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Author Topic: Let's Get Political!  (Read 2290732 times)

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« Reply #1530 on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 13:03:14 »

I think Reg wants you to point out what bits are not fact though doesn't he

I have neither the time nor inclination to do so, however as Reg has made all the statements I would expect him to have all the supporting stuff to hand?
Don Rogers Sock

« Reply #1531 on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 13:05:00 »

I have neither the time nor inclination to do so, however as Reg has made all the statements I would expect him to have all the supporting stuff to hand?
The supporting stuff for what though? You want the answers to something but won't say what you want the answers to

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« Reply #1532 on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 13:19:49 »

Oh fuck it whatever, I have had a day of people peddling bollocks to me at work and passing it off as fact as they say it is when it has as much evidence behind it as Powers financial shenanigans (and I normally expect better from Council's and their Barristers), thus I am a little pissed off about such matters and as Reg is usually a stickler for people supporting the points they make I merely thought it a little rich. However to play along....

Well he would, after all it's Tory politicians who are keenest on TTIP, the method by which we'll have to open our services like the NHS and education to American corporations, giving them the legal right to veto any interfernce in the profit making motive. most of the companies which operate our public services are already international anyway so not sure what is going to change - the privitisation horse royally fucked off in the 90's at the behest of those nasty tories yet Labour did nothing to change it between 97-10 so really is it going to be any different?

Of course, no mention of this at the last election. There was plenty of mention, just as its painfully dull no one took a blind bit of notice... it instead got lost in the major cock waving competition that politics have become - actually the Lib Dems dis mention it a bit but the majority merely blindly listened to the Tories and Labour

Which creates a rock and a hard place for the voter.... the rock: vote remain and the NHS will be thoroughly privatised out to the likes of United healthcare, banking regulations will change, and EU rules on such as genetic food modification and chemical additives will be binned to meet the less stringent US criteria. Is the NHS going to be privitised, seen no evidence of that in real life and suspect the Tories would never dare (although in the absence of any opposition now is the time to do it!), does banking regulation not need to change then again where is the evidence of these changes to banking regulation? So we are going to vote to stay in the EU but then choose to ignore certain rules if they don't suit us - you really are believing what Cameron et al are saying?

The hard place: vote leave, and the loons on the right will want this also.  The difference being an in vote is for an Obama led fait accompli, and out vote at least gives the opportunity for rejecting TTIP. So essentially we are fucked if we do ans fucked if we don't then - something most will agree on!
« Last Edit: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 13:21:37 by horlock07 » Logged

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« Reply #1533 on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 14:00:03 »

Is the NHS going to be privitised, seen no evidence of that in real life and suspect the Tories would never dare (although in the absence of any opposition now is the time to do it!)

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« Reply #1534 on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 14:27:14 »

I am actually quite shocked at the low percentage levels, although interestingly it seems to end in 10-11 and thus does not take account of the coalition or the Tory dictatorship, I wonder why they have failed to update it.

Also looking at the name and aim of the website the cynical part of me believes the data as much as I believe a word Jeremy Hunt says.

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« Reply #1535 on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 14:38:57 »

To be honest is as useful as any of the other witterances that are coming out on both sides....

Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #1536 on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 15:08:34 »

Of course, no mention of this at the last election. There was plenty of mention, just as its painfully dull no one took a blind bit of notice... it instead got lost in the major cock waving competition that politics have become - actually the Lib Dems dis mention it a bit but the majority merely blindly listened to the Tories and Labour

Tory mention of TTIP

The hard place: vote leave, and the loons on the right will want this also.  The difference being an in vote is for an Obama led fait accompli, and out vote at least gives the opportunity for rejecting TTIP. So essentially we are fucked if we do ans fucked if we don't then - something most will agree on!

It's true that considering the least bad scenario has to be a factor in deciding which way to vote....the leaders of most of the political parties in the UK, have signed up to securing opt outs from TTIP for the NHS, that's Corbyn, Sturgeon, Farage, Bennett (Green), Plaid Cymru, DUP and Sinn Fein.

2 leaders didn't sign....Cameron and Farron
« Last Edit: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 15:13:24 by Reg Smeeton » Logged

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« Reply #1537 on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 15:49:32 »

Of course, no mention of this at the last election. There was plenty of mention, just as its painfully dull no one took a blind bit of notice... it instead got lost in the major cock waving competition that politics have become - actually the Lib Dems dis mention it a bit but the majority merely blindly listened to the Tories and Labour

Tory mention of TTIP

The hard place: vote leave, and the loons on the right will want this also.  The difference being an in vote is for an Obama led fait accompli, and out vote at least gives the opportunity for rejecting TTIP. So essentially we are fucked if we do ans fucked if we don't then - something most will agree on!

It's true that considering the least bad scenario has to be a factor in deciding which way to vote....the leaders of most of the political parties in the UK, have signed up to securing opt outs from TTIP for the NHS, that's Corbyn, Sturgeon, Farage, Bennett (Green), Plaid Cymru, DUP and Sinn Fein.

2 leaders didn't sign....Cameron and Farron

To be honest I have as much chance of wielding some political power as the majority of them, and as the LibDems learnt in 2010 one should be very careful what one says outside of government as it may come and bite you on the arse, when you actually have the opportunity to deliver something.

An alternative view

Possibly as Farron dares to hold an alternate view and is strong in both terms of party mandate and local majority? FWIW I have now moved so that Farron is my constituency MP (not a reason why I moved I add) and they love him here and the local Council is strongly LibDem, No idea what they are actually going to achieve as they are suffering from almost complete silence at the moment.
Reg Smeeton
Walking Encyclopaedia

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« Reply #1538 on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 15:55:33 »

To be honest I have as much chance of wielding some political power as the majority of them, and as the LibDems learnt in 2010 one should be very careful what one says outside of government as it may come and bite you on the arse, when you actually have the opportunity to deliver something.

An alternative view

Possibly as Farron dares to hold an alternate view and is strong in both terms of party mandate and local majority? FWIW I have now moved so that Farron is my constituency MP (not a reason why I moved I add) and they love him here and the local Council is strongly LibDem, No idea what they are actually going to achieve as they are suffering from almost complete silence at the moment.

As regards the referendum, we know that Lib Dems are a pro EU party, so in a sense don't need to say anything, but it would be good to hear how far along the road of integration they're prepared to go and why they regard it as a good thing, right up to full blown US style US of Europe.

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« Reply #1539 on: Tuesday, April 26, 2016, 16:52:33 »

I know its the Guardian and thus I feel dirty for posting this (I promise I wont religiously believe everything they print going forward)  Cheesy but this is nicely done

inept and tiresome

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« Reply #1540 on: Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 06:27:17 »

Yesterday was a rare day for Britain, a great day for Britain. One where the truth finally bubbled to the surface.

Working Class justice 1

Self serving Middle Class corruption 0

Now all that is left to do is discipline all the police officers who changed their evidence. Then prosecute the senior officers who were in charge. Dead or alive.

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Stirlingshire Reds

« Reply #1541 on: Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 13:41:37 »

You cannot prosecute a dead man, unfortunately.  That's why they need to get on with criminal prosecutions immediately.

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« Reply #1542 on: Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 13:50:56 »

You cannot prosecute a dead man, unfortunately.  That's why they need to get on with criminal prosecutions immediately.

It makes rather a mockery of a fair trial if the defendant is dead and cannot respond to evidence presented in court.... trust me from the pieces on our local news yesterday any idea that this is the closure that was banded about is not the case, this has years to run yet!

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« Reply #1543 on: Thursday, April 28, 2016, 12:12:07 »

Oh bloody hell, just concentrate on acting as a credible opposition!

Watching the video I suspect that John Mann would be deleting his account on here in a huff! Whatever one thinks of his stance he has made a bit of a tit of himself.
« Last Edit: Thursday, April 28, 2016, 13:10:20 by horlock07 » Logged
The Dude Abides

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« Reply #1544 on: Thursday, April 28, 2016, 12:27:54 »

To be honest I have as much chance of wielding some political power as the majority of them, and as the LibDems learnt in 2010 one should be very careful what one says outside of government as it may come and bite you on the arse, when you actually have the opportunity to deliver something

In their defence we can see now what a moderating influence the Lib Dems were on Dave and George.

As Frankie Boyle astutely observed, it shows how right wing our government is when Doctors can be seen as dangerous radicals.
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