80% => The 4D Q&A forum => Topic started by: Crispy on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:04:59

Title: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Crispy on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:04:59
New flat and need one of these for Broadband, TV & Telephone line..

Never done any of this.. Moving out for the first time so i've got no idea what to do with this, any help would be fantastic..

Should I phone them all up, tell them I'm speaking to the others and want the best deal and almost tell them what I want, not what they can offer? Or see what all 3 offer and then try to bring them down?

Any advice on how best to handle them to get the best deal would be nice.

(I feel a cunt for posting in this 4D section  :doh:)

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Crispy on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:05:50
New flat and need one of these for Broadband, TV & Telephone line..

Never done any of this.. Moving out for the first time so i've got no idea what to do with this, any help would be fantastic..

Should I phone them all up, tell them I'm speaking to the others and want the best deal and almost tell them what I want, not what they can offer? Or see what all 3 offer and then try to bring them down?

Any advice on how best to handle them to get the best deal would be nice.

Also, if I'm missing anything that would be better like Freesat or whatnot, let me know!

(I feel a cunt for posting in this 4D section  :doh:)

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:07:01
Breaking free from Market Lavington? I hear Littleton Panell's nice.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: china red on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:09:23
When I was back last year I had the top Virgin packag for TV, phone and internet at a massively reduced rate because my brother worked for them.  I then moved oop norther to Coventry and couldn't get Virgin so was forced to get BT.

Virgin is shit.  My brother who worked for them said they were shit.  No customr service to speak of and kept on losing sgnal all the time.

BT was more simple and cheaper, had everything I needed and really good internet speeds.  Much better value for money.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:10:10

Do they all offer what you want, if so go for the dearest.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Simon Pieman on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:14:48
I get better speeds with Virgin than I did with BT Infinity, guess it depends on distance from the exchange

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: @mwooly63 on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:18:44
Not used Sky but they will use the same phone line BT would - and how good that is depends on how good your service would be
As Virgin use fibre optic its a much much better service/speed

My BT service was terrible - net kept dropping out tho still had phone - eventually that dropped out too. Took them near 2 weeks to sort the problem and after that the line speed was awful.
Having to spend ages on the phone to a call centre in Mumbai wasnt a walk in the park either

Price wise have found Virgin to be cheaper for a greater service
No brainer for me

Did my Virgin sign up online and had an appointment within hours for the engineer.
Fitted in around an hour ( wanted router upstairs ) and when he tested the BT line on my PC ( hardwired to BT homehub ) it was a DL of around 6/7 mb - the Virgin one on wireless was over 60mb
Have had Virgin for 6 months or so now and occasionally had to restart the router but apart from that its been great - touch wood,
Having 2 teenage daughters it has been put thru the ring a bit as constantly streaming or downloading something

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Bewster on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:23:59
moving out or going to prison ?  ;D

I can only get BT where I am and its fine - some good deals for newbies.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: suttonred on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:28:51
The virgin TiVo package is decent, but lag can be frustrating where I am in the evenings If I'm on lovefilm instant for example. The Internet speeds aren't brilliant either in the evenings, methinks they fib about their capacity and their contention ratio's, as I'm on 32 mb and the best I've had on download is 11. The service was patchy initially and I've had more outages in a year than I did in 8 years with Tiscali/talk talk. Seems to have settled down now so I'll bear with it for the time being.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Crispy on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 13:26:59
I literally want the minimum to be honest, don't give a toss about the house phone, mrs wants that. Just want a package that as Sports & the shite she wants to watch and the internet speed to be good enough for online gaming without lagging and be able to hold up a decent connection for Football Manager online!

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: luckyluke699 on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 13:34:12
I'm confused Crispy... why does your mrs want a house phone?!

Surely fibre internet + TV would cover you? She's got a mobile right? :-)

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: tans on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 13:39:30
Im just shocked that Crispy has a bird

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Red Frog on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 13:42:09
Im just shocked that Crispy has a bird


She can't see him properly through her burqa.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Abrahammer on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 13:44:45
Fair play, it can't be easy for a ginger haired bloke to get a bird.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Crispy on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 13:56:16
I've not actually done to bad considering the fucking state I am, mind.  ;D

Luke, I've no idea actually.. No idea at all  :hmmm:

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Crispy on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 13:57:44

She can't see him properly through her burqa.

Who are you?

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 14:01:01
I've not actually done to bad considering the fucking state I am, mind.  ;D

Pics or GTFO.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 14:20:28
You want pics of crispy?  :zipped:

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Crispy on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 14:22:11
Pics or GTFO.


Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 14:27:41
You're batting well out of your league there son.

Good effort.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Crispy on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 14:44:23
You're batting well out of your league there son.

Good effort.

Cheers mate. Like I said, not too bad for me.   ;D

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 15:35:08
Remember quidco is your friend.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Not that Nice If I'm Honest on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 17:09:30
Is this you ?

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: THE FLASH on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 21:38:03
New flat and need one of these for Broadband, TV & Telephone line..

Never done any of this.. Moving out for the first time so i've got no idea what to do with this, any help would be fantastic..

Should I phone them all up, tell them I'm speaking to the others and want the best deal and almost tell them what I want, not what they can offer? Or see what all 3 offer and then try to bring them down?

Any advice on how best to handle them to get the best deal would be nice.

(I feel a cunt for posting in this 4D section  :doh:)


Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: 4D on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 21:39:30
Kicked out? First, football grounds, now home  ;)

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: joteddyred on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 21:49:15
Sky have got half price offers on literally everything atm.  Looked to move to Virgin earlier this year, but they were more expensive for the same as what we have with sky.  No issues with the broadband.

As Sippo said use Quidco or Topcashback, you'll probably get some money back as well.

Title: Re: Sky vs. BT vs. Virgin
Post by: Crispy on Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 12:49:19

Devizes mate. No 4D, no.

Never heard of Quidco or Topcashback.. I'll have a look, cheers!