« Reply #5130 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 14:17:55 » |
The majority of the cabinet are remainers, which gives the leavers little influence which is played out in the wider Parliament. Taking a step back, Gideon and the pig fucker should have had a plan in the event of leave, other than them fucking off.
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #5131 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 14:28:40 » |
The majority of the cabinet are remainers, which gives the leavers little influence which is played out in the wider Parliament.
Oh behave, the leavers had plenty of influence if they'd chosen to use it. They could have "taken control" (as they like to say), given direction and even (gasp) tried to actually formulate a plan. Instead they squandered it on combinations of self-promotion, futile plots and gesture resignations when they realised they'd bitten off more than they could chew. Or simply floundered in their own incompetence, repeating their saving mantra "At least I'm better than Grayling" Taking a step back, Gideon and the pig fucker should have had a plan in the event of leave, other than them fucking off.
Absolutely, they are every bit as responsible and should be tried in the same court as Johnson et al. Their crass arrogance has fucked us all royally. But that doesn't excuse the leavers for selling a dream they had no idea how to implement (or even if it could be) or alter the fact that they did so. Which was my point - if Brexit has been "betrayed" it has been betrayed by it's own architects. Their lies and incompetence are what have undone Brexit.
Posts: 12168
« Reply #5132 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 15:21:19 » |
Spot on. Fact is the process has been managed largely by from the start people who wanted to remain-including civil servants.
The whole thing isn’t really complicated- FTA like say canada. The only reason we haven’t had it is because of the EUs sheer intrangence.
In the EUs eyes this is all about making an example of us to ensure no others follow suit. It has no thought to the people of Europe at all
That trade deal took something like 10 years! There is the problem - the only exit possible is/was Hard! The only thing worth negotiating when handing in our notice was the payments needed. Then, crack on with figuring out a new trade deal/relationship with the EU. Why the fuck should the EU give two hoots to what the UK wants in life when they are working on the divorce?
« Reply #5133 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 15:30:11 » |
That trade deal took something like 10 years! There is the problem - the only exit possible is/was Hard! The only thing worth negotiating when handing in our notice was the payments needed. Then, crack on with figuring out a new trade deal/relationship with the EU. Why the fuck should the EU give two hoots to what the UK wants in life when they are working on the divorce?
Yep. And the payments needed should also include any tally of assets earned during our membership as well.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #5134 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 15:36:12 » |
The majority of the cabinet are remainers, which gives the leavers little influence which is played out in the wider Parliament.
That's bollocks, one of the main reasons we have so many useless pricks in cabinet at the moment has been the need for May to balance it out between remainers and Eexiteers to stop them bitching about each other, hence why each time an Eexiteer has flounced off in a huff they have been replaced by an even more incompetent one! Fuck sake the poster boys of Brexit were holding high level cabinet posts for years and achieved sweet FA before they scurried away.
Posts: 18965
Lives in Northern Bastard Outpost
« Reply #5135 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 15:37:35 » |
That trade deal took something like 10 years! There is the problem - the only exit possible is/was Hard! The only thing worth negotiating when handing in our notice was the payments needed. Then, crack on with figuring out a new trade deal/relationship with the EU. Why the fuck should the EU give two hoots to what the UK wants in life when they are working on the divorce?
Look on the bright side, in three weeks time we could be the only country in the whole world without a trade deal with anyone!
Posts: 11570
Stirlingshire Reds
« Reply #5136 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 15:40:31 » |
Spot on. Fact is the process has been managed largely by from the start people who wanted to remain-including civil servants.
The whole thing isn’t really complicated- FTA like say canada. The only reason we haven’t had it is because of the EUs sheer intrangence.
In the EUs eyes this is all about making an example of us to ensure no others follow suit. It has no thought to the people of Europe at all
I think the problem here is that it is enormously complicated. As RobT says, it took Canada 10 yrs to negotiate their deal. Then add in that the UK is not Canada - and that our economy is and always will be far more interwoven with the rest of Europe than Canada’s - and I think it becomes obvious fairly quickly that the Canada approach is not the silver bullet that some would like it to be. It isn’t because we have the wrong leader or figurehead. I genuinely believe that all of this comes down to the 'realpolitik' that we need the EU far more than the EU needs us - which, of course, is the precise opposite of the view taken by those advocating a hard Brexit. Barnier has not been shuttling backwards & forwards to visit May in London for the last 3 yrs. It’s May that has been shuttling to Barnier in Brussels...and I think that tells you everything about where the power & the leverage really lies. In or out, we are always going to be stuck in the EU’s orbit. That’s not because we’re weak or pathetic or anyone’s being defeatist, it’s simply because they’re on our doorstep and they outnumber us by 10 to 1 (or something like that).
« Last Edit: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 16:07:36 by Ardiles »
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia
Posts: 34913
« Reply #5137 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 16:18:36 » |
Look on the bright side, in three weeks time we could be the only country in the whole world without a trade deal with anyone!
Fox negotiated one with the Faroe Islands. They do still have some fishing related economic activity, despite a 1990's slump. I guess it's a solidarity move by the Faroese, as like Iceland they're not in the EU. I'd imagine it might attract some tourism from Brexiteers as result.... you know the type who now want to boycott cars and produce etc from the EU or beyond, because they'e not British. Reminds me of the mid 60's I'm Backing Britain campaign...  the economy was fucked due to crises like Suez and the collapse of Empire, National Service had just been phased out, defence spending was 10%, and the British worker was still paying off war debt to the USA. It was hoped that by buying British goods, it might stimulate the economy, floundering as the joining of the EU (Common Market) had twice been vetoed by France. It didn't... that didn't happen until we joined the EU
Bob's Orange
Has brain escape barriers
Posts: 29537
« Reply #5138 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 17:21:04 » |
Fox negotiated one with the Faroe Islands. They do still have some fishing related economic activity, despite a 1990's slump. I guess it's a solidarity move by the Faroese, as like Iceland they're not in the EU. I'd imagine it might attract some tourism from Brexiteers as result.... you know the type who now want to boycott cars and produce etc from the EU or beyond, because they'e not British. Reminds me of the mid 60's I'm Backing Britain campaign...  the economy was fucked due to crises like Suez and the collapse of Empire, National Service had just been phased out, defence spending was 10%, and the British worker was still paying off war debt to the USA. It was hoped that by buying British goods, it might stimulate the economy, floundering as the joining of the EU (Common Market) had twice been vetoed by France. It didn't... that didn't happen until we joined the EU Realistically, how much 'British' goods do people in this country buy these days? Strawberries whenever Wimbledon is on? Union Jacks whenever there is a Royal Wedding? I am being flippant of course and I am sure there are loads of things we do well (linguistines just popped into my head) but in my head the list is pretty short.
we've been to Aberdeen, we hate the Hibs, they make us spew up, so make some noise, the gorgie boys, for Hearts in Europe.
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia
Posts: 34913
« Reply #5139 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 17:33:43 » |
Realistically, how much 'British' goods do people in this country buy these days? Strawberries whenever Wimbledon is on? Union Jacks whenever there is a Royal Wedding?
I am being flippant of course and I am sure there are loads of things we do well (linguistines just popped into my head) but in my head the list is pretty short.
 This is one of the problems with Brexit, relative to it's previous status, manufacturing in the UK is small. Hence why the likes of Johnson and other Tories like JRM don't give too much of a shit for small businesses and widget makers. Their concern is finance and services... where they and fellow Brexiteers make their money. Not too much to worry about for them as The City has already cut a deal with the EU, tpo protect their class.
Posts: 259
« Reply #5140 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 17:44:10 » |
Hi. Resident Nazi here.
Still delightful to see PaulD crying in to his cornflakes over Brexit. It’s the only thing I look forward to seeing on this site.
If we flipped a vote because one side told a porky pie, we’d be forever stuck in an endless circulation of elections and referendums. Remain don’t get a pass on this one either...
The best scenario is without question a ‘no deal’ for the exit negotiations. Those pesky IRA supporting leprechauns are determined to give Britain a hard time, I say bollocks to them. A no deal would be disastrous for them without support from the UK. Let’s give those Brit haters both barrels.
Hey Paul, who wins in the battle of Muslim school mums vs gays? 😂 I love it when nuances of the left devours themselves.
Chow (Roman salute)
Posts: 8719
Non PC straight talking tory Brexit voter on this
« Reply #5141 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 18:58:23 » |
Hi. Resident Nazi here.
Still delightful to see PaulD crying in to his cornflakes over Brexit. It’s the only thing I look forward to seeing on this site.
If we flipped a vote because one side told a porky pie, we’d be forever stuck in an endless circulation of elections and referendums. Remain don’t get a pass on this one either...
The best scenario is without question a ‘no deal’ for the exit negotiations. Those pesky IRA supporting leprechauns are determined to give Britain a hard time, I say bollocks to them. A no deal would be disastrous for them without support from the UK. Let’s give those Brit haters both barrels.
Hey Paul, who wins in the battle of Muslim school mums vs gays? 😂 I love it when nuances of the left devours themselves.
Chow (Roman salute)
Love this post. Made my day.
Not a Batch
Posts: 57297
« Reply #5142 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 19:52:26 » |
Haha that twat Yaxley-Lennon is facing new contempt proceedings
Aaron Aardvark
Posts: 25436
Absolute Calamity!
« Reply #5143 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 21:02:43 » |
Hey Paul, who wins in the battle of Muslim school mums vs gays? 😂 I love it when nuances of the left devours themselves.
Assuming you're referring to this: nuances at all, not even a contest - against the bigots every time, whether their bigotry stems from politics or religion. Not seen anyone on "the left" stand up for the bigots on that, btw, just lots of right wingers assuming there's a clash because it confuses their world view. HTH.
Posts: 12168
« Reply #5144 on: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 21:13:12 » |
Since when did belonging to a religion that wasn't the CoE denomination make someone left wing anyway? I'd hardly call somewhere like Saudi Arabia "liberal" for example. Not entirely sure sexual orientation has much to do with it either - Portillo was a right wing nut job at times (oddly, I like him since he left politics).