25% => The Reg Smeeton Match Day Action/Reaction Forum => Topic started by: Dannypnefc on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 15:56:39

Title: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Dannypnefc on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 15:56:39
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: donkey on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 15:57:09
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha

I predicted 1-1.  I was half right.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: magicroundabout on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 15:57:53
Thank you for taking the time to join our forum.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 15:57:56
I predicted 1-1.  I was half right.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Samdy Gray on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 15:58:23
I'm already at home. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Posh Red on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 15:58:37
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha

I will thanks, oh look I'm already here.

Maybe you should try saying that to some of the Town fans at the stadium, although I guess that will be quite difficult from your bedroom when your mummy won't let you out to play

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Costanza on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 15:59:19
I predicted a loss today.


Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 15:59:36
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha
Before you go Danny, can you kindly tell us your favourite cheese.

Thanking you in advance.


Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Langers on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:00:43
Do some people really have nothing better to do with their lives?

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: sonicyouth on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:01:34
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha
[url width=300 height=185][/url]

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Notts red on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:02:38
Bloody northeners, now they are going home to a Sunday roast with proper gravy.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Saxondale on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:02:52
Oh, this is new.  We usually only get one dense cunt winding us up after a match, today we have 2.  Ah well, guess they really hate us.  Never mind.  Its a war not a battle etc etc.  Ill wait until the season ends before responding to the keyboard warriors.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:03:57
Hopefully this fella makes surprise visits in the future like that Crawley fan.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: pauld on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:04:17
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha
I see the benefit of the full force of the Lancashire education system has not been wasted on you has it?

Nev's "Gunna" go batshit when he sees that.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Batch on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:09:24
I see the benefit of the full force of the Lancashire education system has not been wasted on you has it?

I thought Preston was Yorkshire, same difference I suppose.


Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:10:22
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha
Dyslexic Northern whippet fucking retard

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: pauld on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:10:56
I thought Preston was Yorkshire
If Danny concentrated as hard in Geography as he did in English, so does he probably

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:11:01
I thought Preston was Yorkshire, same difference I suppose.


I thought Preston was near Cirencester...not too far from Barnsley..

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: lambourn red on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:11:31
Bloody northeners, now they are going home to a Sunday roast with proper gravy.

More likely to go home to his council house and beat the shit out of his wife, sad thing is we have probably paid for most of the cunts to go today through paying tax to fund their benefits

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: aroundthefur on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:22:21
At least we get the opportunity to leave Preston. Grim Northern town.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Bathtime on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:26:06
Reminds me of an old joke that was based in a club up north and the the punch line was suppose to be `some country and western` but coz the guy was deaf he thought e heard `some cunt from Preston`!!!!!

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: THE FLASH on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 16:40:58
Shit post......have a look at your mates post....far more effort required!!

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Spud on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 17:02:21
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha


Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Summerof69 on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 17:15:17
What....No photo !!!!

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: steptoe41 on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 18:47:20
Dyslexic Northern whippet fucking retard

How did the old chant go?

You look in the dustbin for something to eat, you find a dead rat and you think it's treat, in your northern slums.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Mexicano Rojo on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 19:09:44
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha

Could I just say that this sentence is utter genius. Even if I tried to write like an utter cunt there is not a chance I would have got close to this. Grammar, spelling, using totally incorrect words. Congratulations. Your mother must be so proud of what she shat into the world.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: dporter on Sunday, September 2, 2012, 22:38:26
At least we get the opportunity to leave Preston. Grim Northern town.

The only good thing was the beer was cheap!

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, September 3, 2012, 05:13:02


Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, September 3, 2012, 06:11:03
An you thought you where Gunna beat us hahahahaha

And you thought you were going to get some GCSEs. Must have been such a disappointment for you in August. Enjoy McDonalds.

Title: Re: Hahaha have a nice trip home
Post by: pumbaa on Monday, September 3, 2012, 09:05:45
And you thought you were going to get some GCSEs. Must have been such a disappointment for you in August. Enjoy McDonalds.

No way this cretin could ever grasp the concept of serving customers in McDonalds. Way above his level.