25% => Other Football Stuff => Topic started by: juddie on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:00:05

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: juddie on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:00:05,,10341~902605,00.html

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Frigby Daser on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:25:39
interesting reading - I don't like the agressive tone of it in the slightest, nor the 'don't criticise our Mike or we'll scarper' threats, but at least its communication.

fact is, this is the first official club statement about MD's involvement in 5 years. No wonder there has been speculation.

Looking back at the whole issue as one, where did the rumours of the boardroom spit actually emanate from? they seemed so unanimous that we never got round to questioning it - i still smell a rat, especially going on the less-than-complimentary attitude the memo takes towards Devlin.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Frigby Daser on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:25:52
interesting reading - I don't like the agressive tone of it in the slightest, nor the 'don't criticise our Mike or we'll scarper' threats, but at least its communication.

fact is, this is the first official club statement about MD's involvement in 5 years. No wonder there has been speculation.

Looking back at the whole issue as one, where did the rumours of the boardroom spit actually emanate from? they seemed so unanimous that we never got round to questioning it - i still smell a rat, especially going on the less-than-complimentary attitude the memo takes towards Devlin.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:30:18
Quote from: "The Moonraker"
interesting reading - I don't like the agressive tone of it in the slightest, nor the 'don't criticise our Mike or we'll scarper' threats, but at least its communication.

But from their point of view ... is it any less or worse than the aggressive tone used against them and Diamandis on places like this forum?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:34:11
Well quite, the board are right to put a stop the personal stuff against Diamandis. They'd do well to stop playing through the media accusations of unauthorised spending against Devlin too mind.

I don't see that they statement answers most of the questions. And I still think they need answering. Would also like a sattement from the other parties involved too, why couldn't they just issue a joint statement to shut most of the rumours up.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: juddie on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:34:29
Good point Chris - why wouldn't it be aggressive when terms like 'cnut' and 'parasite' have been aimed at certain people!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ginginho on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:34:58
Basically STFC_Bart is to blame if SSW does pull the plug  :D

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:40:46
There's also a little bit midway down the page suggesting there was a meeting with a potential advisor this morning ...

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: juddie on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:41:37
Thing is: it's one thing for people like Bart to talk about the rumours he's heard, it's another to slag people off in the public domain. Like someone pointed out earlier, until anything happens why go on a crusade to slander someone without any event or proof happening yet?

Nobody knows any facts and while dennis and Gus are still here all we can do is get behind them, starting with tomorrow night. If Wisey was to get on offer from somwhere else, then let's do our best to show him why he shouldn't leave.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:43:11
Quote from: "juddie"
Thing is: it's one thing for people like Bart to talk about the rumours he's heard, it's another to slag people off in the public domain. Like someone pointed out earlier, until anything happens why go on a crusade to slander someone without any event or proof happening yet?

Nobody knows any facts and while dennis and Gus are still here all we can do is get behind them, starting with tomorrow night. If Wisey was to get on offer from somwhere else, then let's do our best to show him why he shouldn't leave.

Exactly. I've been trying to say this all along. We know jack ... so let's take it all at face value until we know more.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Spencer_White on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:43:18
I think thats the first time Ive seen Mike Diamindes' name on an STFC press release.

The main impression I got is that they are not taking the fans views so lightly anymore. Hopefully they can see that if they do survive there will be many many more questions asked of them than in the past.

That press release contradicts numerous ones they have put out before. To my mind they have lied profusely to us in the past, and theres no way you can take that statement as the whole truth. If you are prepared to wait for Power to come out then fair enough. But legal proceedings move massively slower than the football world............

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:43:43
Quote from: "Chris K"
There's also a little bit midway down the page suggesting there was a meeting with a potential investor this morning ...

Sorry - typo - I meant

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: juddie on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:45:31
It's understandable for people to be concerned - but I think the board share that concern. They ackowledge that losing BP's investment isn't ideal - and that new investment is needed - at least they're trying to do something about it.

Until shit happens get on with it - why worry about stuff that hasn't happened yet? Who goes through life with that attitude?

Just do what you can, invest if you can invest, support your team if not and sing your heart out and get on with it.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Dazzza on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:45:36
Quote from: "Batch"
Well quite, the board are right to put a stop the personal stuff against Diamandis. They'd do well to stop playing through the media accusations of unauthorised spending against Devlin too mind.

I don't see that they statement answers most of the questions. And I still think they need answering. Would also like a sattement from the other parties involved too, why couldn't they just issue a joint statement to shut most of the rumours up.

That would lay it all to bed once and for all.  

Understandably if Bill Power is not 100% he may not want to talk to the press but a short statement from his wife or business partner Phil Emmel would clear everything up.

Got to add it doesn’t look good for Mark Devlin either.  Previous quotes from Bob Holt in the press and the statement issued today by the club look like he is liable for the overspend in the budget and is going to face an internal investigation.  It doesn’t quite marry up though that he could be solely responsible, presumably there would have to be additional parties involved in negotiating and approving spending,  transfers and contracts.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: RobertT on Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:52:26
I'd like to think I've been careful enough not to slander anyone.  I've been party to some information, which has enabled me to reach a view on the situation.  I have remained open to receiving further information and will be attending a meeting tonight at the club.  I am also "known" in so far as I use my name, hence why I have been so careful.  Unfortunately, some of the information I have been unlucky enough to come by, is on a confidential basis.

Gradually bits begin to fall into place.

Originally the clubs position = no problems, everything as normal, get on with everyone

Changes to - Power leaving but just ill health and investment is fine because it's shares

Then a move to suggest Devlin agreed deals without the Board knowing (despite saying they completed them with their hard work)

Then further innuendo about Devlins role in not sticking to his authorised level.  All coming after it was "rumoured" his role was in trouble.

Board position changes again on Power, now it seems there is an issue over whether it's shares or not.

Board now reveal "rift" with Devlin in so far as an urgent investigation taking place.  Can stick to no boardroom rift because they go to pains to confirm Devlin and Power not considered as part of the Board.  Likeweise, neither is Diamandis on the Board, with whom the rumout had the rift being with.

Some people suggested the stcok answer would eventually be "we'll be off if you criticise and that'll leave you in the shit", which seems to be the ending sentiment in the statement.

The big issue surrounds Power and Devlin for me.  It's tough to shout down an official statement, because people will believeit in the absence of hard evidence to the contrary.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: sonic youth on Monday, September 25, 2006, 14:12:54
not read the statement properly yet - printed it off to make some notes on it, nerrrrrrd - but the accusations relating to potentially libellous comments were a little over the top. undoubtedly there are a few individuals who are very outspoken about diamandis, but these are the minority.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: red macca on Monday, September 25, 2006, 14:26:29
im not saying this is my opinion but what if and its a big IF that it becomes clear that this is actually power and devlins fault.i only say this as its a scenario no one else has mentioned yet.the board have been poor in recent years but this might not actually be their fault

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: larwood on Monday, September 25, 2006, 14:46:08
Have to say its good to see the board issuing a statement at last.One of the problems with the board is the lack of communication between them and us fans,which means rumours start and we believe the worse.
I really do think now that Power has pulled out due to his injuries,to me that makes sense,the poor bloke has probably reassessed his life and figured he can't be bothered with the hassle,not good for us but understandable.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: STFC Bart on Monday, September 25, 2006, 15:09:16
If you believe it more fool you. Turn up to tomorrows meeting i urge you

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Bushey Boy on Monday, September 25, 2006, 15:16:01
is bart meeting the wycombe massive tomoz?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Boeta on Monday, September 25, 2006, 15:17:24
Quote from: "larwood"
Have to say its good to see the board issuing a statement at last.One of the problems with the board is the lack of communication between them and us fans,which means rumours start and we believe the worse.
I really do think now that Power has pulled out due to his injuries,to me that makes sense,the poor bloke has probably reassessed his life and figured he can't be bothered with the hassle,not good for us but understandable.

and the reasoning behind the sacking the most effective person behind the scenes (other than devlin) in this shambles of a club, other than close ties to devlin and power?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: sonic youth on Monday, September 25, 2006, 15:18:18
Right, so a few things worth mentioning:

"Since the accident there has been no direct contact between the two parties"

The lack of communication was something which many have alluded to, although usually combined with reasons for a fallout.

"Mike Diamandis [...] was taking a step back from being involved with the day-to-day management of the club"

Why has it taken so long for the club to admit that Diamandis has an involvement at the club?

"Several months earlier a memorandum was circulated to the Chief Executive (Devlin) and all senior managers clearly detailing what level of decisions and financial obligations could be undertaken, without prior board approval [...] the club are currently rigorously conducting internal inquiry into these matters"

This would suggest, to me at least, that they're blaming the financial overspend on Devlin. How is this possible when Wills and Gray brokered the Ince deal?

"[...] there are a small minority of individuals who have their personnel (sic) grievances with Mr Diamandis and are putting into the public domain inaccurate and deliberately misleading reports [...]. The Board would urge these individuals to stop misleading the fans of STFC in this way"

Presumably, this is aimed at those who clearly have issues with MD - stfcwoodie and possibly Bart? - and by the sounds of it, there is a veiled legal threat in that extract.

“Bill Power’s lawyer also expressed his understanding of Bill Power’s investment in STFC, which differed from the board’s understanding”

How difficult can it be to identify whether or not an investment was made in the form of shares or not? Again, this is another rumour, which had previously been doing the rounds, and the club have now confirmed. I’m not an expert on financial matters, especially business ones, but if Power has shares in the club he would have a certificate/proof would he not?

”The Board, however, cannot condone the personal insults, slurs and attacks that have been directed towards its members and advisors in recent days. Sir Seton Wills has expressed his personal concern and should the health [...] be compromised in any way then Sir Seton will have to consider his continued financial support for the club, the consequences of which are obvious

Once again, this is open to interpretation but it does seem like a message to the fans along the lines of ‘shut up’. On the other hand, it’s fair enough for SSW to put his personal circumstances first and foremost and some of the stuff that’s been posted has been bordering on libelous.

“One such meeting with a potential investor took place this morning. As has been the case in the past, Mike Diamandis will be at the forefront of these discussions”

I’ve known this since earlier this weekend and to my knowledge, the investor named is a personal friend of James Wills – so it’s hardly external investment along the lines of Power. Whether or not this individual will be making up the deficit, I’m unsure. However, I do think it’s safe to assume that this investor will not have the sort of impact or finances required to take the club forward in the manner, which Power had the ability to do, and had begun to do before his sudden departure.

“[...] trying to find a consensus with the borough council so that STFC can move to a 21st century stadium”

If Diamandis was involved in the submission of the last set of plans, then that is hardly something to be proud of. Anyone who has seen a copy of the plans will know that they resemble a GCSE Geography project and not a worthwhile proposal to take the club forward.

“The Board urges these individuals who have been so vocal in their opinions of Mr Diamandis to stop hiding behind the anonymity of the internet, make themselves known to the board and enter into constructive dialogue”

It’s safe to assume who that extract was aimed at, will you be communicating with the club Bart? It’s equally safe to assume that stfcwoodie won’t be doing that. Again, this almost reads like a threat of legal action. We’ve all seen firsthand how quickly anti-board/Diamandis posts disappear on the Adver forum.

Overall, the statement answers few questions and poses more many more:

Why has Diamandis’ involvement been hidden so far?
Why did the board not make an effort to contact Power or Devlin during his absence?
Why has the club allowed this overspend to happen despite knowing that signing Ince – a luxury signing – would take us over the league specificed 60% wage cap?
Why is there no mention of the sacking/redundancy of Linda Birrell?
What role will Mike Diamandis’ future son-in-law James Lambert be taking on at the club in the forthcoming weeks, whether Devlin and/or Sullivan return to work?

The statement itself comes across as condescending and hostile, a very bad idea when dealing with people who are undoubtedly more passionate for the club than the board. It’s also rather poorly written, which is unfortunate.

I urge people not to take this statement as gospel, there is far too much at stake to simply rest easy because the club have moved to release a statement. Whilst I accept that everybody wants to see some proof and will remain skeptical until such time that events become clear, this is not a black and white area.

I know some of those who will be at the meeting with the board tonight, so it should be interesting to discover what comes of these discussions over the next few days.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 25, 2006, 15:45:08
Quote from: "sonic youth"

How difficult can it be to identify whether or not an investment was made in the form of shares or not? Again, this is another rumour, which had previously been doing the rounds, and the club have now confirmed. I’m not an expert on financial matters, especially business ones, but if Power has shares in the club he would have a certificate/proof would he not?

Pretty sure contracts can be verbal yet legally binding. Maybe this is where the club are coming from. I'm no expert but the law isn't always clear cut. Either way not protecting the investment through legal contract is an expensive mistake, IF that is what happens.

I'd still like to know (Can somebody meeting with the club tonight please ask.)
a) why the board didn't ask to see the Ince even figures before the deal was done. Given our history (Razor) surely they should have looked at budget regardless of who signed off on it. We all asked "can we afford it?"
2) Why they stated Sandy G and James Wills took credit for the deal (through Holts statement), only to seemingly blame Devlin.

Not that I think this is what happened but the only way I can see the club having a point is if the deal was done by Devlin long before it was announced (pre-crash) and the club had to scramble around covering it or get their arses sued for not fulfilling a contract.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Frasier3 on Monday, September 25, 2006, 15:46:40
Para 3 says "When Bill Power provided funds at the end of last season, it was the first time in 5 years that funds have been raised externally from someone new rather than the existing board."

So as Diamandis is not on the Board and never has been, is this an admission that he has not raised any funds other than from existing board members.

Para 6- An understanding was arrived at with regards the forthcoming seasons expenditure. Mike Diamandis was not present as he was taking a step back from day to day in management of the club.

At the board meeting which included Diamandis, (if I have read the statement correctly)several days before the air crash attempts were made to clarify the understanding, but the matter was not resolved.

Is the lack of resolution linked to the appearance of Diamandis as they themselves say they had previously reached an understanding. What problems came up in the interim and who raised them?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: STFC Bart on Monday, September 25, 2006, 15:50:00
And going back to it, Sandy Gray said last year at a fans forum that Mr D had regularly got investors to make up shortfalls, more lies

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, September 25, 2006, 15:56:34
Why don't we compile some questions and email them to the club?

It says at the bottom if we want clarification to email in.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: sonic youth on Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:00:46
Quote from: "Batch"
Not that I think this is what happened but the only way I can see the club having a point is if the deal was done by Devlin long before it was announced (pre-crash) and the club had to scramble around covering it or get their arses sued for not fulfilling a contract.

The timing doesn't fit, Ince was still in the running for the Wolves job when the crash happened, unless I've got my dates mixed up. Even so, it would have been very early days in the deal if true so there's no reason why the club couldn't have pulled the plug?

I'd like to ask some questions of my own tonight, but I'm not important enough to be invited  :D I'm sure we'd all like to be there, but, alas, I don't think the board could handle everyone at once.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:08:15
Quote from: "Frasier3"

Para 6- An understanding was arrived at with regards the forthcoming seasons expenditure. Mike Diamandis was not present as he was taking a step back from day to day in management of the club.

At the board meeting which included Diamandis, (if I have read the statement correctly)several days before the air crash attempts were made to clarify the understanding, but the matter was not resolved.

Is the lack of resolution linked to the appearance of Diamandis as they themselves say they had previously reached an understanding. What problems came up in the interim and who raised them?

Good point - it reads like Power and the Wills family reached an amicable understanding over the summer as to spending budget etc, then when Diamandis did get involved at the board meeting held to confirm it, it fell apart. By which time, presumably, those spending plans had already been put in place (given that it would be a bit much to expect Dennis to not start assembling his squad, training staff, facilities etc until after a board meeting held three days before the start of the season). So is that the "unauthorised overspend" Mark D's being hung out to dry for? If so, sounds like he was acting within plans agreed by the club's two major investors.

And you'd have to assume that it was at that board meeting that the offer (referred to later in the statement) for Power to buy the current regime out came. Which all sounds like, erm, well, a rift - agreements fall apart, followed by "Well if you can do better, then buy us out, smartypants", followed by then ceasing all contact. Not even, apparently, a visit to the hospital to say hello Bill how are you, have some grapes. Sounds like a rift to me - if this statement is meant to squash "rumours" of a rift, I'd say (welcome tho the lengthy statement is) it's actually gone a long way towards confirming that that's exactly what happened.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: sonic youth on Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:10:47
I'm probably reading too much into it, but the word rift is used in quotation marks throughout the statement - that must be deliberate? In which case, perhaps whoever wrote the statement refuses to deny there is/was a problem but not neccesarily a rift.

Or I'm just being a student.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:12:53
Quote from: "sonic youth"
I'm probably reading too much into it, but the word rift is used in quotation marks throughout the statement - that must be deliberate? In which case, perhaps whoever wrote the statement refuses to deny there is/was a problem but not neccesarily a rift.

Or I'm just being a student.

Hmm, given some of the grammar and syntax issues throughout the statement, I don't know that it'd stand up to that level of textual analysis  :D

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Sussex on Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:19:23
Mr Power took the opportunity provided to invest in one of Willie Carson's horses, he also is part of a syndicate that owns a horse also co-owned by the Diamandis family.

This is my favourite bit.

Can anyone confirm whether Bill got shares for his investment in the nag though? Could turn nasty this!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Batch on Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:22:43
Quote from: "Chris K"
Why don't we compile some questions and email them to the club?

It says at the bottom if we want clarification to email in.

Indeed it does. I will do so if after I have heard what happens in tonights/Wednesdays meeting doesn't satisfy my questions. I am guessing that there will be a lot of 'internal matter not for public discussion' answers. And largely that is understandable.

Quote from: "Sussex Red"

This is my favourite bit.
Can anyone confirm whether Bill got shares for his investment in the nag though? Could turn nasty this!

It's the lower league equivelant to the Rock of Gibralta saga I tells ya.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: juddie on Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:31:33
Yeah, if anyone goes to the meeting tonight - then let us know the crack.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:45:07
Quote from: "juddie"
Yeah, if anyone goes to the meeting tonight - then let us know the crack.

Who is going to this meeting and how did the club pick them? I'm just interested to know if it's the usual bunch or Trust people or if they actually picked some different fans...

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: RobertT on Monday, September 25, 2006, 16:50:22
I'm going (probably after a few days of internet rambling) and I've asked Banbury to come along.  I think Mike Wilkes, the guy who used to be SC Chariman and current Executive Club member, is going and he is quite clued up on both sides from being in a position very close to the club (for now).  Trust and I think the Supporters Club, although I only know that because people invited told me.

I would have asked for everyone to come along, but I think they would have told me to fuck off, plus I don't know everyone myself.

In temr sof "the usual" I presume I'd up until last week be someone the club would have presumed to be Board friendly, and the SC are normally not political.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Spencer_White on Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:06:01
My question would be its taken the club 5 years to actually admit that Diamandis has been a major power at STFC. Now they say that he is cutting back his involvement. But seeing as the club have denied in the past that Diamandis was ever invoved in the first place what sort of a concession is that? Who here actually thought that Sandy Gray has the talent to be a 'chief executive', shes just a pen pusher for Mark D.

Seeing as their obviously is a massive rift between Devlin and Dunwoody why would we possibly think there isnt a massive rift in the club? Devlin and Power are great friends. Of course there are two camps. And as has been said before the quote about Power buying into a Carson horse because they are now great buds seems to me very strange. Where is the mention of Diamandis/Carson going to visit the plane crash victims, we know Wise did. And seeing as Carson is a total no mark anyway, who cares if he did invest in a horse.

I think there will now be some serious backtracking on the Devlin/Ince issue. Seeing as its the one thing that even your most ardent 'I wont believe it until its set in stone' Town fan will agree on. No mention in that statement.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:15:26
For the fair chunk of the 5 years Diamandis was banned from directorship of companies by the DTI.....hence the reason he couldn't be on the Board.....even though all and sundry knew he was calling the shots.

 Once the regime was in place the the fluid nature of the Board's place persons and lack of  transparency to other shareholders and fans....has meant there's no need to change the situation.

 This probably wouldn't matter too much, if the club was run competently, but it clearly isn't.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Spencer_White on Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:18:13
And also, seeing as the current board have not been able to raise any funds other than their own towards the running of STFC iin the past 5 years (apart from Power, who came entirely because of Devlin) Id find it extremely unikely that they have pulled one out of the hat this morning!

Just a 'fan pacifier' which will come to nothing at all.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Dazzza on Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:19:53

Why has Diamandis’ involvement been hidden so far?

I'm going back a while now but Mark Devlin gave an interview which may have been in the WDP and spoke about Mike Diamandis and his role at the club.

It was certainly before the statement issued on the Adver forum but the life of me all I can find is an archived news link from a 3rd party site that has to be paid for.  Aptly the story was under the headline “Out of the Shadows”.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Spencer_White on Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:34:37
Ok I get your point. But what about the 4 years before that? I dont really care anyway. I just want him to have some accountability. Seems to me that HE has made some massive decisions at this club and then got Gray, Devlin and mostly Bob Holt to announce them. I think HE should be accountable.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Sussex on Monday, September 25, 2006, 18:51:16
Quote from: "Spencer_White"
Where is the mention of Diamandis/Carson going to visit the plane crash victims, we know Wise did.

This was bugging me too Spencer..

Media coverage shortly after the crash:
“I went to see Mark, his son Stan, Bill and Mike in hospital on Sunday and it was great to see them."
Dennis Wise (6th August, the day after the crash)

“I left them on Tuesday morning and they’re looking a lot better, which is nice. I’ll be seeing them again today (Wednesday).
Dennis Wise (4 days after the crash)

 “Gus (Poyet) came to see me yesterday and the players have been fantastic towards my son Stan."
Mark Devlin (13th August)

Speaking from his hospital bed, he said: “The results have been a great tonic so keep them coming.
Local rag (14th August)

From todays statement from the Board:
"Since the accident there has been no direct contact between the two parties, due to the severity of Mr Power's injuries and his state of health."

So, Dennis and Gus both visited the injured parties within a few of days  of the crash, and the Adver spoke to Mark for a quote over the phone. But. Nobody on the Board had made direct contact 6-7 weeks later?

If any of my employees had escaped death after falling out of the sky in what was the equivalent of a baked bean can with an engine, I'd have had the courtesy to pay them a visit in hospital or at least phone them!

Maybe they just sent a very nice Get Well Soon card?!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: DMR on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:09:21
I've not really said my piece over the last week, as frankly the whole business is thoroughly murky and confusing. Basically, I don't really have a clue whats going on, and this statement is simply cliched spin that answers nothing, merely towes the party line. But I'll  have my say now, I'm very disappointed.What a crock of shite, I cannot believe some of that, I take it from other comments that there's a distinctly threatening tone, pulling the financial plug because people are questionning the boards motives.

Well, Board, if you endeavoured to stop keeping the fans in the dark then perhaps we might be more trusting. As you don't, coupled with the fact that your combined business record since you've been in charge is like a whose who of Severley Lacking in Financial Acumen, what do you expect. Yes, forgetting a VAT bill for hundreds of thousands of punds is a remarkable oversight. As is an overspend nearing a million pounds.

Take me to court if you want, there's no libel or rumour in my post, just opinion. And that's that you're a fucking shambles who are going to run this club into the ground, and we deserve better. I'm terrified by what would happen if Wise and Poyet walk. I don't know whether there'd be a way back.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Bushey Boy on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:20:58
Dave I admit I was wrong (this is the only time in life I will admit it) not every one of your posts is a pile of shit, in fact that one is spot on

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: DiV on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:26:34
good of you to put your 'serious' head on for once dave!!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Frigby Daser on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:26:41
It also means that via this forum, we've had more contact with Mark D than the club appear to have had - and I say that with a fingr pointed towards the club (if your reading Mark!) - I still haven't got a bad word to say about Mark D, and I for one would like to see him calling the shots, not Diamandis who is completely unaccountable.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:28:44
Quote from: "Sussex Red"
Mr Power took the opportunity provided to invest in one of Willie Carson's horses, he also is part of a syndicate that owns a horse also co-owned by the Diamandis family.

This is my favourite bit.

Can anyone confirm whether Bill got shares for his investment in the nag though? Could turn nasty this!

I believe that it is full-time milking horse and no longer competes in races.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Bushey Boy on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:29:39
Mark Devlin is the best asset we have at our club.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: DiV on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:31:25
he was certainly the best signing we made last season...

If it ends up Devlin, Wise & Poyet all walk/leave/get sacked I would have to seriously consider if it was all worth it....

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:32:12
This club hasn't been well run for years (even pre-Sandy Gray etc.). That is fact because accounts have been missing, and well documented deficiencies have occurred with regards to the books/accounts. The situation in that regard has not improved. The current board minus Mark Devlin have been particularly bad at PR as well, I think we'd all agree there. To me (and only to me as I don't have inside information like some people) these are the only things known as fact.

What I've found interesting from the statement is that the club admits there is a dispute over the investment from Power. Somehow it seems a little less rosey than before we knew it could be loan. I remember a certain debenture hanging over our heads not so long ago...

I think the fact that Power is a footballing man and took an interest in the fans (but now leaving) is a shame, but that's all there is to give him this 'god-like' status he has. For all we know he might have been trying to get some profit from a new stadium too (as some have suggested about other parties). To me this would even be quite fair, because it's called an investment for a reason. Now I'm not suggesting this is the case, but I'm trying to play devil's advocate here instead of falsley jumping to one conclusion or another.

Ultimately Power came across as a decent, honest bloke and so does Devlin. In that light I would probably believe the pair of them over the board if a statement on the contarary was released. Since it isn't forthcoming I will keep an open (but quietly suspicious) mind.

Peace and love,

Simon Pieman.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: DMR on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:32:41
No, Ash, the best assets we have is Wise & Gus. This debacle could us those assets.

IF, and thats a huge if, what's been said about Devlin/Ince is true then however much respect I have for him, his position is untenable. The whole thing smacks of the backroom staff- and that includes Devlin- failing to communicate and act transparantly. Too many of them looking out for number one.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: sonic youth on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:59:19
Quote from: "Bushey Boy"
Mark Devlin is the best asset we have at our club.

Sadly Ash, he was the best asset. There's as much chance of him coming back as there is of me playing up front for us against Boston.

I urge everyone to turn up on Wednesday, especially those who are still willing to believe the club's statement.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, September 25, 2006, 20:01:29
Quote from: "sonic youth"
Quote from: "Bushey Boy"
Mark Devlin is the best asset we have at our club.

Sadly Ash, he was the best asset. There's as much chance of him coming back as there is of me playing up front for us against Boston.

I urge everyone to turn up on Wednesday, especially those who are still willing to believe the club's statement.

Some people are still willing to admit you're Irish  :wink:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 25, 2006, 20:58:13
FWIW, I'd echo sonic's sentiments (whether he's Irish or not) - we genuinely want to get everyone's point of view on Wednesday, it's a Fans' Forum, not a rally. So, Si Pie for example, I really hope you're going - I'll buy you a pint in the gay bar after!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: flammableBen on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:02:55
I ain't been to the gluepot for a while, although apperently the brewery has started restricting the range of guest beers to one other brewery at a time which must kill the range they used to have off a bit. Wait the point I was gonna make is that i'm not sure that a few hundred swindon fans will fit in there.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Dazzza on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:03:11
Can you reveal anything about tonight’s meeting Paul?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:11:17
Afraid not dazza - I was unable to attend due to family/work commitments so I'm waiting to hear myself.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Piemonte on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:15:33
Quote from: "Dazzza"
Can you reveal anything about tonight’s meeting Paul?

was that the supporters club one?

i've lost track of all these meetings

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: yeo on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:19:07
Quote from: "Piemonte"
Quote from: "Dazzza"
Can you reveal anything about tonight’s meeting Paul?

was that the supporters club one?

i've lost track of all these meetings

The Uber fans were summoned to the club I think.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Piemonte on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:23:07
who are they?

how do you become one?

do we have any on here?

did mike diamandis sacrifice them to the devil?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: yeo on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:24:14
Quote from: "Piemonte"
who are they?

how do you become one?

do we have any on here?

did mike diamandis sacrifice them to the devil?

I think they are self appointed do gooders :fishing:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Piemonte on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:26:32
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
Quote from: "Piemonte"
who are they?

how do you become one?

do we have any on here?

did mike diamandis sacrifice them to the devil?

I think they are self appointed do gooders :fishing:

Oh right. Thats why Paul D got an invite :wink:  :fishing:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Whits on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:27:46
why did no one on here get an invite  :D

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: glos_robin on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:27:49
I don't often post on these things apart from myonlyswindon occasionally but i'll put in my thoughts.

we need to provide the alternative..... that's why meetings such as Wednesday are so crucial, in order to 'get rid' of them we need to be able to put something else in place. I'm sure our support will contain accountants etc that could help with the accounts, marketing people to help with PR etc.
If the club could lower themselves to the average fan and talk to us without any spin then perhaps we could move forward together and put a stop to all this bickering.

Sadly on evidence so far certain individuals at the club see us purely as a consumer and not as human beings with more to offer than purely money.

If instead we could put something innovative in place where the club isn't trust run as such but has the board working together with the fans then this could be a positive and fruitful move. The likelihood of a huge investor is minimal why not instead utilise the skills of the fans. Think of all the volunteers the club could benefit from if it was done in the right way.
If we could add a working parties services to the club to help out then if the club refused this then we may have some real problems behind the scenes.

We need to offer substance and ideas and yes i'll be at wednesdays forum

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: yeo on Monday, September 25, 2006, 21:27:58
Yes Rob T went as well


Title: club statement on official website
Post by: yeo on Monday, September 25, 2006, 22:33:34
Here are Alan H's notes from the meeting from L&P site

Just got back from the supporters' group/board meeting.

Well, what you can say?

Below is a verbatim account as I wrote it down - I offer no comments (well not until the end):

- Party line, reiteration of everything in today's statement along with some amplification and clarification

- New investor lined up, one of James Will's mates (no figures, timescales or anything else offered)

- An incredibly frightening financial situation in prospect, even without BP taking his money out and the CVA being due

- Not a single peep about Mike Diamandis, apart from when asked "why isn't he a director, considering he has so much involvement with the club" the reply was "because he doesn't want to be"

- Lots of convolutions around the budget/overspend/Devlin's fault/Ince signing thing

- Bill Power has not been registered as a Director

- Bill Power "definitely" owns 33% of the shares. SSW and Jame's Wills lawyer says the shares have gone through, BP's lawyer says they have not. BP has definitely asked for his money back

- Bill Power loans of "around £120k" will be repaid anyway

- Wise does has a release clause if a Championship or Premiership side comes in for him. No offers from any club yet. Expect a statement from DW about this soon.

- Mike Sullivan and Mark Devlin "will return to their previous roles"

- "Would welcome Bill Power back with open arms"

- Accounts: 2004 now lodged, 2005 lodged but technical issues with auditors, but will be ready soon. 2006 will be on time (lodged within ten months). Will present 2004 accounts at next AGM (21st October), 2005 & 2006 accounts at subsequent AGM.

- Linda Birrel was made redundant as a cost cutting measure

- The Paul Ince signing had gone so far down the road that James WIlls had to make a donation of £65k because the club were commited to the contract. The offer had been made and signed by Mark Devlin. PI's contract was signed by Sandy Gray and Linda Birrel.

- Estimated £700k overspend this FY will be 30-40% of turnover

- An acceptable excuse for Mark Devlin will be that it was authorised by Bill Power as he and MD were looking after the footballing side of the business

- Club still losing money with 7,500 gates, would need to be at 10,000+ to break even

- Would unconditionally sell the club if an offer was made. Vague about exact figure.

- No playing budget cuts envisaged at this time, probably will loan some players out

- The playing budget is higher than last year

- The bit in the statement relating to SSW pulling the plug is because certain people have received direct physical threats

Phew. There's a bit more detail, but it's late.

So there you go. What you make of it is up to you. I'm sure Rob will comment further. The only comment I have is "incompetence and mis-management" in my humble opinion.

I suggest that you all make it to the fans' meeting on Wednesday as you should be getting a different perspective, as well as the one I have just relayed.


Title: club statement on official website
Post by: pauld on Monday, September 25, 2006, 23:37:37
Quote from: "Piemonte"
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
Quote from: "Piemonte"
who are they?

how do you become one?

do we have any on here?

did mike diamandis sacrifice them to the devil?

I think they are self appointed do gooders :fishing:

Oh right. Thats why Paul D got an invite :wink:  :fishing:

That's the real reason I felt unable to go - I examined my conscience and didn't in all honesty feel I'd done enough good to qualify as a do-gooder  :) There, I've said it - I'm a self-appointed do-not-enough-gooder  :D

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 09:39:29
Here we go then, Alan's summary covers most so I will delve a little deeper into some of the things said:


Had the finger firmly pointed in his direction for spending the clubs money in a reckless fashion.

£700k "shortfall", overspend is in fact over £1m, or so they agreed last night when I questioned it when you consider increased turnover. I confirmed this again, just to make sure and asked if they agreed that it amounted to between 30% and 40% of the total budget overspent in just 2 months. They confirmed this to be a fair reflection of the situation.

They advised that Devlin offered INce a contract without their knowledge and that Ince accepted this before the plane crash (public statement appear to be inaccurate for well on a month it would seem). Devlin is not however an allowed signature with the FL, so Wills and Gray had to conclude the deal, and the club felt they were legally bound to pay Ince regardless.

The club knew they were at 60% mark when they signed Evans because the League told us we could have him or Ince, not both. We took Evans because we'd already got a signed contract back. However, this shows the club would have been aware of a huge overspend at this point if the next point they made is also true:

I asked if the wages were only just over 60% of turnover, surely the overspend relates to non playing things. The club advised they had budgeted for closer to 50% of turnover - which would mean several signings were made after we hit this mark.

I've noticed a few people saying, well we are doing well on the pitch so lets just accept that. It becomes quite clear that much of what is being regarded as overspend by Devlin is what has helped this happen - all the things Wise asked to be changed at the club, and rightly so in my opinion.

Board asked Power about overspend 3 days before crash and asked Devlin to report back. My understanding from the meeting was that Power and Devlin were given freedom to do what was needed and the Board assumed Power would cover any costs incurred beyond budget. The Board then realised spending had escalated beyond what they felt comfortable with and so questioned them both.


No "rift" with Power, but he called the meeting and his advisor or wife immediately asked for his full withdrawl and for a return of his money. Argument over what form the investment took but if Power wins legal argument then he'll be asking for £1m back (personal opinion here, why would someone who is your friend ask for £1m back knowing full well the club could not afford it?)
Club went into the meeting with a bit of fear following the rumour of a rift. Also confirmed they have not spoken directly to Bill and little or no contact with Mark and Mike. In fact they were asked not to contact them (despite Mark clearly being well enough to talk to the press for several weeks).

I think alternative views will be provided on this at the meeting on Wednesday which does not 100% match the clubs.

Powers illness was a factor (confirmed from all sources).

Asked if the clubs lawyers won and it is shares, would that mean anyone could offer Power for them? Club confirmed yes and that person would control 30% of the football club. SSW and James Wills hold 60% in that event and 10% in smaller shareholders.

Asked if the club was for sale, confirmed any offers would be considered, certainly not expecting figures over £5m for a full buy out.


Confirmed no investment other than Powers has come from outside entirely. Any outside money, mainly St Modwen, is secured against SSW's assets, so constitutes loans.

The board consider Diamandis to have some sort of legal responsibility in relation to the club as a "Shadow Director", need to check that legally I guess.

Linda was made redundant and given a months notice in Lieu, so we asked her to leave that day! Board believed that Wise did not really need a Secretary like previous Managers did and that the rest of her role would be taken over by the Chief Exec (although they have not asked or told Mark Devlin yet). Currently this means our acting Chief Exec is also our accountant and now also covering the club secretary role. When asked why did Wise come out then and say it was a bad decision, the Board said they were not aware of that. It was mentioned to them that Wise made the statement on Radio Swindon and could only answer "probably" when pushed on if it might have been a good thing to check with the Manager first if he needed her or not.

Overall, the impression I got, if I just listened to the information provided from this meeting I'd come to this conclusion:

Serious issues within Senior Management (Devlin) and the Board - massive overspend and potentially £1.12m to pay back to Power. £900k CVA payment is not included in the overspend or budget, so that equals £2.72m extra cash needed in the next 10 months in worst case scenario. If I believe every word said to me this still leaves me thinking serious issues exist at this club.

There is clearly a fall out with Devlin, that much was clear, even if they did say he had a job to come back to. Basically they made it very clear they believe we have stretched too far given the money we now have at the club and this was either authorised by Devlin on his own or with Powers backing.

Decision on Linda's redundancy makes no sense.

In all of it though, I didn't sense any desire to have pushed Power away and I could probably just about see that they were a bit perplexed by it.

At the end of the day, regardless of the Power reasons (and there may be info from other sources on this), I still felt my jaw dropping to the floor when I was hearing some of the stuff. After 5 years we seem to be no further forward off the field. They made it quite clear they felt this club could not make the club break even unless crowds were about 10000 (despite examples within the leagues of clubs managing this on lower attendances than us).

Finally, I would suggest attending on Wednesday if you can but most of all, full support for the team tonight at Wycombe.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 10:50:16
Love it or hate it, our club is a joke.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: DribblingSissy on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 11:01:12
So.....I for one still love it!
Wouldnt be right if we were run properly would it? been so long since it was i am not sure if it even matters any more??
Either way, we win on the pitch and do well and the finances will come round so lets leave it alone now can we and get on with supporting our team tonight?!!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 11:27:55
hmmm so we are in shit really. and theres no extra investment apart from perhaps someone that James Wills knows. and BP wants his money back. not looking good really is it?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 12:06:24
Quote from: "DribblingSissy"
So.....I for one still love it!
Wouldnt be right if we were run properly would it? been so long since it was i am not sure if it even matters any more??
Either way, we win on the pitch and do well and the finances will come round so lets leave it alone now can we and get on with supporting our team tonight?!!

I still don't see whay the two things can't be seperated.  Passionately support the team, seriously question the board.  This was simply a review of the boards own view of the matters that have occured over the past few weeks.  Mike Diamandis was not present so we don't have his take on some of the stuff and we don't have "public" statements from Devlin or Power for legal reasons.

Of course, we should still reamin positive about things on the field, although it did strike me that things might be going so well because of these things Devlin went and allowed money to spent on (if that is the claim) - such as meals at the Training Ground (to keep the players together and probably prevent them chipping off down to Walkabout)

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 12:07:47
speaking of Walkabout i might chip of there now  :beers:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: el duque on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 12:17:54
"Bill Power "definitely" owns 33% of the shares. SSW and Jame's Wills lawyer says the shares have gone through, BP's lawyer says they have not. BP has definitely asked for his money back"

So, the 'great' Bill Power gets all the plaudits for what happened over the summer, and some think he can do no wrong. What he's actually been doing if this is to be believed is sending the club down the toilet financially, whilst the much maligned Wills family foot the bill (no pun intended). THEN, the bludger demands his money back... What a cheek!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: TalkTalk on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 12:28:07
I have to say that with PD's thoughts on the Trust site - , last night's meeting and other first-hand information not yet in the public domain it looks as though we have a pretty coherent picture of what has gone on.

Be there tomorrow night if you can. As Paul says, it might not be explosive but it hangs together for me.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 12:30:48
Quote from: "el duque"
"Bill Power "definitely" owns 33% of the shares. SSW and Jame's Wills lawyer says the shares have gone through, BP's lawyer says they have not. BP has definitely asked for his money back"

So, the 'great' Bill Power gets all the plaudits for what happened over the summer, and some think he can do no wrong. What he's actually been doing if this is to be believed is sending the club down the toilet financially, whilst the much maligned Wills family foot the bill (no pun intended). THEN, the bludger demands his money back... What a cheek!

No, agreements were made that any extra spend on the playing budget would be covered by Power (club said this last night).  For a variety of reasons, he has since decided to pull the plug and ask for all his money back.  The lack of official documentation to confirm details of the funding agreements may be the problem.  If it was all written down that Power would cover X then we'd not have any problem with committed spending.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: el duque on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 12:37:13
Quote from: "RobertT"
Quote from: "el duque"
"Bill Power "definitely" owns 33% of the shares. SSW and Jame's Wills lawyer says the shares have gone through, BP's lawyer says they have not. BP has definitely asked for his money back"

So, the 'great' Bill Power gets all the plaudits for what happened over the summer, and some think he can do no wrong. What he's actually been doing if this is to be believed is sending the club down the toilet financially, whilst the much maligned Wills family foot the bill (no pun intended). THEN, the bludger demands his money back... What a cheek!

No, agreements were made that any extra spend on the playing budget would be covered by Power (club said this last night).  For a variety of reasons, he has since decided to pull the plug and ask for all his money back.  The lack of official documentation to confirm details of the funding agreements may be the problem.  If it was all written down that Power would cover X then we'd not have any problem with committed spending.

I don't really see any inconsistency in the two posts...

It does however seem fairly incompetent of the club not to get money from him up front, or at least to have legally binding documents to say that he should stump up the difference for any overspend instigated by him.

And it might be claimed that the CEO should ultimately be blamed for allowing such a situation to arise...

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Northern Red on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 13:29:08
Woo-Hoo........ And the board come out fighting - about time too  :D

Maybe we were wrong and our board does actually have balls after all (Sandy Gray included  :shock: )

I see their point about personal attacks and pulling out. If you'd just spent £10 million over the years on the club you love and everyone was calling you, your mates and your employees complete cunts you wouldn't be happy either.

On the boards notes about the internet crap, can we start some vigilante stylee attacks on forum monkeys who shit stir?  :twisted:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 13:49:16
The attacks they talk of are not the internet stuff.  Sadly it seems 1 or 2 people have "allegedly" threatened them and their property.  not something you like to hear if true.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: STFC Bart on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 13:51:20
One question is precisely how have this board progressed the club on and off the pitch since they retookover in December 2001

What progress have they made? Answers on a postcard

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: DiV on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 14:00:55
Quote from: "STFC Bart"
One question is precisely how have this board progressed the club on and off the pitch since they retookover in December 2001

What progress have they made? Answers on a postcard

we are no longer in administration?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 14:02:22
Quote from: "RobertT"
The attacks they talk of are not the internet stuff.  Sadly it seems 1 or 2 people have "allegedly" threatened them and their property.  not something you like to hear if true.

Well you can understand that, I for one would love to stab Bob Holt's house and I'd like to kick his car in the nuts.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Boeta on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 17:26:51
Part of the cash crisis wouldn't happen to be STFC pumping money into DSM would it?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Northern Red on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 21:42:44
Quote from: "STFC Bart"
One question is precisely how have this board progressed the club on and off the pitch since they retookover in December 2001

What progress have they made? Answers on a postcard

Reduced the debt from £14 million to something far more managable

Like to see you do better yer fat cunt  :x

Next silly question.....  :wanker:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 22:06:42
Reduced it from 14 million to what exactly?????

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 22:08:23
I thought the only way they reduced the debt was going into Administration twice...

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 22:16:50
The second adminitration jobby was cleverly timed to happen just before the FA/footy league or who ever it was bought in the stricter rules. Clever stuff.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: STFC Bart on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 23:06:34
Boeta very interesting observation that

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: RobertT on Wednesday, September 27, 2006, 08:39:55
The CVA covers approx £8m from memory of debts.  We only have to pay about £1.7m I think in repayments, although me struggle to pay the last one.

We have only 1 maybe 2 sets of public accounts since that date to see how the clubs finances have managed since.  It's fair to assume they should be better because we are paying out less to cover historical debt.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: TalkTalk on Wednesday, September 27, 2006, 12:14:31
Not sure if anybody has noticed this on the Official Site, but it gives the club's take on Monday night's fans' group meeting:,,10341~903378,00.html

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Frigby Daser on Monday, October 2, 2006, 10:42:12
James Wills' turn to give his view:,,10341~905850,00.html?

If true, I'd like to hear Mark D's side of it because it does raise a few issues. Most of all though it just highlights the complete lack of communication from top to bottom.

It slags the Trust off, surprise surprise...and for that to be published on an official website is downright unprofessional and embarrassing.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: janaage on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:00:14
As posted in reply to statement elsewhere

"So in summary

Can you lot please stop picking on us and calling us and our friends names or we'll take our ball home.

Many thanks

James (aged 5 and 3/4's) and his Daddy.

PS - That Mark Devlin's a nasty man, he stole my sweeties."

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Frigby Daser on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:09:12
Where was the public statement slagging off Sandy Gray when she missed x thousands of pounds off the VAT?

Mr Wills, so long as you continue to be a member of a board that fail so miserably to manage this football club, we reserve the right as paying fans to criticise you.

you've done a bloody awful job - stop blaming everybody else and accept some blame rather than passing the buck continually. Maybe, just maybe, then some people will have a tiny slice of respect for the board.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Spencer_White on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:16:10
Give us some more love or else?

Im affraid the inability of this current board to take any criticism whatsoever is bringing things to a head. Wills and Dunwoody clearly are inseparable and we are therefore tied to both. I dont want to see Dunwoody running this club anymore. I think their management has strangled this club.

Whether Wills likes it or not. The club did constant asset stripping from June 04 until late 05. The first quality pro we signed was Lee Peacock who came on board just after Bill Power joined us. A lot of fans (myself included) were predicting non league football within 18 months at christmas last year. That is the misery that they piled on us. That was the burden of their management. I dont want them back.

Wills may be dismayed at how the club has been run since april, but I and most fans certainly are not. In fact its been our most hopeful period for 10 years.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: cib on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:21:19
another interesting read, especially the final paragraphs on the Trust. things are going to come to head soon (again)

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Bushey Boy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:22:23
spot on again spencer

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Rich Pullen on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:30:46
So if the Wills family severed links with Swindon Town, where would this leave us?

I am not supporting the Wills statement nor am I slating it. I'm not a businessman and admittedly I'm not really bright when it comes to the ins and outs of all this!  :oops:

Even though activities on the pitch is okay at the moment I'm already fearing the unwanted repeat of years gone by where we don't know whether we'll be in operation in the future and have to tune into the radio for the dreaded news.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: janaage on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:35:32
In a WWF style, high pitched american accent

I don't believe it Macho Man, Civil War is underway at the County Ground Arena.  The Battle of the Magic Roundabout is underway, this will be the bloodiest, most violent fight seen in sports entertainment since the battle of Santiago!!  Only one side can survive Vince!!  But who???  Who will win this handicap match????  Will it be the father and son tag team champions "last Wills and Testament" with their manager The devil Diamandis, or will it be The Smooth Criminal Mark Devlin?  

The Smooth Criminal has already lost his partner in crime Power Bill surely he can't survive this latest attack???

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Frigby Daser on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:37:59
Thats the problem - the attitude of Wills and Diamandis makes me so angry - they threaten to pull out and they refuse to take criticism. But if they went w truly would be buggered and they know it - which is why they can afford to treat us with such utter contempt.

Whether they like it or not, they cannot for a moment suggest they've run the club soundly. So we criticise. So they run off. What a mess.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Northern Red on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:44:52
I don't get this.

The only reason we still have a club is the money from the Wills.
The only source of significant income to the club in from the Wills.
If they ever left and took their wallet with them, this club would fold in a matter of hours.
For example at the end of the season the club will need a cheque for 750k from somewhere. that'll be the Wills, without them we're screwed.

And does everyone keep missing the point - When a new suitable investor is found, the Wills board will resign and let the new people run the club. But until that happens they have to keep running this club anyway they can.

Is no-one even slightly scared that if the Wills leave with no new investor coming in, we won't have a football club next season?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: janaage on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:50:04
So what you're saying NR is...

where there's a "Will" there's a way?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Northern Red on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:51:20
For now - it should've been we've got the Power, but we forgot to top up the meter.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Bushey Boy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 11:51:26
its all so confusing! Northern red makes sense so do the other posts.  Fuck it im off to watch reading.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: DiV on Monday, October 2, 2006, 12:21:14
Quote from: "Northern Red"
When a new suitable investor is found, the Wills board will resign and let the new people run the club.

bill power??!?!?!?!?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Rich Pullen on Monday, October 2, 2006, 12:33:32
Quote from: "Northern Red"
I don't get this.
Is no-one even slightly scared that if the Wills leave with no new investor coming in, we won't have a football club next season?

I believe my above comment shows this fear!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: mattboyslim on Monday, October 2, 2006, 12:46:15
The whole affair really is a shambles from start to finish.  Regrettably we need to find suitable replacements for Wills et al before anything can happen, and I for one find it hard to accept criticisms levelled at the trust etc primarily because they bear little relation to what actually occurred at last weeks meeting, and so many of the criticisms seem to be applicable to the board themselves, ie personal interests etc.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: RobertT on Monday, October 2, 2006, 13:04:03
I've ranted elsewhere, so I'll just focus on 3 things:

1) £250k bonus payments if promoted, being used to show Devlin was out of control.  now for the maths

A squad of 25 players would equate to £10k each on average, for a whole season, in bonuses, if we get promoted.  Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.  Next allegation?

2) Are they really open to any offers? if so, why slate the people trying to raise sufficient funds to give them a return?  Does this not show the attitude to people.

3) Slamming the rumour mongers - yet this statement shows a very big falling out with Devlin at the very least.  Was Devlin not the clubs Chief Exec? is that not a senior level within a business?  How can that not be a rift then?  So we were all making it up, but you then go on to admit you have fallen out.

I've had my fill I'm afraid.  Every rumour seems to be publicly slated but then admitted to within a few days (even if they don't think they have).

Some people made a wild accusation about 2 weeks ago that POwer was off, also that Devlin was in trouble.  How wide of the mark were they then?

I just can't understand why the Wills family trust the people they do.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 13:10:22
Quote from: "RobertT"
I've ranted elsewhere, so I'll just focus on 3 things:

1) £250k bonus payments if promoted, being used to show Devlin was out of control.  now for the maths

A squad of 25 players would equate to £10k each on average, for a whole season, in bonuses, if we get promoted.  Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.  Next allegation?

2) Are they really open to any offers? if so, why slate the people trying to raise sufficient funds to give them a return?  Does this not show the attitude to people.

3) Slamming the rumour mongers - yet this statement shows a very big falling out with Devlin at the very least.  Was Devlin not the clubs Chief Exec? is that not a senior level within a business?  How can that not be a rift then?  So we were all making it up, but you then go on to admit you have fallen out.

I've had my fill I'm afraid.  Every rumour seems to be publicly slated but then admitted to within a few days (even if they don't think they have).

Some people made a wild accusation about 2 weeks ago that POwer was off, also that Devlin was in trouble.  How wide of the mark were they then?

I just can't understand why the Wills family trust the people they do.

Thats the whole crux of the issue to me Rob.

At no point what so ever have we publically slammed the Wills family, in fact quite to the contrary.

Our beef lies with the so called "team" they surround themselves with.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: ron dodgers on Monday, October 2, 2006, 13:16:03
bunch of gossiping old women the lot of you I'm off back to shopping every weekend with Mrs D 'til you whingers sort this finance business out - can't wait!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: yeo on Monday, October 2, 2006, 14:19:23
Its bullshit posturing they can see a significant ground swell against them and they are trying to split the fans.Its funny that they worry how the club is being run since April but they never seemed to worry when when the club "forgot" to pay the bloody VAT and blundered from one crisis to another.Threaten to take your ball home Wills,fans wouldnt be looking at any of the actions being taken if your advisors could do there jobs properly.Im pretty sure P Davis and the others would much rather be spending time with their familys etc than fighting your bullshit.Grrrr!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: sonic youth on Monday, October 2, 2006, 15:02:27
The way in which the club are conducting this is thoroughly unprofessional and downright disgraceful, it's a fucking shambles.

This statement boils down to "shut up or else", as others have said. Rather than publicly slating Mike Wilks, Paul Davis and the Trust, why didn't they liaise with them in private first?

I believe the board did make an offer to Power for the club, but it was at a ridiculously overinflated price. It'd be like buying a Reliant Robin for the price of a Bugatti Veyron.

Furthermore, I've not seen anyone slating the Wills family - only Diamandis. In fact, the general consensus is that the fans are hugely thankful towards Sir Seton but think it's time for a sea change.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: larwood on Monday, October 2, 2006, 15:16:24
Quote from: "sonic youth"
The way in which the club are conducting this is thoroughly unprofessional and downright disgraceful, it's a fucking shambles.

This statement boils down to "shut up or else", as others have said. Rather than publicly slating Mike Wilks, Paul Davis and the Trust, why didn't they liaise with them in private first?

Furthermore, I've not seen anyone slating the Wills family - only Diamandis. In fact, the general consensus is that the fans are hugely thankful towards Sir Seton but think it's time for a sea change.

I'd agree with all of that.Of course we're grateful for all the Wills family have done BUT they have also let our club be run by a bunch of incompetents for far too long.It really beggers belief that they don't see that too!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:03:19
I'm gonna win the lottery this week and buy the club, Mark Devlin will be the only remaining board member i keep.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:10:39
Quote from: "Ralphy"
I'm gonna win the lottery this week and buy the club, Mark Devlin will be the only remaining board member i keep.

You cant be......................................cos I am !!!

 :beers:  :beers:  :beers:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:12:19
Would you like to join my board Fred?

You can be my PR man.

Ash will do the accounts.

Yeovil is chief barman.

Sonic can be head groundsman and stadium manager.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:13:16
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Would you like to join my board Fred?

You can be my PR man.

Ash will do the accounts.

Yeovil is chief barman.

Sonic can be head groundsman and stadium manager.

what can i do.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:13:53
count me in my friend

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:14:37
You can be head of catering, our pasties are poor.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:15:09
Quote from: "SwindonUltra"
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Would you like to join my board Fred?

You can be my PR man.

Ash will do the accounts.

Yeovil is chief barman.

Sonic can be head groundsman and stadium manager.

what can i do.

Dont tempt me Scott !!!!!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:15:43
Quote from: "Ralphy"
You can be head of catering, our pasties are poor.

sweet. Count me in.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:17:17
Quote from: "Fred Elliot"

Dont tempt me Scott !!!!!

spell my name properly Bitch.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:17:36
Birdy will be the new Chief Robinette.

She can recruit the other girls for their half time pom-pom routine.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:19:49
Now ............................... funny you should say that !!!!!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:20:29
Quote from: "SwindonUltra"
Quote from: "Fred Elliot"

Dont tempt me Scott !!!!!

spell my name properly Bitch.

Sweaty !

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:24:32
Fred, bring back the Robinettes!!!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:27:57
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Fred, bring back the Robinettes!!!

I do miss those days. But bring the half time entertainment against Franchise to every home game. Female pen-shoot out.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:28:08

You can audition them if you want

BangBros Stylee

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:29:33
Rather than pom-poms though, lets have pole dancing girls in tight Swindon shirts dancing.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:31:23
ace !!!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:32:19
we could build some podiums ala God's Kitchen or Cream

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:33:10
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Rather than pom-poms though, lets have pole dancing girls in tight Swindon shirts dancing.

Now that is an Idea. Well Done Ralphy.  :D  :D  :D

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:34:01
See the futures bright.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:34:40
Quote from: "Ralphy"
See the futures bright.

The Futures Lap Dancers.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:35:10
Told ya didnt I

much rather be talking about this than what is going on behind closeddoors at SN1

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:35:26

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Northern Red on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:35:38
New loud and proud scheme - pounds for paps - beats pounds for points everytime.

For every pair of paps on show at a home game, I'll pledge a quid to the club - anyone else in?

That 750k is easy money for that

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:36:21
Ace idea NR !

Sex sells as they say.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:42:27
Fred, that barmaid in the winners would be a potential candidate for pole dancing  :D

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Northern Red on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:42:58
Bird in the club shop another.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:43:06
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Fred, that barmaid in the winners would be a potential candidate for pole dancing  :D

You have a mind.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:43:34
You mean Zoe ?! She's a nice girl, was in Ibiza.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Northern Red on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:45:01
Zoe, Polly whatever - the name's not important just whether she can cook brekkie in the morning.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:46:10
Ha ha ha!

I'm gonna e-mail the club with my idea.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:46:45
First choice would be Jo

Didnt like the new girls glasses much tho

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:47:43
Jo? She's the older, mouthy one!

Kelly is lovelly, the glasses weren't good though.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: SwindonTownFC on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:48:30
Quote from: "Ralphy"
You mean Zoe ?! She's a nice girl, was in Ibiza.

that the one who shagged about 5 blokes in a pub before the away at Reading game few years ago?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:49:01

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:49:09
Quote from: "SwindonTownFC"
Quote from: "Ralphy"
You mean Zoe ?! She's a nice girl, was in Ibiza.

that the one who shagged about 5 blokes in a pub before the away at Reading game few years ago?

No idea.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:49:41
Fred i've been on that site before!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Spencer_White on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:50:07
Getting back on track. I dont think we can be held to ransom anymore. They play this constant game of bluff with the supporters because they know we love the club more than they do. They can take the criticism and stay, and try to improve. But if they dont admit their errors and want to run STFC as they have in the past then they should go. Because the way we are run by them is a disgrace. Otherwise we will only end up non league and dieing on our arses.

Im grateful to the Wills. But if he/they insist on being judged with Dunwoody then so be it.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:55:19
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Fred i've been on that site before!

Its securely in my "favourites" folder

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:56:22
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Jo? She's the older, mouthy one!

Kelly is lovelly, the glasses weren't good though.

Nah !!!!!

Thats Jill

Ill show you Jo next time we're in the Winners mate

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Ralphy on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:57:28
Ok  :mrgreen:

Who's the new one, dark haired?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 16:58:48
Didnt clock her

Was too busy doing my impression of a headless chicken

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 17:34:33
Quote from: "Fred Elliot"
Didnt clock her

Was too busy doing my impression of a headless chicken

You do that impression quite a lot then.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 17:38:49
dont you know it !!!!!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 17:42:51
Quote from: "Fred Elliot"
dont you know it !!!!!

I sure do know it. Like yesterday in the new inn.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Scot Munroe on Monday, October 2, 2006, 17:44:20
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Rather than pom-poms though, lets have pole dancing girls in tight Swindon shirts dancing.

Should we do the Auditions at Foxy's

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: TalkTalk on Monday, October 2, 2006, 17:59:22
Statement in response now up on the Trust site:

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 18:06:56
Quote from: "TalkTalk"
Statement in response now up on the Trust site:

That is perfect

well done Paul and Andrew


Behind closed doors is exactly the way that any business should be conducted.

It safeguards the integrity of all parties concerned.

Need I say more ?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Tails on Monday, October 2, 2006, 18:10:57
Love the stark contrast in both statements. Ace, nice one Paul & co.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, October 2, 2006, 18:56:11
From the Adver (1st September 2006):

Director Bob Holt said: “A cash injection from James Wills means the terms put to us by the League have been satisfied and we’re obviously grateful to the Wills family once again for their tremendous backing.”

Ok so someone is telling porky pies. Either Bob has fucked up royally again with a public statement or it seems that Wills looked to take the credit but then realised when the shit was hitting the fan that it would favour him to try and pass the blame. I think the terrible irony of this official statement is that it muddies the water further, in fact it makes Wills look shady (even if he is telling the truth).

What is clear is that there are no proper controls in place at the club. If Devlin has indeed done as is said by Wills, how and why was he allowed to do so? Can't Sandy Gray actually ring up someone to check Devlin isn't trying to fiddle something? And if club officials were so concerned, you don't just phone or email someone - you go and see them - i.e. go to the County Ground and see what is happening. The Ince situation was well documented in the press, it was that obvious.

Now to the statement(s) 'overspend would be covered by Power' implicitly made by Power/Devlin. Again, I find this horribly ironic - the board have slated the internet/press/even the trust for statements that are 'untrue', yet believe what is said in the press about 'implicit' decisions from Power/Devlin.

If what has been said by Wills is absolutely true (and I'm not sure it is/isn't and am not making this the issue in this post) then Devlin has cocked up, but the rest of the board are just as bad. I think the statement even shows negligence (and possibly failure of fiduciary duty if what has been said represents the full facts and there are no other goings on outside of what has been said in the statement. ) by all of the board members.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, October 2, 2006, 20:05:10
Cheers for the heads up. Fred Elliot!

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: yeo on Monday, October 2, 2006, 20:05:57
Ill move it back :D

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, October 2, 2006, 20:09:09
I'll cut you.

What I've edited is what I meant anyway. All of my post is hypothetical as I don't know the facts. As have all my previous posts regarding the board.

Just so you know.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 20:12:09
Quote from: "simon pieman"
Cheers for the heads up. Fred Elliot!

Just looking out for ya mate

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: yeo on Monday, October 2, 2006, 20:15:04
Thats the first time I have had a phone call from a forum member in blind panic worrying that another forum member was going to get in major trouble.Moderate yourself Pieman :D

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, October 2, 2006, 20:29:33
Pah I got a little excited in my rant  :oops:

I'll curb my enthusiasm from now on (or re-read what I've written before I post it). I think it's sad that we have to do this though. As the tagline of the forum says 25% football, 80% bollocks. If people are going to take what is said on here as pure fact then they so naive, yet so.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, October 2, 2006, 20:30:23
Unless of course OST posts FACT! after it

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: sonic youth on Monday, October 2, 2006, 20:44:04
What was said?

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, October 2, 2006, 20:48:47
sonic youth smokes cock at the weekend.

I'll PM you what I really said, it's very similar, I just edited the end to make especially clear that what I said at the end didn't constitute as fact.

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Fred Elliot on Monday, October 2, 2006, 21:14:14
Quote from: "sonic youth"
What was said?

call me and ill let you know the possible implications sonic


Title: club statement on official website
Post by: sonic youth on Monday, October 2, 2006, 21:22:10
That's a bit difficult when I don't have your number, or shall I stand outside and call your name? :D

Title: club statement on official website
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, October 2, 2006, 21:24:06
It would be a libel case if it did go to court. But it won't go to court because I haven't said anything wrong  :wink: