80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: yeo on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 22:26:04

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 22:26:04
next on the list...

smoke in the cold you cunts.


Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Dazzza on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 22:31:35
Are you still on the snouts Yeovil?

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 22:33:53
I am

i gave up at midnight on saturday  and started again 7 am Monday 8)

I'm getting into the" place" but its taking longer than normal.Im thinking about another trip to the hypnotist.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Dazzza on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 22:36:57
Have you tried that Chantix yet?

Two hardcores I know have kicked it into touch on that gubbins.  Gives you funny dreams mind.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 22:38:25
Not even heard of it

Is it prescibed?

I cant find a doctor :|

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Dazzza on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 22:40:18
I think it is and you have to cough up for a prescription but it seems to do the trick.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 22:44:51
Pfffft if I can ever find a Doctors surgery taking people on near me then i'll ask them.Ive not been to the docs for 10 years Im sure when I do go they will tell me im minutes away from a heart attack :o

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: sonic youth on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 23:27:13
why are they beuing banned?

the steam railway has a telly outside, AWESOME

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 11:04:57
For environ-mental reasons, like saving the planet.  They're really bad emissions wise I think.

Keep you nice and warm though eh.  We had some on the go in Egypt last year, lovely jubbly.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Colin Todd on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 11:27:14
Meh. I'm still going to use mine in the summer, what are the thought police going to do about it?  

Maybe I should burn my patio heater on a bonfire, would that be more environmentally friendly?

If they send any coppers round I'll burn them as well.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 11:31:44
Is there a news link somewhere? I can't find anything. I know the Energy Savings Trust and other such bodies have been calling for people to just wear warm jumpers since the smoking ban came in. Haven't heard anything about them being banned though.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 11:47:42
It was on BBC Breakfast news this morning with the Business guy, Declan, talking to a publicans representative - who seemed quite upset about it all.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 12:11:06

Major world power (USA) only manage to agree to talk about cutting their countries contribution to world climate change sometime in 2012.

Meanwhile the little guys go cold on their patios.

Once again it's one rule for them, and one rule for us.

Having said that, if global warming happens, we won't need patio heaters.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: sonic youth on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 12:20:03
i don't understand what the problem is with wearing a coat or something.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: red macca on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 12:22:25
Fuck climate change

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 12:23:33
Don't think it it would really bother me either Sonic. I've noted a few times that those patio heaters can't be a good thing whilst enjoying a  pub cigarette.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: ghanimah on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 12:52:57
I'm not bothered either way although with incandescent lightbulbs being banned as well, you wonder what else they will think of. It's not like it's going to make much difference to global warming anyway.

Personally I'm more bothered that this is yet another regulation being imposed on us by Europe which we have no say in. Perhaps it's just me being silly, I thought we lived in a democracy where we decided our own affairs.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Dazzza on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 12:58:28
Anyone have any linkage?

We haven't gone non-smoking yet over here in the sunny Isle of Man but it's due to kick off at the end of March.

Hopefully we'll give that bit of legislation the same treatment we gave tax.  A miss!

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: ghanimah on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 13:01:28
Reported in many papers as well,,30400-1303172,00.html

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Dazzza on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 13:05:35
Cheers ghanimah fortunately we're not part of that European club so it'll pass me by that one.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 13:26:04
so what happens if you like have one in your garden or something? will Greenpeace turn up in a boat or a waggon and take it away?

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: flammableBen on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 13:33:13
I wouldn't worry too much, I doubt that even if it did happen it would take a while.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: genf_stfc on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:01:25
just have a bonfire instead

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Sussex on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:16:58
Patio Heaters isn't the name of a foreign footballer then. Whoops.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: red macca on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:27:21
Apparantly the sun is cooling down so I don’t see the problem with this climate bollocks, the fact the sun is cooling down suggests that getting rid of the heaters is a bit premature and will just give more people the sniffles.

Think of the days off sick now because of these heaters being removed

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: genf_stfc on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:38:19
Quote from: "red macca"
Apparantly the sun is cooling down

you what ?  don't talk rubbish !  the press would have you believe that 'scientists are unsure about global warming' and portray it as a 50-50 split on opinion. if you go to any scientific conference, read peer reviewed journals you will find out of 100 scientists there is probably 1 that doesn't believe in global warming (and then you find out he is funded by BP).

edit: although don't get me wrong, on my rant, patio heaters have fuck all to do with global warming..

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: red macca on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:39:33
Quote from: "genf_stfc"
Quote from: "red macca"
Apparantly the sun is cooling down

you what ?  don't talk rubbish !  the press would have you believe that 'scientists are unsure about global warming' and portray it as a 50-50 split on opinion. if you go to any scientific conference, read peer reviewed journals you will find out of 100 scientists there is probably 1 that doesn't believe in global warming (and then you find out he is funded by BP).
Bollocks, show me the hard facts

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: genf_stfc on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:42:24
alright, i just went snowboarding in the alps, and the snow was shit and its january.  QED.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: red macca on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:43:26

Hard facts, there are none

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: genf_stfc on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:53:19
a mate of mine just won the nobel prize for it (actually true - al gore might be a bit of a tit, but at least he had the decency to share the prize with the scientists that actually did the work)

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: genf_stfc on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:54:31
a mate of mine just won the nobel prize for it (actually true - al gore might be a bit of a tit, but at least he had the decency to share the prize with the scientists that actually did the work)

oh, and stop fishing !

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 14:58:45
I spent 4 days on the beach for xmas and did not get sunburned. If that is not conclusive then I don't know what is.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: red macca on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 15:02:34
Straight up Gen im not fishing its just a massive £££££ con imo .

Fair play to your mate though ,would be interested to read some of his stuff

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: genf_stfc on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 15:23:15
certainly a lot of whats said about it is cobblers and used as an excuse to add another fiver to your plane ticket, which doesn't really help anyone realise that climate change is real, it is man made and we're 100% buggered if we don't do owt about it.

on the other side, statements about things like the Sun cooling down, which have absolutely no scientifically supported effect, are used to discount climate change and justify not doing anything about all the black smoke coming out of your factory's chimney.

article about the award and links on the site to the work if interested

one might well question exactly what this has to do with Peace, but anyway its pretty damn cool.  I think there was 1million quid prize money, which was, err shared amongst 3000 people, but anywaybetter than a poke in the eye with a stick.

while we are on science, UK science is more fucked today (cancellation of solar physics, which has implications for understanding climate change) than it was even yesterday (cancellation of Gemini telescopes, which we already spent about 60 million quid building, but now can't use) because some idiots in STFC (polaris house, not magic roundabout) can't add up.   We actually are an international laughing stock.  Don't get me started on that.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Samdy Gray on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 15:26:40
Quote from: "genf_stfc"
while we are on science, UK science is more fucked today (cancellation of solar physics, which has implications for understanding climate change) than it was even yesterday (cancellation of Gemini telescopes, which we already spent about 60 million quid building, but now can't use) because some idiots in STFC (polaris house, not magic roundabout) can't add up.   We actually are an international laughing stock.  Don't get me started on that.

My sister works in accounts at STFC :--

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: genf_stfc on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 15:28:26
i bet she's busy at the moment then ! Ask her what's getting cancelled tomorrow, i'd love to know !

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 15:33:10
I think its actually a fact that the is cooling, but it will take something like a gzillion years for it to drop by 1 degree.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: red macca on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 15:33:52
Quote from: "BANGKOK RED"
I think its actually a fact that the is cooling, but it will take something like a gzillion years for it to drop by 1 degree.
Thats what i thought

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 16:15:38
Quote from: "genf_stfc"
certainly a lot of whats said about it is cobblers and used as an excuse to add another fiver to your plane ticket, which doesn't really help anyone realise that climate change is real, it is man made and we're 100% buggered if we don't do owt about it.

on the other side, statements about things like the Sun cooling down, which have absolutely no scientifically supported effect, are used to discount climate change and justify not doing anything about all the black smoke coming out of your factory's chimney.

article about the award and links on the site to the work if interested

one might well question exactly what this has to do with Peace, but anyway its pretty damn cool.  I think there was 1million quid prize money, which was, err shared amongst 3000 people, but anywaybetter than a poke in the eye with a stick.

while we are on science, UK science is more fucked today (cancellation of solar physics, which has implications for understanding climate change) than it was even yesterday (cancellation of Gemini telescopes, which we already spent about 60 million quid building, but now can't use) because some idiots in STFC (polaris house, not magic roundabout) can't add up.   We actually are an international laughing stock.  Don't get me started on that.

what a load of bollocks.

STFC can liase with the owners of Gemini any time they like and they already share data. We don't need full time staff there and we don't need to fund it.

Plus the fact that STFC have nothing to do with climate change, that is handled by the Natural Enviroment Research Council - NERC for short.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 16:16:46
oh and here's the funding FAQ here. The budget has been increased by 80 million this year.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 18:27:58
Most overpriced item ever FACT.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: neville w on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 19:45:38
Quote from: "Sussex"
Patio Heaters isn't the name of a foreign footballer then. Whoops.

Irish, Sussex, Irish

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: axs on Thursday, January 31, 2008, 00:35:25
sounds like a sandwich Birdy would enjoy  :D

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: genf_stfc on Thursday, January 31, 2008, 12:31:03
Quote from: "jayohaitchenn"

what a load of bollocks.

STFC can liase with the owners of Gemini any time they like and they already share data. We don't need full time staff there and we don't need to fund it.

no we can't share the data- we've been kicked out, and we owe them penalty payments for dropping all the other members in it financially.  plus we already spent millions building something we now can't use.


Plus the fact that STFC have nothing to do with climate change, that is handled by the Natural Enviroment Research Council - NERC for short.

true, but there would certainly be applications through solar and terrestrial physics research, which has just been effectively killed off

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: genf_stfc on Thursday, January 31, 2008, 12:39:53
Quote from: "jayohaitchenn"
oh and here's the funding FAQ here. The budget has been increased by 80 million this year.

...and that link points to a FAQ that explains exactly how the extra money all disappeared in things like subscriptions, running costs etc and represents an 80mill "shortfall".

and this is the wrong forum to be wingeing about it on, so i'll shut it now.

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: red macca on Thursday, January 31, 2008, 12:40:53
Quote from: genf_stfc
Quote from: "jayohaitchenn"
oh and here's the funding FAQ here. The budget has been increased by 80 million this year.

...and that link points to a FAQ that explains exactly how the extra money all disappeared in things like subscriptions, running costs etc and represents an 80mill "shortfall".

and this is the wrong forum to be wingeing about it on, so i'll shut it now.[/quote]Good lad come and meet me im burning tyres

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: red macca on Thursday, January 31, 2008, 12:47:30
Quote from: genf_stfc
Quote from: "jayohaitchenn"
oh and here's the funding FAQ here. The budget has been increased by 80 million this year.

...and that link points to a FAQ that explains exactly how the extra money all disappeared in things like subscriptions, running costs etc and represents an 80mill "shortfall".

and this is the wrong forum to be wingeing about it on, so i'll shut it now.[/quote]Good lad come and meet me im burning tyres

Title: Patio Heaters to be banned
Post by: STFCDude2 on Friday, February 1, 2008, 11:15:33
Quote from: "Dazzza"
Anyone have any linkage?

We haven't gone non-smoking yet over here in the sunny Isle of Man but it's due to kick off at the end of March.

Hopefully we'll give that bit of legislation the same treatment we gave tax.  A miss!

Yeah since I moved back from there Daz, this smoking shit was a real pain in the ass, but it made me quit smoking cos I wasn't gonna stand out in the pissing rain!

Here's to a trip to the IOM for a pint and a fag INSIDE!! :beers: