Title: Underfloor Heating Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 17, 2023, 17:12:21 Anyone got any knowledge of underfloor heating (electric) as the only heat source in an apartment as I need advice on the following for a elderly family member in the process of purchasing one
Is the heating adequate to heat the place up in the winter and are there any checks that can be done at the request of a solicitor to ensure that it is working correctly as it hasn't been used for 12 months? Any advice would be much appreciated Title: Re: Underfloor Heating Post by: skiptotheLouMacari on Sunday, September 17, 2023, 19:04:57 Anyone got any knowledge of underfloor heating (electric) as the only heat source in an apartment as I need advice on the following for a elderly family member in the process of purchasing one Is the heating adequate to heat the place up in the winter and are there any checks that can be done at the request of a solicitor to ensure that it is working correctly as it hasn't been used for 12 months? Any advice would be much appreciated We have it in both our ensuite and family bathroom. It is only good for warming your feet in winter doesn't provide enough heat to heat a room. Plus it is quite pricey to run as it is heating a wire, a bit like a kettle. You can get a cheaper fan heaters which if you can only heat one room at a time you can move it around the house as required. Title: Re: Underfloor Heating Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 17, 2023, 19:05:51 We have it in both our ensuite and family bathroom. It is only good for warming your feet in winter doesn't provide enough heat to heat a room. Plus it is quite pricey to run as it is heating a wire, a bit like a kettle. You can get a cheaper fan heaters which if you can only heat one room at a time you can move it around the house as required. Cheers lou Title: Re: Underfloor Heating Post by: horlock07 on Sunday, September 17, 2023, 19:12:46 Jut to build a bit on what Lou said, I don't have it but a colleague has it in her home office.
She has found on the plus side it does heat the whole room pretty well, but on the negative side a) if you have your feet on the floor all the time (like she has sat at a desk) it can get very hot and b) Much as with storage heaters its not very controllable. Title: Re: Underfloor Heating Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, September 17, 2023, 19:14:06 Jut to build a bit on what Lou said, I don't have it but a colleague has it in her home office. She has found on the plus side it does heat the whole room pretty well, but on the negative side a) if you have your feet on the floor all the time (like she has sat at a desk) it can get very hot and b) Much as with storage heaters its not very controllable. Thanks Horlock Title: Re: Underfloor Heating Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, September 18, 2023, 17:28:14 Probably the most expensive form of heating.
Might as well just set alight to some £50 notes with current electricity prices. |