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Author Topic: The Walking Dead *SPOILERS*  (Read 180547 times)
Sits in front of JFW

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Miserable cnut (AKA Happy Clapper)

« Reply #405 on: Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 18:21:50 »

Thank god that Henry ended up on a stake.  Carol is going to go medieval on Alpha, gonna be fun.  And I get the feeling that unleashing Negan onto Alpha and the Whisperers will be the way that he gains trust and belonging with the group.

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ― Marcus Aurelius

When somebody shouts STOP! I never know if it's in the name of love, if it's HAMMER TIME, or if I should collaborate and listen...

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #406 on: Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 18:28:27 »

I too loved this episode and thought it even better than "Scars". I think Chubbs summed it up 'beautifully evil' and I think the evil was even more evident by leaving some of the gore out. What is it they says about the best horror sometimes? Less is more, because it leads each mind to wherever it wants to go and last night, I found myself saying "Oh fuck", "Oh shit". Especially in the opening scenes as at first I thought we had another timehop! Then we get the scene of the absolutely brilliant nut job Alpha, doing what she does best. She really is a schizo. A clever one though.

As to how the spikymcspikeheads came to be, my two theories are;

Alpha or (Debbie) asked Ezequiel where the "clothes trade" was, which I think was the barn. After killing them they could've easily snuck out a few bags of heads! The other theory I'd go with is that was the Kingdom's Armoury store because Terror said she was going to get tooled/geared up. Henry told Lydia he was going to tend to something. But I want an answer because out of all those people that went off...Magna went off too..but her head wasn't on a spike? We still don't know an awful lot about that group, so could she have also been in on it? I may be rubbing my ass on the wrong bark but it could have legs?!

Kinda glad Henry was disposed of before he got too annoying. Lydia is a better character and so is Judith. Also glad some of the Brady Bunch kids got dicked too. No real room for development so just get rid. Although saying that, I was surprised at Henry being beheaded and Enid too. Although both had drifted. Biggest surprise was Tara and I had to rewatch a few times as I wasn't sure if it was Rosita or Tara. Especially as the shot before was Eugene asking Gabe "Do you know where she is?".

All in all though it was a slow burner at first but the suspense grew strongly. The best part being it didn't have to be a total bloodfest to creep us out. Great performance from Sam Norton. She should get a Saturn and an Emmy for that. Well written and cleverly delivered. Just imagine thinking you're in a safe place and the very person you're being protected from comes and sits down next to you and puts their hand on you! Fuck, that got me all weird!

So who will replace Henry as prize knob jockey? Hmm not sure, the Brady Bunch dude has no one to pick on but he may get with Lydia. However this may move the story arc onto Alden so it may be that Lydia and Alden have a thing going? Still not sure though because she's meant to be about 14 and he around 26 so probably not. Yep there's no real stand out dick heads atm. Plus, we didn't get ANY Negan time this episode so he's bound to feature in the finale.

Will more heads roll (literally) in the finale? Finally we get some Winter scenes (They are a little further north at Spike Hill but it'll be interesting to see how they do this. Don't think it'll go full GoT rip off, there's plenty of story to keep us absorbed.

Anyway, not going to go on (cue huge laughs), I don't need to. I think we've just about got our show back!

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #407 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 22:28:24 »

Absolute let dow of a finale. Not ever worth discussing. Not even the radio but at the end.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #408 on: Monday, April 1, 2019, 23:15:58 »

Strange. I thought it was refreshing to not see any "Finale deaths" or absolute milking cliffhangers. We can't have it both ways. People moaned they were milking the show and pissing on it's faithful fanbase in previous finales. We essentially had the "finale" last week. I thought the radio bit was just enough of an answer to give us a few questions. The main one being, who is it? Maggie? Jadis/Anne (don't think so). Sounded like a woman but there was indecipherable stuff too so who knows.

Chubbs, I know you prefer the gore/action element more but I think they got this right. There has been so much packed into this season along with several great standalone episodes. The Rick episodes feel like so long ago and just like it's own 5 episode mini series, the few that followed after worked seamlessly even after a big jump. The lead up to the Whisperers and how they lived amongst the dead and the Jesus kill. Then actually meeting them. Knowing the darker elements of how Alpha came to be. Then the Spikes. Then they go and throw us a very convincing snow storm into the mix! There has been a lot in S9.

Ok, so not a lot happened in the finale. Several characters are riddled with guilt after the loss of their loved ones after Alpha's example, relationships strained. Negan slowly being let back into the community. Actually thought Negan had some good parts in this one. He's still a cunt but he's showing rehabilitation has worked mostly, and saving Judith will go a long way. It was a come down from the previous episode, no doubt but as stated I think it just about balanced in favour of the right way to go.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #409 on: Sunday, May 26, 2019, 21:07:08 »

My wife has spent the past two days hanging out with the cast and crew of the show - they've been having a Dead Fest up the road from us where they film it.  Seems people come in from all over the country for it.  Still only ever watched one episode.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #410 on: Sunday, May 26, 2019, 22:30:06 »

My wife has spent the past two days hanging out with the cast and crew of the show - they've been having a Dead Fest up the road from us where they film it.  Seems people come in from all over the country for it.  Still only ever watched one episode.

Nice, I have the Senoia locations on my to do list Rob. As an unashamed FanBoy of the show, i'm incredibly jealous but I will get to see some of the places. How come your wife was involved? They are currently filming for S10 so likely many visitors trying to sneak a peek of the c&c during filming.

Must actually be a little annoying for locals?

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #411 on: Sunday, May 26, 2019, 22:59:48 »

The locals love it - brings in lots of tourists for a very small Town.  They have the corrugated wall up around some of the houses still (Alexandria?).  One of the actors and a crew member have a restaurant as well.  Lovely quaint little place - gets used in lots of films as well when they need a Southern small town feel and Pinewood is just up the road, so film is good business around these parts.  You can do a full dress up ting somewhere near here as well.  Come anytime from April to November an you'll probably get glorious weather as well.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #412 on: Sunday, May 26, 2019, 23:15:11 »

Yes Alexandria with the Windmill. They had to get planning permission to erect that fully working four sail mill I believe. Yep the bar you talk of is Nic n Normans, it's co owned by pretty much lead actor Norman Reedus (Daryl) and Greg Nicotero the guy who brings us all the SFX (one of George A Romero's proteges) and awesome different looking walkers. He's cool af.

Glad to hear the locals embrace it. Film can be a master of it's own downfall in locations sometimes but I'm happy to see a residential/tourism success. Long may it continue.

Thanks for the info.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #413 on: Monday, September 16, 2019, 23:33:25 »

Hello Walker lovers!

Yep TWD thread finds itself near the top of the TEF again so it must mean it's getting close to that time not the start of Season 10 but where I ramble for days on end about theories, forthcomings, misgivings, inaccuracies, qualities, and virtues of TWD.

So with just three weeks to go until the S10 Premiere (and two until The Talking Dead), what are your expectations for the new season? S9 largely was back to good form and we had some really great episodes. A few felt a little let down/unimpressed by the S9F but I felt the finale laid enough ground for S10. We can really see it shaping itself to seamlessly involve the feature-length movies. The said movies which will explain where Rick's story has led to and there will be many of us that have an idea on that. Feel free to share your thoughts on this too.

My opinion on TWD to date, is that it has preferred to give us too much info/many reveals more recently. I guess their thinking was that in a world full of spoilers and leaks, it's difficult to keep a lid on things. Especially in the highest grossing drama/show (in the USA at least). The Rick episodes in S9 were particularly stand out in this respect. They were great episodes but because you knew the inevitable (even if not the "how"), it took the sheen off some excellence DoP and cinematography, as well as some really decent written scenes.

I think we need some more element of surprise in S10. Something we can truly speculate about. Parts of S9 did throw up surprises; Jesus death, Alpha's sly tactics to enter the Fayre and the heads on spikes that followed (ok some of us would have an idea of that but the way they built up and wrote that worked well. Sam Norton as Alpha was brilliant.), all gave us a moment of shock. So in S10, I'd like more of that and less reveals beforehand. If the suspense from S9 is matched in S10, you can take my anxiety pills and double the dose. They really got back on track and it didn't even need to be a full on bloodbath.

I'm looking forward to the new season (as usual) and any new characters that are likely to be on the horizon too. Will we see Georgie again, the woman who gave Hilltop "the Key", a huge book of literature and plans to rebuild for a new future. This largely was happening at Alexandria several seasons back with Deanna and her Architect husband. Maybe that was part of the direction but of course it never pushed through and we got Georgie instead. I'm intrigued to see if we get further developments there. I'd like to think a surprise could be a return of Maggie (potentially at the end of S10) but it seems unlikely as Lauren Cohen has other commitments but we do know she contractually will return at some point. On the show, when? Your guess is good as mine.

Another theory is around Rick. Andrew Lincoln was on set to direct at the end of S9 and has been around the set during filming of S10. It leads me to think that we will see Rick in the season, and potentially at the end. I don't know this as concrete, it's just my own fantasy so don't shoot me. It would be great if they could officially keep it under wraps and would make a great reveal if/when it happens. If it does, I think it'd be at a point when Michonne has finally moved on and is with <<insert your character here>>, to her own shock and it'll bring up a whole host of questions that'll be left to be answered in S11.

Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself here and I'm sure the two or three that do contribute on here will be asleep by this point but throw your own suggestions into the ring. There's loads to cover - I haven't even touched on Negan and his potential involvement in this season. So yeah, hit me as we prepare for another season of TWD!


Bamboo Smiley

S10 of TWD, titled: Lines We Cross airs October 6th (USA) and October 7th (UK)

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #414 on: Tuesday, September 17, 2019, 09:34:45 »

I wish i could be excited about this, but i'm struggling

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #415 on: Thursday, September 26, 2019, 22:15:34 »

I wish i could be excited about this, but i'm struggling

I thought the trailers look pretty good. Of course there is going to be some kind of mini war between the Whisperers and the Survivors. I'm expecting some big game changers during the season, something that totally throws the cast of either side and opens up the TWD World even more.

We are getting closer to the movies so as mentioned above, I think we'll see some kind of tying in of stories. I would love to see Morgan again at some point but I think they are arcing his story in FTWD to bridge with the movies too but that's a whole different kettle of fish.

Going to be the first season where I'm not fully sure how it will go, since we are closing in on the end of source material, it'll really show how creative the writers will be going in to S11. The only concrete thing I know is that Beta will have some kind of backstory episode.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
Sits in front of JFW

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Miserable cnut (AKA Happy Clapper)

« Reply #416 on: Friday, September 27, 2019, 13:47:59 »

I will start to get interested again once the new season starts no doubt

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ― Marcus Aurelius

When somebody shouts STOP! I never know if it's in the name of love, if it's HAMMER TIME, or if I should collaborate and listen...

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #417 on: Friday, September 27, 2019, 13:57:47 »

Indeed. Just over a week away now.

Interestingly (or not), a girl I know got to interview the cast of TWD, at the S10 Exclusive Premiere just the other night in LA. Incredibly jealous but also massively proud. She was just a fan of the show, like us and has worked her way to this point. Good on her.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #418 on: Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 08:59:19 »

Anyone watch it last night? I did.
The opening episode was never going to be "explosive" if you get my drift :-) so you can't really judge the season just yet.....
...... but with that opening scene on the beach did anyone else think they were watching one of those really bad Channel 5/SyFy knock of films? I'd call this one Spartans vs Zombies! I think maybe they've been watching too much 300 in that movie there of theirs.

The episode as a whole wasn't bad, but as a whole, didn't do much for me.

The "satellite" is obviously a bit talking point. Also, with Daryl and Carol talking of running away, will we finally see what else is out there rather than concentrating the currently settlements.

Couple of questions which may have already been answered in the last season but..
1. Who's the dad of Michone's son?
2. Who's the dad of Rosita's kid?

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« Reply #419 on: Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 13:55:56 »

Right, I stopped watching this after the episode where Shibba Died.

I am a massive fan and I have 3 of the Graphic Novel in compendium form (4th one is out soon  Cheesy Grin Clap )

I stopped watching as they went so far away from the source material but the recent trailer looks pretty fuckign awesome.

Last page in compendium 3 is the Whisperers marking out their borders using heads on stakes.... has that happened in the show?
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