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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290182 times)
The Dude Abides

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« Reply #8550 on: Monday, December 9, 2019, 22:05:25 »

Is the Chief Medical Officer lying?
Actually I’d prefer to believe the un-named source from the un-named website.

There is no ‘Leeds Hospital’ by the way, just like no-one calls the GWH ‘Swindon Hospital’.

« Reply #8551 on: Monday, December 9, 2019, 22:09:07 »

Actually I’d prefer to believe the un-named source from the un-named website.

Well, it was on the internet so it must be true.

« Reply #8552 on: Monday, December 9, 2019, 22:29:04 »

Also from the chief medical officer at the hospital:

Within four hours a decision was made to admit Jack to our Children’s Assessment and Treatment (CAT) Unit for further monitoring overnight. Unfortunately, the unit was also experiencing exceptionally high levels of demand which meant that Jack was required to wait in the clinical treatment room in the Paediatric Emergency Department until a bed became available. Jack was admitted to the CAT Unit later that evening and was discharged home the following morning after a medical review.

The mother was telling the truth - or the hospital's chief medical officer is lying.

McGurk's Missus
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« Reply #8553 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 05:15:21 »

I can't believe no one on here has mentioned the absolute shit show of lies that Kuenssberg was upto last night. Followed up by the BBC publishing her tweet as factual evidence.

I am of course referring to the "punch" that never was. How she isn't culpable for her actions as a Political lead journalist, is beyond.

Even after she had been found to be lying she still continued to add spin to reflect more positively towards the Tories with the tweet;

"Have video from Hancock leaving Leeds General just come through so you can see for yourself - doesn’t look like punch thrown, rather, one of Tory team walks into protestor’s arm, pretty grim encounter"

She always has to tail off with some kind of dig. No it was not a grim encounter at all. A grim encounter is that in 2019 there are not enough beds in our fucking NHS.

Kuenssberg continues, in a bid to make the 'protest' appear much more intimidating. This after already spewing bullshit;

"Tiny number of protestors can make a lot of noise! You can hear them protesting about NHS underfunding, but then shouting, 'we do not want you in this city, we do not want you in this country"

Yet apparently according to her beforehand there were swathes of protestors. I know she's fucking awful but this went beyond in terms of journalism. It isn't one mistake. She is the senior political reporter, there are multiple inaccuracies in her initial tweet, she has created a diversionary story and the fact the BBC also ran it at 6pm with zero verification or establishing the facts (shock). It was then highly embarrassing that West Yorkshire Police had received no reports about any abuse and were looking to confirm.

I'm awaiting the BBC bulletin where they issue an apology for running that story. They had opportunity at 10pm to make an admission...I feel I am going to still be waiting. As for Kuenssberg? Well it's high time she did the honorable thing and stepped aside.  It won't happen though. We're fucked.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

« Reply #8554 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 07:49:47 »

Must be just another mistake.

« Reply #8555 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 09:06:00 »

Stories claiming the boy on the hospital floor was staged have been exposed as faked.

Social media is a dangerous weapon for anybody that knows how to use it as such. Despite the 'staged' story being exposed as fake, the damage is already done. Too many people are unwilling/unable to apply critical thought, especially when the stories appeal to their own bias. Too many people refuse to accept it as fake despite it being demonstrated that it is not genuine.

In short, too many people are gullible fuckwits, and nefarious agents are able to capitalise on their fuckwittery.
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #8556 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 09:31:12 »

Stories claiming the boy on the hospital floor was staged have been exposed as faked.

Social media is a dangerous weapon for anybody that knows how to use it as such. Despite the 'staged' story being exposed as fake, the damage is already done. Too many people are unwilling/unable to apply critical thought, especially when the stories appeal to their own bias. Too many people refuse to accept it as fake despite it being demonstrated that it is not genuine.

In short, too many people are gullible fuckwits, and nefarious agents are able to capitalise on their fuckwittery.

Buckland has been wheeled out to defend Johnson, which he's quite happy to do, apparently nicking someone's phone is normal behaviour.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #8557 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 09:37:17 »

Very interesting. A good friend of mine is a senior nursing sister at Leeds Hospital - the boy shown on the floor by the media was in fact put there by his mother who then took photos on her mobile phone and uploaded it to media outlets before he climbed back onto his trolley. He was on a hospital trolley in the paediatric A&E having been seen within 20 minutes. I am a nurse myself and am so pissed off with fake news, yes the NHS is a mess mainly caused by people misusing it and lack of elderly care. Think of the nurses and Doctors who are doing their jobs instead of constantly slagging them off. another Momentum
Propaganda story. Disgraceful

Taken from another site.

Yes, it's from the CCHQ spambots on Twitter. Apparently dozens of people not only have the same friend at "Leeds Hospital" (it's Leeds General Infirmary which a "good friend" would know), but also chose to post about it on Twitter at the same time using exactly the same words. Surprised you fell for that

Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #8558 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 09:40:04 »

I'm awaiting the BBC bulletin where they issue an apology for running that story. They had opportunity at 10pm to make an admission...I feel I am going to still be waiting. As for Kuenssberg? Well it's high time she did the honorable thing and stepped aside.  It won't happen though. We're fucked.
They interviewed her on Today this morning and didn't even mention her role in spreading fake propaganda, much less ask her to explain herself, despite referencing the fake punch story earlier in the news.

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« Reply #8559 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 09:42:19 »

Yes, it's from the CCHQ spambots on Twitter. Apparently dozens of people not only have the same friend at "Leeds Hospital" (it's Leeds General Infirmary which a "good friend" would know), but also chose to post about it on Twitter at the same time using exactly the same words. Surprised you fell for that

Also note that each person with the 'friend' also links the lie to various well known influencers to ensure its get spread far and wide.

I wish I had so many 'good friends'

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« Reply #8560 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 09:44:03 »

They have their opinion I have mine.

Bugger now whose opinion holds more weight a national body respecting business or a random bloke on the internet still peddling conspiracy theories about Reg...  Hmmm Hmmm

« Reply #8561 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 09:45:44 »

Surprised you fell for that

Falling for it is one thing. We've all been caught out from time to time when we let our guard drop. I know I have.

For me, the real problem is those that continue to believe this shit AFTER it has been exposed as a fake. According to some, you are nothing but a labour activist if you point out that the story is, indeed, not true. (Which it demonstrably isn't)

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« Reply #8562 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 09:47:57 »

I am of course referring to the "punch" that never was. How she isn't culpable for her actions as a Political lead journalist, is beyond.

I think you are making the mistake of confusing journalist with propagandist which she (and to be fair the vast majority of main stream 'journalists' have become, Peston buggered up equally badly yesterday. Thing is she has been seriously bullshitted by senior Tory sources to run the story so why isn't she naming them?

In the case of LK I would not be surprised to see her leading the Tory press office after they win the election, especially as Johnson is again hinting at going after the BBC once he has his feet under the table properly as no.10.  
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #8563 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 09:54:24 »

Falling for it is one thing. We've all been caught out from time to time when we let our guard drop. I know I have.

For me, the real problem is those that continue to believe this shit AFTER it has been exposed as a fake. According to some, you are nothing but a labour activist if you point out that the story is, indeed, not true. (Which it demonstrably isn't)
It's standard Cummings "throwing a dead cat on the table" stuff, along with punchgate. Doesn't matter that it's demonstrably a lie, let's get everyone talking about the fake meta-news instead of focusing on the fact that in the 5th richest country in the world a 4 year old child with pneumonia was left lying on the floor hooked up to tubes for hours because they couldn't even find a trolley for him, much less a bed.

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« Reply #8564 on: Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 10:32:41 »

As pointed out on Twitter...

The Tories have already employed their 50,000 new nurses. Sadly they are all fake ones on twitter.
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