I don’t understand redeveloping the most developed area of the ground whilst the rest crumbles.
If there was a realistic plan to redevelop other areas in time, it might be acceptable, but my vote to this would be no. We have a three-sided ground now, but there is no focus on the derelict stand.
I wouldn't be entirely against the concept they seem to be floating - it's not even their idea, it has been mooted before. The issue and concern I would have is two fold - first, they likely end-up paying a contractor exactly the amount we need to avoid triggering the clause on the purchase agreement, but actually spend much less than that. The building trade, sorry if you work in it, is precisely the type of environment Messrs Austin & Hart hang out in for a reason. Second, their portfolio of recent work is shocking. The Legends is one example, but far more public a display of incompetence is the gravel pit. They took a decent enough concept of a fans park and created something akin to a Country Park walking path that requires your Hiking gear for you to stay clean personally. Poor old Don is orange as a result - ironic. They have shown no ability to do things correctly, so Exec Boxes scare me a little. The modular design means it is easy to make the space, what they put in could be shocking.