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Author Topic: Statement from Sir Seton Wills  (Read 8715 times)
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #45 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 22:55:04 »

Quote from: "dazzza"
As for the rift between the supporters club and the Trust it’s not something I am aware of but would be interested to know about.  If there is I see both parties have had the good grace not to air their dirty laundry in public.

Erm, likewise. But preferably off-forum as I'd agree about dirty laundry in public and that

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« Reply #46 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 22:57:24 »

Mr Davis, once you're done campaigning on behalf of TrustSTFC, would you care to answer my question?

So what exactly is it that you do which makes you so different to the supporters club?

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« Reply #47 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:01:34 »

I'm a bit behind in this thread tonight.    :-))(

I don't think the trust has ever claimed to speak for all of the fans and it would be unacceptable to ever do so.

However the questions and points they have raised in my opinion have all been very valid and have needed asking.  The impression of being trouble makers for the sake of it is grossly unfair.

The way the club has been run in the past it’s imperative that issues are raised.  The current board are not the best of communicators and it’s in everyone’s interests that concerns are addressed and points put across.


« Reply #48 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:05:27 »

Quote from: "dazzza"
The point was the Trust where the ones that instigated it all and as PaulD mentioned above where responsible for doing a lot of the ground work.

What have the board done worthy of a seat on the board?  Being employed by Mike Diamandis?

Speculation and not really an issue I know.  But, I think their work speaks for its self and if that's not worthy of a place on the board I don't know what is.

Trust/fan representation on the board would be a massive boost for the fans in terms of bringing the club closer to it’s supporters base and help clear up and improve a lot of the negativity that exists..

As for the rift between the supporters club and the Trust it’s not something I am aware of but would be interested to know about.  If there is I see both parties have had the good grace not to air their dirty laundry in public.

A fan representative on the Board is a lovely idea yes - but what if it were your company?

This is Swindon Town - a private company - we are talking about and not Barclays!  The club doesn't make any money - everything is done on a very tight budget and understandably so...would you want someone on the board who could influence decision-making  and possibly lead to the loss of your investment and to the club being wound up (albeit unintentionally and with the best of intentions)?

SSW isn't launching an attack on the fans, he's protecting his interest.

As for the Supporters' Club vs Trust rift - I don't know anything about that.  What I know is the good work being done by the Supporters' Club will mean I will be renewing my membership (after a couple of lapsed years  Oops - I'm a busy bunny) and offering as much as my time as I can to helping them continue.

I know quite a lot about the Diamandis / Dunwoody stuff (and I might chuck another D for Devlin in there for good measure)...but Dazzza you seem to know a little bit more - wanna tell?  Cheesy

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« Reply #49 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:13:45 »

Quote from: "mrs_spacey"
I know quite a lot about the Diamandis / Dunwoody stuff (and I might chuck another D for Devlin in there for good measure)...but Dazzza you seem to know a little bit more - wanna tell?  Cheesy

What is it you know, out of interest?

I think a lot of people are being a bit paranoid about Diamandis and the board's intentions, people read far too much into things sometimes.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #50 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:14:01 »

Quote from: "mrs_spacey"

You might like to post on the Adver forum to confirm that the trust had nothing to do with the scoreboard in case Sonic's post may be deleted (due to the fact he has the townend website in his signature and they really don't appreciate the competition :roll: )

Just have - just to make you happy! Although I still think it looks a bit silly with sonic's comment as well, so I kind of hope they do delete his post!

Quote from: "mrs_spacey"
I've looked into the Supporters' Club and the Trust and I would like to think that I never express an opinion unless I am happy that it is a reasonably informed opinion (aside from the occasional mucking about stuff).

The Supporters' Club have raised over 10 times as much money for the club in the same period of time as the Trust.  They do not makes demands of the Board.

Actually the SC have been going twice as long as us, but yes, no arguments whatever they have raised a lot more money than we have and probably always will. They are very good at it and should be praised at every opportunity for doing so - as indeed we did, giving credit for the scoreboard, in our last newsletter. It's on the website under Newsletters - go check if you don't believe me! But that's not (primarily) what we're there for - Supporters' Trusts are a government backed initiative (under a group called Supporters' Direct) to get fans more involved in running their clubs. OK, we have been fundraising as well with the Red Army Fund (in conjunction with the SC, I might add), but it's not our primary aim - arguably we've confused matters with the Red Army Fund, but I'm not going to apologise for having raised over 10 grand to be spent on players!

Quote from: "mrs_spacey"

I'm quite happy to learn why you (as in you the Trust - not you personally) seem to think you have the right to speak for all of us fans.  

We don't - we speak for our members. And if you don't like what we're saying we're a democratic organisation - join the Trust, stand for the (Trust) board and knock some common sense into us. Or come to a members' meeting and tell us where we're going wrong.
Quote from: "mrs_spacey"

Also why do you think you have the right to tell somebody else how to run their company?

Well, it's not just a company is it? It's a football club we all, as fans, have a profound stake in (not to mention having put a shedload of money in over the years in season tickets etc). Let's face it, if it was just a business, it'd have gone to the wall years ago. And to be fair, what we've tried to do is not just have a go but offer help as well and where we think something's been done wrong, offer constructive criticism. Like with the alternative ticket prices proposals. You might not personally have been impressed with them - fair enough - but they were as well researched as they could be without access to the actual gate receipts, costed, well-thought out. And come on, you must admit, it's certainly a damn sight better than just going "WAaaahhh! Prices too high!" Please remember as well, the proposal was supposed to be the basis for a discussion with the club when we met for the consultation on ticket prices which Bob Holt publicly promised to do but the board then backed out of that consultation. I'd have welcomed (and still would) someone from the board going through the figures with us and proving that we were just wrong and that the prices they've set are necessary. Fair enough - we offered tonight in fact that if they can do that and prove there is a genuine business plan and analysis behind the ticket prices, and that our figures are bollocks, we'll put out a press release saying so. No probs.

Quote from: "mrs_spacey"

Again I'd like to stress that this isn't personal and I know that some of you really do have the best intentions. Smiley

Thank you very much

Quote from: "mrs_spacey"

Well, as for Tomlinson, where do I start?  I reckon he's a liability to be honest.  He came on here - professing to tell us all what's going on with the redevelopment and basically patronised us and then bored us all into a coma, then ran away to slag us off on the trust site...the only thing I learnt from him was that you can fit 4 bags of rubbish into a wheelie bin!

I'm not here to defend Justin - he's a politico and more than capable of fighting his own corner - but as I remember it, he didn't slag you off on our site that was Gerald Phillips/Gerry/StiltonRed/bobby "defending" him. And erm, well, you don't need me to tell you what Gerald's like. And I'm certainly not defending him!!

Can you really get four bags of rubbish in a wheelie-bin? Did he say if we can all have one? I could really use one to be honest.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #51 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:16:42 »

Quote from: "sonicyouth"
Mr Davis, once you're done campaigning on behalf of TrustSTFC, would you care to answer my question?

So what exactly is it that you do which makes you so different to the supporters club?

I think/hope I've answered that in my reply to mrs spacey below. But if I haven't I'm sure you'll tell me. Sorry about the delay - tried to answer mrs s as fully as I could and it took a while to do all that typing!

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« Reply #52 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:18:39 »

Quote from: "pauld"
Just have - just to make you happy! Although I still think it looks a bit silly with sonic's comment as well, so I kind of hope they do delete his post!

"No the supporters club did - raised 10 grand to do it iirc."

Fair bit more than that in all honesty!
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #53 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:20:02 »

Quote from: "sonicyouth"
Quote from: "pauld"
Just have - just to make you happy! Although I still think it looks a bit silly with sonic's comment as well, so I kind of hope they do delete his post!

"No the supporters club did - raised 10 grand to do it iirc."

Fair bit more than that in all honesty!

Apologies - tell me how much more and I'll go back and correct my own post. Or if you can't say exactly, point me in the right area.

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« Reply #54 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:21:50 »

Nearer double that but don't bother changing it, I just wanted to nitpick Cool

thanks for the response. I must confess that I had misconstrued your intentions with the RAF and thought you were trying to fundraise. Apologies.

On another note, how long have these redevelopment discussions been going on?
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #55 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:34:25 »

Quote from: "sonicyouth"
Nearer double that but don't bother changing it, I just wanted to nitpick Cool

thanks for the response. I must confess that I had misconstrued your intentions with the RAF and thought you were trying to fundraise. Apologies.

Erm, well we are with the Red Army Fund, obviously. But it's not our main thrust (ooh, err)

Quote from: "sonicyouth"
On another note, how long have these redevelopment discussions been going on?

With the club? Council? We started to ask around with the council over the summer after the Shaw Tip fiasco went belly up - we'd been telling the club it was going to for months by the way and pleading with them to do some PR work on it, talk to councillors, talk to residents etc. But they were convinced they didn't need to worry until nearer the planning application so it all went tits up long before then.

Then there was a couple of months of the club (well, Bob Holt) and the council just slagging each other off. Which we kind of thought would probably not help get a new stadium built. So we approached councillors off our own backs and made it clear we were an independent fans' group (and local residents) and that opened doors the club had closed to themselves. The club is widely regarded with some suspicion by some councillors who see it as little more than a badly run business that wants local taxpayers to keep bailing it out, then slags the council off when it screws things up. But we were able to come in from another angle and "pitch" the benefits a CG redevelopment would have for the whole town. And yes Justin T was very helpful helping us get off the ground in that (explaining how the council works etc) and also in getting the Tory group to back it. I don't see we should apologise for that (or that he should for that matter).

And these meetings are still going on - we're in the process of trying to set up meetings with the new leaders of the Labour and Lib Dem groups on the council to get to know them, let them know who we are, why the continued survival of STFC is something they should care about etc.

Does that answer the question? hope so cos I'm off to bed shortly!

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« Reply #56 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:39:16 »

I see, thanks again for your quick response and it was most informative. Interestingly, when Devlin was still at the club I recall a supporters club meeting at which he mentioned that the club would be playing in a new stadium by 06/07 and that the likely location was Shaw Tip. After his departure, Bob Holt came to a meeting and fielded questions as the Shaw Tip farce had gone tits up and there was mention of the ground being redeveloped then, apparently it was something the club had looked into but shelved in favour of a new location, as previous objections from local residents were a problem beforehand.

I don't recall dates or even a vague idea of when it happened but I thought it was an interesting point nevertheless.

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« Reply #57 on: Friday, May 27, 2005, 23:51:27 »

I do remember something similar Sonic but it came from Devlin in an interview on the radio.

It was just as the Forest group where gaining real momentum and the official plans where just being released.

The question about a CG redevelopment was fielded by the answer that it had been looked into but was not a 'feasible' option mainly due to the cost.

Must admit at the time it came across as propaganda and justifiably so as it was at the unveiling of the plans.  

Logically, St Mowden and the board would always have opted for a move to Shaw as first choice as it would allow for a lot more housing on the CG site and more importantly profit.

Reg Smeeton
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« Reply #58 on: Saturday, May 28, 2005, 00:06:02 »

Whether we like it or not the Trust will be the body that picks up the pieces of STFC when the shit hits the fan as is looking increasingly likely. This is because its an organisation, which is part of a wider community, charged with the task.

 It is also right and proper that questions are being raised as to the running of the club. I would like the Trust at the AGM to oppose the re-election of Sandy Gray, and offer an alternative candidate as a director.....obviously this is no more than a gesture, but is the correct vehicle for registering dissatisfaction.

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« Reply #59 on: Saturday, May 28, 2005, 00:09:23 »

I'd like to join back in with this but I went to the pub .I'll wait until tomorrow innit Oops

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