25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: Robinz on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 08:24:40

Title: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: Robinz on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 08:24:40
From 18,000 kms away I have lost touch with the pending Court case and the Standing / Barry issues

Has there been any developments ?

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: Audrey on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 08:26:22
Next February - if we last that long.

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 08:29:13
I suspect it will be settled out of court before then. There seems to be a lot going on behind the scenes.

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: Robinz on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 08:33:36
It makes perfect sense that these type of situations are sorted privately........ that said, is the Supporters / Trust board been in communications ?
Has any one contacted the Aussie builder for his take on things ?   

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: Flashheart on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 08:36:33

Has any one contacted the Aussie builder for his take on things ?   

Just about every cunt and his dog by the sounds of it.

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: pauld on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 09:08:46
It makes perfect sense that these type of situations are sorted privately........ that said, is the Supporters / Trust board been in communications ?
Has any one contacted the Aussie builder for his take on things ?   
Don't think you need to, just wait long enough and he'll get in touch with you eventually :)

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: Robinz on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 09:57:36
Only wish........... fucking hell what total melt down from last year

The playing side is a basket case of injuries
Back roon staff questionable
Ownership well best not to ask.

This must be one of the most challenging times in the history of the club and there have been a fair few.


Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: horlock07 on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 10:09:58
Only wish........... fucking hell what total melt down from last year

The playing side is a basket case of injuries
Back roon staff questionable
Ownership well best not to ask.

This must be one of the most challenging times in the history of the club and there have been a fair few.


I am not refreshing the web every 5 mins to see if we have gone bust, so things are somewhat better than they have been in previous years.

Title: What has happened with Court case and the Sa
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 11:29:07
bump. Anyone with any news on Standing v Power?

Forgot about it until someone mentioned it on Twitter. I know they were pencelling it in for around now. But given the urgency of churches of ownership is gone, could easily have been put back or looked to settle out of court?

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: horlock07 on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 11:56:41
bump. Anyone with any news on Standing v Power?

Forgot about it until someone mentioned it on Twitter. I know they were pencelling it in for around now. But given the urgency of churches of ownership is gone, could easily have been put back or looked to settle out of court?

Standing is still going to want his/Barry's cash back, unless he mysteriously turns up as a Director now he has resigned the Agent stuff (or have I imaged that?)

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: Audrey on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 12:05:03
Perhaps Standing has had the crap beat out of him on his doorstep and has decided not to pursue his claim.

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: JanAirplaneMan on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 12:22:52
It has gone a bit quiet on this but as we understand it the case which was due to be in court early sept has been delayed for a while in order for further evidence to be presented

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sa
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 12:34:44

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: Ƭ̵̬̊: The Artist Formerly Known as CWIG on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 17:46:16
It has gone a bit quiet on this but as we understand it the case which was due to be in court early sept has been delayed for a while in order for further evidence to be presented

Will probably be more complicated than the ownership case and he did his fair share of stall tactics during that one.

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 18:47:32
Will probably be more complicated than the ownership case and he did his fair share of stall tactics during that one.

Yep, was pretty clear the former incumbent was up Shit Creek without a paddle and was dragging things out for as long as he possibly could. That's all fair when there aren't other parties involved; who are relying on income for their livelihoods. What an absolute grade "A" cunt he is.

Title: Re: What has happened with Court case and the Sanding / Barry issues
Post by: Robinz on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 19:16:41
Just think. Power almost got away with continuing on. If Yeates had  been signed on Woolley too. Wellens signed a better than average GK and this fucking  Covid thing had n't happened.
Town could easily still be in league 1, getting 7/8 thousand every home game. 
The odd good player coming through the ranks and propping up the finances when sold.
How many more clubs are doing just this today.?
How many more Lee Powers are there out there now?
Or was Swindon just the perfect storm  waiting to happen where one man could gain100% ownership and take complete control.
Would make a great Netflix serial just hope it has a happy ending