80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:42:12

Title: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:42:12

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:46:50

Shit when did it get to quarter to 1 in the morning?!

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: yeo on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:46:51
Hi there.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:47:25
I hate Sundays and going to bed too

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:47:47
I'm at work.

Happy days!

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:48:28
I've been to the casino. YAY.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:54:54
did you win?

I've ran out of wine and am now on some vodka. It's been a long long week.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:56:41
£10 up.
Happy days.

My liver is happy as I have only had 2 beers this evening.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 00:59:59
Well that sounds like a waste of time then.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: melksham_exile on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:02:22
a-right skuttlers?

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: melksham_exile on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:03:29
i'm watching ross kemp talk to bulgarian skinheads........standard

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:06:05
It has been a pretty wasteful evening,
now can't decide whether to go to sleep or waste a few more hours on FM, just getting into my second season.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:06:26
I just smoke my last cigarette for the week.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: Nemo on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:06:58
Morning all. I'm not even sure why I'm still awake, I think the answer may well be "because I can't be arsed to walk over to the bed"

Plus my FM game is going brilliantly and I'm paranoid my form will disappear if I close it down. Swindon 2-0 Manchester United and Arsenal 2-3 Swindon in a row. Beautiful.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: melksham_exile on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:07:45
or your first. Being that it's now monday.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: reeves4england on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:10:54
I need to be up before 7am, but am not remotely tired. Not good.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: melksham_exile on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:13:35
ahhh, i feel your pain mr reeves up at 6:45 for me. A fun monday ahead i guess, nothing more frustrating than lying in bed and not being able to sleep though

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:19:03
I hate it when that happens (^^^Having to get up early but can't sleep). I tend to get drunk because I know I over compensate on hangovers and little sleep. It hits disaster at mid day though. That's when you start drinking strong black coffee and a greasy sandwich. Early night on Monday (If you've done it right you won't want to go out drinking) and you're up ready for Tuesday

I call it the Blaflemnabme plan.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: melksham_exile on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:28:30
standard coffee (with milk) will see me through until around 1-2ish. Then it's black syrupy coffee, cigarettes and general hate towards the outside world. The backlash being that the caffeine doesn't kick in until i'm back home and i start the whole fucking cycle again. With that in mind, i'll be hitting booze as soon as i'm home tomorrow to try and bring on the boozy coma

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:30:34
As I'm home this weekend for the Leicester game i'm gonna be pretty much drinking constantly till i get on the train thursday night to make up for not being at uni for the weekend...

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:33:02
I was chatting to Fola about this the other day, but do you actually have to be at uni ever? I remember when I was a student my lecture attendance record was insanely bad. I passed my second year without going to one lecture / workshop / anything.

e: that's a lie, I met up with my group who I was doing a project with. But apart from that - nothing.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: melksham_exile on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:33:36
sounds like a fantastic week! If we get a result though, i'm sure you'll tuck away a couple of cheeky pints.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:36:46
Going out for a cigarette fucking sucks. Discuss./

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: melksham_exile on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:40:54
i concur oh wise one. I was saying the other day that if i have kids and tell them that you used to be able to smoke in pubs, they'll piss themselves. Tobacco will be a class c drug by then anyway.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:44:26
I'm in uni for 6 hours a week.

with maybe an extra 2 outside that working at home..

Not much at all considering i'm paying £3k for the privilege!

I don't smoke so have no comment on going outside.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: Nemo on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:46:29
I'm now in my third year of four. I find my attendance is going downhill and my grades going uphill.

What this suggests about the standard of teaching at a supposedly top ten University is yours to read as you wish.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:46:58
i concur oh wise one. I was saying the other day that if i have kids and tell them that you used to be able to smoke in pubs, they'll piss themselves. Tobacco will be a class c drug by then anyway.

Nah, all signs are heading to the capitalist wonderland.  Why should the state intervene if you want to make money selling crack to children. You should have probably educated your children to say "NO" better. Free Market wins out. I mean you could always boycott the crack dealers who are selling to children right?

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: melksham_exile on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:51:55
yeah but crack's so moreish!

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:53:41
I'm now in my third year of four. I find my attendance is going downhill and my grades going uphill.

What this suggests about the standard of teaching at a supposedly top ten University is yours to read as you wish.

I once got a first (actually just under - but fuck honesty), on an essay I wrote in a little under 3 hours whilst fucked on Spar brand premium stength lager and extra Spar vodka to top me up. The essay was about the life of the universe from the point of view of an atom. I wrote it in the first person. 68% you fuckers.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:55:33
That is fucking brilliant.

Haven't tried Spa brand lager may give it a go.

Since tesco put the price of "Béire Spécial" up to £2.99 for 8 it doesn't seem as cheap..

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: Nemo on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:56:26
Excellent work. I had an exam on Tuesday for a particularly bullshitty subject (Project Management) in which I indulged myself in a risk analysis on the possibility of an Asteroid hitting the Earth and destroying all living organisms and (seperately) a paragraph about King Arthur. I feel this is a new high for me, my previous best having been quoting Yoda as an academic theorist in an Organisational Behaviour paper.

Edit: Swindon 1-0 Manchester City. I am fucking awesome.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:58:07
Fuck, i've just been killing time on the internet, it's now 2am and I haven't made any progress on my FM game.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:58:34
That is fucking brilliant.

Haven't tried Spa brand lager may give it a go.

Since tesco put the price of "Béire Spécial" up to £2.99 for 8 it doesn't seem as cheap..

Isn't that the 2% shit? But spar premium strength lager was never that cheap. Just a quid less than stella for the same strength. It's probably changed now.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: melksham_exile on Monday, January 23, 2012, 01:58:51
........and i'm the pleb in the corner commenting on crack!

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:00:57
........and i'm the pleb in the corner commenting on crack!

It's a bit moorish.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:02:20
Nah 4.8%

before christmas is was £2.39 for 8 bottles.
now it's £3 and it's cheaper to buy a 15 pack of becks or something..

Not really a crack user so can't comment. sorry!

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:08:57
You at Plymouth isn't it Suggs? How is that?

I remember when I was at Exeter we looked down at your sort. Not as much as I looked down on my fellow Exeter Students, but nearly as much.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:16:10
Yeah at plymouth,

It's pretty good, able to cope with the work and a lot of drinking. all you need really..

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:17:25
sounds perfect, also near to the sea which is nice.

I'm so hammered I just realised that I was listening to Ace of Base on youtube. Fucking hell

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:18:36
If you stand on my halls roof you can see the sea. Just.

However i'm not drunk and have to be up at some point before 12 to do the work i've put off tonight. so goodnight chaps..

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:20:40
You are a bad student. Fuck off.

Come back you FM twats to replace him. And Yeo (love you Yeo)

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:27:31
Fucking lightweights.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: yeo on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:27:51
Back at ya x x

I dont have much to say,feeling a bit sorry for myself to be honest.I just realised im old and I'm finding it all abit overwhelming.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: yeo on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:32:15
Also I forgot to bring any food to work and im starving.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:34:14
That's a bad combo. I can't help with the food, but try and feel less sorry for yourself. Think about all those 60+ year olds on those planes you are air traffic controlling. You are younger than them.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:36:44
im old.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:37:48
im old.

Fuck off. I'm older than you.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:39:58
and you don't feel old?

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: yeo on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:41:10
im old.

You were born old,also you've got happier as you've got older. Well thats what I think.Although granted all ive really got to base this is on are some posts on a football forum :D

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:41:13
It was a long time ago, and a bit cringe-worthy, and I have no idea where I was going with it... but you've both been immortalised in comic form...

[url width=479 height=656][/url]

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:42:47
although I'd obviously drawn yeovil before I'd met him.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:43:30
and you don't feel old?

and fuck yeah I do. But I don't let it get me down because there's fuck all I can do about it but drink myself into not caring.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: yeo on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:44:18

that is exactly what I look like.

I miss my top hat

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:45:13

that is exactly what I look like.

I miss my top hat

You took it off to do the dancing video.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:53:00
now everyone knows what I look like!

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, January 23, 2012, 02:53:45
I miss this forum, and although I was never universally popular like Spacey or Onion Jimbo, I hope that everybody realised that I put the effort in and did my best. It's a shame that times moved on, but that's how it goes.

It's all a bit footbally now, and PDC or not, I think that I've lost that passion - quite a while ago if I'm honest. Although if there's ever need for a protest, then you know where to shout.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, January 23, 2012, 08:20:58
or your first. Being that it's now monday.

I have no money until the 31st, so the last.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: DiV on Monday, January 23, 2012, 10:49:52
I spent 6 hours last night doing pre-course work that I only eventually had access to last night. Then I got up at 6am to do some more.

Didnt get it all done. 2 people couldnt even get on the system. Course cancelled, home by 10am and now probably having to go into work for a normal shift tonight. Ghey.

Was looking forward to 2 weeks of no nights.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: donkey on Monday, January 23, 2012, 17:30:17
Excellent work. I had an exam on Tuesday for a particularly bullshitty subject (Project Management) in which I indulged myself in a risk analysis on the possibility of an Asteroid hitting the Earth and destroying all living organisms and (seperately) a paragraph about King Arthur. I feel this is a new high for me, my previous best having been quoting Yoda as an academic theorist in an Organisational Behaviour paper.

Edit: Swindon 1-0 Manchester City. I am fucking awesome.

Fast, Accurate, Good.  Pick any two from three.  Now that's project management.

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 01:11:09

I've actually done three hours of proper work so far tonight. This is so very wrong for a night shift :)

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 01:15:10
I worked at a restaurant from 8.30 am to 2 then went straight to work a gig in Bristol.  Just got back.  My first work since december 9th!

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 01:18:23
how was jury service?

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 01:21:22
Fucking pointless.  Got told I wasnt needing on the monday and to give the a ring, they then told me they wouldnt need me for the week but ring again on friday.  I pointed out that Im self employed and i've been turning down work for this (which was a lie) and they agree to discharge me from it.  Twice Ive been called and never seen the inside of a courtroom!


Cant remember what your job is.  Something confusing and techie?

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 01:24:30
it scared me just how disorganised the courts seemed - one day they sent a load of people home before we got sworn in, i.e. before people had a chance to say "i know the defendant"... turned out two people knew the defendant and no other jurors were still around to step in, so it got delayed by two days.

I got discharged early as well but bunked off work.

My job this week is to sit around and keep an eye on the phones/emails to make sure nothing goes wrong

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: Saxondale on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 01:27:47
Well have fun with that.  Cant keep you company im afraid Im orf!

Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: SuggWillSugg MBE on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 04:21:45
I've just got in from a night out.


Title: Re: The Sunday "I don't want to go to bed yet" thread.
Post by: tans on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 05:09:22
Im at work. And nothing has happened all night.
