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Author Topic: Power gets a right slagging on the OS  (Read 5478 times)
Power to people

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« Reply #30 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 17:31:51 »

It seems to me that they may have run into a problem with the new investors who are unwilling to pay back Power's money when the club lose, so they are now crapping themselves and trying to get fan's against Bill & Phil to cancel the case an accept the money was for shares.

Strange timing though as they would have been served with papers many weeks ago.

Of course that will never happen as Bill & Phil are held in high regard by supporters, while Messrs Holt & Diamandis are thought of so little that they are regarded as an irritation to most.

Banning order for Mr Davis next then by the sound of that....he's just a trouble maker  

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« Reply #31 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 17:33:46 »

It beggars belief. The statement is absolutely deluded.  For the last few days I think that many fans have been fairly patient, as asked & have calmed down a bit awaiting the 16th November & this proposed takeover.  So what do the club do. Try & shir things up by banning the supporter of the year, & another loyal fan, followed by a public hissy fit, during which they slag off the guy who loaned them 1.2 million in their hour off need, & of course they also choose to slag off the chairman of the largest supporters group FOR TELLING THE TRUTH.
And it's all guff any way.  They ask why Bill P held off for a year, it's bleedin obvious, you don't sue a club you are trying to buy do you.  It could have ended with Bill P suing the club of which he was the major shareholder. You only do that when, you realise that the other party are shafting you.  And as for the bit about borrowing money they can't pay back, that is ludicrous in the extreme, that's all they have EVER done.
AND what about Bob Holts recent statement about the "new" investors. Something along the lines of a million quid is neither here nor there to them.  Wills & Co expect there money back plus some,  so why the hell can't the other investors ?
Besides, if as they allege, there case is SO strong, presumably they will be awarded costs when they win!
Bill & Phil never claimed to be STFC fans through & through, they just told the truth. They were driven to this by the people in charge of the club.  What are they expected to do, say goodbye to 1.2 million ? Sorry, but if I were the sultan of Brunei, I wouldn't do that with this lot!
AND the final sentence takes the biscuit. They wouldn't speaks to any of the fans consortium about buying the club, but expect Bill/ Phil to call them now.
If I were Bill or Phil I would call them, but it would be a very short conversation startiong in F & ending in Off.

From the Dark Side

« Reply #32 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 17:49:37 »

:shock:  :shock:

All I'll say is What is the point of this statement?

No one started slagging off the board in the last week and singing Powers praises so why try and get people to turn on Power now?.

I really cant see the point of this what so ever. I could see if the adver or trust or someone did a huge article or something about the upcoming case and the club was trying to defend itsself but.... What is the point of this?

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« Reply #33 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 17:51:24 »

Its just another piece of vindictiveness

From the Dark Side

« Reply #34 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 17:51:57 »


get rid!
ron dodgers

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« Reply #35 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 17:56:56 »

It's such a clumsy attempt at spin - I've never seen anything like it they make the Labour party look skilled
Iffy's Onion Bhaji

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« Reply #36 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 17:58:58 »

Oh ffs. More drivel from the board. I can't even be bothered to let my feelings known anymore. I'm that fed up with STFC at the moment that i almost don't even care.

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« Reply #37 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 18:07:12 »

My favourite bit:

'In September of last year Sir Seton Wills was planning for the long term future of the club...'

Of course he was.  In much the same way, probably, that in September of last year Robert Mugabe was planning for the long term future of Zimbabwe.

One day, these awful people will be gone.  I keep telling myself this.

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« Reply #38 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 18:11:17 »

Just when you think the board of STFC can't get any more pathetic. Take 'em to the cleaners, Bill.

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« Reply #39 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 18:36:00 »

They just don't get it do they.
Quote 'much of the present ill feeling towards the board goes back to a meeting on oct 6th last year'
WRONG , it's how these muppets have made Swindon Town FC a laughing stock over the last 2 decades that has caused the ill feeling.
This statement shows they haven't got a clue how to run the football club. Enough is enough , this needs to be a takeover by Mr Fitton and his consortium not an investment to keep the current lot in charge.
Simon Pieman
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« Reply #40 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 20:07:56 »

It's obviously to split the fans.

It might also get the hardcore protestors to go back to the Bill Power chanting i.e. stop protests progressing and maybe even get them to go even more backward.

This statement serves nothing more than digging up the past and stopping any momentum in my opinion. Whether that's intended or not, who knows.

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« Reply #41 on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 20:28:11 »

Actually, it's probably the first club statement EVER, that has a quote by Mike D, and even then it's on 'behalf of the holding company', which itself is worthless, and then he's quoting dates, which are inaccurate.

If I was Bill and Phil, I'd just issue the following statement to Mikey D & co.:

'We'll see you in court.'


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« Reply #42 on: Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 08:06:48 »

Someone ought to remind Mikey boy that the laws of slander and libel apply to him as well. It's all very well him slagging off Paul D and Mike Wilkes who probably don't have the financial clout to drag him through court, but to make statements about the way Bill and Phil have conducted themselves during this process that teeter on the edge of untruth, when it's already clear that the two of them aren't scared of litigation seems a bit stupid.

Oh hold on I forgot who I was talking about for a second.

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« Reply #43 on: Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 08:14:18 »

Quote from: "Lumps"
Someone ought to remind Mikey boy that the laws of slander and libel apply to him as well. It's all very well him slagging off Paul D and Mike Wilkes who probably don't have the financial clout to drag him through court, but to make statements about the way Bill and Phil have conducted themselves during this process that teeter on the edge of untruth, when it's already clear that the two of them aren't scared of litigation seems a bit stupid.

Oh hold on I forgot who I was talking about for a second.

Well if someone wants to start a fund to look into court cation, I would be happy to contribute.

I particularly like the way that Bob talks for the club and Mike for the holding company, like they are two totally separate entities, beautiful!

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« Reply #44 on: Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 09:26:26 »

To just summarise why they would produce a statement like this, they have a track record in such cases.  I distinctly remember them using the Adver to trumpet the fact they got a Court date to take Donnegan, Rowe and Lux to Court, suggesting quite openly that it was a case about these 3 missappropriating the clubs funds.

They later lost and even managed to have to pay compensation.  A very difficult task, that, be the plaintiff and have to pay the compensation on top of the court costs at the end.

It's about getting a view out in public, even if it is wrong, on the hope the end result if negative gets lost.  The several weeks of making innuendo and allegations of dodgyness stick much longer in the memory than a 1 day article saying they lost their case.  It's how papers like the Mirror work, get the coverage and sales for the shit article, then hope a page 27 apology gets missed by everyone, which it does.
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