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Author Topic: English Swingers Clubs  (Read 80031 times)
Simon Pieman
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« Reply #135 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 01:35:24 »

They handed out flyers last season

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« Reply #136 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 01:39:04 »

The EDL say they are about opposing Islamic extremists. Pretty much everyone is against Islamic extremists so this enables them to attract a lot of support and makes them distinct from the BNP and the standard right wing groups.

BUT the big problem with them is that most of them don't like all muslims and many of them just don't like asians.

That's the impression I've got anyway. If you were just opposing islamic extremists then thenumber of islamic extremists in the uk is very small and there's certainly no point (or need) to organise big street demonstrations against them.

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« Reply #137 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 01:58:44 »

[url width=900 height=567][/url]


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« Reply #138 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 02:03:05 »

peacefull protests ahoy!

Simon Pieman
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« Reply #139 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 02:10:57 »

Haha the polo shirts are proper gay. They remind me of groups of students on a pub crawl.
TEF Travel

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« Reply #140 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 06:02:57 »

An enjoyable read for an early Sunday morning.

Crispy, I'm a young man in my mid-twenties, but my dad is 46 and he says the world has always been a dangerous place. You think it's dangerous now, because of a tiny number of Muslim extremists (Who can't even get large support from their own communities?) Good job you weren't a teenager in any part of the 20th Century! Two World Wars, a Cold War (With the threat of it escalating into a nuclear war) along with countless 'conflicts', not to mention the number of active terrorist groups. Do you really think the world, or this country, was any safer then?

People are people, whatever their colour or belief system, and you get a small percentage of nutters in any large group: it doesn't make that group 'bad'. The problem occurs when the percentage within that group is greater than the sane, rational number.

Muslims (Whether in this country, or abroad) - Most are normal, everyday people like you and me. They have jobs, families, hobbies. They worry about paying bills and saving up to buy the things they want. Just like us. A miniscule percentage are extremists; driven by either their own delusions, stupidity, or craving to belong to some dangerous, edgy group which will make them look 'well hard'.

The EDL - Some are normal, everyday people like you and me. They have jobs, families, hobbies. They worry about paying bills and saving up to buy the things they want. Just like us. Most are extremists; driven by either their own delusions, stupidity, or craving to belong to some dangerous, edgy group which will make them look 'well hard'.

The AFL - Are either a group associated with a stupid game played in North America, or people who are concerned with the rise of racism. Some are normal, everyday people like you and me. They have jobs, families, hobbies. They worry about paying bills and saving up to buy the things they want. Just like us. Most are Left-wing liberal pinko's who wear stupidly long scarves and eat copious amounts of lentils. Some just want to hit other people and feel that hitting other people as an anti-facist is cooler than hitting people as a facist.

My view on it all? It's August 7th soon, stick to watching Swindon and let greater minds than ours (Lumps, Pauld, Ironside, et al) debate the rights and wrongs of everything.

 You joining a group, that's in the main made up of brain-dead, knuckle-dragging, pissed-up arseholes, won't change the world. But it might end up changing you. And not for the better.

Herthab's Sunday sermon is now over.
« Last Edit: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 06:05:56 by herthab » Logged

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« Reply #141 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 06:11:43 »

[url width=640 height=507][/url]

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« Reply #142 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 06:18:09 »

Now Crispy, don't you go believing what some of the politically biased posters say on here. After all, the leftie control freak, your Uncle Pauld has failed to notify you of the affiliations and criminal backgrounds of certain members of the UAF because it doesn't fit in with his political agenda. You are quite right in being concerned about the growing influence of Islam at 'street level' on our culture. Sharia Law does exist, albeit not officially, and it's proponents wish to establish it to an ever increasing degree. Late on Friday night I took a 23 year old Asian girl to our local A&E. I've known her for about 2 years. She used to be attractive. Yes Crispy, Sharia Law does exist, and we have some thinking to do. Your's, posh West Lavington boy.
TEF Travel

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« Reply #143 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 06:23:46 »

Now Crispy, don't you go believing what some of the politically biased posters say on here. After all, the leftie control freak, your Uncle Pauld has failed to notify you of the affiliations and criminal backgrounds of certain members of the UAF because it doesn't fit in with his political agenda. You are quite right in being concerned about the growing influence of Islam at 'street level' on our culture. Sharia Law does exist, albeit not officially, and it's proponents wish to establish it to an ever increasing degree. Late on Friday night I took a 23 year old Asian girl to our local A&E. I've known her for about 2 years. She used to be attractive. Yes Crispy, Sharia Law does exist, and we have some thinking to do. Your's, posh West Lavington boy.

Hammer is non-biased Crispy. Listen to him for well-reasoned opnion.

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« Reply #144 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 06:38:43 »

Hammer is non-biased Crispy. Listen to him for well-reasoned opnion.

Very true Crispy. I work for a company which comprises between 30% to 40% Muslims. I have lived, for the last 14 years in a community comprising approximately 60% Muslims. I wonder how many TEFers are able to share the same experience.
TEF Travel

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« Reply #145 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 06:52:05 »

Very true Crispy. I work for a company which comprises between 30% to 40% Muslims. I have lived, for the last 14 years in a community comprising approximately 60% Muslims. I wonder how many TEFers are able to share the same experience.

I lived in Southall for a number of years, where the asian population is the 2nd largest in the UK. As my previous post suggested, most people I met were normal, law-abiding citizens. Are you telling me that your experiences within the Muslim community you reside are any different?

If so, you are a liar and a dangerous one. To demonise a whole religon on the basis of a small number of extremists is counter-productive and could actually increase the number of fanatics within the Muslim community.

It's a pointless debate. Everyone has made up their minds on what they believe and no-one will listen to any other viewpoint. I'm going to have some toast and pray for World peace and harmony.

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« Reply #146 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 07:12:25 »

I mentioned nothing with regard to 'law abiding' citizens or 'extremists'. I stand to be corrected but I thought the majority of Asians in Southall were actually Bangladeshi or Indian, in which case Sharia Law wouldn't apply.
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« Reply #147 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 07:26:09 »

The number of Mosques in the area would suggest you are incorrect.

As to Sharia Law. The number of interpretations this has is as great as the number of interpretations The Bible has and, like The Bible, has been adapted by extremists to fit their own warped views.

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« Reply #148 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 08:16:48 »

Islamic extremists are no worse/better than Christian extremists. The difference being the media would rather portray those pesky brown skinned people as dangerous rather than the nice old couple next door who remind you of your grandparents.

That and mostly it's the Christian extremists who hold the greatest sway in the American media. God bless globisation.   
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« Reply #149 on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 08:39:08 »

Islamic extremists are no worse/better than Christian extremists. The difference being the media would rather portray those pesky brown skinned people as dangerous rather than the nice old couple next door who remind you of your grandparents.

That and mostly it's the Christian extremists who hold the greatest sway in the American media. God bless globisation.  

Fuck off, have you watched any of the Christian characters in any soaps? They're all fucking mental! Whore-shagging, wife-strangling body-dumping weirdos.

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