You're always a good read Bamboo and I'm intrigued with your Sheriden/Ricketts theories
Good read is probably a bridge too far. Tedious might be closer in accuracy. However, I at least do notice my own flaws, and happy to acknowledge them.
The Sheridan theory is not really a is pretty obvious. I was surprised RF responded in the way he did but that might have been one suggestion too far, after an evening of possible meltdowns/disagreements on the TEF. In which he let get the better of him. Ironically causing his own partial meltyness in the process. I like Grenouille Rouge though, we've had some interesting chats and I believe he owns one of my photography prints. Hope he's had his own period of reflection, post match.
The Ricketts one...well it is more a theory of course and I am just teasing but I do believe if his side don't win on Saturday - he'll be a goner. But it has been sour for a while there so it may just be the process of inevitability. I linked him with Town because a think a fresh start for him would be good. I also stand by that Wellens is not the messiah, he's just a very mouthy Manc.
The stats also show us that H2H, SR has managed more games at L1 level than RW so I don't think SR is as terrible as some have mentioned. Just had a poor start this season (see fresh start above). They are both early into their managerial careers so will have flaws to work on. Seemingly, RW struggles to assemble a consistent defensive unit, which gets masked and is "ok" when the strikers click and score more than the frail defences. SR seems to struggle not necessarily defensively but tactically inviting teams to pressure them - until they break. Again this can work if you have a very resolute side and the team as a whole can soak it up to counter. It's possible/likely his Shrews side doesn't have that kind of strength so in his next role, he will need to learn to adapt if the next side he inherits/builds turns out to be similar. His counter attack style could work here as we do have pace on the counter but currently any pressure applied to our defence would simply see them buckle.
It does seem like this team is crying out for a Tom Broadbean and dare i say it Sid Nelson style of CBs. The type of players who will do the simple stuff at this level; soak up any type of pressure and clear to midfield. I think in order to survive this season, we probably need to put aside the ball playing GK/defensive unit on hold. This isn't advocating a "Gerrr eeeet forrrr'arrrddd" philosophy but we currently don't have the luxury or confidence to piss about with it at the back. The biggest question is, can the current crop drop the "play it out from the back" style and be a little more direct/simple? I think the likes of Baudry and Caddis can adapt to that. As could Donohue and as mentioned Broadbent too. Zeki Fryers and also Rob Hunt would seem to be capable/experienced enough to adapt style too. The next issue then comes to the GK. We really need to sign someone in the mould of Luke McCormick, the too young really isn't fair on them for the sake of their careers; they both simply aren't ready to be No.1s at this (or even possibly L2) level. It's very likely with either of them being given the No.1 role both now have their confidence shot to shit and an already frail defence that has no trust in the man between the sticks. It does go both ways though, the two GKs we've seen should also be able to have some trust in their defence to do the basics. For whatever reason (I believe mentally) they just aren't computing the basics -they are now going into games doubting their own ability as a pro. With no one to stroke their egos (because lets face it, even modest sports pros rely on an element of ego stroking), ie the fans or to laud them when they do well, I do wonder if the psyche of some players is taking over; to the point that they are becoming disillusioned with their career. I think this also causes issues when they play poorly too (I believe Bobs orange touched on this). Other than social media (which we all know is always very flippant), they have no one berating them on the pitch. A handful of club management will make them know they aren't doing well but it's easier to shrug off. When a group 500 or 1k (or even sometimes much more) are on your back, it sinks in pretty quick; this usually brings about a response. Even if it is in the form of anger but it shows the player cares and wants to put it right. At present we can't impact in this way directly, during a match so the motivation is slipping for some players.
I would also add that in the current circumstances, it would be very easy for a player with an injury to be out longer than should be normal, especially if they aren't quite feeling up to the challenge/lost all motivation. That 2 week injury suddenly becomes a month or two. I'm sure I remember Steve White talking about this at times during his career at Town. Sometimes players would be in the treatment room much longer than necessary. It would be naive to think that it doesn't still go on today. This also isn't disputing genuine injuries but I'm saying it is easier to hide behind it a little longer - especially when a side might be/is going through a more difficult patch.
Where do we go from here? I guess I've highlighted certain areas and possible changes yet it is all purely my own opinion. Several will contrast to I, no doubt but my thoughts come back to Sheridan. I don't say them lightly and I mention them more for his own good than the selfishness of my own/Town's. If he really has kicked his supposed well known demons then he could have the focus to get this squad back to basics and bring about some stability. Any form of addiction is a bloody horrible thing to have to live with, sometimes we do have to accept that they are a part of us and live with them. Maybe this is the case with Sheridan and he has a great support network around him. I just hope that he can manage both his own issues and Town's because if not I'd rather he put all his focus into his personal ones and allow someone else to manage this side.