Question: Do you really care?
Yes I will be joining in with saying 'I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.' - 6 (8.2%)
I don't really care but will be tuning in as its a historic event. - 19 (26%)
I don't really care, but hey its a day off work which I can use to do something more interesting. - 15 (20.5%)
I couldn't give a toss about it, but suppose the monarchy does bring tourism cash into the Country... - 3 (4.1%)
Scrap the lot of 'em! - 30 (41.1%)
Total Voters: 68

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Author Topic: The Coronation  (Read 7799 times)

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« Reply #30 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 19:40:02 »

I can't quite understand that some working class people are ok with the sheer lavishness of it all. And I don't buy that "oh they bring a lot of money into the country through tourism". I read that they account for 0.3% of our tourism income.

quot;Molten memories splashing down
 upon the rooves of Swindon Town"

« Reply #31 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 19:53:04 »

People are still going to Versailles and there’s no King there!


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Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #32 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 20:05:07 »

People are still going to Versailles and there’s no King there!

I Raise you Versailles and give you Lourdes.
« Last Edit: Friday, May 5, 2023, 20:19:09 by Legends-Lounge » Logged

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Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #33 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 20:15:14 »

Can we opt out of the 'day off'?

Would swap the 'day off' for the disolution of the monarchy.

Make sure you enjoy raising a toast to the paedo's brother.

Not sure why you replied to mine and not any of the previous 4 above.

Why not just go to work citizen and make a stand, on the moral high ground. Embarrass all those part time socialists getting a freebe by jumping on the bandwagon. Rubbing shoulders with the international great and good. You could have your name up in lights on next weeks morning star or socialist worker.
The Moral Majority

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« Reply #34 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 22:21:38 »

It’s a shame that there has been so much vitriol in this thread. I’m proud to be British (even though I know the country is just a little bit shit). I don’t think any other country does as much pomp and majesty as us. I didn’t watch all of QE2’s funeral, but it was a hell of a spectacle. That will have been beamed all around the world and will be what people remember about Great Britain. That is a much better advert for tourism than you could make up for Minehead, Skegness or Blackpool!

I’d much rather the country be remembered for pomp and majesty rather than being represented by sunburned football shirted, tattoo wearing, foul mouthed drunken thugs that I see when abroad on holiday.

Having said that, I won’t be watching. I’ll catch the highlights and will enjoy the bank holiday.

You're my incurable malady. I miss the pleasure of your company.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #35 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 22:47:39 »

it's an occasion of history

the pink pomp side does nothing for me
ron dodgers

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shaddap your face

« Reply #36 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 23:04:23 »

get rid of them

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« Reply #37 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 23:24:05 »

get rid of them

Replace them with what? Net gain being?

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Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #38 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 23:24:51 »

it's an occasion of history

the pink pomp side does nothing for me

You deffo don’t look good in pink, Royal Blue maybe?

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Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this

« Reply #39 on: Friday, May 5, 2023, 23:26:43 »

It’s a shame that there has been so much vitriol in this thread. I’m proud to be British (even though I know the country is just a little bit shit). I don’t think any other country does as much pomp and majesty as us. I didn’t watch all of QE2’s funeral, but it was a hell of a spectacle. That will have been beamed all around the world and will be what people remember about Great Britain. That is a much better advert for tourism than you could make up for Minehead, Skegness or Blackpool!

I’d much rather the country be remembered for pomp and majesty rather than being represented by sunburned football shirted, tattoo wearing, foul mouthed drunken thugs that I see when abroad on holiday.

Having said that, I won’t be watching. I’ll catch the highlights and will enjoy the bank holiday.

Until you get out of Swindon and venture out of the country you’ll never understand how lucky you are to live in this country!
The Moral Majority

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Posts: 15433

« Reply #40 on: Saturday, May 6, 2023, 01:00:02 »

Until you get out of Swindon and venture out of the country you’ll never understand how lucky you are to live in this country!
Im currently typing this from Bermuda - It’s a bit nicer than Swindon and for that matter Tewkesbury! 😂😂😂

You're my incurable malady. I miss the pleasure of your company.

« Reply #41 on: Saturday, May 6, 2023, 07:13:33 »

Until you get out of Swindon and venture out of the country you’ll never understand how lucky you are to live in this country!

I spend my life travelling with work and nothing makes me happier than flying back over London as I'm coming into land. We get a lot more right than most countries.
Jimmy Quinn

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The future is orange

« Reply #42 on: Saturday, May 6, 2023, 07:46:33 »

I spend my life travelling with work and nothing makes me happier than flying back over London as I'm coming into land. We get a lot more right than most countries.

Good post Clap
The Grim Reaper

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« Reply #43 on: Saturday, May 6, 2023, 08:23:16 »

"Dear rest of the world, Don't be fooled by any propaganda you see coming out of the UK this weekend. The mood here is not jubilant, it is sour," she said.

"England is a fascist nightmare, where there are more food banks than branches of McDonalds. We don't want pageantry, we want affordable food, and rent, and bills.

The timing of this coronation, with all its gold and bejewelled opulence, couldn't be more distasteful and sickening. It's unjustifiable and it's unwanted.

The timing of this coronation, with all its gold and bejewelled opulence, couldn't be more distasteful and sickening. It's unjustifiable and it's unwanted.”

Author: Munroe Bergdorf

That was definately my last game, honest

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I can't bear it 🙄

« Reply #44 on: Saturday, May 6, 2023, 08:31:01 »

Can we opt out of the 'day off'?

Would swap the 'day off' for the disolution of the monarchy.

Make sure you enjoy raising a toast to the paedo's brother.

Not sure why you replied to mine and not any of the previous 4 above.

Ooh, we could be just like France. Great  Roll Eyes
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