80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Amir on Sunday, December 19, 2004, 22:31:15

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Amir on Sunday, December 19, 2004, 22:31:15
The last two books I have read have fallen into these two categories, so I thought I would share my thoughts with you on them, and if you would like to do the same then everyones a winner :P

Firstly, Buddha Da by Anne Donovan, a beautifly subtle novel about a working class Glaswegian who finds Buddhism, and the effect it has on his family.  Written in the same way as an Irvine Welsh novel(each chapter is written in the first person from the viewpoint of a major character, and therefore in dialect), it's a very involving book that allows you alot of insight into each of the characters.  All in all, well worth a read.

Secondly, London Fields by Martin Amis.  Now I've heard alot of good things about Martin Amis, which was the sole reason for me buying this book, and it was one of the worst pieces of shit I have ever read.  Based around the idea that there is some brilliant story going to take place that the main character will turn into a novel, it kind of falls down when the story turns out to be absolute wank.  Every single character in this book annoyed me, the fucking cuntshovels, and the only bit of any interest was a world crisis that was never elaborated on.  Never ever read this book.  The only other book that's annoyed me this much is Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee.  Crap.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Zurich Red on Monday, December 20, 2004, 08:42:54
Totally agree with you about London Fields, although I actually thought Disgrace was OK. Buddha Da sounds interesting - might pick it up for the trip to the West Country later in the week.

Other good books I have read recently are Life of Pi and the Football Factory trilogy by John King. Very different in style and subject matter, but both entertaining. Currently half-way through The God of Small Things which I haven't quite made my mind up about yet.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: kizz on Monday, December 20, 2004, 10:01:46
Read a great book called Bear Vs Shark earlier this year... quite hard going, but is a good read. It's where got the quote at the bottom of my posts from.

Reading 'Tis by Frank McCourt at the moment... not as good as Angela's Ashes, but it's still very enjoyable!

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Amir on Monday, December 20, 2004, 11:01:03
I think it was the way the woman in Disgrace just gave up, and almost accepted that she should be raped that made me angry.  Life of Pi I thoroughly enjoyed, even if the middle was a little slow going.  The God of Small Things I could not get into at all, and I ended the book without a clue as to what had happened.  

'Tis was a very good read also, but as you say not as good as Angela's Ashes.  How they managed to ruin that book so badly with the film I'll never know.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: kizz on Monday, December 20, 2004, 11:41:20
Quote from: "Amir Khan"
I think it was the way the woman in Disgrace just gave up, and almost accepted that she should be raped that made me angry.  Life of Pi I thoroughly enjoyed, even if the middle was a little slow going.  The God of Small Things I could not get into at all, and I ended the book without a clue as to what had happened.  

'Tis was a very good read also, but as you say not as good as Angela's Ashes.  How they managed to ruin that book so badly with the film I'll never know.

I haven't seen the film... I couldn't image how they could do the book justice, so I have chosen not to watch it.

Hearing your comment has made up my mind for definate!!!

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Amir on Monday, December 20, 2004, 13:01:39
I know films can never really live up to books you've read(with the possible exception of LOTR), but they managed capture all the bleakness without any of the beauty.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Amir on Monday, December 20, 2004, 13:06:56
The book by his brother isn't too bad either btw, although he's a bit of an arsehole so it's not nearly as endearing.

"I'm going to consummate this marriage"
"Consummate my arse"
"That'll do!"


Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: kizz on Monday, December 20, 2004, 14:20:14
Which brother?

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Amir on Monday, December 20, 2004, 14:37:57

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Amir on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 00:23:53
More book reviews from Amir...

The Bookseller of Kabul by Asne Seierstad - Very interesting look at life in Afghanistan, particularly since the Taliban were ousted.  Not your average Afghani family by any means, but it certainly gives an incite into modern(?) life there.  Written in the form of stories that have occured, making it very readable.

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown - Not a very good book in my opinion, a second rate thriller that uses a very cheap soap opera trick to try and keep you interested.  If you've never read anything about the Grail legends then it might be interesting, still there are many better books to read if that's what you're interested in(although many of them are also based on guesswork).

Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom - A thought-provoking story about the influence we have on the world around us and the people who live in it.  Well worth a look.

That's all for now.  Anyone else read owt interesting lately?

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: yeo on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 02:32:45
I need some bookage im off to the charity shops tomorrow for some cheap books..

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 10:17:13
I tried reading The Holy Qur'an once just to see what the all the fuss was about, I was expecting a "Islamic Bible", but the way it's written is poor, just instruction after instruction, never really grabs the readers attention enough.  I'm surprised that it's managed to catch on.  The Bible is far more user friendly.

My favourite read of recent imes has got to be The Godfather by Mario Puzo, a real page turner.  I had never seen the film and thought I'd give the book a shot first, and was not disappointed.  The film, which I watched after was a severe let down, although not as much of a let down as the Qur'an.

No offence to any of the ISS* brigade surfing the forum.

*Islamic Swindon Supporters

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: mexico red on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 11:59:07
have been struggling to get through words and music by paul morley, not as good as i hoped. just read the colledcted short stories by pd james, very well written excellent for bedtime reading.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 13:01:13
Just read '8 days a week' by Jonathan Agnew - a top book for what it was; a cricket diary from the eighties. Started the Dirk Gently omnibus last night.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Amir on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 13:22:01
Quote from: "janaage77"
I tried reading The Holy Qur'an once just to see what the all the fuss was about, I was expecting a "Islamic Bible", but the way it's written is poor, just instruction after instruction, never really grabs the readers attention enough.  I'm surprised that it's managed to catch on.  The Bible is far more user friendly.

My favourite read of recent imes has got to be The Godfather by Mario Puzo, a real page turner.  I had never seen the film and thought I'd give the book a shot first, and was not disappointed.  The film, which I watched after was a severe let down, although not as much of a let down as the Qur'an.

No offence to any of the ISS* brigade surfing the forum.

*Islamic Swindon Supporters

The Koran is a terrible read in English, and I suspect in any other language but Arabic.  In Arabic it is written rythmicly, almost in verse.

I liked the bits about adultery.  If your wife is adulterous you can lock her in the cellar until you forgive her/she dies.  If you are adulterous that's very naughty, and you shouldn't do it again.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 17:42:32
I got really fucked off with Catch 22 and nearly chucked it out the window.  I'm probably supposed to say, "Ooooh it's a a 20th Century classic" or something.

I just found it annoying.

Anyone read Ulysses by James Joyce?

I haven't and don't intend to.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: sonicyouth on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 17:43:13
I've got Catch 22. I bought it to look clever and I've never read it. It's too big.

I just read Of Mice and Men. It's shit.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Amir on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 19:10:55
I really enjoyed Catch 22, can't particularly say why as it was years ago I read it.  I was about to agree with sonic on of mice and men, but then I realised I was getting it confused with Catcher In The Rye.  Ooohhh the beat generation, pile of wank like On The Road.  Of Mice And Men is classic though, short and uncomplicated, but classic none the less.  Grapes of Wrath is brilliant also, although more than a bit depressing :cry:

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 19:15:45
Mice and Men is okay. I think shit is pretty harsh. It becomes more interesting when you consider the context it was written in and how it was banned in the US of A.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: sonicyouth on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 19:37:30
I quite liked Catcher in the Rye, but it irritated me in the same way as Of Mice and Men did. It's the dialogue.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: bringbackshearer on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 19:47:24
Am reading Winter Moon by Dean Koontz.  Its ok but wouldnt go overboard about it really.  I want a good thriller next if anyone can recommend one.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 21:16:00
I used to read a continuous stream of books, and then I got online.

 Somehow there aren't enough hours in the day, for both activities.

 OST... Catch 22 is a 20th Century classic.....the film version is OK as welll

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: mexico red on Friday, January 7, 2005, 18:10:45
catch 22 bored the shit out of me, however good film, try a john grisham for thriller or a martina cole for a thriller whilst shagging children.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Simon Pieman on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 20:44:53
Quote from: "bringbackshearer"
Am reading Winter Moon by Dean Koontz.  Its ok but wouldnt go overboard about it really.  I want a good thriller next if anyone can recommend one.

Dean Koontz is a quality author, although his recent efforts aren't as good. I thought Odd Thomas was strangely written. Am reading Night Chills now..not too far into it though. Dark Rivers Of The Heart was a very clever of my favs

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Dazzza on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:18:52
Danny Wallace - Join Me...

Chap sets up a "collective" in tribute of his Swiss uncle who wanted to set up some commune.  Collects people via passport photos, doesn't know what to do with them, makes them do good deads and goes on "crazy" trips across Europe.  

Load of old balls.

Co-author of I'm Dave Gorman and it just smacked that the chap was after a "crazy idea" like his mates Gorman and Tony Hawks who trecked across Ireland with a fridge and got a book deal.

Not as funny as Gorman and while it had "potential charming tale" sadly it stinks of someone only doing it purely for the book deal.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Simon Pieman on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:22:24
Yeh I was intrigued about that for a while...never did read it...the shops couldn't sell it!

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: yeo on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:31:27
Quote from: "dazzza"
Danny Wallace - Join Me...

Chap sets up a "collective" in tribute of his Swiss uncle who wanted to set up some commune.  Collects people via passport photos, doesn't know what to do with them, makes them do good deads and goes on "crazy" trips across Europe.  

Load of old balls.

Co-author of I'm Dave Gorman and it just smacked that the chap was after a "crazy idea" like his mates Gorman and Tony Hawks who trecked across Ireland with a fridge and got a book deal.

Not as funny as Gorman and while it had "potential charming tale" sadly it stinks of someone only doing it purely for the book deal.

I fuckin love that book,he's much funnier than Gorman in my opinion

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Simon Pieman on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:35:53
Carrie's war by Nina Bawden is possibly the shittest book ever written.
Had to read that at school - I liked the story Of Mice And Men but Steinbeck used too much dialogue - in my view the way it is written is a bit simpleton. Still a very good story and I like the fact it all takes place over the space of a few days.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Dazzza on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:36:42
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
Quote from: "dazzza"
Danny Wallace - Join Me...

Chap sets up a "collective" in tribute of his Swiss uncle who wanted to set up some commune.  Collects people via passport photos, doesn't know what to do with them, makes them do good deads and goes on "crazy" trips across Europe.  

Load of old balls.

Co-author of I'm Dave Gorman and it just smacked that the chap was after a "crazy idea" like his mates Gorman and Tony Hawks who trecked across Ireland with a fridge and got a book deal.

Not as funny as Gorman and while it had "potential charming tale" sadly it stinks of someone only doing it purely for the book deal.

I fuckin love that book,he's much funnier than Gorman in my opinion

I thought you may have menioned it before.

Are you Joinee Yeovil Red then?

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: yeo on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:40:47
Joinee Robus no 12358

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Dazzza on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:42:55
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
Joinee Robus no 12358

 Nice one, do you do your good deedss still?

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: yeo on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:44:50
I but random old men beer in the grot :soapy tit wank:

Im not a joinee really I couldnt be arsed.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: spacey on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:55:01
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
I but random old men beer in the grot :soapy tit wank:



 Is this some kind of weird west country saying that I'm unfamiliar with?

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: yeo on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 21:57:05
How unfortunate :soapy tit wank:

It was supposed to say

I buy random old men beer in the grot (The Famous Ale House my local)

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Amir on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 22:15:13
Quote from: "dazzza"
Danny Wallace - Join Me...

Chap sets up a "collective" in tribute of his Swiss uncle who wanted to set up some commune.  Collects people via passport photos, doesn't know what to do with them, makes them do good deads and goes on "crazy" trips across Europe.  

Load of old balls.

Co-author of I'm Dave Gorman and it just smacked that the chap was after a "crazy idea" like his mates Gorman and Tony Hawks who trecked across Ireland with a fridge and got a book deal.

Not as funny as Gorman and while it had "potential charming tale" sadly it stinks of someone only doing it purely for the book deal.

I half way through this at the moment, quite enjoying it really.

I'm Joinee Benjamin.

Title: Good Book/Shit Books
Post by: Boeta on Saturday, January 8, 2005, 23:53:52
I liked Join Me, not as funny as Gorman and Hawks admittedly but very good all the same.