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Author Topic: 'Who's snuffed it now?'  (Read 1566811 times)

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« Reply #375 on: Saturday, March 15, 2014, 21:39:36 »

For someone to endure abuse, ridicule ,scorn and even worse for their beliefs does not suggest cowardice to me

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« Reply #376 on: Saturday, March 15, 2014, 21:40:04 »

History and evidence proves you wrong there Arriba. None of the 'isms' has ever worked - socialism, communism, fascism. They are all simply immoral wealth redistribution systems.

It is basic human nature to maximise your own resources. It is the way we are wired and it is why none of the above ever work because the minority of sociopaths who inevitably gravitate to power do so to the detriment w  of the rest of the population. Hence why we need an e
nvironment where achieving as much as you can is possible without using force against others.

I disagree that "everyone is too selfish and greedy" though. For example - do you care about the poor, the sick and the old? You would say yes, as the overwhelming majority would. So would you help them if they needed it? If you said yes then you are staying with your moral principles. If no, then you obviously don't care about them. So in the absence of socialism, or a government, or a state, or any of the other faulty constructs, those people would be looked after. No socialism required  Grin
There are many people that are not looked after imo currently

« Reply #377 on: Saturday, March 15, 2014, 23:24:48 »

I'm assuming you think the same of Muhammad Ali then?

ASSUME = making and ass (though i prefer the term arse) out of u and me.

No, not at all. The Americans were not facing iminent in vasion from another country. We were...... Doh
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« Reply #378 on: Sunday, March 16, 2014, 00:24:22 »

Do you include capitalism on your list? Or pragmatism? The suffix -ism just means a system or ideology.

Yes, I include state capitalism in that list. That's the one where the powers that be are funded by the people with money who want to keep it. It includes the Conservative party. Funnily enough it also encompasses the traditional Labour party, funded by the unions. All as bad as each other. Time to think outside the box and move beyond cronyism. Yes, that's another 'ism' for you  Wink

Pragmatism as far as I know has never had a look in anywhere.
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« Reply #379 on: Sunday, March 16, 2014, 00:25:00 »

There are many people that are not looked after imo currently

Who are they, Arriba?

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« Reply #380 on: Sunday, March 16, 2014, 09:45:20 »

Who are they, Arriba?
The homeless, the poor, people who have to wait months for medical procedures because they cannot afford to go private, those who rely on charities to get by.

« Reply #381 on: Sunday, March 16, 2014, 09:56:44 »

The homeless, the poor, people who have to wait months for medical procedures because they cannot afford to go private, those who rely on charities to get by.

The 'Victims of market forces' according to Mr Benn.

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A Bastard apparently

« Reply #382 on: Monday, March 17, 2014, 10:35:40 »

He was also a coward (contientious objector) and refused to fight for his country during WW2 and was interned.

Coward? In wartime, cowards run and hide. Conciencious Objectors stand up and say "No, I will not fight" and take serious shit for it.

To be a Conciencious Objector takes courage.

(The opinion of someone who did 6 years as an infantryman).

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« Reply #383 on: Monday, March 17, 2014, 13:17:16 »

One of the Two fat ladies has died, Clarissa Dickson Wright aged 66, i never really got into them but my mum loved watching them.
kerry red

« Reply #384 on: Monday, March 17, 2014, 13:22:43 »

Ah well, she'll soon be a bit less fat

« Reply #385 on: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 18:22:08 »

Fred Phelps is dead.

If there was such a thing as hell, I wish he'd fucking burn in it. Good riddance to the evil cunt.

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Whoo Whoo!

« Reply #386 on: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 18:52:15 »

Fred Phelps is dead.

If there was such a thing as hell, I wish he'd fucking burn in it. Good riddance to the evil cunt.


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« Reply #387 on: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 19:00:31 »

Who is fred phelps?
You spin me right round baby right round

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« Reply #388 on: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 19:08:30 »

Who is fred phelps?

Leader of the Westboro Baptist Church

« Reply #389 on: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 19:10:01 »

Who is fred phelps?

Have you heard of the Westboro Baptist church?

An evil bunch of fuckers. Christian extremists that would do things like picket the funerals of dead soldiers claiming that god did it because of fags (They're American).

Fred Phelps was their 'Pastor'.

Louis Theroux did a documentary on them:
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