25% => Other Football Stuff => Topic started by: yeo on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:13:36

Title: Campbell Case
Post by: yeo on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:13:36
A 14 year old and his dad found guilty of unacceptable abuse towards Sol Campbell.

imagine getting a 4 year ban at 14 years old ??? That kids going to be considered a legend in the play ground!

Its total bollocks,the time is coming when you wont be able to shout anything at football.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:16:55
Was this the chant about hanging from a tree? I thought it was pretty funny to be honest.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Nemo on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:19:28
According to the radio, the hanging from a tree chant wasn't what they were actually prosecuted for, it was for calling him a "gayboy"

Blimey, they've just criminilized 13 year old boys lock, stock and barrel.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: suttonred on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:19:39
Saw that, but what about the bloke who got 5 years on the sex offenders list for trying to procure a prostitute for his 14 yr old son. That kid will be ripped in the playground.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Spy on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:29:55
What was the chant? Theres been such a big deal over it. I need to know.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: yeo on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:30:46
It wasnt the hanging one,it was something to do with Aids I think.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Nemo on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:36:20
It's the same song, hanging with a tree rhymed with HIV. Can't remember what the full chant was though, I'm sure it's googleable.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: yeo on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:38:20
yes you're right

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:39:42
Is Campbell really a gay?

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Spy on Friday, May 15, 2009, 15:53:02
From a footie blog...

This was the chant, sang to the tune of Lord of the Dance:
“Sol, Sol, wherever you may be
You’re on the verge of lunacy
And we don’t give a fuck if you’re hanging from a tree
You Judas cunt with HIV.”

The other chant which is apparently another fans’ favourite for Campbell is this one:

“He’s big
He’s black
He takes it up the crack
Sol Campbell, Sol Campbell.”

Sol’s brother is currently in prison, serving a 12-month sentence for attacking someone for suggesting that Sol was gay.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 00:40:28
Saw that, but what about the bloke who got 5 years on the sex offenders list for trying to procure a prostitute for his 14 yr old son. That kid will be ripped in the playground.
I saw the headline along the lines of "Man tried to get prostitute for his 14 year old son" and thought "Well, that's not a bad swap"

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: jonny72 on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 01:05:23
The chant doesn't seem that bad, you also have to cut them some leeway as its difficult coming with stuff that rhymes and make sense - maybe they had to go with something a bit more offensive than they were planning purely on a musical composition basis.

What pisses me off is that if a fan does something bad they get banned from grounds, yet when a player does something bad they get a slap on the wrist. If a player commits assault (punches, elbows, stamps, kicks) on the pitch against another player they normally get no more than a 3 match ban, if a fan does the same to another fan they'll get a minimum 1 year ban from all football grounds and a criminal record.

Before anyone says that's different - it isn't. If anything its the players that should get the harsher penalty.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 07:04:01
Seems bloody harsh punishment for the crime.

Does this mean half the town end will be banned for singing homophobic chants (town full of faggots, we can see you holding hands) at the batty boy fans? Will I get investigated for calling them batty boys on here. Where the fuck is the line drawn?

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: leefer on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 13:28:41
The line is drawn when you aim your chant at a certain individual...if i was in this group of fucking morons chanting these songs aimed at one individual i wouldnt feel proud and i for one wouldnt have no sympathy at anyone getting nicked for it...get a life and grow up,theres youngsters in the ground listening to this crap...cant believe people are on here defending these lowlife..maybe if you had family who are gay,black or suffering from aids you wouldnt think it so unimportant to a player...its football not war.
The police have to make a stand at certain points and have to draw the line,if it was one of our players taking flak the same as Campbell got i would be a little pissed off to say the least if no action was taken....whats wrong with Tottenham reject etc,its expected and players will expect this..i like to think Batch that you would draw your own line before singing the filth they were.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Spencer_White on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 13:56:47
In real life hundreds of crimes far worse than this go unpunished everyday.

There is nothing wrong with football fans being extreme and rediculous.

Free expression for fans. Whoever it offends.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Bushey Boy on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 14:01:29
ha ha thats an ace song

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 16:18:56
Well leefer i've sang that mcguinley is a Wanker and smith is a gready bastard. So should i be banned? It's foul and abusive language. I think you are missing the context too. It's a football match, campbell was an ex player. Ex players yet abuse. They should deal with it.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: pauld on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 16:19:19
The chant doesn't seem that bad, you also have to cut them some leeway as its difficult coming with stuff that rhymes and make sense - maybe they had to go with something a bit more offensive than they were planning purely on a musical composition basis.

What pisses me off is that if a fan does something bad they get banned from grounds, yet when a player does something bad they get a slap on the wrist. If a player commits assault (punches, elbows, stamps, kicks) on the pitch against another player they normally get no more than a 3 match ban, if a fan does the same to another fan they'll get a minimum 1 year ban from all football grounds and a criminal record.

Before anyone says that's different - it isn't. If anything its the players that should get the harsher penalty.
Yes, I thought of that when I saw Ankegren whining about being pushed in the back by Millwall fans. They shouldn't have been on the pitch etc etc but I still say he should have been prosecuted for chucking a coin into the Town End earlier this season. As should the dickhead who threw it at him in the first place, obviously, but just because it was thrown at him doesn't entitle him to throw a coin into a group of fans who probably had nothing to do with it. And there's a lot more chance of an innocent person getting hurt by him throwing a coin into a group of people than there is from someone pushing him in the back. But the media were quick to jump all over Millwall for a bit of pushing, no mention whatever of his reckless and criminally stupid actions at the time he was chucking coins about

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: leefer on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 17:10:36
Well leefer i've sang that mcguinley is a Wanker and smith is a gready bastard. So should i be banned? It's foul and abusive language. I think you are missing the context too. It's a football match, campbell was an ex player. Ex players yet abuse. They should deal with it.

Batch..i know ware your coming from,i give plenty of stick to ex players..but ive seen the clips of the abuse Cambell got and talked to Spurs fans who were ther and at other matches and a small minority went way over the top...ime not going to whine and stand up for people like that and the Spurs and Pompey fans ive talked to have no sympathy for those picked uo on cctv.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Spencer_White on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 19:07:56
They prosecuted Duncan Ferguson for the headbutt against a Raith Rovers player in 1995, but since then the Police have decided that fans have to set a better example than the players.

Leefer, if a 14 year old see's his dad chanting something then surely he will? I used to copy my dad at football. Now he's got a 4 year ban? I think kids get away with a lot of things too lightly (like drunkenly beating people to death), but this is not right.

Its just a song.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 19:30:38
To be totally honest if I was earning £100k a week then they could say what they want about me. I'd piss myself laughing at the AIDS thing when I was shagging some fit strumpet. If they said anythnig about my family, however, thats a very, very different thing.
As Spencer says its a song and I actually find it quite amusing. I find the Brighton stuff amusing. i find the Welsh songs amusing. If someone calls me a fat bastard I find it amusing. Fucking hell Sol, lighten up a bit when you're counting your cash.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Spencer_White on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 19:45:32
The last thing I want is for this country is for us to go the same way as America, where everyone takes themselves far too seriously. Where everyone is nice, but no one means it.

People should be allowed to express themselves. Especially at football grounds. That is what makes football interesting beyond XI vs XI.

Im not homophobic, but I will chant songs at Brighton because it is something we might be able to get under their skin about. I think its not getting at gay people, its possibly getting at Brighton fans. We are different and we should recognise that and sometimes exploit it. Lower league football has to be more than one shit team against another.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: jonny72 on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 19:46:28
The worst thing a player can do when they get stuff like that chanted at them is to react to it, it just lets the fans know they've got to them in which case they will carry on with it. Either ignore it or play along with it and they will stop soon enough as it gets boring for them.

I don't think Campbell did himself any favours letting them prosecute the fans responsible, I can see him getting the same or worse in the future. Maybe they will tone the words down a bit (or wear a scarf over their mouth so no one can prove they joined in) but the level of abuse will increase as they know they pissed him off.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: ron dodgers on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 20:13:38
Sol, Sol, wherever you may be
You’re a bit sensitive we can see
And we really care around half past three
when you've earned significantly more than me

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: jonny72 on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 20:30:26
Sol, Sol wherever you may be
We retract the claim you have HIV
You are also straight we all agree
But you're still a cunt of the first degree

I'd like to see the fuckers try to arrest anyone for chanting that. Except maybe for the cunt bit. Maybe twat instead?

I'm thinking I should post it on a Tottenham forum, anyone know a good one?

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: chalkies_shorts on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 20:31:31
Sol, Sol wherever you may be
We retract the claim you have HIV
You are also straight we all agree
But you're still a cunt of the first degree

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 20:31:47
Sol, Sol wherever you may be
We retract the claim you have HIV
You are also straight we all agree
But you're still a cunt of the first degree


Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Spencer_White on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 20:40:42
funny and smarter than all the lawyers the tax payer has paid to prosecuted a 14 year old for singing a song.

Title: Re: Campbell Case
Post by: Batch on Saturday, May 16, 2009, 21:39:52
Nice one Johnny :)