25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 09:22:49

Title: Messages to Clem
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 09:22:49
Please post any messages to Clem here. Try and be constructive and not insulting. I'm sure he reads this so maybe they will get through. This should be messages only not discussion.

I have been a supporter for 45 years, a season ticket holder for many of them. I was actually once voted supporter of the year. I live abroad and only now get to the county ground when visiting England. I do however watch every week religiously on ifollow. I can't be bothered anymore. This is easily the worst team I have seen in my lifetime. Under your stewardship we are looking at achieving our worst ever league position. Yet I still pay and watch. But no more. I really can't be arsed to even turn the TV on. It's that depressing watching week in and week out I will no longer be watching.this is what your ownership and your appointments have achieved. A life time of support. So now disinterested I will be doing other things with my Saturday afternoon.

Without sounding a total dick could we kep this to messages not discussion, we have so many other threads for discussion, I wanted one place where Clem could just see a load of messages directed at him.

From mods: messages not directed at Clem will be deleted. This is not a discussion thread please  :smugfu:

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: DV on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 09:34:04
You need more experienced football people running the football club, period.

If you can’t afford to finance the club - then seek outside investment; ideally not from criminals.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: 4D on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 10:18:14
Can we see the latest detailed accounts? Thanks.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: tans on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 10:40:22
Please sell. Let us start again with a new ownership.
The hangers on can go too.
Please dont give Gunning the job full time.
No nore money from me until things change up top.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Processed Beats on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 10:43:54
Get the fuck out of our club.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Pericardinho on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 10:45:18
What's your favourite cheese?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Qunk on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 10:49:58
Echoing what has already been said, please sell, and if that’s not something you will consider, at least take it seriously and get rid of the Austins and Harts of this world.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Steak supper on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 10:54:53
 I am thinking about cycling in to matches.  where can I park my bicycle?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Walthams on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 10:55:03
I have been a supporter for 56 years and a season ticket holder for many.
I will not be renewing my season ticket next season whilst the present set up stays.
I stopped going this season at the beginning of this year and have no plans to go again this season.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: TheDukeOfBanbury on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 11:05:52
Won Nationwide Supporter of the year in 2002 and gifted the Club half of the prize money.
Sponsored the Club every season until this one, no more and stopped.

Associate yourself with undesirables and convicted criminals it will never wash off. This is no better than the Power era and legacy.

Nothing you do or say has any time lines or date commitments.
Only watching out of loyalty. The Club is like the pitch, a sorry state.

Make everyone happy by officially putting the Club up for sale and at least gaining a crumb of respect.
You are not fit for purpose neither are you appointments. No football experience within the Club and 18th in League Two with one of the biggest Revenues.
Let’s see a full and open transparent set of accounts that once again is one of your failed promises.

Just go.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 11:19:33
Thanks for your time and efforts Clem, it is appreciated, but its time to sell up and move on now so we can progress as a club.

Thats all, no "fuck off now" or anger, just please officially put the club up for sale, if you are indeed the 100% owner of it again (if you ever were) and let the club prosper under new forward thinking owners who may be able to financially support the club better and develop the County Ground into a stadium fit for purpose.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Outletred on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 11:50:45
Please sell up- you don’t have the funds to sustain the club and get us back to league one and stay there

And take all the undesirable hangers on with you

Another long term ST holder not renewing next season

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: ThreeDrawsMentality on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 11:51:49
It's quite clear you have neither the resources or competency to successfully maintain the wellbeing of 8k+ individuals on a weekly basis. Know you're well intended but this isn't an egg and spoon race on sports day, this is supposed to be a serious business and you're letting us all down. It's time to let someone else try.

I will not be renewing until you and your hanger ons have left. Time to drain the swamp.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Batch on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 11:59:32
if you can't afford it, you can't have it.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: theakston2k on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 12:48:06
Your position is now untenable. Whatever your intentions were when you became owner the facts are you’ve chosen to associate yourself with convicted criminals and other chancers who clearly don’t have the clubs best interests at heart.

The clubs infrastructure is more skeletal than it has ever been, most National league clubs have a more professional set up than exists here.

You are having to resort to regularly pushing out lies and mistruths in the hope you can maintain some kind of support. That can’t be a healthy life to live?

You’ve paid the most generous fan in the clubs history the ultimate disservice claiming you gifted the fans half of the ground. The reality is the late Nigel Eady gifted you 50% of the ground and you’ve never had the decency to properly apologise for that statement which is truly unforgivable.

In a similar vein you guilt tripped supporters into giving up season ticket refunds in return for a name on a cheap plastic plaque that won’t stand the test of time. Again the supporters have never seen anything tangible in return for such a sacrifice.

Since you got 50% ownership of the County Ground you’ve been near radio silent and your charm offensive has come to a grinding halt. This gives the impression the ground was all you ever wanted so that you could increase the value of your asset?

It’s time for you to sell, you are just a temporary custodian of an almost 150 year old community asset. If you can’t afford to run it, or run it right it’s time to pass it on to someone who can.
Rumours of inflated price of tags for the club have been suggested, you’ve done nothing to deserve making a profit from the club and you don’t deserve to get one. You should be grateful if you just get your money back as if you aren’t careful your greed will see you lose everything. Nigel Eady’s generosity adding an asset to the balance sheet should help with that.

Sell up before your name is in the history books for all the wrong reasons.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 12:55:49
As you know “if you don’t pay they will take it away”😡

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Leggett on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 13:19:09
When you do sell us, please don't just pass us along to another of your gang's crooked mates.

You have cut the club down to the bone, there's nothing left to skimp and save on, you will be the death of this club. Hoping for two worse teams each season to drop out of the league ahead of us is not a sustainable business model...

I won't be renewing my family's season tickets, the money is disappearing somewhere but it's clear its not headed onto the pitch. You have continued Power's steady decline (19/20 season apart) and will see this club into non-league soon. We've had enough.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 22:28:04
Sorry Clem,

The OP of this thread asked for constructive criticism. I'm sure you'll be aware of the phrase by the eccentric English writer, Charles Caleb Colton {no relation to helpless former Town Goalkeeper RC-C} although you may associate it similarly with the Disney movie Bambi {also no relation to myself, incidentally}:

''If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all...''

Unfortunately, I have nothing constructive to say.


Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Monday, February 19, 2024, 07:12:42
Dear Mr Morfuni,

With the greatest respect please just sell the club to more competent personnel that can drive the club forward. This club is too big for you and needs owners who can run the business properly and not from the other side of the world. Unfortunately there is nothing left you can say otherwise as I no longer believe anything you say. I will also not be renewing 2 season tickets next season. In fact I’ve already stopped putting further money into the club as my pre match routine is no longer in Legends Lounge but an alternative pub and I no longer use the club shop or any kiosks within the ground.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Monday, February 19, 2024, 08:49:19
Without sounding a total dick could we kep this to messages not discussion, we have so many other threads for discussion, I wanted one place where Clem could just see a load of messages directed at him.

If possible could an admin delete discussion posts? or am i being a dick?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, February 19, 2024, 10:33:33
When you do sell us, please don't just pass us along to another of your gang's crooked mates.

You have cut the club down to the bone, there's nothing left to skimp and save on, you will be the death of this club. Hoping for two worse teams each season to drop out of the league ahead of us is not a sustainable business model...
Definately this.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: TailBetweenLegs on Monday, February 19, 2024, 10:56:13
Without sounding a total dick could we kep this to messages not discussion, we have so many other threads for discussion, I wanted one place where Clem could just see a load of messages directed at him.

If possible could an admin delete discussion posts? or am i being a dick?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: welshred on Monday, February 19, 2024, 11:03:10

I've been a fan of this football for around 35 years. I've seen lots of ups and down over these years but all have generally taken place far higher up the football pyramid than we find ourselves in now. Looking at the current state of this football club, surely you have to admit that you are failing desperately in your attempt to run it. Since you took over, we have gradually got worse and worse and we're now in the pretty much to worst position we have been in. Does that sit well with you? Surely you have to admit that you do not have the know how or finances to successfully run a football club.

Running a football club isn't an easy thing to do and plenty have failed before. But this club desperately needs and deserves investment, and that's the only way you'll ever get anywhere near a return from it. Developing young players to sell on needs capable coaching staff and facilities. Have a first team who win matches needs a capable manager, coaching staff, analysts, physios etc. We also need experienced commercial staff, scouts, people with football knowledge in senior positions at the club. 

This club has a great fanbase who have stuck with the club through very hard times and huge potential, but we all deserve so much more than you are giving us.

Please, please put the club up for sale and let someone come in with the knowledge and finances to give this club what it deserves.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Monday, February 19, 2024, 11:18:01
Are these actually going to get to Clem?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Audrey on Monday, February 19, 2024, 11:22:23
Same as letters to Santa I guess.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Posh Red on Monday, February 19, 2024, 11:33:22
Please employ someone to run the football club, who actually knows how to run a football club.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Power to people on Monday, February 19, 2024, 13:13:31
If you intend to keep the club then please employ people like an experienced CEO who has experience of running a football club and give them control and step back, to get the club running like a proper football club rather than jobs for ex employee's have no experience.

Then appoint a manager giving him control of football operations without having one hand tied behind his back.

If you cant afford to run the club then look to sell the club and don't spoil your legacy by handing it over to the first person that shows you a brown paper bag.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: JoeMezz on Monday, February 19, 2024, 13:56:46
Thank you Clem for giving me my weekends back and saving me lots of money

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: pewshamrobin on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 11:40:27
To add to the list I am another season ticket holder who wont be renewing next season... Clem you clearly don't have the resources to take us forward either on or off the pitch, sell to someone who does.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Posh Red on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 11:48:37
The fans forum requested questions be sent in, so I did. Unsurprisingly none of them were answered.

The gist of mine was

"As a Season ticket holder for almost 20 years, who travels 5 or 6 hours for every home game, based on how the club is being run what can you say to me to convince me to renew our season tickets for next season?"

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 11:51:50
I couldn't answer that Posh to be fair  :D

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 11:54:06
Any regrets Clem?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 12:51:05
Je ne regrette rien

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 01:14:10
We're on course for our lowest league position finish in 143 years. How does it feel to potentially be a record breaker?
Possibly followed by the biggest drop in ST sales from one season to the next? Who knows?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: otanswell on Friday, February 23, 2024, 00:06:19
Can you put that Mercedes through that car wash for me

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Bob1978 on Friday, February 23, 2024, 07:33:39
Hi Clem
Please can you sort the following issues:
- Training ground with drainage
- Experienced spine to the squad
- Experienced management team with the tools to succeed
- Experienced CEO who understands fan engagement.
- County ground redevelopment asap
- County ground maintenance
- A midfield
- Transparency on ownership
- Playing surface
- Funding and cash flow issues
Many thanks 😊

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: ron dodgers on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 01:03:32
Clem, give the money back now!

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: tans on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 07:26:56
Clem, give the money back now!


Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 08:50:46
Clem, give the money back now!
To whom in particular?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 10:19:01
Clem, give the money back now!


Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: 4D on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 10:23:27
What money?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 20:17:27
I see you flew to Manchester tonight to play for FC Copenhagen versus Manchester City. The appearance fee should come in handy for signing players in the Summer  :hmmm:


Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Leggett on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 21:44:58
Clem, just fuck off now, fella. Sell us to someone who can sustain a football club.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: hobnob on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 21:58:34
The fans forum requested questions be sent in, so I did. Unsurprisingly none of them were answered.

The gist of mine was

"As a Season ticket holder for almost 20 years, who travels 5 or 6 hours for every home game, based on how the club is being run what can you say to me to convince me to renew our season tickets for next season?"

The answer is “change your mindset”, weren’t you listening! 👂

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 22:05:04
Doubt we'll see AN Other on here again this season, small positives and all that.

Any sign of emotion from the crowd tonight or was it business as usual of watching and walking out in silence?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Hyabb17 on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 22:08:43

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Outletred on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 22:22:17
Please just fuck off out of our club

You have turned us into a total embarrassment never thought I would see us stoop this low.

Please sell up and take all your dodgy hangers on with you

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Pericardinho on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 23:42:24
Just please sell to somebody who has zero ties to any of the shit storm from the past decade.

That is all.

Walk away with a huge profit for all I care. Just please let this be over.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Posh Red on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 00:06:45
Get rid of the criminal element & then sell to someone who can afford to run the club.

In the meantime get a proper manager who doesn’t sound like a grumpy child when being interviewed & for god’s sake employ someone who knows how to run a functioning football club

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 08:39:38
Please remember the 1st post and try not to put in silly insults.

Try and be constructive and not insulting.
Yes we are all absolutely frustrated but no need for any personal insults.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 09:14:54
That ship has sailed I think. Not sure there's anything constructive that can be said anymore.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Peter Venkman on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 14:09:22
That ship has sailed I think. Not sure there's anything constructive that can be said anymore.
It probably has but there are plenty of other threads to vent peoples spleens in TBH.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Bob's Orange on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 14:19:10
Hi Clem, how are things going with the Australian Government investigations into your Axis dealings?

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 14:27:09
Hi Clem, how are things going with the Australian Government investigations into your Axis dealings?

Better than having the UK government looking in to any Adam Hart dealings, one would imagine.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 1, 2024, 15:32:45
Have you got nothing to say about creating the worst team, worst management, worst run club in my time as a supporter?

How are season tickets selling so far?

Good luck running the club next season.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Monday, April 1, 2024, 15:34:59
Again, time has gone for constructive criticism.

Fuck off you fucking cunt. Sell up now.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: BoA Vagabond on Monday, April 1, 2024, 17:04:24
My pounds will be staying at home come August. Won't miss you or the entourage. I shook your hand ( lucky you) 3 years ago but now I wash my hand thoroughly and often to diminish the stain.
Such a disappointment. Go, and go for good today.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, April 1, 2024, 18:20:08
My pounds will be staying at home come August. Won't miss you or the entourage. I shook your hand ( lucky you) 3 years ago but now I wash my hand thoroughly and often to diminish the stain.
Such a disappointment. Go, and go for good today.

This is a mirror image of my meeting him three years ago at Supermarine. Second time was when I bought my last replica shirt, even have a selfie with digger. What was I thinking? It is also a mirror image of my financial involvement and intent.
First time, shame on you, second time, shame on me. There WILL not be a third time.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Batch on Monday, April 1, 2024, 18:31:58
Most of us thought this was a new beginning. No shame there.

As soon as he tried to appoint Xav Austin was the first of many red flags. Didn't take long.

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: Outletred on Monday, April 1, 2024, 21:03:13
Please in the name of god go

Title: Re: Messages to Clem
Post by: ron dodgers on Monday, April 1, 2024, 22:18:17
do you like Tim Tams?