80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Coca Fola on Sunday, September 5, 2010, 19:12:28

Title: Personal Statements
Post by: Coca Fola on Sunday, September 5, 2010, 19:12:28
Anyone got any tips on how to write a good personal statement?
Got a first draft due in tomorrow and I figured it would be a good idea to make a start. :)

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: ibelieveinmrreeves on Sunday, September 5, 2010, 19:15:10
Don't oversell yourself.

Whats it for?

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: Coca Fola on Sunday, September 5, 2010, 19:18:04
For uni.

Mainly languages. Put a few language courses into my 5, but I've also put a European Studies course and Public Relations one in to. And I'm struggling to think how I include everything in but still give each subject equal coverage.

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: Nemo on Sunday, September 5, 2010, 19:20:06
Try and write something a little different- when we wrote them, 90% of them were saying the same thing "hard working, enthusistic et al". Try and make it a little less generic, talk about interests in a little more depth rather than just "I played Cricket and worked within a team" or whatever". Remember that some poor sod has to read hundreds of them, and something different will stand out.

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: manc red on Sunday, September 5, 2010, 19:37:28
When i was applying to uni i was going to split my choices between maths and engineering.  Was advised to make my mind up before applying so that then you can taylor your personal statement specifically to what you want to do.

Worked out for me in the end.  Dont write a load of bollocks though, dont make claims you cant substantiate.

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, September 5, 2010, 20:20:51
I can't even remember what I put on mine. I remember my tutor at college being really happy that I was one of the few who took it seriously though and he did help me out with it a fair bit in the end.

So my advice is get something reasonably decent written down and ask some tutors for some pointers on how to improve it.

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: Coca Fola on Sunday, September 5, 2010, 21:34:14
Cheers for the advice guys. Got some half decent stuff down tonight.

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: oxonrobin on Sunday, September 5, 2010, 21:57:49
I could PM you my personal statement if you wanted. It worked for me, I'm off to Southampton at the end of September. Not sure how relavent the content would be to languages though?!

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: mexico red on Monday, September 6, 2010, 07:13:36
Any cunt that states they were a prefect on a personal statement achieves the goal of being immediately thrown in the bin.

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: Whits on Monday, September 6, 2010, 07:25:35
I could PM you my personal statement if you wanted. It worked for me, I'm off to Southampton at the end of September.

As manager?

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: Coca Fola on Monday, September 6, 2010, 11:01:38
I could PM you my personal statement if you wanted. It worked for me, I'm off to Southampton at the end of September. Not sure how relavent the content would be to languages though?!

Cheers mate that would be great.  :)

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: LucienSanchez on Monday, September 6, 2010, 17:05:47
I'd PM you mine, but i wrote it drunk, straight into the UCAS system and don't have a copy of it anywhere...

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: Processed Beats on Monday, September 6, 2010, 17:23:16
Shit, just reminded me. I have mine due in tomorrow for Ciren and i haven't even started it yet.

Whilst i'm here, anyone know any uni's good for journalism?

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: LucienSanchez on Monday, September 6, 2010, 17:28:20
Uni of Sussex apparently.

Title: Re: Personal Statements
Post by: Spy on Monday, September 6, 2010, 22:56:21
Mention interests then link them with what the course is. eg "I love to travel and have visited X, Y and Z. I found experiencing different cultures rewarding and this helped fuel my interest in languages."