheridan had for us.

Its a no from me for Culverhouse.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 17:47:25
I know its horses for courses and he may have taken them as far as he can but they have just had 2 wins in 16 matches scoring just 16 times and conceding 38 is a worse record than Sheridan had for us.

Its a no from me for Culverhouse.


If we're going for a NL manager, I want one on their way up; which is why I keep banging on about Dave Challinor.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 18:25:48
Back to calling him Dave now I see ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 18:31:40
Back to calling him Dave now I see ;)

'My name's Rodney!'

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 18:38:31
Let's just hope it's not Sheedy & Newell being lined up

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 19:24:52

Maybe Joe Cole is thick...but...I’d suggest he knows a thing or two about football.
He was a top, top player at the top, top level and quite frankly his contribution to a dominant Chelsea team doesn’t get recognised near enough as it should
Doesn't mean he can coach though. Being able to do it yourself is one thing; being able to convey it to others is quite another.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 19:25:55
Doesn’t usually stop the bookies compiling stuff least a ‘usual suspects’ list.
Disappointed no-one's had a sneeky tenner on Sheena Easton to get the market kick started

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 20:13:40
Doesn't mean he can coach though. Being able to do it yourself is one thing; being able to convey it to others is quite another.

Yep. Of this modern era of former top pros getting decentish managerial gigs...

Harry Kewell - Champions League winner (amongst others) and integral to a Liverpool MF that won it. Evidently struggling to make it as a successful manager.

Steven Gerard - As above and some. Hasn't really been tested in a piece of piss gig at Rangers. The hard work will come either next season retaining the title or more so, at an English Club where competition is more difficult. Flatters him at present and he prob will be one who comes good in time but the job at present is only really a L1 challenge.

Frank Lampard - Despite some "success" at Derby, where literally everything was thrown at it and FL had as much support as any manager would love to get, as well as a very good backroom team, he ultimately didn't promote them and jumped ship as soon as Chelski came calling. Was always going to be too early a move and I think the Chelski job would always have been available to him. Maybe should have stuck it out with Derby and actually got some silverware/title with them. I like Lampard and I think he'll also come good but right now, it shows how jumping for the big jobs maybe require a little more patience and calculation (talking pure career success and not financially).

Wayne Rooney - Ok, he's kind of fallen into the role at Derby as a form of interim/temp manager and fair play for him taking the reigns as Derby yet again fail to impress and this season disastrously so. Eventually even the multi millionaires like King start to get fed up and want to sell up. WR probably won't keep the job but if he keeps them up with his very limited experience it might be something to note in copy book. I don't rate him but Derby escaping relegation is a must. Many big clubs know how difficult it is to get out of L1 no matter your history (Leeds, Leicester, Wolves, Southampton, Sheff Wed (again) I'm looking at you), so I'll doff my cap slightly if he "saves" them. On a personal note, I want them to totally fuck it up on the final day.

That's just four decent former pros all with slightly different avenues into management. One might say that maybe it shows a successful former player should start their management career lower down the pyramid. At L1 or L2. Regardless of who they are. If they fancy a cushy number as an under 16s coach or as a TV pundit then fine but I doubt their personal hunger for success will be satisfied, nor will their ego. I don't think money comes into it too much at this stage (it talks but it isn't key for them), they want another trophy, title. They in the words of The Stone Roses - Wanna be adored.

Maybe Gerrard has done a clever move at Rangers? He gets similar levels of adoration and press as the likes of Rooney and Lampard but is technically managing an "easier club" than both (clearly Kewell just is a bit shit at it) of them. Yes, there is pressure and we all know the rivalry between Scotland's tow largest clubs but that is stark when the rest of the competition, bar a few is about the same level as L2 or even Conference. Should at a minimum be getting league RU and a Cup win or two, every season. For me it will be interesting if he takes a Championship gig after Rangers. A team like Stoke and get them back into the EPL. It will seem like a step back but as mentioned above, his challenge will be much greater and prove himself more. I'm sure he could fill it with a few of his old mates to achieve it. Milner eventually dropping down a division. Probably have Sami Hyypia on his backroom team and so on. Then when the time is right, give him a crack at the Liverpool job if he's continued his progress.

But bringing it back to the relevance of Town and the STFC job. Maybe there is an outlet for a former successful pro to come here and give it a go. If it fails, it's no biggy for them, especially if it's their first job and as the likes of Roy Keane, Paul Scholes, even PdC have found out, those cushy safety nets of punditry are always knocking around of it does go tits up - or if they just happen to be a bit shit of being a manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 21:46:11
I know its horses for courses and he may have taken them as far as he can but they have just had 2 wins in 16 matches scoring just 16 times and conceding 38 is a worse record than Sheridan had for us.

Its a no from me for Culverhouse.
Wasn’t he suspended and then sacked from Villa for some kind of off-field issues and allegations of bullying? I don’t think he’s what we need either.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 05:25:05
Doesn't mean he can coach though. Being able to do it yourself is one thing; being able to convey it to others is quite another.


He also might be quite good at it...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 08:20:09
If we are looking at National League managers look no further than Luke Garrard, done well at Boreham Wood, reputation for playing nice attractive football and also ticks the former player box!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 08:54:36
Wasn’t he suspended and then sacked from Villa for some kind of off-field issues and allegations of bullying? I don’t think he’s what we need either.
Yes he was along with "other" rumours.

If we are looking at National League managers look no further than Luke Garrard, done well at Boreham Wood, reputation for playing nice attractive football and also ticks the former player box!
I watched 3 Boreham games last season and I wouldn't call that attractive football TBH.

His style plays in a very similar style as Flitcroft, get the ball forwards quickly to a big fast striker and plays with 2 wide men who are quick, score a lot of goals from set peices, which I guess is something we could do with and L2 is managers suited to a more attritional style.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 11:09:39
He’s leaving anyway but Tommy Wright has been charged by the FA over his bribery case

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 12:00:02
He’s leaving anyway but Tommy Wright has been charged by the FA over his bribery case

The charges.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 12:15:42

The charges.

So just to be clear, our owner is presently subject to an FA Charge as is our caretaker manager, add into that our head groundsman being put away, its all a bit of a mess.

In terms of a new manger. I would be tempted to offer it to Emma Hayes just for the frankness and honesty in her interviews and pressers!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 12:23:25
Or Big Vern.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 14:34:26
I think (though I could be wrong) that the pitch work is along the lines of an archaeological survey before building work is granted or started. In our case they’re looking for skeletons and bags of cash.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 15:06:19
In our case they’re looking for skeletons and bags of cash.

And Milan Misun

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 15:28:44
He’s leaving anyway but Tommy Wright has been charged by the FA over his bribery case

How log ago was the court case though, the FA's wheels seem to turn very slowly, or they don't read any of their paperwork for quite a while.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 15:30:37
He’s leaving anyway but Tommy Wright has been charged by the FA over his bribery case
They took their bloody time, that was years ago. Not a massive fan of Wright and certainly not his conduct in regard to this, but there should be some kind of time limit on these things - justice delayed and all that.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 18:01:36
Sounds like the perfect person to have on your Management team when you allegedly have a pay to play player on your books.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 20:32:48
They took their bloody time, that was years ago. Not a massive fan of Wright and certainly not his conduct in regard to this, but there should be some kind of time limit on these things - justice delayed and all that.
Think this is a seperate issue

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 20:33:38
Yeah was guilty of a bribe last time

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 21:44:32
Yeah was guilty of a bribe last time
Yes and that's what he's been charged by the FA for, it's the same issue, they've just taken bloody ages to get round to the FA charge


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, May 8, 2021, 06:16:02
Peacock says not interested.

Camp would stay depending on new manager wanting him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Saturday, May 8, 2021, 13:20:21
Peacock says not interested.

Camp would stay depending on new manager wanting him.

It's a no from me, not willing to relocate from up north (understandably at his age) and if we are going to have a veteran in the ranks we need one that is going to be taking part of training and working with the younger keepers.

He's a decent keeper, and could do a job - but not on a part time basis

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: MangoRed on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 12:07:20
Wellens there again today apparently

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 12:12:20
He can't be scouting any of our players😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 12:33:02
He can't be scouting any of our players😀
He blatantly didn't scout half of them when he fucking signed them either!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 12:34:17
Maybe he’s scoping who to keep on next season. I’ll give him a hand.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 12:34:18
I wonder if Wellens is seen as the preferred manager if Clem does manage to get in charge of the club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 12:39:09
He blatantly didn't scout half of them when he fucking signed them either!

 :clap: :clap:he'll blame Jewell

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 13:01:20
I wonder if Wellens is seen as the preferred manager if Clem does manage to get in charge of the club.
That did pass my mind too.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 13:02:41
to be fair he was trying to build a squad with a fiver that the owner found in his back pocket, and he even got told to buy himself some sweets with the change..

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:14:04
I wonder if Wellens is seen as the preferred manager if Clem does manage to get in charge of the club.

I have heard that Wellens is Clems preference for manager. Would make sense for both parties. To be fair I think it’s a solid sensible choice for L2, at least Wellens would have some better backing rather than the usual wait until one week before season starts and pack the squad with the left overs no one else wanted, loans and journeymen policy that Power favours.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:15:37
Where did you hear that😳

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:23:09
I have heard that Wellens is Clems preference for manager. Would make sense for both parties. To be fair I think it’s a solid sensible choice for L2, at least Wellens would have some better backing rather than the usual wait until one week before season starts and pack the squad with the left overs no one else wanted, loans and journeymen policy that Power favours.

New contracts for Baudry, Fryers & Lyden. Kovar on loan and Twine to Newport. Then off to Doncaster in October.

Can’t wait...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:23:40
If that is anyway near true it gives us cause for optimism.

1. Wellens, despite what some reckon on here, would be a fan pleaser. Proven, decent football.

And, more importantly,

2. He wouldn’t come here without the promise of a decent budget and no Lee Power.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:25:04
How do we know what budget Clem could/would provide?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:30:05
We don’t. But the very fact that if Wellens does return he must have the promise of one otherwise he wouldn’t.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:36:17
We don’t. But the very fact that if Wellens does return he must have the promise of one otherwise he wouldn’t.

Let’s not pretend Wellens resigned and left here on principle.
He’s take a job if we offered it to him budget or not.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:36:50
I'd be amazed if clem was putting information out in the public domain

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:37:19
I have heard that Wellens is Clems preference for manager. Would make sense for both parties. To be fair I think it’s a solid sensible choice for L2, at least Wellens would have some better backing rather than the usual wait until one week before season starts and pack the squad with the left overs no one else wanted, loans and journeymen policy that Power favours.
I hope that there is something in that and the stars align and it all comes to pass.  It would split the fan base though

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 15:38:05
90/10 in favour, I reckon.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:00:43
If any new owner(s) want all supporters to get behind them, they would be well advised to avoid appointing Wellens.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:00:53
I think rather a lot of people will feel uncomfortable getting behind somebody who they feel is a bottler. He'd have a lot of work to do to win some over. I won't be able to believe a word that comes out of his trap. Imagine if he starts coming out with the loyalty shite again?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:03:31
I think rather a lot of people will feel uncomfortable getting behind somebody who they feel is a bottler. He'd have a lot of work to do to win some over. I won't be able to believe a word that comes out of his trap. Imagine if he starts coming out with the loyalty shite again?
That still doesn't make him a poor manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:06:00
That still doesn't make him a poor manager.

Did I say it does?

Whether or not he can replicate last season remains to be seen. (If he even does return)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:06:21
Last year was fucking superb, and Wellens was a big part of that.
This year was fucking shit, and Wellens was a big part of that.

Both are best left in the past, we need the move forward and not back.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:07:11
Did I say it does?

Whether or not he can replicate last season remains to be seen. (If he even does return)

Oldham, this season & Salford suggests not....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: adje on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:21:12
It's a no thanks from me

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:35:36
I think rather a lot of people will feel uncomfortable getting behind somebody who they feel is a bottler. He'd have a lot of work to do to win some over. I won't be able to believe a word that comes out of his trap. Imagine if he starts coming out with the loyalty shite again?
See, I’m not convinced he ‘bottled’ anything. His stock was high before this season. He could have left for a bigger job then if that’s what he wanted. He didn’t.

I’d say once it became apparent that Power wasn’t going to back him - or, more likely, Standing wouldn’t - and he knew what was about to unfold he decided he’d been shat on, deceived and then left.

I’d love to see him back.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: adje on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:42:46
It's hindsight I know, but letting Twine go was a massive error. Could have kept us up

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: blinkpip on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:46:32
I'm all for it. If it wasn't for finances pulled away from him, we would've put a bid in for Yates earlier and actually offered a contract to Wollerey and Isgrove. The players loved playing for him and waited on for weeks expecting to be offered a deal.
Pitman was the only striker we signed as no other decent forward wanted to be paid peanuts for one year.
There so much to it in the background I'm sure.
The plus side is, that he knows the Club inside and out and majority of our contract players. He can get the ball rolling quicker than wasting a few months like Brown and Flipflop etc.
Power out.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:49:32
Good post  :clap:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:50:16
See, I’m not convinced he ‘bottled’ anything. His stock was high before this season. He could have left for a bigger job then if that’s what he wanted. He didn’t.

I’d say once it became apparent that Power wasn’t going to back him - or, more likely, Standing wouldn’t - and he knew what was about to unfold he decided he’d been shat on, deceived and then left.

I’d love to see him back.

So, let’s say for arguments sake - Salford didn’t come calling.
Would he have stayed here till he got sacked and a nice pay off ...or... would he have resigned on principle once he realised Power wasn’t going to back him?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 16:59:20
No idea. I can only form an opinion on what happened.

The only thing that changed between last season and this was the Standing situation became known. That’s what fucked everything for everyone.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:08:33
Where did you hear that😳

Only from a work colleague who seems to have better connections than me. I’m not saying it’s gospel, it could easily fall within the 80% bollocks and all that, however this is the 2nd or 3rd game Wellens has watched us since leaving Salford so maybe some fire to go with the smoke. Like most fans I was pissed off when he left especially after the loyalty speech etc, but it also appears that Power had a bigger say in that than Wellens did, as soon as Salford waved their compo cheque book Power was happy to push Wellens out the door so to speak. Given the choice of having him back or another unproven manager I’ll take Wellens every day. Fans are fickle and will soon forget if we start heading a promotion campaign. Anyway, until the ownership is sorted it’s all hearsay. Worst case scenario is Power still in charge at start of season with a shambles of a squad and management team of whatever back room staff are left at the club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:12:16
It's hindsight I know, but letting Twine go was a massive error. Could have kept us up

True, however did he let him go before the skeletons started falling out the wardrobe?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:13:36
Only from a work colleague who seems to have better connections than me. I’m not saying it’s gospel, it could easily fall within the 80% bollocks and all that, however this is the 2nd or 3rd game Wellens has watched us since leaving Salford so maybe some fire to go with the smoke. Like most fans I was pissed off when he left especially after the loyalty speech etc, but it also appears that Power had a bigger say in that than Wellens did, as soon as Salford waved their compo cheque book Power was happy to push Wellens out the door so to speak. Given the choice of having him back or another unproven manager I’ll take Wellens every day. Fans are fickle and will soon forget if we start heading a promotion campaign. Anyway, until the ownership is sorted it’s all hearsay. Worst case scenario is Power still in charge at start of season with a shambles of a squad and management team of whatever back room staff are left at the club.

Cheers Grim, football speculation is what keeps us fans interested!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jevs on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:19:40
No idea. I can only form an opinion on what happened.

The only thing that changed between last season and this was the Standing situation became known. That’s what fucked everything for everyone.

Given the dross that we have contracted for next season, recruitment is going to be the biggest task for any new manager. I find it impossible to form an opinion on the recruitment during his period as manager as we have no clue who was responsible for what and who. Doyle we can assume he had a major hand in, but no idea on most of the rest - his calls or Jewell's? Who decided on Palmer and Hope for instance, he'd didn't seem over keen on either. This season has clearly been an absolute farce, and as others have mentioned it probably wouldn't have taken much to keep us up - maybe Camp from the off and 1 reliable lower league centre half might have been enough.

I'm neutral on any Wellens return but fans expectation of blind loyalty to an employer is nuts. I doubt that many people on this board would have turned the Salford job down in Wellens position. No, no I don't want the more stable better paid job near my home, I'd much rather stick with the club in the middle of a dozen court cases teetering on the brink of administration where I can't sign anyone and there's not a pot to piss in.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: wokinghamred on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:20:33
If any new owner(s) want all supporters to get behind them, they would be well advised to avoid appointing Wellens.

So who do you think would have the backing of all fans? Mourinho?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:21:34
So who do you think would have the backing of all fans? Mourinho?

He is off to Roma I understand.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:23:32
So who do you think would have the backing of all fans? Mourinho?

No. An overrated overpaid PL journeyman.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:24:01
Quote from: Flashheart
I think rather a lot of people will feel uncomfortable getting behind somebody who they feel is a bottler. He'd have a lot of work to do to win some over. I won't be able to believe a word that comes out of his trap. Imagine if he starts coming out with the loyalty shite again?

for new he'd have to lay bare his reasons for leaving if there are circumstances we aren't aware of.

As far as I'm concerned he left for a better offer, simple as that.

Not saying I blame him, but the preaching of 'loyalty' before jumping really annoyed me.

Its only rumour anyway.

Of course if he came in and did a job getting us up, all would be forgiven very quickly

I think the club's in such a mess it's going to take a while to put things right and challenge

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: wokinghamred on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:27:00
He is off to Roma I understand.

My point is that nobody will have the backing of all fans. At least Wellens would have the backing of a solid proportion of supporters.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:30:51
My point is that nobody will have the backing of all fans. At least Wellens would have the backing of a solid proportion of supporters.

PdC? Some recently retired ex PL player?

I suppose it's a bit like taking your spouse back after a dalliance with a much better looking and wealthier individual.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:31:58
If, if, if all the stars align and he comes back, if. Then he’s got some explaining to do hasn’t he?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ron dodgers on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:38:00
Scott Parker , you heard it here first (in the know)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 17:46:58
Try and get someone like Phil Jagielka with the (hopefully) substantial investment from either our antipodean or North American friends.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 18:01:22
PdC? Some recently retired ex PL player?

Sol Campbell or Gareth Barry for example?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 18:07:42
Sol Campbell or Gareth Barry for example?

Of course, it's a bit fantasy football as there may be little/no money in the pot.  Much has been made on this forum about appointments in the 1990s and mid 2000s and they would be in keeping with that.

Leaving aside the fact that I doubt he would leave the pride of Kent, Carrick would also fit the bill.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 18:14:55
Carrick is a lovely shout.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Cheltred on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 18:19:31
Carrick is a lovely shout.
Where is he at present? If available he might be ok

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 18:21:32
Where is he at present? If available he might be ok

Coach at Manchester FC

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: adje on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 19:43:29
Don't think Ryan Mason is gonna last too long at Spurs.......

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Mr Stevens on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 21:57:36
The Football League Show mentioned that Steve Evans is a possibility for the job.

No. No. No.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 22:09:33
Still don't see the connection unless Power is staying

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Sunday, May 9, 2021, 22:21:24
The Football League Show mentioned that Steve Evans is a possibility for the job.

No. No. No.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 10, 2021, 03:04:04
Still don't see the connection unless Power is staying
You’ll be pleased to know it looks like he’s staying at Gillingham.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 10, 2021, 04:20:12
Just an observation.

Wellens is on the shortlist for the Donny job, apparently. If that’s the case, why wasn’t he watching them yesterday instead of being at Wigan?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Monday, May 10, 2021, 05:29:42
Just an observation.

Wellens is on the shortlist for the Donny job, apparently. If that’s the case, why wasn’t he watching them yesterday instead of being at Wigan?

Wigan is closer to his home?
Perhaps is lad was playing somewhere near there in the morning?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 10, 2021, 06:16:31
Yeah. Much more likely than casting an eye over, possibly, your next club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Walthams on Monday, May 10, 2021, 07:15:30
The Football League Show mentioned that Steve Evans is a possibility for the job.

No. No. No.

Now that would be fun, watching a shit team, but releasing the pain by shouting abuse at Evans.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Leggett on Monday, May 10, 2021, 08:34:18
Now that would be fun, watching a shit team, but releasing the pain by shouting abuse at Evans.

The amount of football-induced stress headaches I get at the base of my neck would go through the fucking roof

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, May 10, 2021, 11:00:53
No. An overrated overpaid PL journeyman.
I'll bite  :D Underrated you mean

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: fuzzy on Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:13:46
We have history when it comes to giving names their first shot at management.

How about making a bit of history and giving someone like Emma Hayes a shot at being the first woman manager in the men's game?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:17:54
Because if ever there was a club (and a particular season at that club) to irreparably damage the chances of every other aspiring female manager in men’s football.....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:21:52
How about making a bit of history and giving someone like Emma Hayes a shot at being the first woman manager in the men's game?
Personally I just don't see it actually working, a female manager in a ego heavy male dominated environment just doesn't seem like a recipe for success. To coin a phrase from the fat manager that we detest it would just turn us into a bit of a 'circus'.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:23:54
We have history when it comes to giving names their first shot at management.

How about making a bit of history and giving someone like Emma Hayes a shot at being the first woman manager in the men's game?

Why would she leave Chelsea after winning the treble for Swindon fucking Town  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:29:06
Personally I just don't see it actually working, a female manager in a ego heavy male dominated environment just doesn't seem like a recipe for success. To coin a phrase from the fat manager that we detest it would just turn us into a bit of a 'circus'.

I think in terms of the circus train, that departed regarding Swindon Town about 8 years ago!

I seem to recall Gabriella Benson did  reasonable job.

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:33:13
not sure it's the right time for us to be experimenting.

She may well be brilliant. But I think the 'old boys' network is alive and kicking and we don't have the luxury of resources to work out if she can beach that

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:41:03
I am 100% for equality and believe women should have just as many opportunities in football (and elsewhere) as men do.

But let another club iron out the speed-bumps first.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:50:00
Women’s and men’s football are almost different games. There are plenty of women’s clubs for women to manage.

I can’t think a woman would even want to manage a men’s team.

Christ, we can hardly get a male black man employed by clubs.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Monday, May 10, 2021, 14:27:14
Clubs are missing out when it comes to the, as yet, relatively untapped pool of qualified BAME coaches, many of whom would tick the "young and hungry" boxes.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:35:54
Robbie Fowler, according to the oracle that is Alan Nixon.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:38:27
Isn't he involved heavily in property also? Plus links to Australia?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:42:30
Was manager of Brisbane Roar. Currently in India.

Not sure what to think of that

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:42:51
Robbie Fowler, according to the oracle that is Alan Nixon.

Yep just seen this reported by The S*n on Twitter too

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:42:56
He's been managing East Bengal since last October😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:46:39
Nixon's usually (not always) right. Even the S*n has a decent sports section, as much as it pains me to say it.

It makes one wonder if Clem, or somebody else, is already talking to people expecting to take over in the not too distant future. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:47:07
Can't even get East Bengal FC to the playoffs. No thanks!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:48:06
Was manager of Brisbane Roar. Currently in India.

Not sure what to think of that

According to Wiki that was going quite well before Covid hit. Has done some coaching at Liverpool also.

ou would imagine he has good contacts in the game, done all his badges, clearly has a good business brain given his property portfolio so you would imagine he wouldn't work with Power, but could help in making Power money with his houses around the Training Ground etc if he was to fuck off out of the club.

Putting 2 and 2 together but I assume that he knows Clem. I think this ticks a lot of the managerial boxes. Will keep my socks on but reasonbly happy with this should it come off.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:48:37
Or Power has found another source of funding and intends to stay?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:54:07
Or Power has found another source of funding and intends to stay?

That's more concerning. I suspect however his time is up as he surely can't carry on given how unpopular he is? Although I suspect he doesn't really give a shit what people think of him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 08:59:19
I cant see why any potential manager would consider a job at STFC under the current climate. Mind you, it could be that news of the ongoing shenanigans haven't reached East Bengal yet. After all, its barely reached the national press here

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:01:07
Ah the Toxteth Prowler...

Movement on manager suggests something is happening behind the scenes.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:02:40
On the other hand word may be out there that a takeover is imminent and potential managers may see this as an exciting project on their CV

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:05:29
I cant see why any potential manager would consider a job at STFC under the current climate. Mind you, it could be that news of the ongoing shenanigans haven't reached East Bengal yet. After all, its barely reached the national press here

It's hardly a secret that a takeover is likely.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:20:16
Echoing statements from others but Power appointing a new manager is a concern.

Fowler is a name for sure, but he has never struck me as the managerial type in any of the punditry he did, and for him to have to go where he has to get a break also raises questions for me. Still, guess it would depend on any number 2 he brought with him, presumably to sort the defence.

Given we all believed the Evans rumour was crap and for Evans to get more money at Gillingham then i'm not sure we necessarily have to believe this. There is probably another angle at play, perhaps Fowler just wants a return to England and this is signalling his availability to others.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:21:13
I've always thought it was Power that feeds the info to Nixon, so if the Fowler thing is legitimate then it does raise concerns about Power's continued involvement in some guise....

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:27:11
so BBC wilts now reporting talks have happened.

I hope it's takeover related, and that the fat controller hasn't scammed more cash from somewhere

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:29:01
Was manager of Brisbane Roar. Currently in India.

Not sure what to think of that

“Currently in India.” Is he? Doubt he’d be back before the next season starts under current circumstances.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:40:56
Could also explain the transfer rumour of Gary Hooper who is/was plying his trade in India.

I honestly can’t imagine Power is anything but a busted flush now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: leftside on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:42:52
Fowler likes his gee-gees too.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:49:42
so BBC wilts now reporting talks have happened.

I hope it's takeover related, and that the fat controller hasn't scammed more cash from somewhere
That's even more worrying as they are basically Power's spokesman.....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:50:55
That's more concerning. I suspect however his time is up as he surely can't carry on given how unpopular he is? Although I suspect he doesn't really give a shit what people think of him.
Popular or otherwise, the FA may well have the final say on whether Power carries on here or indeed anywhere in English football.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:54:27
Let’s be fair, if power has anything perceived or otherwise to do with Swindon Town Football Club, who in their right mind is going to spend one single penny there? Seeing as L1 & L2 clubs gain the majority of their income through the turnstiles I’d say Power would be royally fucked.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 09:59:52
No way I believe this has anything to do with Power. He has no care about the club at all and before appointing someone would at least give us season ticket prices

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:06:28
I agree. If Power couldn’t be arsed to bin off Sheridan I can’t see him appointing anyone.

His time is up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:34:30
The fact the Trust have just tweeted asking who’s talking to Fowler suggests it’s probably not Clem, which is worrying.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:44:40
Tbf, just because the Trust are backing Clem it shouldn’t mean he informs them of everything - especially something sensitive.

When Power’s stated aim is to put the club in admin I doubt that would attract many would-be managers.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:45:57
Echoing statements from others but Power appointing a new manager is a concern.

Fowler is a name for sure, but he has never struck me as the managerial type in any of the punditry he did, and for him to have to go where he has to get a break also raises questions for me. Still, guess it would depend on any number 2 he brought with him, presumably to sort the defence.

Given we all believed the Evans rumour was crap and for Evans to get more money at Gillingham then i'm not sure we necessarily have to believe this. There is probably another angle at play, perhaps Fowler just wants a return to England and this is signalling his availability to others.

His number 2 has been one Tony Grant.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:47:21
Movement on manager suggests something is happening behind the scenes.
Not necessarily from what I have heard.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:48:06
Not necessarily from what I have heard.

Agent gossip?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:49:37
Robbie Fowler could double up as groundsman, ensuring that the white lines are nice and straight.
A good socialist by all accounts, but more importantly would Fowlerball win matches in L2.

A "name" as a manager would presumably help any new owner with getting the fans on board at some clubs.
Bit more of a challenge here I suspect.

Wonder how long Ian Wright would have lasted on the roller coaster.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:51:04
Tbf, just because the Trust are backing Clem it shouldn’t mean he informs them of everything - especially something sensitive.

When Power’s stated aim is to put the club in admin I doubt that would attract many would-be managers.

But putting the club into admin is not his stated aim - the stated aim is to sell the club. Putting the club into admin is secondary.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:11:28
His preferred method of divesting himself of the club is via the admin route.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Leggett on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:13:24

That doesn't fill me with confidence...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:15:28
His preferred method of divesting himself of the club is via the admin route.

Then why is he in court trying to get an injunction lifted so he can sell the club?

He's been trying to sell it for months. Or so he tells us (making it his stated aim)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:23:37
Then why is he in court trying to get an injunction lifted so he can sell the club?

He's been trying to sell it for months. Or so he tells us (making it his stated aim)

Doesn't the injunction also prevent him putting the club into admin, or did I imagine that?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:24:57

That doesn't fill me with confidence...
Why? There’s nothing there that says anything different to the other comments on the subject.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:32:45
Doesn't the injunction also prevent him putting the club into admin, or did I imagine that?

No, you didn't imagine it.

His stated aim is to sell the club and has been for months. He also claims he cannot afford to keep the club running and has said he'd need to put the club into admin IF he can't sell the club.

Admin is only mentioned because Power claims he can't keep the club running himself and would have no choice if he's not allowed to sell. This is why Clem/Standing were told by the court to pay running costs - they are stopping the sale (and admin) going through with their injunction.

Admin is not the intention as far as I can tell. The intention is to sell to able.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:33:44
Looking at the new manager musings yesterday, it occurred to me that Robbie Fowler might be talked about, purely because he has been in Australia a bit. I dismissed this very quickly...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:34:42
Looking at the new manager musings yesterday, it occurred to me that Robbie Fowler might be talked about, purely because he has been in Australia a bit. I dismissed this very quickly...

It's also been 'confirmed' by BBC Wilts. They are usually spot on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:36:06
It's also been 'confirmed' by BBC Wilts. They are usually spot on.
Indeed, not easily dismissed this one.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:36:12
Agreed, BBC Wilts are normally correct in what they report

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:37:54
I was too embarrassed to suggest it yesterday.  I could have been the king of those who claim to be ITK.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:38:17
Robbie Fowler was really poor at Brisbane Roar
There would be some excellent Australian coaches that could and would be far better.
But why look past Wellens if its correct that Power wanted the comp money and got him out !!!
No brainer get him back with Clem
Stay well and COYMRs  

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:42:58
Robbie Fowler was really poor at Brisbane Roar
There would be some excellent Australian coaches that could and would be far better.
But why look past Wellens if its correct that Power wanted the comp money and got him out !!!
No brainer get him back with Clem
Stay well and COYMRs 
I agree I wouldn't choose Fowler but not really sure he could be classed as poor there, he had a 45% win ratio and a loss ratio of 33%, a higher ratio that Wellens had at Swindon who has a win ratio of 42% and a loss ratio of 37%.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:44:16
If you were Robbie Fowler who is currently trying to get himself a club to manage in England to get himself onto the UK Management ladder, and is currently stuck in India - why wouldn't you jump at the chance of join the Swindon Town basket case?

The adver piece states that he wants to prove himself in the English game as a stepping stone

"It is thought he now wants to follow in the footsteps of former teammate Steven Gerrard and earn his stripes as a coach further down the pyramid before stepping into a high-profile job in the future."

He gets himself a club with a pretty much blank slate (albeit limited finances)
Takeover happens and he is in the frame for the job or gets paid off
Takeover doesn't happen and as Sheridan proved, the liklehood of him getting sacked quickly is unlikely
He gets out of the United States of Covid
Moves closer to home

Sounds like a win-win given his current scenario - getting one of the 92 jobs available is a bigger pull than some would think, especially if you don't need the money.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:45:31
I agree I wouldn't choose Fowler but not really sure he could be classed as poor there, he had a 45% win ratio and a loss ratio of 33%, a higher ratio that Wellens had at Swindon who has a win ratio of 42% and a loss ratio of 37%.

I questioned this as well as David Squires also mentioned that he was really poor at Brisbane Roar, but I thought statistically he was doing pretty well?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:45:46
Perhaps you need to read this....,by%20the%20A%2DLeague%20club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:47:37
If he takes the job and does well at a struggling div 4 team on a downwards trajectory, he will have proved his credentials.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:48:29
Perhaps you need to read this....,by%20the%20A%2DLeague%20club.

How does that support the claim he was 'really poor'?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:50:24

Suggest it could be the last kiss of death Power could be leaving the football club.

Fuc# off Power and move over

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Pookemon on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:54:09
Robbie Fowler was really poor at Brisbane Roar
There would be some excellent Australian coaches that could and would be far better.
But why look past Wellens if its correct that Power wanted the comp money and got him out !!!
No brainer get him back with Clem
Stay well and COYMRs 

He won the league's manager of the month award in Jan and Feb 2020 and left in March 2020 due to covid - a 45% win ratio.   Doesn't look poor on the face of it!

The article doesn't really say anything that says he's a poor manager, just a scouser taking everything he's "due"

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:54:21
The adver piece states that he wants to prove himself in the English game as a stepping stone

"It is thought he now wants to follow in the footsteps of former teammate Steven Gerrard and earn his stripes as a coach further down the pyramid before stepping into a high-profile job in the future."

So the Adver is equating managing little old Rangers with rocking up at SN1.  :hmmm:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:56:08

Just read between the lines... I watched many of the games in the Aussie league and everyone wanted him to do well and it simply didn't happen.
The results and team were really poor in a poor league
Roar were always a top 6 team and it didn't happen for Fowler. Since he left they  have improved 10 fold.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:58:36

Just read between the lines... I watched many of the games in the Aussie league and everyone wanted him to do well and it simply didn't happen.
The results and team were really poor in a poor league
Roar were always a top 6 team and it didn't happen for Fowler. Since he left they  have improved 10 fold.
The results just do not back that up though tbf, he won games

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:59:49
And no he didn't leave a club that became successful afterwards due to his hard work prior to his sacking.

Sorry to disappoint

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:00:31

The results and team were really poor in a poor league

A 45% win rate says otherwise.

I know it's not the only metric that counts, but it certainly does not support the notion that results were poor.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Pookemon on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:02:05
So the Adver is equating managing little old Rangers with rocking up at SN1.  :hmmm:

Agreed totally different but there is a similarity in that when Gerrard went to Rangers the pressure was off.   They were miles behind Celtic at the time having spent a few years in the lower leagues, so all he had to do was get a side that was competitive with everyone else and not get spanked 4 times a season by Celtic, which was doable given the relative size of the club compared to others in the league

In league 2 we are a bigger fish and most fans at the moment would take competitive and competent

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:02:54
A 45% win rate says otherwise.

I know it's not the only metric that counts, but it certainly does not support the notion that results were poor.

That's double the win rate we have had this season  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:02:57
So the Adver is equating managing little old Rangers with rocking up at SN1.  :hmmm:

Well Rangers is further down the Pyramid than where his ultimate ambition is, let's face it.  Like I said, there are limited options usually availalble to get on the UK football ladder, so beggars can't be choosers if you want to hop on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:03:12
Wellens was hardly spectacular when he rocked up here. I remember thinking he was a typical Power cheap option.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JoeMezz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:03:52
For me it’s simple:
- if power appointment it’s a disaster
- if Clem appointment it could be great

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:04:42
In my opinion Town must get new owners prior to any appointment of the manager.

That must happen soon and let the new owner build a back room including the manager and then hopefully a new team of players

If not we are well and truly fucked

Simple fact is time is against us

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:05:55
How people can moan about Fowler when we’ve had fucking Sheridan hamming it up for months is beyond me. I can virtually think of nobody that could be appointed who wouldn’t be better than that twat.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:11:04
Surely Sheridan was put there to do a job and he did it well

Job was to take the pressure off Power which he did fucking well...

Any manager with any credability would have walked far earlier and Power would have then been in the gun.

Rest assured Power knew what he was doing Im sure     

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:12:05

Job was to take the pressure off Power which he did fucking well...

How on earth would getting relegated take pressure off power?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:15:36
I kind of know what he means. Focus the last few months has been on Sheridan not Power until the whole court case happened

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Pookemon on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:17:08

Just read between the lines... I watched many of the games in the Aussie league and everyone wanted him to do well and it simply didn't happen.
The results and team were really poor in a poor league
Roar were always a top 6 team and it didn't happen for Fowler. Since he left they  have improved 10 fold.

I must be looking at different stats to you.  In the season he was manager for 22 of 26 games they finished 4th, in the current season they are 7th, the year before they finished 9th out of 10.  So their best season since 16/17

I didn't watch any of the games and they may well have been shit and fluked 10 wins but I've seen nothing so far that suggests he is anywhere near as poor as Sheridan who has set the bar for shitty managers.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:18:11
How people can moan about Fowler when we’ve had fucking Sheridan hamming it up for months is beyond me. I can virtually think of nobody that could be appointed who wouldn’t be better than that twat.
TBF I was speaking to a fellow TEFer earlier that if Fowler had rocked up in January after we should have sacked Sheridan then I would have been far more open to his appointment.

If he did arrive it could be good it could be bad pretty much like any new manager.

I just want the ownership to be sorted asap and we will take it from there.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Cookie on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:22:26
He left Brisbane to come back to England at the start of Covid, this was his choice, and then insisted his employer pays the return flight later in the year and then whinges about it on TV and gets the sack. Seems reasonable he pays for the flights when he wanted to go home, no?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:22:47
Who has taken the major blame for such a piss poor team

Last man standing was Sheridan

Wellens knew it squad was not capable of doing well in league 1 so for that reason he left

In walks Sheridan who thought he had a more secure future than a week by week contract at Wigan. What a wanker

He kept saying the squad was good... seriously we all knew it was shit and proven correct. The position in the league doesn't lie

Sheridan carried on the party line and let Power off the hook.

Could be wrong... and would be happy if I were    

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:25:50
Who has taken the major blame for such a piss poor team

Last man standing was Sheridan

Wellens knew it squad was not capable of doing well in league 1 so for that reason he left

In walks Sheridan who thought he had a more secure future than a week by week contract at Wigan. What a wanker

He kept saying the squad was good... seriously we all knew it was shit and proven correct. The position in the league doesn't lie

Sheridan carried on the party line and let Power off the hook.

Could be wrong... and would be happy if I were    
Tbf, according to Tyler Smith, Sheridan imparted zero organisation, tactics or logical team selection during his time here. Maybe with a competent manager we would have avoided the drop.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:27:48
He left Brisbane to come back to England at the start of Covid, this was his choice, and then insisted his employer pays the return flight later in the year and then whinges about it on TV and gets the sack. Seems reasonable he pays for the flights when he wanted to go home, no?
Did you not read the link where they said that wasn't the case

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:30:43
He left Brisbane to come back to England at the start of Covid, this was his choice, and then insisted his employer pays the return flight later in the year and then whinges about it on TV and gets the sack. Seems reasonable he pays for the flights when he wanted to go home, no?

None of which has anything to do with his ability as a manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:37:51
As for his, supposed, lack of lower league football knowledge, he signed a number of players from L1 and L2 for Brisbane Roar. Rumours a couple could follow him back.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:38:12

You are totally correct and just hope anyone who takes over the new managers role will be successful and I would be their supporter whilst they are sitting in the main seat.

Just hope it will be soon.

Stay well

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:48:34
As for his, supposed, lack of lower league football knowledge, he signed a number of players from L1 and L2 for Brisbane Roar. Rumours a couple could follow him back.
Jay O'Shea and Tom Aldred have both been linked to us in the past and have good lower football league pedigrees.

At Bengal he also had Calum Woods, Aaron Amadi-Holloway, Anthony Pilkington, Danny Fox and Jacques Maghoma who are all familiar with the English lower leagues too.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Cookie on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:53:06
None of which has anything to do with his ability as a manager.

And everything to do with his ability to be a cunt.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:53:20
I may have missed it, but what was the conclusion as to why Robbie Fowler was so poor as manager at Brisbane Roar when he had a 45% win ratio in his 22 gamess?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Leggett on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:55:14
Why? There’s nothing there that says anything different to the other comments on the subject.

Because he lives in the country, and would have far better knowledge of what went on than 99% of other Town fans...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:55:25

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:58:45
I may have missed it, but what was the conclusion as to why Robbie Fowler was so poor as manager at Brisbane Roar when he had a 45% win ratio in his 22 gamess?

Let us know if/when you find out. I'm still none the wiser myself.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:04:43
Because he lives in the country, and would have far better knowledge of what went on than 99% of other Town fans...
What I meant was the BBC confirming Fowler has been in talks is the same as The Sun saying it. It doesn’t make an actual appointment any more likely just because the BBC have reported it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:05:59
In truth and thinking about it his Brisbane side was physical and in your face type of team which could now be needed in League 2 with the Town
That said, the Australian league with Wellington Phoenix now play some excellent football similar to when Swindon played at Orient last year.
Fast expansive passing football with a touch of class.
As stated, anyone who puts the pride back in the club and does well will get my support.  


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Ginginho on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:08:12
That said, the Australian league with Wellington Phoenix now play some excellent football similar to when Swindon played at Orient last year.

So we've gone from Brisbane Roar to Brisbane Road :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:08:22
Mourinhio had a 51% winning rate at Spurs, not many queuing up to say he did a good job there

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:12:54
It’s all about context isn’t it. I don’t know much about the status of Brisbane roar, but seeing they win the league a few times in the middle of the last decade would imply they aren’t a basement dweller, in which case a 45% win rate might not actually be that impressive

The fact that the two people I’ve seen who might be expected to have some first hand knowledge (Robinz and David squires) both don’t seem too excited is worth something

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:20:25
That was my last away day watching STFC......... before coming back to NZ.

What a great day, yes it was only L Orient but it was sunny and the Town played with a swagger.

What a change from this year on IFollow  :badmood:   

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Pookemon on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:26:36
It’s all about context isn’t it. I don’t know much about the status of Brisbane roar, but seeing they win the league a few times in the middle of the last decade would imply they aren’t a basement dweller, in which case a 45% win rate might not actually be that impressive

The fact that the two people I’ve seen who might be expected to have some first hand knowledge (Robinz and David squires) both don’t seem too excited is worth something

Can we please have at least a day of feeling almost a little positive    :suicide:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:26:57
How on earth would getting relegated take pressure off power?

Not pressure relieving as such, but I would be interested to know if any substantial wagers were placed on our being relegated around November time, chance for one final payout?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:30:34
Can we please have at least a day of feeling almost a little positive    :suicide:

No 😎😎

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:32:01
It’s all about context isn’t it. I don’t know much about the status of Brisbane roar, but seeing they win the league a few times in the middle of the last decade would imply they aren’t a basement dweller, in which case a 45% win rate might not actually be that impressive

The fact that the two people I’ve seen who might be expected to have some first hand knowledge (Robinz and David squires) both don’t seem too excited is worth something

David Flitcroft did of course win 54% of his Swindon games.

And was not well loved.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:32:18
Response from the Indian equivalent of Alan Nixon

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:34:58
Response from the Indian equivalent of Alan Nixon

I have got an urge to reply with 'Any news about ATK Mohun Bagan Marcus'......

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 13:43:13
I have got an urge to reply with 'Any news about ATK Mohun Bagan Marcus'......
:D The first reply is pretty much that "Sir please anything about KBFC coach hearing that Coach is confirmed and paperworks are pending can you please enquire about this and give us some hints on the new coach? Please sir 🙂"

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 14:01:49
It’s all about context isn’t it. I don’t know much about the status of Brisbane roar, but seeing they win the league a few times in the middle of the last decade would imply they aren’t a basement dweller, in which case a 45% win rate might not actually be that impressive

The fact that the two people I’ve seen who might be expected to have some first hand knowledge (Robinz and David squires) both don’t seem too excited is worth something

Which is very true. I am probably being highly naive just to base his success on win ratio, as you rightly say there is always much more to it than that. However Robinz hasn't actually explained very well (in my opinion) why he stated he was a poor manager and I am waiting to hear if David Squires responds to my tweet asking for more meat on the bones behind his rationale.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 14:07:14
David Flitcroft did of course win 54% of his Swindon games.

And was not well loved.

50/50 personality and style of play I’d say.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 14:35:27
Had his problems getting sonya pregnant at a young age, but his dog wellard was nice and you wouldn’t mess with his mum

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 14:43:14
‘Robbie Fowler’s Marching Powder!’

‘We are Robbie’s Blow and Crack Army!’

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 17:12:14
Already looking forward to after match pressers. A wonderful cacophony of eeeeeeems, copious likes and the removal of phlegm from the airwaves.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 18:02:05
surely it's just lazy journalism. who would be doing the approaching. no way would it be power and it would be a bit presumptuous of clem to start speaking to people before anything has gone through.

he doesn't excite me too much. would prefer a former pro without any experience in a strange way. it is a name though and would create a bit of a buzz

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 18:08:19
surely it's just lazy journalism. who would be doing the approaching. no way would it be power and it would be a bit presumptuous of clem to start speaking to people before anything has gone through.

he doesn't excite me too much. would prefer a former pro without any experience in a strange way. it is a name though and would create a bit of a buzz

Only for the local dealers.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 18:23:43
It’s perfectly plausible that if Morfuni thinks they’re going to settle the ownership issues soon, that he’d have his man ready to go. Am I not hugely excited about the prospect of Fowler - I would rather a Wellens MKII or just Wellens, but I am looking forward to a fresh start. If Fowler does get  it I’ll be right behind him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: mrverve on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 18:55:25
Would prefer someone like Liam Rosenior, very good coach at Derby by all accounts and came across very well when he was a pundit for Sky.

Fowler doesn't fill me with much confidence.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 19:29:39
I think there's more chance of it being Arthur Fowler.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 19:41:23
Quote from: Samdy Gray
I think there's more chance of it being Arthur Fowler.

At least the Christmas club money has already gone

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, May 16, 2021, 15:42:21
wonder if Ryan Mason would be tempted on a return

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Monday, May 17, 2021, 10:37:51
Nothing to see here...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 17, 2021, 10:49:50
Quote from: Tails
Able ...

careful now

"Posting any comments from a live hearing on any Social Media Platform would also be considered contempt of Court and any person doing so would be liable to prosecution."

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 17, 2021, 10:50:30
He meant Cain.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Monday, May 17, 2021, 10:51:00
Oop thanks, will edit!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 17, 2021, 10:53:01
Oop thanks, will edit!

Better safe than sorry

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 17, 2021, 10:55:15
Oop thanks, will edit!

Bath could do with amending his post to remove the quote...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Monday, May 17, 2021, 10:57:25
Better safe than sorry

Agreed! Appreciate the heads up!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Monday, May 17, 2021, 12:23:25
Agreed! Appreciate the heads up!

Not sure what you posted on this thread, but you do know you posted something on another one as well :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 17, 2021, 12:24:11
Not sure what you posted on this thread, but you do know you posted something on another one as well :D

about Power hugging the judge?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Monday, May 17, 2021, 12:53:47
about Power hugging the judge?


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, May 17, 2021, 13:57:15
Errrrm? Is there any news?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Monday, May 17, 2021, 14:22:49
Not sure what you posted on this thread, but you do know you posted something on another one as well :D

I deleted!

Guess it's okay now. Able have, according to Powers laywer, got a manager / staff lined up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: chalkies shorts on Monday, May 17, 2021, 14:44:10
If we weren't a basket case I'd like to see someone like Darren Fletcher given a go. Recently retired from playing and technical coach at man u.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Monday, May 17, 2021, 14:54:33
I expect a been-there-done-that-needs-a-job-star-dimmed lower league manager.

Can't even 'dare to dream' at the moment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Monday, May 17, 2021, 14:55:43
I expect a been-there-done-that-needs-a-job-star-dimmed lower league manager.

Can't even 'dare to dream' at the moment.

"Swindon Town are delighted to announce the appointment of Danny Wilson...."

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Monday, May 17, 2021, 14:59:34
Mark Cooper
Paul Tisdale
Danny Wilson
Ian Holloway

You get my drift.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Monday, May 17, 2021, 15:00:26
Had heard from someone close to Mark Cooper that was expecting to be Swindon manager come the summer, which would be the expected dim and dour lower league appointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 15:05:37
Who was you hoping for Eddie Howe?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, May 17, 2021, 15:11:55
I thought that Tisdale was a popular candidate

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Monday, May 17, 2021, 15:13:40
I thought that Tisdale was a popular candidate

He is/was for many.

But, especially after the Rovers spell, he is a been-there-done-that-needs-a-job-star-has-dimmed lower league manager.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Monday, May 17, 2021, 15:16:31
He is/was for many.

But, especially after the Rovers spell, he is a been-there-done-that-needs-a-job-star-has-dimmed lower league manager.
But the style though! Our touchline has been devoid of suave and stylish managers for as long as I can remember.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 17, 2021, 15:20:43
The cravat seals the deal for me too.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Monday, May 17, 2021, 15:32:51
The cravat seals the deal for me too.

Would that be like a cravat emptor? :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 17, 2021, 15:46:02
If we weren't a basket case I'd like to see someone like Darren Fletcher given a go. Recently retired from playing and technical coach at man u.

I played Darren Fletcher once online on one of the Fifa games about 10 years ago or so. My flatmate in Luxembourg was his cousin and used to chat and play against him quite a lot. Want me to put a word in with Damo to see if he can get DF on board?

He comes across really well to be fair, one of the more level headed footballers that didn't let things go to his head, didn't go mad with houses or cars etc. That said, he did play online FIFA against us in his cinema room!!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, May 17, 2021, 15:55:28
Had heard from someone close to Mark Cooper that was expecting to be Swindon manager come the summer, which would be the expected dim and dour lower league appointment.
Let’s hope not as any owner appointing him would deserve questions asking right away!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 16:06:30
I thought that Tisdale was a popular candidate

He always has been but I think his sports business is his priority these days

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: otanswell on Monday, May 17, 2021, 16:19:57
Didn’t mind cooper first time he was here, could be worse

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, May 17, 2021, 16:55:18
Tisdale would very much fit the 2011 vibe of everything else at STFC.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 16:59:24
Tisdale would very much fit the 2011 vibe of everything else at STFC.

He hasn't done much over recent years

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, May 17, 2021, 17:07:37
I would like to see Gary Johnson get the job. I appreciate that many will not share that view.  Also, I suspect that, at the moment, Torquay will be regarded as a better management gig anyway.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, May 17, 2021, 17:10:32
I would like to see Gary Johnson get the job. I appreciate that many will not share that view.  Also, I suspect that, at the moment, Torquay will be regarded as a better management gig anyway.
A manager sacked by both Yeovil and Cheltenham in recent years? No thanks!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, May 17, 2021, 17:15:24
A manager sacked by both Yeovil and Cheltenham in recent years? No thanks!

Earlier posts suggest that the eventual candidate will have been on the lower league merry go round. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, May 17, 2021, 17:27:45
Earlier posts suggest that the eventual candidate will have been on the lower league merry go round. 
Doesn’t mean it needs to be another 65 year old dinosaur!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, May 17, 2021, 17:39:16
God the names mentioned in this thread make me sad, Cooper who is the dullest blameless manager ever, Tisdale who has had no success really anywhere other than 2 decent seasons at Exeter where he won the Conference and made the play offs and has just 2 promotions to his name from 14 seasons of lower league management and for fucks sake not Gary fucking Johnson the squeaky voiced dwarf with just 2 lower league promotions in 26 years as a manager.

I know we are beggars not choosers but they are bottom of the fucking barrel, give me Robbie Fowler in comparison any day or even Sol Campbell.

If its a jobbing manager again, which I truly hope it isn't, I would rather have Jackett & Phil Parkinson who are both attracted to Orient so would be in a L2 budget.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Monday, May 17, 2021, 18:02:11
God the names mentioned in this thread make me sad, Cooper who is the dullest blameless manager ever, Tisdale who has had no success really anywhere other than 2 decent seasons at Exeter where he won the Conference and made the play offs and has just 2 promotions to his name from 14 seasons of lower league management and for fucks sake not Gary fucking Johnson the squeaky voiced dwarf with just 2 lower league promotions in 26 years as a manager.

I know we are beggars not choosers but they are bottom of the fucking barrel, give me Robbie Fowler in comparison any day or even Sol Campbell.

If its a jobbing manager again, which I truly hope it isn't, I would rather have Jackett & Phil Parkinson who are both attracted to Orient so would be in a L2 budget.

As JQ would say, good post.  My opinion remains unaltered.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 18:21:02
I doubt Jackett wouldn't want lewgue 2 and although Parkinson maybe a good choice his style of football isn't very atttactive but I could handle that if he got us promoted

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, May 17, 2021, 18:35:12
I still want Dave Challinor and think he might be a good option. I'll keep on saying so until we see otherwise :)

I had heard (I'm not ITK so don't start) that RW was one of Clems main managerial targets. Like player recruitment targets, you don't always get the first person on your list.

I'd be interested to see who else is on his list though.

I know the bar has somewhat been dragging along the floor for several months but I think we could all do with some positivity and leverage. The right appointment in the managerial stakes could go some way to raising the lead ingot and start to give us a little optimism.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 18:47:03
Uncle Sam won't be happy as you were bigging him up or months😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 17, 2021, 18:56:49
God the names mentioned in this thread make me sad, Cooper who is the dullest blameless manager ever, Tisdale who has had no success really anywhere other than 2 decent seasons at Exeter where he won the Conference and made the play offs and has just 2 promotions to his name from 14 seasons of lower league management and for fucks sake not Gary fucking Johnson the squeaky voiced dwarf with just 2 lower league promotions in 26 years as a manager.

I know we are beggars not choosers but they are bottom of the fucking barrel, give me Robbie Fowler in comparison any day or even Sol Campbell.

If its a jobbing manager again, which I truly hope it isn't, I would rather have Jackett & Phil Parkinson who are both attracted to Orient so would be in a L2 budget.

did ryan mason make you sad? former pro starting out- experience at the highest level.
i see names floating around and they are often either unrealistic or depressinging realistic with someone who has been round the block 50 times. for me i would like to revert back to a young manager starting out with a connection with the fans to get on board straight away

although gaffa at spurs it would be interesting to see what level would be a good start for him. I couldn't see a championship side taking him on at this stage.
he has good links with spurs and that worked out ok the last time!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:05:17
Maybe bring Matty Taylor with him as he was a fans favourite

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: kaufman on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:12:01
I’ve no idea what Cooper would bring to the club seeing as williams was really behind the way we played.

Power quite happily hung onto Sheridan knowing relegation was staring him in the face. That’s a big worry but maybe as stated today he’s found more funds.

I’ll genuinely be shocked if it’s even a Cooper or Tisdale type appointment.
I fear it’s going to get a lot lot worse before we see some light.

The only positive I can take from all of this is if Power IS willing to fund us with help of the EFL loan and Morfini’s 250k that he’ll at least give the club a decent chance to compete in L2 and consolidate until the decision is made who will run the club long term.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:14:37
Maybe bring Matty Taylor with him as he was a fans favourite

I don't think being a fans favourite should be the basis to bring anybody in as a manager.

Although he might have other attributes that would make him a good shout.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Banker on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:14:57
Tisdale would be a better fit for FGR - he could cycle to work at Stanley Park (assuming they still train there).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:24:27
I don't think being a fans favourite should be the basis to bring anybody in as a manager.

Although he might have other attributes that would make him a good shout.

I didn't say as manager I meant backroom staff

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:30:32
We’ll end up with someone like Keith Hill.

The football will be shit, the season will be shit, and everything will be shit until that tosser sells up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:35:46

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:37:30
Aside from Fowler it's a pretty uninspiring list. Shame someone like Jackett isn't there.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:40:53
Kewell played some good stuff st Crawley then his career nose dived

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:43:20
Uncle Sam won't be happy as you were bigging him up or months😀

I'd still take Rector Ricketts over Sinner Shezza any day. SR could work well as an assistant though, if Tommy Wright can carve a career as an assistant then I'm certain Ricketts could.

Still, Challinor for me. I don't really see why anyone would be averse to him if it's a youngish manager who has steadily carved his way up the N-L. Unless they are against that type then fair enough. It's probably only fair he gets a crack at a L2 (he might well do this by design if he gets Hartlepool promoted) soon. Hartlepool have being playing some decent stuff - wouldn't look out of place in L2 or dare I say L1.

I imagine come the seasons end proper, DC will have some options.
Potentially being touted by Trannies already too but that might be favour from people at Tranmere, starting to get his name bandied about. Much like Sluggy Evans being touted as manager here. Favour for favour and all that!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:43:37
Those on that list can all suck my steaming stump

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:50:08
Missing Holloway😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:51:16

Sheena Easton not even in the running!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:51:28
Own up, who in the fuckity of fucks managed to get Ian Herring on the list!? Ahead of Mike Newell in the odds too! Maybe GWR have referred him to Clem?  :hmmm:

The "Next Manager" lists are funny, one look at the Orient one lists almost an identical set of names (no Herring though - I don't think)  :pint:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:53:03
Missing Holloway😀

He's on there.

Along with:
Ian Holloway
Neil Harris
Sol Campbell
Steve Coppell
Ian Herring
Mike Newell

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Monday, May 17, 2021, 19:57:50
I think that's probaby just a Red Ian.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 17, 2021, 20:03:31
He's on there.

Along with:
Ian Holloway
Neil Harris
Sol Campbell
Steve Coppell
Ian Herring
Mike Newell

No Paul Trollope Kevin😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RobertT on Monday, May 17, 2021, 21:16:52
Given how late we left it to recruit a Goalkeeper last season, I doubt we'll see a new Manager until the day before the season starts, if then.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 17, 2021, 21:18:58
We’ll end up with someone like Keith Hill.

The football will be shit, the season will be shit, and everything will be shit until that tosser sells up.
More like Benny Hill.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, May 17, 2021, 21:43:26
Given how late we left it to recruit a Goalkeeper last season, I doubt we'll see a new Manager until the day before the season starts, if then.
Won’t need a manager anyway as with the Football League loan I’m sure they will mean we are under a transfer embargo and can’t see us paying back a £600k loan anytime soon.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, May 17, 2021, 22:04:19
Is Dean Gaffney off the cards then?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 08:40:49
Re Cooper - did Cooper and Power fall out when he left? I have a horrible sneaky feeling that if not, Power might go back down that route again.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 09:22:31
did ryan mason make you sad? former pro starting out- experience at the highest level.
Ryan Mason remains a totally unrealistic prospect, he will stay at Spurs in some coaching capacity.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 09:25:28
According to Nixon we (I presume, Power) is interviewing for the new man.

Other than another Sheridactyl type being here for the wage packet only, who would want the job.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 09:29:21
Re Cooper - did Cooper and Power fall out when he left? I have a horrible sneaky feeling that if not, Power might go back down that route again.
Cooper was sacked and has been bitter about it ever since, he banished Luke Williams from the training ground and that was the final nail in the coffin for Cooper..... So yeah they did fall out.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 09:38:25
As much as I'm not happy about Power recruiting a new manager - it does have to be done.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 09:46:02
As much as I'm not happy about Power recruiting a new manager - it does have to be done.

yeah, can't wait until September that's for sure. Or June.

We'll see how skint he is by whether its Peacock or Mildy :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 09:49:01
Cooper was sacked and has been bitter about it ever since, he banished Luke Williams from the training ground and that was the final nail in the coffin for Cooper..... So yeah they did fall out.
And there was way more than just that, Power and Cooper ended up hating each other for several reasons, only half of which were football related.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:09:10
And there was way more than just that, Power and Cooper ended up hating each other for several reasons, only half of which were football related.

Sounds like its a non-starter then.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:10:38
Sounds like its a non-starter then.
Terrific news !!.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:15:33
And there was way more than just that, Power and Cooper ended up hating each other for several reasons, only half of which were football related.
I’ve had the misfortune of being in the same room as Cooper a number of times, he really isn’t a pleasant character so not surprising.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:16:43

Tisdale zooms in to evens fav

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:20:27
Tisdale's not the type I'd go for but I still would not be too upset. I know he had a rough time at rovers, but they ended up being even worse than we were without him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:25:18
Tisdale's not the type I'd go for but I still would not be too upset. I know he had a rough time at rovers, but they ended up being even worse than we were without him.
Still remember him turning down Swansea to stay at Exeter, imagine he regrets that now!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:26:23
Tisdale is going to manage us one day, may as well be now.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:29:04
I’ve always rated Tisdale to be fair.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:41:43
I think Tisdale would be fine. Not especially exciting but of the jobbing lower league manager crowd, he seems reasonably appropriate, experience working on a small budget, integrating young players (not that we have any of those left), and doesn't appear to be an absolutely terrible human being either.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:45:25
Just looking at Tisdale's managerial history there. Obviously was at Exeter for ages and they were always there or there abouts towards the top of the leauge but he just couldn't get them promoted. Got Franchise promoted at the first time of asking, but in league 1 managed to pick up a pathetic 1 point in his first 9 games leading to him being sacked. Obviously this season with Rovers was also dire, but Barton did no better when he went there so gets a little bit of slack cut with him.

I think given the current state of the club we could probably do a lot worse with him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 10:52:33
Emma Hayes is on the bookies list

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 11:01:53
This chat is already full of unrealistic names so I'll chuck another couple in after looking at the BetVictor list.

Liam Rosenior. Fairly recently retired and has some coaching at both Brighton and Derby.

Derek McInnes. Can't beat a gruff, dour Scot in charge. (ignoring Mr Malpas) Did well at Aberdeen and we are probably much too small a job for him in fairness bearing in mind Aberdeen were in Europe most seasons (I think)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 11:07:31
Emma Hayes is on the bookies list

I'd take her just for the honestly of her pressers, if you thought Wellens was blunt!

Liam Rosenior. Fairly recently retired and has some coaching at both Brighton and Derby.

Setting aside the fact that Leroy Rosenior's lad is now moving into coaching makes me feel incredibly old, it i always handy to have a manager with links to PL sides for potential loans I s'pose.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 11:12:04
I'd take her just for the honestly of her pressers, if you thought Wellens was blunt!

Setting aside the fact that Leroy Rosenior's lad is now moving into coaching makes me feel incredibly old, it i always handy to have a manager with links to PL sides for potential loans I s'pose.

True that! Given the carry on at Derby, he would also be prepared for the shenanigans here!

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 11:12:44
I thought we were talking about leroy.

it makes more sense now I've triggered it's Liam

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 11:22:15
Emma Hayes is on the bookies list

I still don’t see how she would have any relevant experience to get the job. Surely any potential candidate needs experience of some sorts in men’s football, I don’t care what anyone says men’s and women’s football are almost completely different sports. Surely before getting a management gig a few years in a coaching or assistant position at a men’s team is required.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 11:35:18
Will never happen, she will only be on the list because one person wanted a couple of quid on her

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 11:45:21
This chat is already full of unrealistic names so I'll chuck another couple in after looking at the BetVictor list.

Liam Rosenior. Fairly recently retired and has some coaching at both Brighton and Derby.

Derek McInnes. Can't beat a gruff, dour Scot in charge. (ignoring Mr Malpas) Did well at Aberdeen and we are probably much too small a job for him in fairness bearing in mind Aberdeen were in Europe most seasons (I think)
The shitty fans absolutely hated Derek McInnes, I am he could do a job if he chose to leave his "native" land again after getting his fingers burnt at Bristol, quite badly.

I think we also had our fingers burnt when appointing Malpas which would instantly put a lot of fans off another appointment of his type, certainly the ones that remember MM.

There are a lot of lower league highly rated up and coming managers as there are a few north of the border and coaching abroad too but they don't seem to fit in Powers agenda or style of previous appointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 11:52:49
There are a lot of lower league highly rated up and coming managers as there are a few north of the border and coaching abroad too but they don't seem to fit in Powers agenda or style of previous appointment.

Does Power have a type though?

Cooper - Was inherited i guess, but was an assistant to Hart
William - Young highly thought of coach with no management experience, played the right way.
Flitcroft - Good lower league player, turned manager with 3+ years experience. More practical football.
Brown - Old hand, lots of experience at lots of clubs
Wellens - A bit of a shot in the dark after half a season with Oldham, but a young and progressive manager playing the right way.
Sheridan - A suicidal decision to doom the club, but an old head with vast (albeit terrible) experience.

About the only type he hasn't tried is the one Swindon has had most success with over the years, the top player turned manager (DiCanio, Wise, Hoddle etc).

I don't think its possible to predict the next move at all. What is predictable is that if you are a manager with your head screwed on you dont take this job at the moment. This club is an attractive proposition in league 2 with the right conditions, as per the Wellens appointment. Thats not the case at the moment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 11:54:01
It will be a jobbing L2 manager....or Sol Campbell

Surprised Sheridan is not on the list to return

It may depends if Paul Jewell has an input (no idea what he does at the club other than when Ritchie was here)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 12:02:30
Whoever it is will have the unenviable task of trying to keep us in the efl. That looks a tall order at present.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 12:36:45
Gary Johnson's the man for the job. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 12:37:45
Gary Johnson's the man for the job. 

Gary Johnson's the man with a job. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 12:38:31
Gary Johnson's the man with a job. 

And doing very well. 

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 12:50:12
I know its not the be all and end all but Johnson's statistics at Torquay are very impressive.

Winning 70 and drawing 20 out of 125 games managed for them.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 13:02:33
He's been outstanding for them but we haven't employed a manager in a job for generations. I'm not counting Sheridan.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 13:16:29
I know its not the be all and end all but Johnson's statistics at Torquay are very impressive.

Winning 70 and drawing 20 out of 125 games managed for them.
But he's also 65 and sacked by Yeovil and Cheltenham in his last 2 league jobs so I don't see any attraction personally.

Even with those stats he's going to miss out on automatic promotion to Sutton United who it is utterly depressing that we will be playing league games against next season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 13:24:16
Tisdale is a shoeing for this job while Power is hiring

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 13:27:30
But he's also 65 and sacked by Yeovil and Cheltenham in his last 2 league jobs so I don't see any attraction personally.

Even with those stats he's going to miss out on automatic promotion to Sutton United who it is utterly depressing that we will be playing league games against next season.

Yeah that's why I said the stats are not the be all and end all. Personally Johnson is probably a no for me as well but you could understand the appeal based on what he is doing at Torquay.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 13:31:08
Gary Johnson's the man for the job. 
Even if he was an option, which I hope he isn't, he is currently employed and Power will in no way on heaven and earth fork out for a fee to get a jobbing lower league manager where there are hundreds out there currently out of work.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 13:37:10
Even if he was an option, which I hope he isn't, he is currently employed and Power will in no way on heaven and earth fork out for a fee to get a jobbing lower league manager where there are hundreds out there currently out of work.

That may be right. He is my choice (I appreciate that, aside from those ITK, we have no influence on the ultimate decision).

There are loads of jobbing managers out there.  He has, at least, had some tangible success with footballing minnows.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 13:37:33
I do like the idea of Liam Rosenior though, his name has come up in a few places.  Ticks a lot of boxes of the type of man that has had success with us and has obviously done his time on the coaching pitch in the right manner.

Not going to happen with Power,  but if we are lucky enough to see the back of Power, I would like to put my full (considerable) weight behind him as the new owners candidate to start the revolution..

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:02:07
I do like the idea of Liam Rosenior though, his name has come up in a few places.  Ticks a lot of boxes of the type of man that has had success with us and has obviously done his time on the coaching pitch in the right manner.

Not going to happen with Power,  but if we are lucky enough to see the back of Power, I would like to put my full (considerable) weight behind him as the new owners candidate to start the revolution..
Again, even if he is a realistic option, which he may be, certainly compared to several names mentioned in this thread, it would depend on any compensation as he is currently employed at Derby as assistant manager.

I would think his wage for one would be higher than we could offer in comparison currently.

Also does he want a managers job or is he happy to play 2nd fiddle to Wayne Rooney a bit longer?

I have a feeling that typical Power it will be an out of work manager who has some experience in the lower league/s like Keith Curle who Power is a known admirer of (shudders).

LR does tick many of the boxes that we as fans would want but probably not what LP as owner would want though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:24:27
Keith Curle has only just taken over at Oldham. Apparently he can’t get enough of Hallam Hope so I’d say he’s nailed on to go there.

Noticed Dion Donohue has been binned by Barrow.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:25:30
Keith Curle has only just taken over at Oldham. Apparently he can’t get enough of Hallam Hope so I’d say he’s nailed on to go there.

Noticed Dion Donohue has been binned by Barrow.

Wonder if Wellens takes a gamble on him at Donny

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:26:23
Keith Curle has only just taken over at Oldham. Apparently he can’t get enough of Hallam Hope so I’d say he’s nailed on to go there.

Noticed Dion Donohue has been binned by Barrow.
I missed Curle taking over there, massive bullet dodged. TBH he can have Hope, hes lower than average L2 at best. Shame about Donohue as hes a decent left back despite his issues.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:26:42
Again, even if he is a realistic option, which he may be, certainly compared to several names mentioned in this thread, it would depend on any compensation as he is currently employed at Derby as assistant manager.

I would think his wage for one would be higher than we could offer in comparison currently.

Also does he want a managers job or is he happy to play 2nd fiddle to Wayne Rooney a bit longer?

I have a feeling that typical Power it will be an out of work manager who has some experience in the lower league/s like Keith Curle who Power is a known admirer of (shudders).

LR does tick many of the boxes that we as fans would want but probably not what LP as owner would want though.

That's why I said not for this appointment - he only becomes viable once we have new ownership, and that thing you might remember from years ago that we used to have - a plan

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:27:18
Does Power have a type though?

Cooper - Was inherited i guess, but was an assistant to Hart
William - Young highly thought of coach with no management experience, played the right way.
Flitcroft - Good lower league player, turned manager with 3+ years experience. More practical football.
Brown - Old hand, lots of experience at lots of clubs
Wellens - A bit of a shot in the dark after half a season with Oldham, but a young and progressive manager playing the right way.
Sheridan - A suicidal decision to doom the club, but an old head with vast (albeit terrible) experience.

About the only type he hasn't tried is the one Swindon has had most success with over the years, the top player turned manager (DiCanio, Wise, Hoddle etc).

I don't think its possible to predict the next move at all. What is predictable is that if you are a manager with your head screwed on you dont take this job at the moment. This club is an attractive proposition in league 2 with the right conditions, as per the Wellens appointment. Thats not the case at the moment.

You missed Martin Ling - not sure how I would classify him though. A good appointment for footballing reasons, shame how it turned out.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:28:26
That's why I said not for this appointment - he only becomes viable once we have new ownership, and that thing you might remember from years ago that we used to have - a plan

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:30:51
Noice :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:33:06
You missed Martin Ling - not sure how I would classify him though. A good appointment for footballing reasons, shame how it turned out.

He was another archetype really. An attempt at appointing someone with a club connection, had some managerial experience and played the right sort of football. Had he never been an STFC player i dont see he would have got appointed.

Largely he wants managers who are going to play the right way i guess. That may be the only real theme. There was some logic to that when it helped getting better loan players, or developing players and selling them on. Given current conditions though it feels somewhat of a luxury.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:35:06
Tisdale is on a final shortlist of 3 for the Orient job. Others are Jackett and Calderwood.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Exiled Bob on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:39:41
Tisdale is on a final shortlist of 3 for the Orient job. Others are Jackett and Calderwood.
Surprised nobody has mentioned Calderwood for the job here.....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:48:52
Would Tisdsle want to commute from Bath each day to manage a small league 2 club

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:50:16
Helluva commute, that!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:52:44
Have you ever tried getting into East London recent years

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 14:59:23
Ah, I see. I thought you’d come over all JBZ with a snide remark about us being the small league 2 club.

My apologies!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 15:05:15
Not at all😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 15:08:16
Surely if it's Power doing the hiring it'll just be one of his or Jewell's acquaintances.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 16:50:15
Might well be Newell and Sheedy if Power hangs around. I think they'd be happy to play Taylor Curran.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 17:06:14
depends why they left Waterford

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 06:52:52
After Jackett was heavily linked to join Orient it looks like they’ve plumped for Tisdale according to their local journo.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 08:55:53
I'd take Jackett here. Not sure why anybody would take the job here though, given the shit show we are but I feel Jackett is experienced and good enough to at least steady the ship.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 09:29:43
Might well be Newell and Sheedy if Power hangs around.
That will 100% not be happening!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 09:49:00
I'd take Jackett here. Not sure why anybody would take the job here though, given the shit show we are but I feel Jackett is experienced and good enough to at least steady the ship.
I would happily have Jackett here. Decent manager with a largely good record. Can't see it though - I am sure he has his sights set much higher than a league 2 clusterfuck and we have ours set much lower.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 10:06:18
I would happily have Jackett here. Decent manager with a largely good record. Can't see it though - I am sure he has his sights set much higher than a league 2 clusterfuck and we have ours set much lower.
I would have Jackett over almost all the (realistic) names on the list, hes been interviewed for the Orient job apparently so he is willing to drop to L2.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 10:51:10
I hope so too, but mainly for the "tie" puns.
I'll get me coat

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 10:58:21
Even as a basket case, we are still a big club in League Two. Plenty of managers would fancy their chances of a promotion on their CV.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:18:09
How about one left of field.

Andy Morrison the manager of Connah's Quay Nomads in Wales, ex Man City centre half, won the Welsh cup with them and got them through to the final of the Scottish Challenge Cup where they were beaten by Ross County and has this week won the Welsh Premier League title for the 2nd time.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:40:08
Even as a basket case, we are still a big club in League Two. Plenty of managers would fancy their chances of a promotion on their CV.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:42:23
Even as a basket case, we are still a big club in League Two. Plenty of managers would fancy their chances of a promotion on their CV.

I’d go as far to say we will probably be the biggest club in league 2 next season.
Other than Port Vale, obviously.  ;)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:46:56
Even as a basket case, we are still a big club in League Two. Plenty of managers would fancy their chances of a promotion on their CV.
I think the natural negativity shown by almost our entire fanbase at the moment ignores the fact that we ARE a fairly big fish in L2 by comparison, without disrespect to other teams in L2.

I know its pretty much an irrelevant argument between fans but if you look at the L2 table for next season then only Bradford could match us or exceed us for footballing history, fanbase and prospective fanbase.

If you read other clubs forums we do underestimate our own "draw" to players and managers at this level.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:47:15
That will 100% not be happening!

I sincerely hope so!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:54:50
I think the natural negativity shown by almost our entire fanbase at the moment ignores the fact that we ARE a fairly big fish in L2 by comparison, without disrespect to other teams in L2.

I know its pretty much an irrelevant argument between fans but if you look at the L2 table for next season then only Bradford could match us or exceed us for footballing history, fanbase and prospective fanbase.

If you read other clubs forums we do underestimate our own "draw" to players and managers at this level.

i'd be inclined to agree. Bradford are looking for a new manager as well so will be interesting to see who they go for.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: cdakev on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:55:41
Paul Tisdale currently favourite with the bookies for the orient job and ours. Maybe he's going to split the job.

Sheridan is 10/1 for the Barrow job. God help them !

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:57:52
We shouldn't even be in L2.

I know we deserve to be there - but we shouldn't be.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 12:58:40
The problem is, that with a new owner and manager in the near future replacing a particular gruesome twosome almost anybody would initially appeal by dint that they aren’t Power and Sheridan.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:07:01
We should be in league two. We’re a yo-yo club between the bottom two divisions and have been for the last 10-15 years. That’s our place in football at this time

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:11:18
We should be in league two. We’re a yo-yo club between the bottom two divisions and have been for the last 10-15 years. That’s our place in football at this time

1993 is a long time ago now. For those supporters in their twenties and below, scrabbling around in div 4 is the norm.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Old_Town_Red on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:22:58
I blame myself. My first full season was 99/00 when we were relegated from Division 1 (championship) and haven’t been back since.

I am so sorry

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:24:51
In the 21 years of this century we’ve been in the bottom league for just 5 seasons. The rest were between the now Championship and L1.

Talking bollocks. Again.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:31:40
In the 21 years of this century we’ve been in the bottom league for just 5 seasons. The rest were between the now Championship and L1.

Talking bollocks. Again.

Eh, when have we been in the Championship (or equivalent) since 2000?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:32:49
We should be in league two. We’re a yo-yo club between the bottom two divisions and have been for the last 10-15 years. That’s our place in football at this time

I just don't agree. I hate the 'which club is bigger' shite that gets bandied about, but we are simply too big a club for league 2. 

The only reason we've been up and down is poor management of the club - not the club itself.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:36:19
In the 21 years of this century we’ve been in the bottom league for just 5 seasons. The rest were between the now Championship and L1.

Talking bollocks. Again.
And over the entire 63 year history of Div 3 and div 4 split Swindon Town have only been in division 4 (L2) for a total of 9 seasons.

In 3 of those seasons we were promoted as champions too.

We are in L2 on merit but to say this is our natural home is bollocks.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Old_Town_Red on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:37:39
In the 21 years of this century we’ve been in the bottom league for just 5 seasons. The rest were between the now Championship and L1.

Talking bollocks. Again.

Um we have been in the championship once in last 21 years and that was 2000.

Since then 5 seasons in L2 soon to be 6 and rest in L1 with 3 or so playoff attempts.

So for younger supporters this is all we know and probably believe this is who we are now. No thanks to management and ownership.

The potential is there with the right backing.

We are now a yo yo team between bottom 2 leagues where really we should be a yo yo team between championship and league 1

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:44:59
We'll be a big club when we're in the National League in a years time that's certain enough!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:46:48
To claim we should be in L2 completely overlooks all of the shit we've had to put up with regarding owners etc this century - as though we've been reasonably well run but could still not complete.

As others have said - it's bollocks. The steaming variety.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 13:55:26
Old town red summed it up

As of next season, almost half of the previous eleven years were spent in league two, across numerous different ownerships and managements. We are where we deserve to be because of mismanagement on and off the pitch.

Doesn’t give a flying fuck what happened thirty years ago, or how big and successful we could be. That’s not being realised and hasn’t been realised, and at present looks incredibly unlikely to be realised. The potential is there, sure. But it’s unrealised potential, and means unrealised is worth the root of fuck all

At this point in time, out of the hundred and twenty odd years that this football club has existed, it’s a yo-yo club between the bottom two divisions. You can’t argue against that, it’s backed up in fact

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 14:00:36
We are where we deserve to be because of mismanagement on and off the pitch.

That doesn't make sense. It's circular.

We are where we are because of mismanagement, but it is not where we deserve to be.

It would only make sense if the club deserves to be mismanaged, but how could that possibly be the case? Do we deserve to be mismanaged because we've been mismanaged? It's circular.

I think this might just be a semantic dispute. I don't think anybody is denying that our current league position is deserved due to not being good enough last season - if that is what's being argued here.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Old_Town_Red on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 14:03:50
Old town red summed it up

As of next season, almost half of the previous eleven years were spent in league two, across numerous different ownerships and managements. We are where we deserve to be because of mismanagement on and off the pitch.

Doesn’t give a flying fuck what happened thirty years ago, or how big and successful we could be. That’s not being realised and hasn’t been realised, and at present looks incredibly unlikely to be realised. The potential is there, sure. But it’s unrealised potential, and means unrealised is worth the root of fuck all

At this point in time, out of the hundred and twenty odd years that this football club has existed, it’s a yo-yo club between the bottom two divisions. You can’t argue against that, it’s backed up in fact

Does seem unlikely to be realised with the gap between championship and league 1 ever increasing and lower league teams being left behind.

Yeah you get the odd Wycombe getting promoted but straight back down they went. Rotherham have been yo yo for past 4/5 years and can’t stay in the championship more than a season.

Unless we get big money bollocks come in, it’s increasingly hard.

Anyway back to the thread topic. I’m not too bothered who we get in as manager as they can’t be any worse than Sheridan and I just want someone in as soon as possible to start building a team. Just someone who can steady the ship until ownership is sorted. Currently next season is going to be tough.

It’s frustrating seeing the club congratulate Marty Taylor getting a managers job when we still need one.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 14:10:01
The mega rich seem to want an English football club as a plaything and the top 50 odd league spots in the pyramid have already been bought up. If STFC make it back to div 3, climbing out of the division, without significant investment, is likely to be a big ask.

For whatever reason, it appears that STFC is not the vehicle of choice for those who dream of awakening a sleeping giant and taking the to the PL (or PL2 when that starts).  Sadly, even Wrexham are much more attractive proposition.

Times change and football moves on. STFC has found its (current) place in the natural order of things. That's not to say things can't change, and I hope they will.  In the short to medium term, it appears unlikely.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 14:11:20
I assume that the Fowler appointment is dead in the water?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 14:11:40
we have enough about us to sustain l1 with the odd promotion push. That's where we should be

we are not anywhere near the championship

however, that's assuming we are well run. we aren't.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 14:13:04
Quote from: JBZ
I assume that the Fowler appointment is dead in the water?

I assumed it was never a serious option.

Typical Power MO when shit hits the fan

I'm still waiting for Clayton Donaldson & co

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 14:26:48
Aren't we ranked at somewhere like 57 in the 92 league clubs, I didn't realise there were 35 teams in league 2 BD?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:12:19
Aren't we ranked at somewhere like 57 in the 92 league clubs, I didn't realise there were 35 teams in league 2 BD?

I’m assuming that kind of ranking would be based on all time record, rather than recent record as I was referring too

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:14:22
It is, but you could have just stated we should be and are in league 2 because we were shite this season  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:18:34
That doesn't make sense. It's circular.

We are where we are because of mismanagement, but it is not where we deserve to be.

It would only make sense if the club deserves to be mismanaged, but how could that possibly be the case? Do we deserve to be mismanaged because we've been mismanaged? It's circular.

I think this might just be a semantic dispute. I don't think anybody is denying that our current league position is deserved due to not being good enough last season - if that is what's being argued here.

We are a league two side next season because the football club is mismanaged and deserves to be there based on its performances on the pitch and off it

No club deserves to be anywhere, they end up where they are because of the owners in charge. There’s no entitlement to it

We obviously all want a well run, successful football club. We haven’t been that for a very very long time, and teams which aren’t well run or successful for a very very long time tend to gravitate towards the bottom of the football league

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:21:32
We're just going around in circles.

I stand by my original comment that STFC should not be in L2. That we are because we have been mismanaged does not change that. (If anything, that we were mismanaged reinforces the point)

That's enough of that for me. I have work to do.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:27:50
To be fair the way we are being run currently, some could make a case we are lucky to be in the top 4 leagues as it is. Hopefully that doesn't change next season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:29:34
we have enough about us to sustain l1 with the odd promotion push. That's where we should be

Enough of what? (serious question not trolling).

As it stands we have...
Few players
zero cash
Zero assets
A pissed off fan base
General apathy in the town to the club
An FA charge hanging over our head.

Its going to take someone with serious cash and ambition and the ability to engage with the community to move us forward.

I know people compare us to Leicester in some ways but if you look at it they got where they are in a very different manner, firstly the ground was sorted and then 7 years later the were taken on by the Thai company.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:31:32
I think he means the club in general.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:33:45
I think he means the club in general.

Yeah I took it to mean that also. The actual potential of STFC as a club. Decent sized fanbase, alright sized stadium etc etc. Clearly we are miles away from doing anything with that potential, but it is there for sure.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:34:29
Happy memories we need to replicate

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:36:35

I'm still waiting for Clayton Donaldson & co

I’m still waiting for Willie Carson’s “Blow your socks off” signing!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 15:49:07
I assumed it was never a serious option.

Typical Power MO when shit hits the fan

I'm still waiting for Clayton Donaldson & co

That was the worst media spin ive ever seen

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 17:05:33
We deserve to be in League Two next season because we finished in the bottom 4 of League One this season. Is it an easier job to get Swindon promoted out of League Two than most of League Two clubs? I'd argue yes. That's what I base my "big club for League Two" statement on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 17:12:05
We deserve to be in League Two next season because we finished in the bottom 4 of League One this season. Is it an easier job to get Swindon promoted out of League Two than most of League Two clubs? I'd argue yes. That's what I base my "big club for League Two" statement on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 18:22:03
Stephen Robinson (ex-Oldham)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 18:38:42
I fear that Stephen Robinson would be another manager who might be happy to play Taylor Curran. Wonder if he knows Power from his Luton days.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: cdakev on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 18:44:22
It looks like it's going to be Stephen Robinson. FFS !

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Miles Mayhem on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 18:47:53
From Wiki - Robinson was appointed manager of Oldham Athletic in July 2016. He was replaced as manager by John Sheridan on 12 January 2017.

The Shezzzza connection fml

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 18:49:34
I fear that Stephen Robinson would be another manager who might be happy to play Taylor Curran. Wonder if he knows Power from his Luton days.

In fairness I don't really know very much about him. Can't get enthused about a manager appointed by Power in the current situation.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 19:01:24
Robinson was on a shortlist of 3 for the Donny job so must be fairly well thought of.

John McGreal’s odds have shortened considerably also. Wouldn’t mind him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 19:05:02
Yes I've just been reading about his time at Motherwell. Sounds much better than I first thought.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 19:06:56
Why did he resign

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 19:09:47

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 19:12:00

Cheers, just wondering why nobody has snapped him up over the past five months

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 19:15:34
Bit on McGreal. I quite like the sound of him.

McGreal has a reputation for playing "attacking, free-flowing" football with a "fluid 4–2–3–1 system". He is able to work alongside a director of football or head of recruitment and work with and develop a young squad.

The negative. He signed Luke Norris - for money!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 19:36:28
To be fair to Robinson he took Motherwell to 3rd place last season which is as high as they can possibly get

Being an unfortunate casual follower of jock ball, my memory is that he wasn't the sort of manager who took shit from anyone.

He doesn’t seem the sort who would accept being told who to pick, i.e Curran

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 19:58:32
Robinson lasted 6 months at Oldham before being sacked with them bottom of League 1, and was replaced by some bloke called John Sheridan.
No thanks.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 19:59:51
Could be another Malpas

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 20:17:47
Or another Sturrock

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 20:22:33
Efficient but a bland style of football then

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 20:26:20
Robinson lasted 6 months at Oldham before being sacked with them bottom of League 1, and was replaced by some bloke called John Sheridan.
No thanks.
So was Wellens tbf, i think we can all assume Sheridan gets jobs based on who he knows not if he is better or not. I wouldn't judge him on that awful Oldham jon

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 20:34:06
Don't know anything about Robinson, but his most recent record at Motherwell seems pretty good.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 20:46:16
He may be a decent appointment. Similarly, I don't know enough about his managerial career to offer an informed view.

By the way, I am a big fan of this thread.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 21:01:26
He may suddenly be favourite but who will be interviewing him or more importantly who will be paying him?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 21:09:20
He may suddenly be favourite but who will be interviewing him or more importantly who will be paying him?

Power is still in charge like it or not so it will be him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 21:15:46
Wasn't he on a shortlist before? I seem to remember someone from Motherwell being in the frame relatively recent. More recently than Malpas for sure!

Assume he is bring discussed because he is listed by the bookies? There isn't something else I've missed is there?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 21:20:52
Power is still in charge like it or not so it will be him.

Be interesting to sit in the dug out with no fans after the lockdown is lifted on a permanent basis.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 21:24:25
Be interesting to sit in the dug out with no fans after the lockdown is lifted on a permanent basis.

Absolutely. Season ticket sales are going to be at an all time low. Crowds are going to be miserable until he fucks off. Unfortunately it doesn't appear it will be until the 'big' court case in September. Some challenge for whatever poor fucker gets the role.

According to Nixon 3 people have been interviewed.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 21:32:30
Absolutely. Season ticket sales are going to be at an all time low. Crowds are going to be miserable until he fucks off. Unfortunately it doesn't appear it will be until the 'big' court case in September. Some challenge for whatever poor fucker gets the role.

According to Nixon 3 people have been interviewed.
You would hope whoever takes the job knows exactly what they are letting themselves in for.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 21:36:44
You would hope whoever takes the job knows exactly what they are letting themselves in for.

Maybe a few nods in the direction of said Nixon to pass on to anyone thick enough or desperate enough to take employment from Power that they’ll be sat on the bench on their own would be in order. I don’t have a Twitter account otherwise I’d oblige.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 21:41:54
If Power/Jewell are recruiting, whoever we get is the option that wasn’t deemed good enough when they appointed Sheridan! It’s beyond them to appoint someone outside the inner circle...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 21:47:11
If Power/Jewell are recruiting, whoever we get is the option that wasn’t deemed good enough when they appointed Sheridan! It’s beyond them to appoint someone outside the inner circle...
Ha.  That is a worrying (yet possible) scenario. Second best to Sheridan.....?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 02:25:22
McGreal is now favourite, fwiw.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RJack on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 03:59:03
McGreal is now favourite, fwiw.
Can’t see it happening he’s being lined up to be Tranmeres new boss

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 05:21:12
He’s hardly got a mention on their forum - if that means anything.

It’s split between Challinor and the absolute dread that it might be Sheridan!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 06:09:36
Really interesting and thorough article in the Athletic with Stephen Robinson last year. He's used to working with very small budgets with Motherwell so could set him up well prepared for a summer of Lee Power funding. Does most of his scouting in English lower leagues too so should be familiar with the level. Also willing to forgive his Oldham spell as they've been a basket case for as long as we have. (

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RJack on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 06:09:46
Friend who supports Tranmere reckons that they are are just concentrating on the play offs for now then will go from there.  He reckons McGreal could be lined up being ex-Tranmere player.  Guess we’ll see if Dawes does a decent enough job and gets them up they may offer the job to him.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 09:37:49
I see the ex Oldham and Motherwell manager Stephen Robinson has shot up to top of the betting odds to be our next manager.

He was linked a few years back and is probably linked again because he is a good mate of Jewell and Sherwood.

Ironically he was replaced as Oldham manager by El Shez.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: cdakev on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 10:22:12
I see the ex Oldham and Motherwell manager Stephen Robinson has shot up to top of the betting odds to be our next manager.

He was linked a few years back and is probably linked again because he is a good mate of Jewell and Sherwood.

Ironically he was replaced as Oldham manager by El Shez.

John McGreal according to Sky bet

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 11:07:53
John McGreal according to Sky bet
All it takes is one person putting £50/£100 on one person to change the betting massively I would think.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 11:18:17
All it takes is one person putting £50/£100 on one person to change the betting massively I would think.

Like the Sheena Easton escapade whenever it was?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 11:20:30
All it takes is one person putting £50/£100 on one person to change the betting massively I would think.
I might go and lump £100 on Sheridan for a laugh then.....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 11:22:55
Like the Sheena Easton escapade whenever it was?
December 2008!
I might go and lump £100 on Sheridan for a laugh then.....
That will get FB going :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 11:29:15
All it takes is one person putting £50/£100 on one person to change the betting massively I would think.

Indeed, not sure if it still is but the bookies were still listing Emma Hayes last night despite her signing a new Chelsea deal yesterday!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Rapidflyer on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 11:56:05
He’s hardly got a mention on their forum - if that means anything.

It’s split between Challinor and the absolute dread that it might be Sheridan!

I rate Challinor highly, he has done well at Hartlepool and previously at Fylde he done really well until the money dried up. I actually do believe he would suit the club. Passionate, good tactically and strict on training regimes and players .... commands respect and players love playing for him... speaking from real life and past experiences.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 12:08:50
Swindon Town's U13-U16 phase coach, Sean Wood, is currently 20/1 on SkyBet. Forget about £50-£100 bets, perhaps all it takes are a few £5 bets?

Might stick some money on getting the job myself.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Old_Town_Red on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 12:16:25
Swindon Town's U13-U16 phase coach, Sean Wood, is currently 20/1 on SkyBet. Forget about £50-£100 bets, perhaps all it takes are a few £5 bets?

Might stick some money on getting the job myself.

Maybe I should send my championship manager 99/00 CV to the club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 12:22:17
Wasn't there someone on here who always used to apply, for the vacant Barrow job there is an email address on the website for people to apply.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 12:26:23
I rate Challinor highly, he has done well at Hartlepool and previously at Fylde he done really well until the money dried up. I actually do believe he would suit the club. Passionate, good tactically and strict on training regimes and players .... commands respect and players love playing for him... speaking from real life and past experiences.
Nice to see you popping in! Vulture raking over the bones, eh!

See a couple of players have stuck the boot into Sheridactyl. Anything Jonny would like to add?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 15:21:00
Jackett hops over Tisdale to become hot fav for the Orient job.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 15:45:18
He likes East London and Orient would be a step up from Bermondsey

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 20, 2021, 16:07:46
I didn't realise Matty Taylor got the Walsall Job

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Friday, May 21, 2021, 07:13:05
Mike Mcgrath football reporter at Telegraph saying John McGreal is in the frame for managers job

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 21, 2021, 07:53:04
37.6% win ratio... perfect

(yeah, give him a chance etc,)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:11:09
Looking at his time at Colchester under McGreal were always there or there abouts, twice finishing just outside the play-offs, once in mid-table and once in the play-offs. Can't help feeling that he possibly could have done a little better, Col U you thought were always a top 6 side, but he could never quite achieve this.

Probably another manager that if appointed you just say 'well we could do worse'

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:13:22
Anyone who has willingly signed Luke Norris is not fit to be the manager!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:17:02
This isn't down to the fact that he's Liverpulidan but I believe he is pals with Jewell which will come as no surprise.

Colchester did alright under his management (without knowing what his budget was).

16/17: 8th
17/18: 13th
18/19: 8th
19/20: 6th

Experienced in yearly high turnover of staff

Swindon Town's record vs. McGreal's Colchester PLD7 W1 D1 L5 F6 A13.

His team knocked Crystal Palace and Spurs out of the League Cup on pens in 2019.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:20:58
In fairness (Norris aside) his teams always seemed to play the right way when we played them, and as per Costanza's post they did remarkably well against us.

Wait and see but probably as much as you could hope for given current conditions.

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:24:07
seems reasonably well regarded by col u fans from what I can see

Though there is criticism he only had a plan A.

wish Sheridan had a plan A last season

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:26:25
He has a reasonable record. Not great, but reasonable. Probably about the best we could hope for under the circumstances and his alleged ability to work under a tight budget could be exactly what we need.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:28:01
As the next court hearing is in just over 3 weeks I really cannot see us appointing a new manager before then. Why would Power incur another wage and in addition who would take the job knowing that they could be out on their ear in a month?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:34:12
As the next court hearing is in just over 3 weeks I really cannot see us appointing a new manager before then. Why would Power incur another wage and in addition who would take the job knowing that they could be out on their ear in a month?

They will appoint a manager and Power has no interest in making a deal with Axis therefore this will roll on until September.

The 'show', no matter how stinky it is, must go on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:42:45
The judge did suggest he could force a sale next month.

Not that I'm saying that's likely to happen.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:45:59
The judge did suggest he could force a sale next month.

Not that I'm saying that's likely to happen.

He said that before too hence why people thought there would be a decision this week.

There will be a new manager.

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:47:18
first col u opinion:

He did well with very limited resources and a lot of interference from above. He never got the credit he deserved from some people. But by all accounts was very highly regarded by the players. Strange circumstances when he left and I think it was a shame as he was doing well

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:14:32
I didn't realise Matty Taylor got the Walsall Job
In the managerial migration thread.

I have been reading the Walsall forum which stated it definately was the Exeter manager and not our ex player but now that seems to have gone the polar opposite and it is our ex Matty Taylor!

Confusing to say the least when even their own fans have no idea which one it is!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:25:46
more on McGreal:

Very prone to sitting onto leads if winning at half time - which makes the 2nd half extremely torturous. Also, vary rarely did we come from behind to win games due to poor/lack of subs and lack of a plan b. You’ll very much enjoy the 1st half of each match.

I must say, he did seem to have his hands tied at points - so I’d be intrigued to see what he can do with more freedom in terms of signings & formations. But his in game management will leave you bewildered. Will be an interesting game when we come up against him!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:28:16
more on McGreal:

Very prone to sitting onto leads if winning at half time - which makes the 2nd half extremely torturous. Also, vary rarely did we come from behind to win games due to poor/lack of subs and lack of a plan b. You’ll very much enjoy the 1st half of each match.

A 50% improvement on this season then!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Frigby Daser on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:31:02
Can’t wait to have another stop gap manager on a month to month contract.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:32:12
A 50% improvement on this season then!

My exact reply :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:35:19
I am at a stage now that I would take anyone in preference to Sheridan, even Paul Hart. There I said it.

As with any managerial appointment if he gets the right players it could work well, it could also work badly, horses for courses.

I want to watch entertaining football though not Cowley style kick it high and hard and bully the oppositions players style though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:41:02
Can’t wait to have another stop gap manager on a month to month contract.

When have we ever had a manager on a month to month contract?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:43:18
When have we ever had a manager on a month to month contract?
Paul Hart was, but otherwise its never happened AFAIK.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: theakston2k on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:45:44
more on McGreal:

Very prone to sitting onto leads if winning at half time - which makes the 2nd half extremely torturous. Also, vary rarely did we come from behind to win games due to poor/lack of subs and lack of a plan b. You’ll very much enjoy the 1st half of each match.

Pretty much bucked all of that against us last season, plenty of 2nd half goals in our 3 defeats and came from behind in the away league match.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:52:57

Good manager. We shouldn’t of let him go, look what happened to us this season without him. Plays attacking football, does get a bit defensive when in front but best manager we’ve had for a while.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:57:23
Paul Hart was, but otherwise its never happened AFAIK.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, May 21, 2021, 10:03:07
If it turns out to be McGreal I’ll be happy enough.

It’s where we are in the perpetual cycle of being a decent lower league club.

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Friday, May 21, 2021, 10:10:45

Like sitting on a 1 goal lead if you are winning at ht which makes the second half of football very anxious to watch subs were not the greatest and struggled when we went 1-0 down to get something from the game

Loves to attack until the first goal, then sitting back the rest of the game , can be very nervy

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, May 21, 2021, 10:10:52
If it turns out to be McGreal I’ll be happy enough.

It’s where we are in the perpetual cycle of being a decent lower league club.
There have been many many worse prospects posted in this thread already than McGreal.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Friday, May 21, 2021, 10:16:09
If it turns out to be McGreal I’ll be happy enough.

It’s where we are in the perpetual cycle of being a decent lower league club.

Yep, broadly agree. On the good side of the realistic options, not inspiring but seems a competent enough manager and should provide some much needed stability.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 21, 2021, 10:26:56
Plays attacking football, does get a bit defensive when in front

If only we had this to moan about last season.

'when in front'? Let's get that bit done first.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:10:10
Maybe this confirms it

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:18:15
Whoever Power appoints (under his revitalised interest in STFC) will be managing with their hands tied. Be it McgreaI, Robinson or A.N. Other I hope they are held accountable for results and their actions unlike the last permanent incumbent

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:19:22
Maybe this confirms it
It confirms there is a link but not confirmed from the club, in the last week or so the Adver has stated we are after Tisdale, Fowler, Jackett, Hayes, Wellens and Cooper!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:19:48
Maybe this confirms it

it doesn't confirm anything, other than the adver have heard McGreal is possibly being considered.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:22:41
Jackett confirmed as Orient manager on a one year rolling contract deal.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:26:22
Whoever Power appoints (under his revitalised interest in STFC) will be managing with their hands tied. Be it McgreaI, Robinson or A.N. Other I hope they are held accountable for results and their actions unlike the last permanent incumbent
We need a manager - whether Power is here or not. If he was only interested in a cheap as chips, anyone will do until I go appointment with no budget he’d probably have got himself or Jewell to do it.

I’d imagine if it is McGreal he must be aware of the job limitations and how that may adversely affect his CV. There are plenty of jobs going in L2 atm, and I reckon he’d get one of them if he wanted.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: china red on Friday, May 21, 2021, 11:36:47
Jackett confirmed as Orient manager on a one year rolling contract deal.

Good appointment on paper, surprised he’s dropped down to league two

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, May 21, 2021, 13:55:54
Good appointment on paper, surprised he’s dropped down to league two

Money and location, location, location perhaps?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 21, 2021, 14:37:18
Money and location, location, location perhaps?

I read that he demanded a top 3 budget in his initial discussions which broke down, but obviuosly there was some kind of agreement made in the secondary talks which both parties were happy with. Suggests that Orient will be 'going for it' next season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Friday, May 21, 2021, 15:26:23
Orient’s 33/1 next season looks tempting.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 21, 2021, 15:39:55
Orient’s 33/1 next season looks tempting.

Indeed. Get on it before they make any signings!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, May 21, 2021, 20:05:53
Indeed. Get on it before they make any signings!

A brave gambler would have a punt on us, what are we at the moment? 250/1?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Friday, May 21, 2021, 20:11:57
A brave gambler would have a punt on us, what are we at the moment? 250/1?

I am sure that there are many who think that STFC will "piss the league".

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 21, 2021, 22:04:11
A brave gambler would have a punt on us, what are we at the moment? 250/1?

Seems generous!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Friday, May 21, 2021, 22:57:47
Seems generous!

It was a guess BTW.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, May 21, 2021, 23:55:54
I’d have taken tisdsle when we were a progressive club moving forward, seems a bit pointless in a relegation battle next season.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, May 22, 2021, 02:12:32
A brave gambler would have a punt on us, what are we at the moment? 250/1?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Saturday, May 22, 2021, 06:35:51

Cheeky bastards.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, May 22, 2021, 08:53:42
Thats pathetic odds for a team with no owner, no manager and no team and with a pending serious FA charge.

I guess it proves that with started odds like that the the bookies are confirming us as a "big fish in a small pond".

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Saturday, May 22, 2021, 09:21:32
I enjoy a bit of a dabble on pre-season odds - usually a treble on the EFL. Orient will be one this time. L2 maybe Rovrum - the perennial yo-yo club. Championship usually sees the relegated PL clubs do well, but I don’t fancy Blades or Fulham much.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crispy on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 08:11:53
I'm patiently waiting for the Relegation market to be priced up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 08:44:52
I'm patiently waiting for the Relegation market to be priced up.

Town & Doncaster double!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 12:24:16
McGreal now 1/3

Mark Cooper 1/5 Barrow

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 12:35:21
To be fair he done ok at Colchester and they never improved last season after they sacked him

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 12:42:28
McGreal now 1/3

Mark Cooper 1/5 Barrow
I would happily take McGreal over Cooper. Beggars can't be choosers.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 12:45:20
Same here as Colchester were always hard to beat under him

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: MangoRed on Sunday, May 23, 2021, 23:15:11
Mcgreal clear favourite now. The sooner we appoint, the better. Regardless of how little we think of this wrongun of a owner, he’s gonna be here in September for season start. Could do a lot worse than Mcgreal. Limited budget at Col U, a lot of owner interference and got them there highest finish in some time in his final season. They’ve struggled without him this season. It’s not a bold ambitious move, I get that... but it’s not John Sheridan.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Monday, May 24, 2021, 06:20:46
Sutton's manager has appeared on SkyBet at 16/1.

Good ol' punters.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, May 24, 2021, 09:30:27
Sutton's manager has appeared on SkyBet at 16/1.

Good ol' punters.
Absolutely despite them just 2 weeks ago signing 2 year extentions at Sutton.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, May 24, 2021, 09:57:13
Absolutely despite them just 2 weeks ago signing 2 year extentions at Sutton.

Plus I cannot see any manager presently employed wanting to sign on to this shit show!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, May 24, 2021, 10:03:12
Plus I cannot see any manager presently employed wanting to sign on to this shit show!
Not just for job security but compensation reasons to his current club too.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 24, 2021, 13:18:20
Not just for job security but compensation reasons to his current club too.
Well he must be well out of the picture then,  can't see Power putting his hand in his pocket.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, May 24, 2021, 14:26:51
Not just for job security but compensation reasons to his current club too.
Although much like player transfers manager compo would not all be paid in 1 go. Be another nice debt left with

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, May 24, 2021, 15:05:59
Although much like player transfers manager compo would not all be paid in 1 go. Be another nice debt left with
True, but I just can't see Power spending anyones money at the moment with the ownership issues up in the air.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, May 24, 2021, 15:12:31
True, but I just can't see Power spending anyones money at the moment with the ownership issues up in the air.

Wouldn't surprise me tbh, wasn't the club given 300k to keep going by Clem and Standing. Wouldn't be suprised if the spiteful bastard used their cash to employ someone they had to put up with

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 24, 2021, 15:14:22
Tbf, McGreal doesn’t seem a bad appointment whoever ends up owning the club.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, May 24, 2021, 17:18:19
Wouldn't surprise me tbh, wasn't the club given 300k to keep going by Clem and Standing. Wouldn't be suprised if the spiteful bastard used their cash to employ someone they had to put up with
In court Power stated categorically that he had SOLELY funded the club since August 2019.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, May 24, 2021, 18:11:42
In court Power stated categorically that he had SOLELY funded the club since August 2019.
But recently they had to give him 300k whilst they carried out due dilligence

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 24, 2021, 18:16:02
Which Power said, in court, he has not used.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 09:15:11
Which Power said, in court, he has not used.
But also, that Clem said a large portion off had gone and was unaccounted for, when the judge questioned this his solicitor said she had no details on it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 09:24:13
Wouldn’t that sort of thing be ring-fenced, though. Who in their right mind would trust Power with money?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 09:31:37
Wouldn’t that sort of thing be ring-fenced, though. Who in their right mind would trust Power with money?

Certainly not the Eady estate.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 09:40:49
Wouldn’t that sort of thing be ring-fenced, though. Who in their right mind would trust Power with money?
I wouldn't trust Power not to sell the steam off my piss in the Town End bogs as it belonging to him after taking place on his property.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: chalkies shorts on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 10:01:11
I wouldn't trust Power not to sell the steam off my piss in the Town End bogs as it belonging to him after taking place on his property.
Or give Clem his 15% of your steam

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Power to people on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 11:50:35
Its all gone very quiet on the managerial front, could Power be waiting until after the next court case, or is he letting Sheridan have a little holiday before he returns ?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 11:54:33
Lee Power and trust simply don’t go together.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 11:55:54
It probably comes under the Power mantra of ‘why pay a manager when there’s little for him to do until the transfer window opens’

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Costanza on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 14:53:01
Any manager would be wise to do their own due diligence/risk assessment before taking this job for obvious reasons.

There will be a new manager sooner rather than later.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: kaufman on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 19:44:29
I mean, it’s a certainty isn’t it?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 19:55:07
The unfinished business is probably that he left a TV at the club from last time and he wants to fight Power to the bitter end to get it back

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 20:13:51
Clearly no one has told him about the financial situation and budgetary constraints he’d be under.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 21:02:10
Clearly not what we need right now

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 21:09:16
I mean, it’s a certainty isn’t it?
He'd do for me,  but really can't see it happening.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 21:58:56
Francis burrow has seen the picture of clem holding the scarf at the county ground and got confused

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 22:05:01
Clearly not what we need right now

On some levels it is, however, I agree with you. In as much as that on past experiences with him we don’t need another shit storm looming on the horizon a couple of years down the road.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 22:10:26
Get PdC back in with Comazzi as defence coach.

Fan/community engagement would go through the roof.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 22:12:21
Assuming Gary Johnson cannot be tempted to leave Torquay

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 22:45:57
Get PdC back in with Comazzi as defence coach.

Fan/community engagement would go through the roof.

So would the fucking wage bill. Poor Clem would have a heart attack.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 22:59:09
I wonder how the PDC story came about

A jurno probably saw him sharing a Peroni with Robbie Fowler

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 02:03:26
Its not a real account

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 07:52:24
Total rubbish.

Why would we want a manager that wins games? Fuck that shit.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:02:00
Wins games whilst financially ruining the club again, yeah Fuck that shit..

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:04:19
Wins games whilst financially ruining the club again, yeah Fuck that shit..

Di Canio signed the cheques himself did he?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:13:46
Nah, he made them an offer they couldn't refuse

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Kinky Tom on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:23:43
If Di Canio had had to make do with what he signed in the first couple of months we'd not have gone up, his recruitment was dreadful to begin with and had a scattergun approach to spending our massive budget until he hit on what became our regular squad.

Wellens came in to take charge of an average L2 squad and had a great January transfer window, improving us massively.  With the same financial support as Di Canio enjoyed Wellens would have had us in the Play-Offs this season.  Both left when the budget was going to be cut. 

I really don't get how anti-Wellens yet so pro-Di Canio you are DV?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:31:20
Something may be afoot. BetVictor have closed the Swindon Manager market.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:41:18
McGreal - done deal #tansmedia

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:41:44
Its McGreal.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:46:55
It’s real mcgreal

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:47:31
Where did that come from. Or is it genuinely Tansmedia

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: china red on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:48:21
Considering our current situation I think this is a better appointment than I expected

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:50:15
Considering our current situation I think this is a better appointment than I expected

Yeah me also. One of the lads on the Loathed Strangers podcast is going to be very happy!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:51:04
Let's hope he's a good appointment as he done well at Colchester but I'm curious to know why he's been out of work for a whole season and nobody else offered him a managers job

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:51:33
Where did that come from. Or is it genuinely Tansmedia


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:54:27
Let's hope he's a good appointment as he done well at Colchester but I'm curious to know why he's been out of work for a whole season and nobody else offered him a managers job
Maybe somebody did and he didn’t fancy it.

Much more fun to rock up at a club on the brink - of collapse or rebirth!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:55:16
Good points plus you then take all the credit😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:56:14
So is this legit or ITK nonsense?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Lethbridge70 on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:58:35
Mcgreal was the appointment we should have made when Wellens left.Plays the style of football that would have suited our squad.Its not like he wasn't available.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 08:58:55
I think more a case of 2+2=4. Nixon reported it, massive odds on favourite, betting now suspended....

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 09:05:07
Reasonably happy with this. (If true).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Abrahammer on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 09:15:24
I’ll take this under the circumstances, could have done far far worse

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 09:38:38
I’ll take this under the circumstances, could have done far far worse

Key bit is in bold.

It does lead to the question if Axis get control will they retain....but that's a million miles away and we can't wait.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 09:44:29
I think it looks like a reasonable appointment even if we were not currently a basket case.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 09:46:44
Mcgreal was the appointment we should have made when Wellens left.Plays the style of football that would have suited our squad.Its not like he wasn't available.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 09:48:02
Mcgreal was the appointment we should have made when Wellens left.Plays the style of football that would have suited our squad.Its not like he wasn't available.

Agreed but probably not the cheap option at the time

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 10:59:01
He’s used to managing nondescript, insignificant teams who just make up the numbers.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:01:38
He’s used to managing nondescript, insignificant teams who just make up the numbers.


He's managed 1 (one) team.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:04:21
He’s used to managing nondescript, insignificant teams who just make up the numbers.

Sounds like progress to me...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:08:34

He's managed 1 (one) team.

I know that.
Are Colchester not as I described? Are we not the same as that?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:09:41
Four years at Colchester so he would have managed different teams in that period.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:18:56
I know that.
Are Colchester not as I described?


But you make it out as though he has a long history with a reputation of managing that kind of team only. (You even used the plural).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:20:51
Quote from: Flashheart
He’s used to managing nondescript, insignificant teams who just make up the numbers.


He's managed 1 (one) team.

100% loss record at Colchester the first time

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:22:30

He's managed 1 (one) team.

100% loss record at Colchester the first time
Not just that, it was a 5-1 defeat to Burton.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:26:53

He's managed 1 (one) team.

100% loss record at Colchester the first time

McGreal out

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:30:28
McGreal out

Can you be out before you are in?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:34:01
Steve coppell done his best at Man City & Bristol City😀

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:41:31
Can you be out before you are in?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:45:24
Can you be out before you are in?

Then we should get him in just to get him out again.

That'll learn them.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 12:45:35
Then we should get him in just to get him out again.

That'll learn them.

Break the Leroy Rosenior record!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 12:54:26
I wouldn't trust Power not to sell the steam off my piss in the Town End bogs as it belonging to him after taking place on his property.
It has to be said, that's an incredibly niche market

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:11:19
you can sell anything on eBay

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:23:42
A 37.4 win % should be enough to keep us in the division.
Assuming that we start with nul points that is.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:30:01
I wouldn't trust Power not to sell the steam off my piss in the Town End bogs as it belonging to him after taking place on his property.

His brief would quote possession being 9/10 of the law.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:30:15
BBC Wilts understands it’s McGreal. 2 year deal.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:32:27
BBC Wilts understands it’s McGreal. 2 year deal.

Welcome, Mr. McGreal

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:35:39
Indeed Welcome.

It is going to be a bloody difficult job while that monitored grant hangs over us, restricting what we can do.

That and a probable shoestring budget anyway.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:36:59
Made sense when Wellens left. Not unhappy with him now, but hope he's going into the job with his eyes open and a plan for whatever unfolds this summer. Plenty of work to do. Good luck!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bathford on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:38:00
Welcome, Mr. McGreal
This may be a daft question, but who's hired him? Power wants out and surely Axis & Able can't get involved.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:39:16
bathford: Who is in charge at the club currently?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:39:23
Has he officially been offered the job and accepted it?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:40:16
Has he officially been offered the job and accepted it?

BBC Wilts understands that's what has happened, yes.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Wobbly Bob on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:41:02
Taking into account the likely mass ST boycott etc he may end up with a budget that he would have been used to at Colchester.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:41:56
BBC Wilts understands that's what has happened, yes.

Well I never.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:41:57
Taking into account the likely mass ST boycott etc he may end up with a budget that he would have been used to at Colchester.

Which means we might get Luke Norris as our main goal getter next season. Hopefully we get loads of pens.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:42:39
It’s no coincidence this has all came out the same day Clem is going to be live on Facebook is it? I get the feeling somebody is trying to take the attention away from that.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:42:54
Taking into account the likely mass ST boycott etc he may end up with a budget that he would have been used to at Colchester.

I doubt it would be that much if Mr. Power still holds the reigns.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:46:46
I can only think of 2 scenarios.

1. The club sale is going through and McGreal has got Clem’s nod


2. Power is staying

On the face of it a decent appointment - definitely better than I thought Power would go for if it was his choice.

Sheridan was here for the wage only - guaranteed for the 8 months he was here and at the fag end of a miserable career.

McGreal is a relative newby and must have sought certain assurances that persuaded him to join.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JoeMezz on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:52:19
Not an awful appointment in the circumstances. Obviously dependent on who appointed him - but we could have got a lot worse

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:52:30

McGreal is a relative newby and must have sought certain assurances that persuaded him to join.

An assurance from Power means absolutely nothing.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:53:08
Quite pleased with the appointment (without considering what it implies about the ownership situation). Experienced in the league, plays decent football and will be motivated to do a good job. Not sure we can ask for too much more

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 13:55:30
An assurance from Power means absolutely nothing.
I presume he’s asked around about that!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Private Fraser on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:08:11
Nice 'arms-folded' pic on the OS now.  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:09:55

Bit of chat about going for promotion. Think that's probably a little bit pie in the sky.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:12:32
I'd like to know from those saying it is an underwhelming and disappointing appointment, who they realistically thought we would get

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: FormerlyPlymRed on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:13:45
Got sacked after finishing in Play Offs losing to Exeter who were a very decent side that year. Beat Palace and Spurs in the League Cup losing in the quarter finals at Manchester United.

Considering Colchester finished lower this season than in any of those in which Mcgreal was manager (without knowing any other factors at Colchester that may have impacted), it doesn't look a bad appointment to me.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Crackity Jones on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:14:31

Bit of chat about going for promotion. Think that's probably a little bit pie in the sky.
amazingly one of the club leadership team (and I use the term leadership team in the loosest sense) speaks; albeit through the website.  Anyway good luck John - you are gonna need it

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:17:34
Good appointment, but will have both hands tied behind his back until the ownership changes.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:17:40
Nice 'arms-folded' pic on the OS now.  :)

Found a dumped mattress outside his house has he?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:20:48
I'd like to know from those saying it is an underwhelming and disappointing appointment, who they realistically thought we would get

I'd say most on TEF have been pretty positive overall about McGreal. Twitter may be a different story though?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: tans on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:24:32
Expected worse to be honest.

Good luck John, please dont sign Luke Norris again though

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: RJack on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:25:59
Can't help feeling sorry for McGreal.  Not only does he have to work with Power interferring and dictating who he can & can't play but he's gonna have frig all money to bring players in on a team that will need to be totally rebuilt.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: JBZ on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:27:21
Just saw this on the STFC LinkedIn page.  Not sure why anyone would have any particular objections to McGreal's appointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:27:28
First port of call, give Curran a 3 year contract extension!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:33:03
Very pleased. Was dreading a Newell and Sheedy appointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Private Fraser on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:37:47
Interview on BBC Wilts at 1600 apparently

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: pauld on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:41:02
Happy enough. See how he gets on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: hefty toe on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 14:41:35
I did quite like his comment:

"It's Swindon Town. That alone makes you want to apply for the job."

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 15:32:43
McGreal is a realistic and good appointment for L2, I had a feeling he was possibly going for and getting the Trannies job.

The only word of caution here and someone else touched on it...this reads very much like a media smokescreen detracting from the Clem appearance later on (next week)... :hmmm:

The fact Paul Jewell came out of his Yorkshire hiding to give comment (over the phone I assume) and play the PR card with "...the club needs some positivity at the moment"

I'm in no way saying McGreal isn't a decent appointment but appointing a manager alone will not solve the current shitshow going on. If the current owner(s) think that this will change our minds then they are even more scum than many of us thought.

I actually feel for McGreal until change happens.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: stfcjack on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 15:48:59
Not a bad appointment, will be a shame for him to have to witness an empty country ground but he'll see what we are all about at away games...

Btw what is it that Clem is appearing on tonight?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 16:05:07

Btw what is it that Clem is appearing on tonight?

Sorry, I've clarified I meant later on next week but certainly detracts away from it imo.

Having listened to JMcG felt very "party line" and "spin" to me; I wasn't really buying it. That's nothing against McGreal but it felt like he had been given guidance on what to say.

Basically, it wasn't convincing especially with all the crap going on. What are these signings he talks of?  Who will be paying for the contracts? Who is actually paying his contract? The simple answer is "well it's Lee Power of course" but is it really coming out of the Lausanne based one's pocket or is it coming from his mysterious American benefactor or maybe he's sourced some other mug to hand over some Benjamins? Because as we know, to a certain extent, it's not likely to come from matchday revenue.

I'm probably being even more overly critical right now but it's hardly surprising. Sorry, a scarf over the head (or not) is not likely to encourage fans to rethink their stance on a season ticket. Until ownership is resolved and Town has a more clear indication to the future of the club, not many will budge.


Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 16:15:22

Btw what is it that Clem is appearing on tonight?

Swindon Town Supporters Club, Facebook page - live at 9pm with Vic Morgan.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Private Fraser on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 16:27:49

Btw what is it that Clem is appearing on tonight?

Swindon Town Supporters Club, Facebook page - live at 9pm with Vic Morgan.

Just for clarity. That’s next Wednesday….

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 16:29:42
He was doing one with Trust today though wasnt he? Then LS later this week and OSC next week.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 16:35:42
Hodgetts with McGreal:
- Absolutely delighted to be here
- Fantastic opportunity
- Managing Colchester against them saw it as a huge club
- Thrilled to get the opportunity to try to get us back into L1
- Met and been shown around today
- What happened at Colchester? Club wanted to go in a different direction. Still has a good relationship with Colchester.
- Been watching a few games on the 'Y scout' (?)
- Knows Paul Cook well at Ipswich and getting tips from him
- Style of play: Like to play football. With pace and power. Get the ball down and play
- Wants environment to connect players with the fans
- Hopes to make a couple of signings to show intent. To show the supports that we are the business
- Blank canvass an opportunity to put his stamp on the club.
- Its been madness over the last few days. Priority has been to put staff in place and talking to agents
- Numerous players out of contract and agents wanting to talk
- Phone hasnt stopped ringing since he's been appointed. Shows players want to play for Swindon Town
- Far too soon to say whether he will resign any of the players that have been released
- Don't know any of the players here. Will be contacting them soon
- No issue with the ownership battle
- Only concern is to get a team together to play
- Wants to get fans feeling back. So much difference with fans back in the ground.
- We dont want to lose fans. We want to get fans back. We need that support
- Winning games and playing the right way is huge.

- Rebuilding job having dropped to L2 and players coming out to say how bad it was
- Needs a clean slate
- Coaching is all at Colchester. Four seasons coaching there.
- Reason he left is because Colchester were on a budget cutting exercise
- He isn't one of those 'retread managers' who have been around everywhere
- Sheridan didn't connect with the Town, the fans, the players and now there are only 9 players left
- He needs to put a winning team together
- McGreal talked about there being quite a good budget. Must be strings attached due to FL loan to pay wages
- Needs to spend smartly or get some bargains
- Talked about reengaging with the community.
- Thinks most people see McGreal as a good, pragmatic signing.
- Impressive that fans are giving him this much good will given the state of the club and the fact that there is so little good will at the club!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 16:44:13
Good budgie?

Who’d a tawt it.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 16:54:54
cheers NMH

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 16:56:15
Just for clarity. That’s next Wednesday….

Ah - apologises!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nemo on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 17:10:27
- Been watching a few games on the 'Y scout' (?)

Wyscout ( - it's a football analysis platform used by most clubs these days, but the kind of thing that was revolutionary ten years ago.

Thanks for transcribing. All sounds fairly positive, big task ahead of him but I'm reasonably pleased it's him rather than some of the possibles.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: adje on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 18:18:49
Do we know if anyone else was interviewed?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 19:16:20
Anyone with cG in his name is destined for greatness with STFC. Shame about the John bit "shudders"

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 07:00:55
The one remaining Adver reporter must be on holiday this week - the new manager has not even been announced on there.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 07:03:20

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 07:19:06
The one remaining Adver reporter must be on holiday this week - the new manager has not even been announced on there.

He is.  :)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 07:27:16
Think he’s a dull, uninspiring choice for a dull, uninspiring club.

That said, we could have done a lot worse, a lot worse...

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 07:46:14
He is.  :)


I just looked back at the Adver after that link was posted and it seems that they have posted it in the Sport section, but not the Swindon Town section - so it has probably been posted by the work experience lad..

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:14:14
Haven't looked in detail has he brought an assistant/other staff with him.

Surprised its a two year deal, albeit I imagine they had to do that to get him to take it as gives him the safety net of a bit of a pay off if a new owner wants rid in a months time.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:21:16
Anyone know what happens to Jewell if Power sells up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:25:05
I think he gets ground down for Tesco burgers

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:25:21
For what it's worth I wouldn't have minded this appointment even if Power wasn't in charge. Think he should probably have enough about him to keep us above the dotted line, depending on recruitment and points deduction.

I do feel for him though. He's in a terrible position, hopefully the ownership stuff is sorted soon and he can get some proper backing. It could just be talk but I liked his interview, rather than Sheridans "job security innit" he did seem to be excited at the opportunity.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:27:48
No doubts he would have asked questions about funds, job security and takeover etc which he's probably been told not to mention to the media

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:28:49
No doubts he would have asked questions about funds, job security and takeover etc which he's probably been told not to mention to the media

And he'd have got one side of a very messy story...

"I've saved the club Shawwwwwn..."

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:30:03
Anyone know what happens to Jewell if Power sells up.

Will depend whether the new owner wants a DoF and if he does whether he wants Jewell to be the Dof, same as any employee.

I think he gets ground down for Tesco burgers

Harsh, but fair.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:45:38
As long as Mcgreal gets the players that he wants as that was a problem for Wellens last September

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:49:38
As long as Mcgreal gets the players that he wants as that was a problem for Wellens last September

Until there is a change of ownership or LP finds another mystery backer, we have massively restricted in what we can spend and will have one of the lowest playing budgets in the league. McGreal will not be able to build a competitive squad as it stands.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:50:24
Do you know that for sure or just assuming?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:54:12
The league table always finishes in budget order.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:54:35
As long as Mcgreal gets the players that he wants as that was a problem for Wellens last September

We really don't need to go round in this circle again, but, Wellens specifically wanted Kovar, generally considered to be a substantial cause of the shit of last year, so possibly choice is as important as budget.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:55:19
The league table always finishes in budget order.

I agree, as do Accrington Stanley (who are they).

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:59:11
We really don't need to go round in this circle again, but, Wellens specifically wanted Kovar, generally considered to be a substantial cause of the shit of last year, so possibly choice is as important as budget.

I think he wanted Baxter before him, no?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:59:58
Do you know that for sure or just assuming?

We know for sure that until the EFL hardship loans are repaid, we are heavily restricted in what we can pay for players, in terms of transfer fees, salaries and loans and rightly so.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:06:35
We know for sure that until the EFL hardship loans are repaid, we are heavily restricted in what we can pay for players, in terms of transfer fees, salaries and loans and rightly so.

This keeps getting mentioned and i don't doubt there are restrictions in place. However unless some one can give details we have no idea what the wage restrictions are, how they are set, and how they would compare to standard league 2 wages. Therefore we have no idea how much of a problem they are for recruitment.

Sure we can't pay fees, but how many players do we buy, and do we really expect to buy any this time?

Its a hinderance and we all would want it cleared, but i dont think we have much sight on how much of a hinderance it is.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:06:58
But you still don't know what that is ans it obviously hasn't put Mcgreal off

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:08:01
I think he wanted Baxter before him, no?

My (admittedly vague) recollection is that we wanted Baxter but the wage contribution was too much so we then looked at Kovar, at which stage Chelsea dropped their wage demands to something affordable but Wellens still went with Kovar (albeit it was not clear how much this was money and how much a favour to Man Utd).

Anyway water under the bridge and all that jazz.  

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:09:22
We really don't need to go round in this circle again, but, Wellens specifically wanted Kovar, generally considered to be a substantial cause of the shit of last year, so possibly choice is as important as budget.

I wasn't talking about Kovar Wellens was p*ssed off on the last day of the transfer window when he didn't get any of the players he wanted.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:09:38
This keeps getting mentioned and i don't doubt there are restrictions in place. However unless some one can give details we have no idea what the wage restrictions are, how they are set, and how they would compare to standard league 2 wages. Therefore we have no idea how much of a problem they are for recruitment.

Also the fact that I cannot imagine for one second that we will be the only L2 club operating under such conditions, which will in turn lead to a correction in the market.

As noted previously I imagine it will be quite the buyers market this summer.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:09:45
I think he wanted Baxter before him, no?

Chelsea wanted too much.
Wellens turned to Kovar instead.
Chelsea changed their mind and lowered the price.
Wellens stuck with Kovar - he could have signed Baxter but chose not to.
Baxter went to Accrington (?) where he got rave reviews from their fans.

We ended up with Kovar.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Tails on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:45:03
Chelsea wanted too much.
Wellens turned to Kovar instead.
Chelsea changed their mind and lowered the price.
Wellens stuck with Kovar - he could have signed Baxter but chose not to.
Baxter went to Accrington (?) where he got rave reviews from their fans.

We ended up with Kovar.

I thought we'd already committed to Kovar when Chelsea changed their minds? Can't remember all that well!

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:45:06
monitored grant aside, unless power wants back in and had found cash where do you think a good budget is coming from?

no STs on sale. fan boycotts. no guarantee the government will revert to 100% capacity in stadiums ..

Loans? From Able or A.N. Other?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:45:28
We don't know that Wellens stuck with Kovar, it might have been a bargain from a financial perspective and Power might have pushed Kovar once he was on scene.

I think people are assuming Wellens stuck with Kovar because it was Man Utd, but that could quite easily be 2+2=5.

Nobody really knows what went on.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:47:06
Excellent post many adding 2+2 and getting 5

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: DV on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 09:49:09
Wellens wanted Baxter.
Power made him choose Kovar.
Wellens can do no wrong.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 10:05:40
I thought we'd already committed to Kovar when Chelsea changed their minds? Can't remember all that well!

I don't think we had committed.

It was mentioned at the time and, from memory, the general consensus was well done to Wellens for telling Chelsea to fuck off. Granted, my memory is far from perfect, but somebody else with more time than me might be able to dig it out.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Berniman on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 10:10:03
Wellens wanted Baxter.
Power made him choose Kovar.
Wellens can do no wrong.

Not at all, just pointing out that only Wellens and Power really know, no matter what stories are said on here.  We know that Wellens is not clear of any blame for what happened last season, we also know that Power and Sheridan certainly weren't clear of any blame.  As to what actually happened you will have to make your own mind up on that.

It's very similar to the way that you seem to express that Di Canio can do no wrong.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Kinky Tom on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 10:12:07
We get it DV, until Di Canio rolls back in with the freedom to sign every player he's ever seen and makes Gordon Greer captain you won't be happy.

Who signed Mattia Lanzano again?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 11:45:18
Nobody really knows what went on.

Can we take this as the last word on this and move on? (Hint: New Manager Thread.)

You lot are beginning to make me miss Reg.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 12:05:49
We don't know that Wellens stuck with Kovar, it might have been a bargain from a financial perspective and Power might have pushed Kovar once he was on scene.

I think people are assuming Wellens stuck with Kovar because it was Man Utd, but that could quite easily be 2+2=5.

Nobody really knows what went on.
The only thing we know for definate, we finished up with Kovar, who single handedly was responsible for our relegation.    End of.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: donkey on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 12:06:07
Can we take this as the last word on this and move on? (Hint: New Manager Thread.)

You lot are beginning to make me miss Reg.

And small BPV.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 12:12:44
Think he’s a dull, uninspiring choice for a dull, uninspiring club.

That said, we could have done a lot worse, a lot worse...
I thought that when Wellens was appointed

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 12:19:13
The only thing we know for definate, we finished up with Kovar, who single handedly was responsible for our relegation.    End of.

I don't think you can use End of there tbh. By the time Kovar's loan was terminated we had more than enough chance to attempt to stave off relegation. I think Kovar was a big factor in us struggling, but to say it was solely his fault is pretty unfair.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 12:27:50
He must be fairly certain of getting a fair crack of the whip otherwise he’d keep schtum and use a poor budget as a ready made excuse if things go tits up

‘ It'll be a really competitive budget and we should be competitive in this league."

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 12:30:51
I don't think you can use End of there tbh. By the time Kovar's loan was terminated we had more than enough chance to attempt to stave off relegation. I think Kovar was a big factor in us struggling, but to say it was solely his fault is pretty unfair.
Kovar 100% cost us at least 10/12 points, that would have kept us up.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 12:33:19
Kovar obviously played a big part in us going down, but to say it is down to him single-handedly when he wasn't even here for much of the season is bonkers.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Old_Town_Red on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 12:45:31
Single handedly? Bit of an OTT statement.

Yeah he cost us points but he wasn’t in goal when we were getting dicked by Franchise, Wombles, Plymouth, Portsmouth...the list goes on.

Our relegation down to the collective

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: singingiiiffy on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 13:02:28
Topic: Living in the past Thread

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 13:39:14

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 13:48:35
Quote from: Reg Smeeton Memorial Argument ad infinitum
And small BPV.

BPV is huge, compared to some.  :crash:

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 13:52:14

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 14:22:27
Benign positional vertigo - although what that’s got to do with anything . . .

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 15:17:37

How quickly they forget!   

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Red Frog on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 16:23:35
How quickly they forget!   


For dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return (Genesis 3:19)

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 17:15:06
Billy Painter's Van?
Bill Piper's Vagina?
Brad Pitts Veruccas?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Private Fraser on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 17:27:54
Time to draw a veil over this now?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: donkey on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 18:35:10
Time to draw a veil over this now?

I would have port so.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 18:36:22
wait wait, I've nearly got it

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, May 27, 2021, 18:36:24
OK. I got there eventually.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Friday, May 28, 2021, 15:35:43
OK. I got there eventually.
Yes, they are all squares on maps created by 'What 3 Words' that can be used to locate you in an emergency. Ironically, none of them are anywhere near Vale Park in Burslem!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Friday, May 28, 2021, 15:52:06
It took me a while as well but it popped into my head last night!

Title: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:43:21
BREAKING: Rene Gilmartin joins @Official_STFC as Assistant Manager


er. ok then

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:45:39
Is that the ex Bristol City goalkeeper

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:45:49

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:46:49
He's still young enough to play😳

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:47:08
BREAKING: Rene Gilmartin joins @Official_STFC as Assistant Manager


er. ok then

Interesting. There can't be too many ex-keepers as managers/assistant managers can there?

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:48:25
Was at Colchester 18/19 do I suppose McGreal knows him.

To his benefit, Sheridan binned him off while at Plymouth. On that basis, I reckon he’s pretty good at whatever it is he does.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:48:30
BREAKING: Rene Gilmartin joins @Official_STFC as Assistant Manager


er. ok then

Played under McGreal at Colchester then (also a as player coach), I wonder whether this will see Mildenhall out on his ear, as this guy has been training the RoI under 21 keepers.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: bathford on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:48:42
BREAKING: Rene Gilmartin joins @Official_STFC as Assistant Manager


er. ok then

That's our reserve keeper sorted.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:53:03
Was City's Under 23 Assistant Manager during his spell there as backup keeper, A license qualified for both GK and outfield, articulated pundit on City's iFollow last season and a sport science degree. Interesting left field appointment.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Nijholts Nuts on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:54:23
Played under McGreal at Colchester then (also a as player coach), I wonder whether this will see Mildenhall out on his ear, as this guy has been training the RoI under 21 keepers.

This. It would be a shame to SM go, I quite like the bloke and he's an ex town player to boot. The work he did with Benda showed for itself, just a shame he couldn't roll Kovář in any glitter.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Riddick on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:58:56
This. It would be a shame to SM go, I quite like the bloke and he's an ex town player to boot. The work he did with Benda showed for itself, just a shame he couldn't roll Kovář in any glitter.

Without passing judgement on SM its interesting that we credit him with work done with Benda, but don't acknowledge his lack of impact with the keepers last season. I have no idea if he is any good or not, or what impact he has.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 11:00:27
He's still young enough to play😳
Looks old to me

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 11:09:54
Positive comments from City fans

‘A thoughtful and knowledgeable man, he should do well. I thought his comments on Robins TV were excellent and he has contributed to the success of our U23s. Good luck to him.’

Maybe a few loans from them!

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 11:20:04
Interesting. There can't be too many ex-keepers as managers/assistant managers can there?
Far more than you realise Mike Walker, Dino Zoff, Nigel Adkins, Peter Shirlton, Bryan Gunn, Chris Turner and Kevin Blackwell to name a few.

Could spell the end for Mildy.

Gilmartin could be coming as backup keeper and hopefully with the links we may be able to grab Joe Wollacott from Shitty.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Quagmire on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 11:25:51
Far more than you realise Mike Walker, Dino Zoff, Nigel Adkins, Peter Shirlton, Bryan Gunn, Chris Turner and Kevin Blackwell to name a few.

Could spell the end for Mildy.

Gilmartin could be coming as backup keeper and hopefully with the links we may be able to grab Joe Wollacott from Shitty.

Nuno who’s just left Wolves was a goalkeeper too.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 11:26:14
Nuno who’s just left Wolves was a goalkeeper too.
Was he? I didn't know that.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: swindonmaniac on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 11:27:11
Far more than you realise Mike Walker, Dino Zoff, Nigel Adkins, Peter Shirlton, Bryan Gunn, Chris Turner and Kevin Blackwell to name a few.

Could spell the end for Mildy.

Gilmartin could be coming as backup keeper and hopefully with the links we may be able to grab Joe Wollacott from Shitty.

Good point JJ, he certainly put a shift in for us..Pity we didn't get him earlier.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 11:34:13
Good point JJ, he certainly put a shift in for us..Pity we didn't get him earlier.

Anyone but Kovar :D

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Bob's Orange on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 11:34:25
Far more than you realise Mike Walker, Dino Zoff, Nigel Adkins, Peter Shirlton, Bryan Gunn, Chris Turner and Kevin Blackwell to name a few.

Could spell the end for Mildy.

Gilmartin could be coming as backup keeper and hopefully with the links we may be able to grab Joe Wollacott from Shitty.

Fair play JJ. I hadn't realised there was so many.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Peter Venkman on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 11:43:05
Fair play JJ. I hadn't realised there was so many.
Yeah theres far more than most people realise, several of them still in work too.

Tommy Wright the Scottish cup winning manager with St Johnstone was a keeper too.

I remember reading somewhere that only 3% of all managers were goalkeepers though.

Title: Re: New Manager Thread
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 13:25:17
I fancied a laugh, so I had a peek on social media. As usual the reactions are pathetic, laughable and childish.
One I enjoyed in particular which said that having 2 keepers on the backroom staff is a clear indication as to how McGreal will set up the team next season. WTF